10x14 - Transitions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x14 - Transitions

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Cute top, Misty.


That's why I bought it.

Give it! It's mine! Let go!

Give it to me, skank. Get off me, you crazy bitch!

You're dead!

Down, girl.

It ain't worth losing your job over.

You know what? Keep the damn thing. It's trash like you.

You want some more, bitch?

What the...

He was beaten in the crotch.

So badly, his scrotum ruptured.

Also has deep lacerations to his shoulders and lower back.

And I found bruising and scratch marks on his penis.

He say anything?


We had to put him in a medically-induced coma to relieve pressure on his brain from the trauma. It's touch-and-go.

You notify the family? No. We would if we knew who he was.

Wallet was cleaned out.

No ID or credit cards.

Any forensics?

Well, I found saliva on his genitals. Swab's in the r*pe kit.

And I dug this out of his back.

Fake nail. Can you tell us the time of the attack?

Well, the bruising is fresh, so probably between 9:00 and 10:00 p. m.

He picks up a stripper from Sugar Pops. He roughs her up.

She fights back. I mean, these guys can be vicious.

Maybe, but John Doe loves his son.

How do you know that?

Only thing we found in his wallet was this photo tucked away.

Cute kid.

"Dad and Henry, age 5."

Let's hope Dad gets to see Henry grow up.

Dad's fingerprints aren't in the system and there's no missing person report on file that matches his description.

So either nobody knows he's missing or nobody cares.

And we can't release the picture to the media, because he's the victim of a sex crime. Forensics any help?

Well, Warner ran the saliva on the guy's junk.

DNA wasn't in the system, but the perp is definitely female.

With cheap taste in fake nails.

There's no way to trace it.

And the rain last night k*lled any trace evidence in the parking lot.

Without a blood trail, it's hard to tell where he was att*cked or where he came from.

Well, I'm no expert.

But for me, fellatio plus fake fingernail equals exotic dancer.

Fin, take Munch.

Go back to Sugar Pops.

See if the ladies reveal anything.

I told the cops last night I didn't recognize him.

But I guess you wanted to come see for yourself.

Well, it's kind of hard not to.

Can I see your fingernails?

Ballet slipper with a top coat of marshmallow.

You cops sure have an eye for detail.

Anything else you want to investigate further?

Yeah. Just who might have given this guy a private dance?

I'm strictly VIP parties.

But that one.

She is desperate and will dance for any nasty old thing.

I didn't see him here. But I had my hands full with a bunch of frat boys.

Had to beat them off with a stick.

Break a nail beating anybody else off?

These are for pleasure.

Not pain.

That looks like it hurt.

Did you cut yourself shaving?

That old tramp, Sapphire, jumped me.

It's not my fault young guys find me hot.

Did anybody else get into it last night?

Frankie, the bouncer, beat up a guy in the parking lot.

The assailant we're looking for is a female.

Frankie's a woman.

And a big old mean one.

Yeah, I had to get tough with a guy last night.

He's a freaking perv.

You sent this freaking perv to the hospital?

Never seen him. I'm talking about... Yes. Psycho Sid.

Sugar Pops' 10 least-wanted list, huh?

Yeah. Men. Can't live with them, sure can live without them.

Psycho Sid was here last night?

Guy knows he's not welcome.

He just keeps coming back.

He's... What do you call it?

Obsessed with the strippers.

Caught him in the parking lot hiding behind the cars, waiting for the girls to leave.

What time was he out here?

8:00 on. Kept coming back, too.

Even after I showed him the error of his ways.

I didn't do nothing wrong.

We know. You just like to watch the dancers.

But Frankie don't allow it.

Are you a dancer?

No, Sid.

Remember? Remember?

I'm a detective.


But you're pretty enough to be a dancer.

Thank you, Sid.

You're not.

That's the cross I bear.

Look. Sid, when you were in the parking lot last night, did you see any dancers outside?

Just one.

Yeah? Who?

I couldn't see her face.

She was fighting with a man.

This man?


He had a tow truck with pretty red lights.

