04x06 - Angels

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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04x06 - Angels

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Starter: What'd you do?

Take a detour through Staten lsland?

Freaking construction on the Van Wyck.

20 minutes at a dead stop.

Sorry for the delay, folks.

Customers ain't interested in your problems.

Relax, everyone.

We'll be on our way quick if you load up your luggage in an orderly fashion and have your tickets ready.


What the hell?

Call 911.

JFK Terminal 5.

We got a body on the bus.

I'm a nurse.

Ma'am, please stand back.

Barely breathing, no pulse.

Can anybody help with CPR?

Detective Katie Moore.

Hello, Elliot.

My boss caught me on my way into work, told me to meet Queens Special Victims out here.

Now, we got a kid in a luggage compartment?

Dead kid now.

Hispanic male about nine or ten.


Any ID?

Nothing in his pockets.

How we doing?

Cherry red lips and discoloration under his fingernails.

Probably carbon monoxide poisoning.

Where's the sex crime?

I found blood and fluids in his underwear.

He also has a two inch laceration on his left arm and fresh bruising on his chest and back.

Somebody kicked the crap out of this kid.

And you invited me out here to Queens because...

I've been waiting for you to ask me that for eight months.

Since we stuck you with that dead hooker.

Is this payback, Katie?

Bus came straight from the yard in Manhattan.

No stops, no pickups.

This poor kid was assaulted on your turf, so he's all yours.

Log says bus 202 was out of service from 11 Iast night till 7 this morning.

Any chance the kid could have sneaked on before it came back here?

No, we would have found him.

Driver stays behind to check every compartment, all the seats, you know, see if anything was left.

They got security at the front gate.

Any other way in here?

That's what I wanted to show you.

You got yourself a rat problem.

Tell me about it.

Every time we fix one of these, another one pops up.

We're constantly kicking out street kids and hookers.

Looks like you caught a piece of one right here.

The bus the kid was on, where was it parked Iast night?

Over here.

The bus left for JFK at seven this morning.

Liv, you got a glove on you?

Here you go, what did you find?

There's something underneath the wheel.

Teddy bear.

It's not weathered.

That looks like dried blood to me.

Maybe the cut from the kids arm.

And there's glass imbedded in it.

Hey, you have any broken windows on the lot this morning?

Yeah, well, we haven't had much of a problem with vandalism ever since the insurance company made us put in security cameras.

Okay, we'll need to take a look at last night's tapes.


Munch: 11:47. There.

Walking along the fence.

The victim's holding hands with this older kid.

Cragen: What's he holding right there?

Stabler: Teddy bear.

We found one of those at the bus depot.

Fin: There goes his shirt.

Cragen: You know, the victim doesn't look like he's being forced. Run it back.

Who is this older kid, anyway?

Could be his brother.

Or the perp tricks the victim into following him, r*pes him in the yard, then locks him in the luggage compartment.

Yeah, but the DOA was clean. If he'd been sodomized in that yard, you'd expect to find abrasions on his hands, his knees, I mean, somewhere.

Could have happened on another bus.

In which case our already contaminated crime scene may be on its way to one of the airports.

AIong with our perp.

I'll call the bus company and the Port Authority cops, have them put out alerts.

What about missing persons?

OIivia's there right now.

Have her meet you at the morgue.

If our M.E. can find something to help us ID the victim, maybe we can catch a break.

The blood on the teddy bear is type AB, same as the victim.

What about the glass?

Consistent with what I found in the cut on his arm.

Crime lab says it's tempered safety glass, no coating or tinting.

So it's probably not from a car window?

More like the kind used for sound proofing.

Now, a teddy bear seems like an awful strange thing for a street kid to be carrying around.

Your victim's no street kid.

He's recently bathed, well-nourished and disease-free.

And, somebody spent a lot of money on his mouth.


Detectives Stabler and Benson, this is our forensic odontologist, Doctor Noah Kamens.

So, how much we talking for this dental work?

Smooth, invisible braces.

An implant where no permanent tooth grew in, I'd say we're looking at ten grand, total.

Any idea how long ago this was done?

Judging from the condition of the materials, within the last month.

There's got to be a couple hundred orthodontists in the Tri-State area.

True, but the implant's custom-made, so the manufacturer's ID will be on it.

We'll pull the fake tooth, the lab who made it can tell us which dentist ordered it.



r*pe kit's back.

