15x22 - Reasonable Doubt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x22 - Reasonable Doubt

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

♪ ♪
♪ Dance ♪
♪ Boogie wonderland ♪
♪ Ha, ha, dance ♪

I'll give you five bags for the girl.

Man, I need a taste, blood.

You get a taste, I get a taste.

♪ Midnight creeps so slowly into hearts of men ♪
♪ Who need more than they get ♪

Oh, my God, he's a cop!

He's a freaking pig!


Nobody move!

Man, forget you, pig.

You ain't gonna sh**t.

Hands in the air!

Don't move.

[g*n cocks]

She said "hands in the air."

Cut. Cut.

[Bell rings]

That was great.


Then why did you cut, huh?

Hey, you know how Frank is.

Was it "a" camera again?

This guy's never happy, man!

Frank's stepping in!

Come on, calm down, calm down, calm down.

Everything all right, Frank?

Would I be here if everything's all right?

You're supposed to call me for first team rehearsal.

We were behind.

We waited.

Well, now you're even further behind because this is all wrong.

I told you, Rose is a whore.

What is this pink?

Come on.

She's lilith in the garden.

She's not Eve.

It's... it's too innocent.

And you, listen, you moron, for one take just pretend you're straight and take her like a man.

You were so hot last night.

And we are surrounded by idiots.


You gotta make her want it!

I need it raw!


More smoke.

More smoke.

Come on, suck and blow.

Suck and blow.

I know you can suck.

These costumes suck.

That is not the red I specified for her shorts.

You said bright red.

He said crimson.

Do you know crimson?

Hey, hey.

You gotta blackwall that front tire and you... you gotta dull the whole thing down.

It's too shiny.

It's not a car show.

Hey, Frank, I got a question about my character.

Yeah, so do I.

You think he lives or dies in the season finale?

I'm not sure we can k*ll him, Frank.

Why? It's cable.

Macho characters die or experiment with their sexuality, or die experimenting with their sexuality.

All right. Frank Maddox?

Yeah, I don't talk to extras.


It's about your daughter.


Is she all right?

That's what we're trying to find out.

She's with my ex, Catherine.

She is. Is there somewhere private we can talk?

Wait a minute.

What is Catherine accusing me of now?

It's not Catherine.

It's Chelsea's pediatrician.

He thinks that she may be a victim of sexual abuse.

And Catherine's saying it's me?

[Scoffs] Come on.

I'm sorry to waste your time, detectives, but I'm in the middle of a custody battle and my wife is out of her mind.

I'll call my lawyer.

Woman's voice on video: Okay, sweetie.

I'm gonna ask you a few questions, okay?

Can you tell me what happened when you were alone with daddy on Sunday, Chelsea?

He said I spilled ice cream on my dress.

But he spilled it.

We went to the laundry room.

He took off your clothes?


He told me I needed to wash them to get them clean.

He sat me on the washing machine.

He said it was fun, the way it moved.

He held me tight, so I didn't fall.

That's Chelsea Summers-Maddox.

She's eight, and the woman prompting her is her mother, Catherine Summers.

The actress who's in a very public divorce with the man who they're accusing, Frank Maddox.

After he was caught sleeping with Catherine's sister.

Mmhmm, yeah, younger sister, Rose.

And she's now got a guest arc on Frank's new show, New York Hustle.

So there's some bad blood.

And Catherine made the video.

You notice the time jumps?

Mm. Great.

A high-profile, big ego couple in the middle of a messy divorce.

Get ready for the media circus.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Look, I have a reputation as an ass.

I am an ass, but I am not a child molester.

This is Catherine trying to get back at me for my decision to consciously uncouple.

Was that before or after you got caught sleeping with her little sister?

Rose and I are in love.

We are here as a courtesy, all right? And he is late for a story meeting.

Oh, absolutely, we understand the importance of... The world of fictional characters.

And do you understand that that pediatrician should be charged for making a false report?

Before we do that, we just need to hear your side of the story.

So we understand that you and Chelsea were together in your ex-wife's apartment.

Is that correct?

Yes, that is correct.

I am her father.

The Tibetan nanny was there.

We weren't alone.

