16x06 - Glasgowman's Wrath

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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16x06 - Glasgowman's Wrath

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.



Mia, it's not funny.



Perry, turn off the camera.

Zoe, you should see your face.



Stop it.

Clock's ticking.

It's the night after Halloween, and midnight approaches.

Our mission is about to commence.

Come on, come on.

Hurry. Come on.

Guys, I don't think we should do this.

Oh, my God.

Come on. Come on.

We're going to get in trouble.

Mia, tell your sister not to be so scared.

You said I could have the camera.

I'll give it to you in a minute. Go.

Get across us the street.

We're at the entrance to lnwood Hill Park.

Some people refuse to believe he exists.

Some are afraid to say his name, but there's no turning back now.

By dawn, we will find Glasgowman, and our journey will begin.

Let's just go.

You may not believe now...

But he wouldn't call you if you weren't ready.

Come on, let's go.

Mia, stay close.

Are we close?

I'm cold.

Stop asking and just keep going.

We're almost there.


He likes the little ones.

[Eerie screeching]

Oh, my God.

What was that?

I think he's out there.

[Eerie screeching] Get down.

k*ll the light.

Mia, I'm scared.

I want to go back.

Oh, my God.

I think it's him.

Point your flashlight.

[Eerie screeching] Run!

Go, go, go, go!

What is it? Who is it?

It's him!

Don't look!

Just keep going!

Run! Go faster!

It's him!

He's chasing us!

I can't see!

I can't see!

[Thud] Aah!

It's him!

He's really here!

Help! Help!

Somebody! Anybody!

Help us!

He's got Zoe!


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

A birdwatcher found her?

How young is the girl?

No I.D. On her... maybe 10.

Head trauma, stabbed multiple times, clothes torn.

Alone in the park at dawn... match any amber alerts?

Nothing so far.

You'd think her parents would notice her missing.

Yeah, unless the parents are the ones who left her here.

That's a cheerful thought.

I'm going to ride along, see if she comes to.

I'll talk to bird lady.

Right here.

Any homeless around here or...

What do you think?

Go round them up.


Thank you.

Can you... can you tell me what you saw, ma'am?

I was watching a purple Finch... first one of the season... on that branch there.

Okay, and that's when you saw the girl?

That's when I spotted him.


The Finch flew away when he came out of the woods.

Okay, can you... can you tell me about him?

Not the bird, the man.

Yes, of course.

He was huge, hulking, hunched over the girl's body like a turkey vulture.

I yelled for him to shoo, and he took off into the woods.

Do you think you could give his description to a sketch artist?

I can do better than that.

I took photographs.

They're digital.

[P.A. In background]

All right, so our suspect's bigfoot, and our Jane Doe's still a Jane Doe.

Carisi reported her description.

Local precincts are distributing it now.

How was California?

It's confusing.

Zara's thriving, though.

She loves it there.



Oh, doctor, how is she?

Lucky to be alive.

Aside from the head trauma, one of her s*ab wounds was millimeters from her femoral artery.

What about sexual as*ault?

No visible signs, but we have to wait for consent to do a r*pe kit.

When can we talk to her?

She's out of surgery, but she lost a lot of blood.

I'll let you know.


Okay, do we call Liv in on this?

Ah, it's Sunday... it's her one day off with the baby.


I prefer to... detectives.

Our daughter Zoe... um, you found her.

Is this her?

It could be, yes.

Oh, thank God.

Is Mia with her?

Who's Mia?

Her big sister.

Is she here too?


Oh, God.

Okay, we need to see Zoe now.

Okay, as soon as she's able, we'll get you in there.

What happened to her?

She got hurt in the park last night.

Wwhat do you mean hurt?

What park?

But she's going to be all right.

Joan, Joan, let them ask the questions.

Do you know how your daughter could have ended up in the park alone?

I have no idea.

They both went to a sleepover at their friend's house...

Perry Gilbert.


But they didn't answer their cell phones this morning.

Did you call Perry's parents?

No. She's a single mom.

We called. We texted.

She's not answering...

We went over there-

291 Dyckman...


No one answered the door, but our tracker app says the girls' phones are inside.


Okay, look, I need you to try and stay calm.

Please have a seat.

Have a seat.

I need for you to look through your phones.

