17x07 - Patrimonial Burden

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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17x07 - Patrimonial Burden

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I make this solemn vow to you and my creator...

I make this solemn vow to you and my creator...

To keep my thoughts virtuous...

To keep my thoughts virtuous...

And abstain from all sexual activity...

And to abstain from all sexual activity...

Until the day you give me to my husband.

Until the day you give me to my husband.


I promise to teach you, to guide you, and protect the purity of your mind, body, and soul.

I'm so excited to take this pledge of purity.

The virtue ball celebrates the sacred father-daughter relationship.

Until the girls get married, it's my duty to protect their purity.

We're off to New York City for my virtue ball.

I'm so excited.

I get to wear the same dress Tymber and Summer wore.

[Upbeat music]

It sure is busier here than Allanville.

Hey, Lane, summer, I could use a hand.

Oh, sorry, Graham.

It isn't easy with a big family, but we always pull it together.

It's important for girls to save themselves for marriage.

New York City.


I do love you in a tux.

The ring... I can't find it.

Okay, you gave it to Graham to hold, remember?

Relax, Frank.

This is gonna be so magical for Lane.

She'll never forget this night and her daddy.

Let's put your hair up like this.


Do you think daddy will approve?

Girls, look what I have.

Taking this pledge of purity is an important step in my life.

Now, close your eyes.

Isn't it beautiful?

Today, I am promising to save myself for marriage.


May I have your attention, please?

At this time, we would like to invite all fathers to escort their daughters onto the floor for a special dance.

It's important for a girl to feel love and acceptance. If she's not getting that from her father, then she seeks it out from other men. Whatever comes, if we keep pure hearts and pure minds, we will overcome any obstacles. Our family puts commitment to godly values first.

You look beautiful tonight, Lane.

We keep each other safe and free from sin in life.

Thank you, daddy.

There are always temptations.

I took my oath three years ago.

I remember it so well.

I wear my promise ring every day.

I'm very blessed.

The only man I've ever kissed is my husband.

But, boy, have we made up for lost time.

[Laughs] Mm.

Do you want to say anything, Graham?

Yeah, when do we get to eat the cake?

Summer, honey, are you watching your brother?

Sorry, mama. Tate.

I'll get him.

The little ones are very spirited.

So are the big ones.

I mean it, you're so beautiful. Just like your mother.

Daddy, stop.

Daddy, stop. Daddy, no, daddy.

Please, please stop. Daddy.

Whoa, whoa... oh, okay.

Let me see her.

No... Lane?

Lane! Lane.

She's out cold.

Water, get her some water.

I'll call 911.

Lane, honey, mommy is here.

Hey, lieutenant, how was your weekend?

Well, it was good till now. The press find out yet?

No, but America's favorite family... it's just a matter of time.

Okay, which daughter is it?

Lane Baker. Number four of ten.

She passed out at her virtue ball.

Her virtue ball?

Yeah, it's a dance where daughters promise their fathers they'll stay virgins until they get married.

So much for that promise.

Doc says Lane is three months pregnant.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

We appreciate you being here, officers, but we didn't call the police.

Right, the doctor did. She has to.

There's mandatory reporting in these situations, so...

Your daughter Lane is 13, and she's pregnant.

We're aware of that now, and this is complicated, but it's a family matter.

We need to talk to her.

We're gonna have to say no.

We... We don't want her talking to the police now.

She's not well. She's upset.

This is... no...

What my wife means is that we need to talk to Lane first.

She doesn't even know she's pregnant.

But she knows how she got pregnant.

Does Lane have a boyfriend?

No. Our children don't date.

Not to sound rude, but we don't need your help.

She's our daughter. We'll take care of her.

Mrs. Baker, we have a job to do, right, and your daughter's condition could be the result of a criminal act.

If Lane had been hurt in any way, she would have told us.

No signs of ongoing trauma.

Low blood pressure caused the fainting, but otherwise, she's healthy.

Did Lane say anything to you while you were examining her?

Without violating confidentiality, I can tell you that she didn't get a chance.

Her mother and father were with her every second.

We're good parents. We watch over our children.

With all due respect, this wasn't an immaculate conception, all right?

Now, to your knowledge, has your daughter been alone with any boys?


How about at school?