My son Daniel was there.

Okay, well, Chelsea told the pediatrician that you two were playing... Games.

Private games.

That's absurd.

That's Catherine putting words into my daughter's mouth.

Catherine is borderline, okay?

The house, it's full of cats, bunnies, she's got, I don't know, 16 stray dogs.


She talks to the dogs.


She thinks the dogs talk to each other.

She's nuts.

Just answer with a yes or no, and we can end this.

Did you sexually as*ault your daughter?

If I wanted to sexually as*ault my daughter, why wouldn't I wait, sue for custody, and have total access?

Was that a yes or a no?

That was a no.

It was a clear no.

So what happened last Sunday?

We played a game of chess.


You and Chelsea played chess in the laundry room?

The laundry... no.

No, not the laundry room.

There's spiders all over the place in there.

Anybody who knows me knows I'm a...

Big arachnophobe.

I'm afraid of spiders.

Not exactly a confession.

It was more about what he didn't say.

But you asked him point blank if he did it.

All due respect, sometimes at SVU, we work up to that question.

There was a technique behind it.

I gave him the opportunity to deny it, he didn't.

Yeah, lieutenant, I know all about neuropsychological techniques, but he could have been rattled.

He didn't seem rattled to me.

He came up with that arachnophobia excuse.

Yeah, he also used distancing language.

He never said his daughter's name.

He never even looked at her photo.

None of which proves guilt.

She's right.

I can't move forward without the girl's testimony.

Benson, Amaro, go to the country house, work the mother.

This alleged incident took place in their New York apartment?

Yeah, and you guys should talk to anybody who was there... the nanny, the brother.

Also, we're gonna need a warrant to get into that laundry room.

By the way, Frank is afraid of spiders.

Someone afraid of needles, if they're a heroin addict, will find a vein.

Of course Frank's denying it.

But he hurt Chelsea.

I know that in my heart.

This may not even be the very first time.

He's... Obsessed with her.

We need to hear that from Chelsea.

That's why I made the video.

To pursue a case, you know, we need to talk to her ourselves.

I don't want to pursue it.

The state could press charges without you.

And if you don't cooperate, children's services may get involved.

I'm a good mother.

I love my daughter.

Well, then let us talk to her.

We all just want to keep Chelsea safe.


My dad and I like to play pretend.

So what do you guys pretend?

Cops and bad girls.

My dad makes up stories for TV.

If I remember my lines, I can be in one.

So, Chelsea, you know the difference between truth and pretend?

You do.

Right, honey?


Ms. Summers, can I talk to you alone?

I don't want to leave Chelsea.

Chelsea and I will be fine.

Right, Chelsea?

We'll be fine.

So, Chelsea, I saw the video that you and your mom made.

Now, was that real or was that pretend?

It was real.

Did your mom tell you to remember lines for that?

No, she told me to say what happened.

Now, did you let your ex-husband in the apartment that day?

No, my nanny did.

She was home with Daniel and Chelsea.

I went to a matinee with my sister.



No, we're not speaking.

It was Mavis, my middle sister.

She's visiting us from Oregon.

Now, had Frank show up uninvited before?

Frank does what Frank wants.

We have a set visitation schedule, but he doesn't pay any attention to it.

Ms. Summers, what did Chelsea say about his visit?

She said that they played a secret game in the laundry room.

And then she said...

Her vag*na hurt.

Were those her words or yours?


I took her to a doctor.

He can deny it all he wants.

He was in that laundry room.

Ms. Summers was very cross with me when she found out I let Mr. Maddox in.

But what could I do, leave him out in the hallway?

I hear you.

And I never let those kids out of my sight the whole time.

What's that you're drinking, mint?

Mint and parsley.

Very healthy.

Yeah, my mother used to chew mint and parsley when she didn't want our pastor to know she'd been smoking.

Smoking in front of the kids?

It's my one vice.

Mr. Maddox understands.

He and Chelsea were playing chess in the living room, and he said if I needed to smoke, I should go outside and do it.

I was only gone a few minutes.


He take Chelsea anywhere else?

When I came back, they were both coming out of the laundry room.

Remember what Chelsea was wearing?

