14x16 - Funny Valentine

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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14x16 - Funny Valentine

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses justice system, are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.


Hi, I'm Micha Green, and I'll be singing one of my favorite songs for you.

♪ I will stand tall ♪
♪ before it all ♪
♪ you can count on me ♪
♪ to be ♪
♪ I will stand tall ♪
♪ before it all ♪
♪ you can count on me ♪
♪ to be strong ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ I'll be there for you, girl ♪
♪ ooh, yeah ♪
♪ I'm gonna be strong now ♪
♪ you can count on me ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ I'll be there for you girl ♪
♪ I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be ♪
♪ I'm gonna be strong now ♪
♪ you can count on me ♪
♪ to be ♪
♪ to be ♪
♪ to be ♪
♪ to be ♪
♪ strong, yeah ♪
♪ I'm gonna be strong now ♪

Yeah, yeah, that's it.


Really nice, guys.

We are listening to the soundtrack to the merchandising, yes?


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Come on, save a little of that for the video.

There's plenty more where that came from.

That's good, 'cause you gotta sell that sizzle.

Speaking of which, you have a great body.

Let's see a little bit more of it.

Yeah, yeah, we could do that.


Whatever sells.

But we wouldn't be here without brass.

Thank you.


Thank you, Micha.

Didn't I tell you fools to put your money on this little girl?


♪ Gonna be strong now I'm thinking, for the tour, I could get some of them peep-toe boots like Mary J. rocked.

Ain't nobody gonna be looking at your toes, girl.





I can't leave you alone for five minutes without you getting trashy?

Who you stepping to?


With this beef cookie.


Ooh hoo hoo.


What did you say to me?

Hey, baby, I was just joking.


How funny is this, huh?

Touch some of this, bitch.



Skinny-ass whore!

Get her neck.

All around.

Do you need me to turn?

You're doing great, Micha.

I've swabbed her cuts for DNA.

We're good to go.

All right, thank you.

Again, Micha, we need to know who did this to you.

He didn't mean to do it.

"He" who?

Your boyfriend?

Okay, you're gonna need to tell us his name.


Caleb Bryant.

So you didn't see what happened?

No. But I can guess.

Her boyfriend, Caleb Bryant?

And you're his producer?

No. Not anymore.

I work with Micha now.

I discovered her when she was nine years old.

She's like a daughter to me.

Their relationship... is complicated.

No, it isn't.


He threw me down.

He pushed my face into...

His crotch?

I tried to get away.

But my head hit his lip.

That's when he went off.

He beat you.

He choked you.

Can you tell me who else was in the room?


The engineer.

The backup girls.

So this went on for a while.


When Caleb goes off...

I can see that.

[Dance music playing]


Police joining the party.

Caleb Bryant.

And they say you people don't have no fun.

Here, let me tweet your faces to my fans.


All right, Caleb, you mind letting us see your hands?

Been hitting something tonight?

Just holding back an overenthusiastic fan.

Guess what, we're gonna take you somewhere where you ain't gotta worry about the fans.

Under arrest.

You two are making a big mistake.

Call my Jew.

Excuse me, detectives.

You took my client's clothes.


That's harassment.

They're evidence.

The jacket alone is $5,000.

I hope everything's been properly vouchered.

Down to the last bloodstain.

And I trust you haven't questioned him in my absence.

He knows better than that.

Fine. I'd like to see your captain.

I'd like to have a word.

He's out.

Sergeant munch is covering.

[Camera clicks]

You sure you don't wanna see another kind of pictures?

Nobody's interested, Romeo.

If you guys were smart, you could save yourselves a lot of embarrassment.

Well, what do you suggest we do?

See, you cops-- you see a big fish of the African-American persuasion, and you, ohh, you just start salivating to bring him down.

Go on.

How many rushed investigations have you seen?

Corners cut, conclusions jumped to?

Then everything just gets in a big pile of ashes and... apologies.


That's happened.


Well, you don't want it to happen to you.

Because Caleb is a big superstar.

He has substantial resources, he has a stellar reputation-- he's loved in this city.

Can the NYPD say the same?

I want to see my client.

Yeah, the one who kept asking for his "Jew"?

He's that way, Counselor.

You're still smiling?

What, you two bond in there?

Oh, just a concerned citizen making sure the department doesn't embarrass itself.

He's hoping that his client doesn't embarrass himself.

I mean, look.

This thing's gone viral.

Baby-faced bad boy Caleb Bryant had his gangsta cred boosted tonight when police hauled him out of a Manhattan nightclub in handcuffs.

They should go on a double date with Chris Brown and Rihanna.

Too bad there were no paparazzi in that recording studio.

Any witnesses to the attack?

Well, at least three, according to Micha.

Well, we need to get to 'em before Caleb's people do.

And while we're at it, let's make sure that Caleb's people don't get to Micha either.


You want me to testify against Caleb?

If you saw an as*ault, yeah.

And what if I ever want to work again?

I've had enough with the wiggers and wannabes.

He beat that girl bad.

I'm not saying I saw anything, but, you know, she shouldn't have dissed him.

Guys like Caleb need to get their own way.

Excuse me.

I didn't see anything.

Well, you were with Caleb and Micha before it happened.

You were with Caleb at the nightclub.

So? I must've been in the ladies' room when it happened.

You rollin' with Caleb, your look has got to be tight.

You wanna be Caleb's next?

After last night?

Look, I know when to keep my mouth open, and when to keep my mouth shut.

A punch?

I'd say it was more like a slap.

Open hand? Closed hand?

Can you see the difference? Or--

All right, he punched her.

Did you see him choke her?

For a hot second.

There's a three-second rule in choking.

I'm not saying that.

I'm just saying it was real quick.

It was too quick for you to help her out, Mr. Ferrari?

Just watch her get beat?


Well, where's the plastic surgeon?

Tell 'em to send a limo.

Tell 'em to send a damn helicopter.

What are you--

Alicia, what are you doing?

I said no press!

Oh, yeah, just get him here.

Listen, uh...

Micha's resting.

This can wait, right?

No, it can't.

I'm Detective Benson, and this is Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba.

How you doing?

Listen, she's gonna issue a statement through her publicist.

It can't wait. Meanwhile, we need to speak to her.


All right, let's do it.

How about you wait here?


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Don't go nowhere.

I'll be right back.

Big smile.

Trust me.


Yo, buy my album!

[Laughter on TV]

How you feeling?

You had to do this to Caleb?

He did it to himself.

And to you.

Not according to my twitter feed.

They're either calling me a ho or begging me to forgive him.

Anyone who says that, you should block them immediately.

'Cause what he did to you is despicable.

Micha, this is Rafael Barba from the DA's office.

I'll be handling the prosecution.


Is that necessary?

Unless he pleads guilty, this will go to trial.

You mean I have to testify?

In public?

That may happen, yes.

But we will be with you every step of the way.

Now, it would also be good if you had some other support there.

Like is there any family that you can call?

My sisters, my mother, her boyfriend.

If they come up here I'ma have to take care of all of them.

Okay, so, what about Brass?

He's your mentor, right?

If I need someone to say, "I told you so."


I've been on my own a long time.

And here you are again.

Looking like this.

And look at him.

Acting as if nothing ever happened.

Caleb thinks he can do this to me and get away with it?

It's not happening.

[People chattering]

[Gavel bangs]

I'll have quiet or I'll clear the courtroom!

[Chatter continues]


Everybody, sit down.

Everybody, quiet, come on!
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