13x13 - Father’s Shadow

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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13x13 - Father’s Shadow

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

One of you Benson?


Benson, Amaro, chief Duggan.

This is sergeant Mullen, HNT.

The gunman asked for you.

So we're seeing an increase in drug-facilitated sexual as*ault-- not just roofies, but antianxiety medications, beta-blockers.

Survivors suffer with memory loss, guilt, self-blame-- all of which make them hesitant to report these crimes.

Mr. Sandow, your 5:00 audition.


Mallory Jenner.

A handshake.

You're meeting the producer.

This is a reality show.

Let's try it again, honey.

Keep taping?


Uh, you know the premise?

You're competing for the starring role in a Broadway musical.

You're a gorgeous girl, but the audience needs to see the passion.

Yeah, there you go.

With awareness comes action.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Detective Olivia Benson, Manhattan Special Victims Unit.

Terrific speech-- engaging and funny, considering the topic.

I'd rather be locked in a box with a perp.

He next worked in the criminal section of the civil-rights division at justice, where...

They let anyone speak here.

I cut the speech down to three hours.

Please welcome David Haden.

This would be my dream come true.

All right, go again.

Show me you will do whatever it takes to get this part.


Oh, Jess, we're running late.

Go home to Lily.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Sandow.

This would be my dream come true.

Yeah, uh, Eddie, let's try a couple without the camera.


All right, good.


I'm going to let you hold this.


It's my Documentas award.

1992, I won it for my documentary Hard Labor.


Now, seduce the audience.

Let them know you want this.

And action.

Sri Lanka, in a heartbeat.

I would like to visit Paris someday.

You haven't been?

Now, that's a crime.

Something to look forward to.

Hey, I live a couple of blocks uptown.

Um, there's a bistro.

I'm a regular.

Usually eating by myself.

Oh, you're one of those guys?

What was that Stanley Elkin quote?

"The peculiar dignity of men seen eating alone."

Anyway, dinner?

I'm actually still on duty.

And besides, I'm a cop.

You're a DA.

Isn't that a conflict of interest waiting to happen?

Yeah, you're right.

I get it.

Good night.

Good night.

Hey, uh... don't wait too long to see Paris.



Are you okay?


What are you doing?


She was unconscious when we found her.

Vomit on her clothes-- alcohol, probably dr*gs.

No purse, no wallet.

No stockings?

In this weather?

Shoes are on the wrong feet.

You know what?

Go with, call if she comes to.

And make sure they bag that coat.

I told them.

You got to believe me.

I thought she was dead.

Excuse me?

She was lying there.

She wasn't moving.

I thought she was dead.

Let's go, creep boy.


He thought she was dead?

Thirty years in, that's a new one.

Name's Jose Silva, 20.

Four vics have already picked him out-- ten more on their way.

Yeah, but the other women were on subways, grind and go.

This is attempted r*pe.

He's escalating.

She was passed out-- easy target.

What's the status of our Jane Doe?

She's still unconscious at Mercy Hospital, no match with missing persons.

Benson, Amaro, see where we are on the r*pe kit.

You two, get Mr. Silva's confession.

Let's move this off our plate.

Okay, we talked to the DA.

Thinking somebody's dead is not a defense for r*pe.

Oh, I'm no r*pist.

Why not, 'cause you got caught?

You're still going down for the attempt.

And the grinds.

We got DNA evidence off nine of the other women's clothes.

Okay, I'm not saying I haven't done things.

I see a woman, she's wearing something soft or furry.

I can't help myself.

But no r*pe.

Come on, this girl-- her underwear, her stockings were gone.

You were that close.

I don't know nothing about no panties.

Maybe someone else messed her up, man.

I just like shearling.

Check her coat.

Your Jane Doe had a rough night.

Prelim tox screen shows alcohol, Benadryl, and Quaaludes.

That combo will knock anyone on their ass.

Ludes--that's old school for someone her age.

Any sign of sexual as*ault?

Gray pubic hairs and semen on her breasts.


The suspect's 20.

And he claims he only worked her coat.

Oh, just getting to that.

I found semen there too.

I did ABO typing on both samples.

One's from a secretor.

One's not.


It's pre-DNA, Amaro.

She's saying that there's two donors.

The grinder was just an opportunist.

So whoever gave her the Quaaludes assaulted her first.

My name's Mallory Jenner.

