16x07 - Chicago Crossover (2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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16x07 - Chicago Crossover (2)

Post by bunniefuu »

Last night on Chicago Fire...

Come on!


Everything all right down there?

What'd you find?

Get the cops here now.

This is grim.

Those kids look pretty young.

Oh, my God.

Did I hear right?

You've got history with one of the vics in the photos?

He's my brother.

I don't know how your brother got mixed up in this, but we're gonna get to the bottom of it.

Listen, I'd like to come and help out.

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Olivia, Hank Voight.


Are your people on the way?


Okay, I sent the photos that your people found to our contact at missing and exploited children.

He's found a link between those images and a video ring that's been sex trafficking kids for over a decade.

A decade?

How's that even possible?

As soon as Lindsay and Halstead arrive I'll brief 'em.

Listen, just so you know...

For detective Lindsay, this is a personal situation.

One of the vics in the photos is her half brother.

I heard. I'll... I'll...

I'll keep my eye on her.


It's a bad one.

Unfortunately, we don't get too many good ones.

NCMEC? Chicago?

Interstate trafficking.

They think one of their victims may be from here.

All right, five more pushes, Noah, okay?

Hey, you work with those two when you were in Chicago?

Is that the guy who hit on Rollins?

You heard about that?

Nah. Some other pretty boy.

I think everybody knows each other.

Detective Lindsay, Jay Halstead...

You remember detective Tutuola?

Fin, how are you?

All right.

Hey, I got stuck in the...

In the tunnel.

You two caught this in Chicago?

Yeah, the fire department did.

A fire vic, Andrew Llewellyn, he had a box full of these images that are traceable to this franchise.

So then detective Lindsay recognized one of the young victims.

Teddy Courtney is my half brother.

He ran away ten years ago.

And my mom won't tell me how she knows, but she knows he came to New York, so...

And that's who we've been trying to locate?

NCMEC ran his face through the system, and they found more images.

And he's connected to a pedophilia ring.

This pedophilia club is still active, and they've upgraded to live streaming.

Now, and the feds think this club streams from New York?

They don't know, but as soon as we find Teddy, we're gonna ask him.

Assuming he's alive.

Look, I'm... I'm sorry, but a kid goes through something like that...

Nick... you haven't found him in the system?

Not as an adult.

We try all akas, misspellings.

Check all juvie databases in the tri-state area.

Run those old photos through age progression.

And crosscheck with facial recognition against mug sh*ts, DMV...

And morgue photos of John does?


We're gonna need your DNA, too.

No, please, please, just let me go.

Henry, keep crying like that, and I'll have to gag you.

No. No.

That's better.

And now, we have a special request from one of our members...

Gronku in the midwest...

Where is this streaming from?

By the accents, it seems domestic, but Florida, Canada, Queens...

We don't know.

So how does this tie in with the photos Chicago found?

Those were screen sh*ts from ten years ago, when this same organization file shared videos.

Calls itself the Chess & Checkers Club.

Stop wriggling.

Stop, please!

I have something for you, Henry.


Just in case you feel like you're going to cry again.

The club members making requests are watching all over the world.

And they're... they're paying through encrypted links?

And the feds know all of this, and you can't shut it down?

We're trying, but so far, no.

Then we will.

I wanna go home!

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You doing okay?

I don't know.

It's a lot to...

Am I interrupting?

No. Anything yet?


I think it might be time to call it a night.

I'm waiting on access to the Jersey database.

So let me shake that tree again.


Are you okay?

Just looking at those pictures, it's got to be rough.

It is.

You know, it could easily have been me.

Growing up was, uh, chaotic.

I haven't seen Teddy in a long time.

My family...


I have a sister I haven't spoken to in two years.

Also complicated.

We may have something...

Well, we got some aged-up photos of Teddy.

Now, this would be him, about 17.

Now, check out this mug shot from juvie...

Arrested under the name Ted Voight five years ago for solicitation.


Yeah, they used to know each other. That's Teddy.

What was the disposition of his case?

He was remanded to a youth center.

There's no subsequent arrests, nothing else in public records.

Why don't I go talk to the people at the center?

Let us take the first meet.

Teddy Voight...

Repeat customer.

We have more than a few of those.

Our program has a good record with street kids.

But some of them...

Are like Teddy.

Yeah, he got sent here twice, ran away both times.

