12x14 - Dirty

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x14 - Dirty

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Why am I still here and you're heading home?

Can't work all night like you, sunny.

Most guys can't, riggs.


What's your excuse, walden?

Going home to kiss the baby?

Yeah, and then pass out.


Who gets the rivera witness statements?

Over here.

Coffee run.

My treat.

Triple espresso.

And grab one for page.

Page left.


Her phone and glasses are still here.

I watched her walk out the door hours ago.

This is saliyah qadri, 12th floor.

Is page ferguson's car still in her space?

I'll wait.

What's the big deal?

She probably just went home.


Okay, thanks.

Her car's gone.

Like I said, she went home.

Without her bag?

Did page get any calls before she left?

Uh...I don't know.

Find out!

This is the service vehicle operating supervisor.

There's still no response From the vehicle's embedded cell.

What else do you need?

Is page ferguson's car Still parked in upper manhattan?

Gps shows it's been idling in the same location For 30 minutes.

Is the customer in distress?

I don't know yet.

Then I'm violating her privacy And need verification before we--

I see her car.

Just stand by.


It's sunny!


Ms. Ferguson, can you hear me?

Are you all right?

Your vehicle shows signs of impact.

Fire and rescue have been dispatched to your location.

Ms. Ferguson?

It's too early for this.

Late night?

Empty apartment, I couldn't sleep.

Better than being laid up with the flu, Like your partner.

He'll live.

What do we got?

Shredded panties, signs of penetration, But no fluids.

He r*pes her, They struggle...

She was either pushed or she fell.

After he cut her up.

Slashes across her throat, arms, and groin.

None of them fatal.

Psycho-sexual t*rture?

Knife's usually bigger.

The k*ller used a blade Measuring no more than three to four inches.

Well, it doesn't look like she was strangled.

But something was cut off.

I.D., maybe?

Is this the victim's car?

Don't know.

Tags and registration are missing too.

Well, someone sanitized the crime scene.

Maybe the witness saw who.


Said her name's sunny qadri.

Where's she now?

Showing csu where the victim took a nose dive.

They may have struggled against the glass here.

But I think she was pushed from there.

Are you the witness, or are you on the job, ms. Qadri?

Both, I'm a detective investigator For the brooklyn d.A.

Okay, well, this is manhattan, And you're tampering with my crime scene.

I didn't remove anything that would lead to her k*ller.

Did you see him?

No, I heard a noise.

Then she screamed, and came flying over the edge.

What were you doing here?

I was looking for her.

We work together.

I didn't want her name going out over the air.

You stripped her I.D., her tags, and her registration To avoid the press?

And one p.P.

I think you better tell me why.

Page ferguson's the unit chief For a major narcotics bureau.

How did you know that she was in trouble?

Stuff on her desk, purse in her drawer, g*n still inside.


Who was she afraid of?

Angel rivera.

He is a member of the latin kings, And threatened page in open court.

We put protocols in place, She wouldn't go anywhere without telling someone.

Anyone else she didn't get along with?

Page dealt with convicts and humps.

You want a suspect?

Look in her files.

What about a boyfriend?

Someone in her private life.

She didn't have one.

She worked 90-hour weeks.

Well, the v*olence to her body Suggests that this attack was personal.

Her parents are dead.

No husband.

That's why it was so tough When she got breast cancer last year.

To have a mastectomy and chemo almost k*lled her.

But she rallied, remission gave her a purpose--

To live every moment, to smell a flower...

To start an office fling.

That ended badly?

With visible cuts and bruises.

She was ashamed of it.

Did you know the guy?

She wouldn't tell me.

So I gave her a g*n and showed her how to use it.

How many men work in your office?

Around 50.

But whoever he is, Page wouldn't have gone alone to meet him.

My money's on rivera.

And where is rivera now?


With plenty of latin kings.

Any one of them could've passed the message To a gunman outside.

Except for the fact that rivera's a thug.

If he wanted her dead he would've used a b*llet.

You sure about that?

A year ago, rivera nail-gunned This family's apartment shut.

Then poured gasoline Under the door and lit a match.

The bastard actually Showed his face at the crime scene.

The family did everything we ask the public to do.

They called police, kept an eye on the drug traffic, And stepped forward as witnesses.

So why weren't they in protective custody?


It wasn't a rico case.

When did you finally pinch him?

We flipped one of his corner boys.

Damon merced, Who is going to testify against angel rivera.

Trial starts in two days.

Rivera must have found out that damon is our witness.

