13x15 - Hunting Ground

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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13x15 - Hunting Ground

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

So what'd you think?

Well, maybe there's a reason they don't make silent movies anymore.

Oh, okay.

Next time you pick the movie.

What are you doing?

Don't worry, nobody we work with could sit through two hours of black and white no talking.

I think I'm a little confused by the rules.

Well, officially, if this works we just need to disclose our involvement.


What does that mean, send out a memo?

Basically, yeah, two of them, one to your boss, one to mine.

I don't know if I'm ready for that.

Well, let's take some time then, back off, take some of the pressure off, you know?

Sounds good.

Hey, there's a great bistro down the street.

You wanna get something to eat?

How 'bout we go back to my place and do takeout?

I like it.

A lot.

Come on.

Orion, stay.

Good boy.

No credit cards.

My wife looks at the statements.

I'll give her cash up front.

Have her wait for me at 14th and 7th.


9:00 pm.

9:00 pm?

Yeah, I can do it.

Okay, so let me get dressed.


They'll start calling other people.


Who has dinner this late?

Rich people.

Good. Maybe you'll meet someone.

All you had was salad.

Are you sure you don't want anything else?

This is great, Brewster.

Most guys want the girlfriend experience, but only in bed.

The chase is half the fun.

Get a steak.

A woman needs meet on her bones to survive these winters.

Winter, I stay inside.

I like to be out.

Walking the beach, climbing mountains.

The cold, you get used to it.

Ooh, not me.

You all done, sir?

Wrap that up for my dog, please.

Well, here we go.

It's not a sports car, but it's not a beater either.


Gets the job done.

Here you are.

Oh... ha.

It's Orion.

Orion doesn't bite.

I don't usually get in cars.

You're not scared, are you?


He's been in here the whole time?

Yeah, he likes it.

I tell him he's guarding the car.

See anything else?

Yeah, I do.

Is that what you meant by taking it slow and taking the pressure off?

What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

I'm--I'm, uh--this is--

Listen, hey.

I understand this is really hard for you.

But whatever it is, I can handle it.

I'm not going anywhere, okay?


So come here.


Please, I'll do anything.

You don't have to pay me.

I'll do whatever you want.


I don't wanna die.

Now, that's up to you.

Isn't it?


Your captain.


My captain.


Well, I... I guess our weekend had to end sometime.

Hey, sorry.

Have a good weekend?

Uh, yeah, yeah.


Good for you.


It's nice to see you look happy.

What do we got?

A missing 16-year-old girl.

Two days gone.

Mom, I'm--I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm a bad girl.

I go out with--

I have sex with men.

For money.

I want you to know that's who I really am, just a dirty whore.

My Haley's a good girl.

Someone made her say that.

When is the last time you saw Haley?

Saturday night.

She had a last-minute catering job, left at 8:30.

Hasn't been home since.

And you wait till Monday to call?

No, I called on Sunday, and the cop said she was probably out partying.

And then this morning, this message.

You know which catering company?

No, she subs different ones.

Does Haley have a man in her life?

It's just Haley and me.

She went back for her GED.

She's really trying to be a good mom.

So Haley's voicemail came in at 9:00 am, but Taru says that it was a tape recording to a pay phone in Grand Central.

At rush hour.

There's no way the cameras can ID him.

Benson, Amaro, friends, family.

You know the drill.

Captain, tormenting the mom with a message like that, we could be looking at a psychopath.

It sure doesn't sound like an acquaintance r*pe.

We still have to rule them out.

Last ping on her cell phone was just before the Tappan Zee Bridge.

That phone's gotta be swimming in the Hudson by now.

But we got the dumps on her phone.

And there's no toll booths going northbound, which means no video.

Okay, so this catering service that called her Saturday night?

3-4-7 number out of Queens.

G&S Services, LLC.

It's a front.

Look, head out to Queens and see what the caterer is serving.


Uh, Rollins.


Just checking in.

You get through super bowl weekend all right?

I skipped the game, but, yeah, I went to three meetings instead.

Standing room only at every one.

I facilitate encounters between consenting adults, all legitimate.

Okay, was this one of your consenting adults?

She just started with us.

And whatever she told you, I am just a matchmaker.

If she did more, that's on her.

We don't know what she did, 'cause she's missing.