Was here less than a week his last stint.

Kids can just run away?

I mean, you have security.

To keep the street out, not our residents in.

This isn't a prison.

Hey, you remember him, George?

Uh, so many kids, Ms. Bagley. No.

So why now?

What did he do?

No, it's what got done to him, by pedophiles when he was 13.

13? So after the first time he ran away.

All our kids are damaged, but some are more damaged than others.

Well, any idea where Teddy might be now?

Nowhere you'd want to take the wife and kids.

Come on, think, is there anyone who may have stayed in touch with him?

There was a girl the last time.

They seemed to know each other.

Jocelyn Cerpaski...

One of our success stories.

I still hear from her.


That was another life ago.

All right, which is probably a good thing.

Mrs. Bagley at the youth center said that you were doing great.

I'm gonna graduate high school this year. Go to college.

So the last thing you need is a friend like Teddy.

He's not exactly a friend.

I knew him from the life.

Did Ms. Bagley tell you why I was at the youth center?


But you checked my record?

You're not talking to a 14-year-old prost*tute.

You're talking to someone who's gonna be a teacher.

Jocelyn, we're not judging you.

Okay? You understand?

We... we're just hoping that you would have some idea where we could find Teddy.

He's not in trouble with us.


[Sighs] Last I heard, little Teddy's still working the piers.

We have a lead.

Halstead told me.

West Village piers.

Should we go now?

The place doesn't really come alive until after midnight.

And that's where people go after pedophiles are done with them?


Lindsay, this is a...

Pretty rough scene.

It's homeless teens, LGBT runaways.

And we don't know that Teddy's there.

I should have looked for him years ago.

How old were you when he disappeared?


And you were supposed to do what, exactly?

Not wait so long.

[Hip-hop plays]

♪ made, made them a believer ♪
♪ for the dough, that made them a believer ♪
♪ you ain't never met nobody like this ♪

So this is your wild west?

It's like parts of our Boystown.

Yeah, I mean, it's not so wild anymore.

There's $5-million condos across the street.

But these kids have nowhere else to go.

Hey, Rizzoli and lsles, turn that off.

Yeah, we don't care about the weed, okay?

We're looking for this kid.

He's cute.

If you find him, let me know.

Sorry, no.

It's not my type.

Okay. Zip it up, man.

Hey, how about you?

Step out of the car, please.

Come on.

Seen this guy?

Little Teddy?

I haven't seen him in a while.

Is he okay?

He parties hard.

[Music plays]

I never seen him before.

Can't you just leave us alone?

[Music, background chatter]


One at a time.

Take a number.

There's plenty for everybody.

Hands up. Don't sh**t.

Go away.

You two look like you're looking to party.

Well, maybe we can work something out.

Okay, back up.

You, me, and her.

Well, I can be the bread, the meat, or the spread.

Okay, let's go.

Come over here and sit down.

Come on.

Let's go.

Come with me. Come here.

Sit down.

Hey, Teddy.

I'm not Teddy anymore.

They let you be a cop?


Does she know what you were?

Teddy, she came here to help you.

I wasn't talking to you, mama bear.


I really do want to help.


Where were you when I was 13?

Where was our alleged mother?

I don't know.

I'm sorry.

You know, she wasn't there to take care of me, either.

Voight took care of you.

You want to help?

Give me the hundred you just cost me.

Let me go back to my friends.

That's not gonna happen, Teddy.

We... we have got you on narcotics possession.


You were holding.

Oh, after all these years, you still have my back.

I don't know what you want, but I'm not talking to you.

This has gotta be brutal for Lindsay.

You know, she had it really rough growing up.

And now, her brother.

Well, it's tougher when it's personal.


She's the toughest cop I know.

It's not like that.

We work together.

Oh, we get it.



It gets pretty cold in here.

Teddy, I want to get you out of here as fast as possible.

But I need your help.


When you were 13, you ran away to New York, and you went to a shelter.

And then you ran away from there.

We both know what happened after that.

Good times.

No, Teddy, not good times.

I-I saw the... the photos.

And your sister did, too.

That's why she came here, to find you.


What do you want?

The same people who did that to you ten years ago are doing it to other kids now.

They're doing it to him.

This little boy's name is Henry.

Is there anything that you can tell us about where this took place or who did this to you?

