02x04 - I, Witness

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Major Crimes". Aired: August 2012 to January 2018.*
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"Major Crimes" is a successor spin-off of "The Closer" in which Captain Sharon Raydor takes over as head of the LAPD's Major Crimes Division.
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02x04 - I, Witness

Post by bunniefuu »

All right.

We're here, Lloyd.

Thank God.

This jet lag is k*lling me.

Yeah, the flight from Phoenix to L.A. can be exhausting.

Tell me about it.

[ Car alarm chirps, door closes ]

Airline pretzel?

Tastes even better on the ground.

Too much sodium.

You sure?

'Cause I took like 30 bags when the flight attendant wasn't watching.

[ Door opens ]


You guys really went all out.

Hey, Lloyd, this is what's available in the part of town you wanted to be in.

If it's not up to your usual standards, maybe we can get the DA to revoke your deal.

Yeah, and then instead of testifying tomorrow, you can spend the next 20 years in a state facility.

No, I'm not complaining, guys.

You've both been awesome.

First time I've ridden in a police car without my hands cuffed behind my back.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, as a witness, your safety is very important to us, so here's a cellphone to be used for emergencies only.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Oh.





It's me, you idiot.

Listen, that phone has our numbers in it, okay?

You don't make any other calls, you don't leave this room, and you don't open the door.

Now, we'll be back by 8:00 A.M. to pick you up.

[ Chuckles ]


[ Grumbles ]

[ Door closes ]

Hey, what's up with you?

What do you mean?

Well, first, there's your power walking and then giving up caffeine...

[ Sighs ] going on cleanses.


Come on, what gives?

All right, look, four weeks back, I fainted.

Fainted? Why?

I was at my ex-wife's house, sharing my reasonable opinions about all the money Nicole's wedding is costing.

[ Stammers ] I-I didn't know your daughter was getting married.

Well, congrats.

Yeah, thanks.

All right, anyway, one minute, I'm arguing with my ex-wife, and the next minute, I wake up in an ambulance with some guy asking me who the president is.

Oh, and by the way, unless you want the full work-up, don't say Jimmy Carter.

[ Car door closes ]

And you fainted because...?


All right. High blood pressure.

The doctor wants to put me on this pill, but the side effects could make me irritable, moody, quick to anger.

Who could know the difference?

[ Engine turns over ]

Look, I'm not gonna take the pill, okay?

I'm gonna do it naturally by eating less salt, taking deep breaths, staying hydrated, losing weight, getting more sleep...

Eliminating caffeine, meditating, walking an extra 2 miles a day, switching to a mediterranean diet.

[ Sirens wailing ]

For God's sake, Flynn, I take 20 pills a day with three glasses of wine.

And look how healthy I am.

Just go on the drug.

I don't want to.

All I need is less stress, and my daughter and my crazy ex-wife aren't helping.

[ Wailing continues ]

It's a pressure point, okay?

It gives you instant relaxation.

You should try it.

Oh, and listen, if people should find out that I fainted, I could be put on desk duty.

So do me a favor... don't mention my blood pressure to anyone.

Sure, sure, and look, Flynn, whatever I can do to lower your stress, count on me.

[ Wailing continues ]

Yeah, fine.


Dorsey: You are surrounded!

Come out with your hands up!

I repeat, come out with your hands up!

Excuse us, please, Dorsey: You are surrounded!

Excuse me. Oh, my God.

[ Wailing continues ]

We don't want to sh**t if we don't have to!

Oh, my God.

You think this has anything to do with Lloyd?!

Take it easy.

Just take it easy, Flynn.

We're early.

We have plenty of time to fix this.

You have one minute!

I'm not saying this again!

Come out with your hands up!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

What's going on?

m*rder suspect isn't responding.

What m*rder? Where?

Convenience store about a mile from here was robbed last night.

Owner was gunned down in cold blood.

[ Chuckling ]

It wasn't the guy in room 5.


That's our suspect... room 5.

But he won't answer the phone in his room, so we're gonna knock on his door... really hard.

Look, your so-called suspect is testifying in a big m*rder trial today, so just have your people stand down while we straighten this out.

One minute.

You got 30 seconds.

Uh, what are you looking at me for?!

Call him on the cell you bought him!

Oh, uh, what's the number?

You didn't write it down?!

Well, yeah, I wrote it down.

I, uh... yeah.

