03x19 - The Beast - Browns Summit, North Carolina

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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03x19 - The Beast - Browns Summit, North Carolina

Post by bunniefuu »

It feels like we're on its territory.

It's pissed.

My daughter just told me she was gonna die.

It's bad. There was blood all over.

Do you have any idea how they died?

It crashed head on into the
waiting freight train.

I hear something snap, crunch.

I would burn this place to the ground.

There's warfare going on.

They want to k*ll me.

We shouldn't be here.

They're being watched.

My name is Amy Allan.

This thing likes death.

I see dead people.

This thing's, like, a monster.

I speak to dead people.

And he's pissed off now.

And they speak to me.

His head was cracked.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

This guy was m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective.

I cannot help you unless
I know the whole story.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

You saw her?

It's my job to reveal them.

Why would you stay here?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Stop it.

We uncover if it's safe for you to stay...

I want to know the truth. I
want to know what's happening.

Or time to get out.

I told you there were ghosts in this house.

Amy and I work independently
of one another.

I gather evidence, interview witnesses, and
dig into the history of each location.

When we're done, we reveal our findings
to the clients and each other.

I'm down in Browns Summit, North
Carolina, just outside of Greensboro.

I'm on my way to meet a woman named Sheila.
She sounds scared to death.

She says something in the house is
making her family sick, and even worse,

it's attacking her daughter,
who has special needs.

I'm hoping Amy and I can help her out.

Before Amy arrives,

I look for anything that could
influence her findings.

This is clearly a family's home,

so I have to remove all the
photographs and personal items...

To clear the location for tonight's walk.

My opening... I went to the graveyard,

and I saw there was a swing, and
there was a little boy on it.

Then this older man comes in.

He's like in his 60s.

And he just comes up to him and smacks him.

And then he starts beating the kid up.

But while he's doing that, he,
like, morphs into a younger man.

There was abuse towards children.

I don't like this area, though.

This was bad.

Well, Sheila, now that I'm here,

why don't you tell me a little
bit about what's going on?

Well, we've been here for 25 years.


And we've always noticed footsteps in the
house, hearing things, seeing things.

And then my daughter Amber started getting
sick, and then Carrie was born sick.

Carrie is special-needs.

She's had 19 surgeries, and 14 of
those have been brain surgeries.

Oh, geez.

But since a few months ago, it's
just taken a very negative turn.

Okay, in what way?

It's becoming very physical.

Carrie has been seeing things.

She kept saying she was gonna be
whipped and she was gonna be burned.

She has visions of being nailed to a cross.

She's terrified to open her eyes.


Just the other night, she
hadn't spoke all day,

and the only thing she said was, "ghost".

She's terrified.

If my partner, Amy, told you, "you got to
get out of this house," what would you do?

We can't afford to leave.

We're very spiritual people,

and I really do believe that we're
dealing with something evil.

But we're determined to get through this.


Oh, my God.

What do you see?

This dog thing.

I can feel it, like, pushing
on me, like, panting.

Like, kind of growling.

What sort of things can it do to people?

I think it's one of these
dogs that k*ll people.

I've never encountered anything like this.

It looks like a mythical
creature from hell.

I don't want to get any
closer because I have no

idea what this thing is
capable of doing to us.

I mean, it's all black...

Real solid black, real thick.

My heart's pounding because I'm nervous.

So, why did you bring me into this room?

I wanted to show you a picture of Carrie.

This was taken a few months ago.


That's your typical Carrie.

She's pretty.

She's very happy. But this
is why we called you.


She woke up that morning, and when
I saw that, I was just terrified.

Was there anything in the
room that she could have

- grabbed and done this to herself?
- No, because she is in such a state...

That she's so out of it, no.

And the thing is, I had
just trimmed her nails.

There were no hangnails. There was
nothing that could have done that.

Oh, my God. This poor kid.

And she's had scratches since
that picture was taken...

- Just this week.
- In the same spot or a different area?

