09x19 - Cold

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x19 - Cold

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

32-year-old white female.

Blunt force trauma.

Victim's missing vehicle pointed to a carjacking.

You locate her vehicle?

A burned-out hull in the next county.

Did the pathologist uncover distal skull fractures?

Yes, he did.

The scene's staged.

Was there evidence of sexual as*ault?

Nothing probative.

Was she in a relationship?

A fiance.

We looked at him.

I'd take another look.

A lot of overkill for a robbery.

The rage is personal.

Were the signs of lividity consistent with body position?

You get a chance to look at those photos I sent you?

There are 82 members who would be glad to help.

Present to the group.

Take advantage of our expertise.

Vidocq's swamped.

There isn't an open slot for a year.

Chester, stop being so stubborn.

Ten years is a long time to hold on to a case.

I'm asking you, Pen.

Your victim was dumped.

Sort through everything.

Determine what belongs and what doesn't.

If he made mistakes, I didn't find any.

Not yet.

Also re-interview any witnesses.

There weren't any.

That's not exactly true.

There was one.

What are you selling, Brett?

Criminal defense.

Yeah, hard to imagine.

You've worked sex crimes longer than most, and you're still passionate.

We need you.

Yeah, well, it's harder to care when your clients are guilty.

Ours are accused of SEC violations, not diddling some four-year-old on a playground.

I'm sorry, I have to go.

No more late-night calls.

No more r*pe victims and dead kids.

How do you sleep at night?

I don't.

Captain, it was a cop sh**ting.

Everyone's using their cell phones.

How did the press get wind?

They followed the line of brass out of one PP.

So we have one dead cop and one wounded. Why are we here?

Because I fought for it.

Control this crime scene.

Who's our victim?

Precinct Detective Edward Kralik.

Any suspects?


You are not allowed to question him, nothing searched without a warrant, and you keep me on speed dial.

Who the hell is he?

Detective Chester Lake.

Law & Order: SVU
9x19. Cold

Original air date: 2008/05/13

I see the circus is in town.

What do you expect?

When cops sh**t each other, clowns come out. It's entertainment.

What's got him riled?

Guilty by association.

I count at least five GSWs.

He's officially dead. Can I take him?

Forensics hasn't finished mapping.

Let me get you an ETA.

Don't move!

Who the hell you think you're talking to, Detective?

You... you're stepping in my blood evidence, Inspector.

If you're finished, Warner wants the body.

We're almost done.

We're freezing the scene in time.

Virtual crime scene.

It's called "scanstation 2."

I don't know how we lived without it.

You'll be able to look from any angle you want.

The lasers are capturing every detail in 3-D.

It can show us where each other sh**t was standing.

Can it tell us who pulled the trigger first?

No, only Lake can do that.

Wish we could ask him.

No harm in checking on his condition.



Hey, how you feelings?

I took through and thorough in the arm and the leg. I'll live.

Feel up to talking?


Doesn't look good, Chester.

You need to give us your statement.

No, I don't.

This isn't going away.

I don't expect it to.

But I know you won't question me, at least not for the next 48 hours.

You're invoking.

Section 118-09, no superior investigating officer can talk to me for two days.

It's called coerced testimony.

You go down this road, there's no coming back.

What's this about?

Give us something.

Are you interrogating me, Detective?


I'm watching you drown.

We can't clear Lake without his statement.

If it was justified, why not just say so?

He invoked, and his silence proves nothing.

What do we have on Edward Kralik?

Well, he came up through the ranks.

Unspectacular, but solid patrol officer.

Promoted to Detective.

He works out of the one-four.

According to witnesses, Lake and Kralik were going at it outside his precinct.

How do they know each other?

Came up through the same Brooklyn house.

Any history of beefs between them?

None that we found.

Then dig deeper.

A verbal argument between two cops doesn't escalate to m*rder without some damn good reason why.

You find anything at Lake's apartment?

Ticket stub for a train from Philly dated yesterday.

What was he doing there?

Good question.

We dumped Lake's phone.

From the roaming charges, he's been in Philadelphia at the same time every month.

Have any idea why?

I said I don't know.

What do you mean?

You're his partner.

