06x21 - Blood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x21 - Blood

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Where do you think you're going, huh? Leave me alone!

You know what I want, you bitch.

Stop, please.

Come on, give it to me.

No! No!

Yo, let's get out of here. Take the car.

My baby!

My baby! Joey!


Victim's name is Samantha Beavan, 21.

Two freaks att*cked her in the club.

She got away, they followed her, stole her car, and threw her 9- month-old baby out the back.

He survived?

Still breathing.

Car seat saved him.

Mom and kid are on their way to St. Vincent's.

They r*pe her in the club?

She was orally sodomized in the stairwell, but so far, no witnesses.

She have any idea who att*cked her?

No. She said she couldn't see their faces.

Might have an eyewitness.

Security camera covers that service entrance over there. We'll pull the tape.

What makes a mother leave her baby in the car while she goes out clubbing?

No broken bones or head trauma. He's one tough kid.

Thrown from a moving car, not even a whimper.

And what about Sam?

Pretty shook up, but only cuts and bruises.

Did you do a r*pe kit? She wanted to nurse Joey first.

Miss Beavan, two detectives to see you. She was just here.

How many exits?

Two, main entrance and the ambulance bay in back.

I'll take the front.

Sam? Wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold on. Sam.

I'm Olivia Benson, I'm a police officer, and I'd like to ask you some questions. I'm okay.

You were sexually assaulted and you need to be examined.

I just, I wanna go home. I understand that.

I just need to ask you a couple of questions about the men who att*cked you.

Please, Joey's real tired.

Let me take him home.

Maybe you should've thought about Joey before you left him in a car.

I know. It was stupid, but I was only going to be a minute.

They were looking for a bartender... Miss Beavan?

...and I really need the money.

Miss Beavan.

You need to come inside.

No, we're both fine.

No, your son isn't.

His tox screen was positive for opiates. Painkillers.

I don't understand. I'd never give Joey any dr*gs.

Sam. You were breastfeeding.

You could've k*lled him.

Sam Beavan is waiting in the interview room.

What took you so long?

ACS found two priors.

Social worker had to remove the baby.

Sam has a bad habit of leaving Joey alone.

Security tape from the alley.

Really did a number on her.

You get a look at their faces?

Nope. This is it.

Before you ask, no sign of the car.

Sam tell you why she was using painkillers?

She slipped down some subway steps.

Hurt her back, doctor prescribed oxycodone, she got hooked.

Along with more than a million other illegal users.

They call it hillbilly heroine. You crush it, snort it, get 12 hours worth of pain meds in one hit.

So, we investigate her r*pe while we prosecute her for child endangerment.

Or we get her into treatment and find the guys who att*cked her.

That baby could've died while mommy was trying to score.

So, we punish her for being r*ped?

Look again.

They're patting her down.

They're drug dealers.

She probably owed them.

Which means she knows them.

Get the tape over to TARU.

See if they can give us faces.

Liv, Elliot, go jog the young lady's memory about her attackers.

I told that other detective.

I never saw them before.

It was dark, they grabbed me.

Right, and you told us you went to the club looking for a job.

Owner says they never had one.

So, why don't we start again, okay?

You went to the club looking to buy dr*gs...

No, I was att*cked! Why are you treating me like I'm a criminal?

Because your baby's toxicology report makes you one.

Sam, you still put your baby at risk.

Now, if you help us, we can help you.

I'll call Social Services, we'll get you into rehab.

The sooner you do that, the sooner you get baby Joey back.

What do I have to do?

Tell us who att*cked you.

His name's Jake Lumet.

Sometimes he sells me pills.

And the other one?

I never saw him before.

Jake Lumet?

Jeez. What a pip.

Look's like somebody's been having themselves a good time.

He's conscious. Call a bus.

You puke on me, I'll k*ll you!

This is SVU mobile...

Okay, this guy is high.

Tell the paramedics to load up on Narcan. He's gonna need it.

Yes, we've got a drug overdose.

