09x13 - Unorthodox

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x13 - Unorthodox

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Move along.

Keys and wallets on the tray.

This is unconstitutional.

What's in your pocket, kid?


This nothing is not allowed.

You cannot take away my right to free speech.

You wanna talk, use the payphone.

Next victim.

Come on, kid, I ain't getting no younger here.

Everybody's a winner today.

You got a phone, too, or you're just happy to talk to me?

It's a calculator.

Oh, my God, kid.

This thing is a mess. What did you do, sit in some ketchup or something?

Kid, are you bleeding?

Hey, kid.

Hey, somebody call an ambulance.

His name is David Zelinsky.

He is 10 years old.

He's lost a lot of blood.

We're still transfusing it.

Are his parents here?

Mother's talking with a social worker.

Get anything from the victim?

Semen and pubic hair.

Preliminary test indicates the sperm is still motile.

He was r*ped this morning.

I'd say the most recent attack was in the last five or six hours.

Most recent attack?

David has substantial scarring from prior trauma.

He's been r*ped before.

From the looks of it, I'd say this has been going on for months.

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Law & Order: SVU
9x13. Unorthadox

Original air date: 2008/01/15

Hey, there.

David, I'm Olivia.

How are you feeling?


The doctor said that you lost a lot of blood.

Somebody hurt you.

Just leave me alone.

I know that this is hard to talk about.

But we need to find out who did this.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I know that, sweetheart.

And I know that this is not your fault.

Please, mom, don't make me talk to her.

Detective, can this wait?

I'm just gonna talk to your mom outside for a minute, okay?

I'll be right outside.

Put a rush on the DNA and run it through CODIS.

Thanks, Melinda.

How could this have been going on?

Why didn't he tell me?

Well, whoever att*cked your son probably threatened to hurt him. Or you.

My poor David.

Mrs. Zelinsky, was David okay before he went to school this morning?

I don't know.

My ex had him last night.

Could he have hurt David?

I don't think so.

But he's not the man I married.

He got mixed up in some crazy stuff.



He became a Zealot.

Lost all interest in me.

Started spending all of his free time with the Rabbis.

He's hasidic.

He is now.

I finally had enough, we split up.

He moved to Williamsburg.


Excuse me.

You should talk to the father.

Hasidic men don't appreciate a woman giving them the third degree.

I'll work it with Munch.



I'd never hurt my little boy.

Name the test, I'll take it.

Start with your DNA.

This is Rachael's fault.

These unspeakable things, they only happen in your world.

Mr. Zelinsky, these things can happen anywhere.


No, if she had let me bring David here where it's safe...

Safe... he was att*cked this morning while he was with you.

That's impossible.

We were at Shul.

I was with him the whole time.

David was never alone?

No, we went to Minyan, the morning service.

And one of his tutors gave him a lift to school.

Tutor's name?

Yehareg v'al ya'avor.

That a name?

It's from the Talmud.

I believe Mr. Zelinsky's trying to tell us he won't take a life to save a life.

This tutor is an upstanding young man.

An accusation like this could ruin his life.

You care more about this guy's reputation than your own son?

Of course I don't.

I'm just trying to behave responsibly.

I understand your dilemma.

But the biblical concept of "Lifnei Eever" commands you not to look the other way.

We'll be discreet.

Tutor's name is Jacob Ribowsky.

He teaches at Torah Veyirah.

It's the local Yeshiva.


I collared a guy here once for diddling a little girl.

No one would talk.

Meshira, it's Yiddish for suspicion of secular authorities.

They close ranks around the accused.

Oh, it's like the church moving priests around to different parishes.

It's called a cover-up.

Can I help you?

Yeah, hi.

We're looking for Jacob Ribowsky.

You leave Jacob alone.

He didn't do anything wrong.

What's with the public service announcement?

"Jacob Ribowsky's comportment has been in complete accordance with Torah law.

Parents should not hesitate to engage him as a tutor."

