13x14 - Home Invasions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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13x14 - Home Invasions

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Damn it.

What do you expect?

He's been money all night.

Game is over. I have to study.

Sit down.

I bet you they come back.

Dad, I don't wanna bet.

I said sit down.

You're my lucky charm.

Joan, will you get that?

That's the Chinese.

There's, like...

Two minutes left in the game.

I know.

All right, Chinese or ltalian?

I'll let you figure it out.

Hey, guys, hold off on your dinner break.

We got a sh**ting in Yorkville.

Two fatalities confirmed.

And that's SVU because...

Well, the sh**ting took place at the home of Joan Eckhouse, chief counsel for the New York Gay Rights Coalition.

I'll have Liv and Fin meet you there.

Messy crime scene.

What the hell happened?

Delivery guy found them.

No forced entry, no sign of robbery.

You walked in past the wife, Joan.

She opened the door on the sh**t.

Now he does her, then before they can react, he moves to the husband and daughter on the couch.

This is the husband, Sidney Eckhouse.

What about the daughter?

Emmy. 14.

In surgery at St. Michael's.

b*llet in her head.

Found this in the wall.

We're looking for the others.

EMS made a mess of the scene.

Good luck trying to reconstruct what went down.

Full metal jacket? execution of a whole family?

That's, uh... extreme.


I heard the sirens, is everyone okay?

No one will tell me anything.

And who are you, son?

I'm rob, Emmy's boyfriend.

I'm Rob's father.



What happened?

Is Emmy all right?

Where is she?

She's at the hospital.

Oh, my God.

You happy now, dad?

This is all your fault.

Emmy was supposed to come over tonight to study but my dad made me cancel.

If he hadn't grounded me, she wouldn't have been shot.

I know it.

Did she come over a lot of nights?

To... study?

All the time.

My dad thought Emmy was distracting me.

That's my dad, always trying to teach me a lesson.

How long have you two been together?

Eight months.

We connected right away.

But your dad didn't think it was a good idea for you two to be in a relationship?

I told him we weren't sleeping together.

Even got Emmy to take the abstinence pledge.

He just couldn't let it go.

How well do you know the Eckhouses?

I knew Sidney better.

I mean, Joan was always working.

You know, she was a real crusader, you know, with her gay thing.

What about their marriage?

Who knows?

I saw him with his daughter mostly.

How did he feel about her relationship with your son?

We were on the same page.

Look, they're kids.

I mean, it's just too intense.

We'd email about curfews, ground rules.

Well, he seemed pretty upset by those rules.

That's part of being a dad.

I mean, I even had to lock him in tonight when I went to walk the dog.

How about other nights?

Did you notice anyone watching the house, or a car parked outside?

I mean, there was a squad car parked outside their house about a month ago for at least an hour.

Sidney say anything about that?

Aw, I didn't ask.

I mean, whatever it was, it wasn't my business.

Joan and I worked on the gay marriage bill.

There were threats... hate mail.

You keep record of the threats?

Of course.

I'll give you everything.

You have to find the sons of b*tches that did this to her.

You know... the last few weeks, she was really spooked.

She mention anything specific?

She was getting calls late at night. Hang-ups.

And a few times, she thought there was a car following her and Emmy.

Is that why the police were there a month ago?

Joan didn't tell me about that.

She would've told me.

You know... looking at these photos and the press, seems like you're the public face of the organization.

Yeah, I mean, Joan was more behind the scenes, but we were a team.

So why do you think they targeted her instead of you?

It may have been to get to me.

Oh, you guys are gonna find out about this anyway, but Joan and I were involved.


Can you think of anybody that may have been jealous of your relationship?


She was my life.

We were just waiting for Emmy to get a little older.

Joan was gonna leave Sidney and we were gonna get married.

Terrible way to start off the year.

There go my stats.

Let's just get this done.

I know SVU's got the lead on this case, but we'll hold up our end.

