04x13 - Let's Eat!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x13 - Let's Eat!

Post by bunniefuu »

Barney and Friends was made possible by

Chuck E Cheese's it's cool to learn

Share the Fun and grow cool to play it

smart let's share the fun everyone we're

glad to play our part Chuck E Cheese's

proudly supports PBS Kids television

where a kid can be a kid


Kellogg's Frost the place where they've

been fun and learning with friends is a

big part of what makes life great



and by contributions to your PBS station

from viewers like you thank you







if you just make me leave him


hey my name is Alex and my husband's

name is out we come from Alabama

oh good job thanks okay your turn now

Hannah okay ready and be my name's

Barbara and my husband's name is Bill we

come from Boston and we sell beans that

was good hi everybody what's up we're

jumping rope and making Rhymes that's

great in fact it's better than great

it's really terrific Robert you sure do

seem happy I am I'm really really really



that makes me happy too


if you're happy and you know it clap

your hands if you're happy and you know

it clap your hands if you're happy and

you know it then your face will surely

show it if you're happy and you know it

clap your hands


your veins

if you're happy and you know it then

your face will surely show it if you're

happy and you know it skip your face

if you're happy and you know it shout

hooray if you're happy and you know it

shout hooray


if you're happy and you know it do all



if you're happy and you know it do all



oh Robert he must have some pretty

exciting news to be so happy I do what

is it Robert today is my mom's birthday

and we're going out to a fancy

restaurant for dinner to celebrate

this is exciting news it's my first time

to go to a fancy restaurant I went to a

fancy restaurant once

what was it like well it had pretty

tablecloths and two different Forks by

your plate and on the menu there are

lots of foods to choose from I can't

wait to see it myself oh it certainly

sounds like it's going to be a big night

Robert I'm sure you'll want to use your

Best Manners Barney I've never been to a

fancy restaurant before I think I could

do some practice well then well I'd

always start with what we already know

those little magic words

there are lots of things we can do to be


sometimes they're hard to remember

but there are two little things you

should never forget from January through


he's talking about please and thank you

they're called the magic words if you

want nice things to happen they're the

words I should be heard remember please

and thank you cause they're the magic

word use them in the morning at noon and

night cause it's a great way to be


true true


they're the magic words



is going to help me a lot when I go to

that fancy restaurant tonight

I have an idea that can help even more

oh what is it chip we could pretend to

have our own restaurant right here oh

that's a great idea we could have lots

of different foods just like a real

restaurant that sounds great we can set

up our own pretend kitchen down in the

classroom and these are pretend food we

can use this table for our dining table

Let's see we need plates and cups knives

forks and spoons we'll need napkins and

placemats too but we don't have any

placemats well this sounds like a job


a lot of things


like we have everything we need

placemats are always nice when you eat

oh those borders look terrific

Hannah I like those squiggly lines you

put on yours thank

you thank you good job Robert thanks



looks great well now when you eat using

these placemats it'll remind you to eat

lots of different kinds of foods

let's see yours Robert

it's really making me hungry me too

Barney hello

I sure am Barney

lots of healthy fruits how about yours

chip are you open it yep cool kids my

kids everybody ready to play Pretenders

right yes okay

oh these make our table look just right

come on Hannah let's go set up the

kitchen okay that leads us to set the

table well then let's get started oh I'm

sure the children could use my help

setting the table there is a proper way

to do it after all when he said if

anyone knows proper it's you so true so

true I'm gonna go find a surprise I bet

they could use

goodbye scooter

I shall have to teach that child some

manners again

thank you

okay we've got plates and bowls and lots

of different kinds of food like carrots

potatoes and chicken hey guys

we're pretending to make a meal for our

restaurant would you like to help oh you

mad I'm your guy I happen to be a

top-notch cook you know I didn't know

that but just ask yeah he's pretty

good but a restaurant I don't see a

restaurant the one in the tree house ow

there's a restaurant in the tree house

I didn't know for us to the left that's

good oh and spoons and knives to the

right excellent this table looks great

well I think you two are doing a really

good job so true so true it all looks

very nice remember we still have to make

the menu and we should have lots of

healthy foods to choose from well that's

right Roberts eating healthy foods is

important and do you know what else is

good for you what Barney it's also

important to eat lots of different kinds

of foods you wouldn't want to have just

cheese sandwiches for your lunch or just

green beans for your supper why well

because eating different kinds of foods

helps our bodies in different ways


my mom says milk helps our bones grow


Dennis says eating apples helps keep our

teeth clean oh that's exactly right so

to help your body grow big and strong

you should eat lots of different healthy

foods at every meal


there are so many foods that you can

choose from chicken and rice to

vegetable stews if you're willing to try

you can't go wrong a little bit of

everything will help you grow strong



it's good for your heart and good for

your bones

for your hair look how I grown good for

your eyes and good for your teeth

good for your skin and your muscles



well our menu is done it looks just

right and we've used lots of different

healthy foods like chicken and potatoes

broccoli and milk a whole very healthy


speaking of food I wonder how they're

doing in the kitchen


okay we've got all our different foods

yeah now all we need is a waitress

I want to be the waitress can I can I

wait a minute what does the waitress do

a waitress is a person in the restaurant

who asks you what you want to eat and

then brings it to you oh yeah yes I want

to do that I think you would make a

perfect waitress Baby Bop

maybe you'd like to practice first

oh okay I'll be the customer and you can

wait on me okay I


may I take your order please whenever

you are ready yes I'd like some soup

