11x14 - Savior

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x14 - Savior

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories.

From Frisco to Maine Across to Spain I got b*tches making money So hop on my train.

I'm not your bitch.

It's dangerous out here.

A little girl needs a man to protect her.

Thanks, but I can take care of myself.

And I already got a man waiting for me.

Get back at me when you're ready for a real one.

You got something big for me to play with, baby?

Oh. I already see it's out and standing at attention.

I think it's time for a 21 g*n salute.

Stabler: Who found her?

Homeless guy tripped over her. Called 911.

She's got massive bruising to the neck.

Check out the one on her forehead.

Stabler: lmprint of a g*n barrel.

Probably jammed it into her head while he r*ped her.

Yeah, then he strangled her so she couldn't ID him.

Got a name?

Abby Mannion, 22.

Lives in SoHo.

SoHo? What the hell is she doing hooking in a skanky place like this?

Benson: And look at her.

How many hookers do you see with perfect teeth and a French manicure?

Did you see this?

A prayer card. Homemade.

Just like the one we found on Maggie Sanchez last week.


And our perp is the Angel of Death.

Maggie Ortiz.

Abby Mannion.

Two prostitutes were m*rder*d in the last two weeks.

Same MO, same signature, same prayer card.

CSU come up with anything on the cards?

Same printer, same paper stock.

The second is just as untraceable as the first.

Any connection between the two victims?

Only that they were m*rder*d on the same stroll.

Maggie has got a long rap sheet.

Abby, not even in the system.

Benson: Well, hopefully, our k*ller is.

Warner found fluids in Abby.

She's running the DNA now.

Maybe we'll get a hit.

A freak like this did not start raping last week.

Religious freak.


Zadkiel was the angel who stopped Abraham from sacrificing lsaac.

Well, how is sacrificing prostitutes an act of mercy?

Maybe he thinks by murdering sinners, he's saving them.

Yeah, there's something about Abby.

I just don't think she was a hooker.

The working girls we talked to had never seen her on that run.

Toss her place.

Find out who she really was.


Koscheck: Who the hell are you?

Police. Who are you?

Landlord, Stanley Koscheck.

Listen, there must have been a mix up.

I already called the sheriff, so I won't be needing you.

Needing us for what?

To serve the notice.

I'm evicting the little bitch.

That's why you're here, ain't you?

No. We're here because she was m*rder*d last night.

Oh. I wouldn't k*ll her over a few months missed rent.

So who else besides you didn't like Abby?

Well, take your pick.

The girl was a scammer.

She must have played the wrong guy on the lnternet.


She sells all this fake crap on eBay.


Knockoffs like these.

This is (SNIFFING) high-quality leather.

Even stitching, attention to detail.

These aren't knockoffs.

These have to be worth $2,000 each.

Lady knows her purses.

So she was sitting on a gold mine, still didn't pay her rent.

She was a little bitch.

Any idea where Abby got this stuff?

From her old roommate, Lynn Drexel.

Said she found great deals in Chinatown.

Do you have any idea where we could find this savvy shopper?

Recognize these, Miss Drexel?

Yeah, they look like the ones we sell here.

Well, we got them off Abby Mannion's lnternet resale shop.

And we think that she got them from you but off the books.

Yeah, you're going to have to talk to Abby about that one.

We'd love to, but someone k*lled her last night.

Oh, my God.

So when was the last time you saw her?

(STUTTERING) I don't know.

I don't know. Maybe...

Maybe last week.

Why are you sweating?


Wouldn't you be if somebody just told you your best friend died?

No, I'd probably be crying, not sweating.

Hey, give me that.


Which is probable cause.

So we could search you right now, or you can talk.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

When the market was good, Abby and I were partying every day.

When the market went down...

Your coke habit just kept getting bigger.

That's when Abby got the idea to supplement our income.


By stealing high-end purses and hawking them online.


She thought if I took one here or there, nobody would notice.

Do you know how Abby went from selling purses to selling herself?

