03x24 - Possessed - Watervliet, Michigan

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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03x24 - Possessed - Watervliet, Michigan

Post by bunniefuu »

Something is not right.

Angry... very angry.

I wake up with scratches.

They're all losing it.

There's a w*r going on.

I see this thing, like,
whispering in their ear.

It's something evil.

They're kind of being possessed.

This is demonic.

They're trying to k*ll me.

They're not safe anywhere in this house.

They're being watched.

My name is Amy Allan.

This thing likes death.

I see dead people.

This thing's, like, a monster.

I speak to dead people.

And he's pissed off now.

And they speak to me.

His head was cracked.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

This guy was m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective.

I cannot help you unless
I know the whole story.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

You saw her?

It's my job to reveal them.

Why would you stay here?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Stop it.

We uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

I want to know the truth. I
want to know what's happening.

Or time to get out.

I told you there were
ghosts in this house.

It's crucial that Amy and I
conduct separate investigations.

I interview witnesses, research
the history of the location,

and uncover secrets from the
past, while Amy speaks to the dead.

I'm in the small resort
town of Watervliet, Michigan,

a few hours outside of Detroit.

Amy and I were called in
by a woman named Amanda.

When I spoke to her on the
phone, her message was simple...

You guys need to help me, or
this house is gonna k*ll me.

Obviously, this is a serious situation,
and I'm hoping Amy and I can help her out.

Before Amy arrives, I have to clear
the area of any leading information.

I can tell from the photos alone
that a couple with kids live here.

So I have to carefully remove any evidence
of this before Amy begins her walk.

I'm seeing a lot of physical activity.

There's something around that's...

Uh, creepy.

There's a dead person or entity
that's a controller of this location.

I think it might be a child.

Something about hidden truth, I think,
was specifically what they said...

Hidden truth.

Well, Amanda, you sounded
pretty desperate on the phone,

so why don't you
explain what's happening?

I'm beyond scared for my safety.

I'm pretty much scared for my life.

My health has seriously declined since
I moved back here three years ago.

And because of that,
I've put on weight...

And about two months
ago, I had a heart attack.

- And you're how old now?
- 32.

- That's really young for a heart attack.
- It is.

Was it because of the weight gain
that this caused the heart attack,

or did the doctor say
what may have caused it?

They don't know what caused it. They
did tests, and there was no blockages.

Okay. And what else has happened?

I've been scratched and burned.

I'm fearful for myself and for
my boyfriend and for his kids.

Are they here all the time?

No, they just come to
visit... usually on weekends.

- Does anybody else live in the house?
- Yes.

My mother and a friend of the family
does stay in the basement, as well.

I'm gonna ask the obvious
thing... why are you staying here?

I came back to the area because my dad
was sick, and finances are a big problem.

What's your biggest concern, then?


I feel like they're...

They're systematically
trying to k*ll me...

Whatever is in this house.

There's this thing in this
house that's really bad.

The people here have no ability to...

Not be influenced by...

These dead people.

Like, they can be unhealthy, they
can't take care of themselves,

they can't sleep and
can't eat right, and...

Because either they eat too
much or they don't eat enough.

They're not safe anywhere in this house.

I started to sense that
the influential presence

in this house was targeting
one person in particular.

This thing can easily
access this person's mind.

It can make this person
do anything it wants.

So, what's happening in here?

I wake up with scratches
and burns, actually.

What do these look like?

I have some pictures
here of some of them.

- Okay.
- You can see.

You just woke up and
that burn was there?


There a candle or anything
that could have did this to you?


And this is none of the animals you're
living with or anything like that?

No, absolutely not.

So, Amanda, looking at this I would imagine
it's got to be tough sleeping at night.

Yeah. Sometimes I find
myself sleepwalking.

I've had bruises on my calves from
where I've run into things, and...

It's, um... it's gotten out of control.

I've developed sleep apnea and insomnia.

When I do sleep, I have bad dreams.

I had a dream that we were driving Mike's
kids home and we were hit by a semi.

I see this thing, like, kind of standing
at this person's back, being like...

You know, like, whispering in their ear,

like, do this or do that,
and the person can't sleep.