Find the most recent photos of Mia and Zoe that you can, okay?


Okay, now one girl stabbed, now two others missing or worse.

They're not responding from inside that apartment.

Let's go.

Now we call Liv.

You know who's a good boy?

Noah's a good boy.



Noah's a good boy.

[Cell phone ringing]




You're heading to their apartment?

Yeah, I-I've got to call my sitter.


Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Okay. Yeah.


Please don't!

Put the g*n down!

I'll do anything you say!

Open the door.

I'll do anything you say!

Hands up.

Step away from the door.


What the hell?

I'm on the job.

State police.

And I freakin' live here.

We were just fooling around.

What's your name?

Barbara Gilbert.

So your Perry's mother.

Where is she?


She's at a sleepover.


Mia Harris and her sister.

Their moms texted me yesterday.

What is this about?

All clear?


No signs of a struggle, no forced entry.

Come on in.

Where's Perry?

Tell me what's going on.

Call her cell.

What is going on?

Just dial, Barbara.

[Cell phone playing tune]

What's it doing in there?

It's Perry's phone, and there's... there's two more in here.

These have got to be Mia and Zoe.

[Cell phone chimes]

No. Perry's obsessed with that phone.

She wouldn't go anywhere without it.

Well, she did last night.

Now, is there any place you can think of that she might have gone, a place that she likes to party?

Does she have a boyfriend?

Party? No.

No, she just turned 13.

Where the hell is she?

They're working on it, Barbara.

Come on, let's... let's go get some water.

Thank you.

Liv's on the way to the hospital.

I told her you'd join.

Take Perry's mom.

No, you know what?

You take her.

I'm going to go to the park.

Hey, we don't know what we're dealing with.

Seriously, you don't think I can handle myself?

No. That's not what I meant.


You're better at dealing with Liv, and she is going to be pissed when she finds out we didn't call her right away.


Next time call me earlier.

I just didn't want to bother you on your day off.

Nick, that's not your decision... it's mine.

So we have one girl stabbed.

The other two?

They're still missing.

We found their phones, sent them to TARU, but there's no social-media posts since yesterday.

And the suspect?

There's not much to go on.

Carisi has some blurry photos.

He and Rollins are cobbling together a search.


Today's the marathon.

I mean, every cop in the city is working.

At this point, nobody matching the description's been found.

So call the academy.

Get cadets out there, auxiliary, scouts.

Officers, the little girl's conscious.

Her mothers are with her.

It wasn't my idea.

What wasn't your idea, Zoe?

Mia took mom's phone and texted Perry's mom saying that she could sleep over at our house.

No. Her mom texted me that you two were saying with her.

[Sighs] That was Perry pretending to be her mom.

They made me promise not to tell.

What were you thinking, Zoe?

Joan, not now.

Listen, Zoe, we're not angry at you.

Yeah, we just want to know how you ended up in the park last night.

They were going, and they said I couldn't be left alone.

Why didn't you call me?

You know your sister doesn't think straight all the time...

Ma'am, ma'am, can we just... can we talk outside, please?

I am not leaving my daughter.

Joan, Mia is still out there.

Let the police do their job.

Zoe, Zoe, listen to me.

You're not in any trouble, but we need you to help us find your sister, okay?

[Door closes]

So why did Perry and Mia want to go to the park at night?

They said it would be scary...

The night after Halloween.

The spirits were still out...


Fun scary.

Right, spirits.

Okay, so what was the plan?

We left at midnight.

Perry had a camera, just in case we saw somebody scary.

She said we were going to show it to everybody.

And did you?

Did you see somebody... a zombie?

They did.

They were screaming, "Run, Zoe! Run!"

But he caught me and knocked me down.

You saw him?

Zoe, you saw his face?


It was the Glasgowman.

Our suspect may live in these woods.

He is over 6 foot.

He's heavyset.

He's bald.

He may go by the name Glasgowman.

He may have a scar from ear to ear.

Also, for what it's worth, the vic describes him as wearing an eye patch.

This is an active search for two girls, white.

Mia Harris, she's 12, red hair, blue eyes, okay?

She's 5'3", and then we got Perry Gilbert.

She's 13, dark hair, blue eyes, 5 feet even.

Got it?

All right, let's go.

We're going to fan out.

We're going to move into the woods from the north side.