So we'd like to talk to Martinez and Parker.

What do you want with them?

They responded to a call at the Eckhouse residence about a month ago.

Like I said, I wanna help, but those two guys, they're not on the job anymore.

Both of them?

They were moonlighting for a bookie.

I can't have that.

Their stuff's over there.

They didn't even come back for it.

Help yourself.

Any update on the girl's condition?

Well, the b*llet has been removed.

She's out of surgery, in a drug-induced coma, but they're not gonna know how she really is until the swelling goes down.

Okay, what about the boyfriend and his dad?

How bad was the blood between these two families?

These two kids were in love with each other.

The fathers thought it was a bad idea.

The emails confirm.

Okay, and the coalition threat list?

Uh, anonymous hate mail, phone calls, I mean...

That's a big leap between that and executing a family.

Well, Joan told her partner she thought someone was stalking her.

Okay, any chance it could've been somebody jealous about the affair?

No, they were pretty discreet.

So check this out.

These are notes from the officer responding to the Eckhouse residence.

So it was a domestic employee incident, and their housekeeper, Carmen Vasquez, she claimed that Sidney had assaulted her.

And he told the officer that she had been stealing jewelry.

So the housekeeper gets in a fight with Sidney, waits a month, comes back, and caps everyone in the house?

Just not sure that tracks for me.

Well, this might help.

Carmen has a brother named Jimmy.

Got out of Greenhaven six months ago.

Did four years for armed robbery and as*ault.

His last known address is 111th Street.

All right, Fin, Rollins, go back to the Eckhouses'.

Do an inventory of their valuables, things the maid could've tipped her brother off about.

You two, see what the Vasquez family has to say.

How is Emmy?

We've been praying for her.

She's like a daughter to me.

How long did you work for the Eckhouses?

I took care of that girl since she was two months old.

We gotta pull her through.

And when did you stop working for them?

About a month ago.

She had school activities, I needed more hours.

Your leaving... had nothing to do with the police coming to the Eckhouses' home?

I never stole any jewelry.

I would never.


Well, nobody said that you did.

Sidney did.

But he was lying.

Joan had a benefit.

She couldn't find her diamond earrings.

14 years, I work for them.

He gets in trouble, and he blames me.

And that cop took his side.

Told me to keep my mouth shut.

Slow down, Carmen.

What kind of trouble?

He pawned those earrings himself.

He was a gambler, he owed big.

He had already sold off his autographed baseballs, his watch--

And Joan didn't know?

They lived together, but they lived apart.

Well, I'm sorry, Carmen, but we have to ask you.

Where were you on Friday night?

Bible study.

Y tu hermano?

Jimmy? Where was he?

He was leading the session.

I know he's an ex-con, but he had nothing to do with this.

Jimmy turned himself around inside.

Found God.

For in my darkest hour, Jesus came to me.

And he said, "my son, I can heal you if you let me live in your heart."

It's that simple, ladies and gentlemen.

And I felt a power I'd never felt before.


Because I was no longer alone.

Emmy's not alone either.

Jesus is with her.

And if we pray hard enough and sincerely enough, from the bottom of our hearts, his grace, his glory will heal her too.

Everything is possible for those who believe.

I understand why you're here, you know, and uh-- and I'm glad somebody's fighting for Emmy.

Okay, that girl's an angel.

So ask anything.

How about an easy one?

Where were you Friday night?

I was right here.

Friday night Bible study.

Isaiah 42:7: "To open blind eyes."

"To release the prisoners from the prison."

Can anyone besides your sister confirm you were here?

About six members of my congregation.

And, yes, some of them have records too, but we're trying to say on the righteous path.

Glad to hear that, but we'll need names.

Of course, anything.

I mean, that girl?

That's my angel right there.

Hey, when did you meet her?

Meet her?

I've known her since she was a little kid.

I mean, I taught her how to ride a bike.