We home school.

We believe in a faith-based education.

Pastor Eldon.

Pam, Frank. I came as soon as I could.

How is Lane?

Pastor Eldon, this is detective Tutuola and lieutenant Benson.

They're with SVU. We're also very concerned about Lane.

O... okay.

They want to talk to her, pastor.

Oh, I think that Frank and Pam and Lane would be more comfortable talking to the local authorities.

But rest assured, as their pastor and lawyer, I will contact the Allanville PD.

I've got to say it is extremely frustrating.

I mean, they did promise to take it up with their local pd, but it seems like they don't trust outsiders very much.

Maybe they're just protective of their kids.

You mean their brand.

Look at what happened with the Duggars.

Word gets out that one of those virgin Baker daughters is knocked up, there goes the TV show, the book deal, the multimillion dollar chastity empire.

Rollins, these people, they take their faith very seriously, and they're entitled to their beliefs.

All right, not to interrupt a theological debate, but given the fact that there's no evidence of an as*ault... no complaint from the girl or her parents...

I mean, why are we pursuing?

She's 13, Dodds. It's statutory r*pe.

Yeah, I know that, but I've been here before.

The hasidim in Crown Heights, these religious communities... they... Close ranks.

Which is exactly why we don't let it go.

Lane lives in an insular environment.

Whoever got her pregnant is a predator with access.

Yeah, access outside of our jurisdiction.

You want me to put in a call to Allanville PD, lieutenant?

Local celebrities in a small town?

I don't think they're gonna be much help.

I may have found something.

Their entire life is an open blog.

You guys said that the doctors think that Lane is 10 to 12 weeks pregnant, right?

Which means it happened probably...

September or August.

In July, right?

When they were here, in Harlem, doing some mission work.

Lane and some of her siblings. Look.

That's probable cause for statutory r*pe in New York City.

You want me and Carisi to take another run at them in the hospital?

Amanda, you're on desk duty.

I'm at the hospital every week.

Come on.

I'm the only one here that's actually seen this reality show.

Nice try, Amanda.

So, Dodds, you've had experience with insular religious communities?

Okay, let's go.

Fin, you can go with.

Is the lieutenant always this proactive?

There a problem?

It's just when this happened with the hasidim in Brooklyn, the D.A. called us off.

It's like my father says... pick your battles.

Liv's been doing this a while.

If she thinks something's wrong, it is.

Lane Baker.

She was discharged this morning.

By Dr. Sloane?

Uh... No. Oh.

I see there's a note here saying we were supposed to call you.


How long ago did she leave?

Here, stop that, here.

Parky, give me the biggest ones first.

We had a wonderful time in New York, but I am ready to trade in the big apple for some fresh-picked farm apples.

Mr. and Mrs. Baker, glad we caught you.

Sergeant Dodds, Manhattan SVU.

All right, guys, let's, u..

Let's take a break for five minutes here.

How you holding up? Rough night.

It was, but we all prayed together.

We're on the road home now.

Lane's well enough to travel.

I'm glad to hear that, but we still need to talk to her.

Well, like pastor Eldon told you, we'll deal with all of this in Allanville.

She was in New York in July, right?

Yes, on a mission.

Three months ago.

That means she could have gotten pregnant here.

If you have a predator in your circle, you definitely want our help with that.

Look, we're all on the same side here, and we're starting to draw a crowd.

The last thing any of us wants is for this to go public.

Why don't you all come down to the station?

It's okay.

Here you go.

We're not supposed to drink soda.

All right, suit yourself.

My brother's cold. Do you have a blanket?

Yeah, one sec.

Sure I have something.

Here you go. Here you go, Tate.

Nice and warm.

Okay, for the rest of you, show of hands... who's allowed to eat pizza?

Huh, what about you?


All right, that's what I'm talking about.

Can we get pepperoni?

You got it.

Two large pies coming up.

Hey, Graham, why don't you come help me order?

Wow, you keep prisoners in there?

Yeah, sometimes.

So, um...

You know what's going on with your sister, right?

Yeah, but I'm not supposed to talk about it.

That's okay. Just let me ask you one question, though.

Were you with her in New York this July?

Yeah. We were painting over graffiti.

Did you see anybody, like guys, kind of hovering?