Yeah, I've got it somewhere.

You know what? I-I dialed it.

I have it on my phone.

All right, put your speaker...

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Lloyd: Oh, where... where... oh, okay, there it is.

[ Beep ] Oh, man.

What do you want?

Lloyd, it's Lieutenant Flynn.

Did you k*ll somebody?!

[ Slurring ]

No! Why would I k*ll anyone?

Are you drunk?!


No, I ran out of beer like two hours ago.

Lloyd, listen to me.

You come out of that room with your hands in the air now!

[ Woman screams ]

Oh, God! Oh, oh!

[ Car alarm blaring ]

Man: Go!

[ Coughing ]

Oh, oh, God!

Oh, crap!

Man: Freeze!

Man: Come on!

Police... freeze!

Get him up, get him up!

Let me see your hands!

Show me your hands!

Get them up! Come on!

Lloyd: Easy, easy, easy!

Flynn, don't worry.

There's a perfectly good explanation for all that cash.

[ Coughing ]

And the g*n, too.

Oh, hey, guys.

Oh, God.

Female Dispatcher: 911... what's your emergency?

Woman: [ Hispanic accent ]

It's terrible!

You must send help!

Ma'am, calm down. Where are you?

A pay phone at Western and "Hefferson."

I just see a tall man in a green hoodie sh**t another man!

Dios mío, I think he is dead!

Officer Lang, when you responded to this call, did you apprehend a tall man in a green hoodie? Yes, I did.

And do you see that man in the courtroom today?

Yes, the defendant, Scott Perry.

Thank you very much, officer.

No further questions.

Mr. Dillard, your witness.

Dillard: Officer, when you arrested my client, did he have a g*n on him?

Lang: No.

In fact, you never found the m*rder w*apon.

So what made you so certain you had captured the sh**t?

The description of the caller was very accurate.

A woman trying to conceal her own identity with a fake Mexican accent... a woman you never located or identified.

Another eyewitness also ID'd the defendant as the sh**t.

You're referring to Lloyd Gibbs, an admitted felon who was offered immunity to testify... a man who had every reason to lie to... objection.

Mr. Dillard may challenge the credibility of Mr. Gibbs when he takes the stand.


Any other questions, counselor?

No, your honor.

Officer Lang, you may step down.

Ms. Rios?

Ms. Rios?

Your next witness?

Your honor, may we break now for lunch so as not to interrupt Mr. Gibbs' testimony?


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we will recess for exactly one hour.

What is going on?

Where's Lloyd?

Under arrest.

Under arrest?! For what?!

Well, a few things... fleeing the scene of a crime, armed robbery...

Resisting arrest, and one count of first-degree m*rder.

So, after you dropped off her witness at his hotel room, he k*lled somebody?

Well, if you just want to take S.W.A.T.'s word for it, yes.

How could you two let this happen?

How could we? We were doing you a favor!

This is not even our case!

I mean, look, we were told to pick the creep up at the airport, drop him off, and that's what we did!

Captain, I have been preparing the prosecution of Scott Perry for two years.

Without this witness, my chances of a conviction are zero.

And who exactly is Scott Perry?

[ Sighs ]

Three young men from Arizona...

Scott Perry, Dennis Tucker, and Lloyd Gibbs... operated a local theft ring... stealing moving vans and fencing their contents.

They had a dispute over money.

Scott Perry shot Dennis Tucker.

His other friend, Lloyd Gibbs, witnessed the m*rder and agreed to testify.

Couldn't you have just made a deal with Mr. Perry?

We believe Scott Perry was paid to k*ll his friend by someone more powerful, most likely his fence, and there's no deal unless Perry gives the guy up.

I, um, I usually hang out over here.

Kris: No one's ever taken me to a police station before.


It's just all so interesting.

Oh, Buzz, this is my friend Kris.

Kris, this is Buzz.

You're Kris?

I thought you were...

I mean, it's so nice to meet you.

You too.

What a cool place to study.

How many people work here?

About half.

Here's your math problems back.

I marked the ones you might want to rethink.


You can sit here.

Sharon: I understand your frustration, but until we have orders to the contrary, LAPD Officers are not required to babysit your witnesses.

Emma: Unless they're cute, little blond boys, in which case, you adopt them?

Look, I can't put Lloyd Gibbs on the stand unless he's cleared of this m*rder... immediately.

