01x06 - Alvin and the Outcasts (2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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01x06 - Alvin and the Outcasts (2)

Post by bunniefuu »

1x06 - Alvin and the Outcasts

Let's go, bud.

[dragon roars]

[dramatic music]

[sonic boom]




Tight, wow.

Previously on Dragons...

That was him! He set the armory on fire!

By the end of the day tomorrow, there will be no more dragons on Berk.


It's the worst day of my life.

I just need time to fix this.

What are you talking about? It's over.

[dragon grunts]

I'll be back for you. I promise.

I think he did all of it, and I think he did it so my Dad would get rid of all the dragons.

[splash in distance]

[dramatic music]

There's an old Viking saying...

"When your friends are roasting on the spit, you're the one who feels the fire."

[dragon grunts, growls]

[wind whistling]

[dragon whimpers]

Mildew has made the entire village believe that dragons are too wild, that we all can't live together in peace.

He's wrong, and I'm going to prove it.


We've been here for hours and we haven't found anything!

We've been here for ten minutes, and you've done nothing but build... that.

That is Snotlout manor, and all I need now is a Queen.



What are you doing?

[roars] Storming the castle.

Come on, guys! I'm telling you, Mildew framed our dragons.

I saw dragon feet in Mildew's house, and I watched him throw them into the ocean.

I don't mean to be Norbert the Negative, but the ocean is really, really vast, and our chances of finding those dragon feet are about as good as Snotlout and Astrid... the ocean, they're not just gonna wash up on shore here.

I found it!


[clears throat] You were saying?

I haven't seen this since I was a baby.


[metal clanging]

You never forget your first bludgeon.

[groans] Just keep looking.


[metal clanging]

1 down, 345 to go.

[sighs] Can't you do that any faster?

Until you restock our weapons, we're completely defenseless.

Maybe you should have thought about that before sending the dragons away.

You know I had no choice. They destroyed the armory.

This would be a bad time to get att*cked.

I know, Gobber.

Not that there's ever a good time, but this would be particularly bad.

I know, Gobber.

Especially by Alvin, the Treacherous, our oldest and most-feared enemy, who'd k*ll us all to take Berk for his own.

I got it, Gobber! Alvin the Treacherous.

Alvin! They're coming back!

Out of my way!


You can't find good marauders anywhere these days.

Alvin, there are too many of them! We need to get inside!

I've had it with these dragons. Is the ship ready?

We still have a little more work to do.

That's not my problem, is it? We sail for Berk immediately.

We'll land here, under the cover of night.

Why aren't we taking the whole army?

We're not there to fight Stoick.

We're there for one man, the dragon conqueror.

Oh, and you'll have him.

We hear he's 10 feet tall with the strength of a dozen men.

Well, he shouldn't be too hard to find then, should he?

I'm telling you, I saw a pair of Zippleback feet in Mildew's house.

He must have used them to make the footprints of the dragon who supposedly stole the boots.

Well, then let's go have a look at them.

Yeah, uh, there's going to be a problem with that.

I also saw him throw them into the ocean.

I know you're upset about the dragons, son, but you're gonna need evidence to accuse a man of high treason.

Astrid, we'll prove Mildew did it.

We have to, if we ever want to see our dragons again.

I just hope they're okay.

Why would one of our ships be anchoring there?

It's not one of our ships. I've gotta tell Dad. Come on!

Ahh, it's good to be back on the shores of Berk.

Good for you. Not so good for them.

Let's find this dragon conqueror.

[dramatic music]

[overlapping shouting]

This is no time to panic! That's what the outcasts are counting on.


Sven. Did you get a count?

I saw 30 men at least, all armed to the teeth.

Without any weapons, we'll never be able to fight them head on.

No weapons! And outcasts on our shores!

All thanks to your boy and his dragons!

I don't have time for this right now, Mildew.

Mulch! You and Bucket gather up the elders and the children.

