14x19 - Born Psychopath

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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14x19 - Born Psychopath

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.



Time for babies to wake up.

You're a baby.

Stupid diaper baby.


He called me a name.



Irina, I'm gonna be a little bit late tonight.


What, is that a problem?

Yeah, I have concert ticket tonight. I told you.

You didn't tell me, did you?


Thanks for letting me sleep in.

What time can you get back here tonight?

Irina's got a thing.

I've gotta get in the shower.

Irina was texting.

I can't tonight.

Can you reschedule?


Later, alligators.


Nobody likes a snitch.

Okay, come on. Let's go.

See everybody later.

I want daddy to take me to school.

Daddy's at work.

Then you.

No fair.

She took you yesterday.

No, no, it's not fair to me.

It's never fair to me!

Okay, all right.

Ruby, can you do mommy a little favor and let lrina take you to preschool?

Okay. Thank you.

Irina, you take Ruby.

Here's her backpack.

Button up your coat, sweetie, come on.

I have to pee.

I just put your tights back on.

She always does this.

Okay, everybody.

Just take her, Irina.

Let's go.

Let's go, Henry, we're late.


Where does it hurt, Ruby?

My head.

Your head?

Oh. You have a bump.

And my tummy hurts.

Can I have a band-aid?

Your tummy?

[Gasps] Oh.

That's a big boo-boo.

Ruby, how did that happen?

A good detective listens, he pays attention, he asks the right... questions.

You ever sh**t anybody?

No, I've pulled my w*apon.

But police work is mostly about talking to people.

Is your g*n even real?

Yeah, it's a real g*n.

And my uncle Nick knows how to use it.

Do you wear a bulletproof vest?

Actually, I have one on right now.

Look at that.


When you're on duty, you should always--

[Cell phone rings]

Excuse me.


Yeah, I got it.

I'm on my way.

Sorry, kids.

Ms. Robinson, I gotta go.


We're still seeing the Rangers tomorrow night, right?

You bet, Gil.

You tell your mom I'll pick you up at 6:00.


[Elevator dings]

Sorry to pull you away.

How's your son?

Great. Except for the fact he doesn't know he's my son.

What's up?

Ruby Mesner, five.

The school nurse found bruising on her torso and swelling on her hip.

Doctor says she has a cracked rib that was suffered within the last 12 hours.

And some other marks.

There's the mother.

Father's en route from Hartford.

I'll take mom, you got the little girl.

So can you tell me what happened, Ruby?

I fell.

You fell?

Okay, were you alone when you fell?

Can you tell me who you were with, sweetie?

The Monster.

A monster?

What did the monster do?

The Monster pushed me.

And then The Monster told me to shut up!

The school said she was all right.

Why did the police get called?

Unexplained injuries.

Please have a seat.

They're required to report it.

But we're not--[Sighs]

We live--we live on the Upper West Side.

We're good parents.

Okay, let's start with your morning.

The nanny, Irina Janovic--


She dropped Ruby off at preschool?

That's right.

My husband left for work.

I took our older child Henry to his school.

And when you last saw Ruby, how was she?

Fine. Henry was the one having the meltdown about lrina taking him to school, and Ruby agreed to the switch--

Mrs. Mesner.

I'm detective Benson.

Uh, Ruby's in with the doctor.

She's okay.

Did she tell you what happened?

I was wondering if you could.


She was fine when I left.

Mrs. Mesner, you said Henry didn't want the nanny taking him to school.

Right. Irina's new.

She started in November.

And he wanted mommy.

Have you had any problems with her?

Um, there's been some miscommunication about hours.

And, you know, I should tell-- she's illegal.

Okay, well, we're gonna need to speak with her.

Is she at your home?

No, after drop-off she works for another family in the building.


Ruby's very sweet.


Have you noticed any behavioral changes lately?


Ruby's my easy one.

Any nightmares, any bed-wetting?

Um, w-well, ac--

Irina did tell me she's had a couple of accidents, but that happens.

Can I take her now?