What have we here? Oxycodone.

Paid for by Medicare.

If Jake's robbing old people and beating up junkies, who'd he steal the meds from?

Prescribed for Jenny Rogers.

Jennifer Rogers live here?

Jenny just went to the store. Why?

We'd like to talk to her.

Well, I'm Carol.

I'm her daughter-in-law.

She's not in any trouble, is she?

Should she be?

Well, she's getting sort of forgetful and wanders off.

She taking any pain medications?

Yeah, she's got terrible sciatica.

She mention losing her meds?

Maybe somebody stealing them?

You mean like a mugging or... Oh, God, yeah.

Two days ago, she came home with an awful bruise on her face.

And she insisted it was nothing, but she'd slipped, you know?

Where can we find her?

You know what?

I'm gonna come with you, okay?

She should be home by now.

Spare some change?


Hello, Carol.

Hey. These are police officers and they wanna talk to you.

Hi, Jenny. I'm Olivia. This is Elliot.

What you drinking?


Jenny, how could you?

I'm sorry.

It's okay, sweetheart.

She just started doing this.

She knows we're hard up and she's trying to help out.

By letting her beg on the street?

We asked her to stop, but we can't keep her shut up in the apartment all day.

Some bruise you got there, Jenny.

Yeah. I fell in the street. It was very icy.

Is that when you lost these?

It must've been.

Did somebody take them from you?

Were you att*cked?


Do you know by who?

I'm gonna show you some photos.

See if you can pick out the person.

Take a look. See if you can pick him out.

Well, go on.

The police will protect you.

Maybe him.


Good morning, Jake. Wakey-wakey. What?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey, what'd I do?

Same old, same old, sodomized a woman, stole her car, and almost k*lled her baby.

Hey, look, man, I'm sick here, okay? I need a doctor.

And a lawyer. You're under arrest.

Samantha Beavan gave you up.

Who? The woman you forced to have sex.

Hey, look, man, I don't have to force any woman.

Jake, we know you att*cked Sam.

We have you on a security camera.

Yeah? Yeah, well, show me the picture.

Just give up your partner and we'll put in a good word for you.

Yeah? Look, I don't got no partner. You guys ain't got jack.

Stop busting our balls.

We got Sam, and we even got the old lady you assaulted.

Eyewitness says that you hit her and took her painkillers.

Painkillers? The ones you stuffed up your nose and left scattered all over your crib.

You mean Jenny's?

She sold them to me. Yeah.

Jake's a liar. If she sold him dr*gs, why'd she pick out his photo?

Will her ID of Jake stand up?

Well, she's a bit senile.

We found her panhandling on the street.

Well, she's broke.

She could be dealing.

There's been cases of Medicare patients selling their prescription dr*gs, buy for 10, sell for 250.

Get George W. On the phone. That's one way to fix Social Security.

I just talked to ACS. Sam Beavan's kid spiked a fever.

Back in the hospital.

Is it serious?

He's in ICU.

May have pneumonia.

Is this caused by his mom's drug use?

The oxycodone made him lethargic.

He aspirated milk into his lungs.

Look, Sam's a nursing mother trying to take care of her 9-month-old kid and Jenny Rogers is just a sweet old lady.

So, why does this pathetic junkie need to beat up helpless women?

Maybe he gets off on it, or he's trying to intimidate them?

Check the security tape, Jake's partner is the one that's dishing out most of the punishment.

Well, the problem is Sam says she doesn't know him and Jake won't name him.

All right, have Novak charge Jake with sodomy, grand larceny, kidnap, and attempted m*rder.

When he's looking at 20 years, he'll cough up a name.

Yeah, well, someone just coughed up Sam Beavan's car.

Dumped it in Queens.

CSU's bringing it in now.

What do you got?

Car's wiped clean.

We'll run hair and fibers, but that'll take time.

You could've told us that before we schlepped all the way down here.

Not all bad news. Found these in the back under the passenger seat.