Lieutenant Tao has just returned with evidence from the crime scene at the convenience store.

I will be out there momentarily to examine it. Thank you.

Ah, ah.



We were never informed that Lloyd Gibbs could be dangerous, and he was unarmed when we picked him up.

And you searched him for weapons?

The dirtbag was getting off a plane!

That's the TSA's job!

I'm almost certain that this whole thing is just one big misunderstanding, and we'll sort it out in no time.

Tao: The evidence shows Lloyd Gibbs robbed the convenience store after sh**ting the owner to death.

And what makes you so sure of that?

The time line we put together.

Sykes: Louis Berg, owner of Easy Time Market.

At 1:16 A.M.... standing in the middle of his store.

Mr. Berg was shot twice in the chest.

As you can see, his blood covers about a 4-foot radius on the floor.

Lloyd Gibbs' sneakers.

See the tread?

Gibbs walked through the blood to the counter, and then he tracked prints to the door and beyond.

Is there any video from inside the market?

There were cameras in the store, but nothing was being recorded.


So no incriminating footage from the scene.

But we did catch some video from an ATM 20 yards away.

I've blown it up.

That's Lloyd Gibbs jumping up and down in a puddle.

Trying, I think, to get blood off his sneakers.

Buzz, can you freeze-frame?


Underneath his right arm... two six-packs of beer.

Underneath his left arm... a bag stamped "Easy Time Market."

Other security cameras captured his run back to the motel, culminating at 3:10 A.M.

With this video of Gibbs staggering through the parking lot towards his room.

Oh, my God.

Tao: This footage is consistent with all the 911 calls from various people reporting someone matching our suspect's description returning to the motel.

Emma: I've got 15 minutes to get to court and persuade the judge that Lloyd Gibbs is a credible witness being unfairly detained.

Anybody care to come back me up?

I will.

This evidence is total bullshit.

Emma: Thank you.

Nice to know I have at least one friend here, Detective Lopez.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, that's so sad.

I know... the poor shopkeeper's family.

No, I mean that Detective Sanchez has a crush on that horrible Emma lady, and she doesn't even know his name.

Uh-huh. Thank you.

That was ballistics.

The .45 found in Lloyd's room not only matches the b*ll*ts that k*lled Louis Berg... it's also the missing m*rder w*apon from DDA Rios' trial.

I think her material witness may end up becoming her new defendant.

Emma: If I don't disclose everything we know, I'll be open to charges of misconduct.

Don't worry. I got your back.

Judge Richwood: Let's call the court to order.

Your honor, one moment before you bring in the jury.

I have a... A little emergency.

[ Sighs ]

Will counsel please approach?

Detective Lopez.

All right, what's the problem, Ms. Rios?

Because of threats to the life of the people's witness, the LAPD has taken Lloyd Gibbs into protective custody, sir.

He's temporarily unavailable to testify.

I'm sorry. You are?

Detective Julio Sanchez.

Major Crimes.

DDA Rios insisted that Mr. Gibbs be allowed to appear, but in our opinion, it's not safe.

Your honor, I find this explanation ridiculous.

Your honor, Mr. Gibbs is being held by the police.

And he is being protected.

Dillard: Your honor, 10 minutes ago, I heard a news report that a man sounding like Lloyd Gibbs was arrested for m*rder tragically similar to the one my client is on trial for at this very moment.

Your honor, the LAPD is not run by reporters, and our concerns about Mr. Gibbs are legitimate.

[ Inhales deeply ] Ms. Rios...

Look, I don't mind an afternoon off or a late morning tomorrow, but the jury can't stay here indefinitely.

I'll grant a 24-hour continuance, at which time trial will resume with your witness or without.

Is that clear?

Yes, your honor. Thank you.

Wow, you completely misrepresented what's going on.

It's too soon to say.

Maybe Lloyd wasn't even in that store.

Hell yeah, I was in the store.

But you didn't rob the place?

Uh, did I rob it? Um...

Well, why do you even need to think about it?

Either you robbed the place or you didn't.

I-it's not a simple yes-or-no answer.

Okay, the cashier was lying on the floor, dead.

I mean [Laughs] what was I gonna do... throw a 20 on him and say, "here you go, dead guy"?

"That's for the beer.

Keep the change."

Had you ever seen the shopkeeper before?

I don't think so.

I mean, does this look like anyone you know?

