12x23 - Delinquent

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x23 - Delinquent

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories.

Yankees or mets?

Yankees. Favorite movie?

Casablanca. You?

Godfather, one and two.

Ooh, no wedding ring tan line.

Divorced three years.


No. You?

No. Political affiliation?



You're a democrat?

Well, you're young.

What--what does that mean?

Well, you know what they say.

If you're a republican before 30, you have no heart.

And if you're a democrat after 30, you have no brain.

I'm 34.

Can I use your bathroom before I head cross town?

Second door on your left.


Your other left, genius.

Hey, no need to get nasty.

You know, at least I was honest.

How old's your kid, Annie?

What are you talking about?

Her screams woke up goldilocks here, he tried to bolt buck naked, but the girl's date brought him down.

I had my first drink last night, okay?

Lesson learned.

How old are you?


What do we have here?

Unfinished business night watch dropped on us.

Hunter mazelon.

Woman woke up, found him naked passed out in her bed.

I can explain that.

Just don't.

You need a parent present.

When night watch contacted his mother, she said let him spend the night in jail.

And you wonder why I was driven to drink.

That kid was trying to r*pe me.

Don't flatter yourself, lady.

You can't be here.

I found this in my closet this morning with an empty bottle of whiskey.

You hid in my closet to attack me.

Ninth grade science.

Property of hunter mazelon.

Duct tape.


She's paranoid.


What were you doing with that?

It's cool.

You're staying in here till your mom shows up.

Screw you. I'm claustrophobic.

Then why were you hiding in a woman's closet?

This is bull.

You know something, pal, if I had my way, I'd be throwing you in the cage with the adult skels you're trying so hard to become.

Bring it.

Well, the rules say I have to keep you in a child-appropriate area.

These case files?

Don't worry about them.

Junior, face the wall.

You gonna give me a cavity search now?

Just stand still.

Hey, that's not cool!

Don't touch me there, man!

I need an adult in here!

Quit touching my junk!

Detective, is there a problem?

Yeah, the kid's a smartass.

Think that's funny?


Then why'd you yell that?

I freaked out.

It's my first time being arrested.

Well, I was just heading out on patrol.

You need me to send somebody in?

Uh-- hmm?

He's talking to you, not me.

No, no, we're cool.

We're cool.

Face the wall.

You don't have enough charges against you?

Now you're making false allegations?

It was a joke, man.

I'm sure neither of us are in here to Jack anyone up.

Well, you sit tight.

I'll see you upstairs when mommy gets here.

I can't wait.

Excuse me.

They have kept me waiting downstairs for 40 minutes.

Can you please find out where hunter mazelon is being held?

I'm his mother.

Detectives Benson and stabler are the primaries on that case.

Why don't you have a seat while I locate them.

Absolutely not.

Feel free to stand if you prefer.

Special victims is a sex crime unit, right?

Hunter was picked up on a kid's prank.

What is he doing here?

There's been a new development.

Did someone do something to him?

Your son isn't the victim.

What-- that's insane.

Hunter mazelon.

You must have gotten him mixed up with someone else.

Look, I know you're upset.

But just out of curiosity, why weren't you concerned about his whereabouts last night?

When the police called I was furious, and I told them to keep him and teach him a lesson.

Let him think about what he's put me through.

The arresting officer didn't contact you till 3:00 in the morning.

Where did you think hunter was before that?

Spending the night at his friend Jake's working on a science project.

How could hunter do that?

The science fair's Monday.

We're dead.

Yeah, your next-door neighbor Annie meyers is all choked up about that.

Did you know anything about this, Jake?


Hunter jimmied open her service entrance.

He probably needed a lookout.

You two partners in more than science?

No, we're barely partners in that.

Hunter showed up high and bailed early.

Why are you friends with a boy like that?

I'm not.

We were the only two losers without a partner.

They paired us up.

Okay, then why'd he target your next-door neighbor Annie?

She said she never met him.

She was leaving her apartment when he got here last night.

He made dirty gestures while she was walking away.

You ever see hunter exhibit any violent streak?

Just on hosni muribbit.

Our mummification project.

The first step is to push a sharp rod into the nose and pull out the brains.

