Death's Roulette (2023)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Death's Roulette (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


Calm down. Keep calm.

I'll untie you.

Are you okay?

Where are we?

What is this?

Lupe? MARTA: Daughter?



Lupe, my love.


Come here, my love.


Mom. Are you okay?

Yes. And you? Yes.

We're together,
okay? We're together.


Help me, will you? LUPE: Yes.

Yes. All right. Okay.

We're together, okay?

Where the hell am I?

- Yes, we're together.
- Back off.

Who are you?

What do you want?
Calm down, calm down.

Let me help you.

I want to go home.

Help her.

You're not
harmed. Are you okay?

What happened to me?

Calm down.
Calm down. Calm down.

Calm down, calm down.

Let me help you.


Where are we?

I don't know.

Calm down, mister.

Calm down.

Everything will be fine.

Everything will be fine.

How long have we been here?

Damn it!

g*dd*mn it.


We're locked up.

It's really cold
in here, isn't it?

Calm down.

Deep breaths. Calm down.

I wouldn't drink
that if I were you.

It could be poisoned.

I don't think so.
How do you know?

If they wanted to k*ll us,
they would have, right?

Well, I wouldn't drink it.

I would.

Can I have some, please?

Thank you.

Anybody remember
how we got here?


The last
thing I remember...

is getting ready at the hotel

to leave for
Guadalajara Airport.

It was about...

half past 7.

Next thing I remember is being
tied up in the trunk of a car.

I'm sure this is a
kidnapping for ransom.


We have to wait until they
tell us how much they want.

I was at a medical conference
in Puerto Vallarta.

Two people came into my room,
but I couldn't see their faces.

I don't remember anything else.

They knocked me out.

Where did they kidnap you?

In Mexico City.

They also knocked us out...

and we woke up here.

They're going to
k*ll us, aren't they?

They're going to.
Calm down, my love.

Everything will be fine.

They just want money.


They're not looking for money.

They just want to
make us suffer.

They tortured me for hours...

and nobody asked
me for anything.

Let me take a look.

Sorry. Sorry.

His nails were yanked out.

But this man is right.

It's not just about money.

What are we doing here?

Maybe we all have
something in common.

What do you think?

I don't know what the hell
we have in common, but...

we can start by introducing
ourselves, right?

I'm Lieutenant
Simón Acosta Cruz.

Mexico City Police

I'm Esteban Fernández
Ávila, businessman.

This is my wife and daughter.



Besides being their daughter,

I'm a human rights lawyer
and environmentalist.

Marta Carrillo Sepulveda.

Like my husband said,
he's a businessman.

Very important.

We're the owners of Grupo Suma.

I'm a surgeon.

Armando Grimoldi Páez.

I'm Teresa Torres.

I'm a stewardess.

I'm José.



You're here to play my game.

There are just
three simple rules."

Rule Number One:

You must choose someone
from your group to die.

Rule Number Two:

The chosen one
must agree to die.

Rule Number Three:

No one can volunteer to die.

If you choose not to play,
you will all be k*lled.

You have one hour
to decide who dies.

That's not much time.

They'll k*ll us. I told
you, they'd k*ll us.

- They'll k*ll us.
- Calm down.

Nobody's going to die here.

We'll fix this. We'll fix this.

Get me out of here!

Get me out! Open up! Open up!

Open up! Open up!

I told you, they're
going to k*ll us!

down, calm down.

Calm down. We're
here, we're here.

Nobody's going to die here.
No one's going to die.

We're going to fix
this. We'll fix it.

- Get me out!
- Open up! Open up!


For God's sake, calm
down! Calm down! Now!

Please, let's not play
these psychos' game, okay?

Let's not give them
the satisfaction.

Now calm down.

This game thing is a ploy
to extort more money.

It's part of the
negotiation, that's all.

That's right.

We have many influential friends

and many contacts in
the government as well.

And I'm sure they're looking
for us everywhere right now.

So, what do you suggest?

We just sit here and wait?

Or what the hell? I'm
not suggesting anything.

All I'm saying is

that maybe you'll get your
ass saved thanks to us.

Now, get this,

I don't want to
participate either.

See what they did to this man?

But we have no choice.

Because if we don't choose,
they'll k*ll us all.

But if we choose,

there's the possibility that
some of us will survive.

Or you'll survive.

And if we choose, then what?