She had a dress on, but it was unbuttoned, and her tights were gone.

So your mom's at the country house?

Yeah. I have soccer camp this week, so I get to stay here.

My dad doesn't like soccer.

He's [Laughs] weird.

What makes you say that, Daniel?

He says boys are dirty.

He likes girls, dressing them up, making them do what he says.

Them who?

Chelsea, mom, and aunt Rose.

All his actresses.

Weird, right?

Yeah, but that's his job, right?

Well, he said Chelsea could be in his show, but not me because I'm a boy, and boys don't play dress up.


Are... are they in trouble?

Why would you think that?

All my parents ever do is yell at each other.

My nanny says it's bad for us, that it's bad karma.

Father thinks the mother's crazy.

The mother thinks the father's an abuser.

What'd the little girl say?

Her story is consistent.

She and her father played a game.

He took off her dress, he f*ndled her vaginally, told her that it was their secret.

The mother seem credible?

She's got some issues.

That doesn't mean the girl wasn't abused.

Either way, she's just a pawn in the game between these two.


Somebody just upped the stakes.

LMZ just released nude photos of Rose that Frank took when she was 18.


She looks younger than that.

Are you gonna charge him with child pornography?

She's out to get him.

This proves it.

You think Catherine released them?

Not a doubt in my mind.

Then there's no point sending you to ask her.

Fin, Rollins, go to Catherine.

Tell her Frank may be charged with kiddie porn.

If this is part of her vendetta, she'll steer them right into this.

Barba was right.

This is a media circus.

If Catherine did release those photos, she got the attention she's looking for.

If she wanted this, she would have went public from the get.

Can I help you?

Yeah, we're the police, Mrs...

Mavis Summers.

Catherine's middle sister.

The non-famous one.

Is Catherine here?

We need to talk to her.

Come on in.


Chelsea, why don't you go find your mom and play in your room?

Have a seat, detectives.

She'll be right down.

I'm sick about Chelsea.

Something like this was bound to happen.

How's that?

Catherine had a strict rule that Chelsea and Frank were never to be alone together.

And this has been since the divorce?

Since the Rose issue.

But even before that, Frank always had his hands on Chelsea.

Catherine never did anything about it?

I did on my last visit.

I set up nanny cams here and in the city.

That's how I found out about Rose.

How would you like to tell your older sister that her husband was sleeping with your baby sister?

It took me three days before I had the stomach to go to Catherine.

Yeah, that must have been hard.

So Frank knew about the nanny cams?

Yup, and he knew that there wasn't one in the laundry room.

Coincidence? No.

Mavis, enough.


You see the vultures?

Now do you understand why I didn't want to come forward?

Frank did this.

You think Frank released the photos?

Of course, to humiliate me.

You have any idea how old Rose was in those pictures?

It's hard to say.

Rose still looks young.

LMZ say that they only have print copies.

Now, if we could get ahold of the jpegs, then we could find out when they were created, see if Rose was under 18.

Don't you think if I had them, I'd have used them in the divorce?

Frank would be sleeping in his tesla.

Frank thinks that Catherine must have leaked the photos to LMZ.

You know, she was always going through his emails and his cell phone.

It's really sad that she can't just let it go.

You mean let go of her husband sleeping with her sister?

They're ready, Rose.

It's the Abby.

Frank told me that our love would cost me my relationship to Catherine.

He says that that happens sometimes with older siblings.

At first, it's all about them.

And then a younger sibling comes along and...

Suddenly they get thrown out of orbit.

I do hope that Catherine can move on with time.

It was never my intention to hurt her.

This is ridiculous.

It's invasive.

You're talking to my family.

You're talking to my fiancee about the most...

With all due respect, your fiancee graduated high school last year.

Some might see this as a pattern of behavior, just moving down the line.

Rose was of age when those pictures were taken.

It is irrelevant.

I have done nothing wrong.

Your hair was found in the laundry room, in your ex-wife's apartment.

I'm sure my hair is all over the laundry room.

I'm sure it's all over my clothes.

I'm sure it's all over my kids' clothes.

Yeah, it's not that kind of hair.

Then I'm sure Catherine planted it.

She is obsessed.