She has her piano lesson and Henry has swim class.

No. You're gonna need to cancel her piano lesson.

And we'll send someone to bring Henry here.

I don't understand.

Ruby was fine.

She kept saying, "I'm okay, I'm okay."

But she did get hurt this morning.

She fell down some stairs.

Look, the woman I work for will be home soon.

Okay, talk to us before she gets here.

Viola was in the shower.

Um, Ruby spilled milk.

I told her to go upstairs, get new tights.

I went to the laundry room, I heard Ruby cry, I ran back, she was halfway down the stairs.

So you didn't see her fall?


It's what she told me.

I put the boo-boo bunny on the bruise.

And you didn't tell her mother?


She said she wasn't hurt.

And I'm not supposed to leave the kids alone.

Ruby and Henry.

Where was he?

He didn't even hear Ruby cry.

He was eating waffles, smiling, happy.

Irina, what's going on?

The doorman said there were--

Yeah, hi, Detective Rollins and Tutuola.

[Baby coos]

Is Lucy okay?


Just a routine matter, ma'am.

Ruby Mesner, five, presented with severe bruising on her torso and a cracked rib.

She told me that a monster pushed her down the stairs.

Any history of incidents?

Well, first report from the preschool, but her exam showed some healed bruising and an old spiral fracture.

Plus four ER visits in the last year.

She had a concussion from a fall, a finger pinched in a door, and two skull burns.

What do we know about the family?

Viola and Tom Mesner.

She's an AMEX VP.

He's a systems engineer with Amtrak.

Married 14 years.

Older son Henry is ten.

No DV reports.

The nanny claimed she was doing laundry when Ruby fell down the stairs.

Irina Janovic.

Here illegally from Soviet Georgia.

She's worked for the Mesners for five months.

That's all but one of Ruby's ER visits.

Irina also works for another family.

That mother hasn't reported any problems.

Okay, any issues with her story?

She said she didn't see what happened.

She also didn't tell the mother.

Anyone else around when Ruby fell?

The father had gone to work, mother was in the shower.

Irina said that Henry, the brother, was at the table.

Let's talk to him and examine him.

Two parents, an older brother, a nanny, and nobody's looking out for the girl?

Let's talk to the neighbors, teachers, doormen, and keep the two kids at the CAC until we sort this out.

I was eating waffles just before I heard Ruby yell upstairs.

And where were you, Henry?

At the table, eating my waffles.


And where was lrina?

Did you see lrina, Henry?

I don't think I should talk about it.

Look, it's okay, Henry.

You're not gonna get in any trouble.

Just tell us what you saw.

Well, when I heard Ruby yell, I got up and I went into the living room.

And then I saw her and lrina at the top of the stairs.

And what were they doing?

Irina was trying to get Ruby's tights on, and Ruby was cranky.

And then what happened?


It's okay.

Just tell us what happened.

Irina made her mad face and pushed Ruby down the stairs.

And you're sure that's what you saw, Henry?

Maybe it was an accident.

No, it wasn't.

Irina told Ruby to shut up, and then she pushed her.

Saying "shut up" is not nice.


And then what happened?

Then I ran back to the table.

Irina came in and got the ice bunny.

I didn't say anything.

Please don't tell my mom.

Dad always gets mad when we have to switch nannies.

He's ten.

Is he swearable, counselor?

A lot of detail.


For our sake he is.

We'll see what the judge rules.

Irina's illegal?


Pick her up.

We don't need another "bad nanny" headline.

What about the Mesners?

Well, once we get Henry's full statement, they can take their children home.

My son Toby plays with Henry.

The nanny drops him off.

You ever notice any problems?

What nanny are we talking about? They've had so many.

Dad, the Xbox is jammed.

Toby, you know Henry's nanny's name?

The new one?



She's always texting.

Henry hates her.

Are these the tights with the milk spill?

Yes. Irina said she rinsed them out.

This is a nightmare.

She had references.

Did you know any of them?

Mostly moms' groups on the internet.