So he told the hitter to lure page out With page dead, they'll ask for a continuance and get it.

I've pulled the luds on the victim's cell phone.

She got a forwarded call from a burn phone Ten minutes before she left the building.

Where was page when she got the call?

With her boss, deputy d.A. Ian wofford, why?

An s.O.S. Explains why page left her stuff And went straight to the car.

Wofford's office is next to the garage.

So the caller must've been somebody that she knew And didn't consider a threat.

So where did she go after she got the call?

Well, the navi routing shows after they left brooklyn They went into manhattan, then into new jersey, Then they ended up at king of prussia, And went right back.

What the hell was she up to?

Maybe somebody else got in the car with her.

There's nothing else to say.


No. No, I am not talking off the record.

Call the press room at one p.P.

Press found out that page was a d.A.


And I am tempted to hand them rivera on a platter. he didn't do it.

The guy is a creative k*ller.

What makes you think he didn't orchestrate a hit?

The latin kings would've done her and dumped her, Not held her for hours and then cut her up.

It's personal.

Page was in an abusive relationship with a coworker.

She showed all the signs of a battered woman.

Okay, yeah.

But talk to rivera, cover your ass.

And yours too.

My client had nothing to do with page ferguson's death.

He's been sitting at rikers with out bail For over six months.

With plenty of access to a phone.

Check the logs, bitch.

Making threats against page in open court Wasn't smart.

Unless I walk through walls, it wasn't me.

Someone else did it for you, angel.

For what reason?

Mr. Rivera's still facing trial.

And another prosecutor will just take her place.

Well, I get the feeling that angel likes to k*ll Just for fun.

I find out you ordered the hit, I will end you.

Anybody can get got.

Even you.

Bring it.

Send a hitter my way, He's going straight to the morgue.

Okay, that's enough.

This fishing trip is over.

Warner's got something.

The fall's impact severed her spine In the cervical and thoracic regions.

Death was immediate.

I watched her die.

But something's bugging you.

Her hands.

She's got over 30 s*ab wounds and shallow cuts on her body.

And yet, there are no defensive slashes.

Was she restrained or drugged?

The only dr*gs in her system were anti-depressants.

I also found healed scars-- some shallow, some quite deep Based on the angle, they were self-inflicted.

You think she's a cutter?


Well, page didn't r*pe herself.

She might have.

One-inch healing cuts in the vaginal canal Consistent with a smooth-surfaced, Hard-edged instrument.

You're saying that she sodomized herself with a knife?

People cut themselves to cope with trauma.

She might've suffered from algolagnia, Where the brain interprets pain signals as pleasure.

That's horrible.

It's why they suffer in silence and hide their wounds.

Did the victim own a blade?

A pen knife.

It belonged to her father.

But there was no knife in the car or on her body.

Did you take it from the crime scene?


Page didn't die from cuts.

She was shoved off the building.

Sunny, you didn't see anybody fleeing the scene.

You're ruling it a su1c1de?

There's no way to tell.

She was with her boss when she got the call.

Let's talk to him And find out if he knew where her head was.

You'll have to talk to ian wofford by yourself.


He's my boss too.

Page ferguson's death is a real loss, How can I help you?

Page received a phone call here in your office Right before she left the building.

I couldn't tell you what it was about.

She hung up, apologized to me, and ran out.

Was she k*lled by the caller?

No, right now it looks like she committed su1c1de.

Was she upset about anything?

Stressed, worried?

You just described Every prosecutor in the building.

And you didn't answer my question.

I don't want this getting out.

Page is dead and can't defend herself.

She's being investigated.

The federal inquiry was looking into her unit Over missing drug money.

Taken from evidence?

Never logged in.

We busted a dealer with 15 kilos, several handguns, And 700 grand in small bills.

He claimed cash on hand was $1.2 million, And that our cops stole the rest.

Who got the collar?


And three detective investigators, Sean riggs...

Michael walden...

And sunny qadri.

They take polygraphs?

Riggs and walden passed, page showed some deception.

About what, we can't be sure.

What about sunny?

She refused to take one.

You think that sunny and page Were in on it together.

Quacks like a duck, detective.

Follow the money.

Nose dive.

Brooklyn d.A.'s cutting their losses.

Feds are investigating major narcotics For a missing half mil.

So they leaked page's death as a su1c1de Blame the dead woman.

Problem solved.

I got the surveillance tapes from brooklyn.

Page got the call, she's leaving wofford's office.

