11x19 - Conned

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x19 - Conned

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal system Sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives Who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories.

I've been watching you all night.

Please. M the only girl left You haven't hit on.

You got a room at the hotel?


With my parents.

I know a place where we can be alone.

What type of girl do you think I am?

What the hell?

It was only a kiss.

Oh, my god! [screams]


Male, late teens, Blunt force trauma to the head--

No wallet.

k*ller was not happy.

Practically beat the kid's face off.

And broke all his teeth.

I won't be I.D.'ing him from his dental records.

Perp left the m*rder w*apon.

And the victim's own w*apon is out.

Which is why I called you.

I found fluids.

One of them got off, And then the k*ller offed this kid?

Easy come, not so easy go.

Kitchen is right across the hall.

Did anyone hear or see anything?

Nobody came forward.

Munch and fin are canvassing the staff.

Where are the lovebirds that found the body?

It was so gross.

My hand landed right on his crotch when I fell, Right on his thing.

You ever see the guy before?

At the reception.

I remember that shirt.

I served him drinks.

He scarfed down a whole tray of mini quiches.

Friend of the bride or groom?

I saw the bride, idrina, talking to him.

More like screaming at him.

Then some old guy threw him out.

Her father.

Idrina may be a total bridezilla, But I can't believe she'd k*ll one of her guests.

Maybe he gave her the wrong china pattern.

<b>Sub By Adriano_CSI</b>

Sorry to interrupt your honeymoon.

You're not.

In two hours and eight minutes, We're gonna be at jfk on a flight to jamaica.

Okay, we'll try to make this quick.

So how do you know the young man That your father kicked out last night?

I never met that idiot before.

He ruined the most important day of my life.

Could he have been with one of your guests?

That's what we assumed...

Until he insisted on making a toast.

It was actually the best toast of the night.

He had a whole bunch of people in tears.

He talked about how special my quinceañera was.

I didn't even have one, I got mono--

Biggest fiasco of my life until my wedding.


Sir, so, uh, you're her father?

Yeah. The guy who spent 500 bucks a head, And a mooch spoils my princess' special day.

You must have been furious.

I could have k*lled him.

I threw him out the fire escape on his trasero.

Okay, that's got to be our victim.

Can you freeze on his face?

[computer beeping]

Oh, it was good looking before somebody bashed it in.

We didn't find a cell phone on the body.

He had to come back in to get k*lled.

Only way is through the lobby.

[computer beeps]

Okay, there he is in the lobby at 9:45.

Huh. He didn't come in through the front entrance.

Okay, let's go back to the camera in the alley Around 9:40.

Okay, there he is going back into the reception.

I thought you said the only way in was through the lobby.

It is. The fire door locks from the inside.

Someone from the reception let him back in.

The question is who.

Okay. Our john doe goes back into the reception, Heads toward the lobby, then where'd he go?

He's at the elevator. [computer beeps]

Do you know the guy who's with him?

I saw him walking in with the bridal party last night.

Do they have a bank of rooms here?

Seventh floor. Here's the camera.

[computer beeps]

Whoa. You see that?

It looks like everybody got lucky at this wedding.

I hope the guests in 711 lived to tell about it.

It's not what you think.

I got a wife and six kids back in provo.

I saw the security tapes.

You can't tell hector about this.

I run his distribution center in utah.

I'm idrina's godfather.

So are you the one that let the kid back in the fire door?

No, I didn't know he left.

Look, chatted me up all night, Said we needed to get out of there--

People were starting to notice us.

What's his name?

[sighs] jack.

Does he have a last name?

I didn't ask.

How much did he charge you?



I swear I've never done anything like this before.

That's why you k*lled him?

So he couldn't tell anybody else?

k*lled? God, no. He was in and out in an hour...

Of my room, I mean.

What else can you tell me about jack?

He's a thief.

The bastard stole my rolex.

Well, one wasn't found on the body.