So you were close with the family before your arrest?

And after.

You know, people desert you when you go upstate.

But Emmy wrote me.

She even came up with Carmen on the bus to visit.

She ever tell you about her home life?

Oh, you mean her father?

That man wasn't right.

He'd even have that girl place book for him.

She told me, when he'd get too drunk, he'd send her down the street to the bar to place his bets.

Whatever happened to the NYPD?

Did all the white guys retire?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for affirmative action.

We're here to talk about one of your former clients, Sidney Eckhouse.

Here's what I got for you.

You serious?

I got a four-year-old knows better than that.

You have any more questions here, gentlemen?

Emmy Eckhouse, been seen repeatedly in this bar.

We figure she was either placing bets or drinking underage.

Now the question is, which one you are going down for.

We'll let you pick it on the way.

Come on.

Seems like serving minors in your bar is just the tip of the iceberg.

Felonious as*ault, 6/09.

Broke a man's legs and arms with a baseball bat.

Cracked his skull.

April '05, you placed a man's open mouth on the edge of a curb outside the Blarney Stone Pub, then stomped on the back of his head.

They needed wires and steel rods to put his face back together.

That was attempted m*rder.

Goes on for two pages.

It's dangerous owing you money, huh?

These are very good stories.

But you know what else is good?



They say it's just for tweens, but I do love those vampires.

Anyone can make charges.

Mr. Murphy has no convictions.

Two parents are dead, and a 14-year-old girl is fighting for her life.

So nobody's gonna wriggle out of this one.

That's horrible.

If my client did have anything to do with the prior assaults you mentioned, it's worth noting there was no g*n involved, and every victim survived.

This would serve an alleged bookie no purpose, as dead men pay no debts.

Six for six.

His entire Bible study class swears Jimmy Vasquez was holding their hand all Friday night.

What about the missing jewelry?

We traced it all to a pawn shop in the lower east side.

Tickets were in Sidney's name.

Well, let's hope Benson and Amaro are onto something.

What about the boyfriend's dad?

No, I went to the dog park.

He was there on Friday, so I--

That smile, what was that?

You jealous?


Oh! Oh!

Detective Rollins, this is officer Parker.

Thought you two might have something in common.

Get up.

Oh, God! Oh...

You're in deep to the wrong guys, sweetheart.

I hope you're not dumb enough to talk to your captain.

If you do... you won't see us coming.

You'll just be gone.


Good girl.


Thanks for coming to meet me.

It's all good.

What's up?

Fin, I have a problem.

That guy Murphy, right?


Back home, I was in football pools, I bet NCAA tournaments, the derby, big stuff.

I liked the action, but it wasn't serious.

But since I got to New York... it's out of control.

How deep you in?

20 k.

Plus the juice every week?

Yeah, I was down 50 at one point.

Did he always know you were a cop?


I told him I was a bartender.

I checked him out, I wanted to know who I was dealing with.

I made my pay-off at his bar.

I waited, and I followed Murphy when he left.

Where'd he go?

To a social club in Hell's Kitchen.

A bookie joint.

And I did some digging around on Murphy's known associates.

His boss's name is McCourt.

Scary guy.

Tonight, Murphy... knocked me around, he threatened me.

He had that guy Parker with him for backup.

He hit you?


Are you okay?

You sure?


Anything else you wanna know about your new partner?

Okay, this is the deal.

We take these creeps off the street, and let them know exactly who the hell we are.

Then you're gonna have to come clean to the captain.

NYPD, hands up.

Grab some wall.

Grab some wall.

Keep your hands up, let me see them.

Anyone scratches his nose, I sh**t.

Hey, Parker.


Old time's sake?

The academy?

I remember taking the oath.

Do you?

Hey, Murphy.

You know what that's for, right?


But you tell your girlfriend she's going to be sorry.

Threatening a detective, huh?

Why don't we just add that to the rest of your charges.


