12x22 - Bang

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x22 - Bang

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Good roll, Danny.

That's my perfect boy.

Good job.

You're a wonderful teacher, Roger.

Danny loves your classes.

Thanks, Hannah, glad to hear it.

Come on, Sally.

Tuckour head.

That's it.

Good job, guys.

Come on, keep it going here we go, here we go.

Hannah doesn't give a damn about your class.

What she really wants is to rip your sweats off and straddle you like a pommel horse.

I don't think- don't give me any of that "I never sleep with my clients" crap.

I don't.

You should.

Vera, look, I'm flattered.

It's just...

You're barking up the wrong tee.


Wow, vera, nice going.

[Baby crying]

Oh, my God.


You poor baby!

You must be freezing.

[Baby crying]


Someone call 9-1-1.

[Baby crying]

Male infant, Caucasian.

Came in severely hypothermic.

No obvious signs of abuse.

Left out in 30-degree weather?

That's abuse.

Or attempted m*rder.

Little guy's lucky he's under an lncubator and not in a coffin.

What was he wearing when he was brought in?

Just a onesie, wrapped in a couple of flannel blankets.

We sent them over to your crime lab for evidence processing.

And he's what, doc, two months?

Well, posterior fontanelle is almost closed, so, yeah, that's a good estimate.

How long will he need to stay in this lncubator?

We're warming him up slowly.

His core temp is still low, so he's not out of the woods yet.


Why would someone do this to you?

<b>Law & Order: SVU</b>

Canvassing in the neighborhood turned out in nothing.

Nobody knows anybody with a boy that young.

Missing persons hasn't had a baby reported in weeks.

So either mommy doesn't know that her son's gone...

Or she was the one who dumped him.

Well, lab's running his DNA.

Maybe we'll come up with a familial match.

That's really all we have to go on.

I've got something for you.

You see that logo?

That comes from a store called bebetique, an Upper East Side baby store.

How do you know that?

My niece registered there for her newborn.

A blanket I bought 'em cost me two weeks of overtime.

What was it made of, mink?

Organic cotton.

You just gotta check out their price tags.

I'm telling you, that baby's mom's got money.

Whoa, fin wasn't kidding.

These prices are outta sight.

Lot of parents will pay anything for peace of mind.

Well, for few more bucks, they could hire a security guard.

This pillow is easier on your back and little lndia rests much more comfortably while she nurses.

Great. Thank you.

How are you?

We need help, too.

Getting a head start?

You're not even showing yet.

Uh, professional help.

You sell that?

It's one of our most popular items.

We also have a baby who nearly died last night.

He was wearing one of your onesies.

Oh, my God...

You seem to know the names of all your clients' kids.

You recognize this boy?

That's Jasper, dede Aston's baby.

She seem bonded with Jasper?


She adores him.

Is Jasper okay?

Yeah, yeah.

But we have some questions for dede.

Do you have her address?

Well, let me check.

She's in our frequent buyers club.

Have you ever met the father?

There isn't one.

Dede adopted Jasper.

She's an older mother- wanted to start a family.

[Printer hums]

Her cell phone, email, and address.


Dede's not home.

Or answering her phone.

The baby store owner said dede seemed like a good mother.

I'm beginning to think someone else took Jasper, and mom's in trouble as well.

Someone took Jasper?

You dede's neighbor?

Wade fisk.

I rent her garden apartment.

Is everything okay?

We're looking for dede.

Haven't seen her in a few days, but...

Oh, no.


Last night I heard yells coming from her place.

You called 911?

I thought it was...

You know...Sex.

[Muted cries, yells]

You hear that?

It's Spanish, probably not dede.

Ayuda me, ayuda me!

That's definitely a cry for help.

Door's unlocked.

[Crying continues]

Ayuda me, ayuda me!


Por favor! [Crying]



Miss, hey.

I'm talking to you.

They took the baby!

Who took the baby?

I don't know.

But the baby's gone.

Stand up.

Who are you?

I'm imelda.

I'm Jasper's nanny.

I take care of the baby.

Miss dede's out on business in Boston for two days.

And I take care of the baby, but he's gone!

Okay, imelda, calm down.

Tell us what happened.

Okay, I went to bed last night, and everything was fine.

And this morning, I checked the crib, and the crib was empty.