It's called pithing.

The frog in that picture is still alive.

I told him we could get a dead one from the pet store, but he said, "where's the fun in that?"

That's messed up.

Yeah, it's also an indicator in the triad of sociopathy.

Animal cruelty.

Jake, why didn't you stop him?

I tried. If it weren't for me, he would have done it to our cat.

He would never hurt anybody.

That other boy, Jake, he must have goaded him into it.

Do you know if hunter is sexually active?

Of course not.

He's 14.

He's just a baby.

Hello, Bree.

Nice of you to show up.

What is wrong with you?

No, you tell them that I didn't raise you this way!

Are you in the habit of smacking your child around?

No, her w*apon of choice is a verbal tongue lashing.

Sit down.

When I got out of line, my mother beat me with a belt.

Maybe I should have spanked him.

Well, actually, studies link corporal punishment to increased v*olence and lowered iqs.

Well, I got whipped plenty, and I'm a marketing executive.

She thinks this is all about her.

No, it is about your father abandoning us when you were a baby.

Mrs. mazelon, your son has been very anxious to tell us his side of the story, so maybe we should hear him out.


Great, have a seat.

If I could just get you to initial after each line.


Your son has the right to remain silent.

And anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law.

Well, it's not gonna come to that, is it?

Well, if he's cooperative, we'll make sure that the D.

A. Hears about it.

The D.A?

If anyone's gonna punish him, it'll be me.

And if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.


Hunter, let's go.

Where do you think you're going?

Home, to deal with this myself.

Uh, you're free to go.

Hunter here is not.

Well, I'm not leaving without him.

Why, that's sweet of you, Bree.

Shut up!

And I told you not to call me that.

I'm your mother.

Mrs. mazelon, hunter is not leaving.

He's under arrest, do you understand that?

You're making a Mountain out of a mole hill.

Everything in my backpack was for a science project.

I'm calling an attorney.

He can meet him at arraignment.

I can't charge him with a sex crime.

He broke into Annie's apartment with a ninja-grade butterfly knife, duct tape, and pantyhose.

I don't make him to be a cross-dresser.

He hose was for a face mask.

He intended to r*pe Annie meyers.

I know it and you know it, but I can't present a thought crime to the jury.

So charge him with the crimes we do have him on.

Make enrollment in a sex offender treatment program a condition for any plea you give him.

If it even comes to that.

He's 14.

This is his first offense.

No, it isn't.

We checked with the school.

Two months ago, he grabbed a teacher's breasts.

She wanted him expelled, but his mother made it go away.

Is the teacher willing to come forward?

We tried. No.

There were no consequences on that one.

You let him skate on this, we will have future victims.

Guys, I won't even be the one trying this.

He's a minor. It's family court.

First-degree burglary with a deadly w*apon, the cut-off is 14.

You can charge him as an adult.

Docket ending 0589.

The charges are burglary one, criminal trespass two, criminal possession of a w*apon four, possession of burglar's tools.

Also possession of alcohol by a person under 21.

Well under 21, I see.

The people are clearly abusing their discretion, your honor.

It's a travesty this case hasn't been petitioned over to family court.

The felony count makes supreme court the proper venue for an allocation of youthful offender.

Let's move this along while we're all relatively young.

How do you plead?

Not guilty, your honor.

Nobody's even let me tell my side of the story yet.

As your attorney can explain to you, you'll be afforded that opportunity at trial.

The people are asking for?

Detention to a juvenile facility.

This child is hardly a flight risk.

His mother's in court and will see to it that he complies.

He has a total lack of respect for authority.

He struggles with impulse control and substance abuse.

Spurious allegations that have no bearing on whether he'll return to court.

Bail is set at $5,000, cash or bond.

In that case, I as that an order of protection be granted to the complainant, Annie meyers, barring any contact by the defendant.

So granted.

I'm the one who needs a protection order.

I was molested.

By whom?

The creepy guy at the precinct where they took me.

Detective stabler.

Hunter accused Elliot of what?

In open court?

Why didn't you call me after arraignment?

Okay, yeah.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Hey, I'm gonna need to take an hour lunch to meet with the preschool for Eli.

