08x18 - Responsible

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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08x18 - Responsible

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

My brother does not hate you.

He booked us twin beds, Sheila.

Twin beds on our tenth anniversary.

He's a lousy travel agent.

But showing that teeny little bed sure spiced things up, huh?

Joey, sweetie?

We're back.


You know, Eve probably took Joey to the park, so...

We are alone now.

We can try those new positions... in our king size bed.

Oh, my God.

I'm running a r*pe kit, found semen on the comforter.

Looks like she's been dead since last night.

Cause of death?

Her tongue occluded her airway.

So she was strangled.

I'll let you know after the autopsy.

Where is the crime scene?

She was in the uptairs bedroom.

But no sign of struggle.

Lividity matches the position she was found in.

Okay, well, let's go talk to the parents.

Well, good luck finding them.

Then who are they?

The homeowners.

Sheila and Kevin Banks and Joey.

The chihuahua's their only child.

Who's this?

No idea.

They've never seen her before.

Law & Order: SVU
8x18 Responsible

Original air date: 2007/04/03

Was she r*ped?

I didn't find any signs of physical trauma or sexual activity.

What about the semen on the comforter?

It's old. Probably the homeowners.

They should change their sheets more often.

Cause of death?

Suffocation like I thought, but she wasn't strangled.



I'm sorry.

She reminds me my daughter.

Hey, well, if she wasn't strangled, how did she suffocate?

Her blood alcohol was .40.

Drink herself to death?

She was only 110 pounds.

That much alcohol in her system?

She threw up, passed out, aspirated on her own vomit.

Anything to help ID her?

No hits on her prints or DNA.

No match to any missing person's report.

The only other thing I found was traces of vomit on the comforter.

Somebody cleaned thig girl up.

Maybe that same somebody bought her booze.

We have to raid their liquor cabinet.

We don't keep a drop in the house, not even vanila extract.

I'm a recovering alcoholic.

I have been sober three years.

Who has the keys to your home?

Only Eve, the dog walker.

She was supposed to come twice a day while we were on vacation.

That's what we paid for her, anyway.

Then she just never showed up?

I found our baby locked in the basement.

God knows how long she was down there.

Have you contacted Eve?

I've left six messages, but she hasn't called back.

Do you have an address for her?

No, we met her in the dog park.

Joey ran her right up to her.

And usually she's a much better judge of character.

I would never lock Joey in the basement.

Somebody else must've been in the house.

No, lady. That dog had no food or water.

Lady, lady, hey!

Now, that dog had no food or water.

So unless you want ASPCA and PETA up picketing your home, I would suggest you start telling the truth.

Ever since my business took off, I've had to outsource some of my clients.

What? To lndia?

Local high school students.

But they are all true dog-lovers.

I make sure of it.

Well, which one of these true dog-lovers was in charge of Joey?

Becca Rice.

This her?

No. No, I have no idea who she is.

Where can we find this Becca?

Rice Residence 278 East 85th Street Tuesday, January 9

I wasn't there.

I didn't lock Joey yesterday 'cause I was sick.

Hung over?

Miss Goody Two-Shoes?

I don't think so.

Who are you? A brother?

His name's Jordan.

I tutor him in math and Spanish twice a week.

You get those grades up for college.

Do you know this girl?


How about you?

She dead?

Yeah. In the house where you were dog-sitting.

How do you explain that?

I don't know.


Who are these people?

Mrs. Rice.



What happened?

We're investigating an incident in the house where your daughter was dog-sitting.


I gave the keys to Reagan, this girl at my school.

So she could throw a party with her friends, Luke and Mark.

Of all the stupid things.

Look, I am terribly sorry about this.

Please tell the homeowners I will cover all the damages.

Well, unfortunately, Mrs. Rice, it's not that simple.

This girl died at that party.

Oh, my God.

And without your daughter's cooperation, we have no way to identify her.

Becca, tell them her name.

I, I don't know it.