Well, when she heard that our former governor was paying girls $5,000 an hour for sex, she said, "l could do that."

And I said, "So long."

But you haven't with the snow.

I'm not an addict.

You just like the way coke smells?

Warner got a hit on the DNA.

Do you know a Michael Gallagher?

Yeah, Abby was seeing a guy named Mike.

He sounded like a real weirdo.

How so?

He was paying Abby big bucks to lick his g*n.


Police! Nobody move!


It's okay. It's okay.

Nobody gets hurt.

Sarah: How many times have l...


Please don't sh**t. Please.

Mike Gallagher.

Where is he?

Downstairs in his playroom.

Michael Gallagher.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

What's going on?

Drop the club, or I'll sh**t a hole in one.

Look, I don't know what you're talking about.

Young hookers.

You've got a thing for them.

Absolutely not.

I'm a married man.

How about that 14-year-old you were caught diddling?



I was a kid.

Mike, you were 22.

She looked older.

I prayed for forgiveness.

I never made that mistake again.

Until you met Maggie Ortiz.

Never seen her before.

No? How about Abby Mannion?

I don't know her, either.

Your penis does.

Your semen was found inside her.

It's impossible.

So what happened with you?

Angel on your shoulder said stay away, but the devil made you do it?


The urge just never goes away, does it?

You see a sweet young thing walking down the street, and you just have to have her.


But then you feel guilty.

Because you know it's a sin to fornicate.

So you punish them for being whores?

I never hurt anyone.

Mike, where is your g*n?

I don't have a g*n.

He bought one three weeks ago, but Mike would never commit m*rder.

Well, what makes you so sure?

Because he found God and turned his life around.

When I met Mike, he was a wild kid.

But I brought him to my church, and I helped him channel all of that negative energy into building a business.

But temptation reared its ugly head, didn't it?

I don't know.


It's okay. You can tell me.

Well, lately, he's been wanting me to do things.

Bedroom things?

He bought me these clothes.

Said he wanted me to be his little whore.

He gave me underwear with a hole in it.

Crotch-less panties.

Well, they're disgusting, okay?

He's disgusting.

I am the mother of his children, and he wanted me to do things with my tongue.

Sarah: Nasty, dirty things...

Benson: Oral sex...

Sarah: The mouth is not the proper receptacle for the seed, (SWITCHING OFF)

So my wife is a prude.

It's not a crime to want a little variety in my sex life.


DNA. It doesn't lie.

That's the gospel truth.


I tried to be a good man, a good husband, but I have needs.

And your wife didn't understand, so you found someone who would.

I went online.

That's where I met Abby.

And she took you places that your wife would never go.

(LAUGHS) Oh...

There was no limit.

I mean, toys, and role-play, and threesomes.

Abby was into all of it.

Was she into you murdering her in an alley?

I dropped her off there alive.

She let you drop her off in some alley like a hooker.

It was part of our game.

I told her where to meet me.

I picked her up.

We screwed in the car.

You jammed your g*n so hard into her head you left a bruise.

She let me do it.

She let you choke her, too?

But it was all part of our game.

Your game?

I'll show you your game.

Here. Here's your game.

You picked up Maggie Ortiz, and you r*ped and m*rder*d her.

Then you trolled the lnternet for Abby Mannion.

Now, take a look.

Take a look at what you did to them.

No, I didn't k*ll Abby or that other girl.

You've got to believe me.

No, I believe in evidence.

Bruises on Abby's neck.

You admitted you strangled her.

A bruise on her head from your g*n.

You admitted doing that.

I've got your semen inside her, Mike.

I just wanted to have some fun.

Yeah, but you hated the way it made you feel.

It make you feel dirty?

So you gave them those prayer cards to ease their way into heaven? That it?

Cragen: Elliot.

Another prayer card just dropped 20 minutes ago.

But this victim is not dead.


Found her unconscious near that dumpster.

Refused to have a medic check her out.

I'm fine.

I was taking a nap.

