09x03 - Impulsive

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x03 - Impulsive

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

You have to tell me, Shane.

Look, I can't.

This is not a cold.

It's gonorrhea.

Who ever gave this to you could spread to somebody else.

But you won't tell my parents?

I'm not gonna tell anyone unless you say it's okay.

But I do have to tell the girl that you slept with.

Look, it's not a girl.

Okay? It's a woman.

Holden tells Phoebe he wishes he could stand in that field of Rye and catch the children about to fall off a cliff.

Anyone want to take a s*ab at what that means?

Mr. Bluth?

Uh, that he wishes someone was there to catch him?

Nice save.

Mrs. Trent?


Can we speak to you a minute?

Ryan, write three images from Holden's dream on the board while I'm outside.

If you can stay awake long enough.

How can I help you?

Detectives Benson and Stabler.

Please turn around, face the wall, and put your hands behind your back.

I'm being arrested?

For what?

Statutory r*pe.

I didn't r*pe anyone.

You had sex with a 15-year-old boy.

That's against the law.

Did Shane tell you that?

No, his pediatrician called the child abuse hotline after Shane told him that you had seduced him.

That's not what happened.

Shane r*ped me.

Law & Order: SVU
9x03. Impulsive

Original air date: 2007/10/09

Ms. Trent's my English teacher, and she came on to me.

We had sex. She made me...

He made me do it.

I begged him not to, but he forced himself on me.


About two months ago.


In Shane's apartment.

In Shane's apartment?

What were you doing there?

Tutoring him for his PSATs PSATs.

I want to go to one of the lvies.

I called Mrs. Trent.

She said she could come Tuesdays after school.

My wife and I both work.

We had no idea what happened.

How many times did you have sex with your teacher?

Just once.

Where'd she come on to you?

Uh, my bedroom.

He shut the door.

He started stroking my face.

I told him to stop, but he wouldn't.

She started saying all this weird stuff.

Like, you know, how she can't stop thinking about me.

And how she's in love with me.

He pinned me against the wall, so I couldn't get away.

Then he... he pulled my skirt down.

Then she was touching me, and she was kissing me, and I just... I couldn't help it.

You know I... I got excited.

Sarah, did you save the clothes that you were wearing that day?

I threw out the torn blouse, and I washed everything else.

Why would you do that if you're innocent?

Because I didn't want my husband to know.

Do we have anything besides his word against hers?

Only that she was fired from her last teaching job.

The school wouldn't be more specific.

We're gonna need a subpoena for her record.

What about Shane?

Honor student.

No history of acting out, clean record, not the kind of kid who suddenly becomes a r*pist.

Doesn't leave us with a whole lot of options.

Mr. and Mrs. Mills, this is Captain Cragen, A.D.A. Novak.

Did she confess?

Well, she claims Shane r*ped her.

No. I swear I didn't.

She is going to jail, right?

Not tonight.

We don't have enough evidence to arraign her.

That woman took advantage of him.

And our best chance to convict her is to build a strong case before we go to court.

Three days.

You arrest her, or we'll go to the media and say that you let our boy's r*pist go free.

She's good.

We can't shake her.

Shane's sticking to his story too.

I don't suppose Sarah copped to having gonorrhea.

She said, "No way."

Can we get a court order to test her?

Well, if she's been treated, there's no way to prove she ever had it.

Unless she has some leftover antibiotics in her apartment.

Which would at least tell us whether or not she's lying.

I'll get a court order in the morning.

Ask Doc Warner which meds to look for.

Apartment of Sarah Trent 586 183rd Street Tuesday, August 28

Bedroom's clean.

You got anything?

Yeah, samples of Augmentin.

That's on Warner's list.

And six of these. No labels.

We'll have the lab test it.

Hey, you finally finished fixing that outlet?

Who the hell are you?

Police, Mr. Trent.

What are you doing here?

Executing a search warrant.

For what?

You haven't spoken with your wife?

No. Is she all right?

What happened?

One of her students accused her of r*pe.

Okay, well, the kid is lying.

All right, there is no way that my wife would have sex with a student.

Was she taking these for gonorrhea?

Are you crazy?

No, she has a urinary tract infection.