Do you know everything about Olivia?

No, but I'd notice if she disappeared once a month.

We'll find out. I left messages with the Philly numbers.

I'm expecting callbacks.

So we'll follow the evidence.

Since Lake's not talking, maybe we can reconstruct what happened in that lot.

Thought you fell in.

I'm not used to sitting to take a leak.

That's the price of turning a vacant lot, into OK Corral.

You know you shouldn't be here, Fin.

Neither should you, but here we are.

I'm all ears.

I got nothing to say.

Well, my partner would never sh**t anyone except in self defense.

You don't know me, Fin.

And you never made any effort until now.

All you had to do was pick up the damn phone.

I would've backed your play.

I had it covered.

Yeah, those holes in your body say different.

What's going on in Philly?

Really good cheese steaks.

You got us running blind, man.

We're trying to save your ass.

If you don't walk me through this, you're going upstate.

I hope you know what you're doing.


I'm ruling Detective Kralik's death a homicide.

Five g*nsh*t wounds.

One nine-millimeter projectile hit the left lung and pierced the heart.

The second lodged in the victim's spine.

Either one could've k*lled him.

Center mass hits from a right-handed sh**t.

Problem is the non-fatal sh*ts came from behind, penetrating the upper-right thigh, right buttock, and upper back.

You think Kralik was running away and Lake shot him in the back?

Dropped him in his tracks, finished him off with two to the chest.

It's possible.

There were shell casings all over the crime scene.

They had to be crouching and rotating.

Would that explain the back wounds?

It's a reach.

What does Lake say happened?

Nothing, which is why we're spinning our wheels.

Did ballistics test-fire Lake's g*n?

All five sh*ts came from his glock.

They're checking both g*ns for ejection patterns, and matching trajectory to wound tracks.

Maybe that'll give you some answers.

Or maybe we should start accepting that Lake m*rder*d Ed Kralik.

You find anything on Lake's movements?

Not yet.

What's got your undivided attention?

It's a cold case file I found in Lake's desk.

One of ours?

No, this is from Brooklyn, ten years ago.

He was still working on it.

There's recent notes. He said he wanted to re-interview the first responders.

How's that connect to the sh**ting?

Ed Kralik was one of them.

The notes mention what they talked about?

I don't think they got that far.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for Detective Munch.

Right there.

May I help you?

I'm Penelope Fielding.

You left messages on my voicemail, so I caught the first train in from Philly.

Is Chester all right?

He's stable.

How do you know him?

What hospital is he in?

Uh, he's not seeing anyone right now.

What's your connection to Lake?

We belong to a group called The Vidocq Society based in Philadelphia.

Once a month, we hear cold case presentations from law enforcement, and redirect focus on unsolved homicides.

Explains the frequent trips out of town.

Okay, why would a cop spend his free time trying to solve other people's cold cases?


We work without politics or bosses.

Olivia, Elliot... my office.

You think you could manage to read Detective Lake his rights?

I miss something?

I specifically told you not to question him.

He's under the 48-hour rule and shielded from interrogation.

Don't worry.

He didn't say anything.

Yeah, and lucky for you.

Because if he talked, it would've been inadmissible and under immunity.

Okay, so how are we supposed to put this down when most crimes are solved within the first 48?

You know what?

That's not my problem.

So you either follow orders, or just stay out of the way.

This isn't my call.

Lake k*lled a cop in what appears to be an unprovoked sh**ting.

So why not wait for the rest of the evidence to get processed?

What is the rush?

If it were anybody else, he's already be in shackles, so just do your job.

He's running.

He hasn't been gone long.

IV's still pretty full.

I'll get hospital security to help with the search.

I'll call Casey, get a subpoena to dump Tutuola's phone.

You think Fin warned him?

Who else would've told Lake we were coming?

Searched the hospital from the ground up.

Units are parked outside Lake's home.

Dumping my phones was a bitch move, Stabler.

Yeah, I called him.

I didn't think he'd run.

You should've stayed out of it.

Take it easy.

He's my partner.

Who you helped evade arrest.

Dial it down or you're both going on report.

Lake is not our problem anymore.

The fugitive apprehension team will take it from here.

