04x02 - Deception

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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04x02 - Deception

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

So what kinds of things do you like to draw, Chloe?



I like cats.

You know, your teacher showed me a really great picture that you drew.

Is that your family?


Are you in this picture?

That's me and that's Mommy and Kyle.

You look sad in this picture.

Are those tears?

Why are you crying?

Kyle is your brother?

He's my half-brother.

Oh, 'cause you guys have different moms, right?

We have the same daddy.


There's no daddy in this picture.

Where's he?

He's out of town.

Is that why you're sad?


Okay. Chloe, are you sad 'cause someone's hurting you?

I don't know.

Usually Chloe's very happy, outgoing, but lately she's been withdrawn.

And I've noticed some bruises on her legs.

Okay, once Detective Benson's finished talking with her we'll need to take her to the hospital for an exam.

The father's a little high-strung.

What do I tell him?

We'll send an officer here to meet him, bring him to the hospital.

What do you mean, high-strung?

A yeller. You know, corporate mogul type, Lawrence Fuller.

Fuller Telecom?


Guy's name is on my cable bill.

Well, you should probably also know that Chloe's mother is GIoria Stanfield.

The actress.

She did a few movies about 10 years ago.

So you're asking for discretion.

No, I'm just giving you fair warning.

They're both a handful.

Chloe, your mom and Kyle look really happy here, huh?

How come you're the only one that's sad?

Because Mommy Ioves Kyle more than me.

I bet she loves you both the same.

She reads him stories all the time, but not to me.

Where does she read Kyle stories?

In his room.

They close the door and I'm not allowed.

You never went in there?

Not one time?

It was because I heard noises.

I thought Mommy was crying.

What were they doing?

They were playing in bed.

They didn't have any clothes on.

The colposcopic exam didn't reveal any signs of sexual abuse.

Anything that indicates straight physical abuse?

Some bruises on her shins.

Pretty typical for a five-year-old.

Scan showed healed wrist and tibia fractures, but she doesn't remember how she got them.

You talk to the parents yet?

Actually, we're gonna wait till we speak with Chloe.

Yeah, well, I think that's her father, and he looks like he wants to go.

Are you the detectives who brought my daughter here?

Is she all right?

She's fine, Mr. Fuller.

Why don't we go someplace where we can discuss it more privately?

School tells me I have to go to the hospital.

No one tells me why.

Is Chloe hurt?

No. No, but there was some concern at her school.

Concern about what?

She said some things that might indicate problems at home.

What kind of problems?

Actually, we were hoping that you could help us with that.

When did Chloe break her wrist and her leg?

When she was three.

She fell off a slide in a playground.

Is that what this is about?

It was an accident.

You dragged her to a hospital for that?

We brought her here based on a picture she drew at school and statements she made to Detective Benson which seemed to describe a sexual relationship between your wife and your son.

What are you talking about?

What kind of picture?

Your daughter said she'd seen them sleeping in the same bed together.

Are you out of your mind?

She's his mother.

Benson: Do you think that Chloe made it up?

She had to. I...

Where's your wife now, Mr. Fuller?

Our house in the Hamptons, antique shopping.

Have you ever seen any behavior that confirms Chloe's story?

I don't think so.

But you damn well better believe I'll be finding out.

Sir, it's really best if you allow us to investigate.

You investigate all you like.

I'm taking Chloe home.

Kyle Fuller's school records describe a normal, well-adjusted kid, till the second grade when his mother was k*lled in a car accident.

Not surprising he had a tough time.

In the fifth grade his behavior got worse.

Loss of appetite, sudden outbursts, fighting.

That was the same year his father married GIoria Stanfield.

Well, it could be adjusting to a stepmother.

Or the stepmother pulled a Woody Allen way back then.

Proving that's the only way we're gonna charge her with statutory r*pe.

It's not illegal to have sex with a 17-year-old.

He turned 17 Iast month.

You don't think it's likely that the abuse started long before that?

Doesn't matter what I think if they're not breaking the law.

Even if the abuse started yesterday, she's still essentially his mother.

She's taking advantage of her control over him.