Did he tow her car?


She got in the truck and they drove behind the club.

I know why people go behind the club.

You do?


I like to watch.

Did you see what happened?

No. I pretended I was with the pretty girl. It felt good.

What happened after they were done?

I don't know.

I was done, so I left.

Sid, just stay away from the dancers from now on, okay?

So our victim's a repo man. Our girl must be late on her car payments.

He took it out in trade. Well, we know our John Doe left in an ambulance, so his tow truck's got to be somewhere near the club.

You find anything that tells us who the driver was?

All I know is he's a slob. I think I just found last week's lunch.

Find any usable prints?

About 20 different sets.

Take a while to sort them all out. But look at this.

A tire iron.

There's blood on the tip.

And hair. It's got to be her as*ault w*apon.

These smudges on the handle.

They might be partial prints.

Still doesn't give us an ID on your victim.

Well, this will.

Who you going to call?

Repo Busters.

His name's Mark Van Kuren.

He's a good man.

And, usually, he's so careful on the job.

Weren't you worried when he didn't show up to work this morning, Ms...

Peters. Selma Peters. Mark doesn't start until after 10:00 p. m.

When folks are in bed.

He wised up after he tried to take a minivan from a hockey mom and she beat him with her son's stick.

Well, we believe Van Kuren was att*cked by a woman last night.

He was towing her car away from a strip club called Sugar Pops.

A repo from a nudie joint?

I would have remembered that.

My guys would have been fighting over it.

Did any of Mark's jobs yesterday have a female owner?

Let me check.

He was after an investment banker with a boat. Got laid off from Lehman.

Yeah. The Toyota. This gal's been dodging him for weeks.

What's the owner's name?

Molly Lambert.

Lives on Park Avenue, but can't make the payment on an '07 Corolla?

Molly hasn't lived here for several years.

She's getting her PhD at Hudson University.

Is my daughter in some sort of trouble?

Her car was damaged in a traffic incident.

A drunk driver side-swiped a group of parked cars.

I better call my attorney.

I told her not to park her Mercedes on the street.

Actually, this was a Toyota.

A Toyota?

Molly would never drive one of those. You must have the wrong person.

The car is registered to Molly at this address.

Well, someone must have stolen her identity.

You could just give us Molly's address, and we'll look into it.

Hi, Molly.

Or do you prefer Misty?

So I guess you didn't come here for a lap dance.

Rich girl by day, stripper by night.

Dancing's not a crime.

as*ault with a deadly w*apon is.

Excuse me?

Mark Van Kuren.

Now, do your services include head-bashing?

I didn't touch him.


Well, let's see if her DNA matches the saliva we found on his penis.

Okay, so I did him.

But that's it.

Well, you clawed him pretty good. We took one of your nails out of his back.

He told me to scratch him.

Said he liked it rough.

I doubt he told you to bite it off.

That's not how I work.

Last time I saw him, dude was all smiles.

Your rich parents going to be all smiles when they find out what you do for kicks?

I'm an ethnographer.

A cultural anthropologist. I live the life of the people I'm studying.

So you study strippers in their natural habitat.

Research for my book.

Play Misty for You.

It started as my doctoral dissertation.

My agent thinks it will be a best-seller.

Does he know that you're a trust-fund baby?

I gave all that up for Misty.

I live on her salary, rent that dump of an apartment, drive a cheap car.

I make sacrifices for my research.

You call shaking your tatas for dirty old men research?

I don't have to listen to this.

What's that under your shirt? Nothing.

Unbutton it or I will.

I usually get paid for this.


A digital recorder.

Your deep throat interview with Mark on here?

No. It's on a flash drive.

Hand it over.

Each one of these holds a week's worth of research.

It's my only copy.

It's evidence in an investigation.

Do I get it back?

I'll make you a deal.

Misty disappears, or Molly goes to jail for prostitution.

Now, shake it on out of here.

Use your nails.

Use your nails.

Make me bleed. Yeah.

Yeah. You like that?

Yeah? You want more? Oh, my God. That's it. That's it.