She's a degenerate.

You think busting me is going to stop her?

You're wrong.

Your girl's sick.

Need to learn some respect.

Hey, Fin.


Before you compound your mistake, open the side drawer to my desk.

Go ahead, open it.

I wanna end this.

Trying to bribe us?

I got enough deadbeat cops on my payroll.

You see that stack of envelopes?

Find the one marked "Crosby," that was Sidney's code name.

Like Sidney Crosby, Pittsburg Penguins.

Get it?


Open it.

That's Sidney's.

Night he died, his team made a miracle comeback in overtime.

And you're mad 'cause he won.

Not really.

If he won, he was just gonna lose it back to me again.

Sidney was a gift that just kept on giving.

Why would I want to k*ll him?

So these guys didn't k*ll them.

We're back to zero.

Well, it still doesn't change what you have to do.



I'm on my way.

That was the hospital.

Emmy's out of the coma.
Girl pulled through all right?

She's awake, that's all I know.

I'm meeting Benson and Amaro there now.

The b*llet went through Emmy's skull.

Penetrated the right frontal lobe, but missed her interior cerebral artery by a few millimeters.

All brain function seems intact, her vitals signs are coming back to normal.

She's a very lucky girl.

How's her memory?

She can speak, knows who she is, seems aware of her surroundings.

Beyond that, I can't tell you.

Has anyone else been in to see her?

Besides the staff, no.

What about her boyfriend?

He's barely left the waiting room the past few days, but we haven't let him in yet.

Ready, detectives?

Hi, Emmy.

I'm detective Benson, this is my partner, detective Amaro.


I'll be right outside.

We're investigating what happened to you.

How are you feeling?


Like--like I was in a bad dream.


Where's my mom and dad?

You know, first, I, uh... wanted to ask you if you can tell us what the last thing is that you remember.

I-I remember feeling angry.

I was supposed to go to Rob's house, but...

I couldn't.

His father said no.

What else do you remember?

My dad and I were watching basketball on TV.

What else, Emmy?

I don't remember anything else.

Where are my parents?

Are they dead?


They are, Emmy.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, my God.

Who did this?


We're trying to figure that out.

Where's Rob?

Does he know what happened?

He'd be here.

He is here.

I wanna see him, please.

I'll get Rob.


I want Rob. Rob!

Rob, Rob...

This kid's been though hell, and it's not gonna get any easier.

Hey, doc, you have a second?

I saw you have her on antivirals?

Can I ask why?

Look, this may be pertinent to our investigation.

The surgery triggered a herpes outbreak.

A nurse noticed it when they were changing her catheter.

Genital herpes?

Simplex two.

Not that unusual in a sexually-active 14-year-old.

I should get back in there.

So she was having sex.

Emmy's boyfriend told us that... they took a vow of celibacy.

No, that's impossible.

My son and Emmy weren't having sex.

Plus, I mean, he doesn't have herpes.

Has he been tested?

Well, no, but he just had a check-up.

And I'll be happy to volunteer for anything you want, but...

I mean, he's 14 years old.

He still has his pokemon cards.

Do you know if Emmy had any other boyfriends?

Well, you'll have to ask her that.

She told Rob that he was the first boy she ever kissed.

But you don't believe that.

Emmy came on a little strong to my son, moving too fast.

And you saw this first-hand?

There was something very needy about that girl.


The way she clung to my son like a... barnacle.

But I didn't know what her problem was.

Absentee mother, adolescent girl left alone in the house with her father.

Who has a drinking problem.

Says she's a virgin, but somehow contracted genital herpes?

Wouldn't be the first time we tested a corpse for STDs.

Captain, a word?

Um... so I've been waiting for the right time to, uh--to talk.

Your bookie Murphy ratted you out.

He thought having some dirt on a detective might help his case.

I already called IAB, 'cause I don't want Murphy having any leverage here.

They're going to interview you.

