12x21 - Reparations

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x21 - Reparations

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Come on, you can't get away from me.

You shouldn't have done that.

Ha! You're dead.

Disarm, evade, and escape, belle.

You're training to survive, not to k*ll.

Oh, my God, Catherine.

He--he went out the window.

I don't see anybody.

Oliver, call the police and tell them to meet us at the hospital.

No hospital!

Belle, I can't.

Cat, you need a doctor.

You were r*ped.

I don't wanna be here.

Ms. Harrison...

I'm detective stabler, my partner, detective tutuola.

You feel up to talking?

It's about time.

I'm sorry, you are?


She's my best friend.

Can you tell us what happened?

There's not much to tell.

I was exhausted and went to bed early.

Cat teaches ninth grade at Jefferson high.

When I woke up, he was already on top of me.

His hand over my mouth.

How'd he get in?

Through the window.

There's a fire escape.

I guess I didn't lock it.

How could I be so stupid?

Cat, don't you dare blame yourself.

Did he say anything?

No. He...

Ripped my nightgown and my underwear, panting in my ear, pawing at me.

You see his face?

His body type?

His race?

It was too dark.

It was probably one of those hoodlums from school.

My students wouldn't attack me.

They're good kids.

Good at robbing, raping, and raising hell.

Don't accuse them, they get enough of that from everyone else.

With good reason.

They're a bunch of--

Isabelle, I need to talk to you outside, I'll take your statement.

You know who att*cked you.

He lives in the apartment downstairs.

Who is it?


Isabelle's older brother.

Isabelle, did you see or hear anything during Catherine's attack?

I wish I had.

And my boyfriend, Oliver, is teaching me krav maga.

I tried to get cat to take a class, but she was always too busy trying to save those hood rats.

Did she ever mention any of her kids threatening her?


That school's a zoo.

Most of them already have records.

Go there, you'll see.

What makes you think it was Isabelle's brother who att*cked you?

Kevin's always on the fire escape, hanging out.

I've caught him watching me through the window.

Was he out there last night?

Around 7:30, while I was grading papers.

And you...

Obviously didn't tell lsabelle.

How could I?

He's her brother.

Is your family close to Catherine?

My brother knows cat.

But he barely talks to her.

Anyone really.

Kevin lives in his own head.

Mentally ill?


Agoraphobic, too.

Why the hell are you asking me about Kevin?

He didn't attack cat.

It crossed your mind.

That's why you accused her students.

Mr. Harrison.

Where is she?

In there.

Are you all right, Catherine?

A little shaky, but I'll be fine.

Oh, God.

I'm detective stabler.

Thank you for calling, detective.

I had no idea my granddaughter was hurt and all alone.

I wasn't alone.

Isabelle took care of me.

You are coming home with me.

No, I'll be fine in my apartment.

Catherine, you really should stay somewhere else until we make an arrest.

You see?

You'll be safer with me.

Belle's gonna hate me now.

She's not your friend.

I will take care of you.

Isabelle's brother, Kevin Wright, pled guilty to unlawful surveillance, second degree, in march 2008.

He was registered as a level two sex offender.

He took photos of a woman undressing in her bedroom from the roof of his building.

Then he tried to tell the cops he was taking stills for his job at an engineering firm.

We got several arrests for trespassing on the same block.

Hey, guys...

Lifted two dozen prints belonging to Kevin Wright from the fire escape outside the victim's window.

Any prints inside?

Nope. But the lab's still processing the bedding.

Preliminary report shows no fluids.

So we got nothing putting him in Catherine's bedroom.

Well, we did recover a partial shoe impression by the bed.

Looks like a men's size 11.

Well, you got enough detail for a comparison?

When we know, you'll know.

Well, if Kevin Wright wears a size 11, we got him.

Don't bother trying him at his office.

He got fired two days ago for acting crazy.

It's a good thing we know where he lives.

Kevin said he didn't even touch you.

He's never even been to your room.

Belle, I'm sorry, but it was him.