A different area... on her left collarbone.

And I knew she didn't do that because
I was with her the whole time.

Anybody in the house else, besides
her, get these type of scratches?

No, just Carrie.

Oh [Bleep]!

There is crying in here.

There's crying from the bed.

Weeping, weeping... not crying.
Weeping, weeping.

I'm not sure why.

- Can you tell who's doing it?
- It might be a living person.


Very sad. Like, such sadness.

- So, Sheila, is this your bedroom?
- Yes.

Okay, so what's going on in here?

She's... she's crying,
if you're hearing that.

Okay, so she's in this constant state of
anxiety and depression, I guess, right?

Constant state of that and
constant state of seeing things.

She just told me she was gonna die.

Now, how do you try to calm her
down when she's like that?

It's very difficult to keep her calm.

- It's breaking my heart.
- It's k*lling us.

She's a really good, genuine person.

And I tell her all the time,
"Carrie, you are a light to people".


So we have to remind ourselves
of the old Carrie...

And keep telling ourselves
she will come back.


So, is there anything specific
happening to you in this room?

I did see an apparition... a girl.

I saw her go from...

This area all the way out
and into the living room.

Okay, did she look at you, or...

- No.
- All right.

But also, quite often, when
I have to come lay down,

I will feel pressing on the bed.

- Like somebody's sitting?
- Right.

It feels like someone is leaning
on the bed just to aggravate me.

That's interesting.

It's gotten so bad. One day, I was
in here, and I was really sick.

And I just swatted my hand out
and just said, "leave me alone".

What do you think's going on in this house?

I don't know at this point.

But I'm wondering if it's following Carrie.


There is a child running, running,
running, running, running, running.

You know, like, freaking
hyperactive as [Bleep].

This kid is nuts.

I do feel like this... the
top of this bed's involved.

I don't know if the kid's
jumping up on there.

This kid is running all over the place,
but all you see is this white light.

You just see the white light and the
streaks and stuff. You know what I mean?

So what kind of experience would
somebody in the bed have?

The bed would shake, and
they'd feel the pressure.

It's bad.

It wants to do creepy [Bleep] to people.

Now, your wife explained some of the things
that she's experienced in the house.

How about yourself, are you
experiencing anything?

Yeah, through the years, I'd hear what
sounded to me like bare footsteps...

"Boom, boom, boom"... up
and down the hallway.

90% of the time, I'd open
the door to check...

Nobody there.

So, Jimmy, what do you know about the land

or the property the house was built on?

Well, I know the house was built in 1902.

- Okay.
- And that it was part of the Rudd farm.

My grandparents moved in sometime
in the early to mid '50s.

So you've been around
this house a long time?

Pretty much my whole life, yes.

But recently, it's gotten more violent,

or it just seems like the
girls are being picked on.

See, that's what pushed
us to contact you guys.

Carrie is such an innocent
person, and why she's...


She's been through a lot her whole life,

and it just seems to get worse and worse.

Her whole personality's changed.

She's gotten to where we've had to...

Spoon-feed her, where
she was a vibrant girl.

Loved to run and play, life of the party.

She said, "daddy, I don't
have laugh in me anymore".

It just grieves me to see
her suffer like this.

And it's not just her. Her sister
is experiencing things, too.

Jimmy, let me ask you a question. What
do you think is actually going on here?

We know that there's
spiritual warfare going on.

It seems like the ones that are
hurt the most are the innocents.


And she's as innocent as they come.

I'm seeing this dog thing again.

While I was watching it, it
freaking changed shape three times,

you know, from a dog to a human to a...

Really tall creature thing.

Even though it scared me, I'm going to try
and learn more about this bizarre creature.

All I know right now is that it can
change shape and it's very territorial.

It doesn't want people
on its land, its space.

I mean, it's all over here, back
there, back there, back there.

Is this something that could
do anything to people?

Yeah, I think it could.

I don't know yet what it can do.