Okay, we're gonna need to get in contact with them.

You try and do the best for your kids.

But there's so much out of your control, you know?

And neither you nor your wife have ever seen or heard Irina being abusive?

I haven't spent much time with her.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Excuse me.


What happened with Ruby this morning?

Irina, you are in trouble here, with us, with the INS, help yourself--

I told you she fell!

Okay, maybe it was just an accident, and you were trying to help.

No. I told you, I was in the laundry room.

Henry told us he saw you push her.

Henry said that?


He is a mean little boy.

Ruby calls him "The Monster."

[Playing piano]

Bedtime in five minutes.

Yes, mommy.

You too, Henry.

[Video game beeping]

Ruby's all thumbs, but she loves it.

Yeah. Henry not so much?


You know, boys can be a handful.

My husband was-- was like that.

But he grew out of it.

Mrs. Mesner, does Henry ever play games with Ruby?

Like "Monster"?


Yes, sometimes.

Does he resent having a little sister?

Oh, yes, the school guidance counselor calls it "Firstborn Syndrome."

I asked Henry if he did this.

He cried, and he swore he saw lrina push her.

Yeah, that's what he told me, but, um...

But I have to ask.

Has Henry ever lied to you before?


Now, those other accidents Ruby had...

Was Henry in the apartment?

One time Ruby got her finger stuck in the door, and she was screaming.

Tom and I raced up the stairs, and Henry was there... in his room, smiling.


It is possible... that Henry pushed Ruby down the stairs.

Oh, God.

He didn't mean to.

He just--

He has a hard time remembering that other people can get hurt.




It's okay, Henry.

Detective Amaro just wants to know what happened to Ruby.

You mean you think I'm a liar?


Maybe you were scared you'd get in trouble for hurting your sister.

You're recording this?

Yes, so you won't have to answer the same questions again.

She stopped crying.

It didn't hurt her.


You mean pushing her down the stairs?


She started crying.

Irina came over.

She stopped crying.

It must have not hurt her.

Henry spilled my milk and blamed me.

And that's when lrina told you to go upstairs and get a new pair of tights.


When I came back, he was hiding.

He jumped out, screamed "Boo!" Real loud, and pushed me.

And you're sure he pushed you, sweetie?

Maybe he was playing "Monster."

No, because this time he had his arm out.

Like this.

Into my face.

Wasn't that hard.

It was more of a jostle.

So when you jostled Ruby, were you mad at her?

No. I just don't like her.

In fact, I hate her.


Don't say that.

You want me to lie?

I wasn't mad.

It was an experiment.

How do you mean, Henry?

I wanted to see if she'd roll all the way down or just stop.

She rolled most of the way.

Head over legs.

She was on an angle, so she hit the landing and stopped.

So, Ruby, has Henry ever hurt you before?

Sometimes when I hug him he throws my gussy out or slams the door on me.

Did you ever tell your mom or your dad?

Can we stop?

I don't want Henry to be in trouble.

I love him.

Sure we can, sweetie.

You know, I noticed you like puzzles.

Yeah, come on.

Come help me pick one out.

It's okay.

It's okay, honey.

Go on.


His guidance counselor at school told us to let them work it out.

If we intervene, we reward Henry with attention for bad behavior.


He seems to have a lot of rage.

So did I when I was his age.

And then I got into trains, and I was fine.

Henry just needs to find his thing.

Henry has issues.

But it's not clear-cut ADD or OCD.

Or Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Are you a psychologist, Ms. Schwartz?

I'm working toward that.

I have a master's in school counseling.

So Henry started here at Fremont in the fourth grade?

The Mesners said they felt his old school was too oriented toward testing.

They wanted a more open dynamic.


Meaning less strict?

Well, we try to brainstorm solutions so that the children learn to take responsibility for their behavior.

And how's that working for Henry?

Some days I think we've turned a corner.

And then the next day he'll throw a desk or slam his locker.

He's very smart.

I think he's just testing us.

Have you ever had him tested?

Sent him to see a psychiatrist?