Am I okay?

You may have been drugged.

You were drinking.

That was a bad combo.

We found you in Central Park, Mallory.

You remember how you got there?


Wh-what was I wearing?

A black skirt--it was short-- a white sweater and short black boots.

Oh, my lucky audition outfit.

I'm an actress.

Okay, uh... an audition for a play, a TV show?


Did something bad happen to me?

A man in the park was attacking you.

You were passed out.

You'd thrown up.

I kind of remember.

I threw up in a cab.

The guy made me get out.

He drove off with my purse.

What do you want from me?

This girl vomits all over.

So you just throw her out your cab?

I had to clean up.

I do the right thing, told the garage I had her purse.

Where'd you pick her up?

57th and 11th.

A young guy gave me 50 to take her home.

Bad deal for me.

Hey, she had an audition yesterday--

The Showgirls Project, Sandow Films.

Yeah, that's that new reality show.

Singers will do whatever it takes to get their big break.

Mr. Sandow, your 5:00.

She's a little early.


Lacey, hi!

Come on in.

Wow! You have a lot of awards.

Well, that's my Documentas... for Hard Labor.


You want to hold it?

Go ahead.

Jess, you can take off.

Oh, thanks.

Um, Eddie.

Give us a few minutes without the camera, all right?

Make yourself at home.

Go. Sit.

So how was she after the audition?

I had already left.

The next morning Mr. Sandow told me Mallory was sick.

We'll need to speak to Mr. Sandow.


Jess, everybody all right?

It's about Mallory.

Eddie Sandow, our associate producer.

I'm detective Benson.

This is detective Amaro.

You put Mallory in a cab last night?

Uh, yes.

She was a mess.

She probably drank before she came to the audition.

We're going to need to speak with Mr. Sandow.

Are you related to him?

He's my dad.

And he's in an audition.

You can't go in there.

Do you hear someone shouting for help?

You can't do that!

Stop! Police!

Step away from the girl.

I'm in the middle of an audition!

Step away from the girl.

Dad, I told them not to come in.

Hey, are you okay?

Did you want this to happen?


I'm so dizzy.

Call an ambulance.

Fred Sandow, you're under arrest.

We were improvising!

You can't do this!

Don't you know who he is?

Don't get hysterical.

Call Stanitch.

He'll know what to do.

All right, stop.

Hey, leave my dad alone!


Get off! Get off!

That's enough!

Up against the wall!

Your dad is in trouble.

And so are you.

Let's go.

Reality TV pushes the envelope.

Audiences expect sexual titillation.

By which you mean r*pe?

My client was rehearsing.

The other detective jumped to conclusions.

She was physically helpless.

She was acting helpless.

She was in complete control of herself, of me.

And how about Mallory Jenner?

She couldn't even leave your place standing up.

That young woman was drunk when she arrived, detective.

But you didn't stop the audition?

I'm a producer, not a sober coach.

Right, so why not offer more champagne?

My assistant offered her one glass.

Mm, 'cause Mallory had Quaaludes in her system.

Now, I'm thinking that the lab is probably going to find traces in that champagne glass.

Which could have been put there by her.

Did she, by any chance, go to the restroom with her bag?

Yes, actually, she did.

And when I realized she was in no shape to continue, I had my son hail her a cab.

Your son?

You always have him clean up your mess?

He's my producer.

And he knows I didn't r*pe those girls.

Why would I have to?

They'd do anything to get onstage.

My son's there the whole time.

He's videotaping.

My assistant's there.

Listen, I'm a professional.

And I always have been.


Um, the counselor from the hospital said that-- that you refused the r*pe kit?

I was not r*ped.

Mr. Sandow did not do anything.

When we came in, your dress was open.

He was on top of you.

You saying you wanted that to happen?

Lacey, Mr. Sandow assaulted you.

He assaulted another woman last night.

We need your help to stop him.

If he goes to prison... what happens to the show?

I really want this part.

Mallory must've been on something.

I've never seen anyone get sick like that before.


I asked if she wanted to go to the hospital, and she swore at me.

Now, were you ever alone with Mallory?


Was your dad alone with her?

Yes, but just so he could work with her.

It's reality TV, but he takes it very seriously.

Look, people say bad things about my dad, but that's not who he is.

Okay, so why don't you tell us who he is?

He's a famous filmmaker.