Well, it sounds like Molly really got into the part.

A lot of parts. It also sounds consensual.

Well, it doesn't prove she didn't attack him afterwards.

What else we have on this tape?

Hey, Misty. Where you been?

Boss is looking for you.

I went to my car for a second, Frankie.

It's payday. Going to save a dance for me, sweet thing?

Well, it sounds like Misty, the anthropologist, didn't hang around after she finished excavating.

He got off. She got off. It was a done deal.

She goes back inside, rides the pole.

She's got an alibi for the rest of the night.

So whoever att*cked Van Kuren had to show up after Misty finished her research.

Well, maybe Van Kuren can tell us who.

That was the hospital.

He just woke up.

I had sex with a stripper in a parking lot.

You'd think I would remember that.

So what's the last thing you do remember?

Stopping for coffee on my way to work.

Who would want to hurt you, Mark?

Only one person hates me this much.

My soon-to-be ex-wife.

Messy divorce?

Ellen is... She's furious, because I'm fighting for custody.

Well, we found this in your wallet. This your only child?

Yeah, he's 13 now.

I love this kid more than life.

So does Ellen.

So you think this is about custody.

She said that she would k*ll me before she would let me take my son away from her.

People say things when they're separating.

I didn't mean it.

I still love Mark.

So why the split?

It's complicated.

We have different ideas about how to raise our child.

Henry's a handful?

It's Hailey.

My name's Hailey.

Henry's dead.

My son is transgender.

When he was four, he paraded into the living room in his cousin's tutu and announced he was a girl.

A lot of boys go through dress-up phases.

I mean, my oldest son wore his mom's high heels.

Did your son try to cut off his penis with nail clippers and scream that God made a mistake?

It's not a phase, Detective.

Hailey was born in the wrong body, and I've accepted that.

But your husband can't.

Mark pretends Hailey doesn't exist.

He dragged her to a shrink, who told her that she'd grow out of it if she dressed like a boy and played with trucks.

But it didn't change Hailey's mind.

It made her suicidal.

When she was 10, she drank bleach and she almost died.

I realized if we didn't let her be herself, we were going to lose her.

So now Henry dresses up in girls' clothing.

There's a lot more to it.

She's going through puberty.

And her therapist says that she needs to begin hormone blockers to stop it, or the reassignment surgery will be a lot more difficult.

But Mark won't allow it. That's why you're getting divorced.

Every day is a fight.

Fights ever get physical?


You think I hurt Mark?

Where were you two nights ago?

At work. I'm a waitress.

Ten people can tell you I was there.

Where did you get the black eye?

Hailey hit me.

Monday night, she was climbing in the window at 2:00 a. m.

And I asked her where she was, and we got into it.

And, yeah, she punched me.

Monday night is when Mark was att*cked.

Oh, God.

Did you ask her where she had been?

She said she was striking a blow for her freedom.

Go away.


Can't you read?

Keep the hell out!

Hey. Hailey, these detectives would like to have a word with you.

I'm trying to get ready for school.

It will just take a minute.

You were out late Monday night.

You called the cops on me because I broke curfew?

That's so lame.

Where were you?

None of your business.


Answer his question.

Or what? You'll ground me for another month?

Your father was att*cked that night.

Is he dead?

No. He's going to be fine.

Too bad.

Hailey. That's a really terrible thing to say.

That is your father.

I wish he wasn't.

I wish he were dead.

She doesn't mean that.

Want to bet? Whoever att*cked him, it wasn't me.

So why don't you tell us where you were?

Just out, okay?

Were you with anyone?

A boy.

A boy?

Hailey, are you gay?

You still don't get it, Mom. I'm a girl. I'm supposed to be with boys.

Sounds like a typical teenage girl.

Except that she was born a boy.

Hailey's anatomy is irrelevant.

Her brain is female. She wants what a girl wants.

Well, what causes the mix-up?

We don't know.

For some children, something happens in utero, where the brain develops as one gender and the body the other.

So she feels trapped.

Born as the wrong gender, trying desperately to become the right one.