Unless he's a normal teenager who's just happy to be banging an actress.

Look, if nothing else, that environment is unhealthy for that little girl.

Well, this all depends on whether we believe what she's saying is true.

Benson: And I do.

Kids her age don't usually make up things like this.

When is the mother due back in town?

Anytime, if she gets word we're looking at her.

She's gonna want to circle the family wagons.

Well, I'd like to know if we have a complaining witness before that happens.

Fin, you and John go talk to Kyle.

If he is a victim, he may want to know there's something he can do to stop it.

You know, a family like this probably has plenty of hired help.

Something's going on in that house, they'd know about it.

All right, discretion, everybody.

The longer we keep this out of the papers, the better.

Kyle Fuller.

Can we talk to you alone for a minute?

I'll see you guys later.


What's this about?

You talk to your father today?

No, I won't see him till tonight. Why, did something happen?

He's fine.

How things going for you at home?

Okay. Why?

Get along with your mother?

My stepmother?

She's all right.

Why are you asking about her?

One of our detectives talked to your sister Chloe.

We're with the Special Victims Unit.

One of the things we investigate is child abuse.

You think Chloe's being abused?

Fin: No, not Chloe. You.

She told you that?

She said you and your stepmother sleep in the same bed. Is that true?

Okay, wait.

Wait. If you think that we're sleeping together, like, having sex, that's just sick.

I mean, GIoria's been my stepmom since I was, like, 10.

And you don't wanna get her into trouble.

We understand that.

No. It's just that there's no way that we're sleeping together or having sex or anything.

I mean, if that's what Chloe told you, look, I'm sorry, I really am.

I'm sorry you came down here and wasted your time, but it's just not true.


Detectives, I've told you three times, my employment contract includes a confidentiality clause.

Meaning you know something, you just can't say.

That's not what I mean.

Do you get along with Ms. Stanfield?

She's an excellent employer, and that's all I will say.

Well, what do they pay you for a gig like this?

That's none of your concern.

I'll bet there are a lot of under-the-table cash transactions.

Is that true?

Well, we could find out.

Drop a dime to the IRS, have them go through your undeclared cash income with a fine-toothed comb.

That would jam her up for, what, about three years?


We find truth in what Chloe is saying, your boss is going down.

You'd better decide right now.

You want to join her?

I saw them together once, a few weeks ago.

Doing what?

I walked into the room.

She was kissing Kyle.


It wasn't the way a mother kisses her son.


It was only a moment.

I hardly saw anything.

It sounds like you saw plenty.

Benson: Thanks.

GIoria Stanfield's back in town.

At her lawyer's office.

Our presence is kindly requested.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Detectives.

You must know my client, GIoria Stanfield.

Heard a lot about you.

Gloria: I'll be with you in a minute.

She wanted to clear this matter up as soon as she got back to town.

Stabler: How were the Hamptons?


I know the other detectives already spoke to Kyle.

He told you the truth.

I am not having a sexual relationship with my stepson.

What more can I tell you?

You think Chloe lied about it?

I think she makes up stories.

She's a child.

Well, then, why do we have other adult witnesses who describe a pretty passionate kiss between you and your stepson?

I kiss everyone, Detective.

The simple fact is you're investigating the misconception of an imaginative five-year-old.

Where do you think Chloe got these ideas from?

Television, probably.

My old movies, for that matter.

You know, this is really ridiculous.

Chloe draws a picture, and everyone blows it out of proportion.

I would never do anything to hurt my stepson.

No complaining witness, no physical evidence of abuse, no independent verification other than an uncooperative housekeeper who saw a stepmother kiss her stepson.

And no indictment based on a kindergartner's art project.

There's something going on in that house.

That woman's wrong.

We're gonna need more than your gut.

I can contact my counterpart at Children's Services.

At the very least, they can start a file on GIoria.

I just got a call from a patrol out of the 22 responding to a domestic disturbance at the Formby Day School.

What happened?

GIoria and her husband are fighting over who's taking the daughter.

You let me take my daughter home right now or I will slap a lawsuit on you so fast...

Don't let him near her.

You see how angry he gets.

Shut up.

She r*ped my son.