You said you didn't see his face.

Hey, hey, hey!

What's going on?

She's accusing my brother.

I'm not making it up.

Catherine, you and your grandfather, it's time to leave.

Come on, Catherine.

You don't belong here.

And neither do you.

They're trespassing.

Arrest them.



Sir, it's time to leave.

I always said this was a bad neighborhood.

Where's your brother?

I don't know.

But he's done nothing wrong.

Just enough to get himself fired.

He's a brilliant engineer, you know.

He builds Bridges.

He must've stopped taking his meds.

He do that a lot?

Every couple of years, he thinks he doesn't need them.

And when he doesn't take them?

He gets out of control.

Well, that's exactly why you should help us find him.

I have his keys in my apartment.

You've got this all wrong.

Kevin's never been violent.

You heard Catherine scream.

Somebody att*cked her, and you act like you don't even care.

There's nothing you can say to make me believe my brother's guilty.

Well, I guess if your best friend can't convince you, no one can.

Look, Isabelle, a lot of-- caught him, el, he's going up the fire escape.

Meet you up there!

Please don't hurt him.


I need to talk to you.

You okay?

I don't feel like it.

Go away.

I can't do that.

You need to come inside.

I can't breathe in there.

That's 'cause you haven't been taking your meds.

And the world is glorious.

Whoa, whoa!


Look around.


No one appreciates...

The detail and the craftsmanship...

That goes into a structure.

Isn't that grand?

I'm sorry I don't appreciate it the way you do.

I live in...

The most beautiful city in the world.

And I hate it.

Come on, Kevin.

Get off my roof!

Come on, man.

Listen, what you're feeling isn't real.

I have cleansed myself.

And now...

I'm gonna fly.

A one-way trip to bellevue.

Big feet there.

What are you, size 11?


What were you trying to do?

I had to get some air, belles.

I can't breathe.

Sorry, detectives, you can't talk to my patient right now.

Dr. wunstell, he is a r*pe suspect.

And at the moment, unresponsive.

What did you pump him full of?

Haloperidol and Diazepam.

Well, anything he says under the influence is inadmissible.

Would you prefer Kevin try to k*ll himself again?

How long till it's out of his system?

He'll stay sedated until I can evaluate his mental state.

He's suicidal, anxious, and depressed. I'd like to know why.

It's called 25 to life.

Not this guy's first visit to crazy town.

Well, it's a lifetime of medical records.

Diagnosed clinically depressed at 17, bipolar at 20.

They're all just a*mo for his lawyer.

Hardwicke's in Miami at a bar conference.

Anyone know who's our temporary a.D.A.?

How about one back from the dead?

Casey novak.

Alive and fairly well.

Good to see you again, Casey.

Except I thought you were disbarred.

Oh, censured.

Lost my license for three years, but the d.A.'S office hired me back.

But I'm still on probation.

So what have we got?

A r*pe in Washington heights three nights ago.

The victim says it was her downstairs neighbor.

So she saw his face.


She recognized his voice?

Perp didn't say anything.


She knows the guy.

So all we have is a shaky I.D. And no evidence.

Welcome home.

Yeah, well, we got fingerprints on the fire escape leading into her bedroom.

And we also have a partial shoe print matching his size 11 feet.

So what do we know about our suspect?

Kevin Wright.

He was involuntarily committed about three years ago by the court.

He did two months in creedmoor for slicing his own wrists.

And a few days ago, he tried to leap off a fifth story walk-up.

This guy just cannot get it together.

Or he doesn't really wanna die.

Court-ordered therapy and heavy medication.

The guy's got night terrors, mood swings, and clinical depression.

He was sexually assaulted.

Creedmoor psychiatrists diagnosed Kevin with r*pe trauma syndrome.

So our perp was once a victim himself.

Yeah, except his name is not in the database for the as*ault.

But it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

A lot of victims don't report, especially men.

You know, if it did happen, you got motive.

How many victims become predators?

Prisons are full of them.

