10x18 - Baggage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x18 - Baggage

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Casey knows her stuff, Mr. Oswald.

Double-coated annealing, precious metal on heavy-based glass.

Really divine colors and textures.

I like texture.

She doesn't like to mass produce.

Every piece is unique.

Come on, Evie.

Casey, I've brought someone by to see your ceramics.

Oh, God.

Leica's done.

You can come in now.

Casey Chapman, 28, up-and-coming ceramics artist.

No sign of forced entry.

One window found open.

Must have conned his way in.

She's got petechiae.

Tortured, hog-tied and posed for shock value.

Just like April Silva three weeks ago.

Same glued lip-lock, too.

Let's just hope this crime scene is not as clean as that one.

He's learning.

He took his restraints with him this time.

Check these blisters out.

That look like an acid burn?

More like a scald from boiling water.

What can I tell you? I've got five kids.

Sometimes they grab a pot from a hot stove.

I've bandaged my fair share of wounds.

Well, looks like this sadist is escalating.

He needs more pain to get off.

Or destroying evidence.

Hot water, bleach.

That will degrade fluids and fibers.

I don't know. I think he's just winding up.

Well, then we shut him down before he goes three for three.

There's no foreign hairs or fibers on the body.

So we're nowhere.


CSU vacuumed three foreign pubic hairs from the carpet.

They're running DNA now.

Time of death?

Approximately 34 hours prior to discovery.

Cause of death was asphyxia from strangulation.

Pre-mortem injuries include fractures of the left zygomatic arch and the maxilla.

Same as April Silva.

Punched in the face during a blitz attack.

Any other similarities?

They both had their mouths glued shut.

And both hyoids were broken.

But without the restraints, I can't conclude that Casey Chapman was hog-tied.

What about the ligature marks on the wrists, ankles and neck?

Lividity proves she was bound. Not how.

This new victim wasn't sexually assaulted, and he used more glue to seal her rectum.

Took an acetone lavage just to get the scope in.

You're sure she wasn't r*ped first?

There was no fluids, no lubricants.

No tearing, no vaginal swelling.

Could be sexual dysfunction. A lot of serial rapists can't perform.

Which just feeds their rage.

Then find him fast. If he's going this far, what's next?

Two victims.

Same type of injuries.

Same M.O.

No forced entry. No DNA.

No fluids. No fibers.

One big difference. He r*ped April, not Casey.

Could be two different guys.

You thinking copycat?

Well, details weren't released.

More like two guys hunting.

There's no evidence to suggest that they're two different perps here.

There's no evidence, period.

Well, what do we know about the victim?

Casey Chapman.

She's a 28-year-old white female.

She lives in an artist's loft near Strivers' Row.

April Silva, 25-year-old Latina.

She was a postgraduate math student at Hudson.

She lived in a closet in Spanish Harlem. Walls were paper-thin.

And the neighbors heard nada.

Yeah, because the bastard glued her mouth shut to keep her quiet.

The only similarity so far is they lived in Harlem.

His hunting ground.

Don't forget Bushwick, Queens and East New York, gentlemen.

I'm Detective Victor Moran.

Major Crimes.

Here's a flash drive with some other crime scene photos.

Are you saying our perp has hit before?

With your two, that's five dead.

This guy's all over the map.

How could you be so sure?

His signature was the same on each victim.

We found them hog-tied. All three mouths were glued shut.

The Bushwick and East New York victims were both r*ped.

He added sodomy with April Silva.

As with Casey Chapman, Queens was not sexually assaulted.

But they found glue in her ass.

I'm thinking it's one guy getting smarter with every crime scene.

Yeah, me, too.

Yeah, the perp's need to debase and humiliate is consistent, whether he r*pes them or not.

Well, if this is the same hump, why are we just hearing about your cases now?

Took me a while to put it together.

The first victim was bound with her own belts.

The second here with scarves.

The third with rope he brought with him.

You know, funny thing. When I ran the M.O. Through ViCAP, none of your three cases came up.

I blocked your access.

A glory hog.

It's not about me. It's about them.

Really? Then why clog the information highway?

I've been working this case for six months.

I didn't want anyone in my way.