Oh, very funny, Lloyd.

We're asking you serious questions here.

Well, and I'm giving you serious answers.

[ Stammers ] As far as I know, I'd never seen the guy before, and even if I had, I definitely would not have recognized him given the way he looked then.

And by that, I mean given that he was dead.

Sykes: Great news, captain.

Turns out Louis Berg, our dead shopkeeper, was a total sleazebag.

A lot of people could've wanted him dead.

Really? No question.

And that market... it was mostly a front for his gambling operation.

Louis Berg was a bookie.

Which explains why the cameras weren't recording.

Detective Sykes, see if you can make a list of Mr. Berg's gambling clientele.

Thank you.

[ Clears throat ] Uh, all right.

Provenza: All right, Lloyd, look at me.

Now listen.

Do you understand that you could go to prison for the rest of your life?

Okay, how dumb do you guys think I am?

No one gets life in prison for stealing beer.

Not even really good beer.

For m*rder, Lloyd! You'll go to prison for m*rder!

In 30 years, I've never seen a better case against anybody.

Flynn: You know what?

The hell with it.

I'm gonna arrest him now.

Okay, w-wait! Look.

[ Sighs ]

A friend was with me last night.

I told you not to call anybody!

It wasn't just anybody!

This is the most amazing woman in the world.

I've known her since we were kids.

We've dated off and on since high school, and you can believe her when she says I didn't k*ll anyone because she is honest, dependable, and absolutely not a prost*tute.

"Not a prost*tute."

What is her name?

Her name is "Shampagne."

With an "s."

And she has a website.

[ Sighs ]

In the entire history of crime, there has never been a reliable alibi witness named Shampagne.

I am so sorry.

I would have introduced myself sooner, but it's been so busy here.

You must be Kris.

Sharon, Kris.

This is my own personal police captain.

Kris: Oh, well, it's so nice to meet you.

Thanks for letting me come and watch today.

I was just telling Kris that this is an easy one because you guys already caught the m*rder*r.

Lloyd: No, they didn't!

I didn't k*ll anyone!


I hope your parents don't mind you being here.

Oh, no. My parents don't care where I am.


Uh, that's how much they trust her.

Captain, we found the alibi witness.

Excuse me.


The three x's make it classy, ma'am.

Sykes: Says here she's an animal lover, aspiring spokes model, and professional conversationalist.

Hi. I'm Shampagne.

Are you dying for some stimulating conversation?

Then let's get together for a sexy one-on-one discussion.

Shampagne puts the "par-tay" in repartée.

Lloyd: That's Shampagne, and she is not a prost*tute!

Somebody please shut that door!

Thank you!

Please shower before our conversation.

"One hour of discussion...


Lieutenant, check on her online calendar and see when she's next available for a good talking-to by Lieutenants Flynn and Provenza.


Uh, she has time at 4:00 P.M.

Type in, uh, Andrew Flynn.

Uh, what, are you out of your mind?

Don't use my name.

We'll call you Lance Fontaine.

Oh, yeah.

Tao: I'll set up a dummy e-mail address for you.

Emma: 4:00 P.M.?

We're never gonna settle this by tomorrow afternoon.

You want some cheese with that whine?

Come on, let's go have a three-way repartée.

[ Car door closes ]

This is the house of conversation?

Yeah, we're five minutes early.

Marc: I only wish every girl followed directions the way you do.

[ Shampagne giggles ]

You are amazing, Shampagne.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Clears throat ]

Hey, hey, hey, what's this... the early-bird special?

Hey, Shampagne, double time and hazard pay coming at you.

Hey, buddy, you want to see hazard pay?

Yeah, you better run, you idiot!

Hey, hey, hey, just let it go, huh?

Come on, come on.



Shampagne: Have a seat, Lance.

Be right there.
[ Whistles ]


I wasn't expecting two of you.

[ Giggles ] Not a problem... though as long as you know it's twice the price.

Also, I have to charge for the time it takes for any medication to kick in.

So if you haven't already swallowed your pills, then you should go...

I don't need a pill.

I could still talk to you like a teenager.

If you say so. [ Chuckles ]

Now, before anything else, you have to swear that you are not police, or else this is enchantment.


This pains me more than you could ever know.

Ooh, badges.

[ Sighs ] Did you bring handcuffs, too?

Wait, you're not role-playing.

You're real police?