One's still got some in it. Painkillers.

He wipes the car but leaves these behind? That's some kind of stupid.

Well, one of them had to climb in the back to toss out the baby seat.

Pills must've slipped out of their pocket.

These are two prescriptions for oxycodone made out to Jenny Rogers.

Old lady's scamming us?

You remember that routine with the cup?

"What're you drinking?" "Tea. "

Panhandling's a pretty good cover if you're dealing on the street.

We should bring the whole family in.

You got a call from a friend at the 15.

Yeah, and? It's your daughter, Kathleen.

They picked her up for DUl.

They're holding her at the precinct.

Go ahead.

Excuse me.

Officer Crawford?

How are you? Elliot Stabler.

Thanks for the heads-up to Fin.

Ray Crawford.

What happened?

Car did an illegal U- turn on 23rd.

Patrol pulled it over, your kid's at the wheel. Cop smelled booze on her.

You book her?

Yeah. She never told us who she was.

We didn't know she was your kid until we found your courtesy shield in her wallet.

Can I see her?

Yeah. This way.


It's okay. It's okay.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you tell the officers who I am?

I was scared. All right.

I'm sure you were, baby.

No. I was scared what you'd do.


Is everything okay?

Yeah, I'll handle it.

I'm sorry. She went to a party...

And you just let her go?

Elliot, she's 17 years old.

I know, but...

I know. Look, we'll...

Take her home. We'll talk about it tomorrow.


Good night, baby.

Oh, my...

Don't ask.

Get anything?

I waited for you.

Jenny's son?

His name's Kevin.

He works as a security guard.

Carol, Jenny, hi. Kevin, I'm Elliot. Thanks for coming down.

Like we had a choice.

Dragging my mother out in the middle of the night, you'd think this was a police state. Kevin, please.

Hey, Kevin, relax. No one's forcing you to stay.

We'd just like to know what a guy that we pulled in for r*pe was doing with your mom's prescriptions.

The guy that att*cked her was a r*pist?

Mom, did he do anything to you?

No. He just pushed me.

Thank God he only stole your pills.

He said your mom sold him the dr*gs.

What? You're gonna believe a r*pist?

I know Mom's getting on and she loses stuff all the time, but you got some nerve accusing her.

Kevin, why don't you and Carol grab a cup of coffee and let us talk to your mom alone?

So you can make her say what you wanna hear?

Like maybe the truth?

Are you calling us liars?

No, we're just wondering why your mom went to two doctors in the last 10 days for the same painkillers.

And how your mother's pills ended up, two different drug dealers.

Okay. Let's go. Come on. No, stop it!

Mom... Kevin, stop it!

I'll answer your questions.

You know, selling your pain meds is a very serious crime.

I didn't. Jake Lumet says that you did.

Who the hell is Jake Lumet?

Jenny, you picked his photo out. Did he attack you or not?

No, I made a mistake.

Did another man attack you? Two men?

I don't remember.

Do you remember going to two different doctors?

I have very bad arthritis.

Carol said that you had sciatica.

She has that, too.

Sometimes I lose my pills, and I wanna be sure I have enough.

Did you really lose your pills, Jenny?

Or did you sell them 'cause you needed the money?

Okay, so who do we believe, the junkie r*pist or the crying granny?

She's either selling or she's in real bad shape.

Eighty migs every six hours?

That's enough to numb a moose.

Could the doctors be in on it?

The pills Jenny had would fetch about 5 grand on the street.

A doc in Kentucky made a million bucks off illegal 'scripts before he got caught.

Unless Jenny was running the scam on her own.

I mean, a sweet old lady like her asks for pain meds, who's gonna think she's a junkie?

And what about her loving family, Kevin and Carol?

Checked their records, both of them clean.

All right. Elliot and Olivia can talk to Jenny's doctors.

Find out how bad she was hurting.

Wait a minute.

The only thing that connects our two victims is Jake.