Look, what did you do?

Did you put her in jail?

We released her last night.

You haven't seen her?

No. I'm a firefighter.

I'm just off a 48-hour tour.

Sarah should be at work.

The school suspended her.

Oh, my God.

She didn't pick up when I called last night.

I just figured she was sleeping.

If she tires to hurt herself...

Has she ever attempted su1c1de?


She used to cut herself.

You know, on her arms.

Before we got married, she...

It just went straight to voicemail.

Did it ring first?

Four times.

Well, then her phone's still on.

We may be able to track her.

What'd you get?

Ruben Morales, meet Mr. Manners.

Chester Lake, my new partner.

Your gal is somewhere in that building across the street.

That's the best you can do?

We just drove around for two hours tracking down that cell signal.

Yeah, and there's a couple hundred offices in that building.

How are you gonna know which one?

With this Gizmo.

It's accurate to within five feet.

Signals coming from down there.

Family planning services?

You know, they give out birth control.

And do abortions.

Can I help you?

Where's Sarah Trent?

I can't give out patient information.

Look, lady, unless you want us to bust in there...

Try it and I'll have our lawyer here in two seconds.

He's right down the hall.


I'll go tell him you're obstructing justice.

She can't talk to you now anyway.

She's in surgery.

You're not coming in without a warrant.

It's empty.

I'll check across the hall.

I got this one.

Hey, have you seen any judges around?

It's an emergency.

I need someone to sign a warrant.

Judge Bradley.

He just headed for the elevator.



You got one?

This way.

If we can catch him.

Judge Bradley!

Late for lunch, Miss Novak?

We need you to sign this.


I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

Sarah Trent committed stat r*pe with one of her students.

She's having an abortion as we speak.

Why do you need the products of conception?

For DNA to prove who the father is.

The warrant states both parties admit sex took place.

That fetus is the only physical evidence of a r*pe.

The information on this warrant is truthful?

It is.

Based on your personal knowledge, detective?

It is Your Honor.

It better be.

Thank you.


Finn? Warrant's on the way.

Where's Sarah?

She got out of surgery about an hour ago.

She must still be in recovery.

Get that over to the ME's office.

Have Warner rush the DNA.

Sarah Trent.

You're under arrest for trying to hide evidence.

Please... don't tell my husband.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can not afforded one, one will be appointed to you.

That's not...

You okay?

We need a doctor over here.

Where's Sarah?

Hospital called and said she was unconscious.

Did she try to hurt herself?

No, she fainted.

From what?

Doctor said she had low blood pressure.

How did you know that Sarah was here?


She had an abortion?


They're lying. Right?

Sarah, you would never have an abortion.

I had to.

You had to?

You're gonna try to justify this.

I was r*ped.

It doesn't matter, Sarah.

You k*lled a child.

Hey, take it easy.

Jimmy, don't!

Please don't hurt him!

Don't hurt him!

You, okay?


I got him.

You had no right.

I'm sorry!

I didn't know what else to do.

She took a life, and you are arresting me.

I don't see how this makes sense.

Well, I'll clear it up for you.

Assaulting a cop is against the law.

Abortion isn't.

Well, it should be.

Listen to me now.

I'm Catholic... I understand...

Then you believe abortion is a sin.

I believe I just saw your wife up there begging you for forgiveness.

We've been trying to get pregnant...

For so long.

How can I forgive her?

Maybe by realizing how desperate she had to have been to do what she did.

You know that kid r*ped her.

Now, listen to me.

Sarah's still in trouble.

She needs you.

What are you doing?

Showing you forgiveness.

Go to your wife.

Look, I'm sorry.

I just lost it in there.

I know.

Change of heart?

Look, he's got enough problems without an as*ault collar.

Sure does.

Warner just called with the DNA results.

Shane was the baby's father.

It doesn't prove anything.

Now you don't think she's guilty?

Look, you saw the desperation on her face.

Because she knew that it wasn't her husband's.

I just got a fistful of why she wouldn't want to tell him.

Then why didn't she get an abortion before we collared her?

And what were those antibiotics doing in her apartment?

He told us.

That she had a urinary tract infection.