mashed potatoes just one scoop a turkey

sandwich and with that I'd like a glass

of milk soup potato sandwich milk got it

here is what she ordered now please try

to fix it quickly first she likes some

soup mashed potatoes just one scoop our

turkey sandwich and with that she's like

a glass of milk got it

wow here's your food I'm sure it's just

exactly what you ordered yes I see the

soup that mashed potatoes just one scoop

here's my turkey sandwich and there's my

glass of milk here is what your lunch

will cost I hope you will enjoy it yeah

I love the super mashed potatoes just

one scoop the turkey sandwich and the

milk I'm sure I'll come again thanks yay

you did a very good job baby bop thank

you yeah you are great everyone

will be surprised when they see you as

our waitress yeah did someone say

surprise I got a surprise too

hi scooter what's your surprise well I'm

not telling but you'll see it soon

I wonder what that was about I have no

idea me neither

Ashley the table looks beautiful thanks

you're welcome

oh Bonnie you look nice too oh boy thank

you it looks like we're all ready

kitchen report your waitress will be

right with you


hi everybody

I'm your waitress

oh oh let's remember to use our indoor

voices in a restaurant

blob what do you want to eat oh I mean

good afternoon may I take your order

please why thank you baby pop you are so

polite Robert why don't you order first

okay Barney



let's see

I would like some tomato soup okay

chicken with

potatoes potatoes and broccoli please

broccoli why would you like to drink

milk please oh very good Robert you

ordered lots of different healthy foods

and I think I'll have a salad salad



and carrots please babybot

oh and juicy drink too

okay I'll be right back with your order

oh boy oh boy oh I can't wait to see it


this looks great here's the chicken and

the vegetables mashed potatoes even

bread I think we did even better than a

real restaurant when you work together

everything comes out better and we do

good work together we do I do good work

too I've got the order and we've got it

all ready

wow that was fast I told you we were

good good things happen when people help

other people oh you said it check

a waitress is a person who gives help

each and every day if you like to help

people then being a waitresses

A-Okay it's fun too because people

helping other people is what this

world's about and a person like our

waitress we couldn't do without yeah oh

a cook is a person who gives help each

and every day if you like to help people

then being a cook is a-okay


people happy other people is what this

world's about and a person like our cook

we couldn't do without


there are lots of other people who give

help each and every day if you'd like to

help people then helping other people is

A-Okay okay cause people helping other

people is what this world's about and

the people who are helping other people

we couldn't do without

because people helping other people

world's about and the people who are

helping other people we couldn't do


yeah well everything's ready to go let's

take it up to the restaurant okay let's

go oh I'll get the door oh good idea


dinner is served

oh my God

this looks great it sure does and there

are lots of different healthy foods to

eat just like a real restaurant oh you

did a wonderful job

the table looks beautiful and the meal

looks super deep


that was so good I couldn't eat another

bite me neither look I didn't even spill

any food on me

maybe tonight it's a fancy restaurant

they'll bring your mom a special

birthday dessert

did someone say dessert whoa

it's just a little something I whipped

up I think I think it's terrific oh yeah

me too oh nuts what's the matter Barney

oh nuts I forgot to put them on top

did you say nuts I've got some right


where did you find that scooter finding

that is what squirrels do best oh thanks

scooter but those are still in the

shells we can't eat the shells


this is great scooter now we can use

them oh thank you scooter now our

dessert is perfect

ah it was nothing get it nothing


okay everybody spoons ready


well there's only one thing left to do

now what that Barney


now it's time to put away everything

that we took out when the room is nice

and clean it makes us feel so proud we



after we have had our lunch and meal

time's coming to an end we sure know it

helps a bunch if we can all pitch in we



okay our birthday meal is all cleaned up

it's fun when we all pitch in together

oh that's right BJ helping each other is

always a good thing I help too yes you

did and you did a very good job thank

you off

but all that cleaning made me sleepy I

think I want to take my nap come on

I'll take you home bye everybody


this was fun

birthdays are fun to celebrate

especially when there's a special

dessert and don't forget the presents

yeah birthday presents are my favorite

part mine too birthday presents oh no

what's the matter Robert I was so

excited about going out to a fancy

restaurant that I forgot to get my mom a


hmm I think I have an idea excuse us


generous of you


if it's okay with you Robert we'd like

to give you our placemat so you can give

them to your mom for her birthday is it


all so much for helping me make this

birthday special for my mom she's really

going to love these placemats well

that's what friends are for




love you you love me we're best friends

my friends


well I need to go home so I can get

ready for my mom's birthday oh I'm sure

you'll have a great time tonight

celebrating with your mom and dad I

can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow

me too oh don't forget your mom's

present I couldn't forget this thanks

guys and thank you too Barney oh you're





hey everybody it's time for Bonnie says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today we

had lots of fun in our pretend

restaurant we made delicious looking

placemats and some healthy meals it's

important to eat different kinds of

foods to keep our bodies strong we even

had a super deep duper dessert oh I just

love yummy foods and remember I love you


thank you



to learn more about Barney and Friends

visit PPS online at pbskids.org

Barney and Friends was made possible by

Chuck E Cheese's it's cool to learn

Share the Fun and grow cool to play it

smart let's share the fun everyone we're

glad to play our part Chuck E Cheese's

proudly supports PBS Kids television

where a kid can be a kid

thank you

for actually where they think fun and

learning with friends is a big part of

what makes life great


and by contributions to your PBS station

from viewers like you thank you


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