God knows what she did to my daughter.

Our daughter.

Look, you don't deserve to be a mother.

You're disgusting.

Yeah, make up some more stories.

Everyone knows it's so you can get out of child support when I divorce you!

I'm gonna k*ll you if you touch my children!

Mr. Fuller!

I don't want to hear another threat like that.

Now, am I clear?


You say I'm the abuser.

He hits me and he hits them.

You should investigate that!

You two can fight this out in Family Court.

Until then, your children will be in the custody of the state.


You can't do that!

If we think your children are in imminent danger, we certainly can.

If they keep at it, bring them in for disorderly conduct.

Fuller: Oh, no, no, no.

Chloe, sweetheart.

Wait a minute.


Fuller: No.

It's okay.

This is kidnapping!

Munch, I need you to do an emergency removal of Kyle Fuller.

Pick him up at his school.


You guys are friends of Kyle Fuller, right?

You seen him?

He left already.

What are you guys investigating?

Kyle get along okay with his family?

His stepmom?

Yeah, he and GIoria got along really well.

How do you know?

Well, everybody knows about GIoria.

She's very open.

What, is she putting out for all his school buddies?

Not that. She just likes having guys around.

She doesn't mind, you know, if you look at her.

Yeah, it's like she's wearing clothes, but you can totally see through them.

And she's always giving everybody backrubs.

And what does Kyle think of all this?

He digs it.

It's not his real mom, so who cares?

It sounds like you think there's more going on than just backrubs and peep shows.

I don't know if he's banging her, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Where's the little one?

ACS placed her with an aunt and uncle in the area.

Well, let's all hope insanity isn't a family trait.

Any luck with Kyle?

No. Not at home, not with friends.

Munch and Fin are still out looking, and your day isn't over yet.

Doorman called it in.

No witnesses.

Nobody heard a struggle.

Where's the rest of the Addams family?


Forced entry?

Door was ajar, Iocks intact.

Whoever did this knew the security code.

There's no apparent robbery.

Bashed in his skull, left.

BIow to the back of the head's probably what did it, but he's got impact wounds to the torso, thighs, forearms.

Went down fighting.

m*rder w*apon looks like it's cylindrical, two or three inches in diameter.

Munch: Like a baseball bat?

That'd do it.

I found it under Kyle's bed.

I'll bag it for prints.

Fin's talking to the doorman to see if Kyle left in a hurry.

Mr. Fuller came in around 8:00.

After about 20 minutes, Ms. Stanfield left, then Kyle about 15 minutes later.

Did you notice anything unusual about either of them?

Ms. Stanfield was in a hurry, but that's typical.

Kyle. I guess he seemed a little upset.

Where are the other entrances?

Back and side doors, but they're all locked and hooked up to the alarm system.

And no one enters without signing in.

Pretty quiet today.

Nobody out of the ordinary.

Just guests of the tenants.

Okay. I'm gonna get this back to you, okay?

What's going on?

Your father was k*lled.

Somebody att*cked him in your apartment.

I'm sorry.

Where's GIoria?

Well, I was gonna ask you the same thing.

You're taking your father's death kind of well, though.

Come on.

It's my day off.

I stopped by to check on Ms. Stanfield and the front door was open.

I came in, found Mr. Fuller.

Why were you checking on Ms. Stanfield?

She called after you took Chloe.

She was so upset.

I wanted to make sure she was all right.

You know where she was calling from?

I assumed here.

There was no one else in the apartment.

She couldn't have done this, Detective. It's not possible.

Munch: How'd you get that shiner?

At school, in Phys Ed.

It looks like you got punched.

Thought it might be your dad.

Munch: Is that what happened?

He started to hit you and you defended yourself?


I didn't k*ll him.

Any idea who did?

Where'd you go tonight?

For a walk.

Munch: Why?

Because I felt like it.

Your dad and stepmom were home before you left.

That's gotta be a pretty contentious relationship these days, huh?

I don't know anything about it.

Okay, you went out for a walk.

Where'd GIoria go?

She didn't k*ll him.

Fin: Well, how do you know?

You went out for a walk.

I just know.