Do you think she'd tell him if she had gonorrhea?

Probably didn't tell him why she was fired from her last job either.

Seems she took male students to lunch despite warnings to stop.

You came all the way up here just to tell us that?

No. To show you these.

Sent to us anonymously.

Still think she's innocent?

Arraignment Part 38

Tuesday August 28

Docket ending 709 people v. Sarah Trent.

One count each, r*pe in the second degree and obstructing governmental administration.

Russell Hunter for the defense.

My client pleads not guilty.

And for the record, isn't r*pe two a little over the top here?

Excuse me?

I mean, this boy is a victim only in the statutory sense, isn't he?

If I heard right, you just admitted you client r*ped 15-year-old student.

Get your ears checked.

I'm saying no one reported this so call r*pe until after two months after the fact.

This doctor's the one who called the police.

Prompting Mrs. Trent to destroy the evidence by secretly aborting her fetus.

Are you saying my client should have asked the government's permission to terminate her pregnancy?

Last time I checked Roe V. Wade hasn't been overturned yet.

Your Honor, the people are hardly trying to dispute Mrs. Trent's right to obtain an abortion.

Nevertheless, Miss Novak, I am dismissing the count of obstructing governmental administration.

I will hear your application on the r*pe charge.

Mrs. Trent is not a flight risk.

The people request $50,000 bail.

We object, Your Honor and ask that the warrant for the products of my client's conception be suppressed.

I signed that warrant myself, Mr. Hunter.

On what grounds?

That the seizure of the fetus violates her first amendment right to freedom of religion.

And, you, sir, are violating the limits of my patience.

Counsel, approach.

This is not a Chinese restaurant, young man.

You don't pick from column B, if your column a defense doesn't hold up.

Your Honor, Sarah Trent is a devout catholic.

She believes life begins at conception, and that even a fetus has a soul.

If she believes that even a fetus has a soul, then she must believe that abortion is m*rder.

That's between my client and her God.

But the fact remains the police seized the fetus without asking my client whether she wanted to bury it, abrogating her constitutional right to practice her religion.

Your Honor, this is ridiculous.

This is dangerous ground, Miss Novak.

I'm not ruling without some research.

But it would help if I knew whether the police made any effort to find out if Mrs. Trent wanted to bury her fetus.

Of course we didn't ask.

Should we have?

According to Sarah's attorney, yes.

If you're gonna abort, then why get all religious afterwards?

It's all about balance.


What are you talking about?

Your spirit lives in every part of your body.

Now, if you remove a small part of that, It knocks you off balance.

Mohawks believe the only way to get it back is to give the body part a proper burial.

I've heard of Catholics burying a fetus after miscarriage.

This is a legal ploy.

Sarah's lawyer is trying to bury her case.

Yeah, well, he's got his work cut out for him.

Did you find something out?

The lab did.

The stuff in those ampoules from Sarah's apartment is called lupron.

It's used for in vitro fertilization.

We subpoenaed the Trents' medical records from their fertility clinic.

He's the reason they couldn't conceive.

Slow swimmers.

So Sarah knew Shane had to be the father.

Still doesn't prove which one of them is telling the truth about what happened.

You said Sarah was a recovering cutter?

According to her husband, yeah.

It's a symptom of borderline personality disorder.

Many of the female teachers who've been in the news for seducing their students exhibit varying degrees of BPD, and borderline personalities can't take rejection.

Which means what?

It means that if she really is in love with Shane, I don't think she'd be able to stay away from him.

So let's sit on her.

See where she goes.

Let's cover our asses.

We'll sit on both of them.

Shane went in two hours ago and hasn't come out since.

And no sign of anyone else.

Any action there?

Just a bunch of media vultures circling for Sarah.

While she sneaks out through the basement over there.

It's the wrong hair color.

It's a wig.

That's Sarah.

Belay that last transmission.

Elvis just left the building.

Check it out.

Shane's on the move too.

Any idea where Sarah's headed?

Looks like Sarah's taking the A train.

Two to one, she's headed to the subway.

I'm gonna follow on foot.

Kid's making it easy.

He just go on the bus.

We're on him.

Is Sarah going uptown or downtown?


Do you hear me?