Can you believe that, preschool?

What's up?

Uh, hunter mazelon pulled a little stunt in front of judge ridenour at arraignment yesterday.

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.

He claimed that you molested him.

What'd ridenour do?


He set a low bail, which Bree posted.

So the little psychopath is free.

Elliot, don't do anything stupid.

Let me just talk to the mom.


It's not your career he's screwing with.

He's a messed-up kid in serious trouble.

This is obviously a desperate hail Mary.

No, it wasn't.

He was planning this from the beginning.

That little runt set me up.


I was with you the whole time.

When we were waiting for his mother to show up, I brought him down to the youth office.

All of a sudden this kid starts howling that I'm grabbing his package.

Did you write it up?

He laughed it off as a joke.

I forgot about it.

This is obviously gonna work out.

You're innocent.

That doesn't matter.

As soon as you're smeared with something like that, the stink doesn't go away.

Elliot, you have to go through propers.

You cannot confront this kid right now.

I'm not, okay?

I know how this works.

I'm gonna go down to I.A.B.

, set it right with them before those sons of b*tches try and make it public.

So how'd your twisted little fairy tale play with I.A.B.?

Stay away from my son, you pervert.

You know he made it up.

You know, I saw your file on lieutenant Tucker's desk.

It was pretty thick.

How many other guys have you been a little too friendly with?

Has your son ever been taught his actions have consequences?

Hunter, let's go.

No, why don't we stay here and listen to some more parenting advice from a child molester.

You let him lie and charm his way out of trouble.

You're not doing him any favors.

Lieutenant Tucker, this guy's stalking me now.

I was on my way to see you.

Funny, I didn't send for you.

Well, I thought I'd save you the trouble.

We've been trying to leave, but that man won't let us.

Stabler, my office.

I know you're not stupid enough to intimidate a witness in my front yard.

And I know you're not dim enough to believe anything that little sociopath fed you.

You know, you're entitled to a lawyer.

I waive that right.

It's a setup.

It's retaliation.

Well, that might hold more weight, detective, if you hadn't been in this hot seat before.

What is it, I mean, how many times is it now?

Okay, wait a minute.

It's about my temper against pedophiles.

Maybe you stayed at the dance too long, detective.

What's the Nietzsche quote?

"Those who fight monsters, be careful lest you become a monster."

I don't touch children.

I protect them.

How many perps have said those exact same words to you?

At your precinct Saturday last, did you escort hunter mazelon into an unoccupied windowless office?

Following protocol.

So you admit you were alone with this minor.

He was handcuffed.

He was under arrest.

You wanted him to know the trauma he put his victim through.

You're an idiot.

You shoved him against a wall, making mention of a cavity search.

No, that was his lame joke.

You came up behind him.

To uncuff him.

You slid your hands between his legs.

You've been watching too much porn.

Hunter cried out for help, he asked you to stop, saying stop touching his junk.

He was setting me up!

Then why didn't you report him first?

Because it was an asinine prank by a 14-year-old punk that only a moron with an axe to grind would ever believe.

The door was wide open.

I know.

That's why we have a witness.

Nelson. What happened?

Tell your partner I was never looking to get caught up in this.

Trust me, we know how the rat squad works.

What did you tell them?

The truth.

Then they know it's a bogus claim.

Look, every drug bust I ever made claimed I planted the evidence, so I feel that.

Good, so you explained to Tucker that Elliot's being set up.

All I could tell him was what I heard and what I saw. I couldn't lie.

What do you think you saw?

Your partner backing up off the kid when he heard me come behind him.

You saw that he was just uncuffing the kid.

I couldn't see his hands from my angle.

You let this kid play you.

All I know is after I talked to I.A.B.

I got stuck on cop-in-a-box duty, which I'm late for now.

I'm done talking.

I don't want anybody harassing officer Nelson.

For what, backing this con artist?

Nah, give him a commendation.

The only one getting harassed around here is Elliot.

And it goes without saying that you can't get near this kid again.

That's why he pulled this stunt, so I couldn't do my job, and you're playing right into it.

The defense would have a field day with any new dirt you dug up on him.