And she just turned 16.


Her ID said 22.

I swear I didn't know she was only 16.

So you're gonna want to help us out.

Now, who'd you set her up with Saturday?

Is he a regular?

First-time caller.

He used his cell.

Okay, did she go to his place?

No, he said he wanted to take her to dinner.

He wanted a girlfriend experience.

They went to a Starbucks, public, so she could check him out.

You get his credit card info?

He insisted on paying cash.

Gave the name "Brewster."

Just one name?

You call that looking out for your girls?

I take care of my girls.

She didn't feel safe at her other agency.

She told me one of the girls went on a date Christmas Eve and never came back.

We're gonna need the name of that agency.

You're asking me about an employee who quit on Christmas Eve?

These are my tax dollars at work?

You don't pay taxes.

We're not talking about the most stable young ladies.

dr*gs, family problems.

Listen, I know my ad says "College Girls," but come on.

We're not here to shake you down.


Two girls are missing, and they both worked for you.

Oh, she was terrible.

Never hire somebody with a baby.

I let her go a month ago.

So if she's missing now, it's not my problem.

Actually, it is your problem, 'cause she was working for you and she was 15 years old.

Son of a bitch.

Well, technically, I sent her out as an SAT tutor.

Oh, well, you can tell that to the DA.

Or you can tell us about the other girl, the one that went missing on Christmas Eve.

Ah. Roxie.

My top earner.

Look, I found her, her teeth were rotted from the meth.

Bought her new veneers, cuspid to cuspid, 10 grand.

She splits on me.

That's the thanks I got.

Tough break.

We're gonna need the credit card info on her John.


Ah, yeah, the guy says he's got a nosey wife.

Who doesn't?

Paid cash.

Said his name was Brewster.

We've got two missing escorts, Haley and Roxie.

Now they both disappeared after having a date with a man named Brewster, who called the agencies from a burner cell.

He used cash, said he was gonna buy them dinner.


Did she give her boss a real name?

No, and no missing person report matching her photo.

Okay, Christmas was over a month ago, so let's hope Haley is still alive.

This Brewster, how did he find them?

Both girls were advertised here, the back page of The Downtown Voice.

That's still in business?

Them and The Village Voice, last of the muckrakers.

The Downtown Voice would have folded a long time ago if it wasn't for those ads.

Except one of these ads is a photo of an underage girl.

He likes them young.

This is a predatory psychopath.

He's grooming his victims, handpicking them out of the paper.

It's a little early to start profiling this guy.

I mean, Roxie's a prost*tute, she's a meth head, and no one has reported her missing.

So we don't care about her?

Now look, we got a 16-year-old, single mom who we think is being tortured right now.

Let's focus on her.

Okay, points on all side.

Now, this could be a pattern.

Fin, Rollins, check out the other agencies that advertise in The Downtown Voice.

See if Brewster had any other dates.

And Haley went missing after meeting him at the Starbucks on 14th Street.

Where are we on that canvass?

We're hitting every restaurant within walking distance.

Table three.

She was really sexy.

What about the guy?

Eh, to be honest, I really wasn't paying much attention to him.

Uh, thick glasses, brown hair.

Well, he pay by credit card?

No, cash, 10% tip.

How were they getting along?

Oh, first date.

You could tell.

Dessert, lattes, they hogged the table till closing.


And they left together?


About what time?

Around 11:00.

Yeah, I'm trying to close up, and the guy asked for a doggy bag.

There was nothing left on his plate but a bone.

I can't!

First description of Brewster.

Average height, brown hair, wearing dark-framed glasses.

Well, he must have shown up on somebody's security cam.

He's either smart or lucky.

There's none on that block.

I'm guessing he's smart.

The guys stays underneath the radar.

We called ten agencies that advertise in The Downtown Voice, he only rang a bell once.

Booker from one of the agencies said a girl freaked.

Brewster tried to get the girl into his car.

She got a bad feeling, and she bolted.

And we've only got a first name.

Uh, Miranda.

She left the agency.

We're trying to track her down.

And she had an ad in The Downtown Voice.

Yeah, but only the online edition.

This is her photo from the advertisement.

If you ask me, the newspaper's become a front for escort services and underage sex trafficking.

I wouldn't hold their advertising against them.