Radio must not be working underground.

Ten four, sit tight till he calls in.

Roger that.

As long as we don't lose Shane, we're all right.

You still on Shane?

Just getting off the bus and heading into the Lydia Hotel.

That's a couple of blocks from the A train.

She may already be there.

Five minutes?

Let's see if we can catch them in the act.
Hey, the kid who just came in here.

What room?

What kid?

The 15-year-old we're gonna tear this place apart looking for.

Room number.


Was a woman with him?

She showed up first.


Put your clothes on, Shane.

Sarah, get up.

My name's Felice.

Shane's with a pross.

Sarah's not here.

You shouldn't play with a hooker, Shane. that's how you get the burn.

I was punk'd.

You're a r*pist.

No, I'm not.

Did you enjoy putting your teacher through hell?

I already told you I didn't do it.

It was my first time with him.

How'd you two meet?

He emailed my boss.

Two to one, I got Sarah.


She's going to church.

I guess she wanted to avoid being recognized at her neighborhood parish.

Where'd Shane find the hooker?

On the lnternet.

He said he wanted a massage before we did it.

You know, to help him relax.

Kid was a nervous wreck.

He ask you for anything else?

He wanted me to fight him, you know, like he was forcing me.

He said he saw it on some Russian website.

He kept saying he was sorry.

That your first time with Shane?

What's going on here?

We've been pulling them in since last night.

So Shane slept with all these women?

A bunch of times with some.

Excuse me, Monique, where you think you're going?

Hey, Casey.

Check this out.

Go ahead.

I gave the kid the clap, but I told him to get himself checked.

Well, aren't you the poster girl for public health?

There's more. Just wait.

Liv, listen to this. Go on.

Last time I screwed Shane he was bragging that he did his teacher.

Ripping her clothes off, just how he practiced with me.

Practice makes perfect.

Sarah Trent wasn't fired from her last job.

For taking boys to lunch.

She was their faculty advisor.

It was legit.

So what happened?

The principal was putting moves on her.

He did a preemptive strike so she wouldn't out him.

Same thing Shane did when he accused Sarah of r*pe.

Bibi here just told us where Shane got the idea for r*pe.

It's enough for me.

I'll dismiss the charges against her.

You go collar Shane.

Shane Mills is not a r*pist.

New client, Sophie?

His parents retained me last night.

They're not kidding when they say he's got a problem.

He's a bona fide sex addict.

Which in no way excuses what he did to his teacher.

It will when I prove that he was powerless to stop himself from attacking her.

Chambers of Judge Petrovsky Friday, August 31

All that matters is whether Shane Mills knew raping Sarah Trent was wrong.

Your Honor, the filth that the police found on the defendant's computer would make Larry Flynt blush.

This kid spends most of his free time looking at porn on the lnternet.

Every adolescent boy in America looks at lnternet porn.

But I would venture that most of them haven't slept with a couple of dozen hookers.

Excessive as that is, Miss Devere, it's hardly grounds for an insanity plea.

We're not pleading insanity.

My client acted under duress.

Nobody put a g*n to his head.

The g*n was inside his head in the form of uncontrollable impulses that the neurotransmitters in his brain won't let him resist.

Your Honor, if you let her use this defense, you're opening the door for every pedophile caught raping a child to claim his brain made him do it.

Shane Mills is not a pedophile.

His record is clean.

He's a straight A student.

This is a good kid.

Who r*ped his teacher, and then accused her of seducing him to cover it up.

Which is why neither of us wants a conviction overturned on appeal.

You have your defense, Miss Devere.

I'd be happy for the people's expert to give him own psychiatric examination of my client.

I was on the computer one day when I was ten.

This pop-up appeared, and it was a video of this guy and girl screwing.

Do you remember how that made you feel?

Yeah, I got excited.

You know, I wanted to do what they were dong.

Do you think that's why you spend so much time looking at porn on the lnternet?

Yeah, I mean, it's amazing.

Every day I just... I find something new.

Shane's responses indicated an early predisposition towards sex addiction.

So I drew blood, and I ran a series of genetic tests.

The results showed Shane has extra copies of his DRD4 gene, which helps control one's sex drive.

