09x15 - Undercover

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x15 - Undercover

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Come out, come out.

Wherever you are.

You can't hide from me.

I know you're in there.

I'm gonna get you.


Drop your w*apon.

Don't move.

Don't... don't sh**t.

What are you doing with that?

I just k*ll the nasty creature.

Help me.

I saw she said, "Help me."

I think, she's in shock.

Well, did you get a name or what happened to her?

Ashley Tyler.

16, r*ped, beat to hell.

Okay, I'd better ride along.

I've caught your mook red-handed.

Name is Cyrus Stewarts.

He was waving a m*rder w*apon around like a banshee.

Whoa, take it easy there pal.

First of all, she's alive so, that's not a m*rder w*apon, right?


Mr. Stewarts, I'm Detective Stabler.

Is it your machete?

Yes, sir.

So, what happened to you, you get carried away, take it out on the girl?

No, I only came out to k*ll the rats and squirrels in my garden.

Well, don't lie to me, Cyrus.

My partner is in that ambulance with the girl.

She's gonna tell us who att*cked her.

She's all yours, Detective.

Ashley, I'm Detective Benson.

I need to ask you couple of questions.

Get away from me.

I'm here to help you.

Leave me alone.

Ashley, you're safe now, honey.

No, stop it.

Let her down, I'll sedate her.

Get away.

Get away.

It's okay, honey.

Stop it!

Calm down.

It's okay.

Leave me alone.

Go to hell.

I never seen a r*pe vic attack a cop.

Neither do I.

Law & Order: SVU
9x15. Undercover

Original air date: 2008/04/15

Ashley went to bed early last night.

We didn't even know she snuck out.

Until the hospital called.

Do you have any ideas where she went?

No, did she tell you what happened?

She became violent in the ambulance and had to be sedated.

Does Ashley have a history of emotional problems?

I don't think so.

You're not sure?

We're her foster parents. Ashley's only been with us a couple of months.

Why is she in foster care?


What kind of abuse?


We'll talk later.

Right not we need to see her.

Oh, sweetheart.

We're so sorry.

Don't worry, Ash.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Why is she here?

Ashley, I need you to make a statement.

Right now?

Well, it can wait.

But I do need you to sign a consent to release the r*pe kit.

What's that?

When you were asleep the nurse examined you and we collected evidence.

She touched me?

Hank, can they do that?

Ashley, you have nothing to be ashamed of.

We need the evidence so we can convict your attacker when we catch him.

Make her go away.

You should come back later.

I... I understand that you're upset, but the longer we wait...

I don't wanna talk about it.

Ashley, I know that this is really hard.

But I need your help.

Please, make her stop.



Ashley's too afraid to talk.

Perp's gotta be somebody she knows.

CSU says the crime scene was clean.

Guy even dug up plants.

What about the victim?

He leave anything on her?

Oh, the nurse found fluids.

But without Ashley's consent the hospital won't release the r*pe kit.

Well, we can't force her to cooperate.

No, but we can keep the case open if we suspect abuse.

Well, what about the machete-wielding gardener?

Yeah, he's a fruitcake, not a r*pist.

I still like the foster dad for it.

Or maybe you're just looking for a reason to keep investigating.

Captain, the girl was traumatized.

She was r*ped until evidence proves she wasn't.

You got the rest of the day.

Find something or move on.

ACS says the foster parents are clean.

No police record, no complaints.

Okay, but that hardly rules them out.

They said that Ashley has a history of abuse. Any record of that?

Nothing so far.

But Ashley's mother, Risa, is doing 12 years up at Sealview on a drug rap.


I thought they closed that dump.

Corrections had to reopen it.

Locking up a lot more of the ladies these days.

What about her father, he molest her?

Out of the picture since before she was born.

Hold on a second.

After Ashley's mom was sent away she moved in with her uncle, Rick Tyler.

So why'd she leave?

Because uncle Rick molested her when she was ten.

I found them in bed together.

He was naked.

Surprise home visit?

I knocked, no answer, door was open, I went in.

He didn't even get out of bed.

You file on him?

Damn skippy.

But Ashley loves her uncle, denied everything.

So you sent her to a group home?

I had to.

For six years, uncle Rick's been scaring off potential foster families.

You let him have a say?

Soon as I get her placed, he shows up at all hours demanding to see Ashley.

This guy, he's got a real thing for her.

He use his thing to r*pe her?

