06x11 - Contagious

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x11 - Contagious

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Sonya Purcell, 33. Drunk driver, T boned the family car.

She driving? Front passenger. Full intrusion.

Any other passengers? Husband and nine-year-old daughter Holly.

On the two buses right behind us.

Decompressed her three times.

She's tachy to 110, BP's 90 palp.

Pupils reactive, responds to painful stimuli.

Larry Purcell, 35, driving the car.

Got himself a compound tib-fib fracture when the transmission came through the floor.

Larry, can you hear me?

My wife, my daughter.

We're taking good care of them.

We're gonna take you up to surgery now, fix that broken leg.

Okay, here we go.

Let's go! Let's go!

Holly? Holly, I'm Dr. Turk.

You got a nasty bump on your head. Anything else hurt?

My stomach. Were you wearing your seat belt?

Yes. Okay, let's get you inside and take a look.

Here we go.

C spine's clear.

Where's my mom and dad?

The doctors are helping them.

Show me where your tummy hurts.

By my bellybutton.

Sometimes when you're in a car accident and you're wearing your seat belt like you're supposed to, the belt can hurt your tummy.

Please take off her pants and underwear.

Stop it! Don't touch me!

All right. No, no.

We're just going to make sure you're okay.

No, no! Please don't do it!

All right, Holly. Holly...

I want you, Holly... Holly. I want you to close your eyes. Try to rest.

I'm gonna go check in on your mom and dad, okay?

Page the shrink on call.

I'm Dr. Hendrix.

You must be Holly.


I just saw your dad.

The doctors are fixing his leg now.

When can I see them?

As soon as they get out of surgery.

Dr. Turk told me you got pretty upset when he tried to take your pants off.

I didn't want him to.

He needs to examine you.

I don't like him!

I'll get you a really nice doctor. A girl, like us.

And I'll stay here with you.

How's that?

I guess so.

See? I told you.

That didn't hurt, did it?

No. Am I okay?

Your tummy is fine, Holly.

You were right.

She's been abused.

I'll call Special Victims.

What made you suspect abuse?

She kicked the attending when the nurse tried to take her pants off.

She looks pretty calm now.

It was a male attending. Dr. Sanada's our pediatric sex abuse specialist.

She found scarring and thinning of Holly's posterior fourchette.

You do a r*pe kit?

Only swabs and a visual inspection.

Holly was too upset to do an internal.

Dr. Sanada would like to examine her with a colposcope to see if there's any tearing of the hymen.

What's she waiting for?

Parental consent.

Mom and dad were pretty banged up in the accident.

They're both in surgery.

It shouldn't be a problem. Parent would want to know if their kid was being abused.

You'd want a doctor to do a gynecological exam on your nine-year-old without asking you?

Look, the longer we wait, the more evidence is lost.

You're right, but if Holly's scared by swabs, a speculum's gonna really freak her out.

Well, we can sedate her first to minimize the trauma.

Do it.

This isn't life or death, and anesthesia comes with some risk.

And the hospital will have my ass if we're not covered legally.

I'm gonna make a phone call.

I got it.

Court order giving the hospital authority to do the colposcopy on Holly, including sedation.

Parents are in surgery.

You gonna stay and explain this when they're out?

I can't. I've got an arraignment in an hour.

You wanted this, you're gonna have to take the heat.

I'll tell her parents why we couldn't wait.

Let me know if you find anything.

How soon can the doctor do the procedure?

Right away. One of you should come in with me.

If Holly discloses as she's going under, I'll need you to memorialize it.

I'll go.

Exam 2. Ten minutes.

Holly, this is Detective Stabler.

Hi. Can I come in?

He's a policeman.

He has something to tell you.

We caught the guy who hit your car.


Holly, the nurse is going to put the IV in your arm now.

It'll only sting for a second.

You ready?


I wish my dad was here.

You'll see him in a while.

What's your most favorite thing you like to do with your dad?

I got twins your age, and we like to go to the beach together.

My dad takes me to the beach, too. We build sand castles.

I don't like needles.

Here, hold on to my hand.

Now, close your eyes and pretend that you're at the beach, building sand castles with your dad.

Now, if it hurts, you squeeze my hand really hard, okay?

What do you do when something hurts?