There's plenty of room for one more.

Look, Kevin...

We know there's been a lot of trauma in your life.

All right?

We know you were abused.

Look, I didn't hurt anybody because I had a crappy childhood.

Everyone has a crazy Uncle.

I was left alone with mine.

Big deal.

Well, it is a big deal when you r*pe somebody in your apartment building.

You know, most sex offenders were molested.

And there's a pain that festers and turns into rage, and then before you know it, you're picking out a victim that you think had it coming to them.

Right, now is that what happened?


I don't even know Catherine.

She's your sister's best friend, she lives right above you.

Try again.

I don't know.

Maybe she's afraid of me.

And that makes you mad.

I'm telling you, I couldn't care less about that girl.

So what were your fingerprints doing on the fire escape outside her bedroom?

'Cause I go up to the roof a lot.

When you're not peeking in windows.

No, I go up there to look at Bridges.

They're my passion.

I can see them from up on the rooftop.

Well, Kevin, we think you were doing a little more than just looking at Bridges.

I know what Catherine said about me.

But I never went into her room.

So what was your footprint doing in her room?

It wasn't mine!

Look, I swear, I haven't set foot in that apartment since she moved in with my sister.

He wasn't lying about Bridges.

I pulled these pics out of his digital camera.

So bridge-gazing is a hobby, huh?

He's got the gw, high bridge, wards island bridge.

His fixation is weird, but it's not criminal.

Until he aimed his lens at a lady undressing.

Got popped as a sex offender.

That's it?

It looks like. She just happened to be in the picture.

These photos certainly put that one in a different context.

Yeah. Kevin Wright got shafted, he needed a better lawyer.

Or a less-ambitious prosecutor.

'Cause I do know one when I see one.

I also know a case when it falls apart.

What's that supposed to mean?

Catherine's r*pe kit gave us diddly-- no foreign hairs, trace, or fluids.

And c.S.U. Says the trace evidence on the partial shoe print comes from a type of cafeteria cleaning agent sold only to New York City public schools.

The perp is from Catherine's school.

Isabelle was right all along.

Cut Kevin loose.

He's been through enough.

And I think we should tell Catherine.

But I was so sure it was Kevin.

Well, it's like you said, it was dark and you were terrified.

Isabelle will never forgive me now.

How do I fix this?

I don't think you can.

Well, I have to try.

I falsely accused her brother of attacking me.

Are you sure he didn't do anything?

I heard he had a sex crimes record.

And we don't believe he was guilty of that either.

I lost my best friend for nothing.

Honey, you made a mistake.

But a man r*ped you.

You know he was black, and he's still out there.

Catherine, can you walk me through your attack one more time?

What kind of person are you?

You're going to make her relive this whole thing all over again?

Sir, I'm trying to find her attacker.

Now, Catherine, we have new evidence about another man.

That connects him to the school that you teach at.

Isabelle said that you were threatened?

I don't wanna be wrong again.

Well, why don't you let me worry about that?

Trust me, anything you say can only help.

There's a guy.

He's new.

He brings in fresh veggies everyday.

It's a huge deal in a low-income school.

And you had contact with him?

In the parking lot.

He... stared at me, filled with rage, muttering "effing bitch" under his breath.

What's his name?

Dwight talcott.

And I'm clean, detectives.

Living the quiet life.

Well, that'd be a first.

We looked you up.

A lifetime of charges.

Possession, burglary, you name it.

And I'm placing you under arrest.

For what?

Burglary, as*ault, and the r*pe of Catherine Harrison.

I don't know her.

You always call strangers "effin' b*tches?"


What's going on?

Nothing, ma.

Looks like I won't be home for supper, though.

Yeah, you can forget about a home-cooked meal anytime in your future.

That's all right, son.

I'll take care of you.

I told you, I don't know anybody named Catherine Harrison.

Sure you do.

You were calling her names in her school parking lot.

Then you stalked her, then you r*ped her.

Look, we got evidence putting you in her room.