Now, he was attacking every 55 days. Now it's down to 19.

Soon, it'll be 10. Then seven.

Until he's doing two a day.

Well, thanks for everything.

We've got him now that we've got all the facts.

He's mine, Detective.

I know him.

We have the last two victims.

Not for long. Chief of D's is in with your captain right now.

My squad can close this.

You think your squad can close it.

I know Moran will.

You just got promoted and your first order as Chief of Detectives is to bend me over my desk?

This is no reflection on your squad's investigative skills, Captain.

Moran ID'd the pattern on this guy.

He worked these homicides. And it's the only one on his plate.

We've been working these cases round the clock.

You still don't know enough.

Two of the victims have a doctor in common.

Three go to the same grocery store.

Half took a recent trip.

And how can we know that, with you keeping everybody in the dark?

It wouldn't matter. You'd still be playing catch-up.

I'm still on the man's trail.

You got a suspect profile?

Black or Latino male.

Late 20s to early 30s.

A serial k*ller's predation usually lies within their own ethnic group.

His victims are mostly white.

Look at his playground.

He's targeting minority areas.

Harlem, the black neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Queens.

That's his comfort zone.

Profiling Sexual Sadists 101.

The next thing he's going to do is tell us he probably drives a clean late-model car, has trouble keeping a job because he's got a bad temper...

You're not the only cop who spent time at Quantico.

But I'm the only cop working it, sport.

It's not open for discussion. Give Moran what he needs and stay out of his way.

Feel better?

Not with you using those victims to get a gold star from the bosses, no.

My career's just fine.

Fifteen years in Homicide, five in Major Crimes.

What stalled your rise?

You accusing me of something?

The word is you stopped being a team player about a year ago.

I work much better by myself. Trust me.

So you're willing to risk women's lives, all because you can't share?

Look. Nailing this prick is my only priority.

Now, can you say the same when there's a sexual as*ault every five minutes?

You've got more than enough to deal with.

I'd like some privacy.

El, I've got a potential witness on the Chapman m*rder.


Her name is Debra Huggins.

She lives one floor below Chapman.

She works nights, and she found the card we left on her door during the canvass.

What do you want to do?

Keep him occupied.

I'm not ready to roll over and play dead just yet.

Where's Stabler?

He needed a break.

You know, we don't have time for these petty conflicts.

That's why I figured I should tell you what isn't in those files.

April Silva's parents didn't know she had a girlfriend.

She was Catholic.

Casey Chapman?

Her art dealer told me she was into kink.

We found fur cuffs and other toys in her closet.

No match from CODIS on the pubic hairs found at the Chapman crime scene.

This guy should be in the system.

The way he hunts, he's been at this a while.

We could widen the search with familial DNA.

Serial K*llers have abusive parents.

So if the hump's got any siblings, they probably have records.

I don't need convincing, Detective.

Just run it.

Yes, sir.

I'm trying to catch a k*ller, not make friends.

By yourself.

You think I'm out of line?

From the minute you got here.

It's awful about Casey.

Did you know her well?

No, I admired one of her bowls, so she asked me up to her studio to see her work.

You said you may have seen her k*ller?

There was a man waiting for the elevator when I came home.

And he seemed off, somehow.

What made you suspicious?

He was wearing a maintenance uniform with no company or name patches.

Bells went off.



What did he look like?

Mid to late 20s, 5'10".

Close-cropped hair, lanky build, no scars or tattoos that I could see.

Pretty good memory.

Yeah. I studied him.

Once we got inside the elevator, it hit me. He didn't have a toolbox.

I asked him where he was going, who he was supposed to see.

He wouldn't answer.

I hurried into my apartment and double-bolted the door.

I'm going to need you to come down to the precinct to sit with a sketch artist.

You think if I'd called the police, she might still be alive?


Any solid leads off the sketch?

Still separating the kooks from the cranks.

Where's Moran?

He left with our files.

You want me to call him?

Let's wait until we have something to say.

Grab your jacket. Someone matching the sketch is getting chased by a group of young men out for blood.

Police. Stop. Stop!

Hey, hey, hey, back off.

Get off him.