How many school uniforms do you have?

About six.

Where's the one you wore today?

I changed when I got home.

BIood stains kind of clash with the school colors, huh?



Hold off on the questions for a minute.


Kid lawyered up.

Mr. Schaefer, if you'll follow me to interrogation.

You're not worried about a conflict of interest there, Counselor?

Ms. Stanfield is a suspect also.

If charges are filed, Kyle obtains new counsel.

Until then, no conflict.

Who's representing you?

I'll answer any questions you have without my attorney present.

I'm gonna advise you against that.

No. Really, it's okay.

I haven't got anything to hide.

Right this way.

I have no idea what happened.

I went to a hotel tonight.

Stabler: Why?

You saw my husband at the school.

Do you honestly think I wanted to be anywhere near that man?

Benson: Well, then why go home at all?

Well, Detective Benson, to get my things.

My stepson was there.

I tried to explain to him what was happening.

Kyle got so angry, and then Lawrence walked in.

They started fighting.

Lawrence got physical, as usual, pushed him.

I couldn't stand it anymore so I left.

You left your husband to push around your stepson?

How would I stop him?

Believe me, I've tried.

It only makes things worse.

Will the hotel confirm your story?

The Sienna.

They'll tell you when I checked in.

Is that all?

One more thing.

Was your husband still breathing when you left?

I didn't k*ll him.

I have no reason.

Well, actually, I could think of a couple.

Custody of the kids.

Inheriting his money.

Lawrence made me sign a prenuptial agreement.

He always believed that I was a gold digger at heart.

The money goes to Kyle and Chloe in trusts that I am not allowed to touch.

So when you left Kyle and his father were still fighting?

Kyle didn't do this.

But you'd already left, so you don't know that for sure.

Look, I will answer any questions that you have about me, but I just lost my husband and my daughter.

I'm not gonna help you frame my stepson.

Cabot: Anyone look good for the arrest?

Well, one's covering for the other.

I'm just not sure who.

The m*rder w*apon was found under the boy's bed.

I'm guessing GIoria Stanfield doesn't have a baseball bat.

Well, doesn't mean she didn't borrow it.

Kyle came back to the crime scene.

If he k*lled the guy, why the hell didn't he stay away?

Maybe to pick up the m*rder w*apon.

Only one set of prints on it.

Kyle Fuller's.

Arrest him.

We have been more than cooperative, so if you're not planning on arresting Kyle...

Stand up.


Because we're planning on arresting you.

For what?

The m*rder of Lawrence Fuller.

Come on, let's not make this any harder.

You have the right to an attorney.

You want my advice, don't take one that's on your mother's payroll.

You're making a mistake.

My son is innocent.

You're the only other suspect, so if you got a confession, now's the time to give it.

I'll have him out by morning.

Kyle, don't say anything.

I won't.

I'm getting you a lawyer.

I'll take care of everything.

Don't tell them anything.
Clerk: "Docket ending 137. People v. Kyle Fuller. One count m*rder in the Second Degree."

Trevor Langan for the defense, Your Honor.

Judge: How do you plead?

Not guilty.

I'll hear the People on bail.

The defendant has unlimited financial means at his disposal and no business or familial responsibilities.

We consider him to be a flight risk and request remand, Your Honor.

He is a 17-year-old boy with strong ties to his stepmother and his five-year-old sister.

Cabot: Who is currently residing with relatives at the behest of the state pending an ACS investigation of the stepmother.

Langan: All the more reason he's not a flight risk, Your Honor.

Cabot: The defendant is charged with viciously beating his father to death with a baseball bat.

This is a first arrest.

He is no hardened criminal.

Bail is set at $1,000,000, and we'll also hold onto Mr. Fuller's passport for the duration of the trial.


Judge: Next case.

Let's move it along.

Clerk: "Docket ending..."

Take him all of five seconds to come up with the cash.

He didn't pull this off alone.

Find me some evidence and I will charge GIoria Stanfield as a co-conspirator.

First place I'd like to look is her hotel room.

I can't send you on a fishing expedition.

The judge is going to want to know what you're looking for.

Kyle's school uniform.