You went to an awful lot of trouble climbing up that fire escape, using all your breaking and entering skills to get in through her window.

Get out my face.

And get me my lawyer.

How far did you get?


Talcott's doing life on the installment plan.

Three to five years at a time.

I mean, there's no way he's confessing.

Lucky we even got his name.

Dwight looks clean.

Who are you?

Joe dekker, deputy d.A., Los Angeles.

Well, sorry, we found him first.

You're jurisdiction's 3,000 Miles heading west.

And yours was pulled out from underneath you.

From what I hear, you're very lucky to even have this job.

Smooth, you always open with the cheap shot?

Well, it wasn't me lying to a judge.

Now I want the warrant and every last bit of discovery you have by no later than close of business today.

You're defending him?


You know, you need to be licensed in New York.

I am. Dwight is family, and his mother lorna is my aunt.

Your boss know you jumped ship?

Unlike you, I went through the proper channels.

Now my job here is to ensure that there is no police or prosecutorial misconduct.

So we'll be seeing a lot of each other.

Goody, just what we need around here. Another arrogant prick.

You got that right, detective.

Check my conviction record, and you'll see why.

That's an interesting tactic, counselor.

I don't usually speak with the defendant's mother.
Ms.Talcott was with Dwight when Catherine Harrison was assaulted, proving he couldn't have done it.


Mommy alibiing her son.

I never heard that one before.

My son is not a r*pist.

With all due respect, Ms. talcott, your opinion of him may be biased.

I know Dwight better than anybody.

My son is an addict.

A thief.

He's stolen money from me, and my family and friends, to buy dr*gs.

I've spent my whole life watching Dwight throw his away.

But he's not a r*pist.

That you know of.

No, that we're sure of.

He's a repeat middle-aged burglar who's never been accused of even one sexually-motivated crime.

Now explain that.

That's not my job.

I only have to prove he did it, not his reasons why.

Good luck, since he wasn't anywhere near the victim's bedroom.

What's this?

Proof that Dwight was with me at the 177th street community center and garden.

They have a security camera.

He was with you the whole time?

Helping her organize community watch rotations.

Something I've been doing since my days with the student non-violent coordinating committee.

We got there at 6:00, left at midnight.

Call me when you're dismissing the charges.

So this is supposed to clear Dwight?

Well, if Catherine fingered the wrong guy again, her credibility is shot.

He harassed her in the parking lot, he transferred trace evidence from the cafeteria to her bedroom.

If it was his shoe.

So get us a warrant.

No, I will.

But Dwight's not stupid.

You'd have better luck finding that shoe in the Hudson.

I've seen you win cases on less.

That was before my reputation took a nosedive.

My money's on you.

So far, all I'm seeing is a rock solid alibi.

Dwight's in plain view, except for a few minutes when he hits the can.

Freeze it.

He just headed out the back door.

How long before he comes back?

Haven't gotten that far yet.

Okay, so he leaves at 8:20...

Doesn't get back until 9:13.

Well, Catherine was r*ped at 8:45.

That's more than enough time to go to her place and get back.

Look at him, he's a mess.

Mama never knew he slipped out.

But a jury will.

Your client didn't come back for 53 minutes.

Proving only that you can tell time.

My client could've been anywhere out of view of that camera.

Like my victim's bedroom.

You know, if you plead guilty, I'll drop the r*pe charge.

Burg one, 20 to life.

It's a one-time offer.

Poker is not your game.

We'll see what a jury has to say.

Not guilty, if all you have to present is paper-thin forensics and a victim who can't tell one black man from another.

Assuming, of course, if New York even requires evidence to convict someone.

L.A. is the land of justice, really?

Ms. novak...

I didn't r*pe that girl.

Who do you think they're gonna believe, Dwight?

An innocent school teacher or a cracked-out multiple felon?

See you in court.

Looking forward to it, since you and judge petrovsky are so well-acquainted.

Ms. Harrison...

Can you please tell the members of the jury what happened after you went to sleep on the night in question?

