12x07 - Trophy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x07 - Trophy

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I'm starting a petition to force this place to go green.

Don't rock the boat, frankie.

But I read online that The chemicals they use here cause the big c.

And the three packs a day you smoke ain't doing you no harm.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Stop the line, you idiot.

Female, early 20s.

Serious vaginal trauma.

Up top's just as bad.

Practically cut her head off.

Jugular and carotid were severed.

C.O.D.'s exsanguination.

Where are the five pints of blood she's missing?

No one found it on site.

Of course, if somebody here had dirty laundry to clean, There would be no problem.

She's got small cuts and puncture wounds All over her breasts, stomach, and pelvic area.

This guy's a real sadist.

What's with the bindings?

What are those?

Looks like silk-wrapped electrical cord...

Fancy decorators use.

Time of death?

Rigor's almost dissipated.

I'd say two days ago. I'll know more after the autopsy.

Anyone here recognize her?

Supervisor says she's not an employee.

And she wants to know when she can start the machines again.

Do we know where the load came from?

Mercy hospital.

This was no mercy k*lling.

Those officers said I had to talk to SVU.

So what the hell did I do?

r*ped and m*rder*d the girl That you dropped off at the laundry this morning.

You've got the wrong guy.

Let's talk about it at the precinct.

Wait. W-was she in the load from mercy?

Oh, funny that you would know that.

Listen, all I did there was sign off on three carts.

The guy rolled them out for me while I hit the head.

What time was that?

Around 4:30 this morning.

Then how come you didn't Make your next pickup only five blocks away until 5:22?

Got bladder problems?

If you think I k*lled her, you're crazy.

Says the guy who wants us to believe He took a 50-minute leak.

Okay, my girlfriend janice is a nurse at mercy.

I popped in to say hi.

It was a little slow.

We ducked into an empty room, to, uh...

Play doctor?

I swear, I didn't hurt anybody.

I just wanted to get laid.

I was on break at 4:30.

Getting porked by your boyfriend.

Another nurse was covering for me.

I didn't endanger any of my patients.

Like this one?

She wasn't mine.

Would your boyfriend have Hauled out a corpse for anyone else?

Not knowingly.

But joe in housekeeping handles overnight laundry.

Kind of a creep.

Maybe he dumped the body.

Lovebirds weren't lying.

Joe was all alone with the cart.

Schedule says that load of laundry came from pedes.

No way our jane doe was a patient there.

Morgue missing any bodies?

All dbs present and accounted for.

Hold on, what's this guy doing?

How the hell'd I miss that?

Maybe you were on a doughnut run. k*ller was driving around Looking for the perfect dump site.

Then he hits the jackpot: An unattended laundry truck.

Can you see the plates?


Angle's all wrong.

Okay, a car that boxy has to be an old volvo, And only half of new york are driving them.

It's gonna be hard to I.D. The owner.

Well, we just got better luck with our victim.

Samantha millerton, 23.

Why is she in the system?

Loitering, resisting arrest.

Mainly political rallies.

Latest collar was for trespassing At the globe oil headquarters.

Probably protesting their latest oil spill.

She worked for an environmental group?

Yeah, it's an outfit called c.L.E.A.N.

Collective living environment of artists for nature.

Works out of an old factory on the lower east side.


Any corporate targets especially unhappy with your artwork?

All of them.

But globe oil went ballistic.

How so?

I filmed this during our last protest there.

That's globe oil's slimy ceo, nicholas turner.

Get away from me!

Stop filming, now!

Not until you pay to clean up the hundreds of miles Of virgin wilderness polluted by your oil spill.

I prefer to get the trash off my own property first.

Collect the garbage.

I'm gonna show the world what you're really made of, turner!

What was samantha going to show the world?

An effigy of turner, Made out of crap she found from his own trash.

Nicholas turner embodies the excesses of the super-rich.

The frame is made from his empty Chateau lafite-rothschild wine crates.

Silk pajama bottoms stuffed with the wall street journal.