The Mesners are worried about him being labeled.

We only go up to fifth grade here, and you know middle school competition.

And how about meds?

Does he see a psychopharmacologist?

I work closely with his pediatrician.

We've tried various approaches.

Adderall, Ritalin, Strattera.

All of those.

And some schizoaffective ones, antidepressants.

We'll find the right combination.

Has Henry ever hurt any kids here at this school?

At first, but he knows now that behavior is unacceptable.

He's so bright.

He gets bored.

We spell out the rules, he looks for loopholes.

If this kid were that troubled, there should be more of a paper trail.

If he lived in the projects, he'd have been in the system ten times by now.

He's got his guidance counselor snowed.

The parents have her prescribing him meds on the QT because they refuse to get him tested.

Well, they're just trying to protect him.

Look, a bad diagnosis stays on his record.

Meanwhile, Henry needs help.

Is he back home now?


When you were there, did you see any signs of neglect or parental abuse?


It was a clean house, refrigerator full of organic food.

Look, they're good, working parents who love their kids, but counselor--

Then home is probably the best place for Henry.

Okay, so let me just get this straight.

So you're saying because the home is neat then we should all pretend that it was an accident.

Ruby said that he straight-armed her.


You want me to lock up every big brother who hurts his sister?

He's ten.

Oh, my--

She's five.

You ask them what happened three more times, you'll get three different answers.

Okay, let's everybody just take a breath.

Counselor, are you saying we can't charge the kid?

I'm not going to.

And if you think a juvenile detention facility will help turn things around for him--

Okay, hold on, hold on.

They don't want Henry to have a record.

What if we tell them that the DA might let this slide if Henry sees a shrink?

You wanna give that a try, go ahead.

Go talk to the Mesners.

Captain, I'm already running late.

Right. Right.


Yeah. I'm good to go.


No. We agreed on this.

You were a friend of my brother's.

He can call you "Uncle Nick."

That's the deal.

I know that's what we said, but it's a lie.

And keeping this hidden--

Gil has enough secrets in his life, all right?

He has a half-sister he should know about.

Out of nowhere you want to tell him all of this.

It's too much.

And how do I know that you won't just disappear on him again?

I'm not going anywhere, Cynthia... right?

And the longer we wait, the worse it'll--


Look what Nick got me.

Perfect fit.

Say thank you to uncle Nick.

It's way cool.

Looks great.

Come on.

We don't wanna miss the introductions.

I'll call you from the game.

Absolutely not.

I don't want Henry turning into one of those drug-controlled robots.

Tell them about the lithium.

Yeah, he-- he gained weight, and he was puffy and blank behind the eyes.

He wasn't Henry.

We are just talking about an evaluation.


He'll be okay. You--

You people don't know him.

We do.

And we have all the books on defiant kids.

We will find the right strategy.

Mr. and Mrs. Mesner, your daughter is not safe.

We've taken precautions.

We've locked up all the sharp objects.

Henry will never be left alone with Ruby again.

And how can you be sure?

Nannies need breaks.

Everyone does.

I'll be here. I've taken a leave of absence from work.

I will be here to make sure Henry gets all the attention and the love he needs.

The DA--I'm not sure she's gonna let this slide.

Oh, she'll have to.

I spoke to another parent who's an attorney.

He said that if the DA decides to press charges, he'd sue the city, for free.

Mr. Mesner, I don't think you understand.

Oh, I think I completely understand what you're saying.

Tom, no, please.

Detectives, we--we don't want you to have to come back.

We will take care of Henry.

We give you our word.

Are they gone yet?

Yes, they just left.

I don't want to see them again.

Well, that's up to you, Henry.

You know that your behavior has consequences.

If you can just remember to use your words rather than screaming and using your hands, you'll get to do the things you like.

I know.

I'm sorry, mommy.

It's okay.

Let's talk more in the morning.

It's past bedtime.

But I'm not tired.

Henry, it's late.

I said I'm not tired.

Lie down, and I'm gonna give you kisses.