I'm gonna need your contact info and your fingerprints.

Oh, my god.

Just don't put my name in the paper, please.

Our victim's 16 years old. Name is andrew hingham.

He told the john he picked up last night his name was jack.

Hustler using a fake name-- imagine that.

Too bad for provo I got to collar him after all.

Wonder how he's gonna explain the r*pe of a male minor To his wife.

Okay, the k*ller got at least $200, The kid's cell phone, and an already-stolen rolex.

Where'd you find the wallet?

The bottom of a very large garbage bin Filled with yesterday's seafood buffet.

Okay, you're catching the bus home.

You know, nobody but the kitchen staff Has access to this area.

Well, then it's a good thing I told the overnight shift not to go home.

I want you to take a good look and tell me which one of you Saw this person last night.

We're not interested in your immigration stat.

We're not from I.C.E.

One of you knows this guy intimately.

You rolled him right after you had sex with him.

You got something to say?


You seem a little uncomfortable.

What is it-- your coworkers don't know?

I'm no maricon.

What is--what is this, then? What is this?

Your boyfriend just give it to you After he stole it off his last trick?


When the girl who found him scream, We come running.

Miguel and amalia-- they went to get security.

I grabbed the watch and the wallet.

Where's the 200 bucks?

The wallet was empty...

I swear.

Please don't deport me back to guatemala.

I wouldn't think of it.

Can you please tell this moron That guatemala is not a city in mexico?

This isn't right.

You can't lock me up with a dangerous g*ng member.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

So we have a winner?

Provo's story checked out.

Security tape shows he stayed in his room After andrew left.

Still got him on the stat r*pe.

Our friend julio had no problem giving us his DNA and prints.

We're holding him on grand larceny.

He stole a $25,000 watch off a corpse.

Where are liv and elliot?

Notifying andrew's parents.

All right, well, given the condition of his face, Let's spare them the trauma of coming down To I.D. Their son.

Andrew was my baby.

He always said I didn't love him, But I did.

I just--I didn't have any energy left By the time he came along.

You had him later in life?

Right as the last of our four kids was leaving home.

Phil divorced me when I got pregnant, Moved to california, never had anything to do with andrew.

That must have been rough-- raising him alone.

He suffered with depression his whole life.

I got him a psychiatrist.

I want to see my son.

You know... [clears throat]

I think it'd be easier on you if you don't.


Well, they're doing the autopsy on him right now, So if you have a hairbrush or a toothbrush, We can confirm his I.D.

I kept everything just the way he left it.

What do you mean, "left it"?

He ran away almost seven months ago.

Have you had any contact with him since?

We talk every Sunday...

On skype.

I've been waiting all day for his call.

Do you know where he was staying?

No. He always called from different places, Mostly internet cafes.

He came back once...

When I wasn't home...

To steal my laptop.

Did he suffer?

[simulated phone ringing]

That's the skype ringtone.

I don't skype with anyone but andrew.



I'm really scared.

Something bad has happened.

You're alive.

How could you tell me he was dead?

Who are you talking to? Is someone else there?

Hey, andrew, I'm a friend of your mom's.

You need to come home. We need to talk to you, okay?

Oh, my god, you're cops.

Mom, don't tell them anything.

No, andrew, don't go!

Why did you scare him away?

Mrs. Hingham, let me apologize On behalf of the department For this unfortunate misunderstanding.


Those detectives are off the case.

I don't know how much more my nerves can take.

The young man who was m*rder*d had andrew's I.D. On him.

Any idea why?

When andrew called me yesterday, He looked like he'd been beaten up, And he said he was in trouble.

Did andrew ever mention somebody named jack?

No. Andrew didn't really have any friends.

Well, this might be more than a friend.

The victim was a h*m* prost*tute.


My son's not gay.

Well, you said you were estranged from him For seven months.

He was living on the streets.

So first he's dead, and now he's gay.

You know, let me tell you how wrong you are.