They'd claim that you planted evidence for revenge.

And as for you, let munch and fin know that whatever you're doing has to be 100% aboveboard.

It's gonna be scrutinized.

Since when is that a problem?

This kid tried to dirty up one of our own.

We know what his tactics are, and we've got to be smarter.

So now any scumbag perp in custody looking to cut a deal can yell "bad touch"?

My client would be amenable to dropping his case if you drop yours.

Blackmail. Are you kidding me?

His words, not mine.

He's a kid, sherri.

The finer shadings of the law escape him.

I'll be sure and pass that along to internal affairs.

It's his first offense.

I would like for it to be his last.

What, by taking away his childhood?

Let's discuss a plea.


Well, then you'd have been better trying him in family court.

No jury there.

And no record after he gets out.

Supreme court only gives him a record if the jury convicts.

You do realize he's guilty.

You know how hard it is to get a jury to convict when there's no victim?

We have a victim, Annie meyers.

Who on cross-examination I will ask if hunter laid a finger on, and unless she perjures herself, her answer will be no.

I'm not letting a future Ted Bundy skate.

First offense, sherri.

14 years old.

How do you think the jury will find?

We work out a deal, we can at least stipulate that he gets some help.

It's the phone.

No, no, no.

Come on, Elliot.

Don't even think about it.

Come on.
Oh, surprise, surprise, it's your office wife.

Hey, liv.

I don't know if Elliot told you, but he's taking a personal day today.

Yes, I am.


What does that have to do with Elliot?

Does he need to appear in court?

He doesn't?

That's good.

Okay, I'll give him the message.

Bye, liv.

What's that about?

Good news.

Liv thinks that you're off the hook on a trumped-up molestation charge that you never bothered to tell me about.

Some lowlife kid angling for a deal.

Why'd it go away?

I guess your a.D.A.

Has a soft spot for you.

She's letting him plead out.

Are you aware, Mr. mazelon, that an adolescent's brain doesn't finish developing until into his 20s?

No, but that's cool to know, your honor.

Your lack of character and demonstrably poor decision-making capabilities need not be lifelong handicaps.

Also good to know.

As a condition of the agreement, you have to allocute to your crimes.

Let's hear it.

"On Friday, April 29th, I unlawfully entered the home of Annie meyers."

I was totally wasted, and I had no idea what I was doing.

Skip the editorializing, Mr. mazelon.

If you can't take responsibility for your actions-- what the hell are you doing?

Not the time, Elliot.

Don't let him do this.

Call for a recess.

Is there a problem, counselor?

We need to call a recess, your honor, please.

We have a restraining order against that man.

He's not supposed to be within 500 feet of my client.

I am just trying to prevent a miscarriage of justice here, your honor.

I want him arrested.

I don't appreciate you disrupting my court, detective.

Court officer, please escort him out.

Continue, Mr. mazelon.

I'm sorry, he made me forget where I was.

Naked in miss meyers bed.

Look, I'm not making any excuses, but at that point I was so wasted I had no idea what I was doing.

No remorse whatsoever.

Lied through his teeth.

Everybody just drank it up.

Another when you got a chance.

Not defending west, but what if she cut the deal to cover your-- then she's an idiot.

We've been burning through a lot of a.

D.A.S around here.

Maybe she just wanted us to like her.

As bitching as it would be to hang out with the cool kids, I didn't do it for you.

So what'd he end up getting?

Three years.


Suspended but any violation results in mandatory detention.

So nothing?

50 hours community service, alcohol treatment classes, and enrollment in a sex offender therapy program.

If I had rolled the dice and lost, he would be out there with no supervision.

Okay, I gotta roll.

Munch says we got a case.

I'll drive.

He said you'd better stay away from this one.

What happened?

I see you got my message.

r*pe victim, Madeline Harris, 50s, looks like a businesswoman.

Skirt hiked up, throat slit.

Any witnesses?

The wino her k*ller plowed into when he was hightailing it out of there, he said he was dressed all in black, reeked of whiskey, and had pantyhose pulled over his face.

It's him.

We don't know that.

The witness said he was slender, 5'10", dark hair, looked like a kid.

It's hunter mazelon.