I didn't even go to that stupid party.

How about you, Jordan?

Were you there?

Uh, yeah, just for a little while.

So did you see this girl there?

Maybe. Um, I'm not sure.

Well, maybe you can give us a list of some of the kids who might know.

Uh, the party's invite only.

There's a guest list online.

Great, go online, show us.

"Get ready to drive drunk."

Drunk driving's a joke?


It's just a stupid drinking game guys play with girls to get in their pants Let's get to that guest list.

I'm so getting my ass reamed if anyone at school finds out I helped you.

Your hosts. Reagan, Mark, and Luke.

There she is.

Melanie Tamkin.

"Hard worker, homecoming queen, class president."

She wanted to be a doctor.

She doesn't go to our school.

Profile says she's from Greenwich, Connecticut.

Well, she came a long way to die.

Melanie never drank.

She was a straigt-A student for crying out loud.

She was always responsible.

Where'd you think she was this weekend?

At the math olympics in Hartford.

Did Melanie ever mention having any friends in the city?

Hanover day school?


Were those the kids who threw the party?

Yeah, it was my party, but I didn't know all the kids there.

Word gets around.

Kids invite their friends.

They invite their friends, you know.

You see who she came with?


All I saw was her guzzling a bottle of schnapps.

Some guy bet her she couldn't drink ten sh*ts in ten minutes.

Did she?

She made it to the third round before she hurled her way to the john.

You see anybody help her?

No, but I heard she was too blotto to walk.

Took two guys to carry her to the bathroom.

Was she conscious?

No, they threw her in a cold shower, but it didn't wake her up.

Then what happened?


A couple guys carried her to the bedroom.

Figured she'd sleep it off.

Did anybody call an ambulance?

Everyone panicked.

One girl said her lips turned blue.

It was horrible.

No one knew what to do.

Why not call 911?

Well, one guy wanted to.

He kept yelling, "she's gonna die.

We gotta do something."

But nobody called.

Everyone was scared of getting in trouble.

They just wanted to clean up and get outta there.

Well, we all have curfews, that's why everyone left.

I mean, that's what I heard 'cause, like I said, I wasn't there.

So nobody helped her?

They just left Melanie there to die?

How could they do that?

They were afraid.

Afraid of getting caught?

They're kids. They panicked.

They m*rder*d my little girl.

And I want them held accountable.

Do we have enough evidence to charge Reagan, Mark, and Luke with Melanie Tamkin's death?

Well, someone gave her the booze.

We know there wasn't any in the house.

We can't prove those kids meant for anyone to get that drunk.

It's a party that got out of control.

These three promised fun drinking games.

So we can argue that they provided the drinks.

You can't have a kegger without the keg.

Collar them.

Arraignment Part 29

Wednesday, January 10

Docket ending 45347.

People vs. Reagan Michels, Mark Schroeffel, and Luke Young.

Charges are criminally negligent homicide and criminal trespass three.

How do the defendants plead?

Not guilty.

The charges against my clients are ridiculous.

The People can't prove that any one of them was present when this poor girl lost her life.

They all made statements describing what happened in great detail.

They were there and they did nothing.

Their accounts are all hearsay.

Not one of them saw what happened to Melanie.

They're merely repeating rumors they heard.

Neglecting a young woman in fatal distress is reprehensible.

But without corroboration, there is insufficient evidence to proceed as a homicide.

However, the charge of trespass still stands.

I am releasing these minors to the custody of their parents.

I will see you all back here in two weeks.

And furthermore, you are under judicial order to abstain from alcohol, and you are forbidden to be anywhere that alcohol is served, except in the company of a parent.

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, your honor.

Thank you, your honor.

We are adjourned.

You call that justice?

Mr. Tamkin, please.

You're letting K*llers walk free!

Detective Stabler, would you please escort Mr. Tamkin outside?


You k*lled my daughter!

Melanie did not deserve this.

Help me.

Come on.