And if they sleep, then it's really bad,

like invasions in the
sleep or something like...

What do you mean?

Maybe it's like a trance state.

Like, they're seeing where they're going,
but they don't have any control over it.

You know, and then
they're, like, startled...

- Okay...
- Which is really...

Kind of unnerving, uh, because...

Well, then they're
kind of being possessed.


What's going on in the kitchen?

One time, I was just grabbing
something out of the pantry,

and I turned around, and there
was a man standing next to me.

Okay. So, describe him for me.

- He was a little taller than I was, thin.
- Okay.

He had a square jaw
and a button-down shirt.

If you were to see a photo, would you be
able to recognize if it's the same person?

Yeah. I think he was trying to warn me
that there's something else in the house.

And that I needed to
do something about it.


Something is not right here.

This is a male.

And he is not that old.

He is, like, in his 50s.

He's, like...

Angry. Very angry.

Something in this
house is wreaking havoc,

but I don't think this angry man
is the one influencing the living.

He's not advanced enough.

He's just getting pissed
off and beating on the walls.

And, like, stomping on the floors.

He's trying to put it back
the way he knows it to be.

Like, he's trying to take down the
things that don't make sense to him.

This is where the scariest thing
that I've encountered happened.

I felt like I was in
some sort of trance...

And I came out of it, and
I found myself standing...

At the kitchen counter,
spinning a knife.

- Spinning a knife?
- Yes.

I later realized that I was having
a lot of negative thoughts...

Suicidal thoughts.

Okay. Now, have you ever
had suicidal thoughts before?


Did you ever have it again in the house?


Did you tell your boyfriend about it?

- No, I didn't tell anyone.
- Why not?

They're already worried for my health.

I don't want them to worry
about me taking my life.

I think that whatever's in here...

Is trying to k*ll me,
one way or another...

Either through my health or
through making me take my own life.

What is this thing?

It feels like...

A child?

I feel like...

That it would be a girl.

12- or 13-year-old.

She looks like a shadow person.

She's bad. Whoa!

What happened?

This girl...

Zapped me.

She [Bleep] ran at me.

I didn't expect this at all.

The entity that's tormenting the
people in this house is a little girl.

She's pretty strong. She
knows what she's doing.

She took all my energy.

She tries to control all
the people that come here.

I think she's influenced somebody to
either commit su1c1de or k*ll someone.

So, this room is the room
that I made for Mike's kids.

Okay. How old are they?

His son is 11, and his daughter is 12.

Have the kids experienced
anything up here?

Just last weekend, Mike's
son had experiences.

- What happened?
- He saw red eyes staring at him.

- Where?
- In the hallway.

- Were the dogs up here?
- No. The dogs are never up here.

Amanda, let me ask you a
question, are you worried

that something's gonna
happen to the kids?


This little girl... she's jealous.

Jealousy between this girl and...

And whoever's in here.

Bad. That's not good.

You said that she might
try to influence the living?

- Mm-hmm.
- Do you know who that would be?

- It's an adult.
- What does she want?

To make her k*ll them.

k*ll who?

Whoever's in this room.

So, Mike, I spoke with Amanda, and she
explained what's going on in the house.

And her concerns.

- Have you had experiences here?
- Yes, I have.

I actually had a few
experiences in the bedroom.

Sleeping at night, I feel like
there's somebody crawling in bed.

I can feel the bed pressing down like
somebody's crawling in bed with me...


When Amanda will be up in
the living room watching TV.

The first time, it
scared me, and it happened

for about two weeks
after that... every night.

Did it feel like a human or maybe one
of the dogs? What did it feel like?

It felt like a human.

Okay. Anything else?

I've heard, actually, a voice.

Again, we were in there,
watching TV again at night,

and I heard somebody
whisper, how you doing?

And I looked at Amanda. I said,
did you say something to me?

She said, no.

Now, when they said, how you
doing? Was it a female or a...?

It was a female.

She likes to be as scary as possible...

And she's actually pretty good at it.

Like, she crawls in bed with this person

and acts like it's sleeping
with... this person.

She yells and screams...

And howls...

Which I would think that the living
would probably be able to hear.