What assurances do we have
that the others will live?

Well, then, I don't think
women should participate.

Is that so?

Then men shouldn't
either. How about that?

Then let the cop be the one.

Excuse me?

Your duty is to protect
the citizens, isn't it?

Then protect us.

It's one thing to protect you.

It's another thing to sacrifice
myself for you. Go to hell!

Choose me.

I'm the oldest.


he's right, isn't he?

Well, look, that's true. No.

No, what you're saying is awful.

Well, yes.

It sounds awful
because it is awful.

But it's also fair. We
do that in the hospital.

If there's one respirator
and two patients need it,

we go by age. I don't care!

This isn't a hospital.

How old are you?


Do you have a wife? Children?

I live alone.

My wife is pregnant.

How do we know you're not lying?

We can't choose José just
because he's the oldest.

His life matters as
much as anyone else's.

And what do you propose?

Do you want to take
his place? Take it.

Lupe, please don't make it
any harder, okay? Please.

I propose a draw.
No, no. No way.

No. I don't agree
with the draw.

You can do it, but
I won't participate.

Nobody can force me.

Me neither.

José's age cannot be the only
criterion to make this decision.

Then how about a meritocracy?

I'm a surgeon.

I save the lives of five
people a month. Sixty a year.

So, definitely, my life
matters more than any of yours.

Very well.

Our companies have
over 80,000 employees.

Those families are alive
thanks to the work we provide.

So you do the math.


- your husband's a
coward. - What?

And, you, Esteban,
are a jerkoff.

Jerkoff? If
you had any balls,

you'd have volunteered to save
your wife and your little girl.

I won't play your game.

- You're a filthy doctor.
- No way.

You're a coward! JOSÉ: Enough.

Stop arguing.

Vote. Choose me.


I'm not picking him.

He wants to do it.

Okay? He wants to do it.

Mister, you are very brave.

And very generous.
Thank you very much.

Mr. José?

Thank you very much.

You are an angel.

Mister, please don't be swayed.

For God's sake, Lupe.

Don't bother, miss.

I have nothing left to do.

My life has been very difficult.

Yes, but it doesn't have
to end this way, sir.

Believe me...

it's for the best.

Why do you say that?

I've done
things in my life...

that I'm not proud of.

What did you do?

I don't want to talk about it.

You've lived with guilt all
these years, haven't you?

violated Rule Number Three.

I'll repeat the
three simple rules

you must follow.

Rule Number One:

You must choose someone
from your group to die.

Rule Number Two:

The chosen one

must agree to die.

Rule Number Three:

No one can volunteer to die.

Pieces of shit.

I advise you to agree
quickly, or everyone will die.

The game must continue.

Esteban, do something, please.


How much do you want?

Five million? Ten million?

I just need a phone!

I can transfer whatever you ask!

Shut up, Esteban!

Don't you realize that
your g*dd*mn money

is no good here?

You shut up, assh*le.

I told you that
we had to keep going

with this g*dd*mn game.

And now we have one option less.

Calm down. Your
father is here.



"The clock is
ticking against you.

Before continuing, you must
solve the next acrostic."

Those are references.

And if we don't play?

The white-haired guy shows
up with his girlfriend

and his shotgun, and
he kills us all, huh?

Come on.

Let's start. You read.

I'll help with the
letters. Come on.

Surname of Fernández
Ávila's figurehead."

I don't have figureheads.

And I'm Norwegian
with blue eyes, right?

Say it!


He's... Ahem. He's
more of a partner.

Teresa's addicted to...?"

What? What are
you addicted to?

Eleven letters.

Amphetamines. Correct?


sweating, exhaustion, dry mouth.

You're suffering
from withdrawal.

Or am I wrong?

Lupe falsified her
diploma from...?"

High school.

Well, well, well.

The girl didn't even
finish high school.

How the hell do they
know these things?

My God. This is a nightmare.

My gym teacher hated me.
I would never have passed.


I really don't care.


betrayed by Simón."

Lorenzo. And I
didn't betray him.

I reported his corruption.

Marta's sister's name?"

No, that's wrong. Mom
doesn't have a sister.

She's an only child.

What was her name?

Tell us, damn it!

I'm telling you,
she's an only child.



Ofelia? Do...? Do I have
an aunt named Ofelia?

Why didn't I know? Why...?
I never wanted to tell you.