Last summer he was accused of raping a girl.


You say he was accused of raping a girl.

Someone called the girl's parents And said that andrew Had forced her to have sex against her will.

Did they press charges?

His psychiatrist talked to them and to the school And convinced everyone that andrew belonged in the hospital And not in a jail because of his mental illness.

Well, I understand andrew suffers from depression, But that isn't normally a defense to r*pe.

Dr. Stanton said andrew had a complete mental breakdown.

She diagnosed him with early-onset schizophrenia.

How long was andrew hospitalized?

He was admitted last August, And then a handful of patients escaped in October, And they somehow talked andrew into running with them.

He's very suggestible.

He's always been desperate to belong.

Looks like little boy lost just became our prime suspect.

Well, let's not spring it on mrs. Hingham Till we're damn sure.

Dealing with a schizophrenic definitely changes the game.

Delusional thoughts and hallucinations Can lead to violent behavior, But most schizophrenics aren't a danger To themselves or to others.

The kid's depressed.

He r*pes a girl, then goes to the nut hatch, Then possibly murders a gay hustler?

That sounds dangerous to me.

Schizophrenia usually presents in late teens To early adulthood.

Andrew's only 16.

The earlier it hits, The more difficult it is to treat.

The wedding photographer sent me snaps Fromhe reception.

Our victim wasn't the on party crasher.

That's provo with jack before he got tossed out.

Look in the background.

It's andrew hingham.

Who is definitely not the life of the party.

Well, he's alone in every picture, Except for these.

Andrew and jack were there together.

Well, andrewees his boyfriend leave with provo.

When jack returns, andrew drags him into the storeroom, Murders him in a jealous rage.

Lots of divorces start at drunken wedding receptions.

Sounds like a motive to me.

Release andrew's picture to the press.

We need to get him off the street Before he hurts somebody else.

Doc, talk to your colleagues at bellevue.

Find out how a ward of patients in lockdown managed to fly The cuckoo's nest.

You said andrew was being treated by a dr. Stanton?

I'll try to start with her.

If andrew were still under my care, He would be a fully functioning member of society.

Were you treating andrew with electroconvulsive therapy?

Yes, I was.

Many of my depressed and schizophrenic patients Improve markedly with e.C.T.

Well, in the short term, perhaps.

How did andrew respond?

Well, we had only just started.

I wish that I could have completed the course.

[electricity buzzing]


Maybe that's why he fled.


A con artist scammed his way into the hospital Under a voluntary commitment.

Unfortunately, andrew fell under his spell.

A con artist?

Mm hmm. He wasn't my patient, But he wreaked havoc on the ward.

He would, uh, amuse himself By convincing everybody to trade meds.

Including andrew?

Yeah, andrew is highly impressionable And very gullible.

Were they lovers?

Andrew never disclosed an attraction to men.

But I will say that, other than me, This fellow was the only other person I ever saw Draw andrew out of his shell.

And how did they escape?

The guy scammed a set of keys off an orderly And made it past three guards in a locked ward.

Took most of the pharmacy too-- ten grand in meds.

Can you tell me this man's name?

Jack robinson.

Got a hit on jack's prints.

Popped for identity theft last year.

Passed himself off as donald trump's son.

Quite the entrepreneur.

Too bad he's dead. Donald might have adopted him.

Well, his tox screen reads like elvis'--

Alcohol, benzos, opiates, methamphetamine.

Kid was partying hard when he died.

Any prints off the m*rder w*apon?

The ones off the w*apon weren't in the system, And they don't match your dishwasher's, But I did match them To one I got off andrew hingham's brush.

So andrew k*lled him?

K*llers don't usually leave a calling card.

Why would he plant his I.D. On his victim?

Speaking of I.D.'s, jack's shows he's 19, So I guess provo's off the hook.

Till he gets home to his wife in utah.

She refused to post his bail.

Okay, so we know provo had sex with jack.