Positive for semen.

And I just found something else when I rolled him.

Suture scars.

Recently healed, on his anus.

Someone's been violently abusing this kid for some time.


We got to go.

They may have just found our perp.

Bus Driver: Pulled in 45 minutes ago.

One of the passengers was this kid but I don't remember him getting on.

Do you recognize this?


That looks like the shirt he was wearing.

How many stops did you make?

Only one, Grand Central.

Anyway, I ask to see his ticket stub, and he bolts.

He must've been hiding on the bus.

Did you see where he went?

Yeah, I chased him down this way.

He ran right in there, but I Iost him in the crowd.

Port Authority cops said you waited 15 minutes before you called them, how come?

Are you kidding?

My dispatcher would skin me alive if he found out I left that bus unattended two seconds.

Look, I'm running late.

I got to get out of here.

You stay here.

We're not done.

Driver made a positive ID.


Any sign of the kid?

15 minutes ago, right here.

One of my guys spotted him.

Kid took off.

All right.

I called in for help as soon as I got the heads-up that you had a piece of his clothes.

Maybe we can sniff him out.

Benson: Here's the shirt.


Stabler: What's back there?

It leads straight to the tarmac.

We can get out there this way.

Stabler: Stop!

Police. Stop!

Are you trying to get yourself k*lled?

Leave me alone!

Calm down.

I want to go home.

Calm down.

We're trying to help you.

Now, calm...

I want to go home.

I want to go home.

We're trying to help you.

I want to go home.

Stabler: What's your name?

Hey, you're in a lot of trouble.

Do you understand that?

Deport me.

We don't deport K*llers.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Then what happened to your little friend with the teddy bear?


He's dead?

Okay, let's try this again.

From the start.

What's your name?


Ernesto Diaz.

Is José your brother?

He's my friend.

You said at the airport that you wanted to go home.

Where's home?


José, too.

Well, how did you get here?

By boat.

Two years ago.

My parents sent me here to go to school.

The charity promised to protect me.

But instead they gave me and José to the man.

What charity?

Ernesto: I don't know.

Did you come here with José?

Ernesto: No.

He came in last month.

The man said I was getting too old to please him.

What did he do to you?

Kept us locked up.

Made us have sex with him.

He would beat us when we said no.

Did you ever try to escape before?

Ernesto: Once.

He said he would k*ll José and my parents if I ever did it again.

But I couldn't watch José suffer no more.


He's not going to hurt you.

He's not going to hurt your parents or anyone else ever again, but we need your help.

Bret Jansen.

He made us call him "Dad".

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and NCIC have nothing on José or Ernesto, and INS has no record of a visa.

Maybe the Guatemalan police know if they were kidnapped.

What about Jansen?

There's a Bret Jansen Iisted on Thomas Street.

That matches Ernesto's description, not far from Ground Zero.

Well, if that's him, "Dad" has some bucks.

He's a partner at Stitt, Beam and Cornell, blue chip Wall Street law firm.

With his own personal sex slaves.

You know, if the INS never processed these kids, he had to have smuggled them in here.

Well, let's go pick him up at his office and ask him about it.

Jansen's office says he's MIA.

He's probably out somewhere looking for his boys.

So we'll get a warrant for his place. Ernesto's statement has got to be enough.

All these deadbolts are unlocked.

This door weighs a ton.

Steel over wood, foam and rubber on the inside.

It's sound-proofed.

FIoors are, too.

They're elevated, probably insulation underneath.

Magnetic locks.

This guy's serious about his security.

Windows are locked, it looks like you need a key to open all of them.

Guys, over here.

Broken window.

Went down the fire escape.

Dad didn't even bother to clean up the glass.

Jansen must've panicked when he came home, found the boys missing, rushed right out to find them.

Poultry shears.

Probably used it to cut through the wire mesh.

Explains the cut on José's arm and the broken glass on the teddy bear.

And why it's tempered. Even if the boys screamed for help nobody would hear them.

So far Ernesto's story totally checks out.

This lock has been jimmied.

Got the shears out of this drawer, huh?

Both the boys' bedrooms also have magnetic locks on the doors.

Kept them locked in to protect his investment.

And I haven't seen a phone around here anywhere.

Probably got them locked up, too.

I think we found the guy who owns this place.


In bed.

SIeep tight, Mr. Jansen.

Somebody slit his throat.

And sliced off the family jewels.