I said no.


You give me that knife right now.


Mrs. Mesner, how are you feeling?

It--it--it was my fault.

I reached for the knife.


I mean, wha-- how did you even get here?

Your neighbors called 911.


This is not a police matter.

I am fine.

Henry was very, very upset that he hurt me.

Has Henry ever hurt you like this before?


I mean, he's hit me a couple of times when he's having a tantrum.

But I'm always able to just... calm him down and talk to him.

And tonight, you couldn't control him.

He--he-- he didn't mean it.

How did you get the knife, Henry?

I know where you keep the key, dad.

I was just trying to make her laugh.

But she didn't do what I wanted her to do.

Nobody ever does what I want them to do.

Nobody ever listens to me.

You know what, I'm listening, Henry.

It was her fault.

Stop lying, Henry!

You were angry, and you wanted to hurt her!

I wasn't angry.

It was her fault.

It isn't always someone else's fault, Henry!

You have to start taking responsibility!

You're ten years old, for God's sake!

It's her fault! I hate her!

I hate her so much!

Henry. Henry.

I hate her!




It's okay.

It's okay.


Daddy is here.

It's okay.

Where's mommy?

She'll be home soon.

Everything's good, sweetheart.

Maybe daddy can tuck you back into bed?

Would you like that?


Henry and I will wait here?

I don't think that's--

Go ahead. We'll be fine.

Come on, sweetheart.

Nice to meet you, Ruby.

Good night.

Good night.

You wanna talk, Henry?

Can I hold your g*n?

You think that's a good idea?

I've never held a g*n before.

You're really pretty.

I'm having strawberries.

You want some?

My mom wants me to eat fruit.

I thought that if I loved him... enough and held him and... made sure he slept and ate right that he would get better.

But he's not.

He's getting worse.

He's so broken, and...

I can't fix him.

I-I tell him I love him.

He's never said "I love you" back.

Mrs. Mesner, we can get you and your family help.

Get Henry evaluated, and get him treatment options.

'Cause I don't know what to do anymore.

Most days I feel--

I feel like I'm in combat.

These outbursts, this rage.

[Sighs] Oh, yesterday he said to me, "Mommy, you hate me."


And you know, he-- he's right.

Sometimes I do. I hate him.

God, my own child.


Hey, Henry, I'm Dr. Huang.

[Door closes]

I know.

They told me who you were.

How are you doing today?

Fine. How are you?

Oh, I'm a little jet-lagged, thanks.

So we're just gonna talk for a little bit, okay?


Let's start with something fun.

What do you like to play with?

Action figures, superheroes.

Oh, yeah?

Who's your favorite action hero?


He likes to rip people apart.

And Laserector.

He likes to k*ll people with his laser beam eyes.

Well, I'm glad you like action figures, because we've got some right here.

Oh, I want to be Cape Man.

Who do you want to be?

I'll be the Spiky Alien.

Oh, great, okay, so let's say that Cape Man is doing something that Spiky Alien doesn't like.

Like play with my legos?

Right, like playing with your legos.

So Cape Man is playing with Spiky Alien's legos, and--

Now he's dead.

He can't do anything I don't like anymore.

I'm conflicted about labeling a ten-year-old a psychopath.



I've had a chill like that two times in my life... with death row serial K*llers.

Well, he's a young boy.

He's not like normal young boys.

I gave him the psychopathy test.

He's two standard deviations past the normal range for callous, unemotional behavior.

In layman's terms, Doc.

He doesn't have any emotions.

He doesn't recognize them in others.

He has no empathy.

We know that he's manipulative.

You usually see this pathology in cases of abuse or neglect.

So parents that love him are just not going to be enough.

No, they're not.

He's just wired wrong.

Now, there's a facility in Vermont that treats kids with these severe diagnoses.

My conference ends today.

I could talk to the parents about the program before I go back to Oklahoma.

And if they're against it?

Then I'd advise that they get a safe room.

We did your interviews.

We put Henry through your tests.

