09x07 - Blinded

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x07 - Blinded

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Now, you sure it was a talking car, not a talking fire hydrant?

Don't crack wise with me, young man.

I'm not some senile old bitch.

Then where is it?

It was right there.

In the bus stop.

Okay, Anna, the voice in trunk, what did it say to you?

"Help me" and then a name, Savannah, Samantha.


Was it Sabrina?

That's it! Sabrina.

Yo, Sanjay.

Officer Tim.

No kraut, heavy mustard.

No, no, no.

You seen this girl today?

No, sir.

What about a car parked in the bus stop about two hours ago?

Yes, the truck towed it away.


Twenty Frank to Central.

Possible sighting on kidnap victim Sabrina farmer.

Notify SVU she might be in the trunk of an impounded car.

They don't know which vehicle?

Lady couldn't give a description.

Traffic computers are down.

How do they even know it's in Queens?

It has to be here.

Cause Pier 76 is full.

And this is where Manhattan is sending their overflow.

Anybody going through the paperwork?

Central called all the tow truck drivers, told them we have a missing kid out here.

Where the hell is that infrared camera?

Emergency services on their way.

Better be quick.

There's a lot of cars out here.

Pop every trunk.

Heard your call on the radio.

Where should I start?

Take your pick. They've been putting cars in every empty space.

Captain, ESU's got another camera.

Tell him to start two rows up from O'Halloran.

Hey, guys!

I got something.

What do we got?

Just caught a blue plume coming from one of these cars.

Rear row. That gray lmpala.

If she's in there, get her out.

She's barely breathing.

We need oxygen.

EMS is stuck in traffic.

We'll take her.

Law & Order: SVU
9x07. Blinded

Original air date: 2007/11/13

Sabrina's CAT scan didn't show any bleeding, but she does have a serious concussion.

Any idea what she was hit with?

Probably a rock.

There's dirt in the laceration.

When will she wake up?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Was she r*ped?

Yes. No fluids.

But several hairs and there's significant bruising.

She's only 11.

Don't ask why.

It'll just make you crazy.

I'll call you when she's conscious.

Well, we can always go back. and check the security cam Well, we're just gonna see the same thing.

Sabrina leaving the bookstore alone and nobody following her.

Why'd she go out by herself?

Maybe she couldn't find her mother and went out there looking for her.

We got a hit on the lmpala.

The driver's name, Saul Picard from Mandeville, Louisiana.

Picked it up from escape rent-a-car three days ago.

Good, well, if he's a tourist, he's already left by now.

I doubt it. He's staying at the executive apartments on West 73rd Street.

Manager said he signed a month-long lease.

Apartment of Saul Picard 177 West 73rd Street Tuesday, October 9

So detectives Benson and Stabler, what can I do for you?

We're here about your rental car.

The one I returned yesterday?

That's not what the rental agency says.

I'm sorry, can I use your bathroom, please?

Uh, through... through the bedroom.

Thank you.

The guy's name was, um... here it is.

Um, Mickey.

Well, what's the big deal about the car?

It was stolen, Mr. Picard.

Well, there's the receipt.

I'm not responsible for what happened after I dropped it off.

Can you tell me where you've been the last two days?

Here, working.

I went to the deli on the corner a few times for coffee and burgers.

You're an artist.

Not what my critics say.

Have we met before?

Doubt it.

I'm here every few months on business, but I live in Louisiana.

Oh, near New Orleans?

Other side of Lake Pontchartrain.

North shore.

But now I'm fixing to relocate.

Katrina destroyed my house two years ago, and it's not the same down home.

I wouldn't blame you for trying to get away.

Can I see both your credentials again, please?

You have my apology.

Thank you for obliging my eccentricity.

Thanks for your time.

We'll talk to the car rental company again and, uh, try to figure this whole thing out.

Have a good day.

Yeah, that helps.


Anything from Escape Rent-A-Car?

Yeah, Picard's story checks out.