If he was wearing it when he k*lled Fuller, it's gotta have blood all over it.

He had to stash it somewhere.

I'll get a warrant.

GIoria Stanfield's room, please.

I'm sorry, I can't give that out.

This says you can.

I can give you the room, but she's not in right now.

Well, do you know where she went?

Desk Clerk: I arranged for a car to JFK. They didn't say where they were going.

They? She had her son with her?

He was young, but I'm sure he wasn't her son.

Not the way they were acting.

Anything from the passenger manifests?

We're calling on domestic flights. There are over 70 airlines that fly out of JFK.

Well, there's no activity on her credit card, so if they flew, they must've paid cash for the tickets.

Departed on FIight 1647 to Dulles, 11:00 this morning.

DC? What the hell they doing there?


They're already back.

They landed at JFK two hours ago.

The other officers have already searched the room.

How many times do you need to see it?

Till we find what we're looking for.

Don't worry about it.

The warrant's still valid.

The guests may be inside.

You know what?

Let's surprise them.

Benson: NYPD.

Come on out, Kyle.

Kyle: Don't come in here!

We got a warrant to search this room, and we're going to start with the bed.

Hey, you forget that little detail about not leaving this jurisdiction?

You blew it, buddy.

We didn't do anything wrong.

Benson: Yeah, you did.

So get up, get dressed, and have your lawyer meet you down at the station.

We don't have to say anything to you.

We're married now.

Where's Kyle?

In a cell at the courthouse, waiting for a judge to revoke his bail, send his ass to Rikers.

Explain this to me.

You're questioning my client because she was in bed with her husband?

Who, up until yesterday, was her stepson.

You want to tell us again how you never abused him, GIoria?

Schaefer: He's 17 years old.

It's not abuse.

You expect us to believe that she waited until it was Iegal to sleep with him?

Well, unless you have evidence to the contrary, you have to believe it.

I never abused him.

We're in love.

You're in love with a boy you've raised since he was 10 years old?

Sweetheart, that's not love, that's pedophilia.

Nothing happened until after he was 17.

A month ago.

You must've given him one hell of a birthday present, GIoria.

I'll take the blame for it.

I was lonely.

My husband was never home.

He hadn't touched me in over a year.

Kyle knew I was hurt.

He only wants me to be happy, and I want the same thing for him.

What happened between us may be wrong in your eyes, but we can't help the way we feel.

The detectives will explain to you that you've done nothing wrong at all.

You're not blood-related.

There's no crime.

So the widow Stanfield marries her stepson right in the middle of a m*rder investigation.

Now neither one of them has to testify against each other in a court.

It's a huge coincidence.

Spousal privilege protects the sanctity of marriage, Detectives.

Well, it also protects them from telling the truth about who k*lled Lawrence Fuller.

During the course of their investigation, SVU detectives discovered the defendant left his jurisdiction, violating the conditions of his bail agreement.

This was obviously not an attempt to skip bail, Your Honor, as evidenced by the fact that my client was on his way back to New York before the detectives knew he was gone.

The sole purpose of this trip was to travel to the state of Virginia, which allows non-residents to obtain marriage licenses without waiting periods or blood tests.

He skipped town to get married?

Virginia also allows a person under the age of 18 to marry with the permission of a legal guardian, despite the fact that the defendant was, in fact, marrying his legal guardian, his stepmother, GIoria Stanfield, currently under investigation for child abuse and m*rder.

None of this is relevant to the matter of bail, Your Honor.

But it is relevant to the defendant's trial.

This marriage is an attempt to abuse spousal privilege and circumvent the very investigation which may land the defendant in jail.

Whether or not the defendant intended to avoid prosecution, he violated his bail agreement.

Bail is revoked.

Defendant is remanded.

Congratulations on your nuptials, young man.

Cabot: Get anything from the blushing bride?

She's sticking to her story.

Nothing happened until after he turned 17.

Cut her loose.

We sure the marriage is valid?

According to the Virginia State Attorney's office.

There is nothing on the books preventing a minor from marrying a stepparent.

It's perfectly legal.

And newsworthy.