I think of my kids.

Was that it?

That's it, and you did great.

We're ready. Holly, you're going to sleep now.

When you wake up, it'll all be over.



Will you be here?

I have to go back to work.

But if you need me, you tell Dr.

Hendrix and I'll come running back, okay?


How'd everything go?

Holly came through it great, and we discharged her to her grandparents.

The results are another story.

Small unhealed tear and scarring on the hymen.

Holly was abused.

We've gotta talk to her.

Well, talk to her father first. He's out of recovery.

Drunken bastard ran a red light. I never saw him coming.

We're not here about the car accident, Mr. Purcell.

It's about Holly.

The doctors swore she's okay.

She is, but when the doctors examined her, they found other injuries.

What injuries?

She may have been sexually abused.

Did she tell you that?


But the doctors did a gynecological exam.

Without asking me or her mother?

You were both in surgery. We asked the court for permission.

This is a big mistake! My daughter was not sexually abused!

Mr. Purcell, the evidence...

Because she fell off her bike and hurt herself between her legs!

You want proof?

Ask the doctor.

Happened two weeks ago. Holly fell on the right bike pedal.

Spikes caused an injury to her posterior fourchette.

We just had her poked and prodded for nothing.

Maybe not. The report doesn't mention the tear to the hymen.

And the tear hasn't healed. It probably happened within the last week.

Can you say that for sure?


Well, you better be sure before we put this little girl through any more hell.

You saw the same fear in her eyes I did.

Olivia, you should do the interview.

No, I thought I had a rapport going with her.

You know, I interview little girls every day.

Still, she'll feel more comfortable talking to a woman about her own body.

We still need to get the father to agree.

What if he's the one abusing Holly?

Well, he wasn't lying about the bike injury.

He let the doctor examine her.

I don't think he's our guy.

Good, because we'll need his help.

For what?

The interview. He can give us information, tell us if Holly's being truthful.

You'll wear an earpiece, so I'll be able to talk to you.


So, Holly, what do you like to play?

Video games. But only when I can't go outside.

What do you do outside?

Go to the park.

Dad and I ride our bikes together.

The last time we did was when she fell.

Ask about their last ride.

So do you and your dad go riding every weekend?

Used to, but I stopped.

How come?

Because my mom and dad say it's getting too cold outside.

We didn't say that. Doctor wanted to give her time to heal.

Don't let that go. Confront her about the accident.

Now, your dad said that you fell off your bike?

Yeah, hit a wet spot and skidded out.

Did you hurt yourself?

Just a little.

I skinned my knee.

It was bleeding.

It was barely a scratch.

Let's push Holly just a little harder.

Talk about the other injury.

Your dad told me that you hurt yourself someplace else, too.



Between my legs.

That must have hurt a lot.

I don't remember.

Why won't she talk about it?

She did when it happened.

Go for it.

You know, Holly, the other night, I was at the hospital with Detective Stabler after your car accident and I talked to the doctor.

And when she looked between your legs, she said that you were hurt, but it wasn't from falling off your bike.

Yes, it was.

No, Holly. That would have been impossible.

Sweetheart, why are you crying?

I'm afraid.

What are you afraid of?

I can't tell you.

Why not?

Because he'll hurt me.

Who'll hurt you, Holly?

Honey, who will hurt you?

Holly, has this person hurt you before?



He touched me between my legs.

Made me touch him.

Can you tell me his name?

Please don't make me tell!

Holly, listen to me.

If I know who he is, I promise you he will never hurt you again, okay?

He will. He has a g*n!

He showed it to me!

He said if I ever told anyone what he did, he'd sh**t me.

Just like he shot that girl in the park.

Laura Swift, eight years old, student at St. Mary's in Queens.

Disappeared last May from a school picnic at Flushing Meadow Park.

I remember her body was never found.

Talked to Queens Homicide. Only evidence was some blood spatter and a shell casing found in the boathouse at Meadow Lake.

Well, it fits. Holly and Laura are the same age, so he's got a type.

And he told Holly he already shot a kid.

Bragging about his body count to a nine-year-old.

Scared her so bad, she's afraid to tell us who he is.

He knows he can control his victims by threatening them.

Garden variety pedophile would never k*ll a victim.