Now, why throw out the italian loafers?

They look brand-new.

They're slightly scuffed.

Oh, a viagra bottle in turner's name.

Oh, for his nose. I get that.

It's nice.

Sam was going to douse this in globe oil gasoline And light it on fire at our next rally.

And, uh, no mouth, Because she was tired of hearing turner's lies?

She hadn't found the perfect piece of garbage yet.

Maybe she did.

At turner's house.

Silk-wrapped pink electrical cords Would make a perfect pair of lips.

What, do you think he caught her in the act And wanted to teach her a lesson?

That's wiring from two lamps My wife has in her dressing room.

One broke, so I tossed them.

You can't possibly think I m*rder*d that girl.

Well, we have it on good authority That she was at your place the night she was m*rder*d.

I got home around 2:00 a.M.

After a fundraiser And found that t*rror1st picking through my refuse.

This was the third time I'd caught her on my property.

And this time you made your problem go away permanently?

That was the plan.

I called the police.

There's no record of her being arrested that night.

She took off running before they got there, Screeching about how my carbon footprint was so big There were plenty of places to find dirt on me.

Could she have gone digging in your dumpster Here at globe oil?

Check with security.

And bugger off.

Globe oil doesn't have a security camera in the garbage area.

But a times square cam's at 49th and broadway.

Right across the street from globe oil's corporate offices.

And there she is.

One hour after leaving nicholas turner's home.

And that's when our perp arrived in his volvo.

Unfortunately, his car blocks our view of the attack.

Fast forward.

He blitzed her.

He threw her in the back And took off without anybody seeing it.

Perp had balls doing it in the open. He's done this before.

Oh, same guy, same car, same hat and hoodie Shows up two days later at mercy hospital, And he dumps sam's body in that laundry cart.

We get a plate this time?

Yeah, fin's running it.

We hit a dead end.

Car's registered to a Thomas gambel, 64.

He lived in brooklyn until he died nine months ago.

Hey, need a hand?

I got it, thanks.

Thomas gambel?

He lived here?

Yeah, I'm his son, jason.

What do you want?

The volvo wagon still registered to him.

I only inherited the house.

My...Brother, henry, got the car.


Where can we find him?

He was the black sheep of the family.

We haven't stayed in touch.

I have his address inside.

Let me get it for you.

Did he just lock us out?


Mr. Gambel?

Open the door.

Svu portable to central.


sh*ts fired. Request backup at 435 carlton avenue.

Gambel, freeze!

You cracked my head open!

'cause you tried to blow ours off!

You're under arrest For the attempted m*rder of a police officer.

Let's see what's in your little box.

A bracelet made out of bottle caps.

This looks like samantha's work.

Yeah, couldn't leave your r*pe trophies behind?

Sam was a tree hugger.

I don't think she'd be wearing anything made out of ivory.

She was single, so this isn't her engagement ring.

I bet it's not her brooch, either...

Or her lace handkerchief.

All these from your different victims?

Son of a bitch is a serial k*ller.

We got you on samantha millerton's m*rder.

See, our lab found her fingerprint On one of these bottle caps.

Who did you k*ll for that one?

This one looks like it belongs to a little old lady.

Is that her lace hanky, too?

Do you like diddling grandmas?

"alan and joan forever".

You made sure that didn't happen.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Well, you did a pretty good job Trying to take us out with your.357.

You should have done a better job stashing sam's body.

You see, that, with your little trophy collection, Is going to give you the death penalty.

New york state doesn't execute people anymore.

Hey, know-it-all, you could still be charged With a capital crime, Even with the legislative moratorium in effect.

You never know when they're gonna lift it.

One day you're growing old on death row...

And the next day you're sizzling like a piece of bacon.


Gambel, do yourself a favor.

Tell us everything, and the d.A. Will cut you a deal.

You want to rot in prison for the rest of your life?

You got it!

You can't put me back in prison!

No, these things aren't mine!

