03x17 - Forgotten - Bloomington, Illinois

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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03x17 - Forgotten - Bloomington, Illinois

Post by bunniefuu »

It's freaking creepy.

- Is it dangerous?
- Yes.

It's a matter of life or death.

In this life, you think
you're being punished?

That's what it feels like.

I don't like this.

This is what was on my leg.

It was over there, and then it ran.

And just all of a sudden went clang!

This is the guy with the axe.

He's crazy.

Like, sociopathic.

They're being watched.

My name is Amy Allan.

This thing likes death.

I see dead people.

This thing's, like, a monster.

I speak to dead people.

And he's pissed off now.

And they speak to me.

His head was cracked.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

This guy was m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective.

I cannot help you unless
I know the whole story.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

You saw her?

It's my job to reveal them.

Why would you stay here?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Stop it.

We uncover if it's safe for you to stay...

I want to know the truth. I
want to know what's happening.

Or time to get out.

I told you there were ghosts in this house.

Amy and I conduct our
investigations separately.

I interview witnesses and research
the history of each location.

While Amy communicates with the dead.

At the end, we reveal our findings
to our clients and each other.

I'm in Bloomington, Illinois, a
couple of hours outside of Chicago.

I'm heading over to meet
with a mom named Diane.

She told me on the phone that there's a lot
of weird things happening in her house.

But the worst thing, the thing
that's keeping her up at night,

is she thinks the spirits are targeting
her son, who has special needs.

Let's see if Amy and I can help her out.

Before Amy arrives, I clear the
area of any leading information.

You can tell a lot about
the occupants of a house

from their photos and religious icons.

I have to hide these items so
Amy isn't influenced by them.

As I open to communicate with the dead,

I begin picking up on flashes
of death in the area,

and one entity in particular
appears to be very dangerous.

I saw this man with an axe.

He smiles at me, and I feel sick.

I said, hey, I'm here, you know,
if anybody wants to talk.

Or tell your story.

And they said, no, you're not.
You're here to get rid of us.

And it sounded like a
young male and a girl.

They think that I'm lying, that I'm
not here just to tell their story.

I'm here to, like, get rid of
them, and that's not good.

Okay, Diane, so, what's going on?

Ever since we built the house
about eight years ago.

We've heard footsteps.

We've seen apparitions.

And it has began physically touching us.

And that has me really concerned
because my son, Zach.

Has muscular dystrophy.

- Oh, geez. How old is he?
- He's 15.

And it's left him using
a wheelchair full time.

Okay, why are you calling us
in now, what's the story?

It's gotten to the point where he's having
issues that doctors cannot explain,

and also my health.

Okay, in what way?

Unfortunately, I've had
to have surgery twice,

to deal with the pain that
I've been experiencing.

Do you think it's something in the house
that may be causing the problems?

I think it is.

Can you show me some places in the house
where you've been experiencing things?


I was getting ready to make
dinner, and I looked up.

I saw an apparition.

Okay, describe it to me.

He appeared to be, like, a rancher
with a hat, work boots, cowboy boots.

From what time period? You have any idea?

I would guess the late 1800s.

And one time, I was actually
pushed in this room.


Definitely felt a hand, and I was moved.

I'm seeing this guy.

The man from my opening with the axe.

The man with the axe has
followed me into the house

and is staring me down,
trying to intimidate me.

I think he enjoys
tormenting the living here.

Can you describe him?

He's wearing a white...

Long-sleeved shirt with two
buttons and suspenders.

He's pretty solid.

And usually, the solid ones are
more capable of interacting.

He's crazy.

Like, sociopathic.

Ever since we moved in, anytime I've
been down here doing the laundry,

I kind of catch something
on the corner of my eye.

It looks like a dark figure, kind of short.

Looks kind of like it
has maybe a hunchback.

Just goes by real quickly.

I saw it today when I was down here.

- It made me feel really sick.
- You okay? Yeah?