He returned the car to Mickey.

So how'd it wind up at a bus stop?

Mickey didn't have enough room in the garage and left it on the street with the keys inside.

Came out. It was gone.

Why not report it stolen?

Well, he panicked.

He was afraid he was going to get fired, so he doctored the computer records to make it look like Picard still had it.

You get anything out of the deli besides burned coffee?

The clerk said that Picard has been in at least a couple dozen times over the last three days.

Definite caffeine freak.

And a paranoid freak.

Asking for our IDs twice?

Bad cause of OCD.

And not to mention BO.

There shower was bone dry like it'd never been used.

How about the bedroom?


But no sign Sabrina was ever there.

All we got left is the lmpala, huh?

No DNA. No prints. No nothing.

Except this.

Looks like bacteria.

It's pollen.

I found microscopic traces on the driver's seat and on Sabrina's clothing.

All that proves is Sabrina was in the car.

No, sample was so minute, it could only have been transferred through extremely close contact.

Like sitting on the seat.

Yeah or during the r*pe.

What difference does it make?

Any of the last ten people who rented the car could a left the pollen.

Only if they'd been down south recently.

Pollen's from a Louisiana Flatsdege.

Louisiana Flatsdege.

That grow anywhere near Lake Pontchartrain?

Around the bayous of the north shore.

How'd you know?


You're telling me.

His laptop and artwork are gone.

So is his suitcase.

All right, Picard's alibi check out.

What did we miss?

We missed something.

He returned the lmpala.

He walks out of the rental office.

He saw the keys in the car.

He stole the car right back.

Oh, we screwed up.

No press, but I want every cop on the street looking for this guy.

You know, if I'm Picard and I got an 18-hour head start, I'm on my way to Brazil.

Maybe that's where he's been attacking little girls, cause his DNA's not in the system and the Fibbies got nothing on him.

Unless Sabrina is his first victim.

A r*pist wannabe's most likely to want to bust his cherry closer to home where he's more comfortable.

Did we check with the Louisianan cops?

Yeah. They only turned up two warrants for unpaid speeding tickets.

Speaking of which, did our friends at Escape Rent-A-Car happen to mention loaning a blue ford explorer to Mr. Picard?


Yesterday afternoon about 3:00 before we put out the alert on him.

That's right after we left his place.

Yeah, from which, by the way, he didn't check out.

Nor did he buy airplane tickets to any exotic, non-extraditable vacation spots.

Sounds like our nut job's sticking around.

Hopefully not looking for his next victim.

Let's get the description of the car on the air.

It's already done and sent to every police department in the Northeast.

Special victims unit.

This is Detective Benson.

Captain, you want us to sit on Picard's place?

I don't think he's going back there.


Sabrina's awake.

Mercy General Hospital 365 West 32nd Street Wednesday, October 10

I was looking at some books when he told me I was in danger.

He said mom was waiting for me outside.

Then he went out through the coffee place.

Explains why he wasn't on the surveillance video.

What happened then?

My mom wasn't outside, but he was.

He said mom was hurt and if I told him where I lived, he'd take me home.

Okay. So you got into his car.

But he drove the wrong way.

I tried to get out, but the doors were locked.

Did you ask him where you were going?

He said some place safe.

He was talking funny.


What else did he say?

He said, "Hearken to the ark."

"Hearken to the ark."


Mostly I didn't understand him.

Sabrina, I'm gonna show you some pictures.

And I want you to take a really, really good look, okay?

That... that's him.

He said his name was William.

Now, Sabrina, when you got out of the car...

Did you see anything?

Did you notice where you were?

It was... a park.

I tried to run away, but he said, "Stop, Francine."


And what else?

What else did he say?

Okay, sweetie.

You need to rest.

So I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna visit you tomorrow, okay?

Okay, Olivia.


Tell me we've got Picard?

I wish.

Another girl's been kidnapped.

Eve Holland, 11.

Mom was next door shopping for clothes.