Did you ever see Lane alone with anybody?

No, it was just us, team Baker and the crew.

But really, I'm not supposed to talk about it.

I'm kind of hungry.

I hear you.

Let's go order those pizzas.

I'd feel more comfortable if either Pam or myself was with Lane.

It's procedure, Mr. Baker.

'Till we get this figured out.

Your husband doesn't mind you working with all these men?

It's not an issue.

How far along are you, 8 1/2 months?


I guess you'd know.

You're not wearing your wedding ring.

That can happen with the swelling.

I know my being pregnant is God's will.

I just didn't think God would let it happen until I was married.

But you do know how you got pregnant, right, Lane?

I had sexual activity.

When you were on your mission here in New York?

It's okay, Lane.

Whatever happened... It's not your fault.

You didn't do anything wrong.

That's what he told me... that I was still a good person.

You are. There's no doubt about it.

I just need to know the name of the person who told you that.

I can't say.

Because he made you promise not to tell?

Yes, I was here in July, up in east Harlem.

And who all went?

Tymber, Lane, Parky, Graham, and the crew.

Not your wife?

No, she stayed upstate.

Why do you ask?

Just a question.

Maybe I should try calling pastor Eldon again.

Oh, well, you can, but...

You didn't do anything wrong here, right?

Of course not.

Well, then you don't need a lawyer.

I'm gonna ask you a few questions, all right?

But I'm not gonna ask you to name any names, so you don't have to break your promise, okay?

Was it somebody that you knew?


Was it someone...

In your family?


Don't say that.


Lane, was it somebody that works with your family?

He wouldn't hurt me.

He loves me.

He loves you?

Okay, then in that case he's not gonna get into any trouble.

I did promise.

You promised not to say.

So how about you write it down, and that way you're not breaking your promise.

Whatever trouble she's in, they'll just ship her off to some mission out of state, and we'll be up and running in about a week or so.

Pete Matthews.


What's this about? We need a DNA sample.

Open your mouth.


Do you guys have a warrant?

Yeah, here you go.

We also got one for your cameras, your computers, your editing bay, and everything you shot this season.

Well, I got a right to know what this is all about.

Like you don't know.

Lane Baker says you r*ped her.

Pete Matthews did this to Lane?

Our cameraman?

What can you tell me about him?

He's one of our long-term crew members.

Our kids grew up with him. We trusted him.

Unfortunately, that's not that unusual in these situations.

Has Lane ever said anything before?

No, but if Lane is saying that he did this, then he did this.

We raise our children to tell the truth.

What did she say he did?

We didn't press her for details.

She's very reluctant.

That son of a... is he here?

I want five minutes alone with him.

You need to let us handle this... we'll talk to him.

Talk? Who would admit to something like this?

My daughter testifying... that can't happen.

If it were me, I'd want to rip his head off too, but there is something you can do to help us nail this guy.

An amnio? I'm sorry, no.

It could prove that Pete is guilty of r*pe.

Your daughter is very young.

You don't want to put her through a trial.

Of course I don't.

So if we can prove the paternity, right, that's statutory r*pe by definition.

He'll do time, and then your daughter is spared what can be a very traumatic experience.

You don't understand.

An amnio can thr*aten the life of the unborn child.

It's a very small risk.

I mean, there are other simple blood tests that can help determine...

No, no.

Nothing invasive.

We don't believe in any of that.

Well, Mrs. Baker, we could wait six months until the baby's born, but we can't hold Pete.

So that gives him plenty of time to disappear, and he could get away with this.

You have to find another way.

Why don't you get him to confess?

You have other daughters.

Have they said anything to you about him?

If he did as*ault Lane, this may not be the first time he's done this.

You mean... Tymber or Summer?

That song was so beautiful today.


Yeah, okay. I... Realize this looks bad.

Looks? No, no, it is bad.

You're in possession of child pornography.

Child pornography? What are you talking about?

They're teenagers, and they're just getting dressed.

More like undressed. Summer's 15.

This is a federal charge.

Look, I'm supposed to have cameras on them all the time.

Everywhere. Okay? I mean, you're right.

I... I... Should have erased that.

So, okay, lesson learned on my part.

Just how you learned how to turn the camera off while you r*ped Lane?