After he choked you out?

This was in her purse.

Woman: Don't tell them nothing, Sunshine.

All right. Why don't you help my partner control the looky-loos.


Hey, can I go now?

Tell me what happened first.


Is that your pimp?

(LAUGHS) I don't have a pimp.

Look, Sunshine, I know that you're scared, but somebody almost just k*lled you, so talk to me.

I was out here.

Some dude picked me up.

Next thing I know, all the cops are grabbing me and yelling at me.

Cops don't give a damn about you, Sunshine.

So shut your mouth.

You need to shut yours before I put my fist through it.

I like a feisty bitch.

Well, then you're going to like being one when I throw you in the slammer.


Oh! Damn it.



Woman: You go, Sunshine.

I didn't catch the plate number.

Almost k*lled and back on the street in minutes.

So how many hookers in this city go by the name Sunshine?

Fourteen to be exact.

I ran the name through the Vice database, and only one is under 25.

Benson: That's her, Gladys Dalton.

And she's got a record going way back.

Benson: Arrested at 10 for theft.

Stabler: And 14 and 17 for prostitution.

Social service history says she was taken at six from her drug addicted mother.

And then lived in and out of foster care until she aged out.

Not exactly a recipe for success.

Fin: Address she gave on her last arrest report belongs to her aunt, Shawna Grant, in Murray Hill.


Special Victims Unit.

Is Gladys home?

Oh, God.

You throwing her in jail again?

No, she's not in trouble. Promise.

Down the hall.

First door on your right.

You sure you're not arresting her?

No, just need to talk.

I don't want to talk.

Benson: Relax.

I just wanted to make sure that you're okay.

You left before the medic could check you out.

I'm fine. All of that fuss was for nothing.


Because you look pretty worn out to me.

Come on.

Maybe you'd be more comfortable in your bed.

That's not my bed.

My aunt's two girls sleep there.

This is my bed.

It's better than a shelter.

I thought your pimp was supposed to take care of everything for you.

Her pimp?

Gladys works in a nightclub.

Is that what she told you?

This girl has had a rough life.

And when she was 18, she needed a place to stay. I took her in.

Out of the goodness of your heart or to pay rent?

She helps me out.

My MS is bad.

I can't work.

So you let that girl flat back for your meal ticket.

Don't you judge me.

All right, Gladys isn't perfect, but she's family.

And I promised my sister, rest her soul, that I would look out for her.

I take care of myself.


And everyone else.

Your cousin, your aunt, your pimp...

I told you.

I don't have a pimp.

Hey, Gladys.

Don't lie to me.

I'm here because I want to help.

That's what they all say.

Yeah. Well, this time, it's true.


I dropped out of eighth grade.

Can't get a job, so I do what I got to do.

There are recovery houses, and I could take you to one.

You'll have a safe place to live, get counseling, get a GED.

You could have a better life.

That's what he said.


What, did he follow you home from school?

You start dating, and he treats you like a queen.

Yeah, he would take me to Macy's.

Buy me whatever I wanted.

I was in love.

Then he had sex with you.

And soon after that, he made you have sex with his friends.

I cried and told him no, but he just freaked out.

And started beating you until you did, right?

He said I was his ho now, and if I was...

If I was going to have sex, why not get paid for it?

Gladys, this last John, the one who att*cked you, do you remember what he looked like?

No, they all start to look the same after a while.

Did he say anything?

"Are you ready to meet your father?"

I'll never forget that voice.

Hey, Spud saw him once.

She went on a date with him.

He asked her the same thing, so she got freaked out and ran.

Sunshine needs to keep her big mouth shut.

Ain't that right, Spud?

I don't know. I kind of like talking to people.

Good. Then talk to us.

Let's start with the guy who wanted you to meet God.

I've seen a preacher like that. He drives a...

We got to go.

Spud: Wait for me outside.

I have to pay.

You know that girl of yours can't be more than 1 2 years old.

I don't know her.