And a defect in his 5-HT T gene, which regulates the transport of serotonin.

How many times a day do you masturbate?

I don't know.

Five, six, sometimes more.

Even when you're at school?

Yeah, if I'm in class, and I get the urge, I just ask to go to the bathroom.

We did imaging studies on Shane's brain using functional MRI.

His nucleus accumbens, the addiction and pleasure center of the brain, and his amygdale and hypothalamus, associated with aggression and sex drive, all showed higher than normal baseline levels of metabolic activity.

When we showed him images as tame as women in bathing suits, those same areas of his brain lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

How did you feel when you found out you had gonorrhea?

I was scared.

Scared enough to stop having sex with prostitutes?

I tried. I couldn't.

Engaging in high risk behavior and knowing the danger is the Rosetta stone of addiction.

And Shane's is way out of control.

Is it possible it caused him to r*pe Sarah Trent?

Well, it would be rare.

I've never seen it.

But yes, it is possible.

Should Shane be held accountable?


Or you'd have to excuse anyone who commits a crime and knows that it's wrong.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

Doctor, what role does the brain's prefrontal cortex play in behavior?

It's associated with decision making and impulse control.

And that part of the brain is fully developed at what point in life?

About age 20.

So a 15-year-old like Shane wouldn't have the same ability to control his impulses as, say, you or I?

Well, anyone who has children knows that to be true.

Given Shane's genetic predisposition, isn't it possible that Shane knew what he was doing, but it was physically impossible for him to stop himself?

What you're asking is the point at which biological drives overpower reason.

And I can't answer that.

I don't think anyone can.

Why was Shane put on Prozac after he was arrested?

I'm not his psychiatrist.

I don't know.

But you do know that an SSRI antidepressant, such as Prozac, would raise his serotonin levels and curb his insatiable appetite for sex.

Isn't that correct?

It can, yes.

So if Shane's condition is treatable, do you think that he belongs in prison?



Nothing further, Your Honor.

Shane, did you force Sarah Trent to have sex with you against her will?

Yes, I did.

Can you tell us why?

I don't know.

I guess I couldn't stop myself.

No further questions, Your Honor.

People's eight, Your Honor.

These pictures of Sarah Trent were sent to the police, found on your computer.

Did she pose for you?


Then where did you get them?

I took her pictures from my yearbook, and I photo-shopped them onto somebody else's body.

Was this before or after you r*ped her?


To cover up what you'd done?


How many times did Sarah Trent beg you to stop when you were raping her?

I don't know.

I didn't count.

Oh no, you were too busy.

I told you I couldn't stop.

You couldn't or you didn't feel like it?

I don't know, okay.

I didn't think of it as r*pe.

You didn't?

Now is that because you know that r*pe is wrong?

Of course I know r*pe is wrong.

So the whole time she was begging you to stop raping her, you knew what you were doing was wrong.

I wish it didn't happen.

Okay, I wish it didn't happen.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

No further questions.

You may step down, Mr. Mills.

We're in recess until tomorrow.

I need you to do something for me.

I don't know what to say.

Me either.

Then why'd you come?

Because I'm trying really hard to understand what happened.

I just... I screwed up.

I just really hope you can forgive me.

I can't yet, Shane.

But I'm working on it.

The medication that they gave me helps.

It stops me from having those feelings all the time.

You mean about sex?


Are you gonna stay on them?

I'm gonna do whatever they tell me.

I just... I don't ever wanna hurt anybody again.

Please don't send him to prison.

I can live with my pain, but I can't live with destroying Shane's life if there's a chance he can be helped.

Casey, you know it's the right thing.

He pleads guilty to the r*pe and as*ault three.

He does 18 months probation in a private, secure treatment center for juvenile sex offenders.

And if he successfully completes his treatment?

The judge dismisses his r*pe charge.

His record's clean, and he does not spend the rest of his life as a registered sex offender.

You screw up though, and you're doing the full Monty.

Seven years for the r*pe.

She's giving you a second chance, Shane.

Don't blow it.

I promise I won't.


Yeah, I'll be right there.