This guy is a violent child molester.

He's not afraid to use that g*n.

As long as he's out there, Holly's life is at risk, and she knows it.

Which is why I'm not sure we're gonna get anything more than this partial disclosure.

Holly copped to the abuse when we told her that we knew what the doctor found.

Every time we've confronted her with the facts, she's opened up.

The problem is we're all out of facts and the Laura Swift case is cold.

Any ideas?

Waiting may be the only way.

We push her too hard, she could have a psychotic break.

Holly's gotta talk.

You're the shrink.

You got anything?

Well, there is something I haven't tried yet.

I'd like to do a deeper psychodynamic interview with Holly using projective techniques, like drawing.

Holly can barely eat or sleep.

I don't want to make it worse.

The pressure on her isn't coming from us, Mr. Purcell.

It's coming from the man who molested her.

Holly's never gonna feel safe until we arrest him.

I just don't think she can take another interview.

I won't ask her any direct questions about the abuse.

This will be more like psychotherapy.

It'll give Holly a safe way to open up.

I don't know.

Mrs. Purcell, this man has threatened to k*ll your daughter.

He claimed to have m*rder*d Laura Swift last year.

If we let you do this, can you promise us it won't hurt Holly?

No, but I will talk to her alone, without the police, and I'll let her set the pace.

And if she doesn't want to talk?

I'll stop.

I saw your mom today.

She looks great.

She told me she's coming home soon.


May I see?


What should I draw next?

How about a picture of yourself doing something.

This is your dad, and your mom and you.

Who's this?

My grandma and grandpa. I'm staying with them until my parents come home.

You like it there?

Sort of. It smells like cats.

Do you like cats?

I'm more of a dog person.

Me, too.

Is that your house?

Nope. It's Lily and Anna's.

Who are they?

My cousins.

What's their last name?

Dobbins. I go over there to play with them.

They live across the street from me.

Well, they're not really cousins.

Sonya and I went to college together and our girls have known each other all their lives.

We've been Holly's Aunt Julie and Uncle Mark since she could talk.

Does Holly spend a lot of time with your daughters?

She's here more than she's home.

Sometimes I kid her folks that I'm gonna have to put another bed in our girls' bedroom.

Did she ever confide in you? Maybe tell you things she wouldn't tell her parents?

No. Holly, she's not secretive, you know?

Mark, she did come to me recently.

About what?

She was having trouble at school.

Someone was teasing her in class.

You're a hard worker. You must do really well in school.

I like my classes a lot.

Yeah, what's your favorite?


I can tell.

You put a lot of details into your own house.

Windows, pretty curtains.

But why are the shades down in this room?

Because the person inside wants to sleep.

Do you have a favorite teacher at school?

Mrs. Wheeler.

Guess what she teaches.


I wish I could show you.

I painted a really...

Great tiger. So much detail, expressive use of color.

Holly's very talented.

I can see that. I'll bet not many other nine-year-olds reference Picasso in their works.

That was her assignment.

But I'm sure you didn't come here just to look at Holly's pictures.

She ever come to you with any problems?

Never. But I'd hope she would if something were bothering her.

Have you noticed any change in her behavior?

Moody, depressed or withdrawn?

No, those are my high school students. We're K through 12 here.

Holly has been at the school nurse a few times this month, though.

You know why?

A stomachache a few weeks ago, and then last week she was holding a pair of scissors the wrong way.

I reminded her to cut away from the body, but a moment later, her hand was all bloody.

Do you think it was an accident?


How do you know?

'Cause Holly's got a pattern.

Tuesdays and Thursdays she has art, then gym.

The last three weeks, right after art, she's come here with some injury or ailment so she can get out of PE.

What do you do in gym class?

We play soccer.

Who's that girl over there by herself?

I don't know. I hate gym.

How come?

I don't like changing in front of the other girls.

They tease me.

I hate soccer.

Excuse me.

Yes. Can I help you?

Is that the girls' gym class? Yeah.

What's the teacher's name?

I don't know.

You new here?

No, they have a substitute.

Coach D went home early.

He's got a big game tonight.

What's the "D" stand for?


Mark Dobbins is the gym teacher?

And our best coach.

I mean, the football team's been city champs eight years running.