Get them to Thor's beach. They'll be safe in the caves there.

We can help fight. We've been trained as warriors.

She may have been trained, but I was born a warrior.

Take this. It was Alvin's. But go with the others.

You can help protect them.

Let me go get the dragons.

At least if we have them, Dad, we can defend ourselves.

[sighs] Go. But be careful.

You don't know what Alvin is capable of.

The rest of you, we'll head to the woods.

Nobody knows that forest like we do.

And when Alvin comes looking for us there, he'll walk right into our trap.

Oh, Meatlug. I miss you.

The moon is full. My heart is empty.

What rhymes with "empty"?

Don't waste your time. Nothing rhymes with "empty."

Aah! [whimpering]

Who's the dragon conqueror?




[shrieking continues]


Now, look...

Keep an eye out!


He's gotta be around here somewhere!

Don't see nothing.

[indistinct chatter]

...something. Keep looking.


[yelps] Fishlegs.

Alvin's looking for you.

He's looking for the dragon conqueror.


Looks like Stoick isn't as armed as we'd anticipated.

From the looks of the armory, he's not armed at all.


Hmm, should I knock?

I mean, what's the etiquette in these situations?


I think that seems about right.

Stoick! Show your face!

The old coward's turned and run.

I spotted fresh tracks leading into the forest, and I heard reports of a big guy with a Bucket on his head heading down to the beach.

We'll split up. You four go into the woods.

Where are we going?

We'll go to the beach.

How many hostages do you think a dragon conqueror is worth?

Seven! No, wait... eight!

What do we do now?

Go to the woods and warn my father.

I need to get ahead of Alvin, warn Mulch and the others.

When they come looking for us in the forest, they'll have to come through here.

All right, what do we have?

Two frying pans, a rolling pin, and a kitchen knife.

And what are we going to do when we find Alvin?

Bake him a cake?

Well, a pie would be nice, too.

Who doesn't like pie?

That could be useful.

Hurry now. The cave is just up ahead.

Where's Bucket?

He went back to get my lamby.

Oh, for the love of... Why am I always looking for Bucket?

Why can't...? Bucket!

It's like trying to keep track of a half-wit pig.

[twig snaps]


Oh, Bucket. You had one job... bring up the rear.

But the little girl. You should have seen the look on her face.

Big, blue eyes with the tears welling up.

Ah, your Bucket's hard, but your heart is soft.

Come on. Come on.

[gasps] Uh-oh.

You made it easy for us, Bucket.

It's hard to miss a half-wit and his lamb.


Keep moving!

There he is. Get him!

Oh, you lousy outcasts!

You'll never take me alive!

[grunting] He can't get away! Come on, get him!


Looks like you've got me, boys.

Come on, get him!

Oh, no! Aah!


[grunts, yells]


Or maybe it's we who've got you.

That way. Over there.



Stoick! No!

For the love of Thor, Fishlegs, I could have k*lled you!

Thank you for not k*lling me.

What are you doing here?

Alvin the Treacherous grabbed me. He looked really treacherous.

I know they're here, Fishlegs.

Yeah. They're here for Hiccup.


For those of you who haven't figured it out, I am the one and only Alvin the Treacherous.

And let me be clear, that name was earned.

"Alvin"? [scoffs] How did he earn that?

Your leader has abandoned you.

But Stoick doesn't concern me. I'm not here for him.

I want the dragon conqueror.

Say goodbye to Hiccup. Alvin!

Huh! [grunts]


My grandfather's frail. He needs his nap.

Well, like I said.

Tell me who the dragon conqueror is and you can all go free.

Conqueror? Come on! I'll show Alvin who's a conqueror.


For you, sir?

Well, you better check your trousers, son.

I think you've soiled yourself.


Well, hey!

Will you look at that. My old hatchet.

I was wondering when I'd get that back.


Tried to k*ll Alvin the Treacherous?

[chuckles] You're not as smart as you look.