He's pissed off at the conditions they placed him under.

Or he was celebrating.

What are you doing here?

You were notified the restraining order was vacated?

Right, for lack of merit.

So now a molester can just come into my house and harass my son in his own home.

That's just great for the victim.

Actually, I'm here to introduce you to Mr. sawicki.

This is hunter's probation officer.

We're not meeting until next Wednesday, though.

I find surprise visits to be more enlightening.

He's here to confirm hunter's compliance.

Hunter was given a curfew of 7:00.

He is home, isn't he?

Yes, of course he is.

God, as if his day hasn't been hard enough.

Do you know where he was earlier this evening?

Yes, right here.

He hasn't been out at all?

No, he had a headache, and so he went home right after dinner.

Hunter, there's some people here to see you.

You're sure he's in there?


Wake up!

Maybe he can't hear you over the music.

This isn't funny!

I swear, hunter, so help me, if I have to knock this door down-- well, well, well, where'd you come from?

Detective stabler, you just couldn't stay away, could you?

Not that I'm not flattered, but, dude, you really gotta give this up.

Put the knife down.


Drop it now.

Um, I don't understand.

What the hell is going on?

I locked myself out of my bedroom.

I usually use my pocket knife to open it up, but he took that away from me, so this should work.

Get your hands off my son.

Now when an officer tells you to drop a w*apon, do it.

It's not a w*apon, man. God.

What are you gonna do, sh**t me?

Where you been, son?

Out. Getting some air.

Is that a crime?

For you, yeah, it is.

You know the rules.

You're not allowed out after sundown.

I was on my own roof for, like, ten minutes.


Your mother hasn't seen you for hours.

Yeah, well, I was in my room all night.

All she had to do was knock.

Don't sh**t, it's not a w*apon.

Hunter, your probation officer is here to check in on you.

Yeah, well, he can check away.

I don't have anything to hide.


I like it.

Those clothes you're wearing don't even fit you.

Well, you certainly know how to make a guy feel self-conscious.

Mrs. mazelon, are those the same clothes he was wearing the last time you saw him?

I didn't see what he changed into after court.

Are they even his?

Yes, they're his.


And I suppose he doesn't appear intoxicated to you, either.

I am sober as a judge.

You know sobriety is a condition of his probation?

I want you to blow in this thing, please.

Are you really gonna let them do this to me?

It'll be fine.

You weren't drinking.

I had cough syrup earlier.

Just saying.

It wouldn't give you a .09.

Well, no lying your way out of this one.

You just violated your probation.

Why are you so obsessed with him?

What is this really about?

Place him under arrest.

No, I didn't know how bad his problem was, and I am getting him help.

Please, you can't really take him in, can you?

Why didn't probation haul his ass in last night?

Well, if the kid was on parole, he could have.

Probation has a higher standard.

Can't make a summary arrest.

The hearing's Friday.

Yeah, by which time his victim will be the special on the worm buffet.

Husband's destroyed.

Worked with me for over an hour.

No connection to hunter.

Probably isn't one.

His intended victim, Annie, was a crime of opportunity.

Kid got loaded after he got out of court.

It was Madeline's bum luck of passing him in that alley.

Well, he ditched the m*rder w*apon somewhere between the scene and home.

Mom's covering for him, but someone gave him a change of clothes along the way.

Or he stopped by a laundromat and pulled somebody's clothes out of the dryer.

Kid's smart.

He didn't get that from his mom.

Is there any way we can get her to cooperate?

With the blinders she's wearing, not without stronger evidence.

You do an autopsy on Madeline Harris?

Just finished.

We were hoping you found a smoking g*n.

Official cause of death is asphyxiation.

Sure she didn't bleed out from this big, gaping slit across her throat?

Your perpetrator didn't go deep enough for the jugular or carotid.

He severed the trachea and nicked the inferior thyroid artery, which bled down her windpipe into her lung.

She choked to death on her own blood.

He had her up against the dumpster raping her from behind with a straightedge to her throat.

She probably struggled, causing these grazing cuts.

r*pist presses the knife tighter, accidentally cutting into the trachea.

Accidentally my ass.

This is a homicide.