If you ask me, that's like putting for fox back into the henhouse.

Is that your idea?

Rabbi lskowitz is in charge of all of our correspondence.

And where can we find him?

He's not here.

I doubt that.

No. You cannot go in there. Sir?

Is this the little bible study group, or some damage control?

Our community is sheltered, Detective.

Wait a minute, who are you?

I'm Rabbi lskowitz, the head Rabbi.

And I cannot allow you to arrest first and ask questions later.

No, you'd rather sweep things under the rug.

Yankel drove David Zelinsky into the city, dropped him off at school, and went to a doctor's appointment.

He has been found innocent of all charges.

Found innocent?

Really, where's the jury? the Beit Din has been the cornerstone of our legal system since the time of Moses.

That's funny, I thought the supreme court of New York was the legal authority in this state.

Detective, we are held accountable by the highest of authorities.

We take claims like these very seriously.

Well, I've seen what happens when religious leaders take these claims seriously.

You, get up.

Wait, has David accused Mr. Ribowsky of anything?

Do you have forensic evidence against him?

We're waiting for the results.

Then you can wait for Mr. Ribowsky.

I know your laws.

He is under no obligation to submit to random questioning or a DNA test without a warrant.

Since I doubt you have enough to arrest him, I'm sure he'd much rather stay here.

Isn't that right, Yankel?

Yes, Rebbeh.

I know guys like you can't stay away from little boys.

It's only a matter of time.

So I'll be waiting for you.

It's okay.

Kiss me.

It's okay.

It's all right.

Get off him.

Leave Jacob alone!

What the hell's going on here?

We've been in love for a year.

But in our community, we can't even hold hands until we get married.

We're barely allowed to look at each other.

I know Orthodox Jews who date.

Why not leave the hasidic community?

Because it's our life.

We love the rituals, the tradition.

We don't wanna leave.

But you want it both ways by using a kid to cover for you, huh?

Who is he, the boy I saw you walking with?

He's my brother.

Your brother.

I couldn't tell you in front of the Beit Din.

I would have been shunned.

And is that the only thing you lied about in front of them?


Um, yesterday was my day off.

And after Minyan I met Jacob and David behind the Synagogue.

When I finished Tutoring him, we drove into the city, dropped David off and went to the Roxy.

They were having an all-day film festival.

It... it was a place to be alone.

All we wanted was a little privacy.

I was with Jacob the whole time.

He did not do anything to that boy.


You have to believe him.

Ribowsky's alibi checked out?

The manager at the Roxy remembers Jacob and Faith buying tickets.

I guess they'd stand out.

It's crazy.

He'd rather everybody think he's a perv that admit he was making out with his girlfriend at the movies.

Detective Stabler.

Mrs. Zelinsky, slow down.

Slow down.

Repeat that.

I'll be right there.

Just stay there.

What's up?

David Zelinsky's been kidnapped.

I went out to get groceries.

When I came back, David was gone.

Avi swore he would do this.

He thr*aten to take David?

He called this afternoon.

He said he was gonna go to court, get custody, and I'd never see David again.

Any idea where he'd might take him?

I don't know. His family's mostly in Brooklyn. And lsrael.

Does David have a passport?

No, we've never left the country.


Super said there was something on the security cam tapes.

15 minutes after Rachel left the apartment Avi walked out with David.

We got a watch and warrant our on Zelinsky?

I got Lake and Fin canvassing Williamsburg with the precinct cops.

They might want to head a little bit further east.

I spoked to state department security division.

David Zelinsky has a passport.

Well, how's that possible?

Minor can't get a passport unless both parents consent.

They did according to this.

David's passport application, complete with notarized consent.

Signed by Rachel Zelinsky.

That's not my signature.

Avi must've forged it.

Alert Port Authority.

I want a blanket on Newark and Kennedy.

I'll put a call into the lsraeli consulate as well.

Oh, my God, he's taking him to lsrael.

I'll never see David again.

Listen to me.