Wouldn't surprise me.

So why didn't you get an order of protection for Ashley?

I did.

Which led to his latest scheme.

Refiles for custody, that's pretty ballsy.

He have a shot?

Over my dead body.

This guy's a perv.



Dirt bag's taking a shower.


Happy family before mom went to prison.

Check out the boots.

Look like garden soil to you?

Rick Tyler.

That you, baby?

I got soap in my ears.

You left the door open.

Open for you.

Well, I got it now.



Let's go, little Ricky.

I haven't seen Ashley since they too her away.

Frigging child services won't let me near her.

Because you molested her?

That ACS worker has a filthy mind.

Her mom was locked up when she was ten.

She was scared to be alone.

So you invite her into your bed.

Ashley's my niece.

I love her.

I swear nothing happened.

Uncle Rick would never hurt me.

Then what was he doing in bed, naked, with you?

Sleeping. All you people thing about is sex.

He didn't abuse me.

He loves me.

Start loving her long distance.

You're looking at ten years for possession.

Those pills are legit.

I got a scrip.


Did doctor feel good also writing you a scrip for the pot?

Ashley, you're not supposed to be around your uncle, let alone watering his pot plants in the middle of the night.

The weed was for his pain.

Please don't arrest him.

He's only family I've got.

What about your mother?

She's in prison.

For dealing dr*gs, I know.

My mom's not a drug dealer.

Well, then what was she doing with a couple of kilos of Marijuana in her car?

Risa wasn't selling.

She was buying for me.

She went to jail because she got caught with your dope?

That's why I've been fighting.

To take care of Ashley.

I gotta make things right.

So help us out.

Get Ashley to tell us what happened to her.

This is way above your pay grade, man.

What does that mean?

You know who did this to your niece.

You know.

You don't love Ashley. If you did, you'd be telling me who r*ped her.

You're only gonna protect him.

You're telling me it's a cop, now.

Prison guard.

Where my sister's locked up.

He's dealing to the inmates.

Well, you're his supplier, so tell me his name.

I don't know. I've never seen him.

You don't know. You've never seen..

He tells Risa what he wants, where to leave it, and she gets word to me.

All right... all right.

Tell me how this all got started.

He knew Risa got busted with a load of pot.

Told her she better start supplying him or he's make her life hell.

So when's the next drop?

Risa made me stop.

Told me I gotta get clean to get custody of Ashley.

The bastard r*ped you when his pipeline dried up.


Ashley, how did he find you?

He must have followed me to the garden.

What's his name?

I don't know.

Describe him.

White, tall.

He att*cked me from behind.

I never saw his face.

Did he say anything?

"I gave your mother a message, but she didn't listen.

Now I'll give it to you."

And then he r*ped me.


You gotta give me the r*pe kit.

It's the only way we're gonna ID this guy.


But what if he finds out?

We'll protect you.

Who'll protect my mom?

He's raping her too.

Gotta be 300 or 400 guys working at Sealview.

No judge is gonna let us swab them all for their DNA.

Maybe we'll get lucky and the DNA's already in the system.

Dr. Reyes needs a suture kit in trauma three.

Excuse me.


We're here to pick up the r*pe kit for Ashley Tyler.

Don't you people talk to each other?

One of your guys already picked it up.

I need a name.

And I got a bus accident on fifth.

Been nonstop all day.

I could sworn he signed for it.

You sure he was a cop?

He had a badge.

Like mine?

No, like what your uniform cops wear.

Okay, do you surveillance cameras?

If only they worked.

Carey, we have a patient seizing in two.

I wrote his badge number down.

It's on the chart.

Badge number C10834.

That's New York State corrections.

Perp flashes it quick, anyone can mistake it for a cop's.

Only this one is a retired number.

Prison guard knows how the system works.

He needed that r*pe kit.

Nurse give you a description?

Place was a zoo.

She didn't even notice that he forgot to sign the log.

And all Ashley caught was a glance.

Tall and white.

Well, then without that r*pe kit we got nothing.

Except Risa Tyler.

She's dead if the perp finds out she's talking to cops.

Who said anything about talking to a cop?


Can we have a little attorney-client privilege?

Have a seat.

You're not my lawyer.

Pretend I am. Have a seat.

I'm a detective with the city.

I'm here about your daughter.

Ashley? Is she all right?

Keep it down.

She was att*cked, but she's fine.