It's very scary for me,

because it doesn't seem like I'm
in control when this is happening.

I have had fits of rage.

I get mad over the littlest
things... a question being asked.

I'm afraid that I'm gonna
hurt somebody in the house.

- And that's not in your nature?
- No, Sir. No, Sir.

Do you feel it's when you're
here you get like that?


That's got to be a strain on your
relationship with Amanda, also.

Yes, it is.

What do you think is
going on in this house?

I think it's something evil.

- Why don't you just move out?
- Because I love her, you know and,

we care for each other and we're
helping each other out through this.

So, the girl...

She can go anywhere she
wants to in the house.

She can make them feel agitated.

Attaching herself to them.

Draining their energy,
making them feel sick.

So, Pat, I was talking to your
daughter, and I wanted to talk to you.

- I understand you live here.
- Yeah.

You've been living here a long time.

- Close to 17 years.
- 17 years?

So, have you experienced
anything since you've been here?


Why do you think that is?

I have a relationship with the Lord.

And I think that keeps me from seeing...

Or experiencing
anything that is demonic.

And I believe this is demonic.

So, you believe that Amanda
is telling me the truth?

I do, absolutely.

Amanda's at risk right now.
They're warring over her.

Why her?

Because I believe that God
has a special purpose for her.

And she hasn't stepped up to it.

And I still try to encourage
her to get back to the faith.

And you believe that if she found
her way back to the church...

It doesn't even have to be church...
just finds her way back to God,

that that would cease.

It's really hard to watch as a parent.

I pray that there is a solution.

That she can be the vibrant person.

And have the full life...

You know, the active
life that she deserves.

She already had a heart attack.

You worried about losing her?

It crosses my mind.

I try not to dwell on the negative.

I know that there's a plan.

What are you hoping that Amy
and I can do for your daughter?

I really have no expectations.

I really don't think that
there's anything that can be done.

It's only the power of the
Lord that's gonna handle it.

There's a w*r going on between
God's Angels and the Devil's Demons.

There's, like, really, really,
really bad, bad things down here.

Not where I'd be wanting to be.

What the [Bleep] is this?

This old man putzing around
and being grumpy and...

Just always angry and pissed off and,

just unhappy and miserable
about his life and...

Hates that somebody is down here...

Hates that somebody is in its...

In its space.

He um...

Gets angry.

Whoever hangs out
down here is his focus.

And I think he tries to
k*ll them at some point.

I really feel for Amanda.

For her, this investigation
is literally life and death.

Now I'm heading over to
meet with a town historian...

Who says Amanda's property is a
big part of Watervliet's history.

The property you're
investigating, Steve,

was purchased and
developed by Isaac Swain.

In the early 1830s.

In addition, they had
vast holdings of property,

which, at that particular time, was
all undeveloped forests and woodlands.

And you can see where he has his name
on all of these different plots of land.

And how much property do
you think he had altogether?

Upwards of 900 acres.

How did Swain make his mark
when he was living here?

What did he do?

Well, he was renowned
for his lumber mill.

He had upwards of 50
employees working for him.

It was the biggest
mill in Berrien County.


I'm just seeing, like, woods...

Uh, thick woods, lots of trees.

All I'm getting is somebody, like,
saying, too bad about, you know, the trees.

This little old lady's saying,
like, too bad about the trees,

like, that they cut down all the trees.

Daryl knew very little about
Isaac Swain's personal life.

So I'm on my way to meet a local author,

who says Swain's time in Watervliet
was filled with heartbreak.

This guy, Isaac Swain, what
were you able to find out?

Well, Isaac Swain and his
wife came to Watervliet.

- And they had three children.
- Okay.

He had a daughter named Martha...

- Okay.
- And she died at the age of 15.

- From what?
- Records back then didn't really specify.

Then their youngest son,
who was age 3, William,

passes away suddenly.

- Right after she died, or...
- Exactly... within two years.

But it doesn't stop there.
Their second daughter, Louisa...

She had a tragic accident, and it's
hard to tell what exactly happened,

but somewhere between
the ages of 10 and 14,

she fell and hit her head so hard...

That she became mentally disabled.