Doctor found bruises all over his body.

Permanent damage from being repeatedly sodomized over two years.

That's a hell of a good reason to cut up Jansen.

Ernesto have anything to do with this m*rder?

It's possible.

Jansen used his genitals as a w*apon against him and José.

Cutting them off might be the ultimate protection.

That crime scene was a bloodbath and Ernesto didn't have a drop on him.

PIus we didn't find any spattered clothing.

And CSU found fresh traces of blood in the shower.

So whoever did k*ll Jansen was savvy enough to clean up after himself.

An adult might think of that, but a 14-year-old boy?

I said it was possible.

I didn't say I thought he did it.

Just seeing Jansen chopped up would be horrific enough to traumatize this kid.

If he saw the m*rder, then he might be afraid that the k*ller will harm him if he tells.

Well, what's the strategy, Doc?

Ernesto was abused by a man.

OIivia, give him all the affection and approval you can.


Last night, no matter what happened, it's not your fault.

Do you understand that?

José's dead.

That's my fault.

No, sweetheart.

You tried to save José.

Not many boys your age would have done that.

Now, I can help you but I need to know what happened last night.

Please, Ernesto, let me help you.

He went into José's room.

I heard him crying, begging him to stop.

I yelled, called him a pig.

I told him to leave José alone.

Then he came in, pulled me out of bed, and I hit him over and over.

And what did he do?

He just smiled.

He said when he was done with José

I'd find out what real pain was.

Then what?

He was mad.

He told José, if he didn't be quiet, he'd send him to the other men.

But José cried, begged him to stop.

He got so mad he left.

Ernesto, these other men...

Did he ever send you to them?

I'm afraid.

Honey, I promise you, nobody can hurt you as long as you're with us.

I promise you.

They'd take me for a while.

Then they would give me back.

I didn't want them to do that to José.

Now it's a ring of pedophiles.

How many of these sick bastards r*ped that kid?

Better find them fast.

God knows how many other boys they're passing around.

The level of rage in Jansen's m*rder could've been jealousy.

Especially if one of his boy-sharing buddies kept Ernesto and didn't want to give him back.

That makes sense.

Jansen had to know whoever k*lled him.

That apartment was locked up like a fortress.

Captain, it gets worse.

You better see what we found in his crib.

Munch: For your viewing disgust.

Apparently Jansen wasn't satisfied just victimizing José and Ernesto.

Oh, that's great.

Two men and a kid no older than my 10-year-old son.

Cragen: Well, I recognize Jansen, but who's the other guy?

Munch: I forced myself to scroll through this excrement.

You never see his face.

Stabler: Second guy's got a couple tattoos.

Let's turn this off.

Turn it off, will you?

Odds are that video was made in Central America, since that's where Jansen found José and Ernesto.

We also got adoption papers on both the boys, all bogus.

But this will really make your skin crawl.

Bulletins from the North American Man/Boy Love Association and their constitution.

We got ourselves a NAMBLA member.

This stuff is like a how-to guide for pedophiles.

"Keep your lover's identity a secret, "never discuss your relationship with a shrink.

"Hide your photos where the cops can't find them."

"How to make that special boy feel good."

Complete with instructions.

They're pedophiles who claim they can help boys as young as three discover their sexuality in a non-threatening, nurturing way.

And they hide behind the First Amendment to spew that crap.

But they operate in cells like al-Qaeda, so one group can't finger another.

Look, let's be honest.

k*lling Jansen was a public service.

And if we find who did k*ll him, it might lead us to the rest of these pervs and the boys they're keeping.

Now, first thing in the morning, you and OIivia go to Jansen's law office, and track down his friends.


That was the M.E.

I got the dentist that worked on José's teeth.

As soon as the lab notified us, my assistant called you guys.

How did José die?

We think it was an accident.

His father must be devastated.

Well, he's dead, too, and that wasn't an accident.

My God, what happened?

m*rder*d in his apartment.

And Ernesto?

He's fine.

You took care of him?

The occasional cleaning and filling.

Nothing like the work I did on José.

Munch: How well did you know Bret Jansen?

Not well at all but I admired him for adopting two boys from a foreign country.

He seemed like a really caring father.

Jansen ever make any referrals?

No, no, we're so busy we're not accepting any new patients.

Why do you ask?

Just routine questions.

Anything unusual about him or the boys you remember?

Well, just that he was impatient.