And if you ask her, she's going to say she don't know me.

Oh, one of them is going to talk, and your sweet jelly is going to spread all over prison.


Here you go.

You see anything, you call me. All right?

And if you ever need a girl for a party, call me. I love cops.

(GRUNTS) A white guy who drives a red Buick.

That narrows it down.

I pulled all the arrest records from last year of white males arrested for solicitation or assaulting a prost*tute.

DMV records for every red Buick in the Tri-State.

Better drag out the cots.

We're going to be here for a month.

(SIGHING) I'll start the coffee.

That was Spud.

She says the Buick is circling the Midtown track right now.

Benson: It's locked!

Macy: Help me!


Help me, please.

Thank the Lord you showed up.

She's robbing me.

You're lying to me, pal.

Be careful. I'm hurt.


Thou shalt not bear false witness.

I honor that commandment.

Are you okay?

He's crazy.

I told him to whip it out.

He pulled out a Bible.

I was trying to save her soul.

After you locked her in?

Well, then what happened?

He asked if I wanted to meet my father.

So I cut him.

Did I not tell you she att*cked me?

Well, she cut you up because you caged her in your car.

It was the only way to get her to sit still Iong enough to hear the message.

Message? Guys like you, you've always got a message, don't you?

It's not mine. It's God's.

There is a better life waiting for girls like her in heaven.

Is that your job?

You're God's little messenger boy?

Do you know what kind of sordid lives these girls are living?

Actually, I do.

Especially because of freaks like you.

God put me on this earth to fight Satan's grip on these girls' souls.

Did God tell you to put your death grip on these girls' necks?

Sometimes, dying is better than living.

Now, did you just admit to me that you m*rder*d these two girls?

No, I never harmed a soul.


But whoever did this isn't a m*rder*r.

Whoever did this sent these girls to heaven out of love.

(SIGHING) Lord, bless those who watch over the weak.

And Lord...

Bless those you have chosen to protect us.

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not And lead us not into temptation. into temptation.

But deliver us from evil.

But deliver us from evil.

Both: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, now and forever.



God forgives those who sin against him.


Confess your sins to him.

I have nothing to confess, Detective.

But I am willing to forgive.

And that is why I will not press charges against the little angel who cut me.

Well, you know, I've got a little angel who's not going to be so forgiving.

So, Gladys, just take your time and tell us which man att*cked you.

I wouldn't believe a word she says.

Oh, let me guess.

Devil's errand boy.

Otherwise known as a defense attorney?

John Buchanan.

I represent Mr. Skags.


You better start praying for him.

Gladys, go ahead.

Don't worry, young lady.

I don't think they'll arrest you.

Why would they arrest me?

Well, you are a prost*tute.

Is he telling the truth?

Are you going to arrest me?


No, Gladys, we just need you to identify the man that tried to k*ll you.

The police lie, Gladys, all the time.

One more word, I'll collar you for intimidating a witness.

One more word.

You know, I don't think I can do this.

Yes, you can. Just trust me.

It's going to be okay.

You can do this.

Number one, please step forward and repeat the following.

Are you ready to meet your father?

Are you ready to meet your father?

No. It's not him.

Number two?

Are you ready to meet your father?

Number three. Step forward and repeat the phrase.

I thought you said he couldn't see me.

He can't.

He's staring right at me.

Benson: Number three, step forward and repeat the phrase.

Are you ready to meet your father?

What more shall be done to you?

Sharp arrows of the warrior, deliver my soul to my father from a lying, deceitful tongue, It's him.

They shall fall by the sword, Their infants dashed to pieces, and their women with child,,, Gladys, wait. Gladys.



Somebody call a bus!

Gladys. Are you okay?


Benson: Will she be okay?

Bedmar: Well, she has a nasty concussion.

But an MRl of her brain showed no bleeding.

How about the fetus?

24 weeks and healthy.

It's a miracle, considering Gladys had no prenatal care and has been engaging in high-risk sex.