And I looked here, and I looked out on the street.

But s-somebody stole him.

Why didn't you call anybody for help?

What do you think I am doing?

I'm praying someone will find Jasper.

Your prayers have been answered.

We found the baby, and he's alive.

Gracias por dio! Gracias!

The neighbor said he heard screaming here last night.

Who was here with you?

No one. I was alone.

You sure about that, imelda?

There's a, um...

Just found a condom in the bathroom.


It must be from miss dede.

Yeah, well, she's been gone for two days, and this looks, um...

Kind of fresh.

Come on, imelda, tell the truth.

Uh...Okay, okay.

My boyfriend was here.

But he would never take the baby.

He's a rich guy.

He's a high-class man, as you say.

Give me a name.

Hi, Ken Turner.

You must be detective stabler.

Mr. Turner, thanks for getting down here so quickly.

Why don't we go somewhere private so that we can talk.

Says here you used to be an a.D.A.

Yeah, Nassau county.

I would've stuck it out, but you know, I couldn't make ends meet.


And now you work for daschle private equity doing credit default swaps?

Yeah, I know.

Guys like me tanked the economy.

So it is true.

Well, it's a little more complicated than that.


As complicated as a rich, powerful guy screwing some immigrant nanny?

I don't follow.

Imelda barrios, last night at dede Aston's brownstone.

Rough sex, it sounds like.

We found your broken rubber.

Rough sex? No.

Maybe a little...


But that's not really a crime, now, is it, detective?

No, just a little strange.

A wall street millionaire is screwing a nanny with her boss's baby in the next room?

I mean, how does dede Aston feel about that?

Well, dede Aston doesn't know about it.

I mean, we're friends, but, you know, I don't tell her everything.

Like you hitting on her help.

Well, imelda's beautiful.

And so is Jasper.

He's a beautiful baby.

I love babies.

Enough to steal one?

What are you talking about?

Someone grabbed Jasper last night.

Is he okay?

I would worry about you because we found your fingerprints on his crib.

Just tell me, is Jasper's alive?

Barely. Yeah.

But the problem is, imelda said you were the last person to see him before he was left to die in an alleyway.

Well, yeah, my prints are on his crib because I went to check on him.

I checked on him around midnight.

He was fine.

And I left.

You know, I happen to be fond of that boy.

Are you suggesting imelda is not?

Imel- look, imelda is built for, you know, great sex.

You know, she's not really nanny material.

I mean, Jasper cries no more than most babies, but she can't handle it.

So you think imelda snapped?

I'm only saying it was possible.

So, think he's our baby-napper?

Can't rule him out, but he definitely ruled imelda in.

Said baby Jasper's crying drives her crazy.

I'll go pick her up.


So what do you want to do about Ken?

Well, let him go.

For now.

Detective Benson?


I'm Jasper's mother.

I got your messages.

I came straight from the airport.

What's going on?

Ms. Aston, why don't you have a seat?


Baby, thank God you're here.



I thought you said you two were just friends.

Ken's my fiance.


Tell me, what's going on?

Jasper is my miracle.

When can I take him home?

As soon as he's medically cleared and we can make sure that he's safe.

Why wouldn't he be safe with me?

We know that you were out of town, but we need to rule out everyone who has access to your home.


How can I help?

Well, why don't we start at the beginning?

When did you adopt Jasper?

Seven weeks ago.

And have you had any contact with the birth mother?

No, I don't even know her name.

It was a closed adoption.

Ken did the legal work.

Your fiance, Ken?


It was a friend of one of his associates that knew this pregnant girl, and she couldn't keep her baby.

Ken knew I was looking.

And you were already engaged at this point?

No. I barely knew Ken.

It was this adoption that sparked things for us.

[Cell phone ringing]

Excuse me.

I'm a management consultant.

And my whole life has been work, work, work.

You know, I didn't even have time to date.

I hear you.

When I wasn't gunning for the next promotion, I was off on a business trip somewhere.

Like the one to Boston.


And even two days away from Jasper was breaking my heart.

It's like being a mother made me human again and able to fall in love with Ken.

Still, that's a pretty fast engagement.

What can I say?

Ken's, um...Perfect.

You know, dede, I think that Jasper's in pretty good hands.

Why don't you come with me down to the precinct?

Since when is standard procedure keeping a family separated like this?