He's a little worse for wear, but I think he's our guy.

I told you it was the bastard.

What's your name?



Paul Tucker.

What happened?

We were playing ball when we spotted him.

Recognized his ugly face from the news.

He was going into the building where my nana lives.

I wasn't going to let him r*pe and k*ll her.

Lock picks.

Perv dropped those in the street.

Whoa, whoa.

Hey, kid. You did good.

Don't push your luck.

I don't care.

And what would your nana say?

You don't even want to know.

You, get up.

Officer, all right.

Process him, put him in lock-up.

Hey. Thank you.

Thank you for what?

Saving my life.

Can't say that I'm glad I did.

Look at all this DNA.

You going to ask me something?

What's there to ask? We have your sheet.

Trespassing, and B and Es.

When that wasn't enough, you started window-peeping.

Working up the courage to go inside and show them who's boss?

It's all in your jacket, Stefan.

Don't get it twisted. I wasn't trying to get lucky.

You call raping women getting lucky?

Or is it when you t*rture them?

You get juiced off hearing them scream.

That's not what I meant.

Makes you angry no one pays attention to you, huh?

Can't keep a job.

Violent man, violent temper.

You peek in windows and you dream about all those stuck-up b*tches who turned you down.

What are you talking about?

Stefan, you were seen.

We've got a witness.

We have DNA.

No way it's mine. I didn't do nothing like that.

And I always wear gloves.

Of course you do.

You're not stupid.

I think I need a lawyer.

For what?

You're guilt-free.

I'm getting a raw deal.

No, raw's what happens in lockdown when the lights go out.

Shut up.

Just leave me alone.

You did it to your victims. Now somebody's going to do it to you.

Don't touch me.

Shh. Don't say that. And never fight back when they come for you.

That's exactly how it happens.

Let go of me.

You'll never know what hit you. But you better get used to this position, 'cause they like to come back, over and over again.

Get off me!

We're going to need a mop.

What the hell was that?

Social workers put it in his file.

His biggest fear is prison. We figured stick first, carrot later.

Well, that stunt is grounds for an as*ault charge while in custody.

I'd like to see his lawyers try.

He did ask for one.

Well, thinking you need a lawyer and asking for one is debatable.

He's an idiot, but is he guilty?

You all heard him slip up with the gloves.

Well, I'm having trouble reconciling that jellyfish with the kind of man that brutally m*rder*d five women.

A lot of short-term serial K*llers fall apart when they get pinched.

Because they haven't learned to disassociate.

Now, to get your hard-core repeaters to talk, you've either got to catch them in the act or after a fresh k*ll.

You believe Stefan Henriques is a short-term k*ller?

We checked the ViCAP database.

No hits.

He's just getting started.

I'd like to indict with more than just three pubic hairs and a partial confession.

Okay. What do you need?

Find the m*rder kit.

That will bury him.

He may not be the only one getting buried.

Chief of Detectives has returned.

You want to tell me what the hell's going on?

I'm pretty sure I took you off this case.

We had a lead and ran it.

Without informing Moran.

Guy says he likes to work alone.

I don't believe I was talking to you, Detective.

Well, the word is out.

The press blindsided me about a serial k*ller loose in the city.

And the DNA he left behind.

Then we have a leak.

Come on.

You're pissed off.

This is SVU grandstanding.

And now you've got a pooch-screw.

It's anything but, sir.

And in case you're interested, we have a suspect in custody.

Did he confess?

We're still talking to him.

Which means no.

We'll get it done, Chief.

You didn't even know about the other victims, until Moran set you straight.

He linked these cases together, on his own time, with a kid in the hospital.

What do you want us to do?

Bring him up to speed. Then mind your own damn business.

Finish that interrogation, and then transport the suspect when you're done.

Fewkes will take your command.

Maybe even your badge, Captain.

Only if we don't close the case.

All I PP cares about are results.

Never forget that.

Where'd he go?

What the hell? Unis was supposed to search him.

He had tools hidden in his belt. I'll call a bus.

I can't go to prison.

Stefan! Stefan. Relax.

Can't go.

We're going to patch you up.

We're going to patch you up. Relax.