They're one of the few papers in New York City doing real reporting.

We need to go down to their offices, appeal to their conscience, and find out if Brewster set up an account.

Good luck.

They're gonna preach first amendment.

That's why I'm sending you, John.

Play the civil liberties card.

Benson, go with, make sure he doesn't defect.

Missing escorts, tragic.

But turning over our advertising database, our online users, I mean, that's a bridge too far.

What if people clicked on a political article, and you wanted their names?

I get it, the first amendment is more than just a piece of paper to us too.

Mr. Roth, help us out here.

We need access to Saturday's web traffic.

It'll help us find this missing girl.

Why not the sources from my articles while you're at it?

Look, we all know what this is about.


We've been hitting the NYPD pretty hard.

I promise you, this has nothing to do with politics.

Yeah, well, everything is political.

Mr. Roth, the girl that is missing, Haley, is 16 years old.

Okay, I see where this is going.

This is harassment.

Are you kidding me?

Yeah, have your DA get in touch with our lawyer.

You're on the wrong side here.

Trust me.

You don't want this fight.

Miranda Galton?

Detective Rollins.

This is detective Amaro.


We're investigating the disappearance of a teenage girl, an escort.

Um, what's that got to do with me?

Well, you worked at Sweet Elite agency?

I don't know what you're taking about.

Honey, we're not here to bust you.

Your boss told us you went on a date with a man that scared you, Brewster.

We wanna talk about him.

Everything okay, honey?


We're looking for a neighborhood groper.

Just asking everyone in the building.

We'd like your help on it if you guys could both come down to the precinct, look through some mug sh*ts.

I doubt I could help.

I just finished my deployment, like, two weeks ago.

What, Afghanistan?

Yeah, Kandahar.

Yeah, my wife's over in Kabul.

360th, Psy-Ops.

It's tough, man.

Sucks being apart.

Look, I know it's a reach, but Marine Corps, I mean, if you saw something, you'd remember.


A donut shop?

You certainly know how to woo a cop.

I like donuts.

And it's nowhere near our offices.

That is true.

So The Downtown Voice didn't waste any time putting up a defense.

Study finds few underage prostitutes work with pimps.

Yeah, I read it.

Makes some good points.

Well, they're claiming that these girls work alone.

If there are no pimps, then The Downtown Voice can't be an accessory.

Slow down.

An accessory to what?

They're facilitating underage sex trafficking.

It's gonna be hard enough to get a warrant for their digital subscribers.

And that's why I wanna go after them with everything we have.

They know what these ads are, they know what they're doing.

They're complicit.

We could set up a sting.

Prove that they know.

That's got to be enough for an injunction, right?

Shut the back pages down.

Not likely.

The ads don't explicitly promise sex.

We can't prove that they benefited materially.

The paper hasn't broken any laws.

Come on, David, everybody knows what's really going on.

Hang on a second.

Liv, we can't call in any chits on each other.

This, us, it only works if I don't get near a case you're working on.

And for the record, detective...

I do want this to work.

That's you.

Your captain again?


It's the missing girl's mother.

Just pick out anyone that looks familiar.

These guys all look shady.

If they didn't, they wouldn't be in that book.

My husband can never know about what I did, okay?

It's over now.

We understand.

We're keeping him busy.

We're not judging you.

We really just want to know about Brewster.

You said that he scared you.


Not at first.

Um, we had a nice dinner.

We walked to his car.

His dog was in the back in a cage.

And then I looked down, and I saw shovels on the floor.

It really creeped me out.

And did he want to take you back to his place?

No, um, he wanted to go for a drive.

He said he knew a beach.


30 minutes away.

There was something about him, though.

His dog, I don't know.

I said I was feeling sick and I got outta there.

What did Brewster look like?

Brown hair, average guy, average looks.

Uh... he wore dark-rimmed eyeglasses.

What about the car?

He had a gray Jeep.

Do you remember any license numbers?

No, he had a bumper sticker.

A little oval one.

Maybe "MV" or "MB" something.

Okay, now you don't know what kinda breed the dog was?

I don't know dogs.

It had spots, kinda like a leopard.

A Dalmatian?

No, darker fur.

And a tail kinda like a raccoon.
Haley's mom called.

Got another message from her daughter.