What's the occasion, dad?

I just wanna talk.

About what?

Where's a kid your age get alcohol?

Dad, what's up?

A girl your age died, Kathleen.

From drinking?

Yeah, think somebody bought the alcohol for her.

Maybe she got it herself.

Fake ID?

Or online.

All you need is a credit card.

It's easier than getting into an R-rated movie.

Excuse me?

How can I help you?

I'll take whatever's lite on tap.

How about you?

Uh, she's gonna have an iced tea and I'm fine.

Iced tea.

See, it's easy.

Don't worry, dad, I don't even like beer.

If you did, would you tell me?


Guess I'll just have to read your diary.

Dad, no one keeps diaries anymore.

If you want to find out what kids are up to, you just read their web pages.

We post stuff here we'd never talk about anywhere else.

And no one monitors these accounts, huh?

Sometimes schools do to make sure no one's coming to school with a shotgun.

Pull up Reagan's blog, honey, please.


"The 'rents got me on a tight leash after court today."

That means "parents".

I know what 'rents means.

Here's a reply from Reagan to a kid named Jordan.

"Don't be chicken. Fly the coop."

"Land at the Roost.

You bring the candy."

So they're partying even after judge Donnelly told them not to.

Where's the Roost?

I don't know, dad.

Every clique has their own slang.

You'll have to ask them.

Detective, come in.

What brings you here so late?

Becca. She home?


I'm having a glass of wine.

Join me?

I'm working.

Thank you.

Next time.

Where's your partner?

We don't always do interviews together.

You two an item?

I noticed you didn't wear a wedding ring.

Maybe you should've been a detective.

May I speak with Becca?

I don't know anything about a party tonight.

I wasn't invited.

Detective Stabler says Jordan was.

Why didn't you ask him to take you, sweetheart?

Mom, we're not that kind of friends.

Well, maybe if you paid more attention to your appearance, you would be.

Isn't she beautiful, detective?

Mom, don't.


Where could these kids be partying tonight?

I told you, I don't know.

Is that the truth, Becca?

If you know something, you need to tell detective Stabler.

I heard Luke Young talking about having some people over.

His parents are in Aspen.

It's open!

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

Cheap tequila.

What's the matter, Reagan?

You drink the worm?

What are you doing here?

Hey, Jordan, you brought the candy, huh?

Look at this.

Foosball. Big screen TV.

Dart boards.

You got yourself a regular frat house here.

Guess what, you're busted.

Let's go.

No, no, wait, wait.

Um, you don't understand, we're celebrating.

I got into Princeton.

Early decision.


Check this out.

Hey, that's my inhaler.

I've got asthma, man.

Do you really?

Smells like an alcohol vaporizer to me.

Isn't that the latest and greatest in a quick high?

It's illegal in 17 states including New York.

You guys are breaking the law all over the place.

I know the judge said we shouldn't drink, but you don't get into the lvy league every day.

Well, guess what, you're underage and the law doesn't make exception for special occasions.

I was being responsible.

Yeah, for what, getting your friends loaded?

No, I haven't had a drink.

I was gonna make sure everyone got home safe.

Safe? Last time you threw a party, a girl died.

Come on, we'd do anything to change what happened, but we can't.

Please don't ruin our lives too.

Save it for the judge.

New York State Courthouse Conference Room Thursday, January 11

We arrested Reagan, Mark, Luke, and Jordan last night.

I know.

I released them this morning.

Why, those kids disobeyed your order not to drink?

They were very remorseful.

They even volunteered to enter alcohol awareness classes.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a decision to write.

Classes are not gonna change those kids.

I am not going to ruin the futures of four promising young students by throwing them in with g*ng bangers and kiddie murderers.

The punishment needs to fit the crime.

And I think jail, in this case, is excessively punitive.

Bad decision.

What did you say?

I said it's a bad decision and you know it.

So jail is okay for these kids, but not for your own daughter?

When she got caught drunk driving, you made those charges disappear.