Did she plant your fingerprints too?

Because we found them on the washing machine right where Chelsea said she was sitting when you touched her.

Look, I may have looked in there on my way to the kitchen.

You don't have to answer these questions.

I know I don't.

So you were in the laundry room?

Yes, for a moment.

My daughter had climbed up on the washing machine.

The machine was running.

I was worried about her.

I didn't want her to get hurt.

I picked her up.

So why'd you lie?

Look what you're accusing me of.

I... would you have believed me?

All right, he's answered all your questions.

We're out of here.

All right?

I suggest that you charge Catherine with endangering the welfare of a child.

She's far more dangerous than he is.

Thanks, guys.

This is a clip from New York Hustle, a show premiering this fall from Emmy award-winning creator Frank Maddox.

But it's not why Frank is in the headlines right now.

It's because of his tumultuous breakup from his actress wife of 18 years, Catherine Summers and allegations... the kind that are usually un-provable, sometimes motivated by revenge... of child abuse.

Hey, you gotta come see this.

This must be very difficult for you.

Yes. Yes, of course it is, because it's a total farce.

Look at what is being said.

Why would I act so recklessly?

I'm in the middle of a custody battle.

The show is about to premiere.

Well, Murphy was right.

Frank is firing back.

But what about your daughter?

She seems to believe that this happened.

Catherine has brainwashed her.

You've been through this.

My ex-wife is upset because the marriage is over, and she's manipulating the kids against me.

You're saying that Catherine made this up?

Catherine likes drama.

She's a natural narcissist.

She's turning a loving romance into a Greek tragedy.

You mean your relationship with Rose, Catherine's youngest sister?

Yes. Yes, we are in love.

Rose is finishing up a three-episode arc on the show, and then she's heading back to school.

It's been a great experience.

And I've learned so much from Frank.

Plus the timing worked out perfectly with spring break.

Catherine Summers is stepping in.

Who has eyes on Frank?

Catherine, this isn't a good time.

I can schedule you an appointment.

Catherine, Frank is not on the set.

Out of my way, Adam.

Where's my sister?

You think going public makes you look better when people are gonna see you dressed like this every week?

Everybody knows you're selling yourself for a role.

Don't do this, Catherine.

Are you drunk?

I have never been more clear-headed in my life.

Catherine, we should talk.

Oh, you want to talk?


Frank took Chelsea... [Frank mouthing words] Into the laundry room and sexually abused her.

Catherine, that's enough.


Can we go?

Frank took Chelsea into the laundry room... this from the woman concerned with her daughter's privacy?

Out of my way.

Lieutenant Murphy, I want to go after him.

He's a pedophile.

Catherine, they know.

She's changed her mind.

Somebody has to do something.

How about we take Chelsea outside?

That's okay, I've got her.

You know what? Come with me.

We've got a ton of books in here.

What do you like?

"Narnia", "Harry Potter" maybe?

You said if Chelsea testifies, we'd have a case?

You sure you're both ready for that?

We are.

Frank cannot get away with this.

Daddy spilled ice cream on my dress... he said we needed to wash it in the laundry room.

That's very good, Chelsea.

And can you tell me what happened next?

He took off my dress.

And tights.

And then what did he do?

He put me on the washing machine.

It was moving.

Can you tell me what he did after that?

He touched me on my privates, kissed me like I showed in the drawing.

This is people's exhibit six.

So, Chelsea, I have the drawing that you made for sergeant Benson.

Do you remember?

Yes, I used red crayon.

That's very good, yes.

Can you tell me, please, what the red circles mean?

That's where my daddy touched me.

He said if I didn't tell anybody, he'd put me on his TV show, like Rose.

Thank you, Chelsea.

Nothing further.

Hey, Chelsea.

My name is Lester, and I'm gonna ask you a couple more questions.

You okay with that?


You're a good girl.

I can tell.

Yes, I am.

And I'll bet you do everything your mommy tells you to do.


So I know that you practice lines that daddy tells you so you can be on TV someday.

Did mommy give you any lines to practice?


She told me to tell the doctor what I told her, that's all.

Did she remind you what to say?

So I wouldn't forget.

In case people tried to confuse me.