I wouldn't go out there.

So, Amber, I was talking to Mom, and she
was explaining what's going on here.

So I wanted to talk to you to find
out what you're experiencing.

This place um...

Ever since we moved in,
I've been really tired.

So it definitely affects me physically.

And certain rooms are worse than others.

- Which room is worse for you?
- My sister's room.

She's the most important person
in the whole world to me.

It's just not fair.

I'm supposed to protect her.

I can't protect her from this.

Do you think she understands
what's going on?



Definitely not.

I gave her a hug, and she managed to say...

"I love you".

I thought in my head, "that's the last
time I'm gonna hear her say that".

I'm so worried about her that I
don't care what it throws at me.

- Okay.
- I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid of it
anymore because I know...

Whatever it is is a coward
if it's picking on her.

And I've asked.

- What do you mean you've asked?
- I said...

"Whatever you are, you leave her alone".

"She's defenseless.

You come to me. I can take it".

I think it went in here.

I do see it.


Uh, this dog thing.

It's very upset. It doesn't...

Doesn't want us up there, doesn't want...

Us in here, doesn't want us doing this.

It's definitely enraged.

It definitely feels like
we shouldn't be here.

Like we're on its territory right now.

It's pissed.

When I'm alone in this room,

I get a very dark feeling.

It's just, like, a heaviness...

A heaviness that feels like it's,

pressing down on you and making you...

Exhausted and sad.

- Do you want to move?
- I would love to move.

- You would?
- I would move right now.

I would burn this place to the ground.

I'd light the match. It
doesn't need to exist.

I don't feel like anybody
will ever be happy here.

Jimmy mentioned that his property used to
be part of a farm owned by the Rudd family.

I've managed to track down
one of its descendants,

and he tells me that the
family's time on that property

was filled with heartbreak.

I growed up on the farm right here.

How big was the farm?

999 acres.

Now, growing up, did you
work on the farm yourself?

Oh, yeah, worked with daddy... my daddy.

Phil, who was the first
Rudd to establish the farm?

Seneca, my grandfather.

- Okay, what kind of a man was he?
- He was stern.

All the children had their chores to do.
You had to get it done.

- What happened if you didn't?
- We'd get some harsh words.

Okay. I see you have a picture here.
Is this your family?

That's my grandfather right here.

How many children did
your grandfather have?

Five boys and one girl.

And there was two small ones
that died when they were young.

Do you know who they were?

- There was Elmer.
- Okay.

- And Mary Kitty.
- Mary Kitty.

- How old was Elmer?
- Elmer was 8 years old.

8 years old. Do you know how old
Mary Kitty might have been?

She's somewhere between 6 to 10.

Do you have any idea, Phil, how they died?

No, I do not.

I definitely think that there is a...

Dead little boy here.

- How old?
- Maybe like 8 or 9?


Does a lot of chores.

Do you know how he died?

He fell down. He was running,

and he fell down bad.

Like, I can hear something
snap, crunch, you know?

Like, I can feel it.

Your grandfather... Where's he buried?

He is buried at Lees Chapel.

He died at Rudd Station.

Phil, what was Rudd Station?

It was just a flagpole where trains
stopped to pick up passengers.

It was right beside the property.

Okay, so it was right at
the edge of the land?


Do you know any of the station's history?

- There was a train wreck.
- Okay.

In 1907, I think it was.

You don't know what caused
it or anything like that?

- No, I do not.
- Okay.

I know the fireman died.

- Okay.
- That's all I know.

And they said his ghost would
come back every so often.

- They did?
- Yeah.

I'm gonna need to find out a lot
more about this train accident

that happened right on Jimmy
and Sheila's property.

I'm heading over to meet with
a transportation historian

who says he knows all about the tragedy.

So, Walter, what can you
tell me about this crash?

On October 17, 1907...

Late at night, a freight
train was coming south,

on the main lines and
pulled off on the siding

for the northbound passenger train.