He won the Documentas in 1992.

That was a few years ago.

He gave up his career to take care of me.

There's no money in documentaries.

Hey, where's your mother, Eddie?

She walked out on us, with my sister, when I was ten.

That must have been hard on you.

That bitch?

Better off without.

Is that what your father told you?

You don't know anything about my dad.

You know, he's awesome.

When I was 16, I was a loser.

He bought me my own apartment.

I'd have girls, parties, anything I ever wanted.

See, my dad knows how people are.

And how are they, Eddie?

Everybody always wants something.

All these girls just want my dad to make them a star.

They only care about themselves.

No charges?

Mallory IDed the photo of Sandow.

But she can't remember what happened, and, uh...

Lacey Ford says nothing happened.

That wasn't her story at the scene.

This was a good arrest.


Which one of you heard the screams through the soundproof door?

All right, so, counselor, you're saying next time it's better if we wait until after the r*pe before we intervene?

If he hit on two girls in two days, there's got to be more.

We should go through this creep's talent list.

Any chance the assistant or the son will cooperate?

Oh, not the son-- idolizes the father.

He thinks Sandow's father of the year 'cause he pimped girls for him.

All right, then talk to the assistant away from the office.

Well, this may help.

Lab just found traces of Quaaludes in one of the champagne glasses.

Now, that will get us a search warrant.

Unless you'd rather bust in again without one.

That's a lot of hardware for a singing competition.

Want to bet he doesn't have a permit?

It's too bad.

Sandow did have a legit career.

Well, his last movie was 20 years ago.

He's living off fumes of former glory.

Happens to the best of us, my friend.

Quaaludes... erection meds.

Let me guess--

Sandow needed a little help with his artistic process.

Mr. Sandow's a good boss.

He pays me well, covers my daughter's school.

This is a nice crib.

He pay your rent too?


This is his son's apartment.

You live with Eddie?

He's your boyfriend?

How long you two been together?

A year.

He treats my daughter like his own.

He's in the park with Lily now.


I mean, you got a nice life here, you and your daughter.

I know you don't want to mess that, but I got to level with you.

You're in trouble.

I don't understand.

Your boss is being prosecuted for sexual as*ault.

We have his DNA.

We found traces of Quaaludes on a champagne glass-- champagne that you poured.

I didn't put that in there.

That's not going to really matter to the DA.

You're an accomplice.

They're going to come here.

They're going to take your daughter, take her off to some foster care.

I know you don't want that.

No. Please.

Tell us about Mallory.

I'd gone home.

Whenever he books a 5:00 p.m. audition, I just have to stay and greet, and then he lets me go.

Okay, we're going to need a list of all his five o'clocks.

Eddie's going to be upset.

He doesn't have to know.

If your boss is a good guy, we won't find anything.

No, you-- you will.

The next morning, after Mr. Sandow said Mallory went home sick, I came in early to straighten up the office.

I found these under the couch cushions.

Her underwear and stockings.

And I'll text you those names.

So you're saying you're not ticklish, right?

Come on, you don't know anything?

You expect us to believe that?

No, I swear.

What's going on here, Jess?

The detectives were just leaving.

All right, give us a call if you change your mind.

Mommy, mommy... we had fun.


What were they asking about?

I told them they were crazy.

You sound cranky.

You must be hungry.

How about pizza rolls for dinner, hmm?


People on bail?

Remand. Mr. Sandow is facing multiple felony charges and has means to flee.

Mr. Sandow has no criminal record and is the custodial parent of a teenage son.

Who doesn't live at home.

Your honor, Sandow is a long-term serial predator.

All right, Mr. Cutter, bail is denied.

Defendant remanded to Rikers.

Dad, dad, I'll get you out.

After all I've done for you, you and your girlfriend turn against me.


No, I'd never--


Somebody talked to those cops.

You tricked Jess!

You turned her against us.

All right, Eddie, I need you to calm down, okay?

Take it easy.

Get off me.

My dad didn't do anything.

Nick, Nick, I'll handle this.

Eddie, I understand that you're upset, okay?

God, these girls-- you can't trust them.

My dad says this is a shakedown.

He's old.

He shouldn't be in jail.

Eddie, your father can take care of himself.

It's you that I'm worried about.

Now, do you have somebody to talk to?

Because this is a lot--

This is all your fault!

Hey, all right, that's enough.