She died very
young. Poor thing.

When? Long before
you were born.

Why did you keep it from me?

If you don't
mind, I'll continue.

José is...?"

An old man?


No, eight letters.


He said he was retired, right?

Try "retired." It
has eight letters.

Okay. "Seven.

Teresa's dealer's nickname."


Sexually transmitted disease
suffered by Arman..."


How do these g*dd*mn psychopaths

know everything about us?

Okay, say it. Say it now!


Put gonorrhea.

Esteban's second lover was...?"


Which Alejandra?

Your father's secretary.

I don't remember her.
It didn't last long.

Forgive me. I'm
not proud of that.

For God's sake, stop this game.

Now! Please!

"Pablo Jega"?

Do you know anyone
named Pablo Jega?

No. J-jega?

No. No.

It's Pablo Vega.

Who is he?

A k*ller who
thinks he's a hero.

A sadist.


where did you meet him?

I chased him many times.

But he was like a ghost.

He always slipped away.

He k*lled a lot of people.

Judges, politicians,

all of them corrupt.

He made them play a morbid game.

What he did with...

With Judge Echegaray was...


He tortured him...

opened his stomach with a
knife, took out his guts.

And he forced his whole
family to play Hangman with...

They had to write on the walls

with the blood they took
from the judge's stomach.

Did they ever catch him?


I never saw his face.

All the witnesses gave us...

different descriptions.

Until, one day, I got
an anonymous call,

and we cornered him in a
motel outside Cuernavaca.

It was nighttime.

We knocked down the door,
and I saw a silhouette.

I was... I was afraid. I
was full of adrenaline.


I thought it was Pablo.

And when he...

put his hand on his waist,

I thought he was going to
pull a g*n and sh**t me, so...

I fired first.


it wasn't him.

It was his wife.



Sometime later,

we heard that he ran away a
few minutes before we arrived.

Since then, I haven't been
able to cope with the guilt.

I'm sure Pablo
locked us in here.

Are you okay?

Are you okay, Mom?


I couldn't do anything.

She arrived wrecked to
the hospital, Pablo.

I swear, I did everything
I could to save her!

Let's talk, please.
Please, Pablo, let's talk.


Pablo! Let's talk, Pablo!

What are you talking about?

Patricia Vega...

Pablo's mother died
in my operating room.

What do
you mean, she died?

She was hit by a car...

and the driver abandoned her.

I couldn't do anything.

No, that's a lie.

What you're saying is a lie.

What the hell is wrong with you?

- I
- hit her with my car.

But she was alive.

She just had fractures.

She was alive. I
didn't k*ll her.

When they brought
her in, she was unconscious.

She was conscious!

She was alive!

I know what I did was wrong.

I shouldn't have left.

But I did regret it!

I regretted it and I came back.

I came back and looked for
her, and she wasn't there.

So I went to the
hospitals that were close

to where the accident
was, and I found her!

And then they told me her name

and that she only had
fractures in her leg

and that she would be okay.

I didn't k*ll her.

I vote for Teresa.

No, no, no. What the
hell are you doing? No.

I say what
I think is fair.

Is that so?

First, you're a good
doctor and take care of me,

and now you want to k*ll me?

You're a shit, assh*le!


Are you okay? Yes.

You touch her again
and I'll kick your ass.

Let's finish this g*dd*mn game.

An addict who swallows a
bottle of amphetamines,

drives a car and runs
over a woman on the street

deserves to die much
more than any of us.

If you're so innocent, then
why the hell are you here?

Because I couldn't save her.

of Nurse Paloma López.

The patient
hada triple fracture in both legs.

A repair surgery was needed.

She had an arrhythmia,

and the doctor put in
the endotracheal tube.

It's a routine procedure,

a normal procedure.

But Grimoldi misplaced it.

The technician and I warned
him that he was doing it wrong,

but he didn't listen.

Shut up.

Shut up, you g*dd*mn liar!

Shut up!

He punctured
her esophagus...

and the woman died.

Forgive me, Pablo.

It was a mistake.

It was my only mistake in life.

I told you.

You k*lled her.

And Pablo knows it.

I devoted my entire
life to saving lives.

Like him.

What, he's
your best friend?

What a piece of work.

Simón risks
his life every day

to save the lives of people
he doesn't even know,

like me.

You make a bad decision,

and your patient dies
in the operating room.