Listen, I already told you I did not do that.

Come on, she's a child.

You know what, you can lie to us all you want, but she's pregnant, and when that baby's DNA comes in, your life is over.

Oh, okay. So... She's really pregnant?

You're happy about that?

Yeah, I'm happy about that, because I couldn't get her pregnant.

I had a vasectomy ten years ago, guys.

Your doctor can confirm that?

Absolutely. I didn't do it.

Why would Lane say that you did?

I've been going over that in my head.

She's a good girl. She does what she's told, and this family protects their own.

What do you mean?

I've got footage in the cloud going way back.

If I may, let me show it to you, and, uh, you'll see what's going on.

So now this guy's trying to pin this on someone else.

Yeah, he is a creep, but maybe he's the type who looks but doesn't touch.

Well, Lane wrote his name down, and she's not backing off.

But I was in there.

I was trying to get more details.

She gave nothing else. Not when. Not where.

Okay, maybe the creep is right, and Lane is covering for somebody, like her father.

I mean, they were in New York together.

It's not the father. It's the brother.

Yeah, based on the footage Pete just showed us, the older brother, Graham, well, he's got some issues.

This is Summer with the piano teacher.

[Piano notes]

Bet you a dollar I can touch you under your shirt without actually touching. Graham, quit it.

It's not funny, Graham. It's never funny.

You better stop or I'm going to tell mom.

You are? You're going to tell Mom that I did this?

Stop it! Get your hands off me!

And so this was three years ago?

That would explain why the piano teacher dropped out midway through that season.

So did Graham.

Yeah, that's what Pete was telling us.

He said the parents knew about this.

So did the town judge. He sent Graham away.

Sent him away where?

Pete thinks it's called camp righteous path.

It's some sort of Evangelical reform camp for bad boys up in Canada.

Also not in any episodes.

So did they tell Lane to say it was the cameraman, or did she come up with that herself?

There's no way they're gonna blame their own son.

Okay, Dodds and Rollins, tell the bakers to stay close in case Pete confesses.

You two, take a drive up to Allanville.

Graham is a fine young boy.

That whole family is the pride of Allanville.

Yeah, we understand that he got in some trouble a few years back.

You sentenced him to a reform camp, camp righteous path?

The camp tell you that? Because they're mistaken.

I did suggest that Graham spend some time there, but that was in my capacity as an elder of the church, not as a judge.

See, I told you.

That's why there's no legal record of this, right, your honor?

You checked on that too?

Either way, why did you send him there?

Because as a boy with too many sisters, he needed to be around other young men.

Let some steam off.

Did Graham have trouble with his sisters?

No, of course not. Have you seen their show?

We all love that family.

Oh, you'll have to excuse me. Here's my foursome now.

Pastor Eldon.

We know a pastor Gregory Eldon... any relation there?

Yeah, that would be his son. Good man.

The acorn didn't fall far from that tree.

Okay, so the local judge plays golf with pastor Eldon senior, and pastor Eldon junior just happens to be the bakers' lawyer?

I don't like golf. I don't like small towns.

And I really don't like the catskills.

Hey, lieutenant. Well, we went to the judge.

We went to the local precinct.

There's no paperwork, no police reports.

Nobody knows anything about Graham, but they all knew that we were up here.

Okay, copy that.

What'd she say?

To watch our backs.

Check this out.

Driving while NYPD.

License and registration?

How you doing, officer?

We're on the job.

Good for you.

We take speeding very seriously.

What do you say we just get out of your town?

Seeing as you're brother officers, I'm gonna let you off with a warning.

While you're up here... drive carefully.

What's that?

Well, at least one guy up here is on to the Bakers.

Graham's juvie records.

Three complaints of forcible touching.

One attempted as*ault on a minor.

A few speeding tickets.

Ordered sealed by the honorable Elias J. Barnes.

Let's get the hell out of here.

And as Peter teaches us, "keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame."

Pastor Eldon. Uh, sorry to interrupt, but we were wondering if we could just get a moment with you and Mr. and Mrs. Baker.

Of course. Rick, could you lead the group?

Certainly, pastor.

Thank you.

This way.
Can we move on to chapter 4, a living for God?

"Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life."

You're not charging the cameraman?