Kastner Center for Juvenile Offenders 176 Remsen Street Brooklyn, New York Tuesday, October 2

He just jumped me in the hallway, and then he pushed me into my room.

Did you see him?

No, he pulled a laundry bag over my face.

He kicked the crap out of me first, and then threw me on my bed, and he r*ped me.

Would you recognize his voice?

No, he didn't say a word.

How could you let them do this to me?

What time was Shane Mills assaulted?

I'm not sure.

My second in command called me at midnight.

That's Shane's room.

This is a crime scene!

Why is there a garbage can out here?

Hey, you!

You get out now.

The bed's been stripped.

We've lost all of our trace evidence.

Who is in charge, Mr. Feldron, when you're not here?

My night supervisor, but she went home.

Well, then get her ass back here.

And I want every surveillance tape you have within the next five minutes.

I'm sorry, but our security system has been down for months, and corporate won't pay to fix it.

Well, then how do you propose we find the perv that r*ped that boy?

Take your pick. I've got 50 hardcore sex offenders locked up here.

Then I'm gonna talk to every single one of them tonight.

Now you get a guard posted on this door.

I want whoever did this to burn.

Are you sure?

Because I wouldn't want to punish someone who's not responsible for his actions.

Don't you dare put this mess off on me.

I put Shane in this mess because I bought into your sideshow in court.

I gave Shane my best defense.

I did my job.

Do yours.

Treatment center?

Why don't you try waste treatment center.

This place is a cesspool.

Why is that?

Because everybody's doing it.

And when the guys aren't having sex with each other, then they're off boffing the staff, men and women.

Which staff members?

What? Are you crazy, lady?

They'll cut my balls off if I give you names.

Let's just say it goes to the top, all right?

The administrator?

Nah, Feldron's clean.

Grab ass starts at night when he's gone.

And there ain't nobody around to stop it.

It was worse than usual tonight.

Where were the guards?

Where they always are, catching Z's in their office.

It gets scary around here, man.

That kid Shane's not the only kid that's been r*ped.

How many others?

I hear two.

Do you have any idea who might have done them?


You can tell me.

Everybody else thinks we deserve this crap.

What makes you all bleeding heart caring?

Nobody has the right to touch you.

Pete was hanging around.

He usually doesn't work nights.

Who's Pete?

One of the guards.

I saw him at 7:30.

He's usually gone by 4:00.

Pete Lincoln wasn't approved for overtime yesterday.

Then why was he here for more than three hours after his tour ended?

I'll check, but Pete's as clean as they come.

He's a retired cop from Florida.

First one I'd rule out as a suspect.

Well, is there anyone who works here that you wouldn't rule out?

I don't think I like your tone, Miss Novak.

Answer the question.

We don't hire criminals.


Then who's responsible for the two other clients that were r*ped?

Those animals are doing it to each other.

They're predators.

That kid tonight got what he deserved.

That is right, because he and the rest of them are nothing but human garbage.

Get away from me.

I'm gonna find whoever's been brutalizing these kids, and I'm gonna prove you've been protecting him to save your own ass, you son of a bitch!

Nobody reported being att*cked!

Hey! What's going on here?

What the hell are you doing?

She's crazy.

Make sure you get personnel files on every one of his employees now!

What the hell are you doing?

He ordered his men to clean up a crime scene.

That's my problem.

Not yours.

These people didn't even call the police.

That's obstruction of justice.

And grabbing his shirt is as*ault, which I unfortunately just witnessed.

What are you gonna do?

Are you gonna arrest me?

I may not have a choice.

Casey, you're drowning here, and unless Stabler can convince that guy to change his mind, I can't even throw you a life jacket!

I am a big girl.

I know how to swim.

Mercy General Hospital 365 West 32nd Street Tuesday, October 2

How's Shane?

About to go into surgery.


To put his arm back together.

The bastard who r*ped him shattered it.

You can't be blaming yourself for this.

Why not?

I convict kids like Shane all the time, and I have no idea what happens to them afterwards.

I should have checked before I put Shane into that hellhole.

That's not your job.

Whose is it?

Is it yours?

Court's? Legislature?

The best way you can protect these kids is by nailing the son of a bitch who did this to Shane.