He wanted it all done at once and fast.

Did he say why?

He'd just adopted José and he was about to enroll him in school.

Mr. Jansen told me he got teased for having metal braces when he was a kid and didn't want his son to get picked on.

Only the best for his boys.

He was a great boss.

I'm sick over this.

We all are.

Did you keep his calendar?

I put his daily schedule on the computer.

But Mr. Jansen kept his own lawyer's diary.

It's that red book on his desk.

Surprised there are no family pictures around.

Mr. Jansen didn't have any family.

Both parents passed away, no siblings.

He ever mention his two sons?

You must have him confused with someone else.

No way Mr. Jansen has kids and I don't know about it.

What about friends?

You know how many hours you have to bill to make partner?

Mr. Jansen didn't have time for friends.

But there was a lunch last Tuesday.

Stewart Lynch?

He's a client. They ate at Mr. Jansen's club.

Lynch: Bret was a real ladies' man.

Different beautiful girl every week.

I was jealous.

He ever mention having children?

No, the only kids we ever talked about were mine.

I could brag about them all day.

I don't think Bret would have made a very good father.

And why's that?

He had a terrible temper.

Let little things tick him off that wouldn't bother most guys.

Kids would have driven him crazy.

Was he friends with anyone else here in the club?

Uh, Tony Damon's the only person I can think of.

They played squash together.


Thanks for your time.

Oh, one more thing.

You ever been to Jansen's apartment?


Thanks, Mr. Lynch.

We'll be in touch.

No problem, and it's Dr. Lynch.

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

What kind of doctor are you?

Reconstructive plastic surgery.

My specialty is hand repair.

Well, Dr. Lynch, would you mind telling us where you were the night that Jansen was m*rder*d?

Not at all. I was in the OR from 10:00 at night until dawn the next morning re-attaching a thumb and two fingers severed in a car accident.

Stabler: Two nights ago?

I was home, just off the plane from Chicago.

Still have the boarding pass if you need it.

That won't be necessary, Mr. Damon.

We just heard that you and Mr. Jansen played squash a couple of times a week.

Well, when I'm in town.

Bret usually kicked my ass all over the court.

Did you ever socialize outside the club?

I'm on the road a lot for work, Detective.

I spend my down time at home relaxing.

Come on, you must know something about him?

He had a strange sense of humor.

How so?

Friday, we're in a match, I serve and ace him.

He laughs, says it was a lucky shot, because I usually play like a woman, and that he should have cut off my balls years ago.

Jansen's genitals weren't exactly cut off, they were surgically excised.

Come again?

Removed with a scalpel by someone who knows anatomy. And pre-mortem.

So someone wanted to really make him suffer.

How did the perp incapacitate him?

Whacked him on the head with a blunt object.

Probably took that with him.

Now, an amateur would have slit his throat right across.

Jansen's k*ller made precise incisions at the carotid artery.

Here and here, after...

You don't need to demonstrate that part.

Plastic surgeon would know how to do the job on Jansen.

And sew up José.

Like an expert.
Ernesto, we got some good news for you.

Did you find my mama and papa?

Benson: Yep.

And they're coming here to get you.



But, Iisten, first we need your help one more time.

What is it?

Well, you said Bret sent you to some other men.

Do you know any names?


What about a doctor?

Did he ever take you or José to go see a doctor?

He would come over to see us, when we were sick.

Okay, do you know his name?

No. But he was nice.

Ernesto, did he ever touch you?


We're going to show you some photos.

Do you recognize anybody?

Just tell us.

That's him.

That's our doctor.

You're sure?


The good Dr. Lynch.

Lynch has three sons, all adopted.

He's never been married.

He's head of reconstructive surgery at Chelsea Hospital.

He's known for operating on d*sfigured kids in third world countries.

And, in his spare time, he sews up his friends' sl*ve boys.

Guy's a real humanitarian.

What about Damon?

Damon owns a travel agency called GIobal Voyages.

He lives in Scarsdale.

He's single, no children.

Now, there was a whole lot of phone activity between them the night that Jansen was m*rder*d.

At 10:52 Jansen makes a 30-second call to Lynch.

Presumably when he came home to find the boys had flown the coop.

Then Jansen called Damon, they talked for two minutes.

Damon then gave Lynch a 20-second call back.

Customs says that Jansen traveled to Guatemala two years ago, around the time Ernesto was brought here.