So you just happened to find a bracelet Belonging to a m*rder victim Whose body was thrown from your car?

I don't know anything about anything.

I've got five trophies right here, And we're gonna find these women.

Make it easy on yourself.

Just give us the names.

You got a minute, detectives?

What the hell's going on?

You know you can't interview a perp Who just tried to k*ll you.

Believe me, he's not a threat now.

You punish him by cracking his skull?

He got that during the chase.

Seriously, captain, we're good.

You are not cleared for duty Until you see dr. Wong for your mandatory psych evals.

Captain, that pissant is about to pop.

Well, fin is going to do the popping.

Sorry, guys.

Wannabe cop k*ller, huh?

Came a long way from embezzlement.

Says here you did seven years at coxsackie.

I was greedy.

Trust me, I more than paid my debt.

Poor little jason.

Still angry about getting caught by your female boss.

She was just doing her job.

I was stupid.

No, you were furious.

And you spent seven years in that cell Thinking about how that bitch screwed you.

I haven't seen her since I got out.

So you took out five other girls instead.

Then you caught Samantha millerton outside of globe oil.

Tortured her for two days before you k*lled her.

I'm not a k*ller.

Maybe not before you went into prison.

But it has a way of making mild-mannered punks like you Into animals every day.

Don't send me back.

I swear, I didn't do it.

You also swore you had a brother named henry.

No such person.

So he couldn't have been driving your volvo.

I don't even know where the car is.

The only time I leave the house Is to walk to the corner bodega.

The only person I see is my parole officer.

We gotta talk to his p.O.

Maybe the g*nshots affected your hearing.

You're not talking to anybody until wong clears you.

We're on our way now, captain.


Jason gambel is a model parolee.

He k*lled five women.

On your watch.


This schlub was a mess.

He couldn't even leave his house.

How often did you really check in on him?

I mean, what do you got, 50, 60 parolees?


All of them more hardened than that loser.

So you never picked up on anything.

Maybe he was acting a little more squirrelly than usual.

A few weeks ago, the guy starts canceling home visits.

Says he was sick.

When I did see him, he was a nervous wreck.

Well, maybe he had one of the victims in his house.

I just figured he was using.

But his piss test came back clean.

And so that's it?

Did you ever inspect his place?


But last time I was there, I noticed a door was padlocked.

Well, I can't check everything.

Gambel's t*rture chamber.

The walls are so thick, You'd never hear the screams from the street.

He r*pes them on the mattress Then lays out the plastic sheeting where he tortures them.

Gambel's t*rture equipment.

It's the perfect setup.

Grabs the girl.

He parks in the garage.

He drags her down here without anyone ever seeing a thing.

There's blood by the drain.

From the slaughterhouse to the sewer.

Smells like he tried to clean up with bleach.

He r*pes them, he kills them, He slits their throat to drain their blood.

Let's see if gambel can explain his way out of this one.

We found your r*pe and t*rture chamber.

I never used that room.

You're lucky that we can't interrogate you Using some of your own methods.

So your bag of goodies and all the blood down the drain Just magically appeared?

You have to believe me!

Our techs determined that some of the concrete On your basement floor has been recently replaced.

So we're using sonar to look for bodies.

We have cadaver dogs searching your whole yard.

We're going to find every one of your victims.

I never k*lled anyone.

And when we recover your car, We're gonna find your prints and sam's blood all over it.

I need a word.

Can it wait?


Got a hit on one of gambel's trophies.

Which one?

The engagement ring.

"alan and joan forever".

So you got joan's last name?

A joan arliss was walking down 116th street When a man grabbed her, Pulled her into the alley, and r*ped her.

The only thing he took was a ring that matches this one.

It was never recovered.

We got gambel on another victim.

Only problem is, he's got a solid alibi.

Which is what?

He wasn't even born yet.

Joan arliss was r*ped February 19, 1970.

We matched each trophy with a victim.

Only samantha millerton's is a current case.

All the other cases are around 40 years old.