I had to remember it right, or they'd think I lied.


So you did practice lines with mommy?


I'll allow it.

Just so I wouldn't forget.

Thank you, Chelsea, and it was lovely talking to you.

You're a very, very nice girl.

No, I did not coach Chelsea in any way.

I didn't tell her what to say.

She came to me and said that her vag*na hurt.

I asked her if she had been wiping too hard.

She said, no, her daddy had been playing with her down there.

You took her to a pediatrician, but you didn't want to call the police.

Why is that?

I was panicked, I guess.

In denial.

Who wants to think or believe that their spouse would do something like that?

And I was still reeling from the knowledge that he was sleeping with Rose.

Your teenaged sister?

Relevance, your honor?

It goes to a pattern of behavior.

I'll allow it, but tread carefully.

Tell me about Mr. Maddox's relationship with your teenaged sister Rose.

He was her brother-in-law, but Frank knew her since she was a toddler.

He would play with her, dress her up, and call her his leading lady.

Oh, for God's sake.

Mr. Cohen, control your client.

And Mr. Barba, again, make sure this is relevant.

Yes, there's a direct line, your honor.

After you discovered his affair with your sister Rose, what did you notice about Mr. Maddox's behavior toward Chelsea?

He was obsessed with Chelsea the same way that he had been with Rose when she was that age.

With Rose, I thought it was just paternal affection.

I've since come to realize that this is common behavior with pedophiles.

It's called grooming.

Move to strike, your honor.

An alienated wife is not an expert witness.

Jurors will disregard that last comment.

You said that Mr. Maddox was obsessed with Chelsea.

Can you tell us what behaviors you witnessed?

He was always pulling her onto his lap, stroking her hair, tickling her, playing games with only her, changing her clothes.

I told my staff they were never to leave them alone together.

But on the Sunday in question?

He gave our nanny permission to go outside for a smoke.

So that he could be alone with Chelsea?


Nothing further.

Ms. Summers, first let me say how much I've admired your work as an actress.

Moments ago, you described my client's behavior toward Chelsea.

He hugs her, he tickles her.

He kisses her.

That sounds like a loving father to me.

Well, we have a son also, Daniel, and he never touches or plays with him.

But Ms. Summers, you've never actually seen my client inappropriately touching Chelsea.

If you had, you'd call the police.

Well, obviously he doesn't do those things when I'm watching.

Let me ask you a question.

When did this behavior start to upset you?

It dawned on me over time.

Over time?

Would you say over the past year, when your husband and your youngest sister entered into a relationship?


It made me aware that Frank was not what he seems to be.

It must have been very upsetting to you when he filed for divorce.

Would you say that you're angry at your ex-husband?


Yes, but that is not why I took my daughter to our pediatrician.


No, of course not.

I mean, you were just concerned for her well-being.

Of course I was.

And were you concerned for her well-being when you sent this... this is defense exhibit three... to your then-husband?

Can you tell me what this is?

It's a porcelain figurine.

Yes, it's a porcelain figurine of a, uh... of a woman who has torn her own heart out of her chest.

And you gave this to your husband the day after you found out he was filing for divorce, right?

And I realized that he was sleeping with my 19-year-old sister.

Yes, I wanted Frank to know how I felt.

You mean how angry you were.

He betrayed me, destroyed our family.

Yes, and so it would be very natural for you to seek revenge, wouldn't it?


Badgering the witness.

I'll have to allow.

I may have wanted revenge, but I never would have done this to Chelsea just to get back at Frank.

And yet, here we are.

I have nothing further.

Thank you.

I asked Mr. Maddox if I could have a smoke, and he said I needed to do it outside.

And when you came back in, what did you see?

Mr. Maddox and Chelsea playing chess.

Yes, after that.

That's all I saw.

You didn't see Mr. Maddox and Chelsea coming out of the laundry room?

No, sir.

Let me remind you, in your interview with detective Tutuola, you said you saw "both of them"

"coming out of the laundry room.

"Chelsea's dress was unbuttoned.

She had no tights on."

Well, I meditate a lot so I can focus on the present instead of living in the past.

So what you told the police then might be a more accurate indication of what you actually saw than what you remember now?