Elizabeth, these kids come from affluent families.

They think the rules don't apply to them.

These kids are spoiled, I'll grant you that.

But I think this was a wake up call.

Your honor.

What is it?

I'll get back to you.

You need to see something.

This was just posted on Reagan's web page.

My daughter spotted it.


Hey, hey, here's, hey, here's to the special educations unit.

Thanks for the free day off of school.

Yeah, we really learned our lesson.

And here's to detective Gaybler.

You think he's banging his partner, man?

Oh, no way. No way.

It would take a locksmith to pry that prude's legs open.

And what about that judge Diarrhea?

Oh, that old witch.

Yeah, where's her broom?

It's up her butt.

"Up my butt"?

Haul their asses in.

I'll talk to them.

Nobody home.

Well, Jordan's mom said that he had an extra tutoring session with Becca.

Maybe they're at the library.

What are you kidding me, they're probably out somewhere getting bombed.

What are you doing here?

Looking for Jordan.

His mom said he'd be here.

No, uh, she's wrong.

I don't tutor him on Thursdays.

Do you mind if we, uh, come in?

Any idea where we can find him?

Why, is he in trouble?

Just want to talk with him.

About what?

Thought you said he wasn't here.

He's not supposed to be.

What are you doing?

Don't come in here.

She's my mom.

And she's hot.

How could, how could you do this?

Get dressed.

You're coming downtown.

Both of you.


We didn't do anything wrong.

Looks pretty wrong to me.

Get dressed.

You're sleeping with a teenage boy.

Jordan's a man.

He's 17, it's not a crime.

Oh, it oughta be.

You're old enough to be his mother.


When I was his age, I was pregnant with Becca.

So you're reliving your lost childhood?

Is that it?

You don't get it.

When was the last time a man your age asked you out?

Oh, we're not talking about me.

I'm not the one who's sleeping with a teenager.

It's been a while since you had a date, hasn't it?

That partner of yours is cute.

But I bet he likes them younger.

My ex sure did.

I wasted ten good years on Wally before I found out he was schtupping his secretary.

When he ran out on us, I was angry at first.

But then I realized, if he could have a younger woman, I could have a younger man.

Your husband leaving you hardly justifies you sleeping with a high school student.

Why are you so bitter?

Did someone leave you?

Or maybe you had a chance once.

Someone wanted to marry you, you thought you wanted something more?

And your "something more" is a teenage boy?

He knows his way around the bedroom.

And apparently around your liquor cabinet.

What, you have to get him drunk to get him to sleep with you?


He came on to me.

Asked me to be his teacher.

So when was his first lesson?

I don't remember.

When was your 17th birthday?

October 29th.

Oh, that's about three months ago.

How long has Becca been tutoring you?

How long?

Uh... six, six months.

The law's very clear.

If Lillian started having sex with you before your 17th birthday, that's statutory r*pe.

She, she didn't r*pe me.

I wanted it.

I love her.

Good for you.

When'd you two start having sex?

On my birthday. All right?

Oh, okay.

That's a hell of a present.

Were you drunk?

He was served.

But it wasn't alcohol.

And he wasn't complaining.

Look, there were empty bottles on your bedroom floor.

Those were mine.

Jordan is drunk.

He was drunk when he came over.

Hey, hey!

Again, now where'd you get the booze for the party at Luke's house?

I don't, I don't know.


Lillian give it to you?


We'll you're gonna tell me the name of the person who did or you're going to jail.


Doing time doesn't seem to scare him.

'cause he knows it's an empty threat.

Best we can do is a misdemeanor.

Unless he has a prior record.

You just said the magic words.

"Prior record."

Does the date October 26, 2005 mean anything to you?

Chicago White Sox won the World series.

First time since 1970.

It was also the first time Jordan was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

He tossed a beer bottle through a neighbor's bedroom window and then urinated on her front steps.

You can't hold your liquor, can you?