How did you I.D.

The older victims?

We dug around files in storage, Combed through death and dmv records, Searched old newspaper articles.

What about DNA left on them?

From what I understand, sex pervs Like to relive their conquests over and over.

The lab is still checking, But anything they do find will likely be degraded.

Gambel's in his 30s, so he could only be responsible For samantha's m*rder.

Who's the other k*ller?

Well, if gambel knows, he's not talking.

He invoked this morning.

Why clam up when he couldn't have committed the other crimes?

My guess... he realized he has a bargaining chip.

Indeed he does.

Miranda pond.

I didn't know you worked for bottom-feeders.

My client will only talk in exchange for immunity On samantha millerton.

A free pass on a vicious r*pe and m*rder? Forget it.

Then forget knowing the whole story.

It's a pity, really.

Those poor victims, their stories never being told.

Gambel tells us everything about those trophies And who collected them...

Only then will we discuss a plea.

I'll pass that along to my bottom-feeder.

Arraignment's bright and early.

So he'd better decide if the person he's covering for Is more valuable than his own ass.

Who does gambel know who could have been raping 40 years ago?

His old man?

His father was 64 when he died.

He has no other living male relatives.

If gambel senior did it, why didn't junior spill it?

Family honor's a funny thing.

Nothing's funny at the gambel family.

Techs searched the house, Found this photo of gambel's father from the '60s.

All we need now is one of our old victims To I.D. Him as their r*pist.

We're in luck.

I tracked down joan arliss's address.

I just wish there was some other way to do this Without dragging her down memory lane.

Well, looks like I'm gonna have to be dragging you Down to wong's office.

This is serious.

One p.P. Got wind of the sh**ting.

They're crawling up my ass Wanting to know why you haven't had your psych evals yet.

You. Go.

Might as well get it over with.

I'll talk to joan.


My mom's had advanced alzheimer's For the last two years.

Even if she was awake, There's no way she could answer your questions.

Are you her sole caregiver?

Uh, yeah.

Oh, you think because of all the ink I can't take care of her?

You should see me before I sobered up.

I was a wreck.

No, I'm sorry, I meant Taking care of an invalid is a lot of work.


Before my dad died, I promised him that I would keep her at home As long as I could, so I do it for him.

What did you want to talk to her about?

We recovered her engagement ring.

Oh, I'm sorry. You must have the wrong joan arliss.

She has hers on.

She probably replaced it.

This was stolen 40 years ago.

Really? She never said anything about it.

Boy, you robbery cops never give up, do ya?

That's a long time.

Why did you go through all the trouble To track her down?

I think I've made a mistake.

I've taken up enough of your time.

Hey, detective.


What's going on?

Did something happen to my mother?

I was just tracing back the ring.

To what?

You're hiding something.

Detective, tell me.

Vivian, I'm not a robbery detective.

I'm with special victims unit.

And your mother's engagement ring Was recovered during a recent r*pe and m*rder investigation.

So the victim had my mom's ring?

Her attacker did.

Sometimes men take a souvenir from the as*ault.

Wait, wait, wa... w-whose attacker?

My mom's... my mom's attacker?

My mom was r*ped.


In February of 1970.


I was born November 1970.

November 1970.

So that's like nine months.

Catch it, mom!

Almost exactly... stop!

Vivian, I... I'm sorry.

What'd you do to my mom?

She's gonna be okay.

She just... She just got some bad news, and she's a little upset.

She's gonna have another one of her headaches.

She never wants me around.

Not until her pills make her feel better.

Vivian. Vivian.

Don't break your sobriety, please.

Vivian, mixing your mother's prescription pills with alcohol Can be really dangerous.

My mother being r*ped is bad enough.

But to find out the r*pist is my father...

You don't know that for sure.

Yes, I do!

It all makes sense now.

What are you talking about?

I mean my mother hated me my entire life.

She couldn't stand to look at me.

'cause I was that bastard's daughter.