If Amy tells you it's not safe for you
to be here, what are you gonna do?

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

My son, he needs a lot
more care in this house.

We have done everything to try
to make it adaptable for him,

so it wouldn't be easy for us, you
know, just to simply pack up and move.

It's a matter of life or death,
and I don't like to give up.

So, I see this doll thing.

It was over there, and then it ran.

It, like...

Went in here.

And it's all black...
like, solid, solid black.

The man with the axe and the
little doll thing are related,

but I don't know how.

I don't think it wants me to...

Know what it is.

Or where it came from or why
it's here or what it's doing.

So it does have some kind
of consciousness to it.

Is it dangerous at all?


Okay, what's going on in here?

I was actually scratched across my leg.

Do you have animals in the house?

We have a couple of cats, but these scratch
marks are larger than a cat's claw.

This is what was on my leg.

That's too big to be a cat.

Okay, anything else going
on in the bedroom?

Another time, I was lying in bed,

and I heard footsteps
coming across the floor.

And I felt a finger poke me.

Were you laying in bed with
your husband or just you?

No, it was just me.

Is that all that's going
on, or you got more?


I heard someone whisper in my ear...

I had a little bit less
than two years to live.

- Male or a female?
- Female.

- How long ago was that?
- A little bit less than two years ago.

Like, I'm hearing a child's laughter.

I don't like it, you know?
It makes me uncomfortable.

So, it's, like...

This girl...

She's developed a twisted sense of humor.

And what she does is,

like, crawling under the bed and
doing bad things under the bed,

like coming up and out.

It's freaking creepy.

I feel like someone is
having issues with the bed.

This girl child...

Is, like, crawling under the bed and
doing bad things under the bed,

like coming up and out.

It's freaking creepy.

I don't like this. She's
wearing a little...

Like, a little dress that
poufs out like that.


I don't know if they see her like that.

I see, like, more of like a mist.

Very, yeah, creepy.

So, Zach, I was talking with mom, and she
was telling me about some of the things

that are going on in his house
since you guys moved in.


So, what about yourself?
What are you experiencing?

One night, I was laying in bed,

and I saw these kids playing on the floor.

- How old would you say they were?
- About 7.

And then they looked up,
and they just vanished.

Okay. What else are you experiencing?

Uh well, one night, I heard someone
rummaging through the drawers,

out in the kitchen.

And I was scared, so I just sat in my bed.

I was so scared. I thought
someone was in the house.

- Nobody was in the kitchen?
- No.

- Are you having trouble sleeping?
- Yeah.

Normally, it takes like three
hours for me to go to sleep.

- Are you hearing anything?
- Yeah, whispers.

Like a female whisper.

- And what is she saying?
- It's kind of mumbling.

Something like this, like, really quiet.

This girl, she's young.

Do you have any idea what...
what she's doing?

She's messing with the people.

So, it's like, you'd be in the
bed, and you would feel like

there was something crawling
around under your bed.

Then she likes to come up
out from under the bed.

And go up the side and on it.

This is creepy.

Now, as far as the room goes,
what else are you experiencing?

Some soldiers here.

And where were they, just
standing in the room here?

Yeah, they were standing and looking at me.

And then they... one of
them started talking.

He said, we'll be back.

Like they were gonna come back to
see you again, what'd that mean?

Like, not scare me but
come back after I die.

Now, what do you think is causing all
these visions of you seeing these guys?

I think I was previously...

Uh, a soldier.

Like, I was reincarnated as this
person for doing something bad.

Now that you're in this life, you
think you're being punished?

Yeah. That's what it feels like.

You know Mark, talking to
Diane, she was saying that uh,

she thinks that whatever's going on in the
house is affecting her and Zach physically.

Um, how do you feel about all that?

I've seen them in pain and
upset, and it's frustrating.

Are you experiencing anything here?

Just recently, I placed
those tubs over there.