That's probably when that videotape was made.

Damon is setting up his friends on sex tours, and they're bringing back human souvenirs.

And passing them around to their friends.

Which means we've got to try to get Lynch's kids out of that house tonight.

All we have are two phone calls?

That's not enough.

Stabler: We checked, Lynch's three kids are boys.

God knows what he's doing to them right now.

Are they legally adopted?

We won't know that information until tomorrow morning.

Does he keep them locked up like Jansen's does?

No, all three of the boys go to public schools.

Are there any complaints of abuse?

None to ACS or the local precinct.

Look, we already have Lynch on failing to report José's abuse.

Langan: An A misdemeanor?

With no priors I'd argue for a fine and no jail time.

I think Alex is dining with the enemy.

Can you give us two minutes?

Yeah, the game's on at the bar. Why don't I check that out?

Look, we take Lynch's kids away from him, and we are wrong.

A heavy hitter like him is gonna drag us into court and make our lives miserable.

Get me some hard evidence.

Computer crimes found this buried on Jansen's hard drive.

Your special tour to Central America is confirmed.

If your friends enjoy, have them get in touch.

That is an e-mail from Damon to Jansen right before Jansen's trip two years ago.

Now, that sounds like a confirmation letter.

And that he's soliciting men to travel overseas to r*pe children.

That's a federal crime.

Let's catch him in the act.

Anthony Damon.

Mr. BIackmum, is it?

John BIackmum.

So, you got my e-mail?

About our special tour to the Philippines.

Let me first ask you where you got my e-mail address.

From a friend of ours.

But I don't want to mention any names.

Well, your personal and credit information checked out okay.

You ran my credit?

To make sure you are who you say you are, for both of our protection.

Which is why I also need to see some ID.

I understand completely.


It's a standard two-week package.

You fly business class, stay in a business hotel, meals and entertainment included for $5000.

And the entertainment?

Do you prefer girls or boys?

Or both?

Boys. 11 to 13.

We work with an orphanage, five-year-olds on up.

PIus, you get a videotape so you can cherish the memory.

Great. It's all there.

I didn't want to leave a paper trail.

When would you like to travel, Mr. BIackmum?

Or is there another name you'd like to use?

As a matter of fact, there is.

John Munch, but you can call me Detective.

Get up. Put your hands behind your back right now.

Now! Now!

This is entrapment.

And we call it conspiracy.

Police officers.

Step away from the table.

Don't touch anything.

Get the computers and the files.

Tape good?

Did you get it all?

Every single word.


So, what's this conspiracy that you're charging me with?

Facilitating the r*pe of children in foreign countries.

There's no state Iaw against that.

Stabler: Federal law.

We turn our tape over to the US Attorney, you're toast.

Federal statutes require proof of a sex act.

That means they need a victim.

Where are they gonna find one?

No wonder this guy doesn't need a lawyer.

He's got the law memorized with all his other NAMBLA buddies.


I'm not one of those freaks.

How many boys they pass around to you?

I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Do you think I am some dumb cop?

I had nothing...


You think you're smarter than me?

I need a doctor.

You're gonna need a morgue, pal.

He's not worth it.

Get off me!

You're nothing but a low-Iife pimp who sells children.

You sent Bret Jansen on a sex tour.

Him and a friend made a video doing a 10-year-old boy.



I don't know about any friend.

Yeah, right just like you didn't know your customers have been smuggling back little sex toys of their own.

Listen, Jansen and Lynch did that on their own.

I had nothing to do with it.

You got nothing to do with anything, do you?

How about sex tours?

Do you know anything about them?

Do you book sex tours?

Yes. Yes.

How many do you book?

Couple dozen.


Over the years.

Yeah. Just a couple dozen?

I swear, I'm not one of them.

I was just in it for the money.

Which the Feds are gonna take away from you, while you're sitting on death row for slicing up Bret Jansen.

What? I had nothing to do with that.

That's funny, because somebody did to him exactly what he joked about doing to you.

That rat bastard.

You got to be more specific, there's a lot of them running around in this case.

Lynch. I told him about Jansen's joke that he was gonna cut my balls off.

He's using it to set me up.

Why would he want to k*ll Jansen?

Because Lynch hand-picked José for Jansen.

Then Jansen called Lynch, said he wanted his money back when José and Ernesto escaped.

When's the last time you spoke to Lynch?

Before Jansen was k*lled.