And the only one standing in the way is Dad.

It sounds like motive to me. Doc?

I gotta say, Mark being beaten in the crotch is pretty symbolic.

She also gave her mom a black eye. It's not such a leap to attacking her dad.

Well, I'll feel better once we run down Hailey's alibi.

Head over to the school. Get the name of the boy she snuck out to see.

And check with the guidance staff.

Home may not be the only place where Hailey loses control.

Hailey's been having a difficult time this year.

Because she's transgender.

Well, she came out in September and started wearing girls' clothes.

A lot of her old friends don't talk to her anymore.

And how did she handle that? Any acting out?

Well, there have been some problems.

Two months ago, Hailey went into the bathroom.

Some older girls were in there, and one of them said they didn't allow he-she's.

Hailey dragged her into the stall and pushed her head into the toilet.

Well, that's not a problem.

That's battery.

Well, we suspended her for three days.

Now Hailey uses the gender-neutral bathroom in the nurse's office.

She doesn't take phys ed, so she won't have to change in a locker room.

Any other v*olence?

Hailey got into a scuffle with a little boy who called her a f*gg*t.

Hailey gave him a black eye.

Then a new teacher called her Henry by mistake.

Hailey threw a book at him.

All that, and she hasn't been expelled.

Well, there's been talks.

But I've told the school.

It's a process. A learning process. For all of us.

Where is Hailey now?

In my office.

Ellen called to tell me about Mark's attack. I brought her in to talk to her.
Hi, Hailey.

Not again.

Can't you people just leave me alone?

We have a few more questions.

We need your boyfriend's name.

So you can tell my mom?

We can keep it between us.

Like I'm stupid enough to believe that.

Hailey, you need to answer the detectives' questions.

Whose side are you on?

Yours. But this is serious.

This is not fair.

Hailey. We can find out where you were. We can check your e-mail, check your cell phone records...

No. Don't do that.

I did it.

Hailey, what are you talking about?

I did it.

I tried to k*ll my dad.

Nice work getting Hailey Van Kuren to confess to attacking her dad.

We've got a little wrinkle. She's a minor, and her mom wasn't there.

Which means it's inadmissible.

How did that happen?

She just blurted it out.

We weren't even sweating her as a suspect.

So you weren't even trolling, and the fish jumps in the boat.

Well, how do we justify not throwing it back?

Her mom's going to be here any minute. We'll get her to waive Miranda, re-interview Hailey in her presence, and get a confession again.

Well, if you're lucky.

You roll snake eyes, Mom lawyers up Hailey and we crap out.


Roll the dice.

Okay, what's going on?

Why is Hailey here?

She said that she is the person that att*cked her father.

That's impossible. You need to hear her tell it.

I... She's not saying another word.

Okay? I'm going to call my lawyer.

I thought it was worth a shot.

Is there a Plan B?

Yeah. Fin's getting a warrant.

Hailey didn't ditch the weapons.

Hopefully, she didn't dump the bloody clothes.

No blood on these.

Looks like Henry's old toys.

Same kind of stuff my son had growing up.

I guess she still likes comic books.

There's a bunch of dr*gs.

Estrogen, testosterone...

What the hell is leuprolide?

It's the hormone blocker doctors prescribe to transsexual kids to stop puberty.

So Hailey's buying hormones on the street to begin transitioning on her own.

I don't think so.

She's a trans girl.

She'll take estrogen to grow breasts when she's older, but she would never take testosterone.

She's got a lifetime supply here.

Worth a couple hundred thousand dollars on the black market.

So I did some checking on the Ledger website.

"Pharma Filchers Strike Again. "

Several pharmaceutical warehouses were broken into recently.

The thieves only stole dr*gs used to transition.

Ho, ho, ho. Santa came early this year. What's this?

Hormones that we found stashed in Hailey's closet.

Hailey? Where did you get them? Don't say a word.

Okay, then. I will.

Tauscher-Leto Pharmaceuticals.

Their warehouse was robbed, along with three other companies.