He bought pills from Jenny, sold them to Sam, but we still don't know anything about his partner, except everybody's too scared to give up his name.

All right, you and Munch light a fire under TARU.

They gotta help us find this creep.

I've been playing with your security camera footage.

Took me a while to find anything useful, but if you look here, isolate and enlarge the image, increase contrast, and for six frames we've got...

Jake the flake.

What about the other perp?

No shot of the face, but look at this.

Check out the manicure.

Our perp's a woman.

Oh, my God. Why do I have to see this?

I should be at the hospital. Joey's real sick.

Just tell us who she is, Sam.

I don't know.

Sam, did you think that we wouldn't believe you if you told us that you were att*cked by a woman?

We know that women can be more vicious than men when it comes to sexual as*ault.

With men, it's business.

Take what they want, money, dr*gs, sex. With a woman, it's personal.

Especially if their victim is younger and prettier than they are.

Now, you gave us Jake.

Why not this woman?

I'm afraid. You don't know what she's like. She'll k*ll me.

Like she nearly k*lled your baby.

Look, Jake was driving. She threw Joey out of the car.

She would've k*lled him without a second thought.

What is her name, Sam?


Carol Rogers. Police.

I'll check the other rooms.

Dead. Looks like she bled out from her knife wound.


All this stuff is Jenny's.

She was in a closet?

What's going on?

Oh, my God. Carol.

Don't touch her.

Don't touch her.

Let me go!

Kevin, please. Let go of me! Who did this?

We don't know. You'll contaminate the crime scene. Sit down.

We got footprints.

They don't lead anywhere.

k*ller must've wiped them clean.

Those are small shoes. Woman's?

Kevin. Where's your mother?

She should be here.

Is there any way that these are hers?

Oh, no. No.

Mom, no.

Checked airports, bus, train terminals. No sign of Jenny.

How can a little old lady just disappear? What about Kevin's alibi?

He was at work. He's a security guard at a furniture warehouse.

How far from his apartment?

Couple of miles.

Just over the East River.

Security officers make rounds alone.

Maybe he slipped out, stabbed his wife, slipped back in.

See if it's possible.

But what's his motive?

Carol's making money selling dr*gs.

We checked with the bank, the account was in her maiden name with more than 20 grand in it.

And Kevin didn't realize?

He's no genius, but if he did find out that Carol was squirreling away some cash for a rainy day and wasn't gonna share it with him, there's your motive right there.

All right. Now, one of Carol's fingernails broke off.

Yeah, CSU's still looking for it. She might've got a piece of her k*ller.

The knife has a textured handle. No prints.

Well, what about the footprints?

CSU says it's a woman's shoe, size seven.

Okay, so we're looking at Jenny, or one of Carol's junkie clients.

Or Sam Beavan.

Who's been staying at the hospital since her kid is in ICU.

I just find it very hard to believe that a little old lady has the strength to s*ab to death a streetwise 30-year-old.

Only takes one good blow to the right spot.

Well, Carol wasn't the only death yesterday.

Sam's baby died. She left the hospital right after it happened.

Could she have gotten to Carol's before you two?

The hospital's a lot closer to Carol's than we are.

Find Sam.



Sam? Sam, are you okay?

Go away.

She's high. SVU portable. I need a bus at 415 West 98th...

Sam? Sam, I need you to tell me what happened.

My baby. I k*lled my baby.

Sam, where did you go after you left the hospital?

I don't remember.

Who gave you the dr*gs?

Did you get them from Carol?


I hate her.


Sam, look at me. Look at me.

Carol's dead. Did you k*ll her?

She got me hooked.

I'm glad she's dead.


I can take them now. They can't hurt Joey anymore.

Yeah. You dump the phones? Hey, thanks.

That was the crime lab.

CSU found bloody fingerprints on a pay phone outside of Carol's apartment.

The only call that was made around the time of the m*rder was to a storage house in Queens.

Crazy broad calls last night, asked what time we close.