What about andrew?

The only semen I found was provo's.

We're guessing jack and andrew were lovers?

Maybe jack's father can tell you.

I called him to I.D. The body.

I guess jack finally conned the wrong person.

Any idea who that might have been?


Jack ran get-rich-quick schemes from the time he could talk.

His mother believed they were legit.

But I knew better.

Well, people we spoke to Said that your son was very charismatic.

He was a genius-- 150 I.Q.

Was he still living at home?

God, no.

He always dreamed of getting out of masonville.

Once he did, he was never coming back.

He ever mention a friend named andrew hingham?

The only information we got was from video postcards.

Do you still have them?

This is the last one he sent us.

Hey, parental units, Things are better than ever, And I have got a great investment opportunity for you.

I really got to act on this fast, though.

So send me a cashier's check For $10,000.

I will fill you in on all the details on the flip side.

I love you.

His mom just couldn't resist giving that boy one more chance.

You sent him money. Do you have an address on him?

The only one he ever gave us Was this place where he volunteered.

What was the name?

Williams home?

Williams house.

I know somebody there.

Dad, it's not a good time. I'm swamped.

It's never a good time.

I haven't seen you in months.

I'm sorry. I'm just really busy.

I can see-- still fighting the good fight.


Hope you came by just to say hello, Because if you're here about one of our kids, it can't be good.

You know these guys?

Ah, that's frick and frack.

They're inseparable.

Were-- jack was m*rder*d.

Can't say I'm surprised.

Jack lived on the edge.

His father says he volunteers here.

Jack never helped anyone but himself.

He only crashed here when something better fell through.

What about andrew?

He's a good kid.

That one I think we can actually reach.

Okay, we need to find him first.

He may know something about jack's m*rder.

Andrew hasn't been here in days.

Okay, just give me a call if he shows up.

In the meantime, ask around, See if anybody knows where he is.

Dad, these are street kids.

No one's gonna drop a dime on one of their friends, Including me.

What, you know something you're not telling me?

These kids trust me.

I haven't told them my dad's a cop for a reason.

They have to know I'd never betray their confidence.

You're not a priest.

Your conversations aren't privileged.

I'll ask around.

Okay, do that.

It's a long shot, but we might be able To find andrew by logging on to his computer.


Andrew stole his mother's laptop.

Using remote-access software And his mother's password, I can control her computer.

So that's the screen of the computer that andrew jacked.

Exactly. Now I have access to his web cam.

If it's open, we'll see everything That's in front of it.

This is live?


Last time I did this, I got the thief sitting right in front of the computer he stole.

So andrew could be in this room right now.

Come on, man. Answer your email.

Have a twitter addiction.

Even if we see him, we don't know where he is.

Unless I spot a landmark that might give us a location.

I'll take a picture.

[camera shutter clicks]

Now I'll enlarge the area around the window.

Bunch of trees...

That's got to be a park.

Taru identified the black building As mount sinai hospital.

And based on the angle, The picture was taken from this building.

One of jack's schemes must have really paid off For him to be able to afford such a nice apartment.

I don't know about you, but most of the people Whose doors I knocked on weren't home.

People will be getting home from work in a few hours.

I take it we're working overtime again.

You stay here and question them when they get home.

What do you got-- a hot date?

I got a cold son.

Ken lives a few blocks from here.

I had a feeling he was holding something back From me earlier today.

Can I help you?

Uh, yes, is ken here?

Oh, I'm sorry. Ken doesn't live here anymore.

Since when?

I moved here in December.


I am really sorry to bother you.

You don't by any chance have a forwarding address For him, do you?

I do.

But I don't feel very comfortable Giving it out to strangers.

I'm sorry.

I'm a police officer, and ken's my son.

[laughing] oh, well...

You have a lovely son...

And so organized.

He left self-addressed stamped envelopes, So I could forward any mail That the post office missed.

Thank you very much for helping.

When you see him, You can deliver it in person.