What the hell is this?


A child's backpack.

Guys, you gotta see this.

Over here!


The cadets think they found something.

Hey, get this to CSU.

Can you do that?

Cadets saw someone run into that cave.

He won't come out.

Is he armed?

I don't know.

All right.


Let's get on out of there.

Hands in the air.

[Man grunting]

Hey, hey, hey.

We want him alive, okay?

I said hands up.

Get on the ground, now!

Okay. Hold on.

Take it easy, my friend.

Take it easy.

Get out of here!

All right.

All right. Come on, come on.

Come out nice and easy.

No one gets hurt.

Put the stick down, get on the ground, or I will tase your ass.

Put it down... let's go!

Get out of here!

[Taser clicking]

He's not going down!

Well, stop it!

Turn the damn thing off!

Hey, enough, enough!

Stay on the ground, sir.

Stay on the ground.

I don't want anything else to happen to you.

All right. Easy, easy.

Don't move. Don't move.

[Man muttering]

No one gets hurt, all right?

Just relax, just relax.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

I've never seen this man in my life.

He took Perry?

We don't know.

It's too late, Rick.

[Voice breaking]

They've got him.

They don't have the girls.

They're gone.

He k*lled them!

She doesn't place him?

No. Zoe's convinced it's him and that he's Glasgowman, but she doesn't remember being stabbed.

[Door opens]

Perry's mom-no help.

Her boyfriend's got his hands full with that one.


What do we have on Glasgowman?

Charlie Dorsey, he's 36.

The local precinct's seen him rummaging through the garbage, collecting cans.

Frequent-flier at the Hudson river state asylum until they dumped him back on the streets when it closed down in 2003.

After that, he stops taking his meds, jumps the couch a few times.

It's minor stuff first, then amps it up.

Subway assaults, then he stabs a guy in the kidney at a homeless center shelter, gets a three-year bid in attica.

He gets released two years ago, meets once with his P.O. and then goes off the grid until today.

It was only a matter of time.

I mean, you can't unscrew the top of the salt shaker and then be surprised when it spills all over the table.

All right.

Do we have any physical evidence linking him to Zoe's as*ault?

No sign of the w*apon, negative on the r*pe kit, and we're running his clothes now for DNA, and that eye patch is just for show.

He got extremely agitated when we tried to take it off.

Find anything in that cave?

No, it's tiny... a spider hole.

Well, he lives in that park.

He's got to sleep somewhere.

We haven't found anything yet.

Look, those woods are dense.

It's the last primeval forest in the area.

It's going to take some...

Okay. All right.

Did he say anything about Perry or Mia?

No. He clammed up.

He claims he has no idea.

Okay, why don't I take a run at him?

No disrespect, Nick, but I-I think he trusts me, sarge.


You just said he clammed up.


Uh, Carisi did get them to stop tasering, um, helped talk him down.

Okay, guys, it's been over 12 hours since two girls went missing.

[Sighs] Carisi, let's go.

[Loud clatter]

Take it easy. Take it easy.

Do you know why you're here, Mr. Dorsey?

No, this ain't right.

This just... this isn't right.

This isn't right.


I can see that the cuffs are pulling at you.

How about you answer some of our questions and maybe we can take those off?

What, are you trying to bond with me, little sister?

Lead me in with the chain and then chain me up like I'm a... like I'm a junkyard dog?

I'm not...


Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Down, boy.

Be good. Be good.

You know, that's not how you get what you want.

Well, that would be true if I were here.


Uh, Mr. Dorsey?


Call... call me Charlie.

My father was Mr. Dorsey.

Okay, Charlie...

So where is it that you think you are right now?

I don't have to think.

I know who you both are, and I know I've been on your watch list for a very long time.

Whose watch list?

They... they... they want to tell me that... that I'm hearing voices, and they want to keep me in the system forever.


No, no, no.

That's what they were saying about me behind window number one...

Saying I stabbed a guy...

Like that defines a man.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, if you can live on this planet and not be emotionally disturbed, then you're not a real human being.

Okay, char... Charlie?

Hey, hey.

You're right, big brother.

You're right.

We have been watching you for a long time, but do you know why we had to bring you here today?

It's because I saw the plane go down on the Hudson river.