No, we are. Unlawful surveillance, possibly child pornography, but not statutory r*pe.

Lane named him, though. She wouldn't lie about that.

Well, she might, especially if she were trying to protect someone.

What's going on here?

Well, you tell us, Mrs. Baker, all right?

We understand that your son, Graham, has...

Had some problems?

He's a boy going through puberty.

There were some curiosities, some bad choices, but nothing like this.

In that case, it shouldn't be a problem if we talk to him just to, you know, clear the air.

Oh, I'm afraid that won't be possible.

Graham's en route to Ecuador. A mission down there's in need.

Wow, that was fast.

Excuse me?

Did your father or did judge Barnes call you and tell you to get Graham out of town?

You're making a lot of assumption here.

Am I?

As the family's attorney, I'm gonna ask you to leave our church.

Well, that's your right.

But I need you to know, Mrs. Baker, that these issues don't just go away.

Your daughter needs help.

Ecuador, huh? That's a smart move.

I just read their extradition treaty, and Swiss cheese has less holes.

And Barba said we have to have Graham dead to rights on the statutory charge before we even try extradition.

He also said he has no interest in compelling an amnio or a blood test.

Translation: Even Barba knows it's political su1c1de for a D.A.

So we just wait six months until the baby's born and prove it then.

Wait, we're gonna stay on this for six months?

Lane won't testify, and the family sent the doer to Ecuador.

Guys, I don't want to hear this, all right?

This is not about adolescent curiosity.

He is a predator, right?

If he did it once, he's gonna do it again.

And he could have done it before.

Okay, I've been binge watching the show.

Desk duty. And anyway, they cover almost every moment of each pregnancy, from the first trimester all the way into labor, except for when Pam is pregnant with Tate.

Which one is Tate?

He's the two-year-old. The youngest.

And every kid is spaced out two years apart or more, but Tate was born only 11 months after his older brother pier.

They could be Irish twins.


But Pam announced four previous pregnancies by the third month, right?

With Tate she waits until she's seven months in.

And this, look... This was posted to their website just a few weeks before that announcement.

That far along, and she looks like that?

Rollins, when you were seven months you were like...


Hold on.

Graham got one of his other sisters pregnant.

Which one?

My guess is Summer.

Three years ago she's 12, he's 14, and in the season finale, Pam and Summer go to Michigan to visit a sick aunt.

I mean, they're only in, like, one scene, and that's via facetime.

Okay, we still have the same issues.

Graham is in Ecuador, and the family won't help.

Except for one thing.

We don't need an amnio to get Tate's DNA or Graham's.

Again, the family won't cooperate.

We're going around in circles.

Okay, Dodds. You made your point.

You know what, cooperation isn't an issue here.

Remember when the kids were here and I had to play Uncle Sonny?

Well, Tate got cold, so I gave him my jacket.

He drooled all over it.

You didn't take it to the dry cleaner?

No, I only wore it twice.

Okay. So we got Tate's DNA.

We still need Graham's.

What about Graham's father?


He's in the ROTC. We can get it.

If this was, indeed, incest, then Frank is the grandfather on both sides.

Dodds, you're still here.

Uh... [Ahem] Paperwork.

Besides, my dad says you should never leave your desk until your boss leaves his.

Or... Hers.


Well, I'm going home now.

Walk me out?

I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn.

It's okay.

No, if I have doubts about the direction of the case, I shouldn't say anything in front of the whole squad.

Look, Dodds, there's two things that you need to know about me.

First, I like an open and free exchange of ideas.

I picked up on that one.

And second, I'm usually right.

Copy that, lieutenant.

Hey, a word of advice?


You're off to a good start.

You don't have to knock it out of the park in your first few weeks, you know?

[Elevator bell dings] Yeah.


Dr. Chung, you got something for us?

Detective Rollins, congratulations.

Can I get you a chair?

No, I'm fine.

You ran the DNA from Carisi's coat?

Yes. I found three different sets.

Detective Carisi's, a female relative of detective Carisi...

Yeah, it's my new niece. She drools a lot too.

Kids drool, Rollins. Get used to it.

Okay, and the third?

I found what I'm almost certain is Frank Baker's DNA on the maternal side.

Okay, so one of his daughters could be Tate's mother.

Quite possibly.