And while the freight train was
waiting for the passenger train,

Henry Clay Leonard, who was the brakeman...

He fell asleep.

And then all of a sudden, he heard the
whistle of the approaching train.

And he just woke up, and he was startled,
and he rushed over to the switch...

And by mistake, he opened the switch.

So that the passenger train,
instead of passing by,

crashed head on into the
waiting freight train.

Did he get charged in this case?

Yes, well, basically, he
ran away from the wreck.

- He knew it was his fault.
- Okay.

So he was devastated.

And he ended up walking the 60 miles
back to Spencer, where he lived.

So what did they do,
eventually catch up to him?

Yeah, he was arrested and charged, and it
really just ruined his life, you know?

He was never the same after that.

There's this guy, and
he's really messed up.

Like, he's disoriented.

He, I think, had been walking
for a very long time.

He didn't look real good, you know?

His feet do hurt.

His back hurts.

He's in a lot of pain.

Two trains collided, and there
was this huge mashing of steel.

And there was fires, people
groaning and yelling.

And here's some articles
about it right here.

How many people got k*lled?

- Three people got k*lled right away.
- Okay.

And two or three others died later.


There's some dead people out there.

There's a skull out there.

Like, I do see dead bodies.

- How many?
- A bunch.

There was blood all over,
and they looked a mess.

Do you know what happened?


I think they all got k*lled.

I'm at the local library to find out

more about this Rudd
station train disaster.

But after looking through
some old newspaper articles,

I find something else that
really turns my stomach.

In 1956, along the same train line that
runs through my clients' property,

there was a bombing that
devastated a local church.

But the records don't
say who's responsible.

I'm on my way to meet with a
local journalist who says it

was one of the biggest unsolved
crimes in the town's history.

I came across this article
about a church bombing

that took place right near the
property I'm investigating

back in November 5, 1956.

- Can you tell me anything about it?
- It was at 8:00 at night.

And four sticks of dynamite were
tossed into the church, and phew!

- It just exploded.
- Who the hell would do this?

Well, I would bet my last
dollar it was the Ku Klux Klan.

- What would be the reason for doing this?
- This was a black church...


And the day before the November
6th election of that year.

They could have been trying to intimidate
black voters in that part of the County...

Or the whole County, for that matter.

- This was a time when integration...
- Right.

Was taking over in the south,
and people were upset.

The odd thing was that four men
came after the dynamiting,

and one of them went up to look in
there, maybe to see what their work did.

And as one of them was looking into
the building with a flashlight,

a man that was, apparently,
you know, standing guard,

came up to him with a shotgun,
and they all ran off.

As far as I know, nobody was ever arrested.

There are these dudes out there. There
is about three or four of them.

They're not good.

They are scaring me.

They were running away from
something they were afraid of.

They ran here for safety, and so...

They are making me nervous...

To go out there.

Do you have any idea what
they're hiding from?

They were hiding from other men.

I don't think that the four men
got along, either, though.

They're all bad.

They want to k*ll me.

I don't like them.

I got to go back inside.

Did something like this ever happen before?

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

25 years earlier, I believe,
the church burned down.

And so did the school beside it.

- The same church?
- Same church.

- The school was a black school.
- What kind of damage are we talking about?

Well, it destroyed the church.
It knocked out the roof.

Uh, destroyed the pews, damaged the walls.

Did anybody get k*lled in this or hurt?

No, nobody was hurt.
There was nobody there.

So we were lucky.

There's, like, these children, and
this woman's, like, teaching them,

and there's this man, and he's,
like, preaching at them.

And then I do see smoke.

In this white little building,

and people are crying.

But I'm seeing it from a distance,
watching this building burn.

During my walk, I encountered a terrifying
creature that att*cks the living.

I'm meeting with a sketch artist to
bring this creepy thing to life.

The bottom half is all dog.

It was kind of leaning up against the tree.

The head was more humanoid.

Was there a shading or coloring to it?