All those guys do is workout and sh**t g*ns. They're gonna k*ll Lake.

Well, that's not how FAT works, Detective.

Kralik's got a lot of friends on the street that'd like to see Lake dead.

You gotta at least let me look.

Where you gonna start?

You don't even know the guy.

I know he didn't do it.

Three b*llet holes in the victim's back say different.

You ever think the force behind the first two spun Kralik?

We're trained to keep firing till the subject is down.

And you're assuming that the fatal sh*ts came first.

Have ballistics run both scenarios, see which one fits.

You check out Penelope Fielding?

She's legit.

She ran the regional lab in Richmond, consults at Quantico, and volunteers on Vidocq.

Well, get her statement and show her the door.

Lake's only connection to Kralik is a cold case.

Maybe she can help.

I know all about the Vidocq society.

So does the Brass, and they don't want them anywhere near this.

They've solved a lot of open homicides.

Easy to do when you pick and choose.

Yeah, but Lake has held on to this case for ten years.

He must've talked to her about it.

Limited access only, then I want her gone.

Undocumented female, Alisa Hernandez, 14.

Found r*ped and strangled in a vacant lot ten years ago.

Last seen leaving school with her best friend Cecelia Cruz.

When questioned, the girl said they split up and didn't see anything.

Cecelia was lying.

Her statement's full of elliptical pauses, which indicated invention.

Well, she was scared.

The victim was in the country illegally.

A good bet is that her best friend was too.

Lying makes sense when you're running from immigration.

I also suggested he re-examine the crime scene for what should be there and what shouldn't.

Like our dead cop.

He responded to the call even though it was outside his patrol sector.

That's suggestive.


When I was in uniform, I went to a lot of calls that weren't mine.

Alisa's k*ller used a condom and tried to wipe the body down.

A lot of rapists do.

They didn't ten years ago.

DNA was just starting to get convictions.

But a cop would have forensic knowledge. Like Kralik.

We know Lake confronted Kralik.

Phone dumps show he got a call to his cell from a payphone a 1/2 hour before the sh**ting started.

If Lake knew the guy was a k*ller, he wouldn't have met him in such an isolated spot.

Not if he thought this was finally his chance to get the truth.

So we run Alisa's r*pe kit.

If Kralik's our guy, Lake's off the hook.


I thought you got federal money to get r*pe kits into CODIS.

It was 12 million bucks.

We had 20,000 kits.

You do the math.

Here it is.

"Hernandez, Alisa.

Homicide, 11-10-97."

What happened to it?

Evidence storage got flooded.

A couple of refrigeration units got burned out.

I told all this to the other two dicks.

Tell me you got names.

Detective Lake.

Said he wanted it pulled and sent to the lab, but you can't fast-track a specimen without command approval.

Who's the other Detective?


Wanted to confirm the request was made.

Captain Cragen of Manhattan SVU wants this DNA sample rushed, so I'm gonna take it in myself.

I was getting the cold shoulder in your precinct, so thanks for coming.

Bosses think you'll make us look bad.

If you get me the 3-D scan and the ballistic measurements, I can recreate the most likely scenario for what happened in that lot.

Our people can do that.

How long will it take them?

How many cases do they have that are just as pressing as this one?

There is no other case.

That's what you'd like to believe.

I ran a lab. The world doesn't stop because you want it to.

I can't help you, Pen.

Proving Kralik's a r*pist isn't gonna be enough to clear Chester.

I know he didn't sh**t first.

Has there been any word?


Lake got shot twice.

He should be easy to find.

He's a resourceful guy.

You should know.

You seem pretty angry.

Yeah, before today if anybody had asked if Lake was involved, I would've said no, and I would've been wrong.

You think he doesn't trust you.

When in fact he's been trying to earn your respect.

He said you were a hard person to know.

Like he's easy.

You have any idea where we can find him?

You could try his ex-partner, Wesley Meadows.

They kept in touch.

I haven't heard from Lake in six months.

Same damn conversation, The Hernandez m*rder.

He was obsessed about it?


His first case.

Poor kid gets yoked midday and nobody sees nothing.

What about her best friend, Cecelia Cruz?

Lying through her teeth.

Two girls walk home from school every day except the day one gets done?