I gotta go.


Uncle Mark didn't tell us he was Holly's gym teacher.

He teaches gym.

And you don't like gym.


Why not?

My tummy hurts.


I don't want to talk anymore!

Just a little longer.

No! Holly, please. Tell me what's wrong.

Don't make me say.

I'm scared!

I know.

I know, but you've got to trust me.

No, please!

Tell me your secret, Holly.

Tell me.

Is this the person who hurt you?


Who is it, Holly?

What's his name?

Who is it, Holly?

What's his name?

Uncle Mark!

I didn't want him to!

I told him to stop, but he wouldn't!

Hut one! Come on, now, Bobby!

Hit Bobby, he's open!

Come on, hit him!

Yes! Nice catch!

Game's over.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about a little girl who trusted you, and you molested her.

Mark Dobbins, you're under arrest for sexual abuse.

You're kidding me! You're wrong!

You're making a mistake. You don't...

You're a busy guy, Mark.

Teaching gym, coaching girls' soccer, gymnastics, and you still find time to give private lessons, huh?

Those lessons help pay my mortgage.

So seeing the little girls in leotards is just a bonus.

I also coach football.

And you run a sleep-away camp in the Poconos during the summer.

You spend an awful lot of time alone with kids, Mark.

And that makes me a child molester?

You ever been to Flushing Meadow Park?

Sure, my girls love the zoo and the science museum.

What does that got to do with anything?

Laura Swift disappeared from Flushing Meadow last year.

You were in the park that day.

Queens Homicide interviewed you.

Along with a thousand other people.

I don't even know this girl.

Why would I k*ll her?

Did you say she was dead?

Not me. Maybe Mark here knows something that we don't know.

It was all over the news.

Everybody thinks she's dead.

Well, I'll tell you what I think. You snatched Laura Swift, you r*ped her, and when she threatened to tell, you m*rder*d her and you hid her body.

You laid low for a while, but you wanted another girl.

Holly Purcell was perfect.

I never touched Holly Purcell.

She's at your house all the time.

She's in your class at school.

You couldn't stop thinking about her.

Holly's like one of my own daughters.

You give "private lessons" to your daughters, too?

You're disgusting! How dare...

I'm disgusting?

Holly told us what you did to her. Then, she's lying!

You tore her up and she's got the scars to prove it.

I don't know what in hell is going on around here!

But I'm not saying another word! I want a lawyer!

Elliot, take it easy.
I pushed him too hard.

He would have lawyered up no matter what.

What happens to Holly when that dirtbag makes bail?

He's not going to.

Two other girls at Chestnut Academy just outcried to their parents that Dobbins molested them.

When are you gonna put that bastard in jail?

We already have.

My Nicole is scared to death.

You can't let him out!

Dobbins can't hurt her anymore, but we need you both to calm down.

How can we be calm after what that man did to our girls?

God knows how many others he's abused! Ladies, ladies!

Now, you can help us, but please. Please.

Did Danielle and Nicole talk to each other about this?

No. Nicole told me, then I called Donna.

She said her daughter told her the same thing.

We heard he molested Holly, so I called her mother and she said to see you.

Will the girls have to testify?

We're a long ways from there.

First, they have to tell us what happened.

Please don't do that. Let us tell you what they said.

We can't charge Dobbins with abusing them unless they describe what he did.

Can we come in with them?

They're just little girls.

I'm sorry, but the only way their accusations will stand up in court is if we talk to them alone.

I was afraid to tell, then Holly did.

Nicole, how do you know Holly?

We're best friends.

And so is Danielle.

We're all in the same class.

And do you guys do stuff together after school?

Well, we play soccer.

So what happened at soccer?

Mr. Dobbins said to come with him to his car.

He told my parents he'd take me home.

Then he drove me to his house.

And what happened at his house?

He took me to the basement because that's where all the toys are.

What happened in the basement?

He made me take my pants off and then he touched me between my legs.

Then he pulled his pants down.

He made me touch him.

He said he would sh**t me... if I ever told anybody.

We don't need a psychic. You're that good? Who's gonna win the Super Bowl?

I'm not evading your question.

What is your question?

Hold on. Special Victims Unit.

How many? Three walk-ins, five more calls.