I got into their units.

Didn't mean to hurt nobody.

I need help in here!

You're not coming?

I called Major Crimes.

They said Moran's at the hospital.

I'm just going to let him know where things stand.

Stefan confessed, Elliot.

It's done.

Make sure you tell him that.

I apologize for intruding on you and your daughter.

It's all right.

How long has she been like this?

Five months, three weeks and two days.

You mind me asking how it happened?

I'd just linked two of the victims.

Back and forth to Quantico, and I got the Feds telling me I got the gift.

I've got a fed-up wife telling me she's had enough.

She took off with Joy in the back seat.

Car accident.

I didn't even know they were gone, until Highway Patrol knocked on my door.

Your wife?

My wife died on impact.

And Joy smashed her skull on the window.

Now we've got a subdural pneumocephalus infection.

She's 12 years old.

She's supposed to be dating boys that I don't like, deciding what she wants to be when she grows up.

She's supposed to have...

She's supposed to have a life.

Solving the case isn't going to bring your family back.

You think I don't know that?

This obsession is not about you.

But it's definitely not about the victims, either.

Since when?

Since you started blaming the k*ller for your wife and daughter.

They're collateral damage that he's got to pay for.

You're wrong.

You pull away from your squad.

You don't work with any partner.

You don't need or you won't accept any other kind of help.

And the victims pay for it.

Look, I can still do my damn job.

While you've been looking for somebody else to blame, how many things have you missed?

Something that fresh eyes would have caught.

I honestly don't know.

Well, after five murders, maybe you should find out.
Hey, hey.

Hey, what have you got?

A suspect in custody.

Stefan Henriques.

Tell me you weren't trying to cut me out of this.

You know, you didn't give us much of an option.

Now, we want to catch this son of a bitch just as badly as you do.

Enough to leak some DNA evidence to the press?

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Nobody from my unit talked to reporters.

Is Stefan our boy?

He fits your profile and he confessed. That's good enough for me.

Yeah, I'd probably buy that.

If we didn't have another body.

What do we have?

A mess.

He's never burned it up before.

What makes you think he's our guy?

A small piece of knotted rope survived the blaze.

Given the victim's position, I'd have to say she was hog-tied, consistent with our k*ller.

What kind of accelerant did he use?

Alcohol and starter fluid.

He doused her and lit her up.

Tell me she wasn't still alive.

I won't know that until I look at her lungs.

Will you be able to determine time of death?

I'll do my best.

Shall I be expecting more of these?

Yes. We left him no choice.

You know why he set her on fire.

Because we found his DNA.

And then bragged about it on the evening news.

Any chance that Stefan Henriques did the homicide before he was collared?

No, sir. The M.E. Confirmed the lungs were scorched.

She was burned alive while he was in custody.

And still no idea where the press leak came from.

My squad, the M.E.'s office and the lab all knew about the collected hairs.

Twenty, thirty people could have tipped the media.

Well, plug the leak.

We can't afford any more attention from these jackholes.

We can't afford to waste any more time, Chief.

Stefan Henriques is not our k*ller.

Then what's he confessing to?


The old man fought him.

He hit him back.

The victim died of a heart attack.

Your squad screwed this up.

Chief. Chief.

They got a lead.

They worked it. I would have done the same thing. So would you.

I gave this case to you.

Then let me work it here.


Then make it happen. Fast.

You saw the light?


You're not a team player, Moran.

You hold anything else back, I'll have your ass.

So where are we?

The victims are all the same age, but they vary racially, socially and professionally.

Yeah. Physical differences are all over the map, too.

Tall, short, thin, fat, eye color, hair color. This guy is not choosy.

No. Okay, now. Let's look at the similarities between the women that he didn't sexually as*ault.


'Cause they're deviations from his behavior.

Look at the Queens victim.

Her DMV photo, she's a blonde.

But in her morgue photo, she's a redhead right down to her eyebrows. Check it out.

She dyed her hair. The curtains don't match the rug.

And he wouldn't have known that until he got her naked.

Turns out Casey Chapman bought new boobs.

There you go.

He's a purist.

If they're not natural, he's not going to r*pe them.