I woke up when I felt someone on top of me.

I thought belle was playing a joke.

She always makes fun of me because I go to bed early.

At what point did you realize that it wasn't a prank?

When my r*pist ripped up my nightgown and my underwear.

And do you see that man in the courtroom today?


Over there.

What happened next?

I thought he was gonna k*ll me.

He banged the wall behind my head a few times, and unbuckled his pants.

I was crying, so...

He put his hand over my mouth.

And then he...


He r*ped you?

Objection, leading.


What happened next, Catherine?

He forced his penis into me.

Did he have a w*apon?

I didn't see one.

What did you see?

It was dark.

I saw the outline of his body.

But you are able to recognize him?


Was he wearing protection?


As for down there, I'm not sure.

I didn't see him put anything on.

How long did the attack last?

It felt like hours.

Can you estimate how long?

Objection, cause for speculation.


No further questions.

Ms. Harrison, good morning.

Now you said it was dark in the room when you woke up.

That's right.

Yet you recognize my client as your attacker?


But in fact, you told police the man in your room was...

Your roommate's brother.

Kevin Wright.

Is that correct?

At first.

Right after the incident, I thought it was Kevin.

But I made a mistake.

Other than race, how did you decide that Kevin Wright was your r*pist?

It's not like that.

Both men have similar height and build.


Your honor, Mr. Wright is in the gallery.

If you could ask him to stand...

Objection, Kevin Wright isn't on the witness list.

No, I don't want his testimony.

Having been falsely accused of r*pe, I think the man's been through enough.


Uh, Mr. Wright, please rise.

And now if my client would please stand and face the jury for the purpose of this demonstration.

As you can see, my client is two decades older his features are completely different, his skin is several shades darker than that of Mr. Wright's-- another victim of misidentification.


The witness clearly stated similar builds, not skin tone or age.

Your honor, Catherine Harrison wants us to believe that she actually knows the man who att*cked her.

When in all reality, these two men couldn't look more different if they tried.


Sit down, Ms. novak.

Thank you.

Now when you finally realized that you had made a mistake, did you call the cops and tell them?


No. They told me.

So you didn't even know that you had made a mistake until the police pointed it out.

Yes, but-- you've seen my client before at school.

In the parking lot.

You called him "the veggie guy," is that correct?

Yes, and he called me an "effing bitch."

Was that the first time that you saw him?


Would it surprise you to know that Mr. talcott delivers vegetables to the school every day?

And that witnesses from your school will swear that you've passed by him in the hallway more than once.

Yes, it would.

I'm pretty observant.

So observant, in fact, that at first, you picked Kevin Wright as your r*pist.

Now it's my client, tomorrow it'll be someone else.

Perhaps even me, because that's what black men do.

We r*pe white women.

Objection, your honor!



Ms. Harrison...

You've testified that it was dark the night that you claimed that you were att*cked.

Now you've made one false accusation to the police.

Aren't you, in fact, falsely accusing my client to save face?


How can you be 100% certain when you couldn't even see him?

He was in my room!

He was on top of me.


I felt his breath in my face.


I saw his eyes, his mouth.

And they belong to him.

You bastard!

Court officers!

That animal over there r*ped her, and now you're raping her all over again.

You're raping her all over-- remove that man from my courtroom.

That boy of yours r*ped my little girl.

But she's no slut like you.

A dirty whore with a pervert for a son.

A dirty whore!

You whore! Whore!

Somethings never changes.

You always did know where to find me after a bad day.

I'm an expert on bad days.

How's it going?

I thought it'd be easier coming back.

Riding a bike you know.

Well, give yourself some time.

I don't recognize half the faces in the hallway.

But the job's the same, you put bad guys away.

You've always been good at that.

I just don't know if I have it anymore.

I mean, look how quickly this case went South.

They all do that somehow.

But I'm serious, Elliot.

If I lose this one straight out of the gate, I'm done.

Okay, so don't.

Do something.

Work harder.

Save this for the victory celebration.