I want to save this little boy, and I wanna save whoever else they may have.

It's too late.

It's not too late.

That's the thing.

We talked to one of your friends, Jocelyn.


And she is doing great.

She's in school.

Teddy, it can happen.


Thank you for the blanket.

I'm tired.

Okay, he won't talk to me.

He won't talk to you.

So what do we do?

We wait.

We try again.

We keep trying.

And then meanwhile, he runs away or he's back on the piers?

Meanwhile, he's locked up.

We have him on drug possession and solicitation.

But he's the victim here.

Lindsay, you want him to run away?

You want him to run back to the piers?


Can you think of anyone that he may have confided in?

Maybe your mother?

If he did, she wouldn't remember.

You need anything from us, sarge?

I don't know. We have hit a wall with our friend Teddy.

His friend, Jocelyn, was right about him working the piers.

She might know more.

Take another run at her.

You found Teddy?


So, we're done.

Well, we still need some background on him.

All right, when was it that you two first met?

I don't know.

On the street.

Look, did... did he ever talk to you about his early days in New York?

Not really.


When he was 13, Teddy was the victim of a sex trafficking ring.

He was the victim?


Jocelyn, what's going on?

Um, nothing.

I-I don't need this now.

I have to get to class.

Jocelyn, hey, wait!

Well, did you mention the pedophile ring the first time you talked to her?

No, but she got arrested at 14 for hooking.

I'm guessing we know how she got turned out.

This is Jocelyn Cerpaski's mug shot from a prostitution arrest five years ago.

And you ran her face through the system?


And hit the bad jackpot.

She was r*ped, beat up.

Same as Teddy.

They didn't just know each other from the streets.

These images are from the same Chess & Checkers Club.

In this one, a member named Bigman paid to see straight intercourse.

Well, she looks terrified.

Wait a minute.

Wait, right there.

That tattoo.

That's Teddy.

So who gets to tell Lindsay?

So when I mentioned Jocelyn last night, you shut down.

Is that why?

That's just another day at the office.

She's a child, Teddy.

That's r*pe.

They can send you away for 20 years.

I don't see you for 10 years, now you want to lock me up for 20?

One hell of a big sister.

Teddy, that's not what any of us want.

What we want is for you to help us get the people who made you do this to her.

Nobody made me.

How many videos did they force you to do?

Starting at 13.

Teddy, we know that none of this was your choice.

What does it matter?

It does matter.

Because they drugged you.

They broke you, and then they twisted you.


This isn't you.

And this isn't you.

I know that.

You were the sweetest boy.

You would never hurt anybody.

But I did.

I had to.

So they forced you.

No. It was my idea.

Because I knew who they'd send in if it wasn't me...

Someone older, someone rougher.

She wasn't ready for that.

Jocelyn was my friend!

And you're right, they were done with me.

I-I could do what I want.

So I-I-I went out on my own.

Until you were arrested.

About a year later.

I-I saw Jocelyn at the center.

I didn't know what to say.

She's okay now.

But you've got to help us stop these people.

What do you want to know?

I was a kid.

I never knew where I was.

I never knew anybody's name.

I was in a dark room on a lousy mattress eating corn chips when I wasn't doing...

Okay, okay, Teddy.

Where did this happen?

A bunch...

A bunch of places.

I don't know.

All crappy.

Do you know anything about the men who did this to you?

It was different men, coming and going.

There was...

There was one guy...


Everybody was scared of.

Did they call him by name?

Was he in any of the videos?

Never on camera.

He would just come in at night and do me in the dark sometimes.

What did he look like?

White, uh, middle-aged guy, average.

Okay, how did they get to you initially?

The first time that I went to the youth center, I hated it.

And there was this guy who worked there.

He said he... he knew a way I could get out, make some money, have a room of my own.

What guy, Teddy?

What guy was that?

George, our security guard?


He's been with us for years.

But it makes sense, don't you think?

I mean, where better to recruit?

He likes the kids.

He talks to them all the time.


He been talking to any boys lately?

Oh, God. One.


George said he ran away a week ago.

Okay, is this Henry?

Where is George now?

SVU sergeant in pursuit of a male, white, 40s.

11th Avenue, heading southbound toward 24th.

Come on! Erin!


You okay?

You all right?

Go. Go.


Get up.

Put your hands up.

Easy. We got him.