Walking into the hallway.

Leaving the building.

Doesn't look like anybody's stalking her.

Into the parking structure.

Leaving in her car.

Well, any chance Somebody was in page's backseat?

Well, it looks like she was alone, But in a hurry.

Any flags on her financials?

Oh, page was drowning in debt.

From student loans, credit cards, and medical bills.

Cancer free but cash poor.

I'd be tempted by the drug money too.

It doesn't make her a thief.

Except for the fact that she paid off Half of those bills...

With money orders purchased From a post office box in red hook, And check cashing places all over the bronx.

Doesn't look good.

For sunny either.

She refused a lie detector.

Maybe she's dirty too.

It's time we talked to the rest of the unit about it.

Did you trace the disposable cell They used to lure page out?

Serial number was shipped To an electronic store in midtown.

I called them and told them to pull the security tapes.

Detective tutuola, I called you about those surveillance tapes.

Don't you people talk to each other?


I'm watching you.

Just give me the tapes and I'm outta your hair.

I gave them to the other cop.

Real hot number.

You should tell her to come back and see me.

Let me guess-- tall, brunette, accent?

And bedroom eyes.

Just my type.

Set me up?

She wouldn't let you Touch her to wipe her ass.

Just make me a copy of the tapes.

She took the originals.

Detective riggs and walden.

We got the order from our captain That you wanted to see us.


Have a seat, I have a few questions.

First, the bosses take the word of a drug dealer.

And now page is dead?

It stinks.

Evidence shows that your prosecutor was dirty.

Page wouldn't risk her career over a few bucks.

500k isn't chump change.

Feds are already digging.

If you have proof, why talk to us?

'cause maybe she didn't do it alone.

Hey, you want a witch hunt?

Transfer to I.A.B., sweetheart.

Okay, you can help me clear this up Or the feds can hang you out to dry.


I passed the poly, so they're not looking at me.

And I haven't met a cop yet Who doesn't know the tricks to beat it.

If you're turning our screws, you must like sunny for this.

Could be any of you.

Now I understand that page ferguson Had an office romance.

Any idea who?

Not a clue.

Thought this was a tight unit.

Not lately.

Page and sunny weren't getting along.

Lot of arguments, lot of cold shoulders.

You know why?

Ask sunny.


Do you know why they were at each other's throats?

Maybe one of them had a guilty conscience.

Maybe the other one had to stop her from squawking.

You know, my partner's new.

Sunny's a stand-up cop.

She would never cross the line.

Where's detective qadri now?

She's with the feds.

Olivia, what are you doing here?

Saliyah qadri, you're under arrest For evidence tampering and obstruction.

I was going to hand over the tapes--

You shouldn't have taken them in the first place.

What's this about?

You cannot arrest her If I don't file charges.

It's not up to you, chris.

Page ferguson's death is tied to my investigation Into missing drug money.

I am taking over.

She tampered with my victim's body, She lied to the police, and she stole Surveillance footage of whoever lured page to her death.

Taking the tapes is suggestive, It's not enough for an arrest.

She's going in, chris, whether you like it or not.

This case belongs to the fbi.

Send me the paperwork.

Let's go. after you.

I took the footage because I wanted to know Who k*lled my colleague and friend.

That's a nice spin, but I'm not buying.

Even if I found out who?

The phone was sold To a hood rat named lakeisha watkins.

The store owner says she's a regular.

I ran her name and got a hit.

You should've told me you were under investigation.

You would've cut me out of your case.

So what set you off, sunny?

Was it page failing the polygraph test?

Or did she get cold feet and wanna make a deal?

There was nothing to confess.

But she was gonna turn you in.

You would've lost your job, Your pension, your freedom.

Page didn't take the money, neither did I.

She paid off her debts with the money orders.

And that's when you snapped.

So what did you do?

You cut her up, You tossed her off that building, And you staged the crime scene.

It's a set-up!

Anyone could buy money orders And make it look like she stole the cash.

By paying her bills?

A dealer once tried To deposit money in my bank account.

To skip on a drug charge, make a cop look bad.

Some cops are crooked.

I'm looking at one right now.

I didn't take the money, And I didn't k*ll page.



So why not take the polygraph?

It was a slap in the face.

25 years on the job, not even one accusation.

Then my reputation gets blown to hell For a low-life scum bag.

If they thought I was guilty, They were gonna have to prove it.

So why bother to take it now?

It was the only way to make things right.

The unit's under a cloud of suspicion, Then page gets k*lled...