If petrovsky doesn't call a mistrial.

Okay, so you think the jurors are poisoned.

Dekker made Catherine look like a grade-a r*cist, and it didn't help that grandpa jumped up, and he was yelling and screaming.

What was that?

What was grandpa yelling about?

Well, first, it was that they're railroading Catherine. And then...

He lit into lorna, of all people.

He called her a slut.

That's a little strange to be going after Dwight's mother.

I saw her looking at him when he first came in.

It was like she'd seen a ghost.

I'm gonna run a background check on grant.

Yeah, run lorna too.

There's gotta be a connection.

There's a connection, all right.

Grant Harrison knows lorna talcott real well.

He and his buddies beat the living hell out of her, and then smashed her face to a pulp.

r*ped her repeatedly, too.

1964, 25-year-old lorna talcott.

Waved down a patrol car, said she'd been att*cked by three klan members while she was going door-to-door during her voter registration drive.

It's hard to imagine the klan in New York.

They're still here.

Remember they tried to march through Manhattan in '99?

Sexual as*ault was a tactic they used to intimidate civil rights workers.

Yeah, and just like those scum, grant and his friends were never charged.

When the cops found them, they claimed lorna was a prost*tute.

Yeah, well, lorna was charged with resisting an as*ault, but not prostitution.

The cops barely even investigated.

There's plenty of bigots in uniform. Hell, even today.

This is unbelievable.

Catherine's grandfather r*pes Dwight's mother 47 years ago.

So what, you think Dwight found out, and went after Catherine to make the old man suffer?

But how do we prove it if Dwight doesn't have to take the stand?

I'll subpoena lorna.

Casey, we're talking about the survivor of a g*ng r*pe who never got the justice she deserved.

And without her testimony, neither will Catherine.

My aunt was r*ped?

By my victim's grandfather.

He and two other white men forced you into their car.

You were gone for hours.

They claimed they paid you for sex.

But the injuries to your face and body told a different story.

Why didn't you tell me?

It's not something you talk about at family reunions.

What do you want from me?

I want you to tell me the whole story.

I know reliving it is painful, but I-- you don't know the meaning of the word.

Have you ever been looked at as something less than human?

Been denied service?

Spit upon?

Cursed, beaten, or r*ped?

Ms. talcott, we can do this here and your son can plead out, or you can testify in open court.

This is pretty low.

Even for someone who needs to win as badly as you do.

I'm trying to win for Catherine.

Who's grandfather r*ped my aunt!

And this victim is just as innocent as your aunt.

She was targeted by Dwight as revenge for this decades-old atrocity.

After everything I've taught you, you're scared of a damn piece of paper?

You don't get it.

This prosecutor is compelling you to describe the details of your r*pe for the record.

No one can make me do anything.

Ms. talcott, if you don't appear, you'll be held in contempt and taken into custody.

Jail is just steel and concrete.

I've spent plenty of time in the cell.

What Dwight is accused of...

Is terrible.

But what that old man did is worse.

You lost, counselor?

Not at all.

Think it through.

Look, I just wanna talk to him.

I'd probably buy that if you didn't look like you were ready to k*ll.

What, you're following me?

Novak told me you didn't take the news about what happened to your aunt very well.

No, I'm good.

I wouldn't be.

Yeah, well, I'm not you.

I talked to the L.A. cops, they said you were a straight sh**t.

That's why you being here is a real mistake.

Hey, this isn't your neighborhood.

Go back to the ghetto, where you belong.

I don't associate with bottom-feeders.

I suggest you go back inside, old man.

And who the hell are you?

You know who I am, go take your nap.

I haven't done anything wrong, officer.

You're just a r*pist hiding behind the statute of limitations.

You can't r*pe the willing.

You got away with multiple counts of r*pe by calling my aunt a whore?

Listen, nobody wants to put your aunt on the stand.

But Dwight has to pay for what he did to Catherine.

25 to life is the best I can offer.

Sounds like a really good deal for whoever r*ped that girl.