The official story was geese, but I saw the m*ssile go off and knock it out of the sky, and they know that I know that the plan is to erase it from my memory, first using the meds and then using the lasers on these little cellular phones that everybody has, but I will not forget.

I am a loyal...

I am a loyal American.

♪ My country 'tis of thee... ♪
Okay, Charlie?

Charlie, Charlie.

Charlie, can you look at me for a second?


Listen to me.

We're not going to let that happen to you, because we are going to protect you, okay?


Now, I need you to take a look at these three girls, okay?

No. No.

It's okay.

Look, Charlie, this phone does not have lasers in it, okay?

I promise you.

So I just... I need you to take a look at these... at these three girls.

Can you do that for me?

Tell me if you've ever seen them before.

One, two, three.

No, no. I've never... I've never seen these girls before.

I'm not going to fall for this.

They can't trap me like they do.

Hey, Charlie.

Charlie, Charlie, hey.

I need you to talk to us, please, okay?

I don't... I don't want to have to hand you back to them.


Okay, I need you to tell me about the girl you were with in the woods this morning.

Oh, her.

She was very pretty.

She smelled like strawberries.


But I knew that if they found her near me that they would accuse me of stabbing her.

Why would they do that?

What, are you calling me violent?

Nobody said that.

We all heard it.

I will not stand for this.

I did not hurt that little girl.

I found her bleeding, and as the last good samaritan in this dying society, I alone saved her.

Yeah, and it's a good thing you did, Charlie, 'cause she's going to be all right, it looks like.

That's good. That's good.

Did you save the other two girls also?

No. No.

What other girls?

I only told you that I found the one, and you filmed the whole thing anyway on the device.

The device?

Charlie what device?

I found it.

Your people installed it, but I have it now.


Installed it where?

Inside of my dwelling.

They need an excuse to ransack my domain.

Sergeant, if it's okay with you, how about I take Charlie up there?

If he didn't see those girls, then the device is going to show us that.

Yes. That's a good plan.

I like that.

I will... I will need my eye patch back for that, though.

Okay, Charlie.

I think we can accommodate that.

Oh, good.

You guys see?

Do you see this?

Don't thr*aten me with medication.

Just treat me like a man.

It's down there.


Under the kudzu.

All right, show us.

Little brother, I need you to switch my eye patch over to the other side.

So you can see in the dark?

Yeah, I get it.

All right, the device, Charlie... where is it?

It's the third bag on the left.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

What are you doing?


Calm down.

This is just so we can prove that it was planted here.


Okay. We got it.

Good job, Charlie.

Hey, Rollins, I want 24-hour guard on this place.

Nobody disturbs a thing until Charlie here is released.

All right, I'm on it.

Okay, Charlie, look at me.

You did really good.

Hey, get CSU down here right now.

No. You... you... you and your people can go now.

I'm gonna stay here.

You know I can't let you do that.

It's going to be okay.

Come on.

You know what?

It's okay. You guys go on ahead.

I'll stay and make sure nobody comes in, all right?


I need you to switch my eye patch over to the other side.

I don't want the sun to blind me.

Let's go, Charlie.

Oh, no.

Hey, so no trace of the other girls in or around his encampment, and the dogs didn't pick up any scent either.

What about the knife?

Charlie claims they're for hunting and fishing and that the blood on the knife is from bluefish.

We're running it now for prints and DNA.

CSU is still there going over his place.

And this device?

It's a handheld zoom camera.

It's pretty dinged up.

We sent it to TARU.

Could be the girls'.

Zoe told us Perry had a camera that night.

These guys are good.

TARU's already got something.

Tonight we're going to lnwood Hill Park.

Glasgowman will meet us there and take us to his mansion.

I don't want to.

Clock's ticking.

It's the night after Halloween, and midnight approaches.

Our mission is about to commence.

Where's the map?

Where's the map?

Your sister probably lost it.

Did not. Mia took it.

I did not.

Map? Mansion?


Zoe didn't mention any of this.

I can't tell you.

I already broke the pact.

Zoe, stop this.

You tell the police what they want to know.

Where were you girls going?

The gateway.

"The gateway"?

It's where you meet Glasgowman before you can go into his mansion.

Okay, so tell me about this mansion.

But if he finds out the grown-ups know, he'll k*ll Perry and Mia.