I had to prove that no one on our team's dirty.


Not till I find page ferguson's m*rder*r.

Sunny showed no signs of hesitation or deception, She passed the poly.

So did riggs and walden.

Which just leaves the victim.

It's probably what got page k*lled.

Unless she really did commit su1c1de.

Well, if she did, she had help.

Lakeisha watkins.

This girl bought the burn phone.

Possession, resisting, and illegal weapons charges.

The girl likes knives.

Pick her up.

What's lakeisha doing With brooklyn snitch damon merced?

Let's ask before they take off.
Hey, stop.


Drop the knife!


I don't know you.

You want an open or closed casket?

Drop the g*n!

Drop the g*n!

Now! who the hell are you?

I'm on the job, put your piece away.

You put your piece down!


Relax, relax.

Put your w*apon down.

Put your w*apon down.

Riggs, what game are you playing?

I should be asking you.

Local cops are moving my witness To a safer location, why are you here?

We came to question lakeisha about page's m*rder.

What would she know about it?

She lured page from the office And now here she is with rivera's rat. Are you kidding me?

You need to bring him back here Or either deliver him to our precinct.

The only place I'm taking damon is to court.

You got a problem with that, call the brooklyn d.A.

Latin kings put a price on damon's head.

You can talk to lakeisha...

It took hours to cut her up, riggs.

Somebody drove page across state lines, Tortured her, then threw her off the roof.

I read the coroner's report, sunny.

Page did it to herself.

She jumped.

The cause of death was inconclusive.

Damon used his girlfriend To lure page from this building.

Don't you want to know why?

You really think he did this?

Your snitch held a g*n to my head.

What do you think?

That he better have a damn good story When I hand him to you.

Why did you call page ferguson on the night she died?

Damon was freaking out.

Said he saw one of his old crew and we wasn't safe.

Well, riggs is his handler, why didn't you call him?

Tried him first, know what I'm saying?

Couldn't find him.

Why didn't damon make the call himself?

I don't talk on the phone, that's how you get pinched.

But why have lakeisha call the victim?


That bitch k*lled herself.

Answer the damn question, merced.

Lakeisha called my handler first.

When he didn't pick up, I told her call the office and talk to his woman.

Who told you that riggs and page were a couple?


I called him at home late one night, And she answered the phone.

She sounded just like lakeisha After I was done giving her a good pounding.

I thought you just said that you never use the phone?

Did page offer to pick you up?

Never showed.

How long you wait?

Couple hours.

What kind of car was page driving?

A black suv.

How would you know that if she never showed?

She told me what to look for.

So where'd you go after page stood you up?

We split up.

I told my girl, "go home and just stay out of sight."

And you didn't call the office back Hoping to get somebody else to help you?

I don't know anybody else.

I kept my head down, and I just kept it moving.

Look, I'm a survivor, and that's what we do.

You and the cockroaches.

Come on, back to the safehouse I hope damon's more credible on the stand Than he was in that interview.

He's not the only lying bastard.

Riggs was involved with page and smacking her around.

We need to sit him down.

Not on the word of some pissant informant.

Where was riggs when page went missing?

In the office.

I saw him right before I realized page was gone.

He was leaving for the night.

Lab check the knife lakeisha pulled on me.

It doesn't match the victim's wounds.

It's gonna be tough to prove m*rder Without more evidence.

But why k*ll page?

Damon is a witness for the prosecution, What does he gain by her death?

I ran riggs' phone records.

Not one incoming call to his work or cell From lakeisha's burn phone.

Proves they're lying, but doesn't put them In the same abandoned building with her.

No hair, no fibers, no prints.

It was cold, they had to be wrapped up in winter gear.

Unless they were sitting in a heated car.

Tell me you have something, judy.

We found a small pool of blood Belonging to the victim Behind the driver's seat and under the mat.

The k*ller forced page into the back seat To slash her up.

Based on her wounds, There should've been a lot more blood on the seat.

We didn't find any.

Because she was sitting on plastic.

That's what I'm guessing.

No offense to warner, But this looks like a homicide to me.

Got anything to back that up?

This toll receipt.

Well, it's faded.

How can you tell?

Point of sale, Thermal paper fades when it heats up.

So we copied the image, then used infrared and uv light.

Receipt was printed at a toll booth Heading into new jersey at 2:00 a.M.

There's blood on it.

Yeah, but it's not the victim's.

We ran it through codis, no hits.