Israel is a signatory to the hague convention, which means even if Avi gets David on a plane, there's no way Tel Aviv customs will let him into the country.

Looks like Avi figured that out for himself.

EZ-pass just clocked his car getting off the thruway at Harriman.

Heading for the Canadian border?

The thruway's the most direct route.

Your husband know anyone in Montreal?


Oh, my God.

He's taking David to Kehilat Moshe.

Is that the Hasidic town upstate?

Yeah, it's like the shtetls in the old country.

(À¯´ë ÀÎ ¸♪À»)

It was founded in the late 70s by a small group of Orthodox Jews from Williamsburg.

Avi's talked about living up there.

Here we go.

They have their own ambulance corps, schools, and police.

It's a self-reliant community.

Good place for Avi to hide out.

And to hide a kid. Every family up there has at least six brats.

They have the youngest median age in the state.

They're encouraged to procreate.

Sounds like a cult.

Well, it's more like the Amish.

The grand rebbe moved his congregants to Kehilat Moshe so they wouldn't assimilate.

He wanted them to live a pure life away from the amoral influences of the outside world.

They're extremely Orthodox.

The women wear long skirts.

They're separated from the men on the buses and in the Shuls.

Many barely speak English.

There are no cell phones, very few cars.

They have no television, movies, or magazines.

They're totally sheltered.

Feels like coming home, doesn't it?

Just like the stories bubbe used to tell.

Hey, check out that plate.

That's Avi Zelinsky's car.

Place like this, I'll bet he didn't lock the doors.

Excuse me, can I help you?

Yeah, we're from the NYPD investigating a kidnapping and a r*pe.

You're out of your jurisdiction.

You have no authority here.

The owner of this car kidnapped a 10-year-old boy.

I need to speak to your supervisor.

If you'll come to the administrative office, the grand rebbe will help you any way he can.

You can tell the grand rebbe he can kiss my tuchus.

My Yiddish is a little rusty, but I'm pretty sure they just told our friend here to keep us away from the Synagogue.

Why don't we go to temple?

No, no!

Leave me alone!

Come with me.

No, I don't want to go.

You don't understand... he kidnapped David.


He's the one who brought him here.

Rabbi lskowitz?

I followed him up here.

Don't let him take my boy.

Just couldn't leave him alone, could you?

I have the boy's best interests at heart.

Was it just his heart you had an interest in?

Don't let them take me.

I don't want to go.

Rebbe, please don't let them.

I was trying to protect the child.

You and I are gonna go back to New York and talk about this, come on.

I'd like to finish Ma'ariv.

If you're a man of faith, I know you'll respect that.

I have no respect for child molesters.

Let's go.

I'm not a child molester.

You were just taking David out for a little drive in the country, huh?

I was trying to save the boy from your society.

My society?

Your morally bankrupt culture has all but swallowed him whole.

You're gonna sit there and lecture me on moral bankruptcy?

It's my duty to save David from his mother's world.

So you couldn't tell us what you did to him?

The Rabbi didn't do anything to me.

He kidnapped you, David.

No, I wanted to go.

I asked him to take me.

Right now, right here I need you to tell me the truth.

I am telling the truth.

So... so why would you want to leave your mom and dad and your home?

I didn't.

Well, why would you ask the Rabbi to take you to Kehilat Moshe?

He said I can go to school there.

You wanted to go to school there?

He said that they¡¯d be nice to me.

He said that no one would hurt me.

That I'd be safe.

Why aren't you safe at school, David?

Why aren't you safe at school?

Who's hurting you?

Is it one of your teachers?

I promised him I wouldn't tell.

You're on the right track, Elliot, but it wasn't his teacher.

How do you know that?

I put the pubic hair we recovered from the crime scene under a microscope.

This is an adult pubic hair.

This is hair from the r*pe kit.

They're totally different.

The one from the r*pe kit is shorter and less coarse.

I'd say it's no more than a tanner stage two.

Tanner stages?