Maybe this is the eye-opener she needed to turn her life around.

With a little luck.

We need to talk to her.

Well, she needs to rest.

She's a key witness in two murders.

Well, those victims are dead.

Gladys and her baby are alive, and I plan on keeping them that way.

Come back tomorrow.

If we don't get a formal ID from Gladys ASAP, then we're going to have to let Reverend Billy walk.

Well, I bet Cabot can find a way to keep him on ice.

"People v, Billy Skags, Two counts m*rder Two.

"One count attempted m*rder Two."

How does the defendant plead?

Not guilty, Your Honor.

Bail argument, Miss Cabot?

The People request remand.

Your Honor, these charges are a farce.

My client is a respected lay minister in the area.

I'm a servant of God, Your Honor.

Cabot: Tending to his flock from a beat up Buick Regal with expired plates.

Two young girls are already dead, and a third victim barely survived Mr. Skags' attack and ID'ed him.

I was present, Your Honor.

The witness never made a procedurally valid ID.

Because of the freaky deacon's crazed rantings, she fled in terror.

Subsequently, she collapsed and required hospitalization.

Terrified isn't an admissible ID.

She said, "It's him."

Who's him?

There were five other hims there.

And the detectives who ran the line-up will testify as to the validity of the witness' ID of the defendant.

No need, Miss Cabot.

I'll review the witness statement.

But the defendant is remanded without bail.

Skags is off the street.

There's nothing he can do to you now.

Thank you.

Stabler: Looks like you're doing better.

I feel awesome.

Everyone here is so nice.

Gladys, you can't ignore the fact that you're pregnant.

I'm not ignoring it anymore.

I have an appointment at the clinic tomorrow, and I'm taking my vitamins.

You know, I don't think I've ever been this excited about anything.

But you understand that if you decide to keep the baby, you're going to have to make some big changes in your life.

What are you talking about?

Of course, I'm keeping my baby.

Well, if you change your mind, there are organizations that can help with adoption.

I won't change my mind.

Look, I want a new life, and this is my way to get it.

Gladys, you're giving life to the baby.

It's not the other way around.

I'm going to be a good mom.

I promise.

I already love my baby so much.

Shawna: What baby?

I'm pregnant.

Is this another one of your lies?

It's no lie.

Because it sure ain't no blessing.

No wonder you've been eating me out of house and home.

And wearing these baggy clothes.

Miss Grant, calm down.

Shawna, I'm going to change, okay?

I want to be a good mom to my baby.

Well, how the hell can you do that?

Do you even know who the father is?

Miss Grant, I think that Gladys needs your support right now.

You need to butt out of our family business.

Who's going to feed this baby, buy the clothes, pay the doctor? Will you?

I didn't think so.

Now, get your do-goody asses out of here.

Can my do-goody ass get another cup?


What are the odds that this baby lives a normal life?

Define normal.

Well, maybe Gladys will turn her life around.

Well, in my opinion, that baby's only chance is if she gives it up for adoption.

At least we collared the bastard.

Counts as a win.

Not so fast.

Upon further review, Judge Maskin rejected your line-up identification.


She's ordered a Wade hearing, so Gladys can make an official witness ID of Skags before we go to trial.

I've got to tell you.

That girl was petrified with him behind glass.

What is she going to do when he's glaring at her in the courtroom?

I know. But if Gladys screws this up, we don't have anything that connects Skags to the murders.

So he walks and kills again.

Which is why I need you to become Gladys' new best friend.

Gladys isn't here.

Do you have any idea when she'll be back?

Not anytime soon.

Did you kick a pregnant girl out on the street?

I gave her every chance at a normal life.

You gave her a lousy sofa to sleep on as long as she could pay your rent.

Look, I got two kids of my own, all right?

And disability doesn't make ends meet.

How am I supposed to pay for her and a baby?

Not by abandoning her.

Look, that girl makes her own decisions, all right?

And she started when she got in that pimp's car.

She was only 12 years old.