When the soon-to-be man of the house is banging his fiancee's nanny.

I went over to make sure Jasper was okay with dede being gone.

Out of nowhere, imelda jumps me.

And she was so hot that you just couldn't resist doing her.

It was a moment of weakness.

I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

We do it all the time.

Every time dede's out, Ken comes over to be with me.

He's unstoppable.

He ever force you?

No, no.

I like it.

Is that imelda I saw in the other room?

Uh, yeah.

Why is Ms. dede in there?

Why's she here?

She's just helping us figure this all out.

Just like you.

Listen, I'm confused.

If Ken loves you so much, what happens when he ties the knot with your boss in there?

Ken's not going to marry dede.

He's just waiting for the right time to dump her.

Just like you dumped Jasper.

On the virgin, I swear I didn't do it.

I would never hurt that boy.

Okay, imelda.

Are you worried about getting pregnant?

Why are you asking me that?

Ken's condom broke last night.

He's a maniac in bed.

Ken is so easygoing.

And he's just so gentle.

We have no problems.

It's like I've finally found Mr. perfect.

So you have no idea what Ken and imelda are doing behind your back.

What is that detective talking about in there?

Looks like something that's pissing dede off.


She seduced him.

Is she still in that room?


Are you in there?

You're a slut!


She's saying bad things about me.

She took Jasper, and she put him in that alleyway to make Ken leave me so she could have him!


You stole my baby!

No, you did!

No, I was in Boston!

You say he hurts your career!

You're crazy!

I love my son!


Stop it.

Calm down.

But on the subject of where you were last night...

What, now you suspect me?

Should I?

I was in Boston.

You said you came straight from the airport.

But I didn't see any bags.

What are you accusing me of?

Nothing, if you show me your boarding pass.

Okay, I never went.

So you were here in New York last night?

I was at the Waldorf.

Why'd you lie?

I want Ken.

Even though Ken's been having sex with your nanny?

He's my lawyer!

I want him right now!

We're in this together, baby.

Oh, you might want to hold up on that, Mr. Turner, seeing as how your client confesses to being in New York last night, and not in Boston.

I'm sorry, I- how could you sleep with imelda?

I'm sorry.

She came on to me.

You know, I know it's wrong, but she's young and exotic.

And what am I, your grandmother?


Baby, you're mature and sophisticated.

Listen, I love you.

Okay, that's enough, Romeo.

I think what's important is why dede was at the Waldorf last night.


About what to do.

Ken, I'm pregnant.

Sweetheart, that's wonderful.

Why didn't you tell me?

I had to be alone, I had to decide what to do.

What's to decide?

You're going to have it.

Jasper's already so much for us- this will be great for Jasper.

It'd be so good for Jasper to have a sibling.

Whoa, Ken.

I think that's dede's decision.

Of course.

But she knows how important this is to our family.


Sweetheart, come here.

Look at me.

I've never been happier.




Yes, I love you.

I love you so much, and I'm happy that condom broke.

You know I love you, and I will always love this baby.


Clearly this pregnancy was unplanned.

Now, you and Ken use condoms, right?

I bet Ken's condoms break a lot.

And that's why you got pregnant.

How did you know that?

It's a lucky guess.

And here's another one.

As charming as your loving fiance is, he's a reproductive abuser.

Excuse me?

An abuser?

You want babies, and you use women to make them.

Oh, and you got that from a ripped condom?

The standard fail rate is 1%.

Now, dede, I bet Ken's rate is a lot higher than that.

You know what, our condoms break because we have so much fun in bed, tell her.

Or because you poke tiny little holes in them ahead of time.

Now, the condom looks normal going on, and then, oops!

It rips when you're having sex.

Dede, this is a typical move of a reproductive abuser.

You know what, you don't have to listen to this.

I have never abused you, you know that.

I love you.

And this baby is an expression of our love.

And that's why we have to have it.

Dede, all this phony sweet talk is to get you to give in.

Okay, you know what?

We don't have to listen to this anymore.

Unless you're gonna charge us.

So are you charging us?

No, all right.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Come on, he's playing you, dede.

Open your eyes.

She sees the truth.

A man who's totally devoted to her.

Sweetheart, you are glowing.

Trust me, this is the right thing.

It's the right thing for us, for Jasper, and for our new baby.