I'm sorry.

I just don't remember.

All I remember is Mr. Maddox and Chelsea playing chess.

And that girl loves her father.

Dohna was crystal clear when I talked to her before.

Frank got to her.


She's Tibetan.

For all we know, he called the Dalai Lama.

Isn't she on your payroll?

Yes, but she knows Frank writes the checks.

That's Frank's M.O.

He always gets what he wants because everything is for sale.


What do you mean, "always"?

It doesn't matter.

He's got talent, connections, success.

People bend the rules when it comes to Frank.

They always have.

You never should have put Chelsea through this.

So this is my fault?

What about what I've been through?

You married him.

He made you a star.

You actually believe that people can think that you didn't know what kind of man he is?


Anything else happen in court today?

Yeah, defense brought in an opposing psychiatric expert to say that Chelsea has an overactive imagination.

Frank's female producers testified he's a swell guy.

Supports charities, empowers women.

Barba did get her to admit that he gave the crew iPads after the charges were brought.


Which Cohen countered by bringing in a times film critic who called Frank "a national treasure."

So what it is, none of 'em can admit he could ever do this.

But guys like him do the deed in private.

Okay, maybe.

But so much talent, such a high profile.

He's in the middle of a custody battle.

Come on.

I just don't see it.

I do. He's guilty.

Detective, can I have a word with you?

Is there something going on I should know about?

What do you mean?

Any chance you're protecting Frank?


I just don't like seeing innocent men get railroaded.

I mean, there was this music teacher last fall.

What are you... what are you asking?

You've had complicated relationships with older male mentors... your captain down in Atlanta, Cragen.

What was complicated with Cragen?

They found a dead hooker in his bed... you tell me.

He was set up.


What about your dad?

He was a gambler.

Ever get in trouble?

Yeah, uh...

I don't know, mostly with my mom.

You know, she rode his ass, nagged him until he had to leave.

Ever think she had a reason?

Is it possible you have a blind spot when it comes to men in power?

This business is... it's very tough on actresses.

Catherine was fresh, vibrant, a gamine.

She was my muse.

It's been hard for her to make the transition into playing characters with more... Depth.

It's difficult to portray more maturity than you have.

And to be fair, it's not only the business that has moved on from Catherine, but you did?

You did as well?

Rose and I never meant to hurt anyone.

But you did hurt Catherine, didn't you?


Yes, I did.

This has not been easy for Catherine.

Nor for you.

I mean, she has embarrassed you publicly, and she recently harangued you on your own set.

As I said, this has... this has been a very tough time for Catherine.

The o... the only faults I find with her is dragging Chelsea into our "Sturm und Drang".

How do you mean?

Look, I love...

I love my child.

I would do nothing to harm her.

And now this charge is out there.

I think that when Catherine realized she couldn't get me, she tried to destroy my reputation.

So on the day in question, you did not harm your daughter.

Absolutely not.

Did I play dress-up with my daughter? Yes.

Am I...

Guilty of being a father who wants his daughter to feel like a princess?

I am.

Did I tell her she'd be my leading lady? I did.

She's a brilliant actor.

The only problem is she is playing a part that was written for her by her mother.

I understand how this looks to the outside.

I...I'm not naive.

And I just want to say, Catherine, I am so sorry that we are here.

We've loved each other.

We have created these beautiful children, and...


Here we are.

I want to apologize because I can be arrogant.

I can... I can be... Insensitive.

But I've broken no law.

I would never hurt my daughter.

Why would I do that?

Why would I risk everything that I've accomplished?

It just... it does not make sense.

Thank you.

He's a better actor than anyone on his show.

He had the courtroom charmed.

Not after I cross-examine him on Monday.

I don't care how many fans he has.

Not everyone is a fan.

Did you see who wasn't there today?

Mavis, the middle sister.

The one no one notices.

[Knocking on door]



If you're looking for Catherine, she took the kids out for dinner.

Actually, I came to check on you.

You weren't in court today.

Yeah, I've heard enough of Frank's lies.

You've known him a long time.

How old were you when he and Catherine got married?



A lot of girls that age dream of becoming actresses.

Your sister was becoming a star.