Sell me a bridge.

You try to re-interview Cecelia?

Lake tried, but her family skipped.

Can't say I blame her.

Always thought she was a victim too.

You think Cecelia was r*ped?

We saw some bruises, couldn't look us in the eye, and couldn't stand to be touched.

My gut was screaming.

Remember seeing officer Edward Kralik at the scene?

That the guy Lake popped?


Sorry, ten years is a lifetime ago.

All I remember was hitting the wall.

Since most of the neighborhood is illegal, nobody talked.

Hernandez family still around?


But I heard they got amnesty, so you might be able to track them down through tax rolls.



Why are you bringing Alisa up again?

I'm trying to move on, live with it somehow.

We're very sorry, but there's new evidence that may tell us what happened to your daughter.

I know what happened.

She got m*rder*d in a country that I told my family was safe.

I convinced them that this was a great future for all of us.

Now I'm here all alone.

Where is your family, Mr. Hernandez?

They went back to El Salvador.

I couldn't leave.

Somebody should stay with Alisa, visit her grave, remember her.

Detective Lake never forgot.

He's been working on the case for ten years.

It didn't help him solve it.

Until now.

You found her k*ller?

We believe so.

We think Cecelia Cruz witnessed the attack.

We need to talk to her.

No, you're wrong.

She would've told me if she knew anything.

She was 14 years old.

A scared little girl who was in a lot of trouble.

She had no place to turn.

How doesn't someone lie about m*rder?

Because she was r*ped too.

Dios Mio.

Why didn't Lake tell me this when he called?

When was that?

Last night.

He wanted to talk to Cecelia, but he didn't say why.

Where is she?

She works as a seamstress for a designer downtown.


What the hell's going on here, three cops in two days?

So I was annoyed when Cecelia said she had to leave, but then the cop explained it was about a r*pe.

Is this the guy?

Yeah, he was in pretty bad shape too.

Started bleeding on the floor.

Cecelia had to help him out, said she was taking him to a hospital.

How long ago?

1:00 am ... like I said, we're on a deadline.

Guy's bleeding out, she doesn¡¯t call the cops.

What is Lake doing involving a civilian?

City-wide alert out.

She's now his hostage.

We notified ESU that Lake could have a civilian with him.

It's hard to believe he'd be so reckless.

Any leads on his whereabouts?

The tip lines are going crazy.

He could be long gone or anywhere in the city.

Not if he's bleeding out.

What about hospitals or walk-in clinics?

No one matching Lake's description has been admitted or treated.

News reports are saying Lake took a hostage. Who gave them that?

How about your partner after he took Cecelia Cruz with a warrant on his ass?

And with Kralik dead, it just doesn't make sense.

Lake had to have a good reason.

For putting a witness in harm's way?

I'm open to suggestions.

How about a third sh**t?

31 sh*ts were fired in that lot.

Same brand of amm*nit*on, all NYPD issue.

10 came from Lake's g*n and Kralik emptied his 15-round clip.

Remaining six b*ll*ts came from an unknown source.

Lake fires seven b*ll*ts into Kralik's direction.

Three sh*ts standing and four sh*ts crouching.

Five direct hits.

The other two were found in a wall.

The first two hits spun him, and based on his wound tracks, Kralik was already falling to the ground when the last three b*ll*ts entered his body.

That proves Lake didn't sh**t him in the back.

Lake then rotates 30 degrees and fires at what appears to be a void.

You find any shell casings in the void area?


The third guy policed his brass.

Did the b*ll*ts that hit Lake match Kralik's g*n?

The third sh**t fired six sh*ts at Lake.

Two plugged him.

The other four were found at the scene.

That g*n in the system?


If it's a cop, I'm thinking drop g*n.

That'd be my guess.

Looks like Lake took Cecelia Cruz to protect her.

Another dirty cop means somebody close to Kralik 10 years ago.

He have a partner in Brooklyn?

Sean Lassiter.

Died on the line last year.

We should talk to Kralik's widow, see who his friends are now.

Tread easy.

Everybody's already heated enough.



What do you want?

Let them in, Bill.

Mrs. Kralik, I'm Detective Stabler.