We got him.


You okay?

You okay?


You all right?

Hey, you flew in for nothing.

I'm fine.

I'm going back to SVU.

You got a concussion.

You're going back to Chicago.

And what happens to Teddy?

You did your part.

I should have looked out for him, okay?

It's on me.

Everyone loved you the other night.

Please, no.
[Knock at door]

Ah, sergeant Voight.

Come on in.

It's nice to meet you in person.

Nice to meet you.

How's Lindsay?


I'm sending her home under protest.

Halstead's with her.

Please let me out of here. I need to go.

Who's that?

Henry Thorne, 12.

Pedophile ring's had him for almost a week.

Please... Don't hurt me anymore.

He was trafficked from a local youth center.

NCMEC just called.


This is...

Streaming live.

Be a good boy and look at the camera.

I don't want to.

I didn't ask if you wanted to.

Now, look at the damn camera.

I want people to see you, Henry.

Because tonight you're gonna be putting on a very special show.


Club members, requests for genre activities will be accepted starting now.

Usual terms...

Credit cards or bitcoin.

My God.


Tonight is gonna be a good one.

These the same people who had Teddy?


You have a suspect here?


He got hurt during the chase, so he insisted on going to the hospital, but we're bringing him in now for questioning.

That's where Henry is now, George.

Henry, your friend.

Do you understand how he got there?

Well, these kids run away.

Yeah, but you didn't know he'd end up like that, did you?

I mean, that...

You're a family man.

You're a decent guy.

Yeah, I am.

And you really do like the kids at the center.

I mean, that's pretty clear.

Right, so maybe you thought you were doing them a favor, right, by setting them up with people who can help them?

Yeah, but I didn't set anybody up, okay?

I-I didn't know anything about that.

You know what, we believe you, George.

Just... just tell us what you do know.

[Telephone ringing]

You call this an interrogation?

Why don't you put on some music and dance with the guy?


Boss, I just talked to a kid at the youth center.

He said he saw Henry get into a gray SUV the day he disappeared.

New York plates, but he didn't get the number.

Gray SUV?

Okay. Call D.O.T.

Check traffic cams.

Thanks, Fin.




Look, why don't I go in there and help them?

I don't contact them...

Hello, George.

I'm sergeant Voight.

I'm gonna be assisting these detectives.

Excuse me?

I'm from Chicago.

We do things a little differently there.

Okay, well, I've just been telling them how this is all a mistake.

Well, it seems to me, George, you're the one making the mistake...

Pimping children out to rapists.

I didn't pimp any children.

And while they're getting beat up and violated, you're sitting here in this nice, comfortable chair.

I didn't do anything wrong.


That's not very cooperative.


Where's the boy?

I don't know.

Wrong answer.

Sergeant Voight.

I got this.

You know what it feels like to be r*ped, George?


Sergeant Voight.

My office now.

What are your people doing, rationalize, project, minimize?

I read that handbook.

It works.

So does terrorize when it's called for.

Believe me, I understand that one all too well.

I had a partner that used to work like that.

And sometimes it was effective, and sometimes it led to false confessions and overturned convictions.

If you align yourself with a perp's world view, you get what you need.

I get there faster.

Not legally.

What happens in the box, stays in the box.

Maybe in Chicago, but you're in New York City now.

And let me remind you that you're here as a courtesy.

You have no jurisdiction.

If you pull that crap again, I promise you, I will arrest you.

Hey, folks. Getting lots of requests for our friend, Henry.

If you have your own special request, get 'em in now.

Just three hours to showtime.

Smile for the camera, Henry.


You got a better idea how to make progress here, I'm all ears.


All right, so TARU still can't trace that feed.

Neither can NCMEC.

Showtime in two hours.

The youth center is still looking for Henry's parents.

So they can watch this?


Please let me go!

There's Henry, George.

It's not quite what you expected, is it?

But you didn't know.

Or you didn't want to know.

What's gonna happen to him?

He's gonna be r*ped.

He's gonna be hit.

He might be k*lled.

And when they do it, you're gonna be just as guilty.

Because you're the one who sold him to them.



You know, we took a look at your bank account.

You usually hit the ATM a couple times a week, but you haven't done that in a while.

Did you come into some cash, George?

Yeah. I did some odd jobs.

You know what I think?