Like that blue one right there,
bent down to put it down,

and that clear plastic container
falls off the shelf...

And just all of a sudden went clang!
Lands right in front of my head.

Was it top-heavy, anything
in it that made it...

It was empty just like it is now.

- Was the cat down here maybe?
- No.

I have no idea how that could've happened.

That's kind of like a violent act.

I'm seeing that guy again.

This is the guy with the axe.

He looks at me, and he smiles.

And I didn't get a good feeling from him.

I think that he got m*rder*d.

And so he's angry.

Not a good combination for some
dead person you want in your house.

He's crazy..

He... was a m*rder*r.

Now that I've spoken to the witnesses,

I need to find out what
was on Diane's property

before the house was built
just eight 1/2 years ago.

I'm heading over to meet
with a local historian,

and I'm hoping he has some answers for me.

The house I'm investigating,
it's only eight 1/2 years old.

I was wondering if you could help me out
and tell me what was there before that.

It was a farm, over 300 acres at
one time, owned by William King.

Came from Pennsylvania with his first
wife and four children in 1836.

And the Kings owned the farm
right up until the 1950s.

What can you tell me about William
King himself, what kind of guy was he?

He had built a house. He had
become a successful farmer.

So, he had accomplished a great deal

and probably thought he had much
more time to accomplish more.

But he died on the farm
at the age of 41 years.

It was a very tragic thing.

The man with the axe, like, I don't
even know where this guy came from.

Do you have any idea why he's here?

I see him, like, working on the land.

- Like, maybe he owned it.
- Okay.

The weird thing is, now he's wearing
a suit, pants... nice pants.

Like he's wealthy.

And he's probably like in his 40s.

So, he comes here with his wife and
four kids, how's life for them?

They had a great many challenges here.

At the age of 29, his first wife,
Amelia, died in childbirth.

And two of his boys died
when they were young.

Okay, so we can assume at least two of the
kids and Amelia died on the property.

- Yes.
- Okay. Now, he remarries?

He remarried, and they proceeded
to have many more children.

Now, Bill, do you know
about any other deaths

associated with the King
family on the property itself?


William's son George,

died under very strange
circumstances in the 1870s.

Okay. How did he die?

The paper which describes
the incident in some length

doesn't really know why he died.

Bill didn't know too much
about George's death,

but I've tracked down a historian who does.

So, I'm heading over to his farm to find
out what made this death so mysterious.

George was 24, almost 25 when he died.

He was kind of a wild kid. Uh,
he'd been a partyer, a drinker.

Unlike his father, who was
a justice of the peace

and active in the community
and very well-respected.

Now, did George ever run the
farm or take over at any point?

No. The farm went to Zephaniah,
his younger brother.

Not George.

This is the chain of deeds,
and George was never on it.

Which is not common.

No. Ordinarily, it would've
gone to the oldest

son that was available to run the farm.

But George was unreliable, and the family
depended on the farm for an income.

And couldn't turn it over to
somebody they couldn't trust.


There's these two men, and they're
yelling, they're yelling.

They're fighting each other.
They're punching each other.

And it's getting really bad.

This one guy really, really
wants to see the other one dead

because he's preventing him
from having what he wants.

I think it's a land thing.

Can you describe either of them at all?

Well, one dude, he's
probably in his mid 20s,

and he's got light brown eyes
and the blond hair and...

Do you get any names on them?

I get a George.

But people don't like him because,
you know, he's (Bleep) crazy.

Now, I heard that George
died kind of mysteriously.

Do you know anything about that?

I found this article from 1875.

Apparently, George was over
at the house for dinner.

He took a nap on the couch, and they saw he
was still asleep when it was time to eat,

so they went ahead and ate without him.

After dinner, they were all
outside, and a g*nsh*t was heard.

So they rushed into the
house, and there was George,

laying there on the sofa
with a hole in his chest.

- Okay, was he dead already?
- No.