Makes me wait 40 minutes, because she lost her key, and then forgets to return the spare.

Her name Jenny Rogers?

Yeah. This is her unit.

Crazy bitch shut it from the inside.

Jenny? Jenny, are you in there? Hey, you can't do that!

Jenny, what are you doing?

I've come home.

Sweetheart, you can't stay in here. Yes, I can.

The gas station across the road has a bathroom. It's quite clean.

My mother made this. She said it would keep me warm one day.

Are these your parents?

Yeah. That's me in the middle.

And all this stuff was theirs?

Yeah. I stored it here when I sold the house. I think I need to do some rearranging.

Jenny, what's wrong with your apartment?

Carol is what's wrong with it.

That's why you've come, isn't it?

Did you k*ll her, Jenny?

Perhaps I should get a lawyer.

Yeah. Perhaps you should.

This is a tragedy.

It's a homicide.

No, it was self-defense.

Now, how do you figure? Carol was unarmed. Jenny stabbed her.

She finally cracked after suffering years of financial, emotional and physical abuse.

Now, how can you go with an elder abuse defense if Jenny never reported it?

Because she's one of a million and a half victims who never do.

You don't believe me, tell your detectives to ask Jenny why she had to sell her parents' house.

I needed the money for Kevin.

He had some bad luck.

He had a business venture go wrong.

They often do in Atlantic City.

Gambling debts.

Then he had an accident at work.

After a liquid lunch.

No, no. His back was never the same.

He needed painkillers, and then Carol got him hooked on the other stuff, marijuana and cocaine.

That's where the money went.

But Carol had lots of cash.

Because she was dealing dr*gs.

Kevin never had any money. He had to ask her.

Jenny, did Kevin or Carol ever hurt you?

Carol was cruel.

She would stroke my arm like she was being all loving.

Then she would grip it and twist.

How about Kevin?

He ever hit you?

He didn't mean to hurt me.

What happened the night that Carol died?

You don't have to answer, Jenny.

Yeah, she's right about that.

But with this evidence, a jury will convict without you ever saying a word.

But if Carol made your life hell, then the jury's also gonna take that into consideration, Jenny.

You need to tell us your side of the story.


CSU found Carol's missing fingernail.

Warner faxed over this report.

What's going on?

There were blood and skin fragments under one of Carol's fingernails.

She got a piece of her m*rder*r.

Jenny, DNA says the blood's from a man.

Now, you know who that is, don't you?

I came home from the store, but I never went back into the apartment.

Why not?

I heard people arguing, real angry.

Then a scream.

And the door opened, and I hid.

And a man ran down the stairs.



I went in, and I saw Carol.

I pulled the knife out of her, but I couldn't stop the bleeding.

I heard you found my mother.

Why didn't you call me?

We wanted to talk to her first.

What the hell is she doing in there?

Telling us how you m*rder*d Carol.

What? Why would I k*ll my wife?

'Cause she robbed you blind.

Don't listen to them, Mom!

Don't say anything!

That's enough! Come on! Get off of me! I didn't do anything!

Scratch says you did!

Kevin Rogers, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Carol Rogers.

You have the right to remain silent.

Mom, what've you done?

Anything you do say can be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one...

You okay?

Tough one.

Especially for the mom.

What happened at the 15 two nights ago?

My kid got in trouble.

Good night.

Why didn't you tell me?

Nothing to tell, I took care of it.

Patrol issued the summons for a moving violation.

They brought Kathleen down to verify ID.

After you got everybody to make her DUl go away.

Okay. What are you saying, Captain?

Somebody starts digging, they're gonna find the paper trail.

Radio tapes from the sector car telling dispatch they stopped a DUl.

If it comes back to me, I'll take care of it.

What about the guys who stuck their necks out for you?

Well, they got kids.

They understand.

That the message you wanna send your kids?

That the law only applies to certain people?

I'm taking care of my family. And given the chance, I'd do it again.

Am I interrupting something?


Arraignment go okay?