The judge took it easy on him 'cause he was only 15, but you're an adult now.

So what?

So you're looking at 15 days in jail, a $250 fine, and community service.

I guess I'll have to fill in all the colleges you applied to.

What do you, what do you want from me?

All you have to do is tell the truth and everything goes away.

The college board will never know.

I need to use the bathroom.

Jordan, this is a one time only offer.

I'm gonna throw up.

Jordan, wait.

Hey, let him go.
When can I talk to my mom?

As soon as detective Benson's finished with her.

Becca, you stupid bitch.


You're the reason we're in this mess.

This is what we get for letting freaks hang around with us.

Cool it, wise-ass.

I'm sorry.

You know, I feel sorry for you.

What's it like to have a slut for a mother?

She's not a slut.

The whole school knows she's banging Jordan.

So do you sleep with all of Becca's friends, or just Jordan?

Go to hell.

Just calling it like I seem them.

Got an eye full tonight.

So did Becca.

Leave my daughter out of this.

Oh, you're the one who put her in the middle when you started screwing her friend.

I told him we had to be careful.

So hold on, let me just get this straight.

Out of all the men out there, you picked the one boy that your daughter has a crush on.

You know, that looks like you're competing with her.

No, no.

It just happened.

I never meant for Becca to find out.

I wouldn't hurt her in a million years.

Well, then you shouldn't have banged her friend!

You don't understand.

I care about Jordan.

You care about Jordan?

Then why would you give alcohol to a boy that the judge just ordered not to drink?

I want my lawyer now.

Of course you do.


Well, while you're waiting for him, I'm gonna go talk to Becca.

She's a minor, you can't talk to her without my permission.

Oh, really?

See, that would be true if she was a suspect, but she's not.

She's a witness.

I can talk to her all I want.

You could start a bonfire with all the alcohol this one drank.

What's your poison, honey?

Shut up, you dirty old man.

Who you calling old?

You can't keep us in here.

I'm sure you're daddy will bail your ass out.

I called him two hours ago.

Looks like daddy thinks he could use a night in jail.

You finish processing the princess, and I'll take them all down to central booking.

You can't do this.

I want my parents.

Yeah, and I want the troops home, the Kyoto protocol signed, and a Tijuana oil job from miss February.

Where's Becca?

Thought she was with you.

Hey, have you seen a teenage girl, hair pulled back, brown, glasses?

Yeah, passed me on the way in.

Looked pretty upset.


Becca, wait, I need you to come back inside.

No, I'm going home.

Listen, I want to talk to you about your mother.

No. No.

You have every right to be upset, Becca.

I can't imagine how devastating it is to see what you saw.

If you had just left us alone, none of this would have happened.

Becca, you know that's not true.

They've been sleeping together for months.

You would've found out sooner or later.

Just leave me alone.

Honey, what your mother did was wrong. She hurt you.

You don't understand her.

She slept with the boy you like.

She didn't mean for it to happen.

Jordan, he took advantage of her, and she... she was just trying to help me make friends.

Becca, why are you defending her?

She's my best friend.

And you're, you're trying to put her in jail.

You're ruining our lives.

Becca give you anything on her mom?

Oh, no, she stood up for her.

Even after Lillian boffed her buddy in there?

Becca blames Jordan.

She thinks that he seduced her mother.

And Jordan's sticking up for Lillian.

What a mess.

So let's clean it up.

Jordan was drunk when he and Lillian had sex.

He's too young to be drinking.

And his state of intoxication negates his ability to consent to sex.

So we could charge Lillian with r*pe two.

Only if he testifies against her.

You think he'd flip on Lillian?

He loves her, he'll deny everything to protect her.

He knows his testimony can put her in prison.

Look, Lillian is sleeping with him and getting him drunk.

She probably bought the booze for all their parties.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lillian provided the alcohol for the night Melanie Tamkin died.

Look, this isn't just about underage drinking.

It's about homicide.