And luckily for us, a r*pe.

He didn't wear a condom.

I'm running the DNA now.

If we only had something to compare it to.

Hunter's plea deal didn't include a sample for the database.

Probably left it somewhere else.

He nightie he was clutching to his Johnson?

Yeah, I threw that away the night I found him in my bed with it.

So, miss meyers, this closet is where you found the backpack and the whiskey?


What was he doing in there?

The legal term is hanging himself.

You let me know the second they confirm it's hunter's DNA.

Probably won't be till tomorrow.

Where are you?

I'm just making sure the body count stays at one.

You're not supposed to go near the kid.

I don't intend to.

He behaves, I behave.

I gotta go.

That's not the way home, hunter.

What are you doing?


Hey, man, this is getting creepy.

Do you want me to have to renew that restraining order?

You're supposed to go straight home after school.

What are you doing here?

I'm following court orders.

The court order you to stalk and r*pe the girl?


They ordered me to do this.

Teen a.A.

Hi, my name is hunter, and I'm an alcoholic.

So unless you don't want me to get sober...

Do you need a remedial English course, Elliot?

How do I make you understand the words "stay away from hunter mazelon"?

Look, I thought he was stalking a new victim.

Well, that might have helped your case, if you hadn't been so ass-reamingly wrong.

Hey, guys, guys, I hate to interrupt your little love fest, but this is m.E. Birch.

You've got the results?

While I was waiting for the sample from the closet, I ran the DNA I found in your m*rder victim through codis.

Got a hit on five unsolved r*pes in Oregon.

Well, then hunter couldn't have k*lled Madeline Harris.

No, no, it was hunter all right.

The DNA from the closet just came back.

It's a definite match to the others.

He's a 14-year-old serial r*pist.

You have a right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you.

Do you understand?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Fyi, it's the same in Oregon.

Not that they'll get a crack at you any time soon.

That's good, I hate Oregon.

Dad fought hard for summer custody just to ignore me.

The five women you r*ped in the summer should have got his attention.

Hey, speaking of family, do you have a sister who teaches here?

No. Why?

'Cause there's a calculus teacher that looks a lot like you.

Maybe I'll have her next year.

Not where you're going.

Watch your head.

Did he just thr*aten my hypothetical sister?

Why are you hell-bent on destroying my son?

Mrs. mazelon, have you even heard a word that we've said?

Do you know that half of NYPD is tearing up my apartment?

Well, I trust they gave you a copy of the search warrant.

Oh, God, this is all about the complaint that we filed against him?

I give up.

We'll drop it. Just stop this.

You really don't understand any of this, do you?

You know, maybe you need to see it.

Look here.

These are the women that hunter att*cked when he was in Oregon last summer.

Belinda yoland, 42.

She was sexually assaulted in an elevator.

Trina Rydell, 44.

She was dragged off of a hiking trail and r*ped at knife-point.

Not by hunter.

Teresa caudill was sexually assaulted in a parking garage.

She was 39.

Now you're trying to stick every crime in the country on him?

After his third attack, the Portland p.D.

Put together a composite.

Does that look familiar?

That doesn't look anything like him.

Well, hunter thought it did.

And that's why he wore hose from that point forward.

Nila sturm, Susan Perry, 38 and 50.

Madeline Harris was 56.

Stop it. It wasn't hunter.

It was. We have his DNA.

His sperm was in each one of those women.

20% of all sexual assaults are committed by teenagers.

Most of their victims are people their own age or younger.

Now why is hunter so fixated on older women?

Was it because he was molested by one?

Maybe a woman around your age.

You're sick.

I would never--

I'll take a polygraph right now.

Right now we have to deal with hunter.

Well, they said that he would be here.

Where is he?

No, don't expect us anytime soon.

Mikasen and vitalie had him in the back of their car.

We're following them.

Next thing you know the kid comes flying out the window.

I can't breathe.

You're lucky to be alive, idiot.

Said he was gonna be sick, needed some fresh air.

And you opened the window for this con artist?

I only lowered it a little bit.

I didn't think it was enough for him to squeeze out of.

He was cuffed.

I was doing 20 Miles an hour.