My client is 13. I hardly think she's even capable of committing these crimes.

Not by herself. The thefts were a group effort.

Our robbery squad found this manifesto at one of the crime scenes.

"We will not pay for the right to become who we already are.

"We will liberate our bodies from greedy corporations "seeking to profit from our pain.

"Signed, The Children of Ariel. "

God. Are these the people you've been hanging out with?

She told me she was going to a support group for trans kids.

Mom, don't! Where do you meet Children of Ariel?

I'll never tell.

You can't protect them.

I dropped her off once at a church in Chelsea.

We meet again on Friday.

Hope to see you there.

Hey. Our meetings are private.

No, I'm a Child of Ariel's.

Planning our next big heist?

I don't know what you're talking about. Short memory?

Two nights ago, you and your friends broke into a pharmaceutical warehouse?

I have nothing to say without a lawyer.

We found your stash from the Tauscher-Leto job in Hailey Van Kuren's bedroom.

Is she okay?

You sound concerned.

Yeah. Hailey's my friend.

That all she is?

I'm not sleeping with her.

She's a little kid.

In grown-up trouble.

I don't know anything about it.

Man, you are a piece of work.

You're going to let a 13-year-old girl take the fall for you? Come on. Be a man.

If that's what you really are.

You know nothing about me.

You know nothing about how it feels to have your body betray you.

Those dr*gs are a lifeline.

So you steal the dr*gs from the rich pharmaceutical manufacturers and you give to the poor transsexuals. You're kind of like Robin Hood and Maid Marian all wrapped into one, huh?

You're no better than the drug dealer that makes a kid hold his stash, because they'll only get juvie time.

Well, Hailey will be getting adult jail time, because she's going away for attempted m*rder.


Yeah. She bashed her father's head in Monday night.

She couldn't have done it.

And how do you know?

Was she with you?

Blake, Hailey goes to jail, she doesn't get the hormones.

She becomes a man. So...

Hailey was with us at the Tauscher-Leto warehouse on Monday night.

She just showed up. She said she wanted to help, and...

I didn't let her raid the place.

I told her to go wait in the van.

But you let her stash the dr*gs.

Yeah, but only until it was safe to move them.

What time was she with you?

8:00 till 1:00 a. m.

Okay. Hailey did not attack her father.

She was at the raid on Tauscher-Leto. Blake told us.

I don't understand. Why did you say you hurt your father?

I couldn't tell you where I really was. Blake would get in trouble.

You were going to go to jail for him?

I'd do anything for Blake.

All right. You're free to go, but I'm going to need you to come back and answer questions about the robbery.

Thank you.



I didn't tell them anything, I swear.

Hailey, listen.

It's not your fault. Okay?

I should never have let you get involved.

I wanted to do it. I wanted to be with you. Please don't put him in jail.

Come on.


Blake! Blake, I love you! I love you!

Hailey, time to go home.

I love you, Blake!

It's time to go home.

Ellen. Ellen. What the hell do you think you're doing?

This is a great job parenting. You let your kid join a t*rror1st organization.

I'm not going to have this discussion here. We're going home.

We're not going anywhere. He's staying with me. He's staying...

Van Kuren!

Let him go!

Mr. Van Kuren!

You're hurting her!

Let go of her arm.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay?

I didn't mean to hurt you.

Yeah, right.

I love you.

I love your mother.

Love us?

If you love us so much, then why do you go to the strip clubs and screw trashy sluts?

Hailey? Who told you about a stripper?

My guidance counselor, Ms. Blaine.

She said you told her, Mom.

I never knew anything about a stripper.

Then how did she?

I told you. Ellen called to let me know Mark was in the hospital.

In case Hailey wanted to talk about it.

Right. When Hailey came in, you told her her father was screwing a stripper the night he was att*cked?

In retrospect, it was inappropriate.

I shouldn't have said anything to her.

You're right.

Because we never told Ellen about Mark and the stripper.

So the only way you could have known about it is if you'd been there yourself.

What did you do? Follow him to the strip club?

I couldn't get his blood out.