Anything else I need to know before they do?

Murphy ever ask you to run a plate, check somebody out?

I gambled, and I--and I lost, that's it.

Yeah? Well, then, you're lucky.

Because eventually, he would have, and if you were desperate enough...

You understand...

I really should take your g*n and shield right now.


But I'm gonna go to bat for you with IAB, if this really is the extent of it.

Captain, it is.

I swear.

Then you'll get a command discipline, and I'm gonna take ten vacation days, but, uh, free time isn't really your friend, is it?

I think that's part of the problem.


I get it.

I been exactly where you are, I know how this job can weigh on you.

What do you mean?

I used to drink.

And I mean drink.

Soon as I got off duty, I was in the bar pounding.

And then I started having a few on the job.

You know, just to get through.

I thought nobody noticed.

My captain could've canned my ass.


But he got me help instead.


You're a good detective, Amanda.

I don't wanna end your career.

I don't want that either.

So I'm gonna get you help.

But you screw up again, you're gone.




We good?

We can come back.

No, what do you got?

Lab report on Sidney Eckhouse's tissue samples from the autopsy.

Father and daughter tested positive for the same strain of herpes.

Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Find out who else knew.

I'm glad to see you on your feet.

I'm feeling better.

Why are you here?

Did you find out who k*lled my parents?

Actually, Emmy, we need to talk.

Excuse me.


Emmy, we know what was going on between you and your father.


No--no--no, I mean... no, he wasn't the best dad in the world, he-- he had his problems, but--

Emmy, stop, stop.

It's okay.

You don't have to cover for him anymore.

Now whatever happened, it's not your fault.

When did it start?

Last February.

We went skiing in Vermont.

My mom had to leave early.

Just the two of us in the cabin the first night.

He'd been drinking.

Is that the only time that it happened?


No, it wasn't.

He drank a lot.

Look, what does it matter, anyway?

He's dead.

Emmy, did you ever tell anybody about what was going on?

And your boyfriend, Rob, does he know?

I handled it myself, okay?

Can you stop now?

You're 14, Emmy.

You shouldn't have to go through this alone.

There's people that you can talk to that will help you.

You wanna help me?

Make sure Rob never finds out.

I don't ever want Rob to know.

He'd be disgusted.

Please don't tell him.


So she said Rob didn't know, but she could be covering for him.

Okay, so he sh**t the father to stop the incest. Okay.

But why sh**t Emmy?

We need to recheck forensics.

Emmy's dad?

He was trying to rule her whole life.

Kind of like my dad.

Don't be smart.

Look, my son has told you everything he knows, detectives.

What else did she tell you, Rob?


He was a jerk, you know?

He drank all day, watched his games.

His life was really messed up, so he took it out on her.

On us.

And what about when they were alone together, did she talk about that?

No, he was depressing.

Look, you mind telling me what this is all about?

Keep going, Rob.

What do you mean "depressing"?

Uh, after they fired the housekeeper Carmen, she spent all of her time over here.

She was close to Carmen?

Yeah, really close.

I think she was more of a mother to her than her own mother was.

She'd--she'd sneak out and visit her, beg her to come back and work for them.

She couldn't stand being alone with her father.

Emmy told us about her father, Carmen.

We know how close you two are.

And we know that she told you.

He was a sick man.

He brought evil all around the house, and look what happened because of it.

Carmen, you love Emmy.

And if you could do anything to protect her, you would, wouldn't you?

That's right.

So that's how you know I had nothing to do with her getting shot.

Carmen told you about what was going on in that house, didn't she?

But you're a man of God.

I can't believe you'd know and wouldn't help.

What you believe doesn't matter.

The forensics report came in.

Both Sidney and Emmy's DNA were on the b*llet removed from Emmy's skull.

Which is probably why she survived.

By the time the b*llet went through Sidney and hit her, it didn't have much residual energy.

So she was never the target.