All parents from Chestnut Academy saying that Dobbins may have abused their kids.

Word travels fast.

Well, you know, a couple hundred people at that football game saw us collar Dobbins.

He's locked up, the kids feel safer, they go home and tell their parents.

Get the callers in here.

Novak's gonna want statements.

Captain, we got The Ledger and Channel 3, both on hold wanting to know what's up with Chestnut.

Tell them no comment, refer all press calls to DCPI.

Hey, how's Holly?

She's a mess.

Not eating or sleeping, wetting her bed.

She didn't tell me anything. Even though she knows Dobbins is in jail.

She still thinks he can get to her. What is this?

Other possible incidents Dobbins could be connected to.

We have six girls gone missing in the last year, all around Holly's age and description.

The last two rows are all missing girls in the Tri-State area, also in the last year.

Get Dobbins' mug shot in an array.

I want every one of these victims and witnesses re-interviewed.

See if anybody can ID him.

Captain, if he m*rder*d Laura Swift, who knows where he went to find another victim?

We gotta get his photo to the FBI.

It's done.

I got the search warrant for the Dobbins' house.

It's good for any forensics and the g*n. It's a license to look anywhere.

I'll tear the place apart.

Nothing in the car.

Crime Scene's flat-bedding it to the lab to check for blood.

Computers, check them all for kiddie porn.

Pornography? My husband's not that kind of man.

Your husband's a child molester.

You should talk to your daughters.

He never touched them.

The victims were abused in this room. They described this basement.

The inside of his car. How it felt when he touched them.

You should make sure your kids are okay.

My husband would die before he'd hurt a child.

He was never alone with any of those girls! I was here!

You were right here and you didn't do a damn thing about it?

It was happening right under your roof, and you tell me what a great guy your husband is?

Lady, you're as sick as he is!


I gotta get out of here.

I'm losing it.

It's okay, Elliot.

You gotta calm down.

I nearly punched that woman in the face in there.

I can't do this anymore.

I can't do this.

You know, this is tough on all of us.

It's never this hard.

Look, you're under a lot of stress right now.

Why don't you go home and get some rest?

The house is empty.

Call Kathy, call your kids and go see them.

It's not the same.

How do you walk away?

You just don't walk away after 20 years. How do you walk away?

Told you not to eat that supermarket sushi.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You find anything?

No g*n, but take a look at this.

Erie County District Attorney's Office.

Dobbins has a sealed arrest in Buffalo.

What's the charge?

Soliciting a prost*tute.

She solicited me.

What does this have to do with the charges against my client?

Everything! That girl was only 15 years old.

She was drinking in a bar, for God's sake. She didn't look like she was 15.

Is that the best you can come up with?

It was 18 years ago. I was depressed.

My fiancée had just left me.

I was trying to forget...

Mark, stop talking.

No, no.

I want to explain this.

She hit on me.

And then she said something like it would be 100 bucks or something for the night, and before I could tell her no, some drunken cop on the next barstool jumps up and slaps handcuffs on me.

The D.A. Dropped the charges.

Ten years later, I'm married. I got a kid. I got another one on the way.

My football team wins the county championship. I'm in the paper.

The same cop who busted me sees it and he calls the school board.

They fired me on the spot and the State pulled my teaching license.

Well, you don't need a license to teach at a private school.

Nobody would hire me because of that arrest.

That letter got me my job at Chestnut.

Well, it was very nice of the Erie County D.A. To write it for you.

You know.

That you forged it? Yeah.

I, uh...

I had to.

I got screwed then, just like I'm getting screwed now.

While you're in the confessing mood, why don't you go the distance?

He's innocent!

Don't put Holly, Nicole and Danielle through the trauma of a trial.

Give Laura Swift's mother and father a body to bury.

I didn't m*rder anyone. And I didn't abuse those girls.

I'm gonna make sure the judge maxes out your sentence when you're convicted.

I will see you in court.


What time is it?

It's five to eight.

How'd you know I was up here?

You didn't answer your phone last night or this morning.

Catch a job?

Not yet.

Then give me another hour.

No time.

Novak called. She's prepping Holly for her swearability hearing.

She wants you there.

What does she need me for?

She wants to make sure that Holly's comfortable testifying.