"110 central park north"?

You get anything?

Yeah, high blood pressure.

Ken moved into this building five months ago.

No way this is a coincidence.

My son's harboring a k*ller.

Are you crazy?

No, are you? What the hell?

You looked me dead in the eyes this morning And told me you hadn't seen andrew in days.

I didn't lie.

I said andrew hadn't been to the shelter in days.

This is andrew's computer.

He was here in your home, the new home That you didn't bother to tell me about.

I moved in with my boyfriend.

What, are you banging this kid?


He's a minor.

If you crossed some sort of line, please tell me.

I don't want to have to arrest my own damn son.

That's what you think-- I'm gay, So I must be a sexual predator.

Why not just ask me if I recruit little boys And convert them?

Andrew is straight!

Yeah, right.

His best friend's a gay hustler.

I know this may be hard for you to comprehend, But straight men do have gay male friends.

So what was your friend doing here yesterday?

I found andrew waiting on the stoop when I got home.

Someone beat him up.

He was really upset.

I brought him upstairs.

How'd he know where you live?

He's in a group I have over once a week for counseling.

What, you have street kids in your new apartment?

They'll k*ll you for one of your damn speakers.

I'm helping them get off the street.

I had andrew convinced to go back to his mom.

I know that didn't work.

Andrew stores his computer here.

He skyped her to see if he could come home.

I gave him privacy.

When I came back in, he was running out the door Completely freaked.

Okay. Liv and elliot were with his mom.

Why didn't you tell me this sooner?

Why didn't you tell me the real reason You wanted to talk to him?

You think he k*lled jack.

Just tell me where he is.

I don't know. I've been looking for him.

Where does he crash?

Jack taught andrew how to survive on the street, You know, showed him where he could always find A warm place to sleep.

A hospital e.R. Is a good last resort.

Just complain of a stomachache, And you'll spend all night waiting to be seen.

Another great place to crash is a hotel conference room.

They're never used at night, and they're comfortable.

Jack and andrew didn't look homeless, So if security found them, They'd pretend they were drunk guests Who wandered in by accident.

Where else?

The metropolitan opera--

They'd show up just as it was letting out, Then slip into the ladies' lounge.

Why the ladies'?

'cause it has a separate powder room Complete with comfy couches.
Hey. Andrew.

Wake up.

I'm here to help you.

It's time to stop running.

You brought the cops with you?

Whoa, whoa, andrew, you're not going anywhere.

Dad, take it easy.

Tell this fool to stop resisting arrest.

You led him right to me? I trusted you.

I thought you were my friend.

Andrew hingham, you're under arrest For the m*rder of jack robinson.


You have the right to remain silent.

Hey, you were just gonna question him.

Anything you say can and will be used against you In a court of law.

We can't question andrew until mrs. Hingham gets here.

There's no way she's letting us talk to him Without an attorney.

The most important thing is that he's off the streets And he can get the psychiatric help he needs.

[door opens]

Thought you weren't talking to me.

I'm not. Andrew called me.

He needs to talk. Can I go in?

As long as you're not acting on behalf of the nypd.

Trust me, I'm not.

Ken's not an attorney, So there's no expectation of privacy.

Souh, if we were to happen to overhear something...

They're gonna put me in jail.

Andrew, calm down.

Why did I go to that stupid wedding reception?

I was so miserable there.

I was relieved when they finally kicked him out, But then he called me to let him back in.

When he went off with that guy, I should have left.

Why didn't you?

The plan was to wait until it was late To sneak into the storeroom and then rip off This really expensive caviar.

How many times did I tell you This guy was bad news?

I know. I know.

But he saved me from that freakin' mental institution.

I had fun with jack. I felt alive again.

We need to get you an attorney.

God, oh, my god, I can't believe I k*lled him.


Andrew, stop talking.

He was my friend. He never tried anything before.

Andrew, shut up.

Turn it off.