And he glues them shut when he doesn't want them.

My profile is wrong.

This guy, he's not late 20s, early 30s. He's over 40.

His psychosexual type was set at puberty when cosmetic surgery was less common.

And no middle-aged man is suddenly going to become a sexual sadist.

This guy's been raping for decades.

Brushing up on police procedure, forensic science, law.

Fantasizing, reading up on other serial K*llers.

Their various exploits.

Serial k*lling's a booming business.

You can check the true-crime section in any bookstore.

Familial DNA came back with three possible hits.

A 16-allele match to Angela Ocurro, Tyrone Beckwith and David Paige.

What the hell is it this time?

I pay that bitch the first of every month.

DNA says it's not even my kid, and I've still got to pay child support. Is that fair?

Yeah, we know you got boned, but that's not why we're here.

Then why?

Do you have any brothers?


This file says different.

And I got open murders he looks good for.

Well, that's crap. Because my brother never k*lled anybody.

We're going to still need to talk to him.

Well, good luck with that. Because I buried Craig eight months ago.

Well, this is not right.

Six dead women, Munch.

That man had a genetic test to establish paternity, and we used the results without his consent to try and catch a k*ller.

Uh-huh. That's invasion of privacy, man.

Six dead women, Munch.

Let's go.

Why are you asking about my family for?

Miss, just tell us how many brothers you have, all right?

That's none of your business.

Ms. Ocurro, talk or you're going in.

For what? I ain't do anything. So go to hell.

All right. Okay.

Now, do you think I'm messing around with you?

All right. I have four brothers, all right?

Where are they?

I don't know.

Okay. You're going in.

All right. Two of them are away at school. One works for the airline.

And one is down South.

I want names, addresses, aliases.

Don't make me have to come back.

Name and address.

It'll cost you.

Fifty bucks on my commissary account.

You'd sell out your brother for 50 bucks?

You are a stand-up guy.

If I thought he did it, I'd keep my mouth shut.

If you know he's innocent, give me his name.

Fifty bucks, man. I need that.

I'm carbed out in here, man.

You have my word.

His name is Tyrese.

Lance Corporal Tyrese Beckwith.

Military confirmed Tyrese is on active duty in Afghanistan.

Hasn't had leave in a year.

Craig Paige OD'd last summer.

M.E. Faxed over the autopsy results.

All right. So that leaves us with the Ocurro brothers.

Luke, Mark, John and James.

All saints, I'm sure.

Yeah, the father was a part-time minister.

Current whereabouts of these gentlemen?

Mark Ocurro works for the airlines.

Two arrests for as*ault.

Charges were dropped.

Luke Ocurro lives in North Carolina. He's a farmer.

Well, I think we can rule him out.

Angela Ocurro told us that her other two brothers were in school.

She lied. James is in rehab, and John, I have yet to find.

That leaves our airline guy.

Munch. Bring up the last three crime photos on the scan station, would you?


What are you looking for?


And that's what I'm seeing here.

April Silva and Casey Chapman had just come back from trips.

One had recently been on vacation.

But there were no credit card receipts for the airline tickets.

Well, somebody could have bought the tickets for them.

Or if it were a business trip, their employer would have paid for it.

Do we know what Ocurro does for the airline?

If he's a ticketing agent, he could track their travel.

A little more personal contact, maybe a flight attendant.

Ocurro's a delivery man.

He returns lost luggage.

We found your missing luggage, ma'am.

I thought I'd never get my stuff back.

It's kind of heavy.

Where do you want it?

In the bedroom.

You want to check it? Make sure everything is there before I go?

I'm sure it's fine.

I'm just glad you found it. I'd hate to have to buy new clothes.

You won't need new clothes.

I promise.

Don't move.

Want the honors?

It's your collar.

Thanks, Detective.

Mark Ocurro, you're under arrest for six counts of first-degree m*rder.

Find anything?

The mother lode.

Rope, gloves, glue.

Condoms in the glove compartment.

Well, well, well. That looks like somebody's m*rder kit.

Hey. It gets even better.

All the female names, circled.

Oh, yeah.

We got you now.

You son of a bitch.