Come on, let's take a walk.

If anything happens to my dad, I swear to God you'll be sorry.

Go get some air.

Hi, mommy.

Eddie, please.

You said you didn't tell the police anything, Jess.

You lied to me.

One of you Benson?

Yes, chief.

Benson, Amaro, chief Duggan.

This is sergeant Mullen, HNT.

The gunman asked for you.

Eddie Sandow?

How well do you know this guy?

He's angry.

We arrested Eddie's father on sexual as*ault.

The kid was pretty wound up.

What are we looking at?

Not sure.

We're setting up a pole cam.

The boy upstairs knocks on the door this morning.

He and the daughter--

Lily, she's eight.

They walk to school together.

Instead, your guy opens the door holding a g*n on Lily, says she's not going today.

Well, what about the girl's mother?

We don't know.

Sandow won't talk.

Slid a piece of paper under the door with your name.

Detective, is he setting you up?

I hope not.

Lead the way.

Eddie, I brought detective Benson.

Eddie, it's detective Benson.

Everybody okay in there?


No, we're not all right.

Is somebody hurt?

You don't care.

You're all out to get me.

Eddie, you know that's not true.

We want everyone to be okay.


Even my dad?

'Cause he's in Rikers 'cause of you.

Eddie, we can talk about that, but first I need to know that everyone's all right.


Are Jess and Lil with you?

Can you tell me where they are?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, they're right here.

Okay, great.

Can they say something?

What, you don't believe me?

I do, Eddie.

I do.

But the other people here-- they need to know that Jess and Lily are okay.

Jess, say you're okay.

I'm here.

I'm fine.


Can Lily say something?

Go ahead, Lily.

Say something.

I'm hungry.

Good, good.

That's good.

Good job, Lily.

Eddie, this is great.

This means that this can all work out.

Yeah, it can.

If you just let my dad go.

We can talk about that, Eddie, but-- but I'm just a detective.

It's not my call.

Then get a DA here.

Eddie, why don't you let Lily go, and then we'll talk to a DA?

Oh, sure, hey... yeah, sounds good.

I'll tell you what-- why don't I give you my g*n and come out with my hands up and a target on my forehead!

Eddie, listen to me.

I'm sorry. I get it. I get it.

You want me to let Lily go, huh?

I want to know how my dad is.

Bring him here.

I'll see what I can do.

Just get him here!

I'm done talking.

The father's at Rikers.

It's bad precedent.

That kid is 19 years old, going on 10.

He has no impulse control.

His father is his whole world.

And you want to drop him into this?

You got a better idea?

Eddie already feels that his girlfriend betrayed him.

If we jerk him around... he's going to turn on me too.

You want me to talk Eddie off the ledge?

What are you going to do for me?

Are you serious?

At the end of the day, honey, everything has a price.

You're in a bad situation.

You don't want to lose that little girl.

This is your son we're talking about.

His blood is on your hands, not mine.

When we searched your place, we found plenty of hardware.

So I'm betting that the g*n that he's using is yours.

I don't know about any g*ns.

You want my help, you pay my price-- all charges dropped, full immunity, and a public apology.

We couldn't do that if we wanted to.

You made these charges up.

You can make them disappear.

Okay, one step at a time.

You come with us.

You talk your son.

And we'll talk to the DA.

Other way around.

When my lawyer signs off, then I'll help you.

Oh, and about Eddie, I wouldn't wait too long.

Poor kid-- he's got blood-sugar problems.

His moods can really swing.

Is my dad here?

We're working on that.

Just get him here!

What's going on?

The father's not coming.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no.

Let me talk to your boss.

It's not him.

Sandow won't cooperate unless we drop the charges.

He doesn't care about his son?

Do we know who else is in Eddie's life?

Yeah, Fin and Rollins are trying to get in contact with the mother and sister in Canada.

The mother's not going to be any help--he hates her.

So now I have to go in there and tell him that his father's not showing?

Tell him we're working on it.

You tell him the truth, he could lose it.

And if he senses that I'm lying, it's over.


If he asks me, I'm telling him the truth.

Detective Benson?

I'm right here, Eddie.

I'm right here.

I thought you'd left.

No, no, no.

I'm just right here, always.

They got guys on the roofs... with r*fles pointed at me.

I know.

Let me see if I can do something about that, okay?

Where's my dad?

Is he here yet?