Mommy, I'm cold.

I don't wanna play anymore, but if I stop he'll k*ll me.

Help me.

Mommy, please.

That's it.

She sounds weaker.

Hopefully she's still alive.

Yeah, he coulda taped this two days ago, and Haley could be gone.

You know, maybe he is getting off on torturing her mother.

Oh, he's getting off on it.

Got a sketch artist coming in.

Just keep working your witness.

Talk about a face that doesn't stand out in a crowd.

I bet his own mother couldn't ID him in a lineup.

Nobody notices him.

Maybe that's how he gets away with it.

We might have better luck with the mutt.

Dark spots, raccoon tail.

We're looking at a Blue Heeler, hunting dog, rare.

So vets, breeders, ASPCA.

I checked on every Blue Heeler registered in the Tri-State area, got calls in to all the kennels.

What about the vehicle?

DMV's got thousands of gray Jeeps, but that sticker.

Yeah, she said either MV or MB.

MV could be Martha's Vineyard.

There's a lot of criminals up there.

No, that's six hours and a ferry ride.

Now, Brewster said that it was a 30-minute drive.

All right, you all got any ideas for MB?

Moriches Bay.

Mastic Beach.

That's still too far.

You ever drive on the LIE?

All right, hold on, MB, 30 minutes.

Check Brooklyn.

Mill Basin, Manhattan Beach.

Lotta guys on the job live out there.

Somebody might have seen something.

It's a long shot but take a ride.

Hit the Six-Oh, Six-One.

Traffic stops, parking tickets, anything they have on a gray Jeep or a Blue Heeler.

Gray Jeep?

That'll take me a while.

I pull a dozen a month around here.

I'm the summons king of Brooklyn South.

You know, let's try to narrow this down.

This guy look familiar?


What about her?




I think I'd remember writing them up a summons.

Hey, is the dog missing too?

Have you seen him?

One just like it.

Saw a guy walking him without a leash.

I almost wrote him up.

This was on Manhattan Beach?

No, Dead Horse Bay.

I didn't have the heart.

It was New Year's Eve.

Poor guy had a shovel.

He just buried his other dog.


There's too much decomp for Haley.

It could be Roxie.

Hey, Liv.

My God.

We need backup.

100 years ago, Dead Horse Bay was the city's burial ground for horses.

And now it's a k*lling field.

Technically, no.

I don't think he k*lled them here.

Just dumped them.

So we're up to seven so far?

Give or take.

There were some partials, like this one.

All that's left after decomp-- part of an arm and some dental remains.

Anything to rule out one k*ller?

So far, no.

But that's gonna take time to sort out.

Well, we're looking for a girl who went missing Saturday night.

No way the dogs would have missed her.

Freshest body we have has been dead about 30 days.

So Haley's not here.



You're real hands-on.

I wanted to see for myself.

Have the scene in my head before I go after The Downtown Voice.

Zara's trying to convince me that candy corn is a vegetable.

Well, it is a vegetable.


What's going on, Nick?

I'm on a case.

It's a serial k*ller.

Seven bodies, maybe more.

Girls nobody missed.

Somebody misses them.

You've been tough to get ahold of the last few days.

Well, I've been busy.

Been in the field.

Yeah, well, if you can't reach me, sh**t me a text.

You have no idea what goes through my head.

I have no idea what goes through your head?

Wow, okay. I'm fine.

Yeah, I know you're fine.

ME is ready for us.


Yeah, I know.

Be safe.

You too.

Serial k*ller.

Number's up to 11 victims, all women 18 to 25.

No IDs yet.

He picked well.

So it was one guy.

How were they k*lled?

All the victims whose cause we could confirm were asphyxiated.

Some were hanged, some were strangled.

And they all had ketamine on their tox screens.

Special K?

It's a horse tranquilizer.

Hallucinations, memory loss.

Not a bad way to control your victim.

So how long ago was she k*lled?

The cold slowed down decomp.

I'm putting TOD at four weeks.

That's around New Year's.

Could be Roxie.

May I?




Her pimp said that he paid for these.

Look at the plaque buildup.

She hasn't brushed in a while.

That doesn't make sense for an escort.

No, neither does her diet.

I found acorns in her GI tract.


What, like she was foraging for survival?