Zoe, please.


If Glasgowman likes you, you get to live in his mansion... no rules, no school, and there are portals inside to other realms, but I don't know where it is.


Zoe where did you get this map?

Was it on the lnternet?

Was it at the library?

From Leslie.


Perry's babysitter.

When did she get a new babysitter?

What happened to Alicia?

She quit a few months ago.

Perry's had a lot of sitters.

Okay, and this Leslie... when is the last time she babysat?

Thursday, but Leslie's not a she.

He's a boy.

He's really neat... tells a lot of scary stories.

[Knock at door] NYPD.

Can I help you? Whoa.

Back away.

Where are they?


Mia, Perry, the girls.

When was the last time you saw them?

Uh, I don't know.

Tuesday maybe?

Is that when you gave them the map?


That mansion... where is it?

Oh, it doesn't exist.

It's all in here.

Hey, listen to me.

We don't have time for that.

Those girls went into the woods with your map looking for Glasgowman.

You tell them to do that?

You meet them there?

What? No. No.

Glasgowman isn't real.


Recognize him?

We have him in custody.

You arrested Charlie.

Oh, so you do know him.

He's homeless.

I bring him food.

He tells me crazy stories.

The kids call him Glasgowman.

I just amped it up, created the lore.

The lore?

Zoe got stabbed.

She almost died.


You can't think I had anything to do with that.

I adore Zoe.

Is that why you drew her here covered in blood with Perry and Mia?

Look, Perry likes scary stories.

I started to turn them into a graphic novel, but it's all fiction.

Yeah, fiction.

So what's the plot?

What happens to the girls?

There's, like, six books.

I just started editing it all this weekend.

I don't know where they are.

They said they were looking for Glasgowman's mansion, okay?

And we know that they were using your map.

Hey, I'm going to ask you again.

Where's the map?

I don't know where they are.

Rip this place apart until we find it.

No, no, no!

Please, please, please, no! Please, wait.

Don't. Don't.

Is this it?

Is this the map?

Okay, okay, here...

In the story, Glasgowman goes over the bridge and then up and down the river.

That's this lizard's tail.


It's got to be the Hudson.


What are we looking at here?

This is the gateway to the mansion.

It's like the portal to the other realms.

I based it off of one of Charlie's hideouts.

Okay, so where is it?

It's upriver somewhere...

Spuyten Duyvil Park.

[Camera shutter clicks]

What is that down there?

Could be the gateway.

Perry? Mia?

Heads up.



Oh, no, I got a knife...

And a dead cat.

That can't be good.

All right, guys, let's get this bagged and tagged for CSU...



Hey. Hey!

A little help in here!

We got both of them.

Oh, my God.

Oh, geez.


Call a bus.




Are you all right?

Help us.

Help us.


Hey, can you hear me?


Who did this to you, baby?


He said he was coming back to bleed the devil out of us, but he never did.

We were running in the woods, and Glasgowman saw us, and he started chasing, and we ran, and I tried to drag Zoe, but she tripped and fell, and Perry said he was right behind us, so I just kept running.

Mommy, I'm really sorry, okay?

This is all my fault.

It's not your fault, honey.


Just tell us what happened next.

We went back, and I saw him over Zoe's body, and he was just going ballistic.

He was just stabbing and stabbing.

Okay, okay.

And I yelled, "leave her alone!"

And then he came after us, and he caught us both, and he showed us his knife, and he said that if we didn't go with him, he was going to bleed us out right there.

Dear God.

And that's when he marched you up to Spuyten Duyvil Park.

And what did he do with Zoe?

He covered her with leaves and left her there.

We were walking for, like, hours, but before we got to the mansion, Mia started crying.

She said she wanted to go home.

This really made Glasgowman mad.

He went ballistic.


What did he do?

He forced us into the gatehouse.

He threw us down and then threatened us with his knife.

He tied Mia up and said we weren't going anywhere.

But he didn't tie you up?


He tried to, but I was fighting him off.

He said he heard helicopters, so he stabbed me.

Then he k*lled the cat, and then he took off.

Okay. Perry, did you see him k*ll the cat?

No, I heard it.


And when did all this happen?

Last night, so Sunday night.

Okay, well, we just want to make sure that we got the right guy.

I'm really tired.