I know how hard that must have been for you.

You know how hard that must have been for me?

Wondering all the time why your mother never hugged you Or held your hand or sang to you at night.

Every day, I-I...

I reminded her of the worst experience of her life.

Why didn't she Put me up for adoption or abort me or... or...

Why... Why did she have to ruin both of our lives?

I've asked myself that exact question over and over.

I'm like you, vivian.

What are you talking about?

My mother was r*ped too.

Did she tell you?

When I was old enough to understand.


That didn't stop her for...

For blaming me for all the problems that she had.

You must have hated her too, right?

At times.

But I understand her a lot better now.

And she was smart and talented And beautiful.

And because she didn't get the support that she wanted...

She drank herself to death.

Hey, at least I had a dad that loved me, right?

I mean, he wasn't really my dad, but I don't... I don't even know if he knew.

If he did, he never showed it Because...

He always said he would love me, you know.

Oh, god, he didn't deserve it.

I mean, he should have been my real father.

He was.

And nothing can change that.


That other man...

That other man was nothing.

And you said you...

You captured him.

We have a suspect in mind Who's dead.

I wanted to show his picture to your mother, And hopefully, she could I.D. Him And we can close the case.

So tell me... tell me exactly what happened.

Your mother was walking down 116th street Very late at night, and she was blitz-att*cked.

Dragged her into an alley.

Near barnard in the 1970s.

What was she thinking?

It wasn't her fault.

Wait. Was your mother a student there?

She never graduated.

She had me instead. another reason to hate me.

You think that vivian arliss is your half-sister?

Everything matches.

Both of our mothers went to the same college.

They were att*cked around the same time.

Vivian's mother even looks like mine.

She has dark hair, she's tall, she's thin.

I mean... Lots of rapists have a type.

The possibility that joe hollister Is both your father and vivian's is so remote.

We couldn't identify one of the trophies.

It was a handkerchief.

My mother always carried one. what if it's hers?

I wish that you'd come and talked to me Right after the sh**ting.

I'm not imagining these details.

Maybe so, but you're associating them in ways That aren't rational.

Why did you tell vivian about her mother?

I had no choice.

She demanded to know why I was there.

Nobody forced you to tell her.

She had to know.

Or did you do it for yourself?

Liv, it's not possible.

Yes, it is.

Look at vivian And then at my father.

There's a physical resemblance.

My father was a junkie...

And vivian grew up to be one too.

You grew up to be a cop.


I could get our DNA tested.

I went back to vivian's And I grabbed this out of her garbage.

Liv, there's no way jason gambel Crossed paths with your old man.

He died 15 years ago.


So maybe you're right.

It is possible that somebody else gave gambel those trophies.

But what's the connection?

Gambel is scared to death of going back to prison.


His last cellmate.

Walter burlock was gambel's cellie For the last 5 years of his bid.

He's got multiple r*pes and as*ault charges on his sheet.

He got out two weeks ago.

Where is he now?

I don't know.

He never checked in with his p.O. At the halfway house.

He never registered as a sex offender.

Last known address?

Building torn down in the seventies.

Any living relatives?

None I could find.

No credit cards.

No sign of him.

Then where's he been living, And how's he been supporting himself?

Gambel. Being burlock's bitch didn't end in prison.

Might explain why gambel freaked out on his p.O. Two weeks ago.

Burlock paid him a visit, stole his car.

Fin, pull gambel's financials.


Walter burlock?

Yeah, he's runnin' a tab.

He's using gambel's credit card.

Where is he?

He's over there.

Gettin' a lap dance from tanya.

Hey, I already paid you.

Get back here, bitch.

What the hell are you doing?

Get off my back!

You like bracelets as trophies?

Try these.

I think you set a record, burlock.

We're good.

Two weeks out of prison, And you're going right back?

For kidnapping, r*pe, and m*rder.

You got a...

Really nice tight white ass, honey.

Either come over here and finish my lap dance Or get me a lawyer.

You're gonna need one.