I'm riding along.

I don't care if you broke every bone in your body.

I got eyes on you.

Meet us at bellevue.

The mom's on her way here, unless of course she stopped to file a lawsuit.

Good news for the city coffers is, they x-rayed him, nothing's broken.

Where's hunter?

I told you not to let him out of your sight.

They're giving him an m.R.I.

To make sure his brain's not bleeding.

No metal's allowed in there, so I had to get out with my g*n.

So he's uncuffed.

He's still unable to move any of his limbs.

This is the only exit.

We told the tech to lock himself in the booth, to flash the light when he's finished or if hunter tries anything.

I don't like it.

Where the hell's the tech?

The kid's in the machine but it's still running.

Damn it, get a doctor.

Lock down the hospital.

Hunter's wearing whatever this tech had on.

We need a doctor in here now!

Where the hell did he go?

Son of a bitch.

Where is he?

We need you to tell us.

I don't know!

Who does he go to when he's in trouble?

Me. Certainly not his father.

All right, if it's him, don't tip him off that we're here.

What if he won't stay on the line?

The trace is computerized.

Just pick it up before you miss him.

Trust me, you want us to be the ones who find him.

Speaker phone.


Hey, Bree, what's up?

Hunter. Hunter, where are you?

Are the cops there?


Just come home.

You're so dumb.

You don't think they're watching?

I don't know.

Are you all right?

They told me that you were in an accident.

I'm fine. Just a few bruises.

I had those idiots believing I was paralyzed.

Oh, honey, you don't sound fine.

Your speech is slurred.

That's because I've been drinking, you dumb cow.

He's drunk.

Bree, who are you talking to?

To you, baby.

Just come home.

Let me take care of you.

Right, 'cause you always took such great care of me.

You know, you should have done something, and now I have to do it myself.

What do you mean, hunter?

What do you mean?

Bye, Bree.

Thanks for selling me out.

Bye, cops.

I hope it's you, detective stabler.

If it is, I'm gonna do your job for you, you giant douche.

What are you talking about?

Hunter, please, don't hurt yourself.


What was he talking about?

What was he talking about?

I don't know.

Calling from a cell phone, but it had GPS.

He's in Chelsea.

According to the GPS, that's hunter.

Spare change?

You got a phone on you?

Did you take that off this kid?

No, he borrowed it from me.

How many calls did the kid make?

Just one.

Called somebody a douche.

Did you see where he went?


But I got the better part of the deal.

He gave me this to borrow it.

We're coming up on 24 hours.


We canvassed that neighborhood all night, nothing.

Somebody had to give him the whiskey.

Knowing hunter, he probably boosted it.

He's gonna do something drastic if he hasn't already.

A situation this desperate, any chance he's suicidal?

Don't say that.

Mrs. mazelon, we asked you to stay at home in case hunter called back.

Don't let anything happen to him.

This isn't his fault.

It's mine.

You were right.

He was molested.

Why don't you have a seat.

On the phone hunter said you should have helped him, that you didn't take care of him.

Well, he was only seven.

And it took me months to realize that something was wrong and then to get him to tell me about it.

And I should have filed charges, but I didn't want anyone to know.

Was it a family member, his father?


It was the woman who babysat him.

Oh, the things that she did to him, that she made him do to her.

I can't even talk about it.

And he never got counseling?

No, I just wanted him to forget about it so that he could be normal again.

Hunter said he was gonna do my job for me.

Does he know where to find this woman?

He used to spend a lot of time at her apartment.

But that was seven years ago.

Her name is Ellen huffner.


Svu portable to central.

I need a bus at 385 21st street, apartment 2-g.

Relax, you're hurt.

One deceased, one wounded.

I didn't know you cared.

I'm not hurt, just hung over.

He's not shot?

Blood's all hers.

Get up.

The other women I hurt, that wasn't me.

I don't know why I kept doing those things.

I do.

I wanted to stop.

I thought if I confronted Ellen and made her tell me why she did those things to me, I thought it would end.

But she wouldn't tell me.

At least she'll never do it to anyone else.

Neither will I.

I think I'm gonna be all right.

I think I'm gonna be okay now.
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