Cover for me, will you?

Holly asked for you.

I'm done.

You know, running away is not gonna help.

You know, I'm a little too beat for the dime-store shrink routine right now.

Elliot, that little girl is counting on you.

You quit on her now, and you're just another man that she can't trust.

That's not who you are.

Where's Miss Novak?

She'll be here soon.

Where do I sit?

That big chair is for the judge, and you'll sit right there.

Wanna give it a try?

Have a seat.

This is scary.

Yeah, a little bit.

I sit up here all the time, though.

Do they make you swear to tell the truth?


Miss Novak said the judge is gonna make me swear to tell the truth.

And first, he's gonna ask you if you know the difference between the truth and a lie.

And do you get in trouble if you tell a lie?

Holly, what's the matter?

I don't wanna do this.

How come?

I don't wanna get in trouble.

Why would you get in trouble?

I told a lie.

Uncle Mark didn't do anything to me.

We know Holly was r*ped.

Why is she recanting?

It happens a lot.

Uncle Mark's gone to jail, she sees her cousins crying, missing their daddy.

She wants things the way they used to be.

You think her family's pressuring her?

Or Mark Dobbins got to her.

If he did, then we got him for witness tampering.

I'll check the jail phone records.

We should also talk to the other two girls.

Way ahead of you.

Are you scared of something, Nicole?

I'm scared of Mr. Dobbins.


He's mad at me for telling.

Did Mr. Dobbins call you?


Then how do you know he's mad at you?

Because my mom says he's a very bad man.

Well, what else does your mom say about Mr. Dobbins?

He hurts little girls and I have to help you put him in jail.

Son of a bitch!

Can I go home now?

Excuse me, Captain.

Hi, Danielle. Do you remember me, Detective Stabler?



I know how hard it is to talk about what happened.

Especially having to remember all the stuff that you're supposed to say.

Danielle, who helps you remember?

My mom.

She keeps asking me questions.

What questions?

Did Mr. Dobbins touch me?

Did he take off my pants?

What did you tell her?

I told her no.

But she kept asking me and asking me.

I didn't want her to be mad, so I said yes.

The mothers are full of crap.

They knew Holly had been molested and they badgered their daughters into saying they were, too.

I've been chasing a bunch of lies.

We all have been.

No one could've seen this one coming.

Try telling that to Dobbins.

It's his life and reputation that have been shot to hell and he didn't do a damn thing.

Holly, Nicole and Danielle all named Dobbins. Their stories matched.

I bought into the hysteria.

Hysteria's like a disease.

It's contagious.

And the guy who r*ped Holly, he's still out there.

Captain, we gotta spring Dobbins from Rikers.

Call Novak, get her into night court.

In light of this new information, Your Honor, the People request that the indictment against the defendant Mark Dobbins be dismissed in the interest of justice.

Mr. Langan, anything for the record?

Just that we're stunned the People charged my client with these heinous crimes without proper investigation.

Mr. Dobbins, the court offers you its sincerest apologies for putting you through this terrible ordeal.

I am dismissing the indictment. You are free to go.

And we're adjourned.

Thank you.

Mark, Julie, I don't know what to say.

How long have we known each other, Larry? Holly's like my own daughter.

I didn't believe it at first, I swear.

How could you think I would do those awful things to her?

She was abused.

Someone hurt my little girl.

When those two other girls said it was you, what was I supposed to think, Mark?

We just wanna get back to our lives. Let's go. Come on, sweetheart.

They're never gonna forgive us.

We helped spread the poison.

You told those other girls' parents what happened to Holly?

My wife.

Yes, I called their mothers to warn them.

I thought I was doing the right thing.

There's no question your daughter was molested, but Mark Dobbins didn't do it.

Well, then why did Holly accuse him?

Because she's so afraid of her abuser, she named the safest target.

Holly, you have to tell us the truth. Who hurt you?

He'll k*ll me.

He won't if you tell us who he is.

Detective Stabler will put him in jail. No!

He said he'd sneak out and come to our house when we're sleeping.

He said he'd sh**t me and you!

And Mom!

Holly, it's okay. It's okay.

Mrs. Purcell, why don't you go take Holly and get something to drink?

Come on, sweetheart.