Did he just say dede's pregnant?

Ken is a snake who pokes his condoms.

Classic reproductive abuser.

He sabotages the birth control, and then convinces the woman to carry the baby.

A baby only he wants.

Question still remains, did he steal Jasper?

I don't think so.

What do you got?

Some hairs from the blanket Jasper Aston was found in.

Now, most matched hairs from the brownstone- dede Aston's, imelda barrios'...

Not surprising.

But we found one red hair.

Nobody on our radar has red hair.

I can narrow it even further for you.

We got enough follicle for a DNA sample, and a new forensic technique allows us to determine eye color from those genes.

Okay, so red hair and what?

Blue eyes.

That's not Ken...

That's dede's downstairs neighbor.

What's that guy's name?
Wade fisk?

You think I kidnapped Jasper?

No, not think.

We've got rock-solid forensics putting your hands on the kid's blanket.

You got it wrong.

You snuck into dede's last night, you stole her baby, and you left him outside to freeze to death.



Why try to k*ll an infant?

I wasn't trying to k*ll him!

I was trying to save him.

Save him?

From that hellhole upstairs.

Look, I've known dede for years.

She's level-headed, smart.

She'd be a great mom if it weren't for that douche bag.

Ken Turner.

When he's not nailing the nanny, he's banging some other girl.

I swear when she's outta town, he uses dede's place as his party pad.

And when she's in town- he's manipulating the hell out of her.

Like a puppet on a string.

Just because dede's in love with some jerk doesn't mean she's neglecting her baby.

Last night he was screaming his lungs out for hours.

Ken and imelda just ignored him, kept screwing.

So you thought it'd be better to dump him in an alley?

I left him outside tumble weeds!

People there love kids.

I wrapped him up real well and left him.

Yeah, by the back door, where they put out the garbage.

If I put him out front, anyone could've taken him.

But by the back door, it'd be people who work there.

People who would make sure he was put in a good home.

That kid nearly died.

Now, don't you think it would've been a little safer if you'd just told dede that Ken was playing her?

I tried.

But he's got her head screwed around.

I'm telling you, Ken's a monster.

I've overheard him on the phone outside dede's place.

He says things.

What kind of things?

Dede, I'm so sorry about all this.

I can't believe wade would do this.

I trusted him.

He was my friend.

We went on dives together.

Guess you never really know who someone is.

What would possess a man to do something like this?

Overhearing you on the phone, bragging about your exploits.

Whatever wade told you is a lie.

Ken, what are they talking about?

We did a records search and found some very interesting stuff about your fiance.

Stuff that proves my partner's right.

You really are a reproductive abuser.

And a busy one.

Can you please stop saying "abuser"?


Just take a look at that.

What is this?

They're birth certificates.

Check out the name listed under "father."

Ken Turner.

He's fathered 20 kids in the last ten years.

Is this true?

Well, I told you I love kids.


What is this?

We also ran Jasper's DNA against the semen that was found in the ripped condom that he used with imelda.

There's a reason Ken wanted your adoption of Jasper to be closed.

Dede, he's Jasper's father.

Oh, my God...

Isn't that great?

And now I'm gonna have one with you.

Have you busted creepy yet?

Love to. Being a creep isn't illegal.

That's the hardest part of the job.

Maybe Audrey can make it easier.

Dr. Audrey Shelton, this is detective tutuola and detective stabler.

Nice to meet you.

How do you do?

So Audrey led a seminar that I took on reproductive abusers.

We've got a whopper here.

20 kids?

21, when dede's bun pops out of the oven.

So Audrey, we're looking for a little guidance on how to nail this guy.

He's poking holes in condoms, isn't he?

Mm-hmm, and unfortunately, that's not illegal.

Putting semen in a woman without her consent should be considered r*pe.

The a.D.A.

Doesn't see it that way.

So, is there anything else that guys like this do?

Reproductive abusers use verbal coercion to make women have babies.

We can't collar this guy for what comes out of his mouth.

When their words don't work, some use their fists to get what they want.

There's no evidence Ken is hitting dede.

But we do have Ken's 20 other baby-mamas to ask.

We should track them down.

See if Ken is beating any of them into submission.

Or went even further than fists.

Sometimes verbal coercion leads to r*pe.