She was basically an invalid?

She basically was. She
had to have 24-hour care.

I assume Isaac and his wife stayed in the
area and took care of the remaining child.

For a while, they did, but, actually,
the wife, Vallonia, started to get sick,

and I actually found a
picture of her for you.

Now, do we know what
kind of illness she had?

The symptoms that they described
were somewhat similar to Tuberculosis.

It was important to Isaac to make sure
that she had the best care possible.

- You're talking about his wife, Vallonia?
- Yes.

So, what they did for three years...

Was travel around the northeast,
actually looking for someone to help them,

doctors... looking for
a different environment...

- Right.
- In hopes that this would help cure her.

- Does she get cured? What happens?
- No. Unfortunately...

She does not get cured, and she...

Succumbs to this.

Would they have taken Louisa with
them on this three-year journey?

Louisa was likely not taken with
them because she needed constant care.

She lived with the staff
people and the caretakers.

There was a certain
amount of stigma associated

with somebody with a
mental disability back then.

She had no social
interaction whatsoever?

Very little. Very little.

And the only people that she really knew

- was her own family and her caretakers.
- Caretakers.

And when her family passed
away, she was left alone.

This girl... she died...

Do you know when this was?

A while ago.

Well, I'd say at least 100 years.

The young girl that's been
stalking me is extremely powerful.

And I'm starting to see what's
causing her to torment the living here.

She has a lot of pain
that she's dealing with.

- A lot of pain?
- Yeah, physical, physical.

And she's not herself.

She was mentally not okay.

And she puts it like she
likes to play with people,

because she wasn't allowed to play
with people when she was alive.

Well, and then she was
just screaming at me

through the... you
know, through the wall.

She's kind of creepy, though.

She's creeping me out a little bit.

I'm at the local library to see what

else I can find out
about Amanda's problem.

Digging through the archives,

I uncover an obituary of a
young woman named Sadie Smith.

Who died in 1918.

The location of her funeral...

My client's living room.

So, not only does a 32-year-old woman
die on the property I'm investigating,

they held her funeral
right inside the house.

I'm on my way to meet with
a local funeral Director

who promised to look into the town
records and give me the whole story.

Roland, I know from other
cases, back in the early days,

that people did hold
funerals in their homes.

Now, was that common in this area?

Back in 1918, probably 90% of the time,

funerals were held in the home, yes.

Now, Sadie... it said she died from
influenza, what were you able to find out?

Well, I was able to obtain a
copy of the death certificate.

And she obtained Spanish influenza
and had it for about a week,

and then passed away of heart failure.

Possibly, the reason they held the wake
in the house was to contain the influenza.

She was young... 32.
So, she wasn't married?

No, never married.

- No children?
- No children.

So, it had to be tough on
the parents, I would think.

Probably was, yeah.

Something took place here
where people were crying and...


There was a funeral here.

Where they had the
casket, and it was open,

and people were saying goodbye.

This is a young female.

They're all crying,
freaking out, just losing it.

So, Roland, what happened with
the parents after Sadie dies?

They stayed in the home.

Okay. So, she lived with her parents?

Yes, and shortly after
Sadie passed away,

the mother, Evelyn, was in frail health
for about five years and passed away.

Steve, I was able to find the
obituary in the local newspaper on...

Mrs. Smith.

And how old was she when she died?

She was 67.

Did she die of natural causes?

Natural causes there, also...

- From a heart disease.
- Okay.

The funeral was not held
in that home, though.

They went back to the homestead out
south of town and had her funeral there.

So, Roland, what happened with the dad?

His name was John Wallace Smith, and he
lived in the house for a few more years,

and then he passed away, and I found
his obituary in the local paper, also.

And what'd he die of?

Natural causes from
a cerebral hemorrhage.

So, Sadie dies, the mother
dies about five years later,

and then the father dies a few years
after that, and they all died in the home?

In the home, yes.

So, I'm thinking the elderly man...

Is mad that someone is in...

His space.

I think he spent a
lot of time down here.

I'm following this angry
man around the basement

as he vents to me about how much
he hates the people living here.

Something tragic happened to him, and now
I'm experiencing all the pain he endured.