They revived him enough that he could talk,

and he hold them it was...
it was an accident.

He was exchanging his g*n from his
pants pocket to his vest pocket.

And it went off at that point.

He died a short time later.

They're fighting each other, and
I see the blood in the dirt,

and there's dirt being
kicked up in a cloud.

And everybody's like, oh, my God! Aah!

Oh, no! You know, and freaking out.

Do you know if either of
them were successful?

I don't think that anybody
got k*lled in the fight.

But I see, like, the blond.

He's, like, in this little house.

And there's a table, like, to eat at.

And I see him, like, in darkness.

And I hear the sound of a g*n go off.


With five deaths involving the King family,

who lived on the property
I'm investigating,

Diane's house might as
well sit in a graveyard.

But I need to know if
there's anything else.

Digging through the archives,

I discovered that something called a poor
farm once operated right next to her home.

But the records don't explain
what the hell a poor farm is.

So, I'm on my way to meet
with a local archivist,

who says it represents a very dark
chapter in Bloomington's history.

A poor farm was an institution
run by the County,

that would care for those who were
unable to care for themselves...

The mentally ill, the
physically disabled...

The uh, poor.

Kind of those on the outside of society
where the social safety net had failed.

We happen to have at the McLean
County Museum of History

several photographs of the poor farm, and
here's one of the complex of buildings.


The poor farm in McLean County
was established in 1859, 1860.

What about deaths on the property?
Were there any reported deaths there?

We do have a death and burial record.

The Superintendent said there
were at least 173 known burials.

And at least 300-plus others buried
on the site with no markers.

There's, like...

All these people...


Walking around back in there.

Really poor, like, no money.

I do feel like there's a place that
this is all coming from or something.

Any idea what kind of time
frame this might be in?

1880s to like 1910, I'm thinking.

What were the conditions like?

There was not really an attempt made to
rehabilitate or care for these people.


So, they provided room and
board and little else.

Local clergy would make appearances
on Sunday for church services.

Local physicians would care for the people,

provide some basic needs for these folks.

In 1877, the Daily Pantagraph, which is
the longtime newspaper for Bloomington...

A reporter went out there and
called the McLean County poor farm

one of the saddest sights
that mortal eyes can view.

In 1915, an Inspector with
the state of Illinois

made an appearance at the
McLean County poor farm.

And said that the livestock,
the cattle and hogs.

Were better cared for and had
better housing than the inmates.

Their clothes are all ripped up and stuff,

and they don't have shoes, a lot of them.

They're not carrying anything.

I see, like, a big sign
that says, religion on it.

There's, like, all these people
that are, like, coming out.

And they're all, like, kind
of scared of something.

- Like, unhinged is the word.
- What makes you say that?

Because they're freaking out.

During my walk, there were too many dead
people outside to focus on specific faces.

So I'm concentrating on the dead girl,

who wants to scare the living
by hiding under their beds.

There's one person in the bed.

Kind of in the middle of it.

It's the person under a cover?

This kind of sheet of...

Like, gray mist.

Is coming out from under the
bed, going up alongside the bed.

And then going over the top of the bed.

Is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations.

We're going to reveal our findings to each
other and our clients for the first time.

Mark, Diane, I want you
to meet my partner, Amy.

They'd moved in here about
eight 1/2 years ago.

They have a son, Zach, who
is confined to a wheelchair.

And from the minute they moved in,
they've been experiencing things.

But recently, it's gotten
a lot more active.

Diane's health and even Zach's
health has been going downhill.

And it's making their life
really hard for them here.

They need to know if it's
safe to stay here or not.

With that, I'm gonna turn it over to Amy
and see if she has some answers for you.

Outside, there were all of these people.

They were kind of coming
unhinged about something.

Um, they were extremely poor.

And I got that this was like 100 years ago.

It's interesting. Very close to where
we are was a thing called a poor farm.

And it ran from 1850 into the 1950s.