All right.

That takes care of maternal. What about the paternal side?

Sorry, there's no trace of his DNA on the y chromosome.

I know you thought this was incest, but...

But Tate's father is not related to Frank Baker.

Did you get any hits on the DNA that you did find?

None. For now, all I can say is the father's Caucasian of northern European descent.


Random man not excluded. Great.

So we're back to square one, huh?

Hey, Rollins. Hey, you okay?

I...I don't know. Something's not right.

[Whimpering] Okay, okay, I got you.

Oh! Ah!

Why are you still here?

What do you think?

This is your second ER visit in two weeks.

Rollins, you got to slow it down.

I'm fine. It was some back pain.

Doctors say it could be one of a hundred things.

But the baby's okay, right?


They're gonna run some tests, though.

So they want you to stay.


They want me on bed rest afterwards.

Okay. Better safe than sorry.

What am I gonna tell Liv?

I mean, I told her that nothing was gonna change and then...

She knew that wasn't true.

Come on.

What am I doing?


What was I thinking? Having a baby on my own?

Amanda, hey, listen to me.

I've been working with you over a year now, and there is nothing that you can't handle.

I screwed up. I won't be able to do this.

Hey, yeah, yeah, you will.

It'll be okay.

You know how I know that?

'Cause my mother's at church lighting a candle for you right now.

Okay, Carisi.

Yeah, thanks.

But stay up there, okay?


How's Rollins?

She's okay. The baby's okay.

But they want to keep her there for observation.

So where are we.

Well, it turns out Graham isn't Tate's father.

No Baker DNA on the paternal side.

So why'd they send him to Ecuador?

He may not be the father of Summer's baby, but we can't rule him out on Lane.

Okay, so we're thinking there are two separate predators in her circle?

Look, it's a pretty closed community.

I mean, you've got the family, you've got the crew, you've got... you've got that pastor.

Damn it. Pastor Eldon.

He was on that east Harlem mission trip in July with Lane, right?

I think so.

Is there any chance we could put him with Summer three years ago?

Let me check.

Remember I told you about Crown Heights?

One of the cases involved three pregnant girls in the same synagogue.

Well, now, we always thought it was the rabbi, but we couldn't make the case.

No one was willing to say a bad word about him.

Well, no one in this family's gonna say a bad word about that pastor.


I got something on their blog.

Pastor Eldon and Summer, 2012.

Christmas giving out gifts.

At the east Harlem mission.

He gets them away from home.

That's his MO.

I'll call Barba.

On the advice of counsel, the Bakers won't be speaking to you anymore.

They've gone back upstate.

That's okay, pastor.

We want you.


In July, when Lane was on her mission trip, you were with her?

I was.

Did you spend time alone?


So that's where you're going with this.

Any reason why we shouldn't?


Basic human decency. Now, that's not to say I don't understand where you're coming from.

People like the Bakers and me, we, uh...

Scare you with the values that we espouse, our faith.

You live in Gomorrah.

When men of God come here and preach love for the scripture, it threatens you people to the core.

You think this is religious persecution?

Well, you said it, not me.

But I have seen it before.

Oh, yeah, every time I leave New York, I think, "just keep going. Don't look back."


There's too much work to be done.

Too many souls to minister to.

Like you ministered to Lane?

Okay, I've had enough of this.

Not quite.

We're gonna need a DNA sample.

Since you didn't do the deed, you won't have any problem giving us one.

Well, I believe you need a warrant for that.

"Ask and ye shall receive."

Open up.

How's detective Rollins doing?

She's home, but they want to keep her on bed rest for now, and we are racing against the clock.

It's a computer program. I can't make it go any faster.

Whatever you can do.

Okay, we got it.

We're looking at a paternal match.

You sure?

I would testify, yes.

We're looking for pastor Eldon.

Oh, pastor Eldon.

I'm sorry, he left early this morning.

Any idea where?

Pastor Eldon, I will love, honor, and obey you, till death do us part.

Lane, I will love you and be faithful... hang on.

What's going on?

We have some questions for the pastor.

Doug? Son, what do you think you're doing here?

I'm sorry, judge Barnes. They said...

We have criminal evidence against pastor Eldon.

Well, it will have to wait. Lane and I are getting married.