Our perp's an adolescent?

Based on this photo, he's between 12 and 14 years old.

David's attacker is one of these boys from his school.

It's 130 potential suspects.

And we're gonna need parental consent to talk to every single one of them.

Well maybe I can help you narrow down the field.

We know from the pubic hair that the boy who att*cked David is a few years older.

He's probably drawn to younger children because he's not accepted by kids his own age.

He's the kid who gets picked last for kickball.

Yeah, he doesn't fit in.

He probably prefers to play with younger girls as well.

Think he's gay?

Not necessarily.

I think he feels uncomfortable around boys his own age.

He's been picked on and he's angry about it.

He took his anger out on David, a younger, vulnerable kid, because it made him feel powerful.

He bullied you.

He forced you.

He said that it was okay, that all the other older boys were doing it too.

Who told you?

Detectives Benson and Stabler are good at their jobs, David.

We have proof that a boy at your school att*cked you.

Please, I don't want anyone at school to know.

I understand.

It's private.

But the only way that we can protect you is if we know who he is.


His name is Jack.
Jack Tremblay?

Jack Tremblay.

Where are your folks?

My dad works late.

Your mom?

She's dead.

Who are you?

We're detectives.

Your brother let us in.

Sorry, Jack.

They said I had to.

All right, the two of you get dressed.

You're coming with us.

Get your clothes on.

Your brother ever done anything to make you feel uncomfortable?

No, my brother loves me.

So he's never hurt you.

Put me in a headlock once.

Has he ever touched you down there?

Below your belt buckle?

Why are you asking me this stuff?

My brother's my best friend.

He wouldn't do that.

Where are my boys?


Where are my boys?

Dad, we are here.

Mr. Tremblay, they're both okay.

Then what are they doing here?

Sir, I'm Captain Cragen.

Your son Jack is under arrest.

For what?


He's only 14.

He doesn't even have a girlfriend.

The victim was a 10-year-old boy.

You're wrong.

Where's my son?

What are you doing to him?

Mr. Tremblay...



Don't... sir, sir, you need to come this way.


This way.



Dad, where are you?

He can't see you.

I'm taking you home.

No, sir, you're not.


Dad, I thought it was okay.

I thought it was okay.

You've gotta believe me.

Please get me out of here.


So tell me what happened with David.

I saw it in a movie.

What do you mean?

There was this guy in prison.

He did stuff to this other guy.

I thought David was cool with it.

Did you tell Jack it was okay to touch you?

For I was afraid.

I didn't know what he'd do to me if I said no.

I wasn't trying to hurt him.

He never told me to stop.

I wanted him to stop.

It really hurt.

I cried, but he just kept doing it.

I thought he liked it.

We did it a bunch of times.

He kept making me do it.

That's why I asked the Rabbi to take me away.

He wouldn't leave me alone.

It was just like in the movie.

The guy said, "You're my bitch.

I own you."

And everyone respected him.

You wanted the other boys to respect you.

I'm sick of everyone picking on me.

The guy in the movie didn't get picked on after he had sex.

And that's why I did it.

We were just fooling around.

Jack, why did you do this?

I don't know.

Is that all you can say?

"I don't know?"

Is that all you can say?


Enough... you hit him again, I'll lock you up.

He's all yours.

I'm through.

Mr. Tremblay, you can't walk out on him.

I just did.

He's a minor.

I can only release him into your custody.

If you leave, I put him in jail.

I don't want him around my younger boy.

I understand you're upset about this...

I... I don't want to hear it.

I don't want to see him.

He's your son.

Not anymore.

Let's go. Come on.

Mr. Tremblay, I need permission to question Jack further.

Do what you want with him.

You buy Jack didn't know what he did was wrong?

It doesn't matter.

David's 10 years old. Jack's 14.

It's statutory r*pe.

Consent isn't an issue.

Maybe not, but I'm sure as hell gonna make it one at trial.

Roxana, you're representing Jack?