The ticket is time-stamped, and the booths have cameras.

Let's pull the footage and find this k*ller.

Any sign of page's car?

Nothing yet.

There's a lot of traffic on the road At 2:00 in the morning.

So where are we?

We thought page was driving the car alone, But the blood on the toll receipt isn't hers.

So who was in the car with her?

Maybe her boyfriend, riggs.

You think that he got tired of slapping page around?

Decided to end their relationship once and for all?

The guy seems on edge.

He's definitely hiding something.

My bet's on him.

You lost your bet.

Look who's driving page's car.

That's page's snitch, damon merced.

Page's office is protecting him.

Why would he k*ll her?

Go ask the rat bastard.

I asked for damon's location, not you.

You can't cover up for your informant this time.

That's not why I'm here.

You don't get to collar The scumbag who k*lled page right under my nose.

Don't expect me to sit on the sidelines.

She was my friend.

That's why you shouldn't be here, sunny.

Forget it.

By the book.

This door's been kicked in.

Somebody emptied a clip in them, And it looks like they've been dead for a while.

It would've been loud.

Had to have witnesses.

In this neighborhood, You'd be lucky if anyone answers the door.

b*ll*ts travel.

Some citizens could be hurt.

Anyone else know they were stashed here Besides you?

What, are you accusing me of something?

They k*lled page.

You were in on it together and had to shut them up.

That's crazy.

Hey, knock it off, sunny.

What the hell's wrong with you?

Why did you do it?

Why k*ll page?

Hey, I got no problem hitting a woman So I suggest you get out of my way.

Calm down.

Step aside.

I wouldn't go too far.

Found god?

Didn't know he was lost.

A neighbor turned it in.

Slugs in the spine.

You shouldn't be here, sunny.

What difference does it make?

You know damn well you can't work a case Outside of your jurisdiction.

You gotta hit the bricks.


But if I were you, I'd check the dumpster.

Who told you that?

The same neighbor?

His ten-year-old son.

Don't make the boy a target, fin.

What's your name, kid?

Don't wanna talk to me?


Look, I understand.

You're scared.

But you gotta tell me what happened.

My dad's upset.

He says we gotta move.


'cause you saw who did it?

He saw me when he dumped the g*n.

Okay, what'd he look like?


He had a snake on his neck, black and gold beads.

He's gonna come back and k*ll me, isn't he?

Not unless he has a death wish.

Listen, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?

Come on.

26 .9 millimeter shell casings.

How many sh**t?

My guess?


Preliminary exam of lands and grooves Says they all came from the same g*n.

The sh**t had to reload.

Probably used a mac-10 with a full magazine.

Where'd you get that?

The kid led me to it.

Is he willing to talk?

Well, I told him not to.

Fin, he has to come forward to get protection.

I got this covered.


This is page ferguson's pen knife, Where'd you get this?

In lakeisha watkins' purse.

We had them and we let them go.

Lab report, the blood sample and the toll receipt Belongs to lakeisha watkins.

Well, I guess her death is one way For page to get justice.

We still gotta find the sh**t, liv.

The kid I talked to said He saw a latin king dump that g*n.

But I wanna keep him out of it.

Oh, I'm with you.

There's no need For him to risk his life before it's even started.


Lakeisha and damon Were in a secret location.

Somebody had to feed them the address.

Probably the same person who arranged page's m*rder.

She was set up.

Damon slipped his electronic bracelet, Slap on the wrist.

Arrested for dr*gs, vacated.

Pinched with a g*n, vacated.

Somebody's looking out for him.

His handler.

Sean riggs.

So damon lures page, drives around for hours While the girlfriend sits in the back and cuts her up.

Most bangers don't get off on t*rture, But he wanted that drug money.

Page is a cutter.

She has a high threshold for pain.

When the service operator spooks them, They have to get out of the car--

Then they pushed her off a building to shut her up.

You think riggs might've let it slip That page stole that drug money?

The federal investigation.

He needed her to take the fall.

I need a union rep.

We can wait for one or you can clear this up right now.

What do you wanna know?

How the latin kings found your informant.

If you think I leaked his location, Forget it, I don't operate that way.

You had your informant k*ll a d.A. For drug money.

Damon was your weakest link, so he had to go.

That's a lie.

Okay, I had a relationship with page.

I loved her.

You had sex with her and you abused her, I wouldn't call that love.

We were together for almost a year.

All right, I had to sneak into the hospital When she had cancer.

Now she's gone, I can't even grieve.