Oh, my God. My baby.

You gotta keep her safe.

Promise me.

We will.

Never should told my brother to stop supplying him.

Nothing can stop him.

Shh, listen to me.

Gimme a name.

Who is he?

I can't.

Visitation's over.

We're not finished here.

Yes, you are. Let's go, Tyler.

You denied my client a right to legal counsel.

Ask me if I care.

I wanna see the Warden.

Be my guest.

You can see her in 30 days.

We found contraband in your client's cell.

Contraband just magically turned up?

We search the cells twice a day.

Found marijuana and a Shiv.

Ms. Tyler sharpened her toothbrush to a nasty little point.

She goes straight to the hole.

You know the regs, counselor.

Yeah, I'm not her counselor.

Detective Stabler, NYPD.

You better have a damn good reason for your little charade.

Look, one of your officers r*ped a 16-year-old girl.


I'm not sure.

You have evidence?

We had his DNA, but he stole the victim's r*pe kit from the hospital.

Look, if one of my staff commits a crime, I want him out of here as much as you do.

I need a list of all the officers with abuse complaints in their jackets.

Do you have a warrant?

I was hoping for a little professional courtesy.

My cooperation does not include trampling on my employees' right to privacy.

Well, the officer that you're protecting is also smuggling dr*gs into your prison.

I'm not protecting anyone.

I'll show you.

Look up there.

Every move my COs make is recorded.

They're randomly piss tested once a month.

But he's not using, he's dealing to the inmates.

If you'd just let me take to Risa, maybe she'd give me a name.

Look, Detective, this facility has a zero-tolerance drug policy.

Any dr*gs come in here, we find them.

Now, I won't deny most of the women locked up here are addicts, which is why you can't believe a word they say.

Including Risa Tyler.

Sealview is clean.

Nobody's raping anyone.

That's not what the inmates say.

How do you know?

Prison r*pe elimination act requires all prisons to submit a list of complaints to the department of justice.

Okay, so last year, 42 women claimed they were r*ped at Sealview, huh?

And of those, 20 were unsubstantiated.

Another 20 unfounded.

Only two of those make it the DA's office.

And none of them were prosecuted.


Well, because it comes down to a crack whore's word against a CO.

Don't you call my mother a whore.

Ashley, we know that she's not.

If you know so much, tell me why my mother's in solitary.

Her cellmate called, said the grapevine's buzzing.

About a cop who showed up asking questions.

What the hell did you do?

Why don't we go talk someplace more private?

Ashley, your mother is in the hole because they found pot in here cell.

Are you stupid?

The guard who r*ped me must've planted it.

He knows you're on to him.

We don't even know who he is.

You said you'd get him if I gave you the r*pe kit.

He stole it from the hospital.

He's smarter than you are?

We're not giving up.

I never should trusted you.

Ashley, wait... wait.

Screw you.

You're gonna get my mother k*lled.

Just leave us alone.

Ashley, listen to me.

Listen to me.

Now, I know that you're scared.

But if we don't stop him, he's gonna keep on hurting your mother and lots of other women at Sealview.

You think locking him up is gonna make a difference?

Yes, I do.

You don't know what she goes through.

Half the guards in there mess with her.

Ashley, come here.

Tell me.

Tell me.

When I visit...


Afterwards, they strip-search her.

A guard sticks his hand inside her and says, "Feels good, doesn't it?"

And if I send a photo instead, they rip it up right in front of her.

Every day they try to break her.

So don't tell me you can help.

Cause there's nothing you can do.

Send me to Sealview.


Not a chance.


Because it's a su1c1de mission.

I've done it before, I can do it again.

With tree huggers, not convicts and corrections officers.

Captain, you know that I can handle it.

You go inside, you have no authority, no right, no backup.

And if we don't stop this guard, he will continue to r*pe and abuse women.

You don't know that he's raping anyone.

42 complaints?

Inmates have a lot of reasons to file a complaint.

Retribution, losses.

So you don't believe Ashley's mother?

It's not our job to police the prisons.

And what should I tell Ashley, that your mother is an inmate, so she doesn't really count.

She's not a real victim.

The Warden stonewalled Elliot.

She's not gonna go along with this.

So don't tell her.

Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?

I'll see if I can convince the corrections commissioner.

Work with Huang.

Put together a bulletproof cover.

I developed your prison person a based on a behavioral analysis of inmate profiles at Sealview.