This is so irritating!

All I do is, you know, talk...

For money.

Well, that's all we're here to do is... Talk.

A guy named Lloyd Gibbs says that you were with him last night.

Lloyd Gibbs, Lloyd Gibbs... sorry, I don't know anyone by that name.

Oh, well, these are some pictures from your high-school yearbook back in Lake Havasu when you went by the name Carla Owens.

And Lloyd was, uh, a fellow senior with you in a class of 15 people.

Oh, that Lloyd Gibbs.

[ Giggles ]

Yes, I've known him since we were 5 years old, which is why I really don't want to tell you about last night...

U-unless I have to.

Do I have to?

I'd say it's in your best interest.

Okay, fine.

I'm cracking under the pressure.

Lloyd is the sweetest guy who has always had the biggest crush on me.

One time in the 10th grade, I was dating Kyle Malone, and Lloyd shows up to my house with a big bouquet of flowers.

Last night. Just concentrate on last night.

Oh, uh, Lloyd texted and said he was in town, and did I want to come over?

Only when I got there, he didn't have any beer.

I had no idea he'd be so unready to entertain, so I drove him to the nearby market and waited outside while he went in, and, uh...

There were g*nshots.

So, you just left him there?

I texted to see if he was all right, but he didn't respond.

Oh, no, is he okay?

Oh, he's about 30 seconds from being charged with m*rder, but other than that, yeah, he's great.

Will you give him my best?

Oh, and tell him that I've got the "free mustache rides" sweat shirt that he left in my car.

You know what?

I've got a better idea.

Why don't you come with us, and you can tell him yourself?

You almost ready?

Sorry, just one minute.

[ Sharon sighs ]

What are your plans later on?

Oh, well, I thought maybe Kris and I could study together again.

Two days in a row, huh?

Yeah, yeah, it's really, really helpful.

Um, I mean, she's the only other person in my class who hasn't taken the s.A.T.S already.

Why? Is it a problem having her come?

Oh, no, not at all.

I just wish I knew a little more about her.

Like what?

Well, like, you are taking your SATs, and you're in summer school to catch up with your year.

Why is she there?

Well, first off, you know how hard it is to kick heroin.

Rehab takes like 30 days at least.

Ha ha.

Kris' dad is some kind of international attorney, and they move around a lot, Sharon.

Do you need to know absolutely everything?




Tao: No luck yet getting into her cell.

However, I was able to pull the hard drive from Shampagne's laptop, but the only thing her calendar's given me is this long list of Johns.

What have we learned about our victim's gambling clientele?

Sanchez: His books are encoded, so we've only been able to ID about two dozen of the people who bet with him.

Their alibis have checked out, ma'am.

Sykes: One thing that might be important... it appears Louis Berg recently floated a $200,000 bet and won.

Somebody owed him a substantial amount of money.

Do we have any idea who this person is?

At this point, all we know about the big loser is his encoded reference number...


Emma: My continuance expires in five hours.

What are the betting odds that Lloyd Gibbs didn't k*ll Berg?

The only reason why we haven't arrested him yet is because of you.

Considering the circumstances, did it ever dawn on you that maybe you filed against the wrong guy?

Sharon: Lieutenant Flynn, Shampagne said she communicated with Lloyd by texts?

She probably wouldn't talk to him on the phone without charging.

[ Chuckles ]

I'd like to see those text messages.

I've come up with a work-around for the password on her phone.

What am I still doing here?

I'm missing all the clients who depend on me for conversation.

Oh, don't worry...

I'm sure those guys are just...

Talking to themselves.


If there are some phone calls you'd like to make...

My phone, finally.

Maybe I can cancel some of these people before they think I stood them up.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

What did you do?

It isn't working.

It won't take my password.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

You people broke my phone!

Let me see if I can fix it.

It's made in China.

[ Door opens ]


And we're in.

[ Door opens ]

Flynokay, Lloyd, we've found Shampagne, and she remembers the night before last a lot differently than you do.

How differently?

Well, she says you k*lled the guy.




Lloyd, the God's honest truth.

Well, obviously, you've been talking to the wrong Shampagne.

No, it's her, Lloyd, and now would be a good time for you to confess and save us all a hell of a lot of trouble.

Come on.

You k*lled your friend Dennis two years ago, and then the night before last, you k*lled the store owner, maybe because you owed him a gambling debt and maybe, just maybe, that's why you asked us to put you up in that part of town.