And do you know what the result is?

He's worse!

He kicked a hole in his bedroom door! I don't even--

I don't know what he'll do next.

Don't blame them.

I don't want him locked up, left alone, afraid we've abandoned him, Viola.

He's not afraid of us leaving him, Tom.

He's not afraid of anything.

You're agreeing with them, huh?

Well, if they're right, it doesn't matter what we think.

It's too late.

It is late.

It would've been better to catch this at three instead of ten, but there are new approaches.

Henry's never gonna grow out of this, and he can't be cured.

But it is to his benefit to learn that he can control his behavior.

You mean if he slams his sister's finger in the door, he won't get to play video games?

We've tried that, Sir.

Mr. Mesner, what we're trying to say is that Henry needs more support than you and your wife can provide.

This is our mistake, Tom.

We thought we could handle him, but we can't.

We--we have to give this a try, for everyone's sake.

Hey, we're in luck.

Vermont has a space for Henry.

He can start next week.

And the parents are on board?

They don't have a choice.

Yeah, just like me going back to Oklahoma.

We're just glad we got you while you were here.

Miss you.

Our door's always open.

Tell that to the Bureau.

Come on.

We'll walk you out.

How'd that father and son time go?

He's a good kid.

Thing is, Cynthia still doesn't want him to know I'm his father, but...

You have time for that.

Do I?

You know, Gil doesn't have a family.

And, as bad as Henry has it, he has a home, two loving parents.

I missed nine years of his life.

It goes by so fast.

Hey, you know.

When am I gonna tell him?

When he's 18?

[Cell phone ringing]

Mrs. Mesner.

Hi, it's Henry.

I'm really worried about Ruby.

There's a lot of smoke.

Where are your parents, Henry?

My dad's at work, and I locked my mom in the laundry room.

She yelled at me to call 911, but I wanted to tell you.

We're on our way, all right?

We gotta go... now.

[Ruby coughing]

[Smoke alarm beeping]

Kid kneeled and set the apartment on fire.

Doorman put it out with an extinguisher.

By accident or deliberate?

Very deliberate.

He used match heads.

Point of origin-- waste paper basket stuffed with paper.

We found the little girl tied to the bed.

Mom trapped in the laundry room.

Thank you.

She okay?

Yes, yes.

Thank God.

Has anybody found Henry?

We're still looking. Hey.

Doorman said Henry didn't leave.

We're checking the elevator security camera.

So maybe he went over to a neighbor's.

Does he have friends in the building?

Um, yeah, yeah.

Sometimes he plays with Toby in 3B.

Or he goes down to the building playroom.

Okay, we'll find him.

Tell me how this happened.

Tom and I told him about the treatment facility, and he just-- he lost it, and he started having a tantrum.

And then your husband left?

Well, he had a work emergency, and--and Henry started to calm down.

Just like that.

Well, he and I talked.

You know, he was okay, and...

I just went to put some clothes in the dryer, and he must have--he must have wedged a chair under the door.

And I'm in there for five seconds, and I start smelling smoke.


And I was just screaming at him to call 911.


It's okay. I know.

I'm right here.

You stay with Ruby, okay?

We're gonna find Henry.

Please, just don't hurt him.

Please, he doesn't understand.

We're not gonna hurt him!

Open up, Mr. Burke.

Hey. Hi.

We're looking for Henry Mesner.

Is he here?

Yeah, he's here.

He's in Toby's room.


Yeah. Lady, they're 10.

As long as I don't hear screams.

You want to tell me what's going on?

You didn't hear the sirens?

I buzzed down.

Doorman said everything was under control.

Henry said his parents gave him the okay.

They're playing on the Xbox.

That's weird.

Did you hear them leave?



Toby. Jeez, are you-- are you okay?


Toby, where's Henry?

He--he was hurting Snowball.

That's our dog.

Here, Snowball.

Come here, girl.

Do not go in there.

He--he said he'd sh**t me.

What are you talking about, Toby?

With your g*n.

Do you keep firearms in the house?