I've been using dr*gs since I was 13?

And then started mulling to support my habit.

Prescription pills, mostly, but you won't say no to the hard stuff.

What's my name?
Katrina Rae Lewis.

I hearby sentence you to five years at Sealview correctional facility.

You're not a recreational user.

You're a hardcore drug addict facing withdrawal.

You won't survive unless you get your hands on some pharmaceuticals.

Move it, ladies.

Single file.

Hands at your waist at all times.

Abusive father, abusive husband.

Just like all the other inmates.

You're a target for abuse.

Every man's punching bag.

Put your clothes in the basket and then hand them to the officer.

This will be a full body and cavity search.

You'll have no privacy.

You will shower, sleep, dress, and use the toilet in full view of other people.

At times, you will feel humiliated and degraded.

30 seconds, finish it up.

You're going to see things you wanna stop with every fiber of your being.

Hands against the wall, spread them.

Hold on, shouldn't a woman be doing this?

Shut up.

But you can't react.


Someone's been working out.

Don't you touch me like that.

Stop. Stop.

Hey, new guy.

Enough already.

Hey, this ain't Rikers.

Now you get your head on straight, or I'll write you up, you understand me?

Yes, sir.


Okay, Let me see.

Okay, you're all right, come on.

Let's get you to infirmary.

Come on.

Not bad for your first day on the job.

Let me give you some advice, hon.

Don't mouth off to the officers.

They don't mess around.

That's exactly what he was doing.

Yeah, well, you're lucky.

He could done a lot worse.

What guard did she piss off?


She hung herself.


Yeah, you know her?


I'm sorry, Ashley.

Leave me alone.

I promised your mother I'd look out for you.


Like you looked out for her?

You went up to Sealview, and you got her k*lled.

My mother. Didn't k*ll herself.

She'd never leave me like that.

I know she loved you.

Maybe things just got too tough.


I know she was m*rder*d.

How do you know?

I got a letter from her this morning.

"Baby, I know things are tough right now.

But you got to keep your head up.

Every time I feel low, I think of you, and the good days ahead.

Be strong."

Did your mom say anything else?

Just to keep my grades up, and that she couldn't wait to see me.

That sound like she was going to k*ll herself?

Risa did not commit su1c1de.

How can you tell?

I pulled her autopsy report.

Her hyoid bone was broken.

Doesn't usually happen in a hanging.


I think the whole scene was staged.

Right-handers generally slip the knot over their right side.

Lefties over the left.

This knot's right at the base of Risa's skull.

Risa was strangled.

Then the m*rder*r strung her up to make it look like a su1c1de.

So is the local ME gonna change it to homicide?

He refuses to re-examine her.

Westerville's a poor county, Sealview's their largest employer.

ME doesn't want to make waves.

So what's to stop this guy from doing it again?



No no, come on.

Get it up.

Hey, just off the boat, huh?

Leave me alone.

Oh, you jonesin'.

And you got a hearing problem.

Have a nice week.

I uh...

I just need to get straight.

You know who's holding?

There's nothing here.

It's been dry for about a week.

Okay, so when's the re-up?

Simmer down, girl.

What's your name?




Hey, Shawna, I just...

I just need a little taste to get the edge off, you know?

The only way you're going to score is by flat-backing.


Well, you gotta make you merchandise a little more attractive.

You know, like, uh... like that girl over there. You see her?

She gets whatever she needs.

Come on.

Later, baby.

Here come your buyers.

Where'd you transfer in from?

Rikers, but I worked men's.

This place is different.

With women, it's less about v*olence.

It's more about mind games.

Like real life.

Feeling better today?


"Yes, thank you, CO."

Is the correct response.

Yes, thank you, CO.

Now apologize to officer Johnson.

For what?

You got blood on his shoes.

He kicked me.

Excuse me?

I'm sorry for getting blood on your shoes.

It won't happen again.

It better not.

Pick it up.

If she gives you any problems, you call me.

I'll take care of her.

Warner says Risa's death wasn't a su1c1de.

Well, ask Elliot to check out your new best friend.


Keep up the good work, sweet-cheeks.

CO Matthew Parker, 36.

No criminal record, but a couple complaints from his wife, before she was his ex.

Well, maybe she left him after finding his porn collection.

Our boy here's got 16 subscriptions to hardcore websites.

Who needs that much smut?