And left Eve in the children's section.

At least we know Picard's MO.

That's a great place to pick up kids if you're a pedophile.

You know the girl?

Yeah. Right over there picking out a few books.

What? those books there?

Could be.

She was sitting in that chair.

Quentin's Quest by William S. Falstaff.

I read this to my kids.

You and a million other parents.

Surveillance caught Picard on tape escorting Eve Holland out 45 minutes ago.

Son of a bitch.


I knew I recognized him.

That's Saul Picard.

He r*pes kids and writes books for them.

William S. Falstaff.

That's a Helluva pen name.

Okay, where is he bringing her to?

What'd he say to Sabrina?

"Hearkening the ark."

Hearken to the ark.

Hearken to the arch.

Secret of the Arch?

Maybe he took her here.

The Arc De Triomphe in Paris?

There's one exactly like this in Washington Square Park.

There's nowhere to hide in Washington Square.

Maybe Brooklyn.

Prospect Park.

The arch at Grand Army Plaza.


Benson. Stabler.

Manhattan SVU.

Lieutenant Shea.

Anyone spot them yet?

No, but I got chopper up and we're calling in some more manpower.

Victim was snatched less than two hours ago.

So if we move fast, maybe we can find them before he hurts her.

Well, we'll do the best we can, but it's a big park.

Lieutenant, chopper spotted something in the trees on lookout hill.

Mount up.

Lieutenant, look, we don't know how this guys operates.

If he sees all the troops...

Okay. You go in first.

Police. Don't move.

Make it right.

Get out of the car.

Get out of the car. Shut up.

Shut up and put your hands on the car over there.

Put your hands up.

Hands up.


Eve, honey, can you hear me?

My name is Olivia.

I'm a police officer.

Can you sit up for me?

Are you okay?

I'm tired.


Manhattan SVU to detail.

We have one in custody.

We'll meet you back at our car.

Okay, sweetie.

Come with me.

Good job.

What'd you give that girl to make her go to sleep?

Alice swallowed one of the cakes, and she was delighted to find that she began shrinking directly.

You give Sabrina Farmer one of those cakes before you r*ped her and left her in that car?

I had a car.

It got a tow.

Guy who towed its name was Joe.

You're under arrest for the r*pe and kidnapping of Sabrina Farmer He looks like a lot of guys I know. and attempted kidnapping of Eve Holland.

My attorney is Lucien Deveraux.

Of New Orleans.

You have the right to remain silent.

He's an expert on pralines.

Do you understand me?

Did you hear the president's speech last week?

Man, that guy'll do anything to keep us fighting this lraq w*r.

Oh, Nefarious w*r!

I see why arms were seldom used...




Okay, what?

Do I have to do it now?

Cause it's gonna be really hard.

I gotta get away.

You're not going anywhere.

Gotta get away.


Get him.

Get him.

Officer down.

Call a bus.


Elliot, you're okay.

A bus is on its way.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

What's going on?

He's awake.


Welcome back, El.

What's going on?

You're in the hospital.

You're okay.

I'm not okay.

Where are you?

What do you mean?

I'm standing right next to you.

Oh, God.

I can't see you.

I can't see anything.

It's all a blur.

I can't see anything.


Right here, Elliot.

I'm right here.

Detective Stabler hit his head so hard, his brain bounced off the front and back of his skull.

How bad?

His CAT scan shows contusions to the frontal and occipital lobes.

He's bleeding?

It's not life-threatening.

They're like bruises.

Then why can't he see?

The occipital lobe controls vision.

It's not uncommon with an injury like this for there to be some temporary blindness.

How temporary?

Don't panic.

His brain should heal in a couple of days.

And his vision should return.

He's seeing bright lights, shadows.

This is good news.

Captain, we got a problem in Picard's room.

Give me a minute.

His vision should return.

So you're saying that there's a chance that it won't?

His MRI showed swelling in the optic nerve.

We'll know more in a few days.

Who the hell are you?