Her underarms and legs were unshaved.

Also not what you would expect in a working girl.

There were no oak trees on that beach.

So his k*ll site, it could be anywhere.

So is there any way for us to narrow it down?


She had ticks.

Could help us.

Since the spread of lyme disease, tick DNA has been catalogued down to the county.

Might get you to where she was infested.

My office and the NYPD are going after the person or persons responsible for this tragedy.

But it's not just the k*ller we're putting on notice.

It's the escort services in the back pages of papers like The Downtown Voice who pimp out these young women and mark them as easy prey.

Each of these victims was someone's sister, daughter, mother.

They were more than the sum of what they did for a living or where they came from.

They will not be forgotten.

Why haven't you found my daughter?

It's been a week.

Ma'am, we are doing everything that we can.

Like you did for these girls?

You're in charge of identification.

Missing persons, Tri-State area, escort ads.

Coordinate and cross-reference the autopsies with details from these.

So I wanna make sure everything goes into ViCAP, okay?

We're looking for hits on ketamine, strangulation.

Haley's mom got another call.

Benson's with her now.

So Haley could still be alive.

The ME found ketamine in all the vics?

Yeah, probably putting them in a K-hole.

Incapacitating his victims before he tortures and kills them.


Are we anywhere on these Jane Does?

Doing our best.

Any I may have a lead on your k*ller.

Entomologist's report on the ticks on Roxie.

They were able to trace the DNA to Ulster County.

The Catskills?

It's consistent with the acorns and the plant life we found in her GI tract.

So Haley's phone last pinged at the Tappan Zee.

A straight shot to the mountains.

So he's taking these girls upstate, sedating them, strangling them--

And then burying their bodies in Dead Horse Bay.

My guess is his k*lling ground is upstate, then the bay serves as his trophy case.

He might live near there.

He'd wanna keep them close by.

All right, Fin, Rollins, head up to Ulster County.

Talk to the State Police, local PD.

Use what we have, all right?

The Jeep, the sketch, the dog.

You pick up Benson, check the local ERs.

Let's hope somebody got away from this son of a bitch.

So Saugerties PD told our partners that they had a Jane Doe around Labor Day suffering from exposure?

And probably high on ketamine.

Ketamine? 20s?

She was roughed up.

Rope burns on her neck.

Did you do a r*pe kit?

She didn't say anything about being r*ped.

She couldn't even remember her own name.

As it was, she was fighting.

We had to restrain her.

Treated her for dermal abrasions.

Got her rehydrated.

When she came down she still couldn't remember anything.

I asked her for her next of kin, she kept saying Brewster.

Did State Police follow up?

There was no missing persons on her, no ID.

I sent her for a psych eval.

For all I know, she's still there.

Why should I tell you about Brewster?

The doctors, they don't believe me.

Believe you about what, Lizzie?

Honey, it's okay, you can tell us.

No, no, no, no, no.

Don't make me go back there.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I promise you, we're not going to.

Just wanna talk.


Do you remember where he took you?

I don't want to play anymore.

Did he do that to you?

Lizzie, let me see.

I just wanna look, okay?

I'm just gonna look.

Did Brewster do that to you?

I did it to myself.

It was the only way to end the game.

He gave me a rope, said I could end the game when I got tired of it.

I got tired.

But my branch broke.

What was the game, Lizzie?

He told me to run and hide, and then he'd come after me with Orion, his dog.

I could hear them out there.

And then the dart would go in me.

He use a tranquilizer g*n?

Then he'd drag me to the shack.

I couldn't move my arms and legs.

I would just watch him inside of me.

So he hunted you, and then he r*ped you.

Can you describe where you were?


There was water on three sides.

There was an electric fence.

A lot of birds.

Was he there the whole time?

Sometimes he'd leave.

Sometimes he'd stay in the shack.

There was a crawl space underneath.

I hid there once, but he knew.

He was cleaning his g*n, talking to the dog about what he'd do to me.

It's all part of the game.

So, Lizzie, how did you get away?

One night there was a big storm.

I made it out to the fence.

I thought--I thought if I touched it when it was wet it would be over, but I--I didn't get shocked.

The electricity was out.

Was it hurricane lrene?

I climbed over and ran.

Cops picked me up the next day, but nobody believed me.