George Tremblay called legal aid to ask how he could give up his son for adoption.

And you smelled headlines.

I was moved by compassion for the sad plight of the boy.

I'm sure the family court judge will be moved too.

Oh, I'm trying Jack as an adult.

Please, I'm invoking my client's right to silence.

Cragen, go tell you big, bad detective to stop questioning him.

Fine, but Jack already told us everything we need to know.

George Tremblay waived Jack's Miranda rights.

His confession is admissible.

Doesn't matter.

No jury is gonna convict that child on r*pe one.

That child is a predator.

He r*ped David a half a dozen times.

They were a couple of kids screwing around, if you'll pardon the expression.

You try Jack as an adult, you're looking at jury nullification.

I'll take my chances.

And I look forward to kicking your ass.

She really likes to stir the pot.

I sent David and his parents home before she could sink her teeth into them.

What do you want to do with rabbi lskowitz?

Well, he kidnapped David.

It's custodial interference.

David asked the Rabbi to take him away.

It's your call, counselor.

Cut him loose.

I'm sorry I accused you of molesting David.

Ah, piku'ach nefesh.

You were trying to save a life.

So was I.

Are you charging Jack Tremblay as an adult?

We are.

Many people who hit their children quote the book of proverbs.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

Yes, but they take the phrase out of context.

The Talmud says if you must strike the child, you should do so only with a shoelace.

Well, Jack r*ped one of your students.

You really think a shoelace is the right punishment?

I think you're asking the wrong question.

You should be asking "why did this happen?"

Too late for arraignment.

We're holding Jack overnight.

The Talmud says a boy becomes a man at 13.

But those laws weren¡¯t' made for your world.

Does he look like a man to you?

Hey, I was just about to call you.

I'm heading over to arraign Jack Tremblay.

Uh, yeah.


What, did something happen?

You know, I was up all night... with the baby, and it got me thinking.

You want me to send Jack to family court.

No, I want to do what's right, Casey.

Sleep deprivation's making you soft, Elliot.

Okay, look... I don't know.

I just kept wondering what makes some kids go one way and some go another?

Parents are supposed to love their children.

They supposed to protect them.

Jack's father threw him to the wolves.

So he has a crap father.

Lots of children do.

But they don't become rapists.

What we're talking about here is putting a child away with hardened criminals.

Jack is still a child, Casey, and he's got no one.

Shouldn't we just give him a chance to get help?

Okay, Elliot.

We'll try him in family court.



Your Honor, what happened between David Zelinsky and Jack Tremblay was a sexual experiment gone wrong.

One of those things we sometimes see in adolescence when curious boys, left to their own devices, act out in ways they don't fully understand...

Your Honor, I'm trying to make an opening argument.

Ms. Novak, I hope you have a good reason to interrupt this trial.

I do, Your Honor. Has the prosecution sworn his first witness?


Then double jeopardy hasn't attached and I'm removing this case to criminal court.

Jack Tremblay, you're under arrest for r*pe. Come on.

This is outrageous.


Ms. Novak is right on the law.

There's nothing I can do, counselor.

This court is adjourned.

Casey, what's going on?

I thought we had a deal.

That was before another 12-year-old came forward.

She accused Jack of raping her too.

12-year-old girl?

She was just the first.

Second little girl showed up as we were leaving the squad room.

She's only ten.

How convenient.

Three sweet and innocent little victims to bolster your case.

They were afraid to say anything.

So what?

Someone suddenly spiked the bug juice in the school cafeteria with liquid courage?

When Jack was arrested they felt safe enough to come forward.

Is this the boy?

We're not taking any questions at this time.

We heard three little girls claimed they were r*ped.

Is that true, Ms. Novak?

She said no more questions.

I'm prepared to make a statement even if Ms. Novak isn't.

Will you take a plea?

Absolutely not.

My client didn't understand what he was doing.

You're pleading insanity?

That's a stretch even for you, Roxana.


Just look at this feeding frenzy.