Did GIoria Stanfield abuse her children?

Is the district attorney planning to indict her for her husband's m*rder?

Cabot: We have no comment.

Hey, does GIoria Stanfield's pregnancy have any effect on the child abuse allegations?

Who told you that?

I'm not at liberty to say.

Let me talk to you a second.

Hey, hey, hey...

Right over here.

I won't reveal my sources.

You know what?

Don't give me this intimidation crap.

First Amendment, kids.

I'm a journalist.

For the National Probe.

That's a real respectable publication.

You guys are just pissed because I got the goods before you.

What'd you do?

Stake out her doctor's office?

Bribe some receptionist for her medical records?

All I'm saying is, she's knocked up.

Three months along.

And that stepson of hers is the father.

How do you know that?

Because she brought him with her to the appointment.

Use your brains, honey.

Why else would she marry the kid?

Heard you're gonna be a daddy. That true?

Don't answer that.

Why the hell not?

Whatever his answer is, it doesn't incriminate him, just his mother.

GIoria is my wife.

Look at him.

Know what that is?

Fatherly pride.

Fin: Kid's yours, then?

My client has no way of knowing the paternity of GIoria Stanfield's child.

But it's possible, right?

Ask him something he can actually answer or we're done.

Did she tell you that was your baby?

Is that why you got married?

Anything GIoria told me was after we were married.

That means I don't have to answer your question.

Thank you, Detective Benson.

And they say chivalry's dead.

You shopping for your husband's funeral or maternity clothes?

Little bit of both.

We wanted to offer our congratulations to you.

And you're bringing me a present.

Yep. Paternity test paid for by the state.


I think you can guess.

So you can prove I had sex with Kyle before he was 17.

Do I have a choice?

You can wait until the baby is born.

We can get a court order, but that means you have six more months of visits to look forward to from Detective Benson and myself just to make sure you don't get lost.

Contact my attorney.

He'll set up the test.


It's a boy.

Not what we wanted to know.

Makes the paternity testing a lot easier.

Only have to compare the Y-chromosomes.

Got Lawrence Fuller's DNA from the morgue.

He and Kyle have the same Y.

Then so should the baby.

No. Chromosomes don't match.


Somebody else is the father.


You're not gonna believe this.

GIoria Stanfield is in the hospital.

She's been r*ped.

Doctor: Came in by ambulance about an hour ago.

Contusions to her thighs and upper arms.

r*pe kit was positive for fluids.

She lose consciousness?

Awake for the whole thing.

He hit her hard.

Bruising's pretty severe.

No sign of trauma to the baby.

We're keeping her overnight for observation.


Who did this to you, GIoria?

I don't know.

You gonna tell us some stranger just crawled in through your window?

Forget it, GIoria.

You know who did it because you were sleeping with him.

Every word out of your mouth has been a lie.

Now, you want our help, you give us his name and you give it to us now.

Frank Barbarossa. I did...

I had a stupid fling with him.

I ended it months ago.

I thought he was over it, and all this time he was just thinking up ways to hurt me.

He the father of your baby?


When he found out that I married Kyle, he went crazy.

I really did think that Kyle k*lled his father. I was just trying to protect him.

But now you think differently.

You think this Frank m*rder*d your husband.


He said it was my fault.

That if I keep playing games with people, sooner or later that I was going to have to pay.

And that if I couldn't understand that, that he would do the same thing to me that he did to Lawrence.

Frank Barbarossa?

Who are you?

Police, Frankie.

You're under arrest.

What are you arresting me for?

Raping GIoria Stanfield.

r*pe? Wait a minute.

She was r*ped?

And beaten, tough guy.

That why you pump iron?

So you can mess up women?

No, no, you guys are making a mistake, you're making a mistake.

I didn't... I didn't r*pe her.

I didn't r*pe her.

Then I'm glad we got your DNA so we can clear your good name.

Fin: No record.

The guy's a personal trainer.

Three of his clients live in GIoria Stanfield's building.

She one of them?


But he was there the night of the m*rder.

Doorman didn't mention it because Barbarossa's in the building all the time.

He checked in at 7:30, out by 9:10.