Why the big secret?

She was the head of our unit, How would it look if we went public?

And that upset you.

She emasculated you, ordering you around the office.

So you slapped her around at home.

I never touched her.

You said it yourself, You have no problem hitting women.

Who come at me!

Okay, you wear the uniform, Females are the first ones to try to take you out.

So I won't hesitate to put a broad down hard.


Somebody saw her bruises.

That she gave to herself.

I mean, she'd been self-harming for years.

Perfect way to make a m*rder look like su1c1de.

Page was in and out of therapy.

She used to pull her eyelashes, Slam her body into doors.

And nobody could ever tell her why.

At first, they said that her brain was wired wrong.

And then she just wanted the attention.

Personality disorders.

Anxiety, depression.

I walked in on her once, and she had...

She cut her thigh too deep.

And she apologized to me all the way to the e.R.

I didn't understand why, Till the cops showed up to take me in.

You can check the 61s.

We did.

The cops didn't clear you.

They thought page was a battered woman.

Arguments and stress triggered her need to cut.

She said it relieved the pressure.

You know, she swore that she would resign After the rivera trial.

That she would focus on her health.

You think she committed su1c1de?

Between the missing drug money and the rivera trial, What would you think?

Did page question you about the money?

I took the poly so she wouldn't have to.

I guess it didn't matter in the end.

Angel rivera had a visitor The same day damon and lakeisha got k*lled.

Who signed the visitor's log?

Let's go.

This a conjugal visit?

You're never having sex again.

At least not the consenting kind.

You don't want your lawyer?

I don't need him.

Punk witness is dead.

Charges gotta be dropped.

Case closed.

I'm gonna be a free man.

In your dreams, angel.

Come to kiss me good-bye, too?

No, I came to throw away the key.

You and your girlfriend are gonna be in here For a long time.

Isn't that right, gina?

What she doing here?

Same thing as you.

Conspiracy to commit m*rder.

Stupid vaca.

What did you tell them?

She told us everything.

They made me, angel.

You called her here yesterday.

You gave her the address where damon and lakeisha Were hiding, and you told her Which one of your latin kings was gonna k*ll 'em.

I didn't do none of that. they know, baby.

She's lying.

Such a tragedy.

What is?

That your kid is gonna be born in prison.

Both parents doing time.

No real family, in the system, And screwed for life.

Doesn't have to happen that way.

What are you talking about?

Well, there is one thing that we don't know.

Who told you where damon and lakeisha were hiding?

Tell us.

And gina walks.


Come on, angel.

Prison nurseries don't have toys.

That bitch said if I cleaned up her mess, She'd clean up mine.

Which bitch?

You lied, sunny.

This shocks you?

You did know damon.

You arrested him in '95.

I arrested a lot of people over the years.

Can't remember them all.

But he was your snitch.

He gave you information and you bailed him out.

For years, you did it over and over.

He was almost as easy to manipulate as you.

Wanting to search for drug money, You willing to cooperate?


What are we talking about, 3 1/2 years?

I'll do a year, tops.

Looks like you got it all figured out.

I took the cash and hoped you wouldn't catch me.

I was wrong. you did a lot more than hope.

You inserted yourself in the middle Of my investigation from the beginning.

You're upset.

Page figured out that you stole the money, And she ordered you to turn it in.

She actually cared about you.


I cared about page.

Unlike her, I proved it every day.

You didn't give a damn about her.

You sold her out for the drug money.

You can't prove that.

I can sell it.

Page owed me.

Her life?

You told your snitch that she lifted the drug money And he k*lled her for it.

Ask me why.

I don't need to.

You're like every other lowlife Looking for an easy payday.


What the hell do you know?

Page and I started together in brooklyn.

Few women make it that far up the food chain Without stabbing each other in the back.

We watched out for each other.

We had a deal!

Until she decided to quit.

Page used me to make unit chief.

My contacts, my snitches made her career.

And what do I get for it?

What did you want?

I was supposed to make captain!

She gets sick and wants to bail For a man!

You were jealous.

She owed me.

She doesn't walk until her debt's paid.

So what?

I took the money.

I earned it.

I wanna ask you something.

Was it worth it?

Talk to me in ten years when you have nothing--

No family, no future, and a dead career.

How's that sound?

I'm not you, sunny.

I'm nothing like you.

Then why are you so scared?

You have rights, detective qadri.

You have the right to remain silent Anything you say can and will be used against you In a court of law You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, One will be appointed to you.
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