Come on, admit it! Admit it!

This is them... Shampagne's texts from two nights ago.

Well, here's one at 10:00 P.M. directing her to get Lloyd to Berg's Easy Time Market at 1:20 A.M.

Just after Berg was gonna be shot.

The last four digits on the cell that's texting Shampagne...


Isn't that the number of our shopkeeper's big loser?

Berg must've identified clients by their phone number.

Mr. 0-1-6-0 must be one of Shampagne's clients, too.

It's probably from a burner, captain.

Let me see if I can track it down.

Thank you.

...A rock and a hard place...

Which could be another rock...

So, Shampagne conspires
with Mr. 0-1-6-0, whoever he is, to k*ll Berg and pin it on Lloyd.

Sykes: I don't understand.

If this was all about keeping Lloyd off the stand, why not just k*ll him instead of the shopkeeper?

That's a good question.

Lloyd... L-let me finish!

Did Lloyd testify already?

At the preliminary hearing.

There it is.

If Lloyd was m*rder*d, his prior statement could still be read into the record.

Oh, you're right.

The only way to get his testimony out of my trial completely would be to discredit him so thoroughly, the judge would disallow it.

Okay, I see why Lloyd might have been framed.

Lloyd: Where was I?

Provenza: Lloyd, look at me.

Now, listen.

Lloyd: No, no! Now it's time to fill out the picture.

I am losing my patience, Lloyd, and I run out of patience, you lose the deal you had with the DA.

[ Door opens ]

Provenza: Well...

Oh. Wow.

Looks like the "we're just studying together" aspect of things has shifted rather abruptly.

You heading to a red carpet somewhere, or...?

Ha, no.

Uh, my parents are picking me up tonight
and dragging me to this political fundraiser.

And my mom bought all of this, okay?

This is not how I would dress... ever.

Sometimes she treats me like a doll.

You definitely don't need lip gloss to study.

You do if you're studying with me.

[ Door opens ]

Have we reunited Lloyd and Shampagne yet?

No, I'm still waiting on the sign for the door to be ready.

It was like a 6.

What is this?

Seriously, that's like a 4.

Well, interview room 1 was empty, and you know kids... always managing to find a secluded space.

And you're eavesdropping on them?

Hey, this was not my idea.

Unattended minors can get into trouble, and I think you'd be interested in the girl that your foster son is about to ask out on a date.

Oh, he's not going to do that.

I bet...

One month of absolute civility that he will.

But if you lose, I get your office for 30 days, no questions asked. Iconoclast.

You're on. Someone who att*cks commonly held beliefs.

Correct again.

You know, you don't need to be studying vocabulary, do you?

I mean, why am I here?


Okay, um...

You know those good deeds we're supposed to be doing... like charity work, extracurricular... so we can put it down on our college applications?

Uh-huh. Well, right now, you are, uh, tutoring a foster child.

Okay, come on.

Check off a box next to "aid to the disadvantaged."

All right.

But then what are you getting out of this for your college application?

Okay, uh, look, you... you cannot tell anyone in school about this, okay?

But do you remember that horrible lady I introduced you to yesterday... that Emma?

Well, she is a deputy district attorney, and she wants to put me in the Witness Protection program.


And so the more I could show her that I have, uh, personal relationships, the harder... Witness Protection?


Well, uh, believe it or not, I've had threats against my life... threats that could let Emma send me away, and I'd lose Sharon. I'd lose my house, my friends, everything.

Did he say "threats," as in plural?

Acceptable teenage exaggeration.

The word "threats" makes him seem more vulnerable, more courageous.

Trust me on this, Kris.

I know some things about negotiation.

And this is definitely a good deal for both of us.

And, really, what's the worst that can happen?

I mean, we both learn something.

And we get to... get to know each other better...


Oh, we're getting close now.

That's the worst that could happen.

[ Door opens ] Yes.

The sign you asked for is ready.

Can we get this over with?

Geez, just when things were finally going somewhere.

"Vampire Diaries" was The Nadir of Shannon's day.


[ Door closes ] Uh, bitter.

Your tone is often acerbic.

He did say "threats."

Your tone is acerbic.

No, my tone is mellifluous.

He did.

[ Elevator Bell dings ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

It's your choice, Shampagne.

We won't pursue prostitution charges if you cooperate.