Gambel gave us your box of trophies.

And your fingerprints are all over his bloody basement.

I been locked in a cage for 30 years, hon.

You're gonna have to do better than that!

Well, your little buddy is right next door Telling us everything that we need to know.

Now, a career criminal like you knows That whoever talks first gets the deal.


Now, bitch!

My client's ready to talk for a deal.

Maybe I don't need him now.

Then why call this meeting?

Sorry to waste your time.

See you at trial.

You're making a mistake.

You don't have the man Who actually r*ped and m*rder*d samantha millerton.

The time to cooperate Was before we got gambel's coconspirator.

Come on.

Get up.

Come here.

Have a look.

Don't tell burlock I'm here!

Please! He can't know!


Agree to a deal and protection In exchange for jason gambel's admission and testimony Against walter burlock.

I don't need mr. Gambel's testimony, do I, detective?

No. Because we know you dumped her body, And I know you took a shot at me!

Now I'm gonna make sure That you and burlock share a nice, tight cell For the rest of your lives.

I didn't sh**t at you.

Burlock did.

He r*ped that girl, not me.

I was there. She was screaming.

And then he cut her and I...


Do we have a deal?

Acting in concert Still puts your client on the hook For anything he claims walter burlock did on his own.

Under extreme duress.

Jason gambel was terrified That he'd be k*lled by that monster If he didn't follow orders.

Prison infirmary records detailing his injuries.

a**l tearing, internal bleeding, fractured bones.

Burlock conditioned gambel to obey him By sodomizing and beating him repeatedly For five long years.

Once he got out, burlock tracked gambel down...

Took over his life, his bank accounts, Moved into his basement.

Interview's over.

Jason gambel's a victim, counselor.

Not according to the law.

What just happened?

A loophole big enough for walter burlock to skip through.

We have enough evidence To put him away for three lifetimes.

Too bad we can't use it.

I have to void burlock's arrest and defer prosecution.


Because you unknowingly Conducted an illegal search.

No, we didn't.

We were shot at.

We had cause to enter and search that premises.

It doesn't matter. Once burlock moved into gambel's residence, He had a reasonable expectation of privacy.

We had to serve them both with a warrant.

Gillian, if we let burlock go, He's gonna r*pe and k*ll again.

Until you bring me new evidence, he walks.

Okay, look, we can lock him up for violating his parole.

He's a level one sex offender.

He's gotta do it within two months.

He's only been out two weeks.

So what do you want us to do?

Make him confess or catch him in the act.

Oh, detective benson I'll take the kid to the break room.

His name's calvin.

Hey, viv?


How you doing?

Wanna grab a snack with me?


Okay. Nothing's gonna happen to your mom.

Vivian, have a seat right there.

Vivian, your son is worried about you, And I can't say that I blame him.

I'm fine.

Hey. What's goin' on?

I, I need you to take my blood for DNA, 'cause I need to find my real father.


Knowing who r*ped your mother isn't going to help you.

Knowledge is power.


You find out that you're a child of r*pe, And suddenly you're high And in a precinct full of cops.

Are you gonna help me or not?

The best thing that I can do to help you Is to find you a rehab and a shrink.

Don't judge me.

You of all people know what this is like.

That's why I got help before it destroyed me.

Does it ever get better?

With time.

And lots of counseling.

Maybe that's not what I want.

I-I need this rage.

It's the only thing that connects me to my past.

Your mother?

She died last night.

I'm sorry.

I thought I... thought I would be okay.

She didn't really love me anyway.

She kept you.

What does that say?

Vivian, you have every right To be angry and be resentful.

But if you let this consume you...

How is that gonna affect your son?

Calvin doesn't need to know.

Can he stay with his father Until you...

Get back on your feet?

I don't even know where he is.

The creep hasn't shown his face since calvin was born.

I don't want him hurt.

I love my boy.

You love your boy?

Then get... Help.

There's some excellent counselors on this list.