I never liked attention.

Like the attention he gave Rose or Chelsea?


Did Frank... Notice you when you were that age?

It wouldn't matter if he did.

He's Frank Maddox.

He gets away with everything.

And he doesn't have to.

I know that you love Chelsea.

And I know that you want to protect her.

And you can...

In court on the stand.

So he and his lawyers can call me crazy?

Ridicule me?


It's Frank Maddox's world.

I learned that a long time ago.

We all just live in it.

It doesn't have to be that way for Chelsea.

I've avoided dealing with this for 18 years.

Until today.

When I was 13, Frank gave me a part in one of his shows.

And he said if I performed well, that I could do more.

But you never did?


After we taped the episode, I was at a party of one of Frank's producers in L.A.

There were all of these famous actors and... All this attention.

And then?

He asked if I wanted to try the hot tub.

He didn't waste any time.




Put his hand under my bathing suit...

Inside of me.

And then he r*ped me and said that it was how all his leading ladies got their roles.

I was 13.

I believed him.

Did you tell anyone?



Catherine was in love with him.

He took care of my family.


I saw it happen with Rose, and I tried to warn her, but she just thought I was jealous.

And Catherine didn't want to know.

When did you find out?

When I saw those photos of Rose.

Those photos, the ones that were online.

Did you leak those photos?


I had to do something.

Why now?

Because he hasn't stopped.

He hurt my niece, and everybody just looked the other way.

All of those people, all you people that sat in silence and watched are Frank's accomplices.

Those of you that think that talent negates responsibility are just as guilty as Frank.

I don't want to be one of those people.

I didn't make this up.

I didn't imagine it.

He knows what he did to me.

Due to the startling allegations over the weekend and the absolute media saturation, my client cannot get a fair trial.

I mean, two of the jurors have admitted to seeing that interview.

That's why we have alternates.


We'll proceed with Mr. Barba's cross-examination of the defendant today.

Well, I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to do that, because I-I don't think my client can appear today.

Are you kidding me?

When will he be available?

I have no idea.

You need to let him know that he can be found guilty in absentia.

And you need to produce him.

I'm gonna be really honest with you.

I don't think I can do that...


Are you saying that he's fled the country?

No, I have no knowledge of that.

So... Yes?

So in light of these circumstances and the fact that he has not even cross-examined yet...

I appreciate your concern, but that is okay, your honor.

I am willing to waive cross, and, uh, I can proceed straight to summation.

Now, obviously, I would never imply that the defendant's flight indicates guilt, because that would be wrong.

Fine. Summations and your client's verdict will be delivered with or without him, Mr. Cohen, and the trial will proceed.

Frank turned up.

He's in France.


The court took his passport.

He flew out on a private jet.

Turns out he has dual citizenship.

Live from Paris.

My ex-wife and her sister have a vendetta against me.

They're jealous of what Rose and I have.

[Speaking french]

Will you ever go back to the United States?


No, the country that I knew has changed.

Now a man can be accused with no evidence of the most heinous crime, subjected to a show trial, and vilified in the media.

[Speaking french]

So you're denying all the allegations?

I can answer that.

They aren't true.

If they were, then I would not be here next to Frank.

Frank is an artist...

And my hero.

Sideshow over?

The jury's in.

On the charge of sexual abuse in the first degree, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and the state of New York thanks you for your time.

Frank won't come back anytime soon.

That's what Catherine wants, isn't it?

God, the press is gonna be all over her and Chelsea.

Get 'em an escort.

[Overlapping shouting]

Step away, please!

Come on, guys, back it up.

Give 'em some room.

Back up, back up.

[Reporters shouting]

Thank you.

Just... Take care of your daughter.

[Shouting continues]

All we ask for is our privacy.

The jury has spoken.

Frank Maddox is a convicted felon in the eyes of U.S. law.

At this point in time, our family is just looking...

If he is a pedophile, at least he's out of their lives.

And if he's telling the truth, Chelsea gets to grow up with a full-blown narcissist who convinced her to lie.

Either way...

God help that child.

Horrible situation behind us.

Thank you so much.

I have nothing further at this time.

[Overlapping shouting]
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