Now, I don't have enough to charge Lillian yet.

But maybe if we squeeze the kids, we can get one of them to rat her out.

Arraignment Part 29

Thursday, January 11

This is the second time in a week that three of you are here on underage drinking charges.

And you, Jordan, have allegedly supplied the alcohol on both occasions.

Furthermore, you have made mockery of my authority.

Therefore, you are charged with contempt of court.

And face time in a juvenile facility.

My clients regret their behavior, and ask your honor for leniency in light of their strong scholastic achievement.

It would be unfairly punitive to disrupt their education.

I've already taken care of that.

I've spoken to your principal.

He's decided to place you on probation.

So for the remainder of the semester, you will not be allowed to participate in athletics, extracurricular activities, or the prom.

Please, your honor, we're really sorry.

Good. I'll see you all back here in two weeks.

And if you are truly repentant, you will have stayed sober the entire time.

We will, your honor.

I know.

I've ordered daily urine tests for all of you.

Next case.

So they miss the prom, big deal.

Well, it is to them.

You see their faces?

This is the first time that these kids have taken it seriously.

...second degree and one count endangering the welfare of a minor.

How do you plead?

Not guilty.


The People ask for $200,000, your honor.

That's crazy, my client is not a flight risk.

She is the mother of a teenage daughter who attends Hanover day school.

And she uses the school as a sexual hunting ground.

Counselor, that is hardly appropriate.

The defendant is released on her own recognizance.

And she is also ordered not to have any contact with minors, except her own child.

Now that these kids see that this isn't a joke, maybe we can get one of them to tell us who bought the alcohol that k*lled Melanie.

Especially if I agree to expunge the record of anyone willing to come forward.

This is all your fault!

How could you do this to my mother?

Hey, look, I didn't do anything.

She came on to me.

You're lying!

Becca, that's enough.

Come on.

Happy? You completely screwed up my whole life!

Well, you can fix this.

Just tell us everything and we'll make a deal.

Do I have a choice?

With your record, judge Donnelly's gonna be a lot harder on you than the other kids.

So I gotta be a rat?

Yeah, that or go to jail.

All right.

Lillian bought the booze the night Melanie died.



Oh, you suck.






Reagan Michels.

Jordan drunk?

Coroner said his blood alcohol was three times the legal limit.

How about Reagan?


Her backpack was full of library books.

Giving her a lift home.

Jordan's liver shows signs of long-term alcohol abuse.

How long term?

3 or 4 years.

80% of high school students try alcohol.

41% of ninth graders admit they drink regularly.

Well, Jordan said Lillian was buying for him.

Yeah, but without his testimony, I can't prove it.

I need a living witness.

I'm gonna talk to Becca.

I thought she wan't cooperating.

Maybe two dead classmates change her mind.

Leave me alone.


Jordan and Reagan are dead.

That doesn't have anything to do with me.

It does if your mother gave Jordan the alcohol.

It's your fault Jordan got drunk.

You wouldn't leave him alone.

We were trying to help him.

Yeah, right.

Just like Miss Cramer.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Who's Miss Cramer?

Our guidance counselor.

She claims she helps kids, but also she does go behind their backs and trashtalk them.

Did she trashtalk you?

No. Jordan.

He told her he thought he had a drinking problem, she ratted him out to the headmaster and Jordan got suspended.

They said his problems put other students at risk.

When did that happen?


After you arrested Jordan and my mother.

You told him he was going to prison.

He was so upset last night.

I've never seen him so freaked.

You saw Jordan last night?

Late for the memorial service, I gotta go.

Reagan was really pretty.

Kids used to say that we looked alike.

And I really liked that.

I'm so sad.

I'm gonna miss her so much.

Jordan was like a brother to me.

I can't believe we will never play lacrosse with him again.

Team will never take state now.

Would anyone else like to share their thoughts?

Yeah, I would.

Jordan Owens was drunk when he k*lled himself and Reagan Michels.

