06x13 - A "Little" Mother Goose

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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06x13 - A "Little" Mother Goose

Post by bunniefuu »

Barney Theme Song






can be your friend too if you just make



three two three



what's going on Jill I'm not sure Jeff

six oh right it looks like you're going

to catch me

one two three

where'd this come from I think it came

from there



Emily is throwing the paper why is she

just like that what is she doing why is

Did You Ever See a Lassie?

she making those funny faces

did you ever see Alexa

go this way and that go this way and

that way and this way and that way did

you ever see a last sea go this way


go this way

and that way and this way and that way


hi everybody

hi I hit you with the paper Barney it

was an accident oh that's okay Emily uh

you are Emily right you look sort of


I'm dressed like Mother Goose see oh I

see in school we've been reading Mother

Goose rhymes like this one okay diddle

Hey Diddle Diddle

diddle the cat in the fiddle the cow

jumped over the moon the little dog

laughed To see such Sport and the dish

ran away with the spoon that's a good

one now I'm supposed to write a new

rhyme of my own oh that sounds like fun

I thought if I looked like Mother Goose

it might help give me an idea but I'm

still having a hard time is this one of

your Rhymes oh well let's take a look

thank you

um roses are red violets are blue it's a

scribbly line scribbly line all

scratched out shoe


see I think I need some help well I know

someone who'd be happy to help but she's

already here she is where right here


I just love doing that it tickles bye

Mother Goose hello Barney oh it's good

to see you again

you're a Mother Goose that's right and


yeah and rub

rub and Jill and Jeff

oh my goodness I must be looking in a

mirror I'm Emily I know you are dear how

did she know her name's Barney oh Mother

Goose knows the name of every bully and

girl who's heard her Rhymes that's right

and I knew your mommy and daddy when

they were little and your grandmother

I'm Mother Goose

and grandfather when they were little

oh I'm Mother Goose and I'm here to say

that I love to speak in rhyme I've been


many many years for a very very very

long time she's been around for many

many years for a very very very long




now what is a rhyme you ask

what is a rhyme you say

rhyming words will sound same like

fiddle and diddle name and game like

Farmer in the Dell in the well I

like to speak in rhyme oh I'm Mother

Goose and I'm here to say that I love to

speak in rhyme I've been around for many

many years for a very very very long

time she's been around for many many



now some of her Rhymes are fun and found

my first sleepy time and others talk

about animals like the Sheep

like sugar and spice and three blind

mice I like to speak in rhyme oh I'm

Mother Goose and I'm here to say that I

love to speak in rhyme I've been around

for many many years for a very very very

long time she's she's been around for

many many years

for a very very very long time


uh Mother Goose Emily's been trying to

write a rhyme and I thought you might be

able to help

ah so you'd like to be a little Mother


well I'll be happy to take you under my

wig oh boy I mean thank you well first

let me see how you were trying to write



oh dear


Here Sits the Lord Mayor

here sits the Lord mayor here's it his

two men here sits the rooster here sits

the hen here's what the little chickens

there's your problem you weren't smiling

to write a Mother Goose rhyme you have

to be smiling and laughing is even


writing rhyme sounds like fun I'd like

to write one too

well then the first thing for us to do

is to get up get out and have a little

fun and I have a whole book full of fun

things we can do well then let's get



you can look

I can't wait

now if you need an idea for a rhyme just

open your eyes look around and write

about what you see okay

could you make a rhyme about these




Daffy Down Dilly has come to town in a

yellow Petticoat and a green gown and

her white blossoms are peeping around

could you even my rhyme about our


of course as especially if I pretend

that it's a great big beautiful Bridge

London Bridge


and the bridge is falling down falling

down falling down London bridge is

falling down my fair lady


iron bars will bend and break bend and

break bend and break iron bars will bend

and break my fair lady


have you really been to London Mother

Goose oh goodness yes many times

London is a wonderful City in a country

called England

when I wrote These Rhymes a long long

time ago they didn't have cars or buses

or trains they had beautiful carriages

pulled by horses well you mean like the

horses over by that tree


I'll try looking on the other side of

the train

you like this


just like in Jolly Old London Mother

Goose your Carriage is ready

The Coachman


up at the Piccadilly oh

The Coachman takes his stand and when he

needs a pretty girl he takes her by the



he drives her foreign






Mother Goose do you think we can get

ideas for Rhymes in here oh I'm sure of

it in fact you could make it a game

good idea let's all look around and try

to find things that remind us of Mother

Goose rhymes


look here's a Humpty Dumpty puzzle

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty

Dumpty had a great fall

all the king's horses and all the king

of men couldn't quite Humpty together

again oh dear well maybe you can put him

together again Emily I'll try

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

all the king's horses and all the king's


couldn't put Humpty together again but I

can't well he looks much better now

look what we found Barney does this

remind you of any Mother Goose rhymes

hmm well how about one called the clock

there's a neat little clock in the

The Clock

school room it stands and it points to

the time with its two little hands and

may win like the clock keep a face clean

and bright with hands ever ready to do

what is right I like that me too



To Market, To Market


to Market to Market to buy a fat hog

home again home again jiggity jog to

Market to Market to buy a plum bun home

again homemaking Market is done

now here's something worth writing

rhymes about the numbers what's so