Special Agent Wayne Nelson.

I'm taking Mr. Picard into custody.

Mr. Picard is out of the Bureau's jurisdiction.

He never crossed state lines with either of our victims.

He did with the nine-year-old girl he kidnapped in Mississippi.

Took her to Louisiana, r*ped her, and left her there to die.

And his DNA is gonna prove it.

The girl Picard kidnapped is Tiffany Lemarsh, nine years old.

Disappeared last week from a bookstore at a shopping mall in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Found last night after four days without food and water in what's left of Picard's house in Louisiana.



Neighbor's dog got a whiff.

Sniffed her out just in time.

They're charging Picard with interstate kidnapping.

Feds faxed me the indictment.

Who called them?

Didn't you?


We just picked him up this morning.

Never even got him into the system.

Then how do they know we collared him?

Can you do anything about it?

Feds' jurisdiction trumps ours.

We don't even get an extradition hearing.

Well, it doesn't matter.

This indictment's a crock.

Picard kidnaps Tiffany in Mississippi and the feds indict him in Louisiana?

He r*ped her there.

It's part of the same crime.

The Feds can try him in either state.

Olivia, they're gonna drop the kidnapping charge and let Louisiana try him for r*pe.

Because raping a child under the age of 12 in Louisiana is a capital crime.

I don't understand why you're so ticked off about this, Casey.

The Feds are saving you a lot of time and trouble.

The Feds are pushing their own agenda.

Louisianan has the death penalty and we don't.

That's why they want Picard tried there.

And you're not about to get screwed without a fight.

Look, I'm not going to let them abuse their power and emasculate the authority of my office.

Problem is, I don't have any legal standing to stop them.

But you do.

You mean as Mr. Picard's attorney.

The Feds want to extradite him under the table.

That's a violation of due process.

You're a constitutional lawyer.

I never thought I'd see the day when a prosecutor would ask for my help.

Just get him back into my custody and I'll have a judge appoint a legal aid attorney and you're out of it.


You don't think I'm gonna pass up the chance to beat those sneaky SOBs at their own game, do you?


Um, Mr. Picard does have some psychiatric issues.

Is it okay if our Dr. Huang evaluates him?

Can't hurt.

I got to w*r with the Feds, I'm gonna need all the amm*nit*on I can get.
Metropolitan Correctional Center Mental Health Unit Thursday, October 11

Why did you attack detective Stabler?

Well, I saw the sign on the truck in the park.

It said, "Time to escape."

A lot of people have seen that sign.

I know.

But the message was for me.

Have you seen any other messages?

Well, there... there was one on a billboard.

It said, "You really need to get away."

So, uh...

Yeah, I pulled the car into a bus stop and... and got away as fast as I could.

Francine's sending the messages.

Who's Francine?

My sister.

Why is she sending you messages?

Because those boys r*ped her.

Are you okay, Saul?

I came home from school one day and I heard them upstairs.

Listen, they...they are here...

I know those boys from school.

They're taking turns on her.

You like that?

You want some more?

She's screaming for help.

Stop it.

Leave her alone.

Get off her.

What did you do?


I froze.

I couldn't move.

Why'd they do such a horrible thing to her?

She was just 11.

She was a little girl.

How old were you?


But after that, I was never the same.

The stress of seeing your sister att*cked triggered you first psychotic break.

That's why you froze.

Doctors told me that when they put me on the haldol.

That worked?

Sure did.

Till it stopped working.

And when was that?

Last year.

After Francine died.

Your doctors must've started you on some new medication.

Well, only thing that worked was rispiridone.

But I felt like I was swimming through wet cement.

You know, struggling to find every word.

Every thought.

So I stopped taking it.

And that's when the messages started.

And I saw those boys again.

The boys that r*ped your sister?


In that bookstore in Gulfport.

What happened?

I saw Francine.

She was in the store reading my book Bridge to Nowhere.

Those boys were gathered around her.

She was in terrible danger.