Once she met him, that's the last decision she ever made on her own.

Have you ever heard of breaking a bitch?

That's what pimps do to young girls.

Make them so dependent that they never have a chance.

Shawna, Gladys has one now. Here with you.

But only if you help her.


I love her. I do.

But I was at the end of my rope. I threw her out.

I told her to be anywhere but here.

Do you have any idea where she went?

I didn't ask.

Right before she left, though, she was on her computer.

Looks like she posted an ad on Craigslist.

Same place you can buy a used lawnmower.

Or a woman.

Probably cheaper.

Here it is.


Anybody answer her ad?

I just hacked her account. One reply.


Date's in Red Hook.


Stabler: Police. Open up.

Where's Sunshine?


The girl that you ordered on Craigslist, jackhole.

The only thing we ordered was pizza, man.

Yeah, we were studying for finals.

What's your major?


Benson: Elliot.

She's barely conscious.

Call a bus.

What did you do to her?

Nothing. Nothing.

We got it on, but then I thought she left.

Did she smoke or take anything?


The bed's all wet.

Oh, God. Her water broke.

Stabler: This is Manhattan SVU. I need a bus at 756 Sullivan Street.

Gladys? Gladys.

Red Hook, Brooklyn.

Apartment 2A.

It's Detective Benson.

Can you hear me?

Gladys? She's seizing.


How is Gladys?

She had a grand mal seizure.

Most likely brought on by preeclampsia with brain edema.

In English, Doc?

Her blood pressure was dangerously high.

So I had to do a crash C-section, but Gladys is going to be okay.

What about the baby?

Four months early, barely weighs a pound.

She has respiratory problems.

Necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhaging.

Bottom line, at the very least, she's going to need multiple surgeries and months of care in the NICU.

So what are her chances?


Babies born any earlier, we usually place in Hospice.

This one, I'd say anywhere between 17 and 40 percent.

Still worth it.

I don't know if I'd necessarily agree with you.

You think heroic measures shouldn't be taken.

I think withholding treatment is an option.

It's not an option.

It's m*rder.

And pouring thousands, if not millions, of dollars into saving a baby who will be blind with cerebral palsy and severe mental retardation, you think that's what's best for her?

You cannot say for sure that this baby will not live a normal life.

No one can, but the odds are very small.

Does Gladys know all this?

I don't think she heard me.

It takes time to sink in.

I just hope the baby doesn't take a turn for the worse.

She's beautiful.

She's a miracle.

She have a name yet?

I don't know.

I just want to pick the right one, you know?

I want to take her home, too.

Gladys, the doctor said that she may be here for a very long time.

I'm not worried.

She'll be fine.

And if she isn't?

Have you thought about what you want the doctors to do?


Well, sort of.

Benson: Gladys, your daughter is very sick.

She can't breathe, or suck, or swallow on her own.

Do you think she's suffering?

I don't know.

She can't die.

She just can't.

I told them to do whatever it takes to save her.

Gladys wants to use heroic measures to save her baby.

I don't blame her.

Whatever happened to, "First, do no harm"?

What if keeping her alive does more harm than good?

If you had kids, you wouldn't be asking that question.

Oh, so just because I'm not a mother, I don't care about this baby?

That's not what I meant.

Elliot, what if little Eli was going to die?

Or he was so disabled that he would have to have round-the-clock care for the rest of his life?

I wouldn't play God.

Then don't play doctor, either.

Let me guess. The baby.


Elliot and I don't exactly see eye to eye.

Well, maybe putting away Reverend Billy will patch things up.

Listen, I need Gladys to testify.

Alex, her baby is barely alive.

I doubt she's going to leave the hospital.

I'm not putting that psychopath back on the streets, and neither are you.

What do you expect me to do?

Arrest her for prostitution.

You're serious.

Cuff her to the crib.

Do whatever it takes to keep her from running.

I'll cut her loose after the hearing.

What if her little girl gets even sicker while she's in court?

What if Gladys has to make a decision, and she can't get back to the hospital?