This is my partner, Detective Benson.

Very sorry for your loss.

Please sit down.

Thank you.

Elliot Stabler.

Bill Jensen.

That's Tom Crane, Dave Foster.

Find that bastard Lake yet?

It's not their job to find him, it's mine.

You're with the fugitive apprehension team?

My unit usually brings them in without incident, unless they fight.

I know he's a friend of yours.

So I just want to make that clear.

Guy's a hump.

Look, I want to find out what happened that night, don't you?

No. Word is he busted his stitches.

We wait it out, maybe he'll bleed to death.

Yeah, I told you that puts us behind...

So what? Who...

Stop it.

All of you.

That is not what I want.

I need to understand why he k*lled my husband.

Why did he do it?

We're working on it.

Mrs. Kralik, was there somebody that your husband was close to?

Are you looking at us?


Did you know him in Brooklyn?

What does that got to do with anything?

If you're looking for a way to justify m*rder, you can leave right now.

Get out.

That woman has no idea who she was married to.

If this comes out, it will k*ll her.

Cops seemed pretty riled.

So let's check them out.

And then what do we do?

Dig up some dirt but hope we find a g*n that matches the slugs from the vacant lot?

All Lake had to do was ID the sh**t.

You can't be sure that he saw him.

It was dark out, there were b*ll*ts flying.

What is your problem?

He didn't trust us.

And maybe for good reason.

Look, all the evidence pointed to his guilty.

Which means that we should've taken a hard look at Lake, not Fin.

Oh, so I shouldn't have dumped his phones?

Fin's a straight sh**t, Elliot.

All you had to do was ask him.

I think you need to make this right.

Nothing on Jensen, Crane, and Foster.

They all three came from Brooklyn.

I'm waiting on their jackets.

How long have they known Kralik?

Jensen for Ten years.

Crane and Foster worked his precinct.

They transferred out last year.

Well, maybe we should be looking at the academy roles, see who Kralik was close to.

That was the lab. They made a preliminary DNA match to Kralik.

They found his blood underneath the victim's fingernails.

She fought back.

Maybe that's why he k*lled her.

Well, they found a second semen sample, but it was only a partial profile.

It's too degraded.

The guy's gonna skate.

We can still get him on the attempted m*rder of a police officer.

That's a parole sentence, Munch.

Well it won't matter unless we find out who he is.

ESU has Lake pinned in an abandoned building.

Is the subject armed?

I repeat, is the subject armed?


Suspect is armed.

Hold your position.

Manhattan SVU, Lieutenant.

How'd you find him?

BOLO on the female.

Cashier noticed when she bought too many medical supplies.

The FAT pinpointed their location, but with the hostage, it's our OP now.

Hey. Get your ass back here.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

That's Detective Lake's partner.

I don't give a damn if it's his long lost brother...

Want this take-down to go blood-free?

You let him work.

Let him go.

You'd sh**t me in the back?

If I have to.


What are you doing?

Take it easy. It's my partner.

He's not gonna use that g*n.

Only cause I'm low on a*mo.

Okay, hand it over and let's go.

Looking forward to the perp walk?

Somebody's gotta take credit.

Might as well be me.

Yeah, they're getting into position.

And you know what's next.

They're gonna throw in a few flash bangs and we'll both be blind and deaf.

Whatever happened to hostage negotiation?

Listen, she brought you those bandages.

That makes her an accomplice to the felony skip.

You see where I'm going?

You want to put bracelets on my wrists.

I'd rather do that before someone gets hurt.

I'm already hurt.

I'm not going into custody so I can be an easier target.

Lake, we followed your breadcrumbs.

We know Kralik is a r*pist, and we can prove it.

Did you see the hump that shot you?

Didn't get a good look.

I was just trying to fight for my life.

How'd you get lured?

I got a call from a guy named Bill Jensen.

He said he had some information.

Then when I showed up, the son of a bitch just opened fire.

I don't know his name, but I'll never forget his face.

He r*ped me.

Are you ready to say that in court?

I'll tell whoever will listen.

Captain, Kralik's shadow during his academy days was Thomas Crane.

Why him?

Well, I pulled his jacket.