And this poor farm housed the mentally
ill, the disabled, homeless...

Anybody that didn't fit in society.

Here's what it looked like.

And this is literally less
than a mile from where we are.

The odd thing is, if they died,
they buried them on the land.

I've got a list here of 173
people that are documented...

Buried on this property.


They estimate there's at least another 300.

Do you think the people that
we're talking about here,

that they are the lost people out here?

There were people who were acting...


So, yes, I believe that's them.

So, what else did you see?

I encountered a male who had an axe.

And he had on suspenders.

And a white shirt.

But when I saw him in
here, he was in a suit.

So, he seemed to be probably
a wealthier individual.

The bad thing about him is
that he's absolutely crazy.

I would say he's a sociopath.

He looks at me, and he smiles.

I didn't get a good feeling from him.

He's angry.

Not a good combination for some
dead person you want in your house.

He's a very solid dead person, so
he knows how to manipulate energy,

and he's able to manipulate
his surroundings.

Why don't you tell her what
happened to you in the kitchen?

I felt a definite shove on my hip.

Like a push, like pushed out of the way.

I was absolutely terrified.


So, you said this guy was wealthy?


Well, this house sits on what
was once a 350-acre farm.

Owned by this guy William King,
who settled here in 1836.

But the thing is, he
became wealthy from the

land because this is
really good farmland here.

- Now, you mentioned he was angry.
- Yes.

Well, his wife Amelia died
at a very young age...

- Oh, really?
- Of 29, giving childbirth.

And he suffered some more tragedy.
He lost two sons.

They died on the property.

Does that make any sense to you?

I did get two children in the house.

One is a girl, and one's a boy.

And they were not excited to see me because

they knew that when I walked in the door,

they were like, oh, you're
gonna get rid of us.

I have sensed for years...

That there is a child.

Um, I could hear the little...

- Footsteps.
- Mm-hmm.

Come by me, next to me when I
was getting ready to go to bed.

And Zach said kids were
playing with his trucks.

He woke up. When he was real little.

- Yeah.
- Two kids playing.

He'd hear the wheels
squeaking on his truck.

Yeah, the girl here is very active.

She likes to hide under the beds.
This is her form of entertainment.

She'll, like, want to crawl
up and get into bed with you.

She's very touchy-feely.

I do feel like there's something in our
bedroom when we're trying to sleep.

Now, you mentioned touchy-feely.

- Yes.
- She's been poked.

It actually felt like it was something
that a kid would do to you.

I felt a distinct tap on my leg.

She's also had another
incident in the bedroom,

which I want to show you a picture of.


I felt... just a strange sensation.

And I saw that, I about lost
my mind when I saw that.

It frightens me because I was like, is
that evil, where did that come from?

Let me ask you a question about getting
poked, do ya think that's this little girl?

The poking, yeah. Definitely.

But what about this?

That actually could be your son.

There's something called
spontaneous psychokinesis.

Some people have a little bit
more energy than others.

And occasionally, people can
influence their environment...


And it doesn't mean that
they're attacking anybody.

It doesn't mean they're doing it on
purpose, it just means it's like...

It's almost like a burst of
energy that just pops, okay?

And so with any ability, you're going
to have experiences like this.

And how old is your son?


It can be hormonal.

Usually, it's around children
who are, you know...


Does Diane's son have abilities?

Probably, yeah.

Because Diane does.

It's kind of strange, the
same night the scratches,

we had to take Zach in the emergency room.

He appeared to, like, have a seizure.

If he's having seizures or something,
you know, around or following that,

that could be a trigger signal.

I've encountered this before.

People who don't know they have
abilities can't control them,

and sometimes their bodies can
react in unexplained ways.

So, I did do a sketch of what I saw

in The Master Bedroom with the girl.

Okay. I don't get to see
Amy's sketches until now.

I did do a sketch of what I saw,

in The Master Bedroom with the girl.