Real, prosecutable r*pe.

We're bound to find something if we kick over enough rocks.

I know one we can start kicking.

I found Jasper's birth certificate.

Hadn't been filed.

What I didn't find was any record of adoption.

Dede thinks it's legal.

Well, let's ask Jasper's birth-mother if she agrees.

Ken rented skates from me, chatted me up, asked me out on a date.

We only had sex once.

But then he found out I got...Problems.

What are you using, bridget?

Whatever you got.

So let me guess, you got pregnant.

You thought that Ken would disappear because you're an addict.

But he was thrilled.

I only wanted him to pay for the abortion, but before I knew it, Ken...


Checked me into rehab, rented me a nice apartment, even promised to marry me.

A whole new life from one condom that accidentally ripped.

At first, it was amazing.

I was clean...

In love.

My beautiful boy growing inside me...

So why'd you give him up?

The week Jasper was born, some friends of my friends came to see him.

I just did a little blow, but...

Ken found out.

Said you weren't fit for motherhood.

He wasn't mean about it.

He said he found someone who would give Jasper a better life.

Said if I really cared, then I'd see I had no choice.

But you did have a choice.

It's so hard to think when Ken was around.

The way he talks, he's...So convincing.

He took my little Jasper.

I can still see Ken carrying him away.

His little cheeks.

Bridget, did you ever try to get Jasper back?


Yeah, two weeks after.

But Ken said it was too late.

A birthmother has 45 days to change her mind.

Yeah, that's what they told me when I went down to city hall.

But there was no adoption record, so there was nothing I could do.

Did you sign paperwork?


He convinced me to.

Bridget, do you still want your son back?

More than anything in the world.

Finally something we can arrest him for.

I hope so.

Hope so?

Ken didn't file the paperwork.

That means he stole bridget's baby.

And those warrants can be pretty tricky to get.

Yeah, our system's ready, so just send it.

Okay, thanks.

Did it go through?

The warrant to locate Kenneth Turner via cell phone GPS has been ex*cuted.

And there you go.

Okay, 65th and Lexington.

There's a flower shop there.

How much you wanna bet he's not buying roses for his sick granny?

He's on the move, walking across the street.

You guys know what's there, right?

That new hotel.

The ahimsa.

Very high-end.

Very romantic.

That son-of-a-bitch has another date.

Get ready, Stacy, because I'm gonna rock your world...

Especially when she finds out she's pregnant.

What the hell?

Get dressed.

Party's over.

On what the charge?

Endangering the welfare of a child and an illegal adoption.

You failed to file the paperwork.

Why should I?

I'm Jasper's father.

You gave him over to dede without the mother's consent.

Don't think the jury is gonna look too kindly upon that.

Ken, this is a mistake, right?

Another bouncing baby mistake if he used this on you.

Hold it up to the light.

See, you don't understand.

I'm a good guy.

Who rips his newborn baby away from his biological mother.

Bridget's a coke fiend!

She's not fit to raise my child.

Yeah, but it also happens to be her child, and she has a right to decide his fate.

See, you tried to do a little end-around by not filing that paperwork.

A misdemeanor.

Seems a little beneath the special victims unit, doesn't it?


We take all crime seriously.

Since when is it a crime to give Jasper a better mother?

Dede's stable, she's secure...

And you like her so much that you used the old broken condom routine to make sure that you knocked her up.

Why do you have such a hard-on for me?

'Cause you can't keep yours out of unsuspecting women.

I'm just trying to follow my natural male urge to procreate.

No, you turn people's lives upside-down.

No, I'm making their lives richer.

With my progeny, and my money.

What about you, detective?

You got kids?

Yeah, with my wife.

How many?

Not as many as you.

How many, detective?


Five children?

That's interesting.

You know, the national average is 1.83.

See, I think you understand the urge, but you're limited by fear or weakness or...

Lack of means...

Lack of mojo.


See, at heart...

I think you you really want to be me.

A sad, little man with an inferiority complex trying so desperately to make up for it.

Inferiority complex?

No, I'm montezuma, man.


The aztec leader with 4,000 concubines and who knows how many kids- and who practiced human sacrifice.


You know how I know that?

Mm, because you passed seventh grade.

I helped my children with their homework every night.

And I gave them love and I gave them attention every day.

Now, how much time do you spend with your kids?