It was very, very solid black.

Is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our
findings to each other...

And our clients for the first time.

Amy, I want you to meet Jimmy and Sheila.

They own this home, and I think of all the
times we've been doing our investigations,

I've never met a family that
needed our help more than them.

They've all seen a lot. They're
all going through something,

but they believe that there's
something very evil here

and that it's actually attacking
one of the family members.

With that, I'd like to start by Amy
telling us a little bit about her walk.

When I was outside, I saw a skull.

And there were all of these bodies.

There was also a lot of blood.

I did see one male who
was very disoriented.

Because he had walked
and walked and walked.

That's interesting you say that because,

this was once part of a 1,000-acre
farm, owned by the Rudd family.

But it was so big that the train
actually had to run through here.

In 1907, there was an accident.

And the accident occurred
right here on the property.

Three people got k*lled immediately,
but two more died later on.

Henry Clay Leonard, who was the brakeman
on this train who caused the accident...

He basically started to walk
away and just kept walking.

And he walked 60 miles to his house.

The next day, the cops come
by, and they lock him up.

I didn't know anything about that.

So, what else did you see?

When I first opened, I saw this man,

and he was preaching, and
there's this white building,

and there's smoke coming out of it, and
people were crying and freaking out.


There had been a black
Methodist church back in 1956.

Right on the edge of the
Rudd farm was this church.

Some men threw dynamite
in there and blew it up.

I actually have a photo of it.

Somebody I talked to about this said
that 25 years before this happened,

that same church and the
school next to it burned down.

Apparently, the KKK, they feel,
might have been involved in this.

But nobody was ever arrested.

There was a part where
four men came in a car.

It kind of looked like as if they were
trying to check out their handiwork.

And they got approached by a guy with a
shotgun, and they wound up taking off.

I saw four men, and they
were all bad people.

And they made me nervous...

Just, like, the energy
that was surrounding them.

They're not good.

They were running away from
something they were afraid of.

They want to k*ll me.

What else did you see?

I ran into a child in the backyard...

A little boy between the ages of 8 and 9.

He did a lot of farming chores.

Okay. The man that actually started
this farm was a guy named Seneca Rudd.

This is Seneca here... the older guy.

He did have a son named Elmer that was
8 years old that died on the property.

So I spoke to Seneca's
grandson, Phil, who's now 90.

And he said nobody in the
family that he knew of...

Could say how Elmer uh, died.

He did say his grandfather
was a stern guy, though.

This is very interesting.

Do you have a funny feeling about him?

I saw this kid swinging on a swing.

And the...

And the old man comes up and
starts just beating the kid.

When I came in to the house, I saw
another child who was just crazy.

And all I see is, like, this, like,
white streak, like it was running.

So I couldn't get, like,
if it was male or female.

It never stopped or showed itself to me.

I got the sense that they were siblings.

I don't have any photos of her, but the
kid I just told you about... Elmer...

He had a sister who also died.

The little girl's name was Mary Kitty.

We think she died between
the ages of 7 and 10.

The census is screwed up at that time.

But we do know that she
did die on the property.

One of the things that I got that she likes
to do is in this room, in particular...

Is uh, she would run from room
to room and get on the beds.

Somebody would feel movement to the bed.

This child is trying to creep people out.

I just notice, like, at the foot
of the bed, just, like, two hands.

You feel someone standing
right there annoying you,

just wanting to let you know they're there.

As soon as I walked through the
door, I heard a woman crying.

I just felt this sadness,
like, overtake me.

When I was in the middle bedroom,
it was very strong in there.

I did feel like it might be a living person

and that it was definitely a female crying.

Jimmy and Sheila's daughter
Carrie has special needs.

This is her here.

She's going through a tough time.

She's just a very sweet, sweet girl.

But she's been in and out of
the hospital her whole life.

She's had 19 surgeries, and 14 of
those have been brain surgeries.

And the Carrie that we have now...
She's somebody else.