You feel like talking, Mr. Ocurro?

You pulled a g*n on me.

You assaulted a police officer.

She didn't identify herself.

I'm not psychic.

No. You're psychopathic.

Who are they?

These are all young women with one thing in common.

They were chosen, tortured and m*rder*d. By you.

No. I love women.

And anyone who knows me will tell you that.

Anyone who knows the real you is dead, Mr. Ocurro.

Well, I have never seen any of them before.

Well, you delivered lost luggage to each and every one of them.

It must be a dream job for a man with your talents.

Unlimited access to an endless victim pool.

I deliver hundreds of lost bags.

I'm sorry.

I don't recognize them.

I feel bad for their families.

You don't feel anything.

I mean, he feels excitement when he goes up to their door.

Wondering if she's the one.

"If she's right, she's mine. "

But when he makes his move, she rejects him.

Yells at him. So he gets enraged and he punches her in the face just to teach her a lesson.

Seeing her lying there bleeding, helpless, that turns him on.

He lusts after her.

And then he ties her up.

And then she is his for as long as he wants.

And when he's finished, he looks at what he's done.

This broken, battered, dead thing that you made.

And you're pumped with power.

So proud of what you've done that you've just got to show it off.

So you pose the victim for whoever finds her.

You don't know me.

Well, we will. Because we're searching your apartment.

We're going through your private things.

How does it feel to be violated, Mr. Ocurro?

I want a lawyer. Now.

You could eat off this floor.

This guy is a squirrel.

I don't see any porn.

It's got to be here.

The way he trussed his victims, he got his inspiration somewhere.

Fin. Check out these books.

Homicide, autopsy and forensic textbooks.

Hell, he even pulled court transcripts on serial K*llers for his reading pleasure.

Not your type of art?

Not the artwork.

The wires. They're twisted.

You think an obsessive compulsive like Ocurro would tolerate that?

Not without a good reason.

Now, that's twisted.

So my client likes to read. That's not a crime.

Well, he also likes to t*rture and m*rder women.

You can't prove a connection. A lot of people collect these magazines.

But only one of them left three pubic hairs in Casey Chapman's apartment, Counselor.

Did we forget to mention the DNA matches?

You're screwed.

The People will show proof that the defendant tortured, r*ped and m*rder*d six women.

DNA conclusively links Mr. Ocurro to the Casey Chapman homicide, which is identical to five previous murders.

Are you charging all six based on probative linkage?

Victim bondage is exactly the same.

Even the use of the glue is unique.

The People contend one man committed all six murders.

Are you objecting to pattern testimony?

Absolutely not, Your Honor. One man may have done it, but it wasn't my client.

We have his DNA, Counselor.

Mr. Ocurro answered a call of nature when he delivered Ms. Chapman's suitcase.

The pubic hairs could easily have transferred from one room to another.

If he used the facilities, why didn't we find his prints?

My client doesn't always wash his hands.

He doesn't have to, since he wears gloves.

A search of his van turned up a m*rder kit of rope, latex and glue.

It's airline policy, Your Honor.

Bags must be returned undamaged.

And how does he use the condoms to fix the damaged bags?

Well, since they were found in the glove compartment, we can only assume that Mr. Ocurro is sexually active or wants to be.

That is a specious explanation for r*pe, t*rture and m*rder.

Feel free to rebut on cross if we ever get that far.

I haven't heard anything yet to suggest we won't be going to trial, Counselor.

How about an alibi for the Casey Chapman m*rder?

I have a witness who says Mr.

Ocurro never left the house at the victim's time of death.


A glue salesman?

His mother, Elena Ocurro.

Could you at least make an effort to find a more credible witness?

Well, would you accept the testimony of her bridge club?

I have five independent accounts that all support Mrs. Ocurro's claim.

If he's alibied for one, he's alibied for all, Your Honor.

Ms. Cabot said as much herself.

Only one man committed these six homicides.

I just hope the detectives can find him.

She's right, Ms. Cabot.

If the defendant's alibi is verified, then linkage is broken, and I'll have to dismiss.

Mrs. Ocurro?

I'm Detective Stabler.

Detective Moran.

Good morning.