What if Gladys doesn't testify, and Billy Skags murders another young girl?


(SINGING) Hush, little baby, don't say a word Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird And if that mockingbird,,, How is the baby?

She's okay. She had some trouble breathing earlier.


Gladys, I need your help.

I need you to testify against Billy Skags.

What? I'm not leaving my baby.

Gladys, if you don't, I have to arrest you for prostitution.


I'm not going anywhere.

Gladys, please don't make me do this.

Go to hell.

Gladys Dalton, you're under arrest for prostitution.

Come on.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one...

I was hanging out in Midtown when some guy came by and picked me up.

He took out a Bible and said, "Are you ready to meet your father?"

And before I could answer, he started strangling me.

And the next thing I knew, the cops were there.

And is the man who tried to k*ll you in this courtroom?

Yeah. He's right over there.

Let the record reflect the witness has identified Billy Skags.

Thank you.

No further questions.

Isn't it true that you're a prost*tute, Miss Sunshine?

Was a prost*tute.

My name is Gladys.

Didn't the Assistant D.A. instruct Detective Benson to arrest you for prostitution last night?

Yeah, but...

Then you haven't been a prost*tute for one whole day. Congratulations.



Questions, not statements, Mr. Buchanan.

Why didn't you identify my client at the first police line-up?

Well, I did.

Not according to the judge.

You merely said, "It's him," and ran from the room.

I got scared.

But now, you're brave.

Or is it just that you're a street walker testifying today to save your own skin?

Look, I may have made some stupid decisions, but I'm not blind.

These stupid decisions.

Does that include dropping out of the eighth grade?

Becoming a drug addict?

Having anonymous street sex while you're 24 weeks pregnant?

Hey, that man over there tried to k*ll me.

That happened.

I'm not going to let him get away with that.

My client isn't getting away with anything.

Because he's the victim of your vicious lies.

You're the criminal here.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Mr. Buchanan wants to talk about you being a criminal, Gladys.

So let's just do that.

How long were you under the control of your pimp?

Since I was 12, so 10 years.

Cabot: And how many nights a week did he force you to work?


And how many men did he force you to have sex with each night?

Like, at least six.

And since you were I 2, you couldn't consent.

And because you were forced, you were r*ped.

So would you estimate you were r*ped a total of 13,000 times over those 10 years?


I hope I cleared things up for you, Counselor.

That is a victim, and that is a criminal.

I'm a criminal?

Maskin: Sit down, Mr. Skags.

Satan has penetrated you 13,000 times, you whore.

God demands your repentance now.

Maskin: Officers!

That is enough.

Let me go.

The court rules that Miss Dalton's identification of Mr. Skags is admissible.

Only the Lord can pronounce judgment.

Officers, get him out of my courtroom.

He who sitteth on high above the wicked.

Maskin: Mr. Skags, control yourself!

He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and a horrible tempest.

This shall be the portion of their cup.


Cabot dropped the prostitution charge.

You're free to go.

Back there in court, everything that lawyer said about me is true.

You've turned a page on that.

That's behind you now.

It will never be behind me.

What am I supposed to tell my baby when she grows up?

Gladys, you love your little girl, and that's all that matters.

And if you make the right decision for her now, she'll understand.

Yeah. The right decision.


What's going on, Captain?

A lawyer just left this for you at the station.

I thought you'd want it right away.

Gladys left me power of attorney over her daughter.

It looks like she wrote you a note, too.

"Olivia, I realized today that you were right.

"l do need to make the right decisions from now on.

Gladys: "That's why I've decided to go away and figure everything out, "I know you'll be there for my baby and do what's best for her "until I get back and can be the mother she deserves, "

I'm glad you made it.

We don't have much time.

What's wrong?

The baby's brain is bleeding.

We need your permission to operate immediately.

What are her chances if you don't?

Not good.

And if the surgery is successful?

She could have brain damage for the rest of her life.

Detective, I need you to make a decision.

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