'Cause it seems to me you spend all of it trying to making more.

See, being a father is about support, hm?

Not spawn.

Every man dreams of bedding lots of women.

C'mon, admit it, detective.

You know you want to bang your partner.

Watch her grow swollen with your child.

And why not, man?

She'd give you beautiful babies...

You are a sick son-of-a-bitch.


[Door opening, closing loudly]

He's the worst I've ever seen.

That's saying a lot.

How long you been doing this?

My whole life, really.

Mom's a therapist.

Oh, dad was a cop.

Not that I ever wanted to follow in his footsteps.

Me either, but...

My sister's boyfriend beat the hell out of her one night.

Next thing I know, I was a domestic v*olence counselor in buffalo.

Well, I hate to say it, but...

It might be easier if this guy was hitting women.

His charm is what makes him so dangerous.

There's no limit to the number of women whose lives he can wreck.

Thank God you arrested him.

That is not gonna stick.

You spoke with hardwicke.

She said a misdemeanor is not worth her time, especially since it rests on a paperwork technicality.

She said any good defense attorney would get Ken off with a slap on the wrist.

You brought him in just to let him go?

Well, we thought our d.A. Might punt, so we have a back-up plan.

You all set?


There are no cell phones allowed in here.

You're free to go.

You know, detective, I'd consider suing you for harassment, but for your kids' sake, I'd hate to see you lose your job.

Sweet of you.

Let me walk you out.

Look, Leslie, there's your father!


Your girl's father?

Ken's my boy's dad.

Cute, detective.

Real cute.

So now I guess you expect me to wilt, right?

Ken, what's going on?

Well, this is the NYPD's vain attempt at embarrassing me.

To make you all realize how many of you there are.

You son of a bitch!

You said I was your one and only.

Clown said he'd marry me.

And me.


Jenny, you said little Leslie's the best thing that ever happened to you.

And you said we were going to be a family.

Now I'm a single mom, I had to drop out of med school.

Well, my child's more important than med school.

And, Kate, Kate, you call me at least once a week.

Because I want you to spend time with Zack.

He's growing up without a father.

What are you saying?

I'm a great father.

Who sends a check every month.

You know I'm your daddy, huh?

Atta boy.

All right, son.


I'm sorry, I didn't sleep with you, right?



No, just my daughter Trish.

Oh, Trish, right.

How's little mark?

The name is Max.

And he's dead, just like his mother.

What? How?

When you refused to let them move in with you, Trish drove home, closed the garage, and left the motor running.

She then got in the back seat and read Max good night, moon.

Until they both died from the carbon monoxide.

She had no right to k*ll my son.

Oh, you- you really feel you have no responsibility in any of this?

They're my children.

Of course I feel responsible.

I love that they're mine.

Shame on you.

You've overturned the lives of 20 women.





And 20?

Not even close.

What are you talking about?

You only checked in New York.

Look around the country, a bit into Europe, you'll find I have 47 children.

And I love each and every one of them.



It's amazing that a guy can blaze a trail of destruction so wide and still not do anything illegal.

Well, it took the courts a long time to recognize domestic v*olence as a crime.

Maybe Audrey's research can raise awareness about reproductive coercion and pass laws about it.

Poking holes in condoms will become fraud with intent to deceive.


Flushing birth-control pills down the toilet becomes larceny.

And being a world-class creep can get you dead as a doornail.

What are you talking about?

Ken Turner was just found dead in the garden behind dede's brownstone.

Apparently, it was gruesome...

Just when you think you've seen everything.

Looks like he ate a b*mb.

Neighbor said she heard a scream and then what she described as a "wet bang."

Looks like dede went from thinking he's Mr. perfect to hating his guts.

Enough to blow 'em all over the place.

Find the m*rder w*apon?

Not even close.

Not that I know what does that to a guy.

Whatever it is, did it fast.

No defensive wounds.

I'm not sure it was dede.

Her lights are out, her mail's on the stoop, like she hasn't been home since she left the precinct.

We've got access back here from wade fisk's apartment.

Wade's in custody for stealing Jasper.

Unless he made bail.

Decided to slay the monster, huh?

I didn't touch Ken, I swear.

Just like you swore you didn't steal Jasper.

I'm telling the truth.

I made bail, came home, heard something loud in back.