Excessive force, sexual abuse, intimidation complaints.

Why does this bastard still have his tin?

Well, all his victims had sheets and recanted.

CCRB cleared him.

What's his present assignment?

The Fugitive Apprehension Team.

Son of a bitch.

Squeeze that trigger, you'll be dead before the slug leaves the pipe.

Alisa and I got caught in the middle of a fight on our way home from school.

That's when the police came to break it up.

What happened next?

Two cops, told us they would give us a ride home, so we got into the back seat.

They took turns raping us.

If felt like it went on forever.

What happened to Alisa Hernandez?

She fought back. scratching and clawing.

He punched her, but... she wouldn't stop screaming, so he put his hands around her throat and squeezed.

Is one of the men who lured you and then brutally r*ped you in this room?


Thomas Crane.

Why didn't they k*ll you too?

I begged for my life, promised never to tell.

He was angry that officer Kralik lost control.

When they started fighting, I ran away.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

When did you become a US citizen, Miss Cruz?

Objection. Irrelevant.

Witness veracity, Your Honor.

Answer the question.

You don't understand.

We didn't have the money for amnesty then, but I've been trying ever since.

In other words, you're here illegally.

You went to school here, you saw doctors here, made money here, but you paid no taxes here.

Is there a question, or is counsel just going to pontificate?

Is the DA's office helping you with immigration in exchange for your testimony?



Nothing further.

The jury's looking at my witness like she did something wrong.

People feel strongly about immigration on both sides.

That's why your forensic testimony needs to be solid.

Is this partial profile enough to say he's a match?

Yes, but it leaves you wide open on rebuttal.

Okay, why?

All human cells except platelets have 13 loci.

The semen the lab tested presented only nine, which means it was significantly degraded.

I'll need probabilities as to the DNA match for Crane.

I can't give them with what we have.

Okay, without it, he walks.

Thomas Crane r*ped and m*rder*d a young girl, and we gave him the badge to hide behind while he did it.

I know what you want me to say, but the science doesn't support it.

When the defense gets these lab reports, they might have enough for reasonable doubt.

Can you live with that?

If I have to.

Because I sure as hell won't risk my reputation for a verdict we didn't earn.



We found blood and skin under the victim's nails.

As you can see from the overlay, 13 loci match.

Is there any doubt the DNA belongs to Detective Edward Kralik?


The second sample found was semen.

The lab took a buccal swab from Thomas Crane and compared it with swabs from the victim Alisa Hernandez.

Here, nine loci match. although it's a partial profile, in my opinion, it belongs to the defendant.

Thank you, doctor.

Nothing further.

I have no questions.

I interviewed Detective Kralik about his presence at the crime scene.

He said he couldn't remember, and then he got hostile.

Didn't you have a very loud and public brawl with the deceased?

He threw a punch after I collected the cigarette butt he tossed.

Why did you do that?

Well, I thought he was guilty of r*pe and m*rder.

I wanted to compare his DNA to the evidence.

So what happened next?

Well, I called in to get the r*pe kit pulled from storage and sent to the lab, but I got lured and then ambushed by two sh**t before I could have it done.

How were you lured?

Well, I got a call from a cop saying he had information about the Hernandez m*rder.

He called himself Jensen, But I IDed the caller as Thomas Crane in a voice print line-up.

And you're sure that the second sh**t was the defendant, Thomas Crane?


Nothing further.

Two sh**t.

You must be a hard man to k*ll.

Well, I was lucky.

Did you find the g*n matching the b*ll*ts at the crime scene in my client's possession?

It's easy to toss a g*n in the city.

Yes or no.

Not yet, no.

You call the lab to move the evidence.

What were you told by the desk officer?

That I needed a boss to request it.

Was that all you were told?

I don't recall.

You weren't told that the evidence was too degraded and contaminated for testing?


Objection. Your Honor, I call for an immediate mistrial.

There's a serious cover-up going on here, and I have proof that this witness perjured himself, and the prosecution violated Brady.

Your Honor, that's ridiculous. no one lied.

Counsel is accusing my office of conspiracy in front of the jury just to score points.


In my chambers now.

DNA is the rock on which the people built their case.

They don't have a credible witness.