That's got to be weighing on our preacher.

Sorry about that interruption.

That was our captain.

He gave us some bad news, Jimmy.

Emmy didn't make it.


That's not possible.

Well, she had a post-op seizure.

She's gone.

I'm sorry.

Can't be.

That can't be part of his plan.

DNA results came back, Jimmy.

It's gonna eat away at you, Jimmy.

You wanna lie to the police, it's okay.

But God knows the truth.

Dios se todo.

And Emmy's looking down on you right now.

She knows too.

You want God to forgive you?

Then you've got to forgive yourself first.

Look, you're a preacher, right?

You know the answer.

You know the answer.

"If we confess our sins...

"then he who is faithful and just... will forgive us our sins--"

"And cleanse us from all wickedness."

That's John 1:9.

You a believer?

Tiene que confesar.


It's the only way you're gonna get right with this.

You don't understand, I tried.

I went to her mother.

She didn't believe it.

She thought I was just getting back at Sidney for firing me.

So is that when... you and your brother decided to be heroes and k*ll the Eckhouses?

My brother?

He didn't know about this.

No? Then why'd he just give himself up?

He said he planned it all.

He's lying... to protect me.

It was all my idea.

Sidney was raping her.

Emmy said she was thinking of k*lling herself.

We had to save her.

There's devils.

There's devils out there.

I know, 'cause I used to be one.

Man wasn't right.

I shot him.

I saw her, I knew she was there.

Right behind.

She went down.

If I could take that b*llet myself, I would.

She wasn't supposed to be there.

She wasn't supposed to be there.

She was supposed to be at her boyfriend's, right?

I know, I know...

Who told you that?


What? No.

Um... no.

Then how'd you know, Jimmy?


Look, Emmy could've told Carmen in passing that she'd be at her boyfriend's house on Friday night.

Like small talk.

Or she helped set it up.

We need to find out if she had a hand in this, Liv.

Well, even if she did, she's a 14-year-old girl who was the victim of sexual abuse in her own home.

And there were other ways she could've handled it.

Look, I hope to God she's not involved, but we have to follow through on this.

Hi, Emmy.


What's going on?

Is everything okay?

Emmy, we talked to Carmen and Jimmy... who confessed.

So we know who k*lled your parents.

Jimmy and Carmen?

Why--why would they do that?

He really doesn't know.

Does he?


What don't I know?


I think it's time to tell him what happened with your father.

No, that's not your choice.

Your father?

Emmy, what are they talking about?

I know that this is hard.

But there won't be any secrets when this goes to trial.

And it will go to trial.

So I think we both know it's best if he hears it from you.

My dad, he-- he forgot that I was his daughter.

Emmy, what do you mean by that?

Don't make me say it.

It was horrible.

Emmy, why didn't you tell me?

Why didn't you say something to me?

I could've helped you.

I wanted to be pure for you.

I didn't want you to think I was dirty.

I would've never thought that.

I love you no matter what.

You know... there's one thing I don't get.

When Jimmy confessed, he kept saying, "I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, she wasn't supposed to be there."

And you weren't supposed to be there, were you?


She was supposed to be at my house.

How did he know that, Emmy?

It wasn't part of the plan.

What plan, Emmy?

Carmen and Jimmy were trying to save me.

I told them Friday night my parents would both be home.

I was supposed to be at Rob's house.

I told them to write "Queers" on the wall so the police would think it was a hate crime.

And, look, your father, I get.

But your mother?

My father was just pathetic, he couldn't help himself.

But my mom?

I hated her more than him.

She knew.

She let it happen.

Carmen tried to tell her.

I tried.

Everybody thinks that she's some kind of hero.

But she was more worried about saving the world than she was about saving her own daughter.



We're gonna have to arrest you.

Please, don't do this.

It's okay.

Please don't take her from me.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

I'm free.

I'm free.

I'm free now.

You're here.

That's the first step.
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