And you do care about Lloyd.

Off and on.

Then persuade him to tell the truth.

Otherwise, he could go away for a very long time.

Julio, "privacy" sign.

[ Sighs ]

It's the official one, sir.

Don't lose it.

Oh, good, you brought the "privacy" sign.

Now, Shampagne, when you go inside and I close the door, you and Lloyd are gonna have complete privacy.

Hey, there, cutie.

Happy to see me?

Yes and no, Shampagne.

Yes and no.

To be honest, I'm a little upset with you.

Really? Why? I don't know.

Maybe because you told the police I k*lled someone, when I didn't, even.

I had to say that, Lloyd.

Why? Because Marc told you to?

Marc? Who's Marc?

Check Shampagne's cellphone for contacts named Marc.


Don't get upset about this.

All you have to do is tell the police that you k*lled that cashier for right now.

Marc has a plan where you get off in a few months.

Trust me, please.

I'm so tired of hearing about Marc!

Maybe I should ask Dennis what he thinks about Marc.

Oh, no, wait, I can't because Dennis is dead because Marc wanted that to happen, too.

Marc, Marc, Marc, Marc, Marc.

Lloyd, that cashier was really a bookie.

And he also wanted Marc to pay thousands of dollars on a bet that Marc never should've lost in the first place.

Everybody knows that the Giants were supposed to beat the Cubs.

What do you know about baseball?

Lloyd, I'm a conversationalist.

I need to be able to hold up my end of the discussion.

I love the way you hold up your end, Shampagne.

Then you can't testify against Scotty.

He'll go free, and they can never try him again.

[ Sighs ] And then in a week, the dumb police will realize that you couldn't have k*lled that shopkeeper, and you go free, too.

[ Sighs ] I don't know.

I'd do anything for you, I would, but saying I k*lled someone when I didn't
is kind of pushing it.

Don't you get it, Lloyd?

This isn't just about us.

This is about my whole career.

Tomorrow, I have an audition Marc arranged for me for "muy sabroso nachos."

Listen to this.

[ Hispanic accent ]

Dios mío, Luis!

You must try these nachos.

Muy sabroso!

How you say?



For a minute, I thought you were a real Mexican person.

[ Squeals ] You think?

Oh, my God.

That woman is my unidentified 911 caller.

She is another witness in my trial.

She saw the m*rder, too.

I've worked on it really hard.

Marc practiced me for two hours yesterday just before the police showed up.

That was Marc?

We let the dirtbag behind all of this walk right by us?

So I guess Marc put the g*n and money in my motel room? Yes.

Mike, use Shampagne's cellphone to send a text message to Marc.

I bet his phone number ends with a 0-1-6-0.

And he k*lled two birds with one bookie.

Request that Marc pick up Shampagne here A.S.A.P.

Lieutenants Flynn and Provenza, be downstairs to meet him.

Detective Sanchez, could you do the honors with Shampagne?

I think Lloyd is ready to confess.

Well, that's good.

You're under arrest.

Why? What for?

Conspiracy to commit m*rder.

Don't worry, we'll work something out so you just talk about it like you did with Lloyd.

[ Elevator Bell dings ] That was supposed to be a private conversation.

Yes, ma'am.

It'll stay between you, me, the judge, your lawyer, the DA, and about 12 other people.

[ Sighs ]

I've been thinking about it.

And I guess I did k*ll that shopkeeper.

Sorry, Lloyd, we just heard you tell Shampagne otherwise.


No, we were supposed to be talking privately!

There's even that sign on the door!

I know, Lloyd. I-I know, but the police love to watch.

[ Sighs ] And how could we pass up the chance to see you go at it with a professional...


You know what?

That is gross, and you're all a bunch of big, fat liars!

A felon and a prost*tute implicate a third person?

I see credibility issues.

I'm ready for trial.

That is your client's choice, Mr. Dillard, and he should know that not only have we cleared up any issues with Lloyd's testimony...

But Marc Vogel is in police custody.


There he is now.

I'm not saying anything, and I want my lawyer.

Just shut up and just stand right here with Lieutenant Flynn.

Don't move so the other dirtbag can see you.

Sharon: You do recognize Marc, don't you, Mr. Perry?

He was the fence in your little robbery operation.

He was also the man who put you up to murdering your friend, Dennis.

Isn't that right?