An antique Colt in my study.

Locked in a safe.

But how the hell--


I know the combination.

I'm sorry, dad.

Oh, jeez, Toby!

Why are the police here again?

Ma'am, we just need to clear the room.

My little boy's still in there--he's only five.

Okay, we're gonna get him out.

This is about Henry, isn't it? I'm going in.

Ma'am, I need you to step back.

Fin, help me out here, please.

Sam, honey, come to mommy.

Okay, lady, we're gonna get your son, okay?




Hey, Henry.

Remember me?

I was at your house the other day.

I'm Nick.

Yeah, I remember.

I want you to...

Hand me that g*n, son.

Do you?

I don't want to.

And who's this little guy here?


Hey, Sam.

Hey, buddy.

He doesn't talk much.

Development delays.


You know what, Henry?

Maybe it should just be us big guys here.


I like Sam.

Yeah, but his mom...

She's worried.

Can I hold your g*n?

Maybe, uh...

You know, we could talk about it if we let Sam get back to his mom.

We're comin' out.

He's coming out.

You stay.

She goes.

We're good.


You're okay.

Okay. Okay.

All right.

I'm right here, Henry.

What do you want?

Are my mom and dad mad at me?

They are upset.

I called the police when there was a lot of smoke.

That's good that you did that.

That's--that's real good.

Can I hold your g*n now?

Maybe later.

Not right now.

You promised!

You promised!

Hey, I said we'd talk about it.


That's what adults always say when they're not gonna let you do what you wanna do.

No, Henry.

You lied to me.

What would you do if I shot you right now?

All right.

You don't need to do that.

Would there be a lot blood?

Would your brains come out of your forehead?


I'm gonna show you my g*n now.


Here it is.

Is this a trick?

I don't like tricks.

No, it's not a trick.

All right?

You put your g*n down, and you can take mine.


Uhh! Unh!



I got you, Henry.


I got him!

We're good!

Don't sh**t!

We're good!

I'll k*ll you!

Let go!

Shh, shh, shh.

Shh. Shh.


I always forget how much this hurts.

He could have k*lled you, Nick.

Look, I had the vest on.

All right?

I knew, with the recoil, he'd only get one shot off.

And you knew that he wouldn't hit your head?

I'm not sh**ting a ten-year-old boy.

Uncle Nick.

Are you okay?

Hey. Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I'm--I'm fine.

Cynthia, Gil, this is my partner, Detective Benson.



Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.



I'll give you a minute.

You guys didn't need to...

I just didn't want you to hear about it on the news.

And then...

It's okay.

I thought there was something that you and Gil needed to talk about, man to man.

Hey, Cynthia...

How about we go grab a cup of coffee?

Sounds good.

I never liked Snowball.

What did you do, Henry?

I tied her leash to the faucet, then I turned on the tub and held her down.

Where was Toby?

He started crying, and then he peed his pants, so I put him in the closet.


And Snowball?

Took longer than I thought.

And what about your sister?

Why did you tie her to the bed?

I wanted to see if she'd melt from the inside out.

But then it got smoky, and I couldn't see.

So you called Detective Benson.

This is all her fault.

She's the one who wanted to send me away.

I can't listen to anymore.

What happens now?

Your son tried to k*ll his sister.

He shot a cop.

He's not going home.

He's ten years old.

He'll be charged with juvenile delinquency.

And then what?

Then he-- he goes to jail?

The judge will sentence him to a juvenile facility.

So he'll-- he'll get help?

In a secure treatment facility.

You mean he's gonna be locked away?


Probably until he's 18.



Let us be the ones to tell him, okay?

You understand, right?

It's because of what happened with Snowball and Ruby and...

That's where you're gonna live now, okay?

But you can't live at home anymore.

But I don't--

I don't wanna go there.

We're still gonna be a family.

We're still gonna see each other.

And you said yes?

Daddy, don't let them take me away.

Henry... Henry.

I love you.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I love you.

I love you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I love you.


I love you, too, son.

I love you.
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