Yeah. Kevin was denied bail.

I'm gonna need your reports as soon as possible.

Detective Stabler will type up his DD-5s now.

On the day of the m*rder, what happened when you went back to the apartment?

I heard people arguing inside.

I didn't want to go in, so I hid on the stairs. Then I heard a scream.

What happened next?

Someone ran down the stairs.

Who was that man, Jenny?


Leading the witness.

She just testified that she heard an argument between a man and a woman.

As the woman in question now has a knife sticking out of her chest, someone has to be a man.

Or a woman who sounds like a man.

All right, Mr. Delroy. Ms. Novak?

Who did you see running down the steps, Jenny?

I was hiding.

I didn't see him.

You didn't see him?

No. I was too scared to look.

Let me remind you of your grand jury testimony.

Read that.

Read it, the part where you say you saw your son Kevin running down the stairs.

I never saw him.

You lied to the grand jury?

I was angry at Kevin for marrying that awful woman. I wanted to punish him.

You realize you're committing perjury. You could go to prison.

Did you see Kevin run down the stairs?

I didn't.

I'm nearly 70. I get confused. I'm very sorry.

I'm sure you are.

Nothing further.

Move for dismissal, Your Honor.

Only the testimony of Mrs. Rogers can put my client anywhere near the scene of the crime.

Without it, the People don't come close to making a prima facie case.

Any more witnesses, Ms. Novak?

No, Your Honor.

Then I have no choice but to grant the Defense's request.

The case is dismissed.

Mr. Rogers, you're free to go.

Mrs. Rogers, you may step down.

Let's go.

I don't know what to say.

I really thought Jenny was strong enough to testify.

That was Rikers.

Maybe she would've been if she hadn't visited her son last night.

How the hell did you let that happen?

I can't stop a mother from visiting her son.

Looks like we can't stop a son from beating up his mother either.

Are you gonna charge Jenny with perjury?

What's the point of sending her to jail? She's still the victim.

Well, then there's nothing more we can do. She's made her bed.

Yeah, on a mattress in a closet.

You know, if we don't do something, Kevin's gonna keep right on abusing her.

It's over. We're not social workers.

Yeah, what is it?

Deirdre Bathhurst from Adult Protective Services.

I'm here to see Jenny Rogers. May I come in?

She's inside.

You can't come in. You're trespassing. Get out.

Ms. Bathurst is legally entitled to a police escort.

Hi, Jenny... What for?

I got no beef with you.

She's entering a dangerous home. Haven't you heard?

The guy who lives here is a m*rder*r.

I didn't m*rder anybody.

You should be looking for the guy who k*lled my wife, not bothering innocent people.

What are you doing?

Checking to make sure Mrs. Rogers has adequate food.

I haven't done the shopping yet.

You need to do that, sir.

I got her lunch.

What, French fries?

Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that ketchup's a vegetable, huh?

Hi, Jenny.

How you doing?

Fine. Please, leave us alone.

Okay. You heard her. She's my mom, I love her, and I'm gonna take care of her.

I've even given her my room to sleep in.

Then what are your stinky sweats doing tucked under the pillow?

This is police harassment. Get out.

Jenny, this is my card.

You call me any time, okay?

Get out! Now!

Have a nice day.

I'll visit every two days.

That's it?

Our maximum caseload is supposed to be 30. I have nearly 50.

Some of them in a lot worse shape than Jenny.

You saw the fridge, you saw the cupboards. There's nothing in them.

She's sleeping on the floor.

Jenny was eating and she was clean.

Unless she makes a complaint or we see concrete evidence of abuse, we can't act.

I'm sorry, Detective, but that's the law.

Thanks anyway.

Thank you.


What's going on?

I don't know.

What's going on?

Cragen's pretty steamed. Kevin's lawyer claims you harassed him.

Kevin Rogers' attorney has filed an official complaint against you.

Of course, he has.

Captain, look, Kevin's gonna do anything to keep his punching bag at home.