Lynch called, he said he wanted to know why the video of this trip hadn't arrived yet.

I told him it was on its way.

Make me a deal.

Make me a deal, and I will give you Lynch on a silver platter.

What can we do here?

The sex tours are federal and I am not giving him immunity until we're sure he didn't k*ll Jansen.

Maybe we can get Lynch without Damon's help.

The doctor's sex tour video is in the mail.

Have the post office set up a sneak preview.

Postal lnspectors found it in a box marked like pottery and knew it was the real deal.

Mail carrier drops it off 15 minutes ago.

He leaves, Lynch comes out, scoops it right up.

Like a kid attacking the tree on Christmas morning.

Police, open the door.



He's in the study.

What's up, Doc?

You can't just barge in here like this.

We just wanted to watch a little TV.

What's on?

Looks like the doc's star of his own freak show.

Put your hands behind your back.

Where'd you get Ramon and his brothers?

They're my legally adopted sons.

I have the papers to prove it.

Oh, and the boy on the tape, he legally adopted?

I'm not saying anything without an attorney.

Yeah, well, I'm sure this will say it all.

If you're offering a deal, we're willing to listen.

Listen to this.

We checked the adoption papers on your so-called sons, they're all forgeries.

We also found the INS agent you paid to phony up their visas and Bret Jansen's two boys' visas, as well as...

Well, who knows how many others.

That is 10 years' federal prison for every boy you smuggled in.

I smuggled in?

Are you people insane?

Not to mention kidnapping and sexual abuse.

I didn't abuse my sons.


Look. No, I need to say this.

I would never force my boys to do anything they didn't want to do.

Your boys are barely teenagers.

They can't consent to statutory r*pe.

How'd they feel about you passing them around to your pedophile pals?

I did no such thing.

I love them.

I would never do anything to hurt them.

You're not actually considering bringing this NAMBLA crap to court?

The boys will tell you it's all true.

And when our shrink testifies to how your client brainwashed them, the jury is going to Iock him up and throw away the key.

Sex abuse three for his sons and immunity on any federal charges.

I can't speak for the US Attorney.

You're going to have to give me something I can bring her.

Damon is the one smuggling in boys.

Is he a NAMBLA member, too?

No, they're just merchandise to him.

He brought in six boys a year, two at a time on a chartered sailboat.

Who else is in the ring?

I'll give you the names of everyone I know.

The night Jansen was m*rder*d, what did he say to you on the phone?

What are you talking about?

I never spoke to him.

Stabler: Until you sliced him up?

Not another word, Stewart.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

You surgically removed his genitals and cut his throat.

We have a statement from our M.E., saying the k*ller had medical knowledge.

I was in surgery the night Bret was k*lled.

You're a liar. Your hospital said you were on vacation.

Wrong hospital.

The case I did was up in Rochester.

I am telling you, I would never do two men and a boy.

Prove it.

Take your shirt off.

I'm not doing anything without an attorney.

Okay, here's how we're gonna find out which one of you is the movie star.

We're gonna get a court order, we're gonna strip you, we're gonna take some pretty pictures and see if your tats match.

We rounded up 17 pervs so far.

Teacher, court clerk, engineer, couple of Wall Street masters of the universe.

All of them say that Damon got them their so-called son or daughter.

How many kids?


ACS is placing them with their temporary foster homes.

Chief of detectives wants us to beat the feds to a news conference, pat us on the back for breaking this pedophile ring.

You know what the thing of it is?

Not one of these sickos is gonna do nearly as much time as whoever k*lled Jansen.

And Lynch's alibi checked out.

We got a whole operating room full of people that swear that he was 350 miles from here the night Jansen was m*rder*d.

Here's the doctor's report on Lynch's kids.

Confirms they were sexually abused.

And that they're in otherwise excellent health.

BIood work is normal.

Hearing and vision all check out and perfect teeth.

What's the name of that dentist? Massey.

He wasn't a member of the Metropolis CIub and he wasn't on Damon's sex tour list.

It doesn't mean he's not one of them.

These pedophiles operate in their own parallel netherworld.

Makes sense they'd have a dentist, too.

Massey have any kids?

Two and a wife.

And he would have taken anatomy and done oral surgery in dental school.

Find out how many of their boys Dr. Massey worked on.

If there's a pattern, it should be enough for us to get a warrant.

Search our house?

What in God's name for?