And then he came at me, and he tried to kiss me, So I shoved him away, and then he got violent.

Was he high?

He was flying.

He said he went skiing with tina.

Crystal meth.

He pushed me to my knees.

He unzipped...

He forced you to have sex with him?

Pulls it out, and then shoves my face down on it.

So I hit him, and I got up, and then he went crazy.

Looks like you went five rounds.

He kept coming at me, So I pushed him as hard as I could.

And he fell back and he hit his head, And then he slumped to the ground.

Wait, is that what k*lled him?

His eyes were open.

He wasn't breathing.

Andrew, you were defending yourself.

He knew I wasn't gay.

It's my fault for trusting him.

I should know better by now. I'm so sick of it.

And so I pick up the first thing I could find, And I start smashing it in his face.

I couldn't stop.

They found your wallet on him.

Did he rob you?


I put it there.


I panicked.

His face was gone.

I thought if they thought I was dead, Then maybe I could finally get away.

If andrew's story is true, He's got a strong case for self-defense.

Jack's not alive to dispute it, But the crime-scene photos aren't gonna earn him Any sympathy with the jury.

The excessive v*olence makes sense.

Andrew was trying to erase himself By obliterating jack's face.

Well, he said he could finally get away.

Who was he trying to escape from?

He didn't go home after fleeing the hospital.

His pill popping mom's the only one there.

[sighs] andrew suffered from depression his whole life.

That's a common red flag of child abuse.

Well, then we got a problem.

Andrew's mom is on her way here now To sit in on his interrogation.

If he's kept silent about it this long, They're not likely to get it out of him in front of her.

What about his shrink?

I'll see what dr. Stanton has to say.

May I help you?

They said I should see captain cragen.

I'm don cragen. What can I do for you?

Why are you looking for andrew?

Well, we're not anymore. We found him.

I'm mallory sidwell.

They put him in that hospital for raping me.

Well, you don't need to worry. He's in custody.

You're making a mistake.

He didn't r*pe me.

Well, then why did you accuse him?

I didn't.

Whoever told my parents he r*ped me lied.

Andrew's my boyfriend.

What can you tell me about andrew's relationship With mallory sidwell?

Well, the sexual as*ault coincided with the onset Of andrew's schizophrenia.

He was not responsible for his actions, so...

Why is she here?

Mallory claims the sex was consensual.

Classic guilt reaction.

Many victims blame themselves.

But why wait until now to revise her story?

She pursued andrew aggressively, And given his fragile mental state, She unwittingly triggered the psychotic episode.

Is it possible andrew concocted The details of the r*pe in a delusional state?

No, absolutely not.

If I hadn't intervened, The v*olence only would have escalated.

You're the one who called mallory's parents?

Well, yes, I was legally bound to.

Andrew still posed a threat to her.

So you had him committed to avoid arrest?

He needed help, not incarceration.

Well, his mother must have been relieved.

Well, I don't treat joyce, but I know That she has struggled with some issues of her own.

Substance abuse?

I really can't comment on that.

But I do think that joyce would tell you herself That she's always been overwhelmed By her late-in-life child.

Has andrew ever talked about being abused?

You know that I can't discuss that with you.

Of course. If it had existed, You'd have been bound to report it.

Well, I've been seeing andrew for about four years, But there were barriers that I could never break through.

Andrew talked about trying to get away.

Maybe he was talking about mallory, not his mother.

You've spoken to andrew?

He was apprehended yesterday.

Well, can I talk to him?

After he's arraigned.

The d.A.'s deciding what charges to bring against him.

[door opens]

You needed to see me?

We both do.

Let me know when you're done with him, And I'll come back.

I need to go over both your statements.

Ken, you can't avoid me forever.

I need to hear you're not gonna t*nk our case.

Haven't you used me enough?

I don't want any part of putting andrew away.

Mr. Randall, he confessed to you.

He acted in self defense.

And from what I've heard so far, It sounds like accidental death.