I'm not gonna be much use to you after I take that collar for assaulting Feldron.

Well, when I told him what a world of hurt that I would bring on him, he backed off.


Doc said the r*pe kit had plenty of hairs and fluid for DNA.

Bad news is we can't swab every Kastner Center employee without probable cause.

So help us find it in the personnel jackets.

They call this a personnel jacket?

Where are the background investigations, evaluations, fitness reports?

All kept at Kastner's Headquarters in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

What kind of a corporation is this?

One that states pay to run their prisons.

Got into the sex offender rehab business a couple years back.

This guard has a menacing and misdemeanor possession of crack.

I'll raise you one criminal mischief and two stolen cars.

Everyone who works in that place has a record.

All except the administrator, the night supervisor, and that guard, Pete Lincoln.

22 years with the Tampa PD, three years as a guard at the Gulf coast sex offender rehabilitation center.

Then why come all the way up here for a job that pays minimum wage?

Special Victims, Detective Stabler.

Apparently that's the going rate for everyone at Kastner, except for management.

It must be how they attract the cream of the crop.

Warner just called.

DNA's back.

We get a hit?

Earl Romaine, 43, r*ped a 13-year-old boy.

I don't remember seeing his name on the list of Kastner center employees.

Warner's emailing his mug shot and rap sheet now.

Can't wait to find out how this dirt bag got in there to r*pe Shane.

Maybe that guy let him in.

Pete Lincoln?

This is the real Pete Lincoln, and he still works at that sex offender center in Florida.

Well, if that's not Pete Lincoln...

It's gotta be Earl Romaine impersonating him.

Okay, it's 2:00, and Romaine's tour starts at 4:00.

He lives in Green point.

Apartment of Earl Romaine 51 Dobbin Street Brooklyn, New York Tuesday, October 2

What are you staring at?

One sorry-ass white boy.

You got a problem with me, spook, bring it.

That's Detective Spook to you, Romaine.

Earl Romaine, you're under arrest for the r*pe of Shane Mills.

Screw you.

Sorry, you're not his type.

Romaine stole guard Pete Lincoln's identity so he could get a job at the Kastner center, where he'd have unlimited boys to r*pe.

Romaine's a registered sex offender in Florida.

The Kastner Center would have found that out if they'd bothered to run his fingerprints.

We found dozens of emails proving the people who ran the Kastner Center knew the two other r*pe victims had identified Romaine as their attacker, but did nothing to stop him.

After the governor found out what had happened, he ordered all Kastner Center clients moved to Juvenile detention, and the place closed down for good.

We're looking into filing criminal charges against the Kastner Corporation.

Shane didn't finish his treatment.

Are you going to send him to jail?

Miss Novak and I worked out a deal.

I'm recommending to the judge that Shane be released on probation and continue his treatment on an outpatient basis.

Same rules apply, though.

You mess up, and you're going to prison.



I really hope I'm not prosecuting Shane for another r*pe two years from now.

You don't think the treatment'll help him?

It didn't help the scum who r*ped him.

Romaine's an adult.

He needs to be locked up until we can find a way to fix him, if there is a way.

Shane's a kid.

He deserves a second chance.

Miss Novak It's all over the news.

Is Shane the kid who got r*ped at the Kastner Center?

I'm afraid so. Yes.

It's not your fault. Honey.

He's gonna be okay.

We're actually about to go question his attacker.

Is it true that the Kastner Center is offering Shane a million dollars not to file a lawsuit?

I hadn't heard...

Yes. That's true.

How crazy is the law.

That kid r*ped my wife, and he gets a million bucks.

What does Sarah get?

She gets nothing. Right?

Let's get out of here.

I don't blame him.

You know he didn't mean to hurt her.

Hey. It's not his fault that the law hasn't caught up to science.

Hey, the law's one size fits all.

It's not customized for every brain.

Shane knew right from wrong.

You sure you don't want a lawyer?

Don't need one.

I'd rethink that if I were you, Earl.

I mean, it is your DNA inside Shane Mills.

This time you're never getting out.

Too bad all that treatment you had down in Florida didn't take.

I guess I'm just wired bad.

I can't help myself.

You know.

Like that kid I r*ped.
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