Why did you do it?

Hailey's pain got to be more than I could bear.

I just wanted to protect her.

Do you think you got enough of the story before Jackie lawyered up?

The abridged version is plenty.

I mean, she told you she did it, gave you the blood-stained coat.

There's my case. Signed, sealed and delivered.

See you at arraignment.

I want to take it back.

Take what back, Hailey?

Ms. Blaine never told me about the strippers.

I don't know where I heard it.

No. No.

Ms. Blaine, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you in trouble.

You can't talk to her.

I have to!

Hailey, it's okay. It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault.

It is. I've ruined everyone's lives.

My parents', Blake's, Ms. Blaine's.

Hailey, you're bleeding.

Sit down, honey. Sit down.

It's nothing.

Somebody call a bus!

Hailey! Hailey, what's happening? Are you okay?

I'm cold.

What am I going to do?

It's going to take some time, but you're going to get through it.

Not with a son-of-a-bitch father who's stopping her from being who she really needs to be.

Then get Hailey a lawyer.

I can give you the names of some people who can advocate for Hailey.

Take the decision away from you and Mark.

Never thought I'd hear you suggesting legal representation, Detective Benson.

That must be Hailey.

And you must be representing Jackie Blaine, Ms. Pond.

What are you doing here?

My client was concerned after she saw your daughter collapse.

Hailey's fine.

You can go now.

I'd like to see for myself.

Please go and close the blinds.

You have no business being here.

The mental health of a key witness against my client is absolutely my business.

I don't think that Hailey will be testifying.

We don't need her. Your client confessed. She's guilty.

Jackie Blaine loves Hailey Van Kuren like a daughter.

She'd do anything to protect her.

And Hailey was dying in front of her eyes, because her father wouldn't let her transition.

Jackie had a responsibility to save this little girl from her father's abuse.

A father who was destroying her soul.

A father who would rather see his own child commit su1c1de than accept the truth.

A father who would rather have a dead son than a beautiful, sensitive, loving daughter.

We're in trouble.

Pond is making Jackie look like the patron saint of abused children, and the jury is buying it.

I need Hailey to testify against her. She's a mess.

Dragging her into court could push her over the edge.

Hailey is the only person who can tell the jury she didn't want Jackie Blaine to k*ll her father.

Well, are you so sure she didn't?

She hates her old man because he can't accept her. Jackie Blaine does.

You put her on the stand, Hailey could play right into Pond's hands.

This man loves his son.

Their relationship may be messed up, but you can't tell me it's not worth saving.

He carries it around with him. Like it's proof I'm a boy.

Or because he loves you.

He loves Henry.

He won't even walk down the street with me. He's ashamed of who I am.

You're wrong.

I hated that truck.

I asked for one present that year.

A Barbie.

He just screamed at me and said, "No son of mine will ever play with dolls. "

He loves the boy he bought the truck for.

And the baseball cards in your closet.

He can't let Henry go.

Henry's been gone a long time.

It's like he loves a ghost.

It's not me.

Have you ever loved someone who died?

My Grandma Stella.

How did you feel?

I cried for weeks.

I just couldn't believe she was gone.

That's how your dad feels about Henry.

What would you have done if your son came home in a dress?

Would you still love him?

I would try to understand.

It would probably be very hard.

I'd make a lot of mistakes.

I'd never stop loving him.

It's okay.

Ms. Blaine says she att*cked your father to prevent him from k*lling you.

My father wasn't trying to k*ll me.

Even though he wouldn't let you transition or take hormones?

That doesn't change who I am. I'm a girl. I've always been a girl.

Did you ever ask Ms. Blaine to hurt your father?


Did you want her to?

I'm really mad at my dad.

Hailey, please answer my question.

Did you want Ms. Blaine to hurt your father?


I wouldn't want anyone to hurt him.

Nothing further.

Are those bandages on your arms?


Did you try to k*ll yourself? No.

I was just upset.

This isn't the first time you've been upset, is it?

What do you mean?

Have you ever talked to Jackie Blaine about wanting to k*ll yourself?