Tell me, who's your dragon conqueror, eh?

Tell me!


Leave her alone.


What are you doing?

I'm the dragon conqueror.



You? Stoick's little embarrassment?

I drove the dragons from Berk. Look around.

You don't see any on this island, do you?

It's true. All the dragons are afraid of him.

He even conquered a Night Fury.

You're bluffing.

Am I?

Well, there's only one way to find out. Take me to dragon island.

Yah! [grunts]


[grunting, yelling]

Where's Alvin?


Alvin took Hiccup.


He gave himself up. They're on their way to dragon island.

[ship creaking]

I'm sure your father's told you plenty about your island's most-feared enemy?

Oh, who's that? Oh, right. You.

No. Not so much.

Really? Not a word?




Nothing about Alvin?

Nope. [growls]

Look, Al, all I care about is that if I do what I say, you will leave the people of Berk in peace.

On me word, son!

[grunting, groaning]

When we get there, we'll lay down cover fire with these catapults. Astrid, you get your dragons.

No. Save your cover fire for the others, sir.

I can handle myself. Huah!



I'll fire extra rounds to cover that one.

Sir, we'd like to personally volunteer to kick Alvin's butt.

This isn't about Alvin. It's about Hiccup.

We're here to bring him home.


Hey, is the sword really necessary?

Odin's ghost! Is that a... ?

Night Fury. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.

[bows stretching]

Whoa! Stop!

It will only make him angrier. Watch and learn.

By all means, proceed. [chuckles]

I hope you're not squeamish. You're about to see a dragon eat a boy.



[dragon whines]

I missed you too. We'll catch up later.

Right now, follow my lead.

You cannot defeat me!


You dirty dragon! I am the dragon conqueror!

Hey, what are you doing with that dragon?

[metal clicks]

By the way, it's not really "dragon conqueror."

It's "dragon trainer."

[whispers] Now.



Great thunder of Thor. He is the dragon conqueror!


Look out! Whoa!

Whoa! Hey!

What are you waiting for? sh**t him down!


[crossbows thwacking]

Ah, what took you so long?

Why? Did you miss me?


We've got to get in closer!

Aim for their catapults!

If we knock them out, the dragons can finish off the ship.


[grunting and yelling]

Move offshore!

Here's our chance! Come on!

Oh, sh**t that dragon down! Fire!







[gasps] Aah!

Welcome aboard, Astrid.


Don't miss this time!

Look out! Arrows!

[arrows whipping]

Hold your fire! He's got Astrid.

What are you doing?

I heard you say "fire."

I said "hold your fire!"

See? You said it again.

No! He's right.

Thank you!

Fire again, Hiccup. All of you!

Everyone! Fire into the water!

[steam hissing]

[crew murmuring]

What's going on?

I can't see anything.


At what?


[crossbows thwacking]

Did you hear that? Whoa! What's that?



[grunting and yelling]

Yah! [grunts]

[dragon roars]


Astrid, hop on.


Yah! [grunts]

You're a coward taking my son.

I take what I want! You know that, Stoick!


Not this time.


[both grunting]




Now, Hiccup! Burn the ship!

Here we go, guys! Hit 'em with everything you've got!

[crew screaming]

Hiccup, what were you thinking?

I was thinking... all I needed to do was to get to Toothless, and together, we'd be able to make things right.

[faint cheering]



They ride dragons!

We get that boy, and we'll ride dragons!



Oh, there they are!


Hey, the dragons!

Yay, dragons! Whoo-hoo!

You hear that, bud? You're back home.

[cheering continues]

All: [chanting] Dragons! Dragons! Dragons!

What are you cheering about?

Don't you remember what these beasts have done?

I do. They saved our lives.

[cheering continues]

And I may not be able to prove what you've done, but I will never forget it.

It's funny how an attack by your greatest enemy can change things overnight. I set out to prove that our dragons would never hurt us. What they proved is that they will always protect us.
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