Can this wait?

Look, you already have him.

Let my daughter rest.


You have Glasgowman?

Why don't you tell us?

Oh, my God.

How did you get this close?

Perry, are you sure that's him?

A million percent.

The scar, the beard... he had an eye patch too.

I'm not joking.

You have to lock him up.

He said he'd k*ll me if I told anyone what happened.

They're suffering from exposure and dehydration.

They had food in their backpacks... mostly candy.

And the s*ab wounds on Perry?

Not as deep as the ones on Zoe... all on the left side of her body mostly the arms, no organs.

Right. Anything else?

Perry was disoriented.

She said she was att*cked last night, but there was no inflammation, no bruising.

These injuries are fresh.

I'd say an hour old, two at the most.

And, doctor, any defensive wounds?


None, actually.

It just doesn't add up.

Hey, how did it go with the girls?

The timeline is way off.

They're both blaming Charlie.

We've had him in custody since Sunday afternoon.

Well, they may just be confused.

He could have walked them up there and then got back to lnwood by the time we picked him up.

Except the doctor just told me Perry's wounds are fresh.

Okay, so they're covering for someone.


I don't know.

Maybe it's a "Romeo and Juliet" kind of thing?

Two girls go off to be with some Svengali...


Well, then who stabbed Zoe?

I don't know.

Rollins, did you check the girls' social media?

Yeah, in their texts, their emails, there's no boyfriends, not even really any other friends.

It's just a lot of back and forth between Perry and Mia.

They're in their own world.

Zoe, can you think of any reason that Perry or Mia might want to hurt you?

Of course not.

Let's let Zoe answer.

Maybe Perry?

I mean, she's the one who told Mia only babies share their room with their baby sister.

So you sometimes want to hang out with the big girls, they... they never hurt you before, maybe by accident?

Well, sometimes...

By accident.

Once, Perry and Mia were hanging out in Perry's room.

I walked in without knocking.

Perry got mad, ran out, and pushed me down.

Mia just stepped on my foot when she ran after Perry...

But Mia would never do something like that on purpose.

I mean, I know I annoy her sometimes, but we're sisters.

We love each other.

Breaking news... the knife that we found inside the gatehouse... only one set of prints...


Her wounds were all on one side... no defensive marks.

She stabbed herself.

After she tied Mia up.

Yeah, okay.

So who stabbed Zoe?

Hold on. We got that too.

Here it is.

DNA from Zoe on the blade of the knife found in Charlie's camp.

Ah, this is interesting... on the handle, touch DNA from Charlie and guess who else.

Perry and Mia.

So Charlie was telling the truth.

He picked up that knife same as he did the camera.

Go give him the good news.

Bring those girls back in here and tell their mothers why.

Should we call Barbara too?

Both of the girls are under 14 years old.

Zoe lived.

They can't be tried as adults.

I'll call corporation council.

I told you I wasn't crazy.

Oh, no, you're bat crazy, but you're not paranoid.

We're still trying to figure out what happened in those woods, but we do know you didn't s*ab those two girls.

You didn't tie the other one up.

Did you find that on the device?

No. No, Charlie.

You were in our custody at that point.

You really are a good samaritan.

You saved that girl Zoe.

Soso... so I can...

I can leave now?

You did violate your parole.

Don't... don't send me back to Attica.

I won't, but you know you can't just go back to the woods, so how about we get you in a program...

Maybe we get you on some meds?

I know how you feel about that, but you just got to trust me on this, okay, Charlie?

Do you think you can do that?

For a while, yeah.

Good man.

So you need to tell us what happened, because what it looks like is you and Perry stabbed Zoe.


No, I thought we were just going to leave her in the woods, just scare her a little bit.

Then why did you bring a knife?

I didn't bring a knife.

Perry brought a knife.

She brought one for her and one for me.

She said it was for protection.

Tell them how Perry scared you.

The detectives need to know whose idea this whole thing was.

It was all Perry's idea.

We went to the park, and then we went down this path, and Perry tripped her and hit her in the head with a rock, and then she told me to s*ab my sister.

I didn't do it.

I didn't do it. I swear.


Okay, so what happened then?

She went crazy, stabbing Zoe, and I shouted, "stop," okay?

There was so much blood.

Perry said that she would k*ll me if I didn't do as I was told.