I think that I'm gonna let you explain that to sergeant Voight while I go get some coffee.

No! No! No, no, don't...

Don't leave me with him!

Give me one reason to stay.

Give me one good reason, George.

They said they needed actors, young actors.

You're that stupid?

I make $12 an hour down at the youth center, okay?

I have a kid in college.

They give me $1,000 when I send them someone.

So when your kid goes to college, the boy that you sold...



I get a call every once in a while, okay?

The guy never told me his name.

He just gives me the money.

He picks up the kid.

In a gray SUV?

Yeah! I don't know where he takes them.

Not good enough, George.



When he came to pick up Henry, he... he was... he was mad because I was late.

And he said in order to beat the traffic home he had to pay a double toll...


He took it out of my money.

George is here?

The guard from the center?

Yeah, but, Teddy, we still need your help.

Wait, so let me get this straight.

I'm not allowed to bounce the guy around, but you're allowed to thr*aten that I will?

I'm just using the cards that I'm dealt.


Did you get anything?

Not enough.

Hey, Teddy.

Long time.


What are you doing here?

I'm sorry, okay?

I should have kept a better eye on you.

I wasn't as pretty as Erin.

I didn't know you'd disappear.

Well, Presto, here I am.

Hey, guys, there's gonna be plenty of time to talk later.

Right now, Teddy, we need your help.

We need to find this room.

Is there anything about it that looks familiar?

The color of the walls?

This lamp maybe?


Are you sure?

Come on, just look again.

I left that a long time ago.

Teddy, come here.

Why don't you have a seat?

Will you just think about it and see if anything comes to you?


We talked to that girl, Jocelyn, who's been in the room more recently.

Maybe she'll remember something.

So bring her in.

We went pretty hard at her.

She doesn't want to remember anything.

She hates cops.

She... she won't come.

Then arrest her.

For what?

Point taken.

Benson, you any good at undercover?

I told you, no.

How many times do I have to say it?

I understand that, but I'm not sure that they will.


The parents of the current victim.

This is Mr. and Mrs. Thorne.

Hi. Hi.


Is that your name?

You're our last hope.

The police said that you could help us.

Our son is only 12 years old.

We had no idea that he was so unhappy that he would run away.

They say he's being held prisoner by people who abuse children...

In the worst way.

I promise you we're gonna be better parents.

So please, I'm begging you...

I'm... I'm begging you to help us.

I'm sorry, I...

Show her the picture, please.


This is Henry.

This is our son.

Do you know what they're gonna do to him?

For the love of God, please.

Halstead, you're back.

Uh, these are Henry's parents.


Yeah, so let's make sure that they get some privacy?


Mr. and Mrs. Thorne, come with me.


You're a very popular young man, you know that?

Please don't...

You're the most popular guest we ever had.


It's Teddy.

I know.

Why is he here?

We knew this wouldn't be easy for you.

We were just hoping that the two of you together might be able to remember something.

Coming here was a mistake.

I'm so sorry.

Doesn't matter.

My mind, it was...

It was floating on the ceiling.

I don't remember anything, anyway.

I do.

We used to talk when they left us alone.

Ii called you mouse...


'Cause you were so small and so scared.

I had a pack of twinkies once, and I gave you one.

No, you...

You gave me both.

I thought you were my friend.

Why did you do that to me?

It was better if it was me...

And not somebody else.

Jocelyn, can you... can you please take a look?

That room look familiar?

Do you recognize anything in it?

Anything is gonna be able to help us.

We can still save this boy.

That room.

I was there.

It was after you left.

Do you know where?

They drove me across a bridge to get there.


A-a long bridge.

I was blindfolded, but I remember the tires on metal.

What bridge?

George Washington? Triborough?

George told us that the guy who picked up Henry complained that he had to pay a double toll to get home.

That's right, $22.50.

Well, battery tunnel's $7.50.

Verrazano bridge is $15 going westbound to Staten lsland.

There's cheaper ways to get there, but they take longer.

So Staten lsland?

Friends, one hour to go.


And we already have some very special requests.

You recognize that voice?

Do you remember the name?


Bob who?

Ready for this?

Don't hurt me!

Just Bob.


No, no, no, no.

You know him.

He was the one who chained me down for you.

You know.

Teddy, you told my sergeant that there was one man there that everybody was scared of.


No, that...