Mrs. Massey, I'm so sorry, we're just doing our job.

Why don't you start upstairs in the master bedroom, check everything in the closets.


You think Walt m*rder*d someone?

You know where he was two nights ago?

Um... He had an emergency patient.

I... He left about 9:30.

So Walt couldn't have done it.

Handsome boys.

Thank you.

They look so much like you, but I don't see any resemblance to your husband.

They're from my previous marriage.

Where's their father?

Attica, doing eight-to-ten years for trying to k*ll me.

He's lost his parental rights.

Walt adopted the boys.

Mrs. Massey, how did you meet your husband?

I put a personal ad in the newspaper and he answered it.

Please forgive me for asking this, but how has your relationship been with your husband lately?

What's that got to do with anything?

Please. Mrs. Massey...

Walt is a good man, our relationship isn't about sex. It...

He's a saint.

He rescued me and my boys.

Does he pay attention to one boy more than he does to another?

The elder one, Shawn.

They're together all the time when Walt is home.

Oh, my God, what's he done?

Do you miss your real dad, Shawn?

Walt's our dad now.

And how do you feel about that?

My other dad used to hit my mom.

He didn't want to be with me and Darren, my little brother.

We had to live in a shelter till Mom met Walt.

And what do you and Walt do?

You know, we hang out, go to ball games.

He coaches my soccer team.

Stabler: That's cool.

What do you do when you're alone together?

He said I could never tell anyone.

That they wouldn't understand.

Shawn, look at me.

I do understand, and there's no need to be afraid.

Walt likes to stay with me.

Stabler: Okay. What do you mean stay, like, stay where?

At night in my room.

When did this start?

One night he just came in.

He said he wanted to be near me, and he just climbed in.

Did he ever touch you anywhere?

Not then.

How about now?

He says it's how fathers are supposed to love their sons.

Shawn, you need to know that none of this is your fault.

That what he is doing is wrong.

I know, but Walt takes care of my mom and we don't have to live in the shelter anymore.

And my mom doesn't get beat up anymore.

Walt really loves us.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I've been dealing with another case.

Am I under arrest?

Your colleagues dragged me out of my office in front of my patients, like I'm some criminal.

That was a huge mistake.

I'm really sorry about that.

They weren't supposed to do that.

I saw you were talking to Shawn.

He seems like a really great kid.

What did he tell you?

Oh, you know, how much you love him and his mom.

Look, Elliot, we got to move on this.

Look, I told you I'm not wasting my time with that crap. You handle it.

You have it your way.

Have it my...

Have it my way.

I got this case, got a 14-year-old girl, who's dating this 22-year-old guy, completely consensual sex, and they wanna Iock this poor guy up for statutory r*pe.

He shouldn't be penalized because of the girl's age.

She was expressing natural sexual feelings.

Well, I wish the people who made the laws realized that.

It'd make my job a hell of a lot easier.

So, you agree?

Look, we're all sexual beings.

Children, adults, you know.

That's why I'm thinking that this is a misunderstanding.

What do you mean?


Okay, my colleagues brought you in here because they think that you're sexually abusing your boys.

Okay, now, I've busted my share of child abusers.

I'm not getting that vibe from you.

I would never do anything to hurt my boys like that.

I believe you.

I think we both understand it's about love.

You love your boys.

You treat them with respect.

Not like Bret Jansen.

He beat his sons.

He locked them up.

You treated José, you know what he did to him.

He had bruises all over his body.

Jansen does not love those boys.

Well, he forced Ernesto and José to have sex with him.

Forcing them, well...

Between you and me, I think Jansen got what he deserved.

His punishment, it was especially appropriate, don't you think?

Do you know how Jansen was k*lled?

Oh, God.

I just know that he hurt those little angels.

I think you know more than that.

What's with this tattoo that I've seen in the videotape?

And what about that glass from Jansen's apartment that we found in your sneaker?

What am I, an idiot?

Come on.

You k*lled Jansen.

He ruined it for everybody.

I had to make sure he'd never hurt another little boy again.

And I'm gonna make sure that you never do, either.

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Jansen and for sexually abusing your son.

No. No.

I didn't force Shawny.

He seduced me.

How could I deny him?

I never beat him like Jansen beat his boys.

It's not the same thing!

No, it's worse.

You have sex with your stepson and you don't think there's anything wrong with that?

What kind of sick bastard are you?
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