Since we've been back from the
hospital, she started having these,

just, uncontrollable sobbing sessions.

She would see herself being
whipped, set on fire...

Describing herself as being put
in an electric chair one time.

She was just sobbing and sobbing.

We'd have to tell her, "you're home.
It didn't ever happen".

I've heard her sob, too. I
mean, it's heartbreaking.

Why don't you tell Amy about the att*cks?


Carrie has had scratches on her back in
places that we know she couldn't reach.

Actually, I have a photo
of it so you can see.

Oh, my!

And I know she didn't do it because I'm
sitting there with her the whole time.

I don't understand what's happening to her.

We're spiritual people,
and, you know, we pray.

We've done everything that we can think of.

And yet she's just getting further
and further away from us.

And then she was talking
about how she wanted to die.

She knows sign language, and the other
day, she got up and signed, "die now".

- Well, what else did you see?
- I was outside, and...

All of a sudden, I see
this very large animal.

I've never actually encountered one before.

And it was a very large black dog.

So I'm watching it now from a distance,
and it proceeds to shift from a dog,

and it then stands up on its hind legs.

And then it started to
kind of change shape.

So the head is now more like a human head,
but the body is still that of a dog.

And as I'm looking at it, I was terrified.

It's able to come in the very back bedroom.

- That's Amber's bedroom.
- Yeah, that's Amber's bedroom.

Amber had mentioned that she
wants things to come to her.

She's actually cried out loud...

"Take me, come on to me.
Leave my sister alone".

Well, I did sketch it.

I'm dying to see this sketch.

It's odd.

Oh, God.

Why is it here?

I'm dying to see this sketch.

It's odd.

Oh, God.

Why is it here?

I mean, those limbs don't start
till 30 feet up the tree

or something like that, if
it's that kind of scale.

That's huge.

That's when it was kind of
morphing into human form.

It's very territorial.

What it wants, I think, is
for you not to be here.

So could this be what's
making their daughter sick?


There's so many things
here that are correlating.

You know, we are possibly
talking about a possession.

The fact that she experienced a
near-death-type situation...

Your daughter's extremely open.

And I think that's why it would enter her.

I know when she's looking
at me that's not her.

I know it's someone looking
at me for the first time.

And at one time, when she was having a
moment where she was kind of clear.

She called me her best Mommy.


And she said... she says, "I'm
gonna miss you, my best mama".

And so I just...

I'm mad.

I'm mad.

Because I'm very protective of my children.

And I'm very angry that that...

Is tormenting my family.

It makes me very angry.

I'm like, "why us?"

Well, I know this has been tough
for you guys to hear this,

but now Amy can finally give you
the answers you so badly need.

Can you help Carrie? With that,
I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

It's a very difficult situation,

and it's hard for me to say that there's
definitely possession going on here.

But your daughter might need an exorcism...

Which can be extremely
traumatic for the individual.

So that's why I'd like you
to try something else first.

This is frankincense.

This is what they use in many churches,

to dispel any negativity,
to cleanse the area.

This is black salt.

It's extremely uh, powerful.

Due to the process and the
blessings that it goes through.

And this is a protection powder.

That was made by a Wiccan.

This I want you to use outside
first to seal the grounds.

And then go through the
house with the salt...

And do every single entrance
that you can conceive of.

And then every night, you
burn your frankincense.

Do this for a week straight.

This might be all you need.

So if after the week, things don't
get better for Carrie, then what?

Then I think you would have to
go through the process of...

Seeing about an exorcism.

What about getting rid of the kids?

This will do it?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

That's why I wanted you to come.

I have always known there
was a battle between...

Good and evil in the house.

This is a lot to take in. At least
I feel like we got some hope.

We're definitely gonna do this.
There's no doubt about that.

With all the terrifying experiences
this family has been through...

I really hope they follow my advice
and use the tools I've given them.

Carrie's a defenseless victim,

and she depends on her family to
do what I believe they need to do.
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