What did you do?

Took her someplace safe.

But they found us.

Two of them held me down and the other one r*ped her.

It was horrible.

I couldn't do anything.

But then I set a trap.

I took Francine to New York.

I knew they'd follow us.

Francine and me.

We lured them to the arch.

And this time, when they came to r*pe her, I was ready.

I beat them with rocks.

I beat them so bad, they ran.

I saved Francine.

I made things right.

He's not a pedophile.

He's a schizophrenic.

He kidnapped those girls because he thinks they're his sister Francine.

But will he ever realize that he's the one that beat and r*ped Sabrina and Tiffany?

It's possible. But it's also possible that he won't remember.

Right. So we have to wait for his rispiridone to kick in.

If it kicks in.

What do you mean "if"?

Haldol helped him with his schizophrenia for years.

Until his sister died.

It's possible that any medication we give him won't work in times of great stress.

Are you saying he might not make it through a trial?

Are you actually considering putting him though one?


After what he did to Sabrina Farmer...

You heard what he said.

He believes that his hallucinations are real.

He thinks that he saved her.

He belongs in a hospital.

I'll take that under advisement.

Casey, the man is sick.

Putting him in prison is no less cruel and unusual punishment than the Feds trying to have him ex*cuted.

Text message from Picard's lawyer.

We don't have to worry about the Feds anymore.

You don't think that's going to stop Louisiana from trying to get their hands on him, do you?

Then maybe I should send them a message.

Miss Novak, any comment on the US attorney's decision to drop the federal kidnapping charges against Saul Picard?

We're pleased the Justice Department has decided to stay out of state's business and clear the way for us to seek an indictment.

What will you do if Louisiana extradites Mr. Picard to face the death penalty?

I fully expect Louisianan to file for extradition.

But we have Mr. Picard now, and this is where he's going to stay.

Do you believe that capital punishment is appropriate for the r*pe of a child?

What I believe isn't the issue.

Right now, that's not the law of the State of New York.

If and when the legislature makes that the law, I will enforce it to the best of my ability.

Thank you.

I hope you mean that.

Hey, mean what?

That you're not going to let Louisianan have my client.

That's right.

I'm gonna try him here.


Because Louisiana is not wasting any time.

Motion for extradition.

Did you tell your client about this?


He wants to talk to you.

Rikers lsland Mental Health Wing Friday, October 12

Mr. Picard.

This is Miss Novak.

Please call me Saul.



My medication is working.

So you understand what you did.


Tell the other girls I'm sorry.

That I'd do anything to take it back.

Would you like to make a statement?


Send me to Louisiana.

But you could face the death penalty.

That's what I want.

Mr. Picard, that's not gonna h...

I don't deserve to live.

Don't you understand?

If the state thinks that k*lling me will stop one pervert from...

Doing what I did to those poor little girls, then it's worth it.


Let me go home to die.

You can't put Saul Picard on trial.

I don't have a choice, Barry.

Just because he's schizophrenic doesn't mean he can't stand trial.

You know he's crazy.

Then file for a 730 hearing and have his competency questioned.

He won't let me.

I'm his attorney.

I have to abide by what he wishes.

But you don't.

So now you're asking me for help.

He can waive extradition if he's declared incompetent.

And if he's declared incompetent, he can't stand trial and I can't allow that.

Then make a deal, Casey.

He pleads guilty and you send him to a mental institution instead of a prison.

If you think Jack McCoy is gonna let me get away with that, you are crazier than he is.

So that's what this is about.

The new boss wants to show he's tough on crime and you want to be a team player instead of doing the right thing.

The right thing?

Saul Picard r*ped an 11-yeal-old girl and beat her to within an inch of her life.

No, Casey.

That's Saul Picard.

Look at him.

He's not the same man who r*ped Sabrina Farmer.

Moredock has a point.

Picard didn't hurt Sabrina, the fairy tales in his head did.

He wouldn't have had those fairy tales if he stayed on his meds.