Cecelia Cruz's immigrant status has nothing to do with her eyewitness testimony.

And yet they've placed more emphasis on biological evidence, which I discovered was compromised.

Is that true, Miss Novak?

No, the evidence was tested by lab protocol.

Then where are the reports?

Because I don't have them.


They're not finished.

And the dog ate my homework.

I will turn everything over as soon as it is done.

See that you do.

And the conspiracy?

Detective Lake perjured himself.

He was told that the sample was too degraded for testing by the evidence intake officer.

Who's not a DNA expert.

If it's so degraded, how did we find two separate profiles?

I think you want to win so badly you'd plant the evidence and frame my client.

Oh, the OJ defense.

That's original. Good for you.

Knock it off.

I grant the missing lab reports are suspicious, but you can't accuse sworn officers without hard evidence.

The prosecution tried to sandbag the defense, Your Honor.

And you'll have those reports by close of business today...

Or Miss Novak will be in contempt.

Anything else?


Just to show that I play by the rules, I'm issuing a subpoena for Penelope Fielding as a witness for the defense.



Ms. Fielding, can you list your credentials for the jury?

I hold a masters in population genetics and statistics.

I ran a state crime lab, and I work with law enforcement.

When you ran the lab, which departments reported to you?

Fingerprints, ballistics, blood spatter, trace and DNA.

What's your opinion on partial DNA profiles?

They can be an invaluable investigative tool.


A suspect list can be narrowed of even cleared using partial profiles.

"A partial profile is outside all scientific standards and should be viewed skeptically if at all."

Who wrote that, Ms. Fielding?

I did.

An article published in a journal of applied sciences criticizing multiplex PCR and, I quote, "The disturbing trend of using partial profiles in the criminal justice system."

In your expert opinion, Ms. Fielding, does the DNA found on Alisa Hernandez match my client, Thomas Crane?

I can't answer that.

Why not?

The sample is the equivalent of less than a single human cell.

So I can't say with any certainty that it matches the defendant.

Nothing further.

Have you reached a verdict?

No, Your Honor. We're deadlocked.

Your Honor, can we poll the jury?

Madam foreman, how do you find?


Not guilty.

Not guilty.


Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.


Not guilty.

Not guilty.

No, Hector.

Let go of her.

Hey, what's going on here?

US immigration enforcement, ma'am.

Please step back.

Where are you going with my witness?

I can't tell you that.

You'll have to take it up with a federal judge in dispensation.

I'm sorry I never told you about Alisa, Mr. Hernandez.

Please believe me.

I'm sorry.

Where are you taking me?

Don't do anything stupid, Hector.

We can't win, can we?

No, I promise I will re-file the charges and I will try him again.

Hey, Fin, we're heading out for a drink.

You wanna join us?

No, somebody needs to check on Lake, he's not answering his phone.

Look, the situation got a little heated and I want to say I'm sorry about that.

You're a bulldog, Stabler.

Quick to assume, slow to admit when you're wrong.

Makes for a good cop, but a lousy human being...

Fin, hear him out.

Stay out of it, Liv.

That being said, I know what it cost you.

Appreciate that.

I'm not done.

The problem is you will still be the same rat bastard tomorrow, and nothing you say will ever change that.

What's that?

Fin's transfer request.


You wanted to see me, judge Donnelly?

Yes, the, um...

The DA is declining to re-file charges against Thomas Crane.

He r*ped and m*rder*d Alisa Hernandez and he gets to keep his badge?

Because of your actions, counselor.

With all due respect, ma'am, this doesn't concern you.

It does now.

I'm being called before the bar.

At my insistence.


Because you lost perspective.

And because I sit on the peer review board, and I cannot allow you to commit a Brady violation and lie to the court without consequence.

The reports weren't finished, Your Honor.

I sent them back.

You lied to Petrovsky, and now you are lying to me.

The lab reports were dated and stamped.

We are civil servants, Casey.

No one is falling on their sword for you.

What I want to know... is why.

Because the bad guys can't always win.

And he deserved to pay.

And so do you.

How much trouble am I in?


Possible suspension.

For how long?

A year.

Maybe more.

What should I do?

Something else.

I have to go.
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