I see her, and she's crawling
around under the bed,

but some people might see the mist
that's kind of emitted by her.

That's usually where I sleep.

What does she want?

She's very bored and, like,
having fun, trying to have fun,

and that's her fun, unfortunately.

One night, I was trying to sleep.

I heard a distinct whisper
right up against my ear.

It was a female that said...

"You have a little bit less
than two years to live".

It was almost two years ago.
Now we're at that time.

Am I the target?

I think everyone in the house is.

So, did you encounter anything else?

Down here in the basement, I
actually witnessed a huge fistfight.

There was a male named George.

He was in his 20s.

Apparently, he had inherited land,

and him and this other dead
guy were in a fistfight.

Because the other guy wanted
to take this land from...

This kid, George.

And then I see the young guy
George in a small house.

And then I heard a g*nsh*t.

And I think George...

Was k*lled.

I got to tell you something
this is the most amazing,

thing I've heard as far
as, like, nailing it.

William King, who settled
here, had a son named George.


Now, William died pretty young.

And George was the oldest available son
that should've been taking over the farm.

But he didn't get it.

It went, actually, to his younger brother.

I can only assume that
he had to feel slighted.

And been pissed off that
he didn't get property.

But he was a drunk in town,
always partying and,

because he was such an irresponsible
24-year-old for the time,

they didn't want to give it to him.

Now, George came here to
the farm, to the house.

He went inside to lie down.

He took his p*stol that he carried...

A four-shot p*stol... took it from his
pocket, and transferred it into his vest.

And he accidentally shot himself.

The next thing that I ran into
was this weird, little, like...

I kept calling it the doll.

It's all dark. It's,
like, made of darkness.

It's somehow attached to
the guy with the axe.

It's a part of him. It's
very, very negative.

I was trying to connect with
it, and I saw it, and then...

It ran into the wall over there.

That is amazing.


I kept seeing something out of the
corner of my eye from the laundry area.

It sh**t straight out of,
like, the wall over there.

It was a solid, black
mass, but it was small.

- It was like 3 feet tall maybe.
- Yeah.

It's this little thing that the axe
man created that can do his bidding.

If he wants to do something,
he would work through it.

So, it's here all the time, but he's not.
See, he comes and goes.

His thing is to make people nuts
like him, because he's crazy.

And so he would want to, like,
t*rture and drive you nuts.

And that's no way to live.

No, we don't need some creepy guy or...

Weird thing in the basement.

I'd like to be able to be
free of these things so

that I can focus on being
as good a mother as I can.

It doesn't help that this is going on.

- Yeah.
- Mm hmm.

We want to be a normal
family as much as possible

because we're under unusual circumstances
anyway with having a high-needs child.

And I worry about him because
he's confined to that chair.

- Mm mm.
- And completely vulnerable.

Obviously, you've got a lot of
serious things going on here.

But the pressing question is,
is it safe for you to be here?

With that, I'm gonna turn it over to Amy
and see if she has some answers for you.

You have a lot of dead
around this location,

but the one who's really a problem
at this point is the little girl,

because she's, like, a
fully conscious entity.

You need to have a medium come in,

and she's gonna have to get
this little girl out of here.

When the medium comes through, she'll
also do a cleansing around the property.

To set up a boundary.

Against the man with the axe.

And other various dead who
might wander through.

The little thing down here, which
is attached to the axe man,

keeping him out is going to
cause that link to dissipate.

And so it'll probably
make him just go... ffft!

No more.

So, once they're able to,

establish where there's no more
dead around here or in the house,

will she start to feel better?

Oh, yes.

My question to you now is, are
you gonna follow Amy's advice?

- Oh, yeah.
- Yes.

I don't have to live in
complete fear all the time.

I understand why Diane fears
for her son's well-being.

Encountering that many
entities can be terrifying,

but I'm confident that if
she follows my advice,

she and her family should lead
a happy and peaceful life.
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