Or, one day,

in a police operation,
you k*ll the wrong person,

don't you, Simón?

There are risks you take

when you do things
for other people,

but what the hell, huh?

"Pasta or chicken?"
Go to hell!

I vote for the doctor.


He k*lled her!

He said so. He k*lled her.

Who's with me? We have to vote.

See? She doesn't care
about anyone's life.

This is how these addicts are.

If she was able to board a
plane high on amphetamines,

she'd drive her car high too.

You really don't get it?

That's what the psycho wants,
for us to attack each other.

Stop it. Let's see.

Let's face it.

We're six people.

None of us will vote
against each other

because we're family.

So everything is
between you. Mm-hm.

So the doctor, Teresa or Simón.

I don't know.

I'm not sure about that.

Maybe your wife
will vote for you.

You're crazy.

I would never vote for him.

My husband is the
love of my life.

Well, he cheated on you.

Honey, it'll take a lot more
than that to destroy us.

And you?

None of us has caused Pablo
more suffering than you.

No. No, no, no.

There are no innocents here.

We're all guilty here.

We've all hurt him in some way.

The three of us know why we're
here, but what about you?


What the hell did
you do to Pablo?

Because before I vote,
I'd like to know.

I'd like to know too.

And me.

We just...

Patricia Vega.

Pablo's mother.

Worked as a servant in
our house for a while.

Then she got pregnant and left.

She resigned.

You didn't get her pregnant?

What did you say? What?

That seems
logical to me.

They're hiding
something from us.

Sure. Hm.

The pregnancy thing...

makes sense to me.


Pablo is his son.

What a bullshit strategy.

Is it true?

How can you think
something like that?

Of course not. They're saying

any stupid thing
they can think of.

♪ They call the Rising Sun... ♪

must seek the truth.

The truth is in the details.

Look for them.

♪ I'm one... ♪

"My first steps."

"Third birthday."

"Holidays with Mom."

♪ My father was
A gambling man ♪

♪ Down in New Orleans... ♪

What if it all comes out? Don't worry.

These vultures will gouge

each other's eyes out.


Promise me, if you
have to choose,

you'll let me die.

What are you
saying? Promise me.

That won't be
necessary, my love.

♪ Is a suitcase
And a trunk... ♪

"With Mom at my graduation."



I have a son.

He doesn't deserve
a mom like me.

Why do you say that?

Isn't it obvious?

That's why he
lives with his dad.

you see him a lot?

They live in Ecatepec, and
I don't live that close.

He says he wants to
be a naval engineer.

The stewardess has a price.

♪ Not to do what I have done ♪

♪ Spend your lives
In sin and misery ♪

♪ In the house Of
the Rising Sun... ♪

Sons of b*tches.

Look at this picture.

No kidding.

Of course.

"Mom with Uncle Esteban
and Aunt Marta in Paris."


♪ Going back to
New Orleans... ♪



This is you.

Are you Pablo's aunt and uncle?

♪ There is a house
In New Orleans ♪

Pablo Vega is my cousin?

♪ They call the Rising Sun ♪

And her?

Mom, look at me.

Is she Ofelia?

Is she your sister?

Aunt Ofelia had many problems.

It's a very sad story.

We'd love to hear it. Yes.

Stay out of this, assh*le.


They said to look
at the details.

Look at this picture.

"I was born here."

"An asylum." An asylum.

My aunt gave birth in an asylum?

Now is not the time, my love.

Esteban! That's it.

That's it.

It doesn't matter now.

Ofelia was my older sister.

She was always a very
troubled girl, depressed.

She tried to k*ll
herself several times.

Until my father
decided to commit her.

At first, the therapy worked.

The doctors said she
was getting better.

Until someone r*ped her.

We tried to
change her mind,

but she refused to
have an ab*rtion.

The child had a mark on his arm

and was born very
weak, poor thing.

Keep him.

I couldn't take care of him.

We decided to leave
him with the midwife.

She seemed to be a good woman.

And she had grown very
fond of the child.

Besides, she knew very
well the care he needed.

You gave your nephew away.
No, I didn't give him away.

I gave him up for adoption,
which is very different.

I couldn't take
care of that child.

It was your own blood.

Your mother and I did the
best we could at the time.

You abandoned your
sister in an asylum

and gave her baby away.

And you said I was a bad person?