Married? She's 13.

She turned 14 today. It's perfectly legal.

I have the approval of judge Barnes and both of her parents.

Pastor Eldon has stepped forward to help us.

He's willing to provide for Lane and her baby.

He'll make a wonderful son-in-law.

You gave consent for this marriage?

Yes, of course she did.

As did I.

We're protecting our daughter. Lane is just a girl.

It'll be in name only. He'll be like a father to her.

Is that what the pastor told you?

Okay, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

This is a private ceremony.

In a public place.

Is someone going to fill me in?

You can continue with the ceremony, Elias.

We are handling this, officers.

Graham will get the help he needs, and pastor Eldon will give Lane's baby a name.

And that's fitting, since he's the father.

Pretty good, pastor, huh?

You figured you married Lane, it would be pretty hard for us to prosecute you for statutory r*pe.


Lane, come with me.

It's legal. She's legal.

You have no standing here.

Wait, what are you talking about?

No doubt that your son Graham has problems, but he is not the father of Lane's baby or Summer's baby.

No, no, Summer never had a baby.

Mrs. Baker, please.

You're still maintaining that you're Tate's mother?

We tested his DNA.

There is no Baker paternal match.

So you either cheated on your husband...

Excuse me?


I would never.

Okay, I would advise you both to stop talking here.

If you did obtain Tate's DNA, it was without consent or a warrant.

It's inadmissible.

Hey, you know what's a bad sign?

You making a legal argument right now.

I don't understand what's going on.

Judge, have officer Tramwell remove these people from the building.

They have no jurisdiction.

Another legal argument.

All right, but before I go, I think I have to tell you that we did test the pastor's DNA legally.

He is Tate's biological father, and we believe that he is the biological father of Lane's baby.

No, no, that can't be.

Pam, Frank, look, they are lying to you.

DNA doesn't lie, pastor.

Frank, you told me Graham confessed.

I did, just not to me.

Did pastor Eldon tell you that Graham confessed?

You tried to pin this on the boy?

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

No, no, no, look, that is not what's happening here.

Okay, look, you two know me and you trust me.

Summer and Lane?

Lane, sweetheart, tell me the truth.

Whatever it is, it's okay.

He loves me. It's God's plan for us.

What did you do to my daughter?

I'm marrying her, Pam.

I'm... I'm marrying... we're gonna be husband and wife.

A Godly marriage. The baby will be born in wedlock...

She is just a child! And summer...

Frank, get ahold of your wife here, please.



You do not say no to him.

He is your husband. Your patriarch.

You lied to us.

You made us think it was our son. Why?

Because he knew that you would do anything to protect Graham.

I'll testify.

About Tate. About everything.


No, no, no.

Look, look, they have no case.

They told the whole world that Tate was their baby.

They don't want their fans to find out that they lied.

And Lane, well, Lane, you... you need to stop talking to her.

Honey, sweetheart, Lane, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know. I should have protected you.

I'm sorry, mama.

He told me that's what people in love do.

She'll tell the truth. And so will summer.

And so will I.

I don't care about the damn show and neither does Frank.

We want him put away.



Pastor Eldon, you are under arrest for the statutory r*pe of summer Baker.

And for the statutory r*pe of Lane Baker.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say... I know my rights.

None of this will hold up in court.

I love you, Lane.

[Stifled sobbing]

You really are a piece of crap.

We're grateful for the prayers and kindness we received during this difficult time.

As parents, we're devastated by the actions of pastor Eldon and the pain he's inflicted on our daughters.

He willfully used the lord's name to manipulate our children.

He violated the tenets of our beliefs.

It's a long journey towards healing for all of us, but our main concern is our girls.

And as always, our faith in God will sustain us, and them, through this difficult time.

Well, Barba told me that pastor Eldon will plead to multiple counts of statutory r*pe, so he's looking at hard time.

Another son of a bitch hiding behind the collar.

You know, the priest at my church, growing up, he saved my life. He saved my life.

But you only ever hear about the bad ones.

So, Dodds, you still think this was a waste of time?

No, I get it.

I just thought SVU would be taking rapists off the streets, not out of the churches.

Well, for what it's worth, Dodds, most rapists don't hunt on the streets.

They hunt where they're trusted.
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