special about numbers what's so special

about numbers well I use them in my

Rhymes all the time and you can too

numbers are good for counting yes and

they're good for telling time

but most of all yes there are lots of

One Two Buckle My Shoe

fun to say oh yeah that's right

two buckle my shoe three four shut the

door five six Pick Up Sticks seven eight

lay them straight nine ten begin again

let's sing it together okay yeah one two

one three four shut the door five six

pick up six seven eight

nine ten begin again

now let's try it really fast


Mother Goose I found a toy sheet is that

something you can write a rhyme about oh

goodness yes I've written lots of rhymes

about sheep and Lambs you have


Sheep Medley

a black sheep have you any whoa yes sir

yes sir three bags full one for my

master one for my game one for the

little boy who lives down the lane


yes sir yes sir three bags


little boy blue Come Blow Your Horn the

Sheep's in the metal the cows in the

corn where's the boy who looks after the

Sheep he's under the haystack fast



pencil lost her sheep then does it know

where to find them leave them alone and

they'll come home wagging their tails

behind them


Mary had a little lamb little lamb

little lamb Mary had a little lamb his

face was white as snow and everywhere

that Mary went Mary went Mary went

everywhere that Mary went down and was

sure to go it followed her to school one

day school one day school one day it

followed her to school one day which was

against the rule


it seems like he wrote a lot of rhymes

about sheep oh goodness yes I've written

rhymes about all sorts of animals I love

them all one of my very favorite Mother

Goose rhymes has lots of animals in it

do tell us well it's not just a rhyme

it's also sort of a long story so I'll

need lots of hell


are you ready back there everyone

as ready as we'll ever be and let's do


This is the House that Jack Built


I am Jack and this is the house that

Jack built

this is The Malt that lay in the house

that Jack built

this is the rat that ate The Malt that

lay in the house that Jack built

this is the cat that chase and rat that

ate The Malt that lay in the house the

Jack builds

this is the dog that worried the cat

that chased the rat that ate the mulch

that lay in the house that Jack built

the cow with the crumpled horn that

comes the dog that worried the cat the

chase the rat that ate the moth that

play in the house the Jack did

this is the Maiden All forlorn who built

the cow with the crumpled horn that

tossed the dog that worried the cat the

chest the rat that ate the milk that lay

in the house the Jack built

this is the man all tattered and torn

that kissed the Maiden All for Lauren

who milked the cow with the cloak and

horned that tossed the dog that worried

the cat that chased the arrest that ate

the market lay in the house

this is the pre-stall shaven insurance

that married the man all tattered and

sworn that kissed the maiden all for one

who milked the cow with the corrected

horn that tossed the dog that worried

the cat that chased the rat that ate The

Malt that lay in the house

I am Jack and this is the house that

Jack built

this is the house


you might even say it was super deeper

I remember when Mother Goose said you

should be smiling to write a Mother

Goose run yeah smiling and laughing now

so this should be the perfect time to

start writing your Rhymes alright Mother

Goose right I'll get pencil and paper

for everyone

well Emily you ready to give it another


I don't know

well I think if you're going to be a

little Mother Goose you're going to need


your very own quilt pen it's the one

I've written all my rhymes with

I can always make another one there are

lots of feathers around my house can I

try it out right now certainly dear it's

uh time to rhyme

is everyone ready to read their rhymes

chill why don't you start us off okay


hi ho me oh my I saw a bluebird in this

two steps three steps four go upstairs

to my front door four steps place that I

save ice cream to a whale he said yum

and wag this elephant big and gray tell

me how you feel today I feel good from

Head to Toes except for a tickle in my

nose huh

no it's your turn Emily


Smiles are like sunshine warm and Bright

Smiles make everything feel alright

here with my friends is where I like to

be smiling at you because you're smiling

at me


those rides were still low open this

they certainly were in fact they were so

good I'm going to go straight back home

and write them down in my very own book

of Rhymes

that's a great idea

well I must say this has been a simply

glorious day we had fun too mother kiss

can we see you again sometime well of

course dear

fact you can visit with me anytime you

want just by looking right here

after all I'm in the book


Barney it was really fun meeting Mother


today was really special thanks Barney

you're welcome well I'm not surprised

I Love You

after all every day can be special when

you share it with people you love

I love you you love me

we're a happy family with a great big

hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you say you love me too

I love you you love me we're best



hey I've got an idea let's go share our

new rhymes with some of the other kids


thank you

I forgot

I have one more rhyme Barney you want to

hear it

roses are red violets are blue my best

friend is purple

my best friend is you

bye Barney see you later


hey everybody it's time for Barney says


hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to playing our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today we

had lots of fun learning about rhymes

with Mother g*ons she told us about

rhyming words that sound the same like

fiddle and diddle name and game Rhymes

can be about almost anything just use

your eyes and look around for ideas some

Rhymes have numbers in them and lots of

Rhymes are about animals but mostly

Mother Goose rhymes are all about having

fun oh I just love Rhymes and remember I

love you


coming up later shout out big yay

because our play with me Sesame friends

will be here to play but first it's time

for some super duper fun and songs with

Barney again coming up next right here

on Sprout


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