You're not taking him to trial?

Assuming forensics support his story, not for m*rder.

There may be some repercussions For him going to town on jack's corpse, But the a.D.A. Says he's only looking at probation And some court-ordered therapy.

Thank you.


What do you know about this kid's mother?

She was an absentee parent.

We kind of bonded over that.


He ever mention any abuse In the home?

Only that she abused the bottle and pills.

He never said she did anything to him.

You think she hurt him?

I don't know, but I got to find out If he's gonna be okay when he gets home After he makes bail.

Mrs. Hingham...

Is andrew here?

I'm just on my way to get him now.

You bailed him out this morning.

No, I didn't. I just got the money together.

Somebody saved you the trouble.

He's out.

Why didn't he come home, then?

Maybe he's afraid to.


Listen, I know he was a handful growing up.

You ever smack him around a little just to keep him in line?

I never raised a hand to my son.

Well, explain to me why he never races home to his mother When he's in trouble.

I don't know.

I did the best I could.

Okay, well, we need to find him.

If you didn't bail him out, who did?

Sorry to bother you at home.

We checked with the court.

They said you posted andrew's bail.

That's right.

Is he here?

After talking with dr. Huang the other day, I had reservations about reuniting andrew With his mother at this point.

Lady, you're not his legal guardian.

I'm doing what I believe Is in the best interest of my patient.

Moving in with you?

Don't you find that a bit unorthodox?

Given the situation, no, I don't.

This kid's mother is worried sick.

If you're preventing her from seeing him, I can arrest you for custodial interference.

That's ridiculous.


Can you come here, please?

He's resting right now.

Would you please stop?


Excuse me. Excuse me.

It sounds like somebody's in trouble.

Excuse me. What do you think you're--


Andrew, you okay?


What's going on?

He looks like he's been drugged.

He's been off of his meds for seven months.

I'm trying to ease him back onto his regimen.

Andrew, you need to come with us.

No, I didn't do anything.

Don't arrest me again.

It's okay.

I didn't do anything.

We need to make sure you're safe.

Do you want to be here? [baby cries]

Can't deal... Just want to sleep.

All right, you heard him, okay?

Now, I need to take care of my patient.

Please, get out of my house.

Just get out.

An underage patient moving in with their shrink?

That can't be right.

There's a danger of transference Activating sexual fantasies even in an office setting.

It's the middle of the day, And they're both practically naked.

She's banging him.

Well, that's a serious accusation.

Unfortunately, andrew's not the one making it.

Captain, he's a kid, and she's kind of hot.

Plus, she got him whacked-out on dr*gs.

Keeping him disoriented, so he's easy to manipulate.

This may sound nuts, but we heard a baby crying.

Now I'm wondering who the baby's daddy is.

She's been seeing andrew how long?

Since he was 12, around the onset of puberty.

We got to get him out of there.

Not without solid grounds.

Would we be even having this conversation If stanton was a man and andrew was a 16-year-old girl?

Maybe we can bring her in on something else.

We talked to andrew Before she started medicating him again.

He was upset, but lucid--

No delusions, no hallucinations.

A schizophrenic off his meds for six months Would likely have decompensated.

You're saying that he's not schizophrenic?

She misdiagnosed him?

Maybe even on purpose.

It would have allowed her to commit him And given her complete authority over him.

Subpoena andrew's medical records.

I'm no doctor, so you're gonna have to explain this to me.

You want me to review Andrew's entire medical history with you?

Just the laundry list of these prescriptions--

Risperidone, olanzapine, paroxetine.

You're a psychiatrist, you tell him.

That is the standard treatment for schizophrenia.

Then why, after you committed andrew, Were only half his prescriptions filled at bellevue?

Because I was treating a dual diagnosis.

His depression predated the schizophrenia.

I just never got around to transferring the prescriptions.

Or you were pharmacy shopping.

You already said it. You're no doctor.

