04x15 - Good, Clean Fun!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x15 - Good, Clean Fun!

Post by bunniefuu »


please stay tuned following this presentation for previews of other barney home videos


barney's friends are big and small they come from lots of places after school they meet to play and sing with happy

faces barney shows us lots of things like how to play pretend

abc's [Music]


[Music] this is going to be lots of fun it's

easy to make lots of colors when you finger paint i love to finger paint me too

green is just the color i need for my picture what are you going to paint well i'm starting with some green grass

what are you going to paint jeff well i don't really know yet can i see when you're painting robert yeah in just a

minute will you pass the red paint please sure

[Music] and this is kind of icky

and ooey and fun



paint squeezing through our fist it's the best don't you know

try both hands and let it go yuck pinky squishy gooey

icky squishy icky [Music]

icky squishy [Music]

icky [Music] what we can do

so what do you think of my tree well it's a very green tree almost as

green as your hands green you know i could use some green see i

mixed red and blue together to make purple and i need some green ring here to make this look just like

[Music] what's the matter well barney we're a little messy because

we've been finger painting oh so we see look at my picture

hmm can you guess who it is well let's see lots of purple

and a little green those are two of the prettiest colors i've ever seen

who could it be why i think it looks a lot like me

that's right barney i painted a picture of you oh thank you robert i think it's

still a penis we better get cleaned up yeah i don't think i want my hands to stay like this

well then let's step right up to the sink it's the perfect place to wash messy hands my mom says it's important

to keep my hands clean because it helps me to stay healthy that's right kristen washing your hands before you eat after

you use the bathroom and when you're finished playing helps keep germs away

ooh this water feels warm and don't forget to use some soap rubber

this soap makes lots of bubbly it sure does to stay healthy and clean

just scrub scrub scrub while you make such suds

squishy squishy squashy give your hands a washy oh squishy

squishy squashy give your hands a washy you can't wear out your skin

so squishy squashy wash your hands all clean


you can't see them at all you can't see them at all


so clean

wash your hands all clean i didn't know getting clean could be so

much fun yeah well as my great-aunt myrtle used to say

no one can have too much fall oh yes

hi everybody hi barney are you going on a trip well kind of i'm

going to a sleepover party oh boy sleepovers lots of fun yeah

it really is especially at aunt paula's house she gave me this cool suitcase to

carry my things in when i sleep over let's see [Music]

i've packed my comb my brush and some shampoo so you can wash your hair uh-huh my aunt

paula and i really have fun pretending we're getting our hair done and here's my toothbrush and my

toothpaste i always brush my teeth before i go to bed me too robert my aunt

says it's important to brush your teeth twice a day so they're clean and healthy and for a beautiful smile

here are my pjs and my slippers and of course my favorite doll annie

it looks like you've packed everything you need for a good night's sleep well there is one more thing my aunt paula

does for me before i go to sleep what's that she sings my favorite bedtime songs

twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are

up above the world so hot like a diamond in the sky twinkle

twinkle little star how i wonder what

you are lullabies make me sleepy

and speaking of sleeping are you sleeping are you sleeping all

day long all day long morning


so what exactly do you do at a sleepover party get ready for bed and sleep

well not before we have some fun we usually watch some silly old movies and

my aunt makes us lots and lots of popcorn to eat oh i love popcorn me too

you'd really like this popcorn my aunt sprinkles it with yummy toppings

that sounds delicious i could eat some popcorn right now let's make some

ideas oh there's nothing better than popcorn it's fun to make and even more fun to

eat did someone say popcorn why i love popcorn almost as much as nuts oh

popcorn eels delicious especially caramel popcorn it's quite delicious

indeed i can almost taste it now oh you're making me really hungry miss ella hey

guys let me make the popcorn

i'll meet you up in the tree house all right everybody let's go yeah yeah

oh you can hear it you can see it you can smell it you can

can hear it see it smell it eat it touch it crunch it taste it watch it popcorn

is really neat fun to make and fun to eat popcorn is


the coin starts little then it pops to a pop and popcorn beats

and then it's time to eat popcorn is really neat fun to make and

fun to eat popcorn is [Music]

i can smell it making [Music]

[Music] it taste it punch it popcorn is really

neat fun to make and fun to eat popcorn here's a pop pop

everybody climbs a treat

[Music] hey everybody i think the popcorn's ready

hey pj something smells really good wow

well if my nose knows anything it knows that yummy smell is coming from

inside the tree house oh i hope your nose is right because i'm right behind

you hey guys do i smell popcorn

you sure do would you like to have something with us oh you bad i want some

oh yummy i love popcorn

my mom says i should always brush my teeth after i eat oh that's right jeff

brushing your teeth after eating helps keep your teeth clean and safe from germs worms are there worms on our teeth


he said germs not worms oh well it still sounds pretty yucky barney

oh well baby buff we can get rid of germs by brushing our teeth up and down

and all around oh that's good because i like to brush my teeth you know maybe we

should brush our teeth now since we just ate popcorn oh that's a great idea kristen let's brush everybody



it's so much fun [Music]

i never let the water

oh i'm brushing my teeth on the bottom cause i wouldn't want to say that i

forgot [Music] i never let the water run


and i like to hear the swishing sound switch swishing my teeth and having so

much fun [Music]