Emma: With his testimony, we'll have everything we need to send you away for life.

Or you can put Marc in that position.

Entirely up to you.

In addition to Lloyd, you should know that Shampagne is uncorked and ready to pour her story out to your jury.

Is that what you want?

[ Cellphone ringing ]

I should've known all along that Shampagne would talk.

Well, it is what she's paid to do.

Flynn: Yeah, what do you want?

No, no, no, no, no.

I'll take the deal.

You made the right choice.

Good. I'll write up your statement of facts.

You can sign it, and we'll give it to Judge Richwood.

And we'll all move on.

[ Sighs ]

Flynn: Don't start with me, okay?!

Hey, listen, if you expect me to pay 30 grand of my hard-earned money for this wedding, I am walking her down the aisle myself.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Her stepfather hasn't contributed a dime, okay?

I'm gonna walk my little girl to the altar alone.

Flynn, be careful... your blood pressure!

What? What the... you just told the entire world that I have high blood pressure.

Now everyone knows!

They didn't hear me.

Nobody heard me, did they?

I heard you!

You said, "high blood pressure."

Explains a lot... I mean, not everything, but a lot.

You see? What did I ask you?

Just take it easy.

Y-yank on your earlobe or something.

Don't tell me to take it easy, okay?

I asked you to do one simple thing... not tell anybody about my blood pressure!

What do you do?! You tell the world!

It just slipped out!

Oh, really?! Really!

Really?! Really?! Really.

[ Thud ]

What's going on out there?


Rusty: Okay, uh, just let me have it.

Shh. What'd I miss? Quiet.

Kris: Nice try. No.

Just think about it.

That Lieutenant Provenza guy, he's avuncular.

[ Chuckles ]

Means irresistible.

[ Laughs ] Look it up.

It's means, like, kindly, like an Uncle.

How's Lieutenant Flynn?

Well, falling down knocked some sense into him.

He's starting the meds he should've been on weeks ago.

Hey, so, um, I was wondering...

Also, I told him if he didn't,

I'd put it in his files and chain him to a desk.

What is there to do in Los Angeles over the weekend?

Oh, oh, oh. Look at this.

I mean, if this were San Francisco or New York, I'd have a better idea, but... I don't know L.A.

Well, um...

Well, this is kind of different, but,
um, there's a cemetery in Hollywood where a lot of old actors are buried, and during the summer, they show movies there.

Uh, somebody took me there...

I mean, I took somebody there once, and it was... it was fun...

F-for a little while.

Well, is there a chance that maybe we could go?

Uh, oh, oh, Kris, look, you may live in California, but I live in a police state, and I can't go anywhere right now without an LAPD escort.

Maybe they wouldn't mind coming.

Well, it's expensive... overtime costs.

But you know what? I-I can ask.

I mean, the worst thing that can happen is I could get a "no," right?


Right, okay.

All right, well, I'll ask.

[ Laughing ] Okay.

I'll be right back.

Captain, he's on his way out.

He's gonna be... oh.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Oh, hi.

Hey. Hey.

How's the studying going?

It's fine.

Um, I wanted to ask you something.

Is this a bad time?

Oh, no, no, it's, um, perfect.


W-well, this last case you've been working on, it's about discrediting a material witness, right?


Well, how'd that work out?

Uh, well, uh, in this case, the legal system had an alternative. Why?

I was just thinking about how serious my situation really is.

Oh, Rusty, you're fine.

Don't worry about it.

Is there, um...

Anything else that, uh, you'd like to ask me.


No, not right now. Uh...


Well, how'd it go?

What happened?

I'm not sure.


So [Sighs] uh, this sucks, but she said no.

Oh, well. Sorry.

Y-you said no?

Just to keep me out of your office?

Lieutenant, he never asked.

Safety first around here, so...


Maybe he's nervous.

I don't think so. Lucky for us we still have a lot of vocabulary cards to go through. Right, that we do.

When my daughter was Rusty's age, she dated several boys from her ballet school.

It didn't go so well.

Okay, let's try obfuscate.


[ Sighs ] To make something incomprehensible.

Anyway, I feel a month of civility coming my way.

Son of a...


I mean...

You're welcome.

[ Laughs ]

Correct again.


Misleading or prone to lying.


All right, uh, the next word is pariah.

Pariah... an outcast.

His close friends respected him, but the rest of the world viewed him as a pariah.
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