We're working on it, Eddie.

Where is he?

Is he all right?

Where is he?


Eddie, your father's not coming.

But you said you'd get him here.

And I tried, but he, uh... he didn't think it was a very good idea.

So you lied to me?

No, no, I did not.

Eddie, wait.

Wait, please, listen to me.

Listen to me.

If anything happens to my dad, I swear to God, I'll sh**t all of us.

Let me know if you have a clear sight.

Listen to me.

Please, stop.

We don't have to do it like this.

Step aside, detective.

We'll take it from here.

You don't have to sh**t him.

Will you just give me--

That is enough, detective.

Somebody get her out of here.

Come on.

The sn*pers--Eddie sees them.

He wants them to pull back.

We let you play social worker.

Now let us do our job.

Excuse me?

Detective Benson has a relationship with Eddie Sandow--

We gave you your chance, all right?

We can't risk the hostages.

Chief, how we doing?

It is what it is--punk wants a deal for the father.


Can't do that.

If we need your help, counselor, I'll let you know.

Fin and Rollins talked to the mother and sister.

They're flying down.

That's only going to add fuel to the fire.

Do we have an ETA on the family?

They're going to blow this.

Look, I know you think you have a connection this kid, but the chief doesn't see Eddie as a special victim.

You too?


Eddie is a scared boy, and these guys-- they'd be happy to carry him out in a body bag.

Better him than you.

Will you let me go in there and try to get him to eat?

The mother and sister are almost here.

Who he hasn't spoken with in three years.

Look, I know it's a hail Mary, but we're running out of options.

My son--

I want to talk to him.

Mom, just slow down, please.

This is all your father's fault.

All right, so this is Eddie's mother and his sister.

I'll let your son know you're here.


Is he okay?

And, uh, the mother did not stop talking the entire ride in, but I got a feeling the sister's got a little something to say.


Can I ask you to step over here?

Are you the one who arrested my father?

I am.

You did the right thing.

My brother... it's not his fault.

All those years alone with my dad... it's because of me.


I got your family here.


Is my dad here?

Still working that.

Your mom's here.

I don't have a mother.

What are you, an idiot?

My mom's dead to me.

Okay, come on.

Here we go.


Where you going?

Eddie, Lily has to go pee.

No, no, no.

Sit back down.

I'm just taking her to the bathroom.

Eddie, is everyone okay?

Stay where you are, Jess.

You stop it.

I don't want to do this anymore.

Just stop.

Sit back down, Jess!


Give her back to me!


What's going on?

Give her back!

Get back! Stay back!

Threw me in that--

Oh, my God, they shot my baby!

No! No!

All right, take the door down.

Hold on. Wait. Wait.

Detective, stand back.


Don't do this.

What do we got on the pole cam?

He hasn't moved.

Still has the g*n on the girl's head.

Let me talk to him.

You bust in there right now, he'll k*ll the girl.


Okay, but one raised voice, we're coming in.


Eddie, it's detective Benson.

I'm sorry I couldn't talk before, but--but I'm here now.

Can you tell me what's going on?

There's a lot of blood.


Can you tell me who got hurt?


She just wouldn't stop, you know.

She wouldn't shut up.

I didn't mean to--

I know, Eddie.

I know.

But we can't leave a wounded person in there, all right?

So we have to come in, okay?

Will you let me help you?

Eddie... we need to come in and help Jess, okay?

I don't want anyone in here.

I understand that.

Eddie, I know you don't, and I know that you're scared right now.

But it's going to be okay if you trust me.

Can you do that for me?


Just let me come in there and help Jess, all right?

Please, Eddie.

Just you, by yourself.

Okay. Okay.

You sure?

I'm sure.

Open the door, okay, Eddie?

I have the g*n pointed right at Lily.

If this is a trick--

It's not a trick.

It's not a trick.

It's okay, Eddie.

It's okay.

See, there's no g*n.

I'm going to go to Jess now, all right?


You're okay.

You're going to be okay, all right?

Hang in there.

You're going to be okay.

You're going to be fine.

This is going to be a little tight, all right?


You're going to be all right.

Eddie, I'm going to call outside, and I'm gonna tell them to come in and take Jess out--

No, no, no, no, no.

You can't do that.

Eddie, come on, we can't just leave her here.

Listen to me.

You can put the g*n on me, okay?

I'm going to have my partner come in here.