Do you realize...

that it's your fault that
the kid turned into a k*ller

and that we're locked up here?

You have no idea

what it's like to live with
an unbalanced person like her.

My sister ruined my
youth with her madness.

We're running out of time.

So, what the hell are
we going to do, huh?

Well, are you two
going to agree to die?

What kind of question is that?

Whatever you say,

no matter what sin you've
committed in the past

or the shit that comes out...

Simón, is there anything
that could happen

that would make you
decide to die today?

Be honest, assh*le.

Of course not. Teresa.


Me neither.

None of us is willing to die.

So we're all going to die.

What do you mean?

I don't care if I die
alone or with you.

But not you b*stards.

You're going to see
your daughter die.

Even if you die
a second earlier,

you're going to die in pain,

knowing that your daughter's
life also ends today.

You son of a b*tch.
You are a real bastard.

It's obvious that Pablo put
Lupe here to get back at you.

Or perhaps
to test you,

to see if you're capable of
giving up your lives for Lupe.

It's not personal.

I want to survive too, just
like everyone else here.


You also have a son, right?

How much does his
father earn a year?

A hundred and twenty
thousand pesos?

Hm? What do you care?

I imagine he goes to a public
school in Estado de Mexico.

It's so hard, isn't it?

I mean, even if
you're a smart kid,

hard-working, when you
start at the bottom...

Don't mess with my son.

We can give him a future.

A million dollars,
if you agree to die.

What? No, no, no.

You can't do that. Why not?

The rules of the game don't
forbid bribing someone else.

That's right.

Teresa, don't listen to them.

That money will
never reach your son.

Don't trust them.

You would force us to keep
our word, wouldn't you?

Think about it.

A career in the most important
university in Mexico.

He'll never want for anything.

Or you go
home, safe and sound.

Your son will be very happy
to see his mother again.

But then what? Tell me.

What future awaits him?

Eh? To be a waiter?

To end up, hopefully,
as a clerk?

After getting his
girlfriend pregnant?

His dreams of becoming
a naval engineer

will go down the drain.

Decide. Time is running out.

Do you know how many door
knobs I touch in a day?


There's always someone
opening the door for me.

The driver, an
employee, my secretary.

That's how the
world works, Teresa.

There are the door-openers

and important people, like us,
who just walk through them.

What destiny do you
want for your child?

You choose.

Well, you're right.

My son would have
such a different life

with that money.

But then he would become a
shitty person like you two.

So I'd rather him take the
hard way than help you.

Either you die,

or you'll see your
g*dd*mn daughter die.


I vote for Esteban.



Me too.

Me too.

If you vote for me,
I'll agree to die.

No! No! No, no, no.

We talked about it. We talked
about it and you promised me.

You promised me!
Yes! Yes! No, no, no.

Listen to me. I won't allow it.

Do you hear me?
I won't allow it.

I'm the only culprit, okay?
I'm the only one responsible.

I was the one who wanted to
leave my sister in the asylum.

My husband has
nothing to do with it.

- Enough, Mom. Stop,
stop. - Please.

Enough. I couldn't
live without you.

Honey, you are the most
beautiful thing in my life,

but I have to make
things right, okay?

No, no, no. No, Mom. Please,
don't do this. No, no.

If it's
better this way...

I don't care.

I change my vote.

I vote for Marta.


Mom... Marta.

Mom, no, please don't do it.

I also vote for Marta. Mom...

No, no, Mom...
Please, I beg you!


Pablo, they chose me.

They chose me, they
voted, and I accept dying.

No, no, no.

No, Mom, no.

Let go of me!

Pablo, I'm sorry.

I failed you and my sister.

Let this game be over.

And when you k*ll me,
release my daughter.

Release her and let
her go with her father.

I beg
you. Truly, I beg you.

Mom, the clock stopped.
The clock stopped.

Are you okay? Yes.

Sit down and enjoy.

You should take it, Teresa.

The withdrawal will k*ll you.



This shit has ruined my life.

Pass me the wine, Simón.


This wine is exquisite.

Would you like some, Esteban?

Go to hell, you
g*dd*mn braggart.

It's your loss.

Right now, we
shouldn't be on a diet.

I'm telling you as a doctor.

Let's eat. Let's eat.


I don't know how you can
be in the mood to eat.

Armando's right.

If they're going to k*ll us...