How many times?

I don't know. A couple.

Try eight times in the last five months.

In fact, every time you felt upset at school, you went to see Ms. Blaine.

She was my friend.

You'd spend hours in the office, crying, telling her how miserable you were.

Yes. Did you ever talk about your father?

I don't remember.

Well. Let me refresh your memory.

According to Ms. Blaine's notes, every single time you talked to her, you said you wished your father was dead.

Didn't you?


Do you think Jackie Blaine cares about you?

I know she does.

And she wants to help you.


Does your father care about you? Does he want to help you?

I don't know.

So you told this woman who cares for you deeply that your father was an abusive monster and you wanted him dead.

And now you've told us that you wouldn't want anyone to hurt him.

Which is it, Hailey?

I don't know.

What was Hailey's biggest issue with her father?

Hormone blockers.

She wanted desperately to begin taking them.

But he wouldn't let her.

How did that make her feel? Devastated.

She said her life wasn't worth living if she couldn't be a girl.

What if you woke up tomorrow morning in a body of the opposite sex, but nothing else about you had changed?

Can you imagine how trapped you'd feel?

Can you imagine how desperate you'd be to get back into the right body?

That's how Hailey feels.

She's trapped in the wrong body, and she has to get out.

That's when I knew.

Knew what?

That I had to save Hailey.

I couldn't let her father k*ll the beautiful girl inside of her.

He might as well have shot her in the heart.

Nothing further.

Your love for Hailey is very touching.

Did you ever think you might be getting a little too involved?

She needed me. She didn't have anybody else.

She has her mother, who has been very supportive.

Ellen's a good parent.

But I'm a professional. I'm trained to deal with these issues.

I'm sure a lot of your students have issues.

Do you get involved in their lives to the extraordinary extent you got involved in Hailey's?

No, she's very special.

Do you counsel students who have been r*ped?


Victims of incest?


How about drug addicts?

Bulimics? Anorexics?

Binge drinkers?

Yes, yes, yes.

But Hailey is different.

Clearly. You haven't tried to k*ll the dad who r*pes his daughter or the mom who beats her son.

I guess they're not special enough to deserve your devotion.

You don't understand. You have no idea what we go through.


Ms. Blaine, have you ever been known by another name?

Objection. Relevance.


Answer the question, Ms. Blaine.


What was your name?

Harold Franklin.


Your Honor, I need to confer with my client.

No. I need to explain.

I always knew I was a girl. But things were different back then.

There were no pills, no counselors, no support groups.

You had to live as a woman for three years before a doctor would even consider doing the surgery.

It was hard.

But I had no choice.

I was leaving a bar and three men grabbed me.

They called me a freak.

They dragged me into a vacant lot and they pulled up my skirt.

And one of them took out a knife.

And he said, "If you want to be a woman so badly, "I'll make you one. "

And he cut me.

Ms. Greylek.

You have to stop this.

What do you mean? The trial.

Everything. Just stop it.

Mark, it's too late.

Well, I'm the victim.

I want to drop the charges.

You can't. It's not up to you.

None of this would have happened if I would have just listened to my daughter.

When she said that taking those pills was a matter of life and death, I didn't believe her.

I was just thinking about myself and how embarrassing it would be when my friends found out that Hailey was Henry.

Jackie Blaine tried to k*ll you. She can't get away with it.

So that's it?

I'm sorry.

Oh, no, not you, too.

The guy's got a point.

You want every person who's ever been a victim to have an a*t*matic "get out of jail free" card when they go looking for retribution?

You're new here, Kim.

What? You're going to give me the "SVU is grey" speech?

Some cases have no right answer.

So she walks? No. Offer them a plea bargain.

I'm sure they'd take it.

I understand the defendant wishes to change her plea?

Yes, Your Honor.

I'm guilty.

Then in accordance with the arrangement reached with the District Attorney's Office, I hereby sentence you to eight years.


Hailey. I'm sorry.

My dad's letting me take the blockers.

I'm glad.

I want to go home.
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