To see who?

According to this, one of his clients, Greta Zabor.

But she says the training session ended in an hour.

Which leaves half an hour unaccounted for.

What happened to GIoria?

Ah, one of those guys who likes to relive it.

Yeah. All right.

Legs, arms.

Didn't touch the face, though, because what fun is it to r*pe a movie star if you can't recognize her, right?

Oh, my God.

What's the matter, Frankie?

You can't stand the sight of your own work?

No, I didn't do this.

I love her, okay?

I would never lay a hand on her.

Where were you Iast night?

Frank: I was home.

Anyone confirm that?

No, no. I Iive alone.

Look, why do you guys think this was me?

Because she fingered you.

Frank: What?

Munch: She said that you r*ped her then threatened to k*ll her like you k*lled her husband.

No, that's a lie.

Read her statement, Frank.

We got you.

Fin: And we got your DNA to match to the r*pe kit.

That alone will get you 12-and-a-half to 25 years of personal training at Attica.

No, man. It ain't gonna match, because I didn't r*pe her.

Of course there's a m*rder conviction.

That's another 25-to-Iife.

Your parole officer hasn't even been born yet.

Look, I'm telling you guys, I didn't k*ll anybody.

Think about this, Frankie.

The jury sees you, the schmuck trainer to the rich and famous.

You're jealous, you want what they have.

So you knock up the actress, k*ll the husband and set up the son.

We got officers going through your place right now.

You think they're gonna find anything?

Did you throw away those shoes you were wearing when you k*lled that guy?

I hope so, because blood is really hard to rub off.

Fin: Damn near impossible.

That lying bitch.

Tell me about it.

That bitch!

I'm gonna k*ll her!

Sit down!

No. No, you get me a lawyer.

You get me a lawyer.

I don't say anything.

Legal Aid's backed up.

Frankie won't have representation until tonight.

It doesn't matter. Once the DNA comes back, no lawyer's gonna get him out of this.

Got the LUDs on Barbarossa's cell.

Something interesting.

He got a call the night of Fuller's m*rder at 8:40.

There's a missing half hour.

He's still someplace inside that building.

Where was the call from?

Benson: Pay phone in the deli across the street.

Odds are it's one of two people, GIoria or Kyle.

They were both out of the apartment by then.

I doubt Kyle's gonna call his wife's boyfriend.

It was her.

She calls Barbarossa minutes before he kills her husband.


Find out.

Fin: You know this woman?

Yeah, yeah. Seen her in the neighborhood.

Real diva, that one.

She ever been in here?

A few nights ago.

I asked her for an autograph, she acted like I was stalking her.

Screw her.

She's not that good of an actress anyway.

What'd she come in here for?

Made a phone call on the payphone, then she watched out the window for a few minutes, made one more call, then left.

What was going on out the window?

I think she was waiting for somebody to come out of the building across the street.

You happen to eavesdrop on those phone conversations?

No, man.

And I tried.


We got your message.

There's something wrong with our DNA sample?

What did you do to my sperm?

Benson: Not a thing.

Somebody did, because there's no way it came off a r*pe victim. Look at this.

See how the tail of each sperm is bent at the tip?

Yeah. What does that tell you?

This sperm was frozen.

So, unless your guy was sh**ting through ice cubes, there's no way this semen could have come from a r*pe.

Do we know whose sperm it is?

Oh, it's your guy.

Frozen or not, the DNA from the r*pe kit matched the DNA from his towel which matched the paternity test.

There's another thing.

The presence of spermicide from the r*pe kit sample.

Like from a condom.

That GIoria saved after she had sex with Frank Barbarossa.

She freezes it, she plants it on herself to set him up for r*pe.

And m*rder.

You drop the r*pe charges, he'll plead to m*rder two, minimum sentencing recommendation.

Why should we do that?

Because he's gonna give you GIoria Stanfield.

He agrees to testify against her, assuming we can corroborate his story, and you've got a deal.

Go ahead.

The bitch set me up.

Frankie, just tell her what you know, okay?

I'd have done anything for her.

I didn't care about the money and all that.

I k*lled the husband, but I did it because GIoria told me to.