I'd rather die on
a full stomach.

You're right.

If they didn't sh**t,

it's because they
forgave you, right?

Maybe they forgave us all.

After hearing our confessions.


Of course.

Pablo kidnapped us, brought
us to his mansion...

k*lled a man in front of
us and in front of a cop.

And now that he has forgiven us,

he offers us this
delicious banquet

of reconciliation, and
now we're going home.

Too bad José didn't make it.

Poor man.

Why would they
t*rture him like that?


We said retired,
right? Eight letters.

But, really, it had
to start with a "V"

to complete the "Vega" surname.

He was the r*pist.

Of course.

He was probably the one who
r*ped Ofelia in the asylum.

That's why they tortured
him by removing his nails.

Oh, my God. Son of a b*tch.

If I had known, I
would have k*lled him.

ironic, Lupita.

You defended him.

He's your aunt's r*pist.

- Son of a b*tch.
- What happened?

- I cut myself.
- Are you okay?


"Do it yourself."

Give me that knife.
No way, assh*le.

No way! What are
you doing? Move!

I told you. Put
that knife down!

I told you that
this wasn't over!

- Drop it, bastard.
- We already agreed

who's going to die and
your wife accepted.

So we have to do it. Put
that knife down, bastard.

Who wants to do
it? You? Or you, Teresa?

With an incision to the carotid,
I swear, you will not suffer.

Forgive me, but I have
to go back to my family.

Let him
go! Put that down!

Let him go!

Let him go!

You messed me up, assh*le.

Son of a b*tch.

How can I help you?

What can I do?

Tell me what to do. No. No.

Nothing can be done.

This bastard...

This bastard k*lled
me. How can I help you?

No, nothing can be done.



Get us out of here.


You can get us all out of here.

Time is running out. Please.

You can get us out.


I want to see my son.


I vote for Armando.

I vote for Armando.


You can all go to hell.

But yes.

I agree to die.

Now you have to k*ll me
because there's no time.


Come closer.

Grab the knife.

Go through my esophagus
up to my heart.

But look into my eyes.

Wait. Wait a minute.

Wait, wait.

Do it.


Go through my esophagus
to my heart, push, push!



over. He's dead. Stop!

Stop, please!

I'm sorry, Armando.

I'm so sorry.

We shouldn't
leave him here.

We can't stay here.

We have to try to
survive. Come on, come on.

Come on.

Come on.


Let's go.

What is this?

What is this?

We're in a g*dd*mn maze.

We'd better split up.

Come on.

No. No, no, no.

Something's not right. No.

Okay. Let's go back.

What if this is a trap?

What if this is a trap?
Please, let's go back.


The others aren't coming.

Doesn't matter. Let's go.



A g*nsh*t?

That was a g*nsh*t!
Teresa! Hey!

No! I don't want
to die. No! Teresa!

Left, left!


Teresa! Damn it!



It's you...


Pablo Vega.


You are here to play my game.

I cut myself.

I never saw his face.

All the witnesses

gave us different descriptions.

This is where I was born.

An asylum.

"Holidays with Mom."

Pablo is a psychopath.

A k*ller.

Let me go with my son.


Let me.

Don't do the same to him!




♪ Well... Ow! ♪

♪ Rock the cradle of love ♪

♪ Rock the cradle of love ♪

♪ Yes, the cradle of love ♪

Let's go! Let's go!

Come on. Come on.

Wait! Hey! Wait, wait!

Stop. Stop, stop, stop.

Esteban! Stop! Esteban!

Esteban, stop! Stop! No!

You're going to
let them k*ll him?

I'm sorry. No! No!

Stop! What are you doing?

I'm not leaving him!

You okay? Thank you.

Thank you. Let's go.

Come on.

Help me with the
anchor. Come on. Go!

No. No.

It's you.

Yes, it's me.

Dear uncle and aunt!

I would have loved to have

a different introduction,
but, you see,

the truth is like that.

Even if we try to cover it up,

it always comes out.

Come on, you
bastard. Walk. Come.

Watch out. Move over there.

You, there. Come on, go.

Very good.

I guess you have
lots of questions.

But time is up, and I want
to play one last game.

It's a classic.

And classics never die.

Ironically, several
died today, no?

We're going to play
Russian roulette.

In this g*n, there's one b*llet.

Each one of you will
sh**t the other.