I don't know what to say Except I'm sorry I showed up here like this.

Mom. Can we go?

I guess that's my cue.

Hey, call one of them, vivian.

I'll check in with you, okay?

I'll give it a shot.

That's all I can ask for.


All right.

Thanks a lot.


Everything all right?

I don't know.

Kid left his backpack.


Never trust a cop.

They'll blame stuff on ya just for fun.


Go back to your mother.

Just explaining the facts of life.

Get on that elevator, and don't look back.

I can catch the next one.

Detective benson thought she had me, But at the end of the day, she fell way short.


It's the funeral parlor.

I don't know what they're saying.

They have me on hold.

She doesn't like you.

Well, that's because she thinks that I r*ped And m*rder*d a woman... that's enough.

I tried to explain to her That old rings and bracelets doesn't prove guilt.


Leave now.

I guess she Just didn't do her job that day.

That's enough!

Who the hell are you?

Vivian, go back to the squad room now.

Walter burlock.

Maligned, misunderstood, And mistaken for someone else.

You're the r*pist.

Not so.

Look, now she's afraid of me, aren't you, sweetmeat?

Do I look scared of you, prick?


Vivian, calm down!

Do I?

Do I look scared?

Vivian, stop it.

Ooh, I like feisty.

Always have.

Go grab your son and leave!

Did... did you r*pe joan arliss?



Joan arliss!

It's been pleasant. I hope to see you again real soon.

Bye, sonny.

Calm down. Okay?

That's the man that r*ped my mom, isn't it?

Isn't it?


Why didn't you tell me?

Because I thought...

That both of our mothers were r*ped by the same man.

Are you my sister?


I ran your DNA against mine.

But, vivian, I'm still here for you.

Come on.

Go to hell!

Go to hell.

Come on.



Uni said burlock went in at 5:00 p.M. Yesterday.

Hasn't left since.

Fin's got eyes on gambel at a local hotel.

Kicking a guy out of his own house?

Says a lot about the hold burlock has over him.

Gambel's on his way back home.

Coming around the corner.

Well, well, well.

Either burlock ordered him here Or gambel suddenly grew a pair.

This should be interesting.

You think burlock called gambel To go on the prowl again?

Well, when you get the itch, you call your bitch.

Well, I hope they leave soon.

I can't wait to put burlock away.

Gambel, don't move.

Don't move.

He's dead.

There's blood everywhere.

Well, thanks for helping us out.

Arrest him for the m*rder of walter burlock.

Looks like you whacked him good.

Blood spatter looks like gambel blitzed him.

Definitely hit him with the cast iron more than once.

Lot of rage.

Gambel fits that description.

Who you trying to kid, liv?

Look at the blood.

It's congealed, beginning to crust.

That body has been there for hours.

No. Vivian couldn't have done this.

Her first priority is calvin.

Doesn't mean she couldn't have come over here last night.

Gambel could have left his hotel unnoticed, Come back here, k*lled him, And then come back here today to discover the body.

Or vivian followed burlock home, Batted her eyelashes, And then batted him with the first thing that she saw...

A pan on the stove.

I'm looking for vivian arliss.

What do you want?

To talk to her. Is she home?


And you are...

I'm sarah hoyt, friend of viv's.

I've been helping her out.

I don't know where she went or when she's coming back.

Please have her call detective benson immediately.

It's very important.

Let me guess.

Vivian wasn't home.

Why, did she call?

No. And she's not going to.

How do you know?

Got here about an hour ago.

The only thing he'll say is he's got something to give you.

What's going on, calvin?

What happened?

My mom's gone.

Do you know where she went?


So how did you get here?

My mom drove me.

She told me to run in and give this to you.

And when you weren't here, I went out to tell her, And she was gone.

How could she leave me here?

I don't know, honey, but we'll find her. It's gonna be okay.

No, it's not.

Can I see what's in the envelope?

What is it?

It's a notarized transfer of parental rights.

Vivian made me calvin's legal guardian.
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