He's not going to let me get shot.

It's going to be okay, I promise.

Eddie, put the g*n on me.

And let Lily go sit down.


There we go.




Yeah, I'm right here.

It's all good in here.

Eddie said that it's okay for you to come in and take Jess out, all right?

All right, it's just me.

I'll sh**t her, I swear to God!

I'm unarmed.


I'm going to open the door.

You all right?

We're all good.


Jess is over there.

She's going to be fine.

Hey, Jess.

Hey, Jess, we're going get you some help, all right?

You did the right thing, Eddie.

This might hurt a little, okay?

Here we go.

Lily, Lily.


Don't move!

Don't move!

Lily! Lily! Lily, don't move!

Lily, come here, sweetheart.

Shh. Just sit down.

I want you to stay with me.

Your mommy's going to be okay.

Here, sweetie, I want you to have a seat right there.

Just go.

He's coming out.

All right, Jess, gonna get you some help.

How's Liv holding up?

He's got a g*n pointed at her.

Well, can't they get him through the window?

You do not take that chance.

Eddie, how about we let my partner come in here, and we're gonna let Lily go.

No, she's my girl.


I can't believe that my mom came here.

You know, she used to be a beauty queen.

I bet she heard there were cameras here.

Well, I think that she cares about you.

She left me.

What kind of mother does that?

I know that she didn't want to.

Don't mother me, okay?

I had a mother.

She's a liar.


Well, your sister cares about you.

She told me that she wrote to you and she facebooked you, but you didn't respond.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

She missed me so much.

She could have visited.

She never came back.

She couldn't.

Your father told her that if she tried to visit you, that he would cut them off.

And you.

I don't believe you.

Why would he say that?

Because... he didn't want her to tell you the truth.

What truth?

The truth about why they left.

Eddie... do you remember how old your sister was when they left?


That's right.

She was just starting to grow up.

She was becoming a woman.

Your dad--he, uh... he noticed that.

Your sister told me about the game that your father used to play with you, uh, "Monster Under the Covers."


I know it, okay?

We stopped playing that game when I was, like, eight.

Yeah, he stopped playing that with you.

But he was still playing that with your sister when she was 15.

So your mother had to get her away from him.

Your mother had to protect Alicia.

She couldn't save both of you, Eddie.


Eddie... your mother loves you.

And your sister loves you.

Your sister was outside.

She was crying... and saying, "He's my little brother.

"I didn't want to leave him behind... with him."

Did you try to get him here?

I did.

What did he say?

He was more concerned about himself than he was with you.

Do you really believe that he could do these things, that--that he's a bad person?

I've seen that people have two sides.

Is something wrong with him?

I think so.


But... but I'm his son.

But that doesn't mean that you're anything like him.


No, I shot Jess.

I held a g*n to Lily's head.

There's something wrong with me too.

You can make this right, Eddie.

You can let Lily go.

Eddie, let's let Lily go right now.

Close the door.

All right, sweetheart, you're all right now.

I got her.

You're safe.

It's okay.

You're going to be all right.

You made the right choice, Eddie.

It doesn't matter.

Yes, it does matter.

Jess is going to be okay, Lily too, Eddie.

You and me-- we can walk out that door right now.


I'm just like him.

I'm a monster.

Eddie, that's not true.

You'll say anything now.

No, I won't.

You're not a monster, Eddie.

You have to listen to me.

Eddie... put the g*n down.

You're right.


Let them do it.



I got a shot.

No, Eddie, don't do this!

Hold your fire!

Hold your fire!

Why do you care?

Because I know what you're feeling.

No, you don't.

Yes, Eddie, I do.

My father did terrible things to women.

To my own mother.

You're making this up.

Eddie... you have a choice.

I'm nothing like my father.

You don't have to be like yours.

I want you to give me the g*n.

Give me the g*n.

Come on, come on.

Coming out!

I have his w*apon!

He's unarmed.

Put your weapons down.

Take him.



It's over!

Watch your head.

How's Jess?

She's going to make it.

And the little girl?

She's shaken, but okay.

Her aunt came in from Ohio.

Nice job, detective.

Thank you.

They had a clear shot.

You stepped into the line of fire.

He didn't have to die.

He didn't, thanks to you.

They say, uh, you got through to the kid.

What'd you tell him?

The truth.

Let me get you out of here.
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