If you didn't r*pe her, Dwight, what were you doing in her bedroom?

We're cousins.

The whole family looks up to you.

Now you sell me out?

Dwight, if you don't take the deal, your mother has to take the stand.

You'd let them make my mother...

Tell a bunch of strangers what happened to her that night?

It's not up to him, Dwight.

Only you.

Leave my mother alone.

I will if you take responsibility for what you did.

Sobriety's not all it's cracked up to be.

As soon as I got clean, I started... remembering what happened to my mother.

The men tearing at her clothes, her screams, all the blood-- wait a minute.

You were there?

I told ma I wanted to go with her that day, I thought it'd be fun.

Knock on doors, talk to people.

Then a car pulls up.

Pulls us both inside.

Six years old...

I got a g*n to my head.

They make me... watch...

While they...

r*ped her.

Sometimes two at once.

And after all this time, you decided to find grant.


I started having these nightmares, seeing it over and over again.

And I knew the only way I was gonna stop the pain was to find her r*pist.


I hired a private detective.

It turned out grant was the only one still alive.

I got his address from the files.

But why r*pe Catherine?

'Cause I wanted grant to know what it felt like.

Knowing he couldn't protect somebody he loved.

Why don't you tell me what happened...

The night you broke into Catherine's bedroom.

I made sure she was asleep, then I broke in from the fire escape, wearing gloves.

What did you intend to do once you got inside the victim's bedroom?

Teach her old man a lesson.

I climbed on the bed, and Catherine woke up.

I ripped her clothes.

Then, um...

Instruct your client we need a full statement for the record.

You're under oath, Dwight.

Tell the truth, son.

I did not r*pe Catherine Harrison.

I thought the defendant agreed to plead guilty?

Did you r*pe Catherine Harrison?


I kept seeing grant and his friends holding my mother's legs wide while they r*ped her.

They laughed while they beat her, and she screamed.

I couldn't bring myself to do that.

It's not who I am.

Perjury voids your deal.

I'm aware of that.

Did you have foforcible intercourse with the victim or not?

No, your honor.

So give me my sentence for breaking and entering.

Both of you, bench, now.

Looks to me like you're trying to railroad another defendant into prison, Ms. novak.

Your honor, both Dwight talcott and his attorney agreed to the deal.

Why won't he confess to r*pe?

Maybe someone changed his mind for him.

Or maybe he just didn't do it.

The victim said he did.

Your honor, my client's already facing life for burglary and as*ault.

I mean, why not confess to raping Catherine unless he's not guilty.

A very good question.

I suggest you find out before you waste anymore of my time.

Is it true?

Did my grandfather r*pe Dwight talcott's mother?

Along with two of his klan buddies.

I had no idea.

He lied to me.

Who lied?

I-I can't do this, I'm sorry.

Did Dwight talcott r*pe you, Catherine?

I already told you.

Well, tell us again.

Did Dwight talcott r*pe you?

Or did your grandfather tell you to say that he did?

You don't know what it's like.

I... love papa.

He raised me.

What did grant tell you to do?

He told me...

You wouldn't believe me if I didn't say it was r*pe.

He said black men r*pe.

He's been telling me that my entire life.

But I am not like him.

I swear that--

I work at that school, I moved to Washington heights.

To prove to yourself that you were not like him.

You lied under oath.

Okay, to me, to the judge, to the jury.

Do it.

Face that way, put your hands behind your back.

I didn't mean for this to happen.


Papa said I was confused.

He said to say I was r*ped or no one would believe Dwight att*cked me.




What's going on?

Your granddaughter's going to jail.

What the hell for?


You gave her bad advice.

Her arraignment's tomorrow, you can see her then.

Don't worry, baby.

I'll get the bail to give-- all my life you have taught me to hate.

I hate what you say.

I hate what you think.

I hate you.

Go to hell.

Ms. Harrison...

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I am too.

20 to life, still on the table.

Make it 15, and you've got a deal.
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