i never let the water run no i never let the water


barney my dad showed me how to use dental floss to clean in between my teeth

look i remembered to pack dental floss oh see i just run it between my teeth

and it tastes like peppermint peppermint does taste good and using

dental floss is a great way to keep your teeth healthy oh taking care of your

teeth is very important my dear scooter smith

i mean i got a nut stuck between my teeth oh well scooter now would be a

very good time to floss [Music] i'm

how you say this stuff works well not quite like that my dear

oh no oh no not at all like that then you put it between your teeth right

so far so good yeah yeah i like that that's good

oh boy my mouth and my teeth feel fresh and clean oh mine too and no more worms

it's germ not worms oh that's right baby buff we've brushed

away the worms [Laughter]

the germs i don't want to forget this i'll put it right next to annie

annie who's annie this is annie i've had her since i was a little girl oh

baby doll i just love baby dolls can i play with her can i cannot sure baby bop

oh good hey i know let's all play

this place is a mess you guys go ahead the treehouse could

use a little cleaning up after our popcorn party i'll stay to help you pj

i'll help too the three of us can get this mess cleaned up in no time at all good okay we got some house to play come

on everybody want some more popcorn

we're trying to get this place cleaned up oh hey i can help i can help you why

scooter i do believe you felt quite enough for one day oh i can never help

my friends enough nope never never so uh hmm give me something to do

and he's just about finished with her bath here's the towel oh bath time is a really fun time you

scrub a dub dub with soap in your tub um barney you know what

sometimes i scrub so much this soap makes lots and lots of bubbles

bubble baths especially at aunt paula's she has some bubble bath soap that feels

so good and it smells like grape soda taking a bath every day does make you

feel good and it keeps your body clean and healthy


sometimes i splash too much i hope i won't get in trouble

but when i take a bath it's so much fun watching bubble after bubble after

bubble oh when you're smashing around it is fun to pretend you're a fish or a

froggy or a duck quack quack but don't forget to wash your arms and legs and

your tummy and your frag wow

[Music] sometimes i splash too much

i hope i won't get in trouble but when i take a bath it's so much


but don't forget to wash your arms and legs

but don't forget to wash your arms and your tummy and your back

and my tummy and my back


[Music] i'm okay

boy that was time sneeze

i'm really sorry scooter oh bj you really should cover your nose and mouth

when you sneeze sugar it is the polite thing to do oh miss ed is right bj it's

very important to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze so you don't share germs with your friends yeah bj it's not

nice to share your germs uh you're right yeah okay barney next time i'll

try to remember to cover my nose and mouth okay here you go bj this will help if you

feel another sneeze sneaking up on you just turn your head and sneeze into this

okay thanks barney maybe i should try blowing my nose




right back but there is one thing that you should not share

keep your sneeze to yourself don't share your germs with anyone else

get a tissue off the shelf and keep your sneeze to yourself

with our friends at school and play we share and share highlight each day

i'll share a ball you'll you'll share with me and i'll do the

same but there is one thing that you should not share

keep your sneeze to yourself don't share your church with anyone else


and keep your sneeze [Music]

thank you for letting me play with annie you're welcome baby bop now i'd better put her back in my suitcase annie always

goes to the sleepover with me you know i think i'm ready for a sleepover

oh or at least a little nap come on let's go

[Music] oh very good pj that was a very polite

sneeze thanks barney bj i'm ready to go now

bye bye everybody [Music]

is it time for you to go to your sleepover yet no it's not time to go yet

well i know it can be really hard to wait for something fun especially a sleepover party it sure is

barney can we go back to the classroom now my aunt's supposed to pick me up there and i don't want to miss her oh

why sure hannah let's go come on everybody

[Music] is it safe

well it looks like you've got everything together hannah yeah i'm all packed and ready to go i can't wait to get to my

aunt paula's house that's how i feel when my family goes to visit my grandma and grandpa and how i feel when i know

my cousin is coming over to play for the day it's very exciting to spend special

times with family and friends oh aunt paul and i always have a wonderful time when we're together

and i always have a super deep duper time when i'm with all of you

i love you you love me

we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me

to you won't you say you love me too


i wonder who that could be oh she's here my aunt paul is here i've

got to go bye everybody bye bye bye bye i'd better get going too my mom said

i could help her make dinner i need to go too my dad's helping me with my science project

hey jeff you want to help sure that'll be fun


hey everybody it's time for barney says

[Music] hello again to all my friends i'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning never end here's what we did today

finger painting is a fun way to get messy and washing your hands with warm soapy water is a great way to clean up

bj learn to cover his mouth and nose when he sneezes so he doesn't shear germs and it's important to brush your

teeth after you eat keeping clean keeps you healthy and remember i love you


you know how much fun it is to see your favorite dinosaur now imagine how much fun it is to see your favorite dinosaur

in his very own stage show is everyone ready to have us

this time get ready for barney's big surprise the live video recording of his first ever

national stage show tour join barney baby bop and a host of old and new friends as they come together to

celebrate a oops it's a surprise there's music laughter and fun galore as

barney brings all his very special friends into your very own home you'll see mother goose

professor tinker and many many more so get ready to clap your hands because this is one super

duper surprise you'll never forget with a cake this big i think i need

everyone's help don't miss barney's big surprise now available on home video from lyric studios

[Music] she's by my side it's nice outside all

right concentrate i met her in my pajamas in the bahamas

in my pajamas all right in my pajamas


the first day of school my teacher said why don't you draw a picture for your

parents so i drew a picture of an alligator and

i named him terence when i gave that picture to my mom she

said i love pink alligators then she bought some magnets and she put

my picture on the refrigerator [Music]

how much she liked my picture and how proud she is of me

now when the teacher asks me why a drawing takes so long

i said cause it's a refrigerator picture

for my mom refrigerator [Music]

refrigerator picture for my mom

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