If you try to sh**t me,

- I'll k*ll your
daughter. - No.

If you try to k*ll yourselves

or do any other stupid thing,

I'll also k*ll her.

So who goes first?

Any volunteers?

No one?

Well, then...

ladies first.

Come on.

Aim and sh**t.

Aim and sh**t.

Come on, go!

No, no, no. Not there.

Raise it up, to the head.
Like this. Here. Come on!

To the head, damn it.

That's it. Very good. Come on.

That's it.



sh**t, damn it!

Come on! I can't!

I can't! I can't!

I'll give you a
little inspiration.

Alejandra, for example.

By the way, Alejandra
wasn't a secretary.

She went to school with
you. Don't listen to him.

- He would say
anything. - Yeah?

And all the others who
say you abused them,

are they conspiring
too, you bastard?

Are they lying?

Like Carolina, another
classmate of Lupe's,

and many others, assh*le!


Guess who was next on the list.

Yes? I'll take any
names, guesses.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's see.

Lupe. No!

No! No, that's not true.

Lupe, am I lying? Yes or no?

Lupe, am I lying? Yes or no?

No. No.

See? Come on. sh**t!

g*dd*mn it, sh**t!

This assh*le is your
g*dd*mn obsession, right?

Your turn, assh*le.
Come on, take the g*n.

Aim at her. Aim at her head.

Go. Come on!


Forgive me, love.

Very good! Very good!

You never disappoint.

This assh*le was
capable of sh**ting you.

And not a single hair on
his head was messed up.

And you couldn't.

Do you know why he could?

Because he's a psychopath.

Because he has no feelings.

Because he just cheats.

Tell them to go home.
It's all under control.

Darling, what are you doing?

I had an anguish
that had no name...

that had no face.

I couldn't find the
cause of this discomfort,

of this emptiness in my chest

that couldn't be
filled with anything.

Sometimes dr*gs would work...

but the void always came back.

I felt so...

disengaged, so...

uncomfortable in my own skin.

Until I met Pablo...

and he opened my eyes.


He... He didn't r*pe them.

They were consensual

Consensual? Yes.

That's the bullshit
this bastard told you?

They were just girls, Mom!

At that age, there
can be no consent!

When Pablo told me everything...

I remembered.

I remembered how
you looked at me...

how you watched me undress.

I remembered
how you touched me.

Like a dad should never
touch his daughter!

You abused me, bastard.

I never... You never
what? Never what?

Are you really going
to lie right now?

Aren't you going
to have the balls

to tell my mother the truth?

What you did to me
when I was a kid.

But it doesn't matter, right?

Because you knew.

You always knew and
you never did anything.

Come on,
let's finish this.

Come on, come on. Come on!

Move. Back up.

Back up now, you bastard!

Come on, let's
finish this. sh**t.

Come on.

g*dd*mn it.

No. Aah!

Hush, hush.

It was necessary.

Hush, hush. It was necessary.

You know what would have changed
the rules of this game, auntie?

A little bit of love.

Just that.

But we're going to help you.


Say, I have love ♪

♪ Yeah, I will travel ♪

♪ And I say ♪

♪ If you need a loving
man Will travel ♪

♪ Say, I will travel
From Maine to Mexico ♪

♪ Trying to find the
girl To love me so ♪

♪ No matter where I go
No matter where I be ♪

♪ I just can't find the
girl To satisfy me ♪

♪ Have love ♪

♪ Well, baby,
now Will travel ♪

♪ Say I I have love ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Will travel ♪

♪ And, baby ♪

♪ If you need a loving
man Will travel ♪

♪ Say, I'm traveling
light Not heavy, babe ♪

♪ So look for me To
come past your way ♪

♪ I got arms full of loving
Waiting just for you ♪

♪ I even got a suitcase
Full of kisses too ♪

♪ Have love ♪

♪ Well, baby,
now Will travel ♪

♪ Say, I I have love ♪

♪ Will, will, will travel ♪

♪ And, baby ♪

♪ If you need a loving
man Will travel ♪

♪ Say, I might come by boat
I might come by plane ♪

♪ Baby, I might even
Catch the train ♪

♪ But if I can't
Get there that way ♪

♪ Then look for me
To walk any old way ♪

♪ And I have love ♪

♪ Will, will,
will Will travel ♪

♪ Say, I... I... ♪
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