You all are part of the problem.

The media in today's society is sexualizing our children.

The amount of sex on television has doubled in the past ten years.

You're going to argue that the boob tube made Jack Tremblay a r*pist?

I'm sure I am. According to the Kaiser family foundation, 77% of prime time TV shows contain sexual content.

But Kaiser never said it causes people to r*pe.

And most of the kids who watch those shows don't start raping other children.

It's not just television.

Song lyrics... 40% of song lyrics are sexually explicit.

And Jack, like most kids his age, has been exposed to hardcore porn online.

I get the picture, but I'm a little fuzzy on how this makes your client insane.

Legal insanity is defined as the inability to understand the consequences of one's actions.

The sex and v*olence glorified on TV has no consequences, so Jack didn't think there were any in real life.

Your Honor, this argument is absurd.

Not according to the experts.

Researches at RAND have found that kids who are heavily exposed to sexual content are twice as likely to initiate sex by the time they're 14.

And that study's in here?

In black and white, Your Honor.

Given the ongoing raunchification of our culture, how could Jack Tremblay have known He did anything wrong?

Your Honor, the only thing insane here is Ms. Fox's defense.

I think I'll let a jury decide that.

I'm allowing this defense.

I'll see you in court.



So you're in the sixth grade, Lucy.

Do you hang around with any eighth-graders at school?


Only with Jack.

He likes to play with kids my age.

At first he was nice.

And the girls in my grade thought I was cool because and older kid liked me.

It's okay, Ashley.

Tell us what happened.

He told me he'd seen some stuff in a movie.

Girls licking boys like cats.

He said I had to lick him too.

He said it's what people who like each other do.

And if I didn't, he wouldn't be my friend anymore.

Michelle, did you want to stop?


And what did Jack do?

He got mad.

He held me down.

He forced me to do other things.

It hurt so much.

He wouldn't stop.

He kept saying it'd be all right.

But it wasn't.

It wasn't all right.

Nothing further, Your Honor.

Ms. Fox.

The defense has no questions at this time.

You may step down.

Your Honor, the people rest.

We'll start with the defense's case first thing in the morning.

Court's adjourned.

I think you got the jury.

Yeah, Fox didn't cross a single witness.

She's betting the farm on her media argument and I think she's making a big mistake.

Detective Stabler, Have you seen my dad?

No, I haven't.

What do you want?

Your son was asking for you in court today.

We've already had this discussion.

We both know Jack did some terrible things.

But you are all he has.

He needs you.

Do you have any idea how people look at me now?

Every times a kid does something wrong, all people can say is, "where were the parents?"

Being a single parent's tough.

You bet your ass it is.

But every morning I made him breakfast.

I checked his homework.

I gave him his lunch money.

I got him to school on time.

And he goes and r*pes four little kids.

How's he do this to me?

First of all, Jack didn't do anything to you.

And regardless of what he did to those kids, he still needs his father.

You don't show up for him now, you will regret it later.



I watch three or four shows a day.

Maybe more on weekends.

If nothing good is on, I'll put in a DVD.

And what do you watch?

I like whatever's on.

I like the 10 o'clock stuff.

The shows on cable.

They've got hot women.

They have sex and they're naked.

Your dad lets you watch these shows?

Jack, please answer the question.

My dad works a lot.

If he's home, I'll watch in my room on my computer.

And you like the shows with a lot of sex.


There's good stuff on the lnternet too.

You're not embarrassed to tell us this?


Everyone likes this stuff.


It's normal.

Is it?

The average child Jack's age watches three hours of TV a day and spends another three hours online.

One in five kids has private lnternet access and the degree of exposure to online pornography is mind-boggling.

In my day, teenage boys were embarrassed to talk about sex in public.

Is Jack's attitude normal, Dr. Sopher?

Yes, cultural norms are changing.

With sex on TV, nudity on cable, and the ubiquity of pornography, our children are learning a whole new set of sexual scripts.