Oh [Bleep] I'm getting a
really sharp [Bleep] pain.

Ooh, what the [Bleep] was that?

Then that pain, the head...

That could be an aneurysm.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our findings to each
other and our clients for the first time.

Amy, I want you to meet Amanda and Mike.

Amanda called us in because she's had some
serious health issues since she moved in.

She's even had a heart attack,
and she's only 32 years old.

Doctors have no explanation for it, but
Amanda thinks she knows what's going on.

She actually thinks that
this house is k*lling her.

With that, I'm gonna
turn it over to Amy,

and she can start
telling us about her walk.

So, I came into this room here,

and I saw a funeral taking place,

for a young female.

There was a casket, it was open, and
people were saying their goodbyes.

Well, there was a funeral in this home.

Back in 1914, a girl, Sadie
Smith, moved here to this house.

But four years after she moved in here,
in 1918, Sadie dies of the Spanish flu.

The flu weakened her heart
until it just gave out.

I have her death certificate here.

They have here listed, heart failure.


Oh, my God. Is that her
birth date or her death date?


It's three days off of mine.

Oh, my God.

That's just crazy.

What else did you see?

I went to the basement,
and there's this...

Very angry little old man down there.

He believes that that's his space,

and he despises whoever is
residing there right now.

In fact, he's trying
to scare the person.

Um, so that the person will leave.

When I was talking to this guy, I
got this really sharp pain in my head.

And I felt like he had
passed from an aneurysm.

Now, Sadie's parents lived here, and
they actually both died in the house.

The father, John, died at the
age of 73 of cerebral hemorrhage.

Wow. Oh, wow.

The tenant downstairs...

He claims he's seen
some things down there.

- Like what?
- Shadows, five to six times.

He's told me one time that he actually
sees a man standing in the doorway here.


You know what? Tell Amy about
the apparition that you saw.

I was in the laundry room,

and I was just grabbing something out
of the cabinet, and I turned around,

and there was a man
standing right next to me.

I jumped and screamed,
and then he disappeared.

- What was he wearing?
- A button-down shirt, and...

- He had a five o'clock shadow.
- Okay.

And dark hair.

I briefly encountered another
male back in that area.

Oh, my God.

And I did do a sketch of the man.

He's in his early 70s...

He does have jowls.

And his eyes are very almond-shaped.

Well, you tell me.
You would know better.

Oh, my God.

It looks a lot like him.

I'll never forget him.

He was looking right at me.

He was just confused, so
he just gets frustrated.

- Do you ever hear banging or anything?
- All the time.

- All the time.
- Okay.

So, what else did you see?

In my opening, what
I saw was actually...

This house surrounded by thick trees.

I was shocked, because, obviously,
there's no trees. It's all houses.

And then when I went in the
backyard, I heard an old lady.

She was agitated that the
trees had been removed.

Well, it makes sense you said that, because
this was owned by a guy named Isaac Swain.

Back in the 1800s, he
purchased the property here.

This was all woods.

He came here, he bought the
property, and he opened up a mill.

He made a lot of money, but he also
had a lot of tragedy with his family.



I saw this little girl.

- She's the most important person here.
- Mm-hmm.

She kind of controls or
runs most of the house.

She's between 10 and 12, and she's
been here for a very long time...

At least over 100 years.

But she's in a lot pain.

Because she was in some
kind of weird accident.

And, mentally, she's not who she was.

She wasn't allowed to play.
She wasn't allowed to do things.

She wasn't really allowed
to interact with people.

Well, I didn't have to
think much about this one.

Isaac Swain had a daughter, Louisa.

Between the ages of 10 and 14,
she actually hit her head...

- And soon after that...
- Oh, man.

- She became mentally incapacitated.
- Oh.

She basically couldn't care for herself.
She had to have care all the time.

The thing is, she had two
siblings, both of which passed away.

Whoa. What?

One was Martha. She
died at the age of 15.

And she had a younger brother,
William, who died at 3 in 1849.


Things got worse for
her, because her mom...

This is Vallonia...
she got sick, very sick.

Her husband took her on a 3-year
journey all around the northeast,

the East Coast, looking for help,
searching for a cure for her.