A guy who can't get it any other way, unless he's raping inmates.

He's worked at six prisons in the last nine years.

All women's facilities.

Easy pickings.

A guy like him moves on before any inmate works up the nerve to report him.

Well, Risa Tyler had nerve, and it got her k*lled.

We got to get Liv out of there.

If she wants out, all she has to do is tell Fin.

Well, we got a suspect.

Maybe Ashley can ID him.

Speak of the devil.

Foster mom just called.

Ashley's back in the hospital.



Is she dead?

No, no, I'm here as a public health official.

She's been diagnosed with multidrug-resistant TB.

How bad?

Deadly if it's in the advanced stages.

This strain doesn't respond to most antibiotics.

It kills hundreds of thousands a year.

Well, I was with her yesterday, and she was coughing.

You have to be tested.

Olivia too.

Yeah, she's not available.

Well, make her available, Elliot.

She's at Sealview.

She's undercover.

I wish you had told me that.

She shouldn't be in there.

CDC has six confirmed cases of MDR TB at Sealview.

It can't be a coincidence that Ashley was the same TB that's going around that prison.

Only way to get it is through close contact with an infected person.

Could she have gotten it from her mother on a visit?

Risa's autopsy report was negative for TB.

She got it from the guard when he r*ped her.

And we'll know who he is soon enough.

CDC is locking Sealview down, testing all the guards and inmates.

Can you hold the CDC off for a few hours while I get Liv out of there?

It's too late. The prison's frozen.

No one in or out.

Elliot, you can't leave without being tested.

Can you talk?

Yeah, but not for long.

Grab Liv, get out of there.

Can't, we're on lockdown.

Well, out yourself to the Warden.

Johnson, quit playing with it.

Report to the clinic for a TB test.

Yes, sir.


Don't worry, I'll take care of it, baby.

Love you too.

This is crap.

The nurse says we got to wait three days for the damn test results.

So we got to camp out here?

Well, look on the bright side, it's a hell of a lot of overtime.

You better not snore.

Oh, I'm not sleeping.

Night shift has its benefits.

Get what I'm saying?

Good to go.

I got my eye on that fish you tangled with.

Mighty tasty.

Oh, damn, I'm out of syringes.

You stay put, I gotta go back to the dispensary.

How long's that gonna take?

What's your hurry?

I gotta start my shift.

Not before you're tested.

Don't worry, you won't miss the party.

What's up?

Some kind of outbreak.

I heard they quarantined D-block.

Could be TB.

When I was in the C-block, my celly caught it and died.

I thought that was hepatitis.

She had that too.

I can't believe they're not telling us anything.

Get used to it.

Well, here comes officer friendly.

Get up, fish.

You're coming with me.

What for, CO?

For whatever I say.

Now, get up.

Uh, hold on, I didn't get my shot yet.

You'll get one later.

Maybe even two pricks.

Hey, hey, CO.

What the hell's going on here?

If there's some kind of outbreak, we have a right to know.

Sit down and shut up.

We have a right to the truth.

That's right.

Tell us what's going on.


Signal 13, request backup in the mess.

What's going on here?

We've got a right to know.

Sit down.

No, not until we get some answers.

Yeah, we want answers.

I said sit down.

You can't treat us like that.

On the wall.

Take it easy.

Everybody down, now.

What do you think you're doing?

Who started this?

This one.


Looks like you're going to the hole.

The hole is over in C-block.

What are we doing down here?

Shut up.

Captain, I'm sorry I freaked because of the outbreak. I apologize.

Oh, we're way past apologies now.

Now shut up, and do what you're told.

No don't.

What do you want?

What every guy wants.

What do you...

And you're going to give it to me.

Get off me.





Keep screaming.

No one can hear you.

You must like it rough.

Yeah, you ought to watch me now.

Please don't.

I'm going to take my time with you.

Please don't.

Oh, yeah.

Please don't.

Please don't.

Please don't.


Come here.


Somebody help.

Shut up.

Help me.



Yeah, I love it.


Yeah, yeah.


Okay, let's get you a little more comfortable, huh?

You little bitch.

There's no way out.

Damn, how long's it take to get a bunch of needles?

Man, you know how women are.

Probably had to fix her makeup.

A lot of single guys work here.

I'm married.

Hey, you can't go back to work till you get tested.

Who's gonna tell?

You wanna play games? Huh?


Cause I know them all.

You got two choices.