How many times do you think you can break the rules and get away with it?

You stay away from him.

Thank you.

It's after midnight, Jenny.

What are you doing here? You were told to stay away! I'll tell my son!

Fine, let's go wake him up. Come on.

No, don't! Please.

Just leave.

If I leave, will you go back inside? Or are you too afraid?

I gotta get some money. My son lost his job because of the trial.

If I don't help out, we're gonna get evicted.

Kevin is a big boy. He can take care of himself.

Look, Jenny, let me take you to a shelter.

They'll give you a bed for the night. Come on.

No. I'm staying here.

If you don't mind, nobody'll give me any money with you hanging around.

Jenny Rogers, you're under arrest for disorderly conduct.

How am I being disorderly? Huh?

Obstructing traffic.

Let's go.

Don't you have a family to go home to?

How much can you make doing this?

On a good day, $20 an hour.

People feel sorry for me.

He do that to you?

I burnt myself on the stove.

You know, I see guys like him all the time.

Usually after they've r*ped or beaten up a woman.

Now, Jenny, all you gotta do is just tell me what he did to you.

That way, we can get him the treatment that he needs.

Where, in prison?

He burns you, he hits you, he makes you beg out on the street in the middle of the night.

Jenny, he m*rder*d his own wife.

You think prison will fix him?

He'd be lost. He'd really go bad.

Like he's good now?

No. You think I'm blind.

But I know my son.

I know what he did.

Then give him up.

Do you have children?


What would you do if one of them got into trouble?

You would help them.

It was my job to bring Kevin up right, and I failed.

I won't fail him again.

So, don't ask me to betray him, because I never will.

What are you doing here?

Called your home, I called your cell, I called the desk.

They said you'd signed back in.

Why didn't you tell me what you were doing?

I just didn't want you to get in trouble.

You haven't done anything stupid.

We just keep losing people.

The baby, Sam, even Carol.

I just didn't want another victim.

What is she gonna do?

I'm taking her back to her son's.

Good night, Liv. Go home.

You want a way out?

Don't think there is one.

Maybe there is. Talked to Corrections at Rikers.

They said Kevin was jonesing real bad when he was in there.

He's still using, and he's gonna be looking to score.

Explains why he made Jenny go begging at midnight.

Do you know where he'd go to buy?

More or less, but we're gonna have to get more creative than that.

Hey, what'd I do now, man?

Get in the car.

I swear to you, man, I'm clean.

All right? I changed my...

Shut up.


We need a favor.

This guy's looking to buy.

We want you to sell to him.

What's wrong with his own dealer?

He's on vacation.

Look, man, I told you. I changed my ways, all right? Wait, wait...

Change back. Want you to sell him this for half a G.

What about my overhead, man?

That's the favor, Naldo.

You don't, I'm busting you.

All right. Where does he score?

We'll take you there.

What if Kevin doesn't show up today?

Come back tomorrow. Relax, man.

Narcotics is all about waiting.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Got him.

Okay, come on, Naldo. Move in.

He's not buying.

Just wait.

Okay, Naldo.

Get clear.

Go. Choke on it.

He's all yours.

10-4. Product's in his right hand.

Freeze! Police! Hands in the air! Come on!

Come on, man, I'm just out for a walk. Spread them.

Come on.

I haven't got anything!

What's this then?

That's three and a half grams.

Possession with intent to distribute.

That's a Class C felony.

Three-to-six years.

They'll deal that down to a one year mandated treatment upstate.

That good enough?

Good enough.

This just came in. Victim's a student at Hudson U, r*ped and stabbed.

Address is 221 West 14th Street.

Paramedics are on the scene.

Got it.

Did you know they arrested Kevin?

I heard.

It was you, wasn't it?

Jenny, he needs help.

And now he's getting it.

Help in jail?

It's a program.

Kevin has a chance to get better, and you can live your life without being afraid.

What life?

You took my son away. What have I got to live for now?
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