This kid was left alone
at the house with nurses.

You know, she lived
the rest of her life...

As an invalid.

What I got was that she does affect
everyone in the house to some extent.

She can make people overeat...

She can drain energy,
make people feel agitated.

- Oh, my God.
- She affects sleep...

Can make people have terrible
dreams, or sleepwalk, which is big.

She climbs into bed with them,

and she can jump inside
that person and control them.

- Oh, my God.
- She affects everyone, but she...

Has her sights set on one person
in this house in particular.

She stays by this person all the time.


Yeah, it's definitely me.

One time, I got up to
go to the bathroom...

And the next thing I knew,

I was spinning a knife on the counter.

I didn't know I was doing
it. It was, like, not me.

All I could think was, I
should just get it over with.

I'm gonna die anyway. I
should just get it over with.

- And you mentioned agitated?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, Mike's having issues.

Yeah. I get mad at the littlest things.

I've been mad at her for no reason, and
then I'll go outside, and my rage is gone.

She's trying to control you both.

Oh, my God.

Now, she's been scratched.


That's her neck. That's
one of the scratch marks.

And she's had them on her
stomach, on the side there.

- Okay.
- And this is a burn mark, she thinks.

Can that be from the little girl?

Yeah. Well, she's always holding
on, touching you constantly.

Is that who was crawling
in the bed with him?

Oh, she likes to do that.

So, I did a sketch of this little girl
and the person that she's focused on.


Jesus [Bleep].


Oh, my God.

So, she's always by me?

Holy crap.

I did a sketch of this little girl
and the person that she's focused on.


Jesus [Bleep].


Oh, my God.

So, she's always by me?

Holy crap.

She's extremely powerful.

At one point, she charged me and took...

All of my energy, like, in a second.

Then I saw a very disturbing scene in
the upstairs bedroom with the two beds.

You could feel this jealousy...

That she had for the
people in that room.

And her intention was
to m*rder those people.

And those thoughts
were being put into...

The person's mind.

What person are you talking about?

Well, basically, you.

You would be her vessel to do the deed.

She wants to get to the point where she can
control you 100% so that you'll do this.

You okay?


Not really.

Well, that room upstairs
is where Mike's kids stay.

I thought something was
attached to me. I did.

We've had some conversations where
she's thought that my son hated her.

And she seemed a little jealous...

- Hmm...
- Of the kids being here.

Makes a lot of sense.

Now, do you remember
feeling this jealousy?

Oh, yeah. When they're here,
all his time goes to them.

When they're here, I split my time as
best I can between all three of them.

- Mm-hmm.
- But she never sees it that way.

- Now, is that the girl doing it to her?
- Yes.

Obviously, this is a lot
to absorb in one night.

The big question... is it
safe for you guys to live here?

Is it safe for the kids to come here?

And will you be able to get better?

I can't answer that, but I'll turn it over
to Amy, my partner, and see if she can.

There's obviously some things that need
to be done to protect everybody involved.

Some of these things initially might
sound a little bit unusual and extreme.


One of the things that I would suggest at
this point is to go through your bedroom

and make it like a child-proof room.

And Mike needs to sleep right outside
your room, and this is just to protect you.

So, why is it so important that
he not sleep in there with me?

Well, I don't want anybody in
this situation to be harmed.

And at this point, she could harm you...

Or she could harm somebody else.

The next thing that needs to be done
is that there has to be an exorcism.


That's the only way you're
gonna get rid of her.

Oh, geez.

- That was our nightmare scenario.
- Mm-hmm.

Now, why an exorcism instead
of trying to move somebody on?

She's just beyond repair.

She's done many, many, many bad things.

She needs to be straightened out.

Right. I would just go to
the church and ask for help.

Look me in the eye and tell
me you're gonna do this.

I'm gonna do it.

My own life has already
been taken from me.

And I don't want any more harm
to come to me or anyone else.


Thank you so much.

I really hope Amanda
and Mike follow my advice

and rid their home of the little
girl that's tormenting them.

Once she's gone,

I believe all the negativity
surrounding this family should vanish.

And they can live a peaceful life.
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