This is about Mark.


No, thank you.

I'm sorry to say my son was with me.

I know my boy belongs in prison.

I've known it a long time.

Mrs. Ocurro, do you know anything about these murders?

No. Mark called out of the blue wanting to come over.

Is that unusual?


He knows I don't like him.

Which is why I invited my bridge club over.

He scares you?

He once tied a cat to a bus.

He dropped another from a sixth-floor walk-up.

He's a mistake.

I don't know whose.

Mine or God's.

Did he leave your apartment that day, Mrs. Ocurro?

Not once.

How long did he stay?

The whole damn day.

I couldn't wait for him to leave.

All right.

Thank you.

As thorough as Ocurro is, no one's luck lasts forever.

He planned this.

He learns from every k*ll.

We got him on a few hairs.

If he walks, he's going to shave his head and wax his genitals.

He reads the same books we do.

He had to create this alibi.

Yeah, it's the perfect one.

With his mother when Casey Chapman was m*rder*d.

Hey. The only way we know when she died is based on Warner's calculations on decomposition.

Maybe she made a mistake.

Determining time of death isn't a perfect science.

This tissue putrefaction is consistent with my findings.

I could have been a few hours off. Not a whole day.

Is there any way he could have accelerated the process?

You know, make the body look like it had been dead longer?

Extreme heat or water can affect decomp, but there was no evidence of either.

In fact, the window was open.

What if he turned the thermostat up while he was there, and then opened up the window to throw us off?

Residential heating doesn't have enough BTUs to cause that kind of rapid decay.

How about a kiln?

Kilns can be used to dry wood, melt metals, glass.

This particular model has a maximum output of 2000 degrees.

It's got electronic programming for temperature, firing time and a*t*matic shut-off.

How long does it take to get hot?

Eight to 10 hours.

But twice that long to cool off.

So in order to cover his actions, Ocurro had to come back here and open a window.

He had no choice.

If it was still hot when the body was found, Warner would have known.

Why go to all the trouble to create an alibi when we weren't even onto him yet?

He studied other cases.

Preparing for when or if he makes a mistake.

A perfect alibi for one m*rder means he walks on all of them.

There's no prints on the kiln. We can't even prove Ocurro touched it.

Yes, we can. The power company just confirmed Casey Chapman's kilowatt hours doubled the day of her m*rder.

Ocurro's alibi just went up in flames.

He was with his mother on Sunday.

Casey Chapman was m*rder*d on Monday night.

Then he turned on the kiln to accelerate decomp.

Making Warner think that the m*rder happened much earlier.

And making our k*ller think he got away with it.

Pick him up.


What's wrong?

We on a terror alert?

Is Mark Ocurro working today?

Yeah, he's out making deliveries.

How many bags is he delivering?



How many of them are women?


Okay. Print out that list.

Your vans have GPS, sir?

Are you kidding?

They're older than I am.

Call him on his cell phone. Ask him his location.

Say that you gave him the wrong bags, he needs to come back in here.

Went to voice mail.

He's not going to pick up. He's busy.

You think he's hunting?

He thinks he won.

See, he'll be wanting to celebrate.

We've got to get protection for these women.

No. Just the redheads.

Blondes, brunettes, redheads.

That was the order on the magazine covers and his victims.

The next one is going to be a redhead.

Fin. Run these names through DMV.

She's a blonde. Next.

Simpson, Jane.

Grandma's got white hair.


Hennigen, Vicky.

Got her. She's in Woodside.

That's close to you.


Get off of her.

Get off of her!

Get on your knees.

Get on your...

It's all right.

You're safe now. You're safe now. You're safe now.

You trying to give him another reason to walk?

Enough, Moran.

It's over.

That's what I'm afraid of.

I went up to your daughter's room, and the nurse said you were up here.

What's going on?

Joy's in surgery.

Something happen?

No, it's a good thing.

What are you doing here?

I wanted you to know that Ocurro's talked.

He's confessed to a couple of other homicides.


The Dominican Republic.

Serial m*rder's gone global.

Victor? Would you like to see Joy now?

I would.

I'm very sorry.

It's a second chance.

Everyone needs one.
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