He was an alcoholic.

And we all knew it and didn't do anything about it.

It took a lot of balls to say that in there.

It's just truth.

Hey, wait.


What you said in there, you were right.

Jordan, I knew he was in trouble, but I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice.

What are you talking about?

Becca Rice, she's hardcore.

She drinks all the time.

Becca? Are you sure?

Yeah. She hides it.

That flavored water she's always drinking... it's mostly vodka.

You can't just barge in here.

We ran into information that your daughter's been abusing alcohol.

My daughter doesn't drink.

What's in the glass?


I told you my daughter doesn't drink.

Just lemonade?

There is nothing else in there.

Then you won't mind taking your breathalyzer.

Come on, that's absurd.

This is ridiculous.

I need you to blow into that tube right there.

Blow into the tube, blow into the tube, please.

That's it.

.06. She's been drinking.

And that, it can't be right.

You need to come with us.

No, please let go of me.

Take it easy.

Take your hands off me!

Becca, calm down.

No, you let go of me.

Mom, mom, please don't let them take me. Mom!

Your mom's coming with you.

Lillian Rice, you're under arrest for endangering the welfare of a minor.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.

Motion to suppress the evidence on what grounds, Mr. Langham?

Detective Stabler entered my client's home without her permission and illegally seized the evidence.

He had no warrant for an arrest.

Therefore, arrest should be vacated and the evidence suppressed.

Okay, detective Stabler was escorting ACS.

The evidence, a glass of lemonade was on the dining room table in plain view.

Her test confirmed that it was vodka.

That drink belonged to my client, not her daughter.

Well, then why was Becca drinking when detective Stabler and ACS entered home?

She picked up my glass by mistake.

Then was it also mistake that Becca's blood alcohol content was .06?

That her eyes were red and she was unsteady on feet.

She had just lost two close friends.

She'd been crying.

She was drunk.

Not legally.

Her blood alcohol was below the level of legal intoxication.

It doesn't matter.

It's illegal for Lillian Rice to serve alcohol to her daughter.

Lillian didn't give it to her.

Becca took it.

Can you prove that Lillian Rice served her daughter alcohol.

She was drinking the vodka in her mother's home with her approval.

Then you get me a statement from Becca Rice corroborating that assertion or your case is out.

Stoneycroft Recovery Center 173 West 74th Street Saturday, January 13

Why are you here?

I meant what I said yesterday in your school.

I'm not gonna let you k*ll yourself like Jordan did.

It's first time I've been sober in month.


How's your feel?


When I was drinking, I didn't have to face my problems, now I do.

Why did you start drinking?

Feel better.

For what?


Meds always made my mom feel better when she got upset.

How old were you when you started?


Did you drink with your mom?

Not until after she caught me.

I thought I was gonna be in really big trouble but, she said she didn't mind as long as I didn't hide it.

After that, mom found reasons for us to drink.

New boyfriend, no boyfriend, new job, no job.

How about your friends?

Did your mom buy alcohol for them?

I didn't have any friends.

No one liked me till my mom started passing out wine coolers, then everybody wanted to be my friend.

She made you popular.

Yeah, for the first time in my life.


Did your mom buy the alcohol for the party where Mellanie Tamkin died?

She did, didn't she?


And Jordan was drinking in your house the night he died?


Trial Part 29

Monday, March 5

Is it true your mother provided alcohol for you and your friends including Jordan Owens?

Even though she knew none of you were 21.

She said it was safer than us being in a bar with strangers who take advantage of us.

Except your mother was sleeping with Jordan Owens.

Nothing further.

Tiffany Winston?

Don't look at Ms. Novak for help.

According to the photo on this Michigan driver's license, you are Tiffany Winston.

Defense three, your honor.

Becca Rice's fake ID.

Your mother get that for you?


So you procured that ID to buy alcohol?


Why did you have to buy alcohol if your mother was giving it to you?

Uh, I sometimes would stop by the bodega on my way to school.