You can come out now and make it up to me...

Or I could tell them that you tried to escape.

And I had to use necessary force.

And you wound up dead.

Where's your celly?

You're asking me?

Yeah, I'm asking you.

Hey, CO.

I can help.

You got a smoke?


Where's Kat?

Busy, but I don't got no date tonight.

Okay, come with me.

We could do it right here.

I like privacy.

Take me where you guys go where there aren't any cameras.

The longer I have to wait...

The harder it's going to be.

You want to play hide and seek, huh?

Okay. But when I find you, you're it.


Guess whose ass is mine now.


Okay, you win.

You win.

That's more like it.

Come here.


Don't worry.

And that's to let you know who's in charge.

Help me.

This is it.

Hey, keep your pants on.

I ain't going nowhere.

Yo, uh-oh, hold up, big boy.

We can't go down there.

Why not?

You see the doorstop?

When it's up, you don't go down cause somebody else already is, you get me?

Help me.


Come on, come on.

No, no.

Shut up.


Let go of me.

Let go of me.

You bite me... and you're dead.

No. No.

Shut up.

Let her go, now.

Get the hell out of here.


Move away from her. Move away.

She's trying to escape.

And you had to drop your pants to stop her?

Lowell Harris, you're under arrest for raping Ashley Tyler.

And the attempted m*rder of a police officer.

You're a cop?

Who's the bitch now?

17 years as a corrections officer.

11 different prisons.

It says here that the first ten stops were maximum security men's facilities.

I go where I'm told.

You go where you're not going to get your ass kicked.

What are you talking about?

I read your evaluations.

They dumped you at Sealview because you didn't have the balls to handle men.

Shut up.

You know what I think?

I think you hate women.

That's why you r*pe them.

And if you hate women so much, that must mean that you like men.

Shut up.

Shut up, you filthy whore, do you understand me?

Did I strike a nerve?

Interview's over.

I'm representing Captain Harris.

When did he ask for an attorney?

Mr. Hunter is here.

Courtesy of the corrections officers' union.

Which is not going to let you smear this decorated officer to justify your sleazy undercover operation.

We expedited the test results.

Captain Harris is negative for TB.

As is Matthew Parker, the other officer you named in your witch hunt.

CDC traced Ashley's infection back to a group home she lived in a year ago.

She didn't catch it from him.

He almost k*lled me.

He didn't know you were a cop.

And that gives him the right to attack me?

The law gives officers Harris every right to strike an inmate to force compliance.

But not the right to try and r*pe me.

She's lying.

You r*ped Ashley Tyler, and you murderered her mother.

And Sealview is investigating your allegations.

But right now, I'm taking my client home.

This isn't over.

Maybe Ashley can ID him.

Liv, Ashley's taken a turn for the worse.

You okay?

Yeah, what are you still doing here?

Avoiding diaper duty.

Need a lift?

No, thanks.

I'm going to stay a while.

You'll get Harris.

For excessive force at best.

But more likely, he'll be transferred and promoted.

Is he already back at work?


What happened in the basement?


I'm fine, El.

Detective Benson.

I'll be right there.

Ashley's awake I gotta go.




I want him to die for what he did to me, to my mom.

I know.

It's so unfair.

I'm locked up, and he's free.

You know, I talked to the doctors, and they said that the medicine is working, and you're going to be out of here soon.

So I'm just supposed to forget about everything that happened?

I want to help you put it behind you.


Trust me one last time.

See if you can ID him.

I told you I never saw his face.

But you saw his body.

I don't want to think about it.


It's the only way that we're going to ID him.

Don't make me.

Ashley, please.

Was there anything about his penis that was unusual?

A scar?

A tattoo?


He has a big mole.

I said you can't use the phone.

But I got to call my kid.

It's his birthday.

I don't care.

Get back in your cell.

Don't worry, Amber.

He's going to get his own cell soon.

I got nothing to say to you.

Talk to my lawyer.

You first.

You're going to need him.


Get him out of my prison.

Lowell Harris, you're under arrest for r*pe.

You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.

Captain, huh?

You look more like a private to me.

We'll have to enlarge it for the jury, but it's right where Ashley said it was.

See you in 20 years, Captain.

How'd you know to ask Ashley about the mole?

She remembered.

But you couldn't have known she was right.

I saw it...

When he had me in the basement.


Did he r*pe you?

It's the closest I've ever come.
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