So what you're saying is that the media is actually changing the way our children approach relationships.

The media defines what's expected.

It plays an enormous role in adolescent sexual behavior.

Dr. Sopher, is there any tangible proof of this connection?

In the last ten years, the rate of oral sex among adolescents has doubled.

The rate of infectious syphilis has also doubled.

And last year alone, 35000 minors were accused of forcible r*pe.

Draw your own conclusions.


But did the media play a role in Jack's actions?

I wanted to do what I saw.

I was turned on.

I kept thinking about it.

And what about David?

Michelle and Ashley and Lucy?

Did they think about sex?

I guess.

They wanted to do it.

I didn't force them.

To sneak out behind the dumpster with me.

All four of them testified that they told you to stop.

That's what the girls on TV do.

They pretend not to like it.

It's part of the sex... isn't it?

Jack, do you understand what r*pe is?


And you really don't think you r*ped anyone.



They were all cool with it.

What about David?

Was he cool with it?

He said he was.

When you pulled down his pants, did he cry?

The guy on TV cried too.

When he told you to stop, why didn't you?

He didn't really mean it.

What about when you r*ped him.

What about when he screamed...

Objection. Badgering.

You r*ped David seven times.


You never noticed him screaming?

You really don't think you did anything wrong?

Ms. Novak, that's enough.

I didn't know.

I was hurting anyone.

I... I didn't mean to hurt them.

I'm sorry, daddy.

I'm sorry.

Fox offered to plead to four counts of sexual misconduct.

Gonna take it?

You think I'm doing that badly?

No, I think Fox is a publicity hound.

But she's got a point.

There's a lot of smut out there.

There's a ton smut out there.

But we can't repeal the first amendment.

No, but it's easy to see how a kid could get the wrong idea.

Your son turned out okay.

You made sure he wasn't exposed to the wrong things.

You think it was easy?

You got girls wearing hustler t*nk tops to school.

Paris Hilton's exploits are leading on the nightly news.

Jenna Jameson is at the local bookstore (¼ºÀÎ ¿µÈ­¹è¿ì) telling you how to make love like a porn star.

I mean, the stuff is everywhere now.

The media didn't brainwash Jack Tremblay into raping four other kids.

Okay. But how many parents are on that jury looking at Jack's father, thinking, "that could happen to me."



Sex pervades modern culture, but we don't tell our kids how to handle it.

Schools talk abstinence.

Parents don't talk at all.

You show a kid a swimming pool, you tell him how much fun it is, but you don't teach him how to swim.

What do you think is gonna happen?

Big surprise.

Jack dove in.

Do you really want to let him drown?

Jack Tremblay didn't do a cannonball off the high dive and splash a couple of kids.

Jack Tremblay brutally r*ped four children.

Now, 70 million kids in this country watch TV.

Some of it is entertainment and some of it is educational.

But 70 million kids... they didn't do what Jack did.

Something made Jack Tremblay commit a terrible crime, but it wasn't TV.

Jack was picked on and he was angry, so he lashed out at smaller, weaker children to make himself feel better.

Television didn't make Jack hold Michelle and Ashley down, and television didn't make Jack ignore Lucy and David's cries.

Jack did it because Jack wanted to.

Ms. Foreman, on the counts of r*pe in the first degree with respect to Ashley James, Michelle Garrett, and Lucy Rhodes, how find you?

We find the defendant not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect.

On the count of Sodomy in the first degree with respect to David Zelinsky, how find you?

We find the defendant not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect.

Jack Tremblay will be immediately committed to Bellevue to undergo psychiatric examination followed by a hearing to determine his present mental state and course of treatment.

This court's adjourned.

Talk to you later.

Thank you.

I don't understand.

Why didn't they believe me?

David, they did.

It's just... they believed Jack too.

Let's go, honey.

Maybe the Hasidim are on to something, unplugging their kids from modern life.

You can't shut out the world, John.

These days... may not be such a bad idea.
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