Do you see this?

Perry has made a victim out of both of my daughters.

There was always something off about that girl.

We understand.

Keep... keep going, Mia.

Zoe was lying there, and Perry... she took my knife and the camera, and she threw it away.

She made me cover my sister with leaves.

She held a knife to my throat, okay?

She said that we were going to Glasgowman's mansion and that I have to forget about Zoe.

Her eyes were buggy, and she looked like a maniac, okay?

She's crazy.

I thought she was my friend, but she's crazy.

[Door opens]

Mia is blaming you, Perry.

She said that stabbing Zoe was your idea.

What we don't understand is why you would want to hurt your friend's little sister?

It wasn't my idea.

All right, you want to tell us what really happened?

I was simply following orders.

Whose orders?


He comes to me at night.

We communicate.

He stared into my eyes and told me my mission.

If I failed, he was going to take my breath away at midnight.

I had to prove my loyalty.

Perry, where are you getting this?

Let her talk.

Perry, how did you prove your loyalty?

I had to take innocent blood.


Whose blood?


That's how you get to be a proxy.

But when Zoe was lying there...

Bleeding, I didn't feel Glasgowman's presence.

I started to doubt.

That's why she survived.

He must have switched the plan.

Okay, so what did the plan become?

He led us to the gatehouse...

In the form of a cat, but I mean, I knew it was him because he had Glasgowman's eyes, and when I looked into them...

He told me to m*rder Mia.

Well, then what happened?

The cat was glaring so powerfully, trying to make this hypnotic connection.

I couldn't take it, so I stabbed it through the heart because I didn't want to k*ll my friend.

Glasgowman tricked me.

I swear this isn't my daughter.

I've never heard her talk like this before.

Can I have a moment with my client and, uh, her mother?

[Door opens]

Counselor, what do you think?

First impression... she's not competent to stand trial.

For what it's worth, there was no sign of this behavior before she knew that we were onto her.

She took two girls into the woods, stabbed one, stabbed herself, k*lled a cat.

I'd call at least one of those a sign.

And we don't think Mia is involved?

Nah. I have an easier time believing that she's under Perry's spell... she's scared to death... than believing that she stabbed her own sister and left her for dead.

What do you recommend?

Do you have any proof of conspiracy... emails, texts, posting on social media?


No, we don't.

I'll order a psych eval, see where we are.

Perry, you're saying that Glasgowman tricked you.

Can you tell judge Linden how he did that?

He said we'd live in his mansion and have a true life, but he got angry when I wouldn't s*ab Mia.

I tied her up, but I-I wouldn't s*ab her.

And that's when you stabbed yourself instead?


I was outside of my body.

One part of me was arguing with the other part, like a devil and an angel.

My body got hot.

I could feel my blood swirling and boiling inside me, so I stabbed myself to let the blood cool off.

Perry, that's a very interesting story, but you do understand that stabbing Zoe was wrong, don't you?

No, the police were wrong.

Since they entered Glasgowman's realm and saved us, the world is an unbalanced place.

Is that a yes or a no?

You don't get it, do you?

Glasgowman's partners from the other realms are going to come back seeking vengeance.

We're all gonna die.

All right, I think we've heard enough.

Thank you, counselor Cox.

Perry, you may step down.

I am ready to make my ruling.

While I am very troubled by the seriousness of the injuries sustained by the victim, the mandate of family court is to be therapeutic, not punitive.

Mia Harris, please rise.

It seems to me, based on your and Zoe's testimony, that you were also a victim in this matter.

I therefore declare you not responsible and release you to your parents' care.


I strongly recommend that you receive weekly psychiatric care.

I would recommend that for Zoe as well.

Thank you, your honor.

Perry Gilbert...

I adjudicate you as a juvenile delinquent on the underlying charge of as*ault one, but based on your testimony and the psychiatric report, in lieu of juvenile detention, I am remanding you to Creedmore Psychiatric Center.

You will remain there until you are determined to no longer be a danger to yourself or others.

I hope you get the help you need.

We are adjourned.

[Gavel bangs]


Mia's gonna walk, and Perry gets soft time.

Alex, justice was served, all right?

Perry's looney tunes, and Mia and Zoe... they'd never hurt each other.

If you say so.

Hold the door.
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