Cabot: How did she set up the m*rder?

She called me that night, and she said he was crazy, and that if I didn't do it right then, that he was going to k*ll her.

Did she pay you?

That's not why I did it.

She said she was afraid for her life.

He used to knock her and those kids around all the time.

If he was out of the way, that we could be together, but he'd never let her go.

Telling you about her abusive husband doesn't mean she asked you to k*ll him.

Well, how the hell you think I got in the apartment?

She gave me the security code.

That doesn't prove anything.

Why the hell not?

Because you were screwing her, so she could have given it to you at any time.

Yeah, but she made up a r*pe to frame me.

That proves that she's a liar, not a m*rder*r.

The kid's baseball bat.

She told me where it was and she told me what to do with it when I was done.

It was her idea to set him up, too.

Mr. Barbarossa, with your statement you are the only person going to jail for this m*rder.

I need something I can prove.

Well, I guess she's gonna get away with it.

We arresting her?

Nothing he said definitively points to GIoria.

This might.

Dumped the payphone from the deli.

That other call that GIoria made went to Kyle Fuller's cell.

Wonder what that conversation entailed.

"Honey, get out of the house.

Your father's about to get m*rder*d."

Would explain why he's sitting in Rikers.

He thinks she did it, he's protecting her.

You get Kyle to testify to that, we've got corroboration and an indictment against GIoria.

When's Kyle getting released?

I'm bringing Barbarossa's confession before a judge tomorrow morning to formally drop the charges.

Kyle's a free man by noon.

And a dead man.

He cashes in that trust, GIoria's got no reason to keep him around anymore.

My client's being released within the hour, Detective, so I'm not quite sure what we're doing here.

You know why they're dropping the charges?

Because I didn't k*ll my father.

They tell you who did?

Some guy that worked in my apartment building.

No, not some guy.

Your stepmother's boyfriend.

You think you can just make up these lies and I'm gonna believe you?

You've been sitting in prison for one reason, your stepmother set you up for m*rder.

That's not true.

Kyle, think about it.

The w*apon was your baseball bat, hidden under your bed.

And whose idea was that?

It was your stepmother's.

GIoria is my wife.

Who's having another guy's baby.

Stabler: Results of her paternity test.

See for yourself.

Kyle, there's no reason to protect her anymore.

She doesn't deserve it.

It's not true.

Can't argue with DNA.

Benson: She had her boyfriend k*ll your father.

And he did it because GIoria told him that they would Iive happily ever after.

She said the same thing to you, didn't she?

But you couldn't k*ll him, and so she got someone else to do it.

But she wanted to get married to me.

It was her idea.

So you wouldn't testify against her.

But I would have protected her.

She didn't have to lie.

She called you that night before you left the apartment.

What'd she say to you?

She told me to leave.

That she was gonna take care of everything, and that after that night we'd be together.

She told me she loved me.

Hey, can I have your autograph?

What, are you following me?

We heard you made an appointment.

Family planning services.

You're getting rid of the baby, too.

Guess nobody's safe around you.


What are you doing?

Sweetheart, I told you why I can't have the baby.

We agreed that this was the best thing for us.


Kyle: But you said it was mine.

Which proves we were having sex before I was 17.

Kyle, this is for us.

No, it's not.

Look, I know the baby isn't mine.

So if you wanna k*ll it, go ahead.

I don't care anymore.

Kyle, please.

Just tell me something.

This whole time we were together, this whole year, was it all part of your plan?

Make me love you so I would do whatever you wanted?

Absolutely not.

Because if it was, you didn't have to do that.

You didn't have to pretend.

I already loved you, GIoria.

I can't remember when I didn't.

I do love you, Kyle.

We're married.

That's why I don't wanna have another man's baby.

Look, I only lied to you because I thought you were too young to understand.

It was my mistake.

I will not let that happen again.

I had my lawyer do this.

It's for you.

Benson: Petition for divorce, GIoria.

You're gonna be a free woman.

Not for long, though.

You're under arrest for m*rder.

You don't know what you're doing, Kyle.


I know exactly what I'm doing, Mom.
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