Went out to see what it was, and there was Ken...

All over the place.

And so you figured it's time to see Europe like you always dreamed of.

It's no secret I hated the guy.

I knew you'd blame me.

Search my place.

You won't find anything.


Thanks for the permission.

I know how you k*lled him.

It's called a wasp injection knife.

Looks like a standard dive knife.

But it's not; It was developed for the Navy seals because of the special punch that it packs.

Inside the handle is a canister that sh**t a ball of compressed co2 into whatever it is that you're stabbing, instantly inflating it to the size of a basketball.

Makes sense for diving.

You s*ab a shark with it, and it rockets up to the surface.

And it's blown to bits by 800 p.S.I.


Just like Ken.

What is that?

The m*rder w*apon you used on Ken.

A wasp knife?

Lookie there, he knows what it is.

Just because I'm a diver doesn't mean- you had motive.

You hated Ken.

And you had opportunity.

Private access to that back garden?


Dede has access...

Oh, so she went down into your place and stole your knife, huh?

Dede's a diver too.

That's how I came to rent from her.

We met on a dive trip.

And dede...

Owns one of those.

Hell, yes, I have a wasp knife.

Saved me from a hammerhead in Florida about, uh, two years ago.

So when a shark like Ken Turner walks into your life and takes a bite out of it, you figure, "hey, it worked once, it'll work again."

I hate Ken.

You and detective stabler convinced me.

Okay, I hate him.


But he's still the father of my baby.

And for that reason alone, I would never- dede, the man was k*lled in your garden with your dive knife.

Well, somebody took my knife and used it on him.

So somebody entered your apartment with Ken, found your knife, used it?

Okay, who has the key?


He has a key.

He used my house like his damn love shack.

It wasn't just imelda.

It was dozens of other women.

Anytime I was away.

And you knew about this?

I'd smell perfume or I saw the bed re-made.

But I wouldn't let myself believe it, I guess, I- you know, Ken was so good at sweet-talking you, and said he had no interest in younger women.

Reminding you of your age.

Exploiting your fear of losing him...

Last night, that's what they all said.

Ken could sweet-talk you out of any suspicion you might have.

All who?

The women you brought in.

Last night, after Ken left, um...

Audrey suggested that we go to a restaurant down the street and talk about what Ken had done to us.

And that's where I was when, um...

When Ken was m*rder*d.

[Door opens abruptly]

Liv, you need to see this.

We heard you arrested dede.

You're making a mistake.

Dede's innocent.

Okay, what gives you that idea?

She was with us last night, the whole time.

After we left here.

So maybe one of you wants to step forward and confess?

It wasn't any of us.

We were together.

Ask the restaurant...

That's why we all came.

To prove it.

Well, all of you aren't here.

Where's Audrey?

Was Audrey with you last night?

Ladies, you did the right thing by coming here.

But if you don't tell us everything you know, you're accessories after the fact.

Audrey was with us at the beginning.

But then her phone rang and she went outside to take it.

Okay, what time was that?


She never came back.


Audrey, open up!

[From inside]

Door's open, Olivia.


If I were going to use it, I'd have plunged it in here already.

You knew we were coming.

Of course.

You're good cops.

We know about buffalo.

I'm impressed.

You assaulted that guy with a baseball bat.

You put him in the hospital.


He was raping 10-year-olds.

Newspaper called me a local hero.

D.A. Declined to prosecute.

And Ken Turner hadn't broken any laws.

Don't give me that, stabler.

You wanted him punished too.

I did want him punished, not dead.

Think of the suffering I've prevented.

All the unwanted pregnancies.


My own, if he'd gotten his way.

So he called you last night after seeing you in the precinct.

Wasn't two hours after we left.

The gall of that guy, asking me out, inviting me over to dede's place.

Audrey, you didn't have to say yes.

I was about to tell him to go to hell, but...Something clicked.

Like with that perv in buffalo.

So you knew you had to get him.

Soon as I get there, he invites me out into the garden, starts seducing me.

I told him I needed to use the bathroom, and I went looking for a knife.

Found me a doozie.

I joined him in the garden...

I just meant to cut his penis off, boom!

Ken bursts open.


Come on, Audrey, it's time to go.

Please, Olivia.

Just a few more sips.

They don't serve wine where I'm going.
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