But I'm a cop who's seen a lot of drug addicts Playing fast and loose with their meds.

Andrew is not a drug addict.

He's also not a schizophrenic.

Excuse me?

Clonazepam, olanzapine-- taking these two dr*gs together Can make a person feel dazed and compliant...

Like a medicated schizophrenic.

Psychopharmacology is not an exact science.

I adjusted his meds as his condition demanded.

Surely someone with your experience would know That taking these dr*gs together might k*ll him.

Well, I...

I may have made a mistake.

I was a mistake.

Neither one of my parents ever wanted me.

Feeling like that must really hurt.

Dr. Stanton help you with your depression?

For a while.

So tell me about your sessions.

When it first started, it was a waste of time.

I'd sit there and let the clock run out Without saying a word.

How'd she get you to talk?

One day I started.

And it just poured out...

How lonely I was...

How nobody in the world gives a crap.

I started crying, and I couldn't stop.

And dr. Stanton...

Put her arm around me.

It was the first time I ever felt loved.

Did she do more than hug you?

She kissed my forehead...

And then my cheek...

And then my lips.

Then we started having sex.

How old were you when it started?


So she used her position To coerce you.

I loved her.

She told me that she loved me.

That's not love, andrew.

It's abuse.

For a while, it was awesome.

Until she got pregnant.

I freaked out.

She said that I couldn't abandon this child Like my father abandoned me.

And you weren't even sure that it was yours.

Fran said that I was the only person That she was having sex with at the time.

I couldn't deal with it.

I flunked three classes last year, And I had to go to summer school.

That's where I met mallory.

We were in love.

That's why she'd never say you r*ped her.

Someone told her parents that.

And you know exactly who that was.


It's the same reason that she lied And said you were schizophrenic.

No, I was-- I-I had a breakdown after that.

My thoughts were all twisted.

I couldn't think straight.

Because of the meds she'd been shoveling down your throat.

Andrew, listen to me, You are not the sick one here.

She is.

My relationship with andrew is the healthiest one That I've ever had.

Your other boyfriends mistreated you?

I used to be drawn to psychologically abusive men Until andrew.

And I would never, ever do anything to hurt him.

Like break up his relationship with mallory.

Andrew is sick.

I was protecting that girl as much as I was protecting him.

You were jealous Of the 15-year-old he dumped you for.

He didn't dump me.

For long.

You locked him away and had him drugged.

That's the only way he'd have sex with you again, isn't it?

That's not true.

Well, andrew tells a different story.

That young man is delusional.

That's not a very nice way to talk About the father of your child.

You used his deepest issues against him, Like his own father abandoning him.

Now his mother has to raise another child After you go away.

I'm not going anywhere.

When the paternity test we ordered comes back Proving that andrew was the father of your child, You're going to jail for statutory r*pe.


It wasn't r*pe.

We love each other.

You took advantage of a child.

No. You don't understand.

Andrew is a man.

He is my soul mate.

Do you understand, dr. Stanton, That by allocuting in open court About the crimes you have committed, You have agreed to plead guilty in exchange For a lesser sentence?

Yes, I do.

You may begin.

I never meant to hurt you, andrew.

Everything that I did, I did out of love.

When I first met you, You were a-a scared little boy.

And I wanted to protect you and heal you, But I fell in love with you.

And, um...

I tried to deny my feelings, But...

They were too strong.

And I know you felt it too.

The first time that we were together Was the happiest moment of my life.

I know that I am guilty Of things that many people Can't understand, But I want you to know that I am sorry If I ever hurt you.

And I hope that you can forgive me.

Are you finished?


The people have agreed to a plea bargain Of four consecutive counts of r*pe In the second degree.

The terms of the agreement include incarceration Of five years for each count...

For a total of 20 years.

You have abused your professional relationship With this boy in the most contemptible way.

If I could, I would put you away for life.

[gavel bangs]

I will wait for you, andrew.
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