We believe you.

And we're gonna help you get back home.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, it's safe here.

He can't get me.

And if I actually mattered to anybody, wouldn't they have found me by now?

Our k*ller plays with his victims like a cat.

If the prey stops fighting back, then he ends the game.

All right, so Lizzie got away and then she walked for a day before being picked up by Saugerties PD?

I'm guessing in her condition she couldn't have gotten more than, what, five, six miles.

So we're looking for someplace surrounded by water on three sides, oak trees, birds.

Check this out.

The Hammond lsland Wildlife Preserve.

That's about six miles from where they picked her up.

Straight down 87 to I-95.

He could dump a body in Dead Horse Bay within three hours.

And it's got plenty of acreage.

It's enclosed.

Makes a good hunting ground.

Find out who runs the preserve.

I got it.

Hudson U.

I'm on hold with them now.

Joint with State Police or FBI?

State Police, please.

Loop them now.

It's mountains.

That's hard country this time of year.

Okay, the preserve says they have one full-time game keeper.

His name is Graham Winger, and he's 39.

So Brewster is an alias.


Brewster McCloud, that weird guy that thought he could fly in the Altman movie?

Guy loves his birds.

Hudson says his payroll address is in Manhattan Beach.

Bastard likes to hunt.

Let's see how he likes being in the crosshairs.




No sign of Haley or Graham.

Oh, look at this.

Bird's got a broken wing.

He's nursing him back to health.

What'd I tell you?

Bird man.

Practical dosage guidelines for anesthesia.

Physiology of drug interaction.

Compressed gas for the tranq g*n.


You were right.


Look at that.

He logged all his kills.

He's got dates, diagrams, how long each of the girls survived the game.

Okay, let's back outta here.

Seal this place off until we get the search warrant.

I don't want any of this stuff tossed out in court.

Five teams of four, stay on channel two.

You get lost, use your GPS.

There's a lot of woods out there, guys, all right?

Be careful.

We're looking for a shack.

There's gotta be a couple of shacks out here not on any map from before this place was a sanctuary.

Everybody, watch your six.

Cut the power.

What is it, boy?


Haley, we're here.

We're here.

You're okay.

Haley, can you talk?


Let's check the perimeter.


You take right.

I'll cover the flank.

You got it.

Okay, Haley, I'm detective Benson.

I know that you were drugged.

If you can understand me, I need you to squeeze my hand, okay?


You're okay.

We're gonna get you outta here.

Haley, you found a playmate.

Good you showed.

This one was just about out of fight.

No, no, no.

I need to count ten fingers.

Okay, okay.


You're in charge, okay?

You're in charge.

Ask her.

Ask her how it works.

Look, I know about the game.

Shut up!

I know you have backup.

I don't care.

I know these woods better than anyone.

You and me are gonna play.

Okay, Graham, why don't we both calm down here?

Let's gentle you down some.

There's an order to everything in nature.

Hunt, feed, breed.

All in the now.


Animals don't lie about what they want, not like you whores, who tell you they want you as long as you pay.


You don't have to use that.

I just want you to talk to me and help me understand all this.

No, you don't.

You're a liar too.

You don't think I tried.

I held doors, bought dinner, and they looked past me every time like I was nothing.

Until I pay them, then I'm good enough.

Listen to me.

No one's lying to you.

Really, is that why you're reaching for your ankle g*n?

Number's holding steady at 11 victims from the beach.

Okay, but these are Graham's field books.

He's got logs of 15 escorts he hunted.

You gotta tell them to keep digging.

He nurses birds back to health and kills women.

I'm a big fan of guys like Graham facing due process, but I'll sleep pretty good tonight.

Liv, Nick, you okay?

We're good.

Haley's in ICU.

She's gonna make it.

All right, Nick, take a few days.

Be with your daughter.

No, I'm all right.

It's non-negotiable.


It was a good sh**ting.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

I know, Liv.

It's still gotta get reviewed.

It's your first one?

My first k*ll.

All right, I'll walk you through the paperwork.

Captain, can I have a minute?

So you got him?


Guys like this are cowards.

He gave himself up right away.


And you?

Yeah, everybody's fine here.


I love you.

I love you too.

Hey, stay safe, huh?

Yeah you too, okay?
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