Exhibit B.

A credit card receipt from Courier Wines for two cases of sauvignon blanc.

You recognize this signature?

It's mine.

Your mother ordered that for you?

No, I did.

But you used her credit.

Now what happened when she got the bill for $343?

I was grounded.

But I thought your mother was cool with your drinking.

She was. Just not with me spending her money.

Then why, if your mother was so cool with your drinking, did you feel like you need to hide vodka in your fruit drinks?


I, I don't know.

'Cause you knew your mother would disapprove.

All that talk about your mother condoning your drinking, that's a lie, isn't it?

No, no. I...

I'm telling the truth.

Before you transferred to Hanover day school, what school did you attend?

Cherry Hall.

Why did you leave Cherry Hall?

You were caught stealing money from the bake sale.

And when you were caught, you blamed another student who was later exonerated.

I, I was, I was ten.

Becca, you weren't ten last summer when you were sent home from camp Fingerlake for lying about smoking in the woods where small fire broke out.

You're a liar, Becca.

And your words can't be trusted.


When you get in trouble, Becca, you lie to save your own skin, right?


That's enough, Mr. Langham.

We'll adjourn for the day.

No deals.

Face it. Your case's going down to flames.

Don't be so proud of yourself, trapper.

You att*cked a vulnerable young girl.

Becca is a very troubled girl.

She's always had difficulty in telling the truth.

She's exaggerated her drinking problem to gain sympathy.

So your daughter's not an alcoholic.

Absolutely not.

I live with her, I would know.

What planet are you on?

She's in rehab.

Those places say everyone's an addict.

I love chocolate, maybe I should check in.

That's a great idea.

You might get some insight into your own problems.

That's it. Let's go.

Like, while you have sex with a teenage boy, why are you so desperate to be liked, to buy kids' friendship with alcohol?

It's pathetic.

Trial Part 29

Tuesday, March 6

Dr. Warner, these are scans of Becca Rice's liver and brain.

What would they show?

That Becca's body has suffered long-term damage as a result of her drinking.

Is she an alcoholic?


47% of kids who drink before age 14 become alcohol-dependent.

Dr. Warner, what has alcohol done to Becca's vital organs?

The scan on the left is Becca's liver.

The blue areas show cirrhotic activity.

Meaning what, doctor?

She has the liver function of 40-year-old man.

So she shaded years of her life span.

Quite possibly.

If she doesn't stop drinking now, she could need liver transplant by the time she's 20.

Dr. Warner, what about Becca's brain?

The orange areas on the scan show where Becca's brain has atrophied.

Neurological tests show memory loss and impaired cognitive functions.

So by giving Becca alcohol, Lillian has caused her brain damage and shortened her life.


Just stop.

Lillian, Lillian, easy.

I did it.

I got Becca drunk.

I'm so sorry.

What about Jordan Owens?

Did you get him drunk the night he died?

Yes, I gave it to him.

And did you give Jordan the alcohol for the party that cost Melanie Tamkin her life?

Ms. Novak, that's enough.

Let me speak.

It's my fault.

I gave Jordan the alcohol.

I'm so sorry, Becca.

I'm so sorry.

I never meant to hurt you, I only wanted to help.

Is that any good?

It's fine.

I heard you won the case.

Yeah, if you want to call it winning.

The girl's gonna be in rehab for a while, and mom got five years.

Did you bring your wallet with you?

Fine, dad. I'll pay this time.

It's, it's not what I'm talking about.

Give me your wallet.

Now remember, last year... when you got arrested for drinking drive, I used my badge to get you out.

It was a dumb mistake.

I, I said I was sorry.

But you never faced the consequences.

You, you gonna punish me now?

Kathleen, I'm sorry.

But unfortunately, there's no statute of limitations on being a bad parent.

2,449 youths under 21 were k*lled in alcohol-related traffic fatalities in 2005.

That's an average of 7 deaths every day.
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