That guy, that's somebody else.


Bob... Bob was just a pig.

Toward the end, he made me go out and... and get his Chinese food.

Okay, do you remember the last name on the orders?

Ii, uh... like the name of a president.

Like Bush or Reagan?

The one with the...

With the trumpet.




Okay, cross-reference Bob Clintons in Staten lsland with any owners of gray SUVs.

Let's go, let's go.

Rollins, the DMV address was out of date.

Neighbor said he moved somewhere across Armstrong.

Copy that. All right, I'll...

I'll check utility bills.

And I'm running his tag number through the plate reader database to see where it's been picked up lately.

TARU's still searching through Staten lsland IPs.

The feed's running again.

A member from Canada wants to see more of you.

Turn around for him, Henry.

I don't want to.

I said turn around!

Where the hell are they?

[Computer beeps]

You know what?

I may have something here.

Get Benson and Voight South to Eltingville.

[Breathing shakily]



Sit on the bed now, Henry.


Please, just let me go.

Dear lord.

Freeze! Turn around!

Get your hands up!

Get your ass down!

Get your ass down!

Get on the floor!

Get your ass down!

I got two more.

Who's got eyes?

They look forward to meeting you, Bob.


Henry, you're okay.


Hey, you! Police! Stop!

Put your hands up now!

Hey. Hey! I got him!


Settle down.

Give me your hand.

Listen to me, it's over.

I just want to go home.

I know. I know that.

It's okay.

Come on, sweetie.

Come on.

Come on.

Get up! Get up!

Three pieces of crap delivered.

Nice work. Who are these other two with Clinton?

Tech support.

They don't know anything.

You believe 'em?

Well, the way they were crying in the car...

If they had anything to offer, they would have given it up.

Guys, we got a problem.

"Tune in tomorrow."

They're still in business.

From God knows where.

We got that prick, but we still don't have the head of the snake.

Okay, okay.

Teddy said that there was a guy that everybody was afraid of.

Let's see if Clinton will give him up.


Attempted r*pe.

Federal child pornography charges.

Lookin' at about 800 years.

Kid came with me voluntarily and nothing happened.

Yeah, and if we'd gotten there five minutes later?

I'd have been feeding him milk and cookies.

Don't even try.

We saw the first little show that you did with that kid.

You got one chance of getting out of here.

Who's your boss?

Where's the other girl?


You don't know?

Get a D.A. down here.

I know things, people.


You'll never find out without my help.

Just want one thing...

Full immunity.

I walk.

You walk?

How about I buy you a Mercedes so you can drive out of here?

Full immunity.

And the next kid that goes live online, you lose any tiny leverage that you think you have.

If it were tiny, we wouldn't be having this lovely conversation.


We'll think about it.

In the meanwhile, I'm gonna send you to the tombs and let you think about your options.

People get a lot of clarity there.

So I followed up with child services.

They located Henry's actual parents.

How is he?

He's okay, considering.

Jocelyn went back to school this morning.

She made it pretty clear she never wants to see us again.

Or you.

Where's Teddy?

He spent the night in the break room.

It's like he hasn't slept in years.

So wake him up.

See if he can pick Clinton out of a photo array.


Excuse me. Hey.


Halstead's on his way back to Chicago.

Olivia, I'd like to stick around, see if I can turn Clinton.

The D.A. will be here in an hour.

We'll review options.

I'd like a crack at him first.


[Telephone rings]




That was the tombs.

Looks like somebody beat you to it.

You call this protect custody?

The C.O. stepped away for two minutes.

When he came back, Clinton had a shiv in his neck.

Dead right there.

You get the guy who did this?

Lester Davis.

Awaiting trial on armed robbery.

All right, well, we're gonna need Davis' call logs, his visitor logs, and let's go see his cell. Now.

So Lester Davis got one call this morning?

Yeah. And an hour later he shanks Clinton.

Any luck tracing the call?

It's from a throwaway cell.

That was TARU...

All they could confirm is that it was sold in Chicago.

Great. Fantastic.

[Cell phone buzzes]


It Lindsay.

You home in bed?

No. I've got bad news.

Andrew Llewellyn and the cop guarding him were both just shot to death 20 minutes ago.


The fire vic who had the pictures that started all this, and one of our own...


That snake head...

That's in Chicago.

I'm coming home.
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