But he didn't know by not taking them he'd turn into Godzilla.

But he was lucid when he made the decision to stop, and that makes him responsible.

Damn right.

There ought to be a law for people like Picard.

Take your meds or we're gonna force-feed them to you.

You think that you can prove that Picard knew that he hurt someone?

Sabrina Farmer on the witness stand is all the evidence I'll need to convict.

Then what, he goes back to Louisiana?

If we let him.

Don't let him, Casey.

I never picked you for being soft on Capital Punishment.

It's a no-brainer. Death penalty's never been a deterrent for m*rder.

Most k*ller strike once.

Animals who r*pe kids usually repeat.

thr*aten to execute them for r*pe, they have nothing to lose by k*lling their victims to silence them.

But execute them, they'll never hurt another child.


I'm gonna need your fives.

When do you want me on the stand?

Uh, I don't think I do.

I'll just use Sabrina and Elliot.

Oh, you don't need Elliot.

I saw everything that Picard did.

But you didn't hear what he said and I need Elliot to show the jury what Picard is capable of.

Well, the police surgeon said that Elliot can't leave his house until his vision's back.

Unless he has to appear in court.


Elliot has a better chance for a quicker recovery if we don't stress him out.

Look, I know he appreciates you looking out for him.

It's my job to look out for him.

He is perfectly capable of making this decision on his own, so I'll take to him myself.

Leave him alone, Casey.

I can't.


It's Casey.

I know.

I can see you. Come on in.

I'm sorry, I...

Expecting a seeing eye dog and a cane?


To tell you the truth, so was I.

Have a seat.


It's just, uh, a little blurry.

But I'm getting better.

Better enough to drag you into court?

Olivia said you were coming by.


She was worried that you weren't up to it.

I'm a big boy.

And you're sure you can handle facing Picard?

You know I'm gonna have a child in a month.

That's scary enough.

It was the thought that I was never gonna be able to see that child.

That terrified me.

So Picard... bring him on.

Trial Part 38

Thursday, November 8

I was taking Mr. Picard to our car.

He tried to escape, I attempted to subdue him, and he head butted me.

What happened?

Uh, I fell backwards, head first, through the rear window of the car.

How badly were you injured?

I sustained head injuries that have left me temporarily blind.

Can you see the defendant now?

That's him right there.

Would you consider Mr. Picard dangerous?

I would consider him extremely dangerous.

When Mr. Picard started attacking you, was he saying anything?

He was repeating over and over, "It's time to escape."

Mr. Picard told our psychiatrist that a sign was sending him that message.

Did you see that sign?


And was he distraught?


In your experience as a police officer, would you say that Mr. Picard qualifies as an EDP?


Would you please tell the jury what that means?

EDP stands for Emotionally Disturbed Person.

In other words, he's crazy, right?

Don't answer that, Detective.

He is not qualified to draw that conclusion, counselor.

Did the defendant ever utter the name Francine in your presence?


Did he mention witnessing his sister being g*ng r*ped and doing nothing to stop it?


Did he say it was his fault?

He never mentioned anything about his sister in my presence.


Why... why should I?

Yeah, why should I trust God?

Control your client, Mr. Moredock.

One more time, sir, and I'll have you removed from this courtroom.

He made me r*pe those girls.

I am your older brother, Francine.

I... I finally rescued you from those boys...

Just be quiet now, Saul.

Why do you keep testing me?

Stop testing me, Francine.

Officers, remove the defendant.

You... you did this, Francine.

You brought him in to test me.

I can't face him.

Why do you keep making me face him?

Stop testing me!

Stop testing me, Francine!

Stop testing me!

Your Honor...

Don't bother, Mr. Moredock.

After what the jury just witnessed, I am declaring a mistrial.

And before we start this freak show up again, Miss Novak, I'm calling for a 730 hearing to determine whether Mr. Picard is competent to stand trial.

You may step down, Detective.

We're adjourned.