Now, what?

I think you should take Holly out of town for a few days.

You really think this guy's gonna hurt her?

Holly does, and that's not gonna change until he's arrested.

How, when you don't even know who he is?

Sending Holly out of town isn't gonna stop this guy from molesting another kid.

Or k*lling one.

But it's the only way for her to feel safe again, which just might help her open up.

Well, we just don't have that time.

We've got to get inside of her head now.

Give me those drawings.

The ones Holly did for me.

What are you looking for?

Maybe she already told us.

These drawings depict Holly's inner life.

See, in this one, she drew herself without hands.

Powerless, disconnected from her parents.

She doesn't want them to know about the abuse.

This is Holly's bedroom.

Why's that the only one that's blacked out?

She doesn't want anyone to see inside. She feels ashamed.

On this one, all these kids are playing here together and Holly's standing over here by this big guy.

Who she identified as her abuser.

Oh, no.


I assumed that was Mark Dobbins because I accepted what Holly told me without even considering it could have been someone else.

Well, you're not the only one who jumped on that train.

She was telling us who abused her.

Look what he's wearing.

A maroon and white jersey.

Coaches don't wear those.

But students do.

Maybe our perp's a football player.

That's not a football uniform.

It's more like a rugby jersey.

With a yellow stripe on the sleeve.

I want to apologize to you, Holly.

You were trying so hard to tell us, and we just didn't understand.

Holly, we looked at your pictures again.

Now, remember the one that you drew of the soccer game?

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Talk to you a second?

Yeah. Hey, what's up?

How are you?

Me, I'm good.

That yellow stripe on your sleeve, I don't see it on the other guys' uniforms.

I'm team captain, so I'm the only one who has it.

I thought this was your Uncle Mark, but it isn't.

It's a lacrosse player. I know because of the shirt that he's wearing.

The other day, when you were watching the fourth-grade girls play soccer, I didn't catch your name.

Kevin Wilcox. And I wasn't watching them, I was practicing.

I also know who he is.

Detective Stabler is going to arrest him and put him in jail.

And if you tell me his name, he's never, ever gonna get out.

You were practicing or fantasizing?

What are you talking about?

Holly Purcell.

She drew you. Picture's worth a thousand words, huh?

Please, I need you to tell me his name.

Kevin Wilcox.

Kevin, you're toast. Holly Purcell just ID'd you as her attacker.

Last week, she said it was Coach D.

That girl can't keep her story straight.

That's because you scared the crap out of her when you threatened her with your g*n.

I don't own a g*n.

What do you call that?

Not mine.

That's funny.

I found that under the spare tire in your car.

Well, I don't know how that got there.

I do.

The trunk's your secret hiding place.

That's where you keep your g*n and the little girls you sh**t with it.

I didn't sh**t anyone!

Yeah, you did.

Laura Swift.


You left a shell casing in the boathouse, genius.

The lab matched the tool marks from the firing pin to that g*n right there.

And then there's the other problem with your car.

You know, you think your trunk is clean, but no matter how hard you scrub, we come along with a little bit of luminol and all those blood spots that you missed, they light right up.

You're bluffing.

You're dead meat, punk.

You're a child molester. You're the bottom of the food chain in prison.

How long you think it's gonna take his fellow cons to find out he's a baby raper?

I make a few calls, a week, tops.

Well, you can't do that.

Who's gonna know?

They're gonna rip your cherry ass apart.

Unless you tell us where you buried Laura Swift.

Hey. Wilcox give it up?

Copped to raping Holly.

He said he buried Laura Swift in a vacant lot in College Point.

I'm going there now.

I'm going home.

Why don't you stop at your desk first?

Happy birthday, Dad.

Think you got enough candles on that cake?

We always have a cake.

Olivia called and said you'd be here. Mom lent me the car.

And how's she doing?

Okay. How about you?


You have to make a wish.

Of course I do.

I'll be right back.

Mr. And Mrs. Dobbins...

Please, don't.

Chestnut Academy fired me. They said forging that letter damaged my integrity.

Set a bad example for the students.

I'll never get another teaching job.

We're selling the house and moving in with my parents upstate.

I'm sorry. I wish none of this had ever happened.

Me, too.

Your kids are waiting.
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