Hey, Casey.


What was that?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

You never wanted to try that guy.

I tried this case to the best of my ability.

Cut the crap.

You wanted Picard in the Loony Bin, and you used me to put him there.


I'm fine.

Yes, sir.

I'll be right up.

You proud of yourself?

I don't need a lecture from you.

I know why you sandbagged Elliot in court.

Stay out of my desk!

Where is he now, Casey?

Your schizo ex-boyfriend.

Is he locked up somewhere?

Get out of my office.

He's the reason that you tanked the Picard case.

That man deserves to be punished for what he did.

Wait, wait... what he did to Tiffany Lemarsh or Sabrina Farmer, or are you talking about payback for what he did to Elliot?

You manipulated me and Elliot to satisfy your own agenda.

Okay, you answer the question, Detective.

Who did you let it leak to that we collared Picard?

Did you go straight to the Feds, or did you back-channel it through the Louisiana cops?

Oh, you're damn right I told the Feds.

They have a right to know.

No. You want Picard dead.

Louisiana kills him, your hands are clean.

Those little girls are entitled to some justice.

What you're talking about isn't justice, it's revenge.

He's my partner, Casey.

And it's my case.

And how I handle it is none of your damn business.

Because I don't answer to you.

We'll see.

Office of District Attorney Jack McCoy Thursday, November 8


For what?

The excellent job you did as Saul Picard's defense attorney.

Judge Bradley called me.

Jack, I...

I told him he must be mistaken, since I only have prosecutors working in this office.

At least I thought I did... until I got this.

Who gave this to you?

What matters is what's in it.

Five years ago, the cops responded to a disturbance call in your apartment.

You told the officers it was mistake, but it isn't true, is it?

My fiancee Charlie, he att*cked me.

He was a schizophrenic and he was off his medication.

When the police saw the cuts and bruises on my face and neck, they wanted to arrest Charlie.

But I thought I could help him.

So I identified myself as an ADA.

And I begged them not to take him in.

You abused the authority of this office for personal reason back then?

Just like you're doing now!

Sick people like Saul Picard shouldn't be put to death.

The last time I checked, the supreme court still says you can't execute a mentally ill person in this country.

And what... what if a jury found him responsible because he was lucid when he decided to stop taking his medication?

That's not your problem.

That's why he has a defense attorney.

No defense attorney could make a jury see past what he did to those little girls.

So you weren't about to take a chance he'd be convicted?

Because he belongs in a hospital, not a prison cell, and you now it.

I'll tell you what I know.

You're going to stay on this case through the 730 hearing, and you're going to behave yourself.

Because if you don't, I'm not only going to fire you, I'll make sure the bar yanks your license.

And if you don't think I have the juice to do it, try me.

Why did you rat me out to the DA?

Because you threw the case.

I had no choice after you sold out Picard to the Feds.

Look, uh, Casey.

I'm as guilty as you are.

You were right.

I wanted revenge.

For Elliot.

Is he okay?

He'll be back to work next week.

How about Picard?

The judge ruled him incompetent.

Louisiana can't touch him now.

Do you think he'll ever get better?

I don't know.

I thought Charlie would get better.

What happened?

I got a call from the morgue about six months ago.

A John Doe clipped by a passing cab.

No ID on him but my business card.

It was Charlie.

Maybe he'd be alive if I hadn't make him leave.


You had to save yourself.


Picard made a noose out of his shirt and tried to hang himself in lock-up.

New York State Mental Hospital Saratoga Springs, NY Friday, November 9


Ms. Novak.

Call me Casey.

Why are you here?

I heard you tried to hurt yourself.

I'm not crazy.

I'm on my medication.

That's good.

I want to die.

You should have let them execute me.

I'd rather be dead than live with what I've done.

You see, every day...

I get a little better.

And the better I get...

The worse I feel about what I did to those girls.

Maybe one day you can forgive yourself when you realize it wasn't your fault.

Wasn't it?
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