04x07 - Dead End - Neosho, MO

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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04x07 - Dead End - Neosho, MO

Post by bunniefuu »

It's a huge curtain of darkness.

I see a shadow man.

He's upset.

I was scared to death.

- Are you afraid to be here alone?
- It's very nerve racking.

He's gonna try to take her.

I want to fix this. I'm desperate.

They attack her.

It can do very physical things.

It's really bad in here.

My name is Amy Allan.

Something is not right.

I see dead people.

This person might have
been a serial k*ller.

I speak to dead people...

I get those chills.

And they speak to me.

He is darkness. He is evil.

There's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

I think she broke her neck.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective.

Tellin' me the truth?

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

I think the Devil is down here.

It's my job to reveal them.

Who the hell would do this?

But Steve and I never speak.

We never communicate
during an investigation...

Until the very end.

Who's he looking to k*ll?

We uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

You need to get out of here right now.

Or time to get out.

It was like endless darkness.

Amy and I conduct
separate investigations.

I interview living witnesses and uncover
history that's been buried and forgotten...

While Amy talks to the dead.

I'm in Neosho, Missouri. It's
about a half-hour outside of Joplin.

I got a call from a
local cop named Dennis.

Now, I know cops are trained to
deal with stressful situations,

but this guy sounded freaked out.

He says his wife and two
daughters are being att*cked by

something they can't see and
they are petrified to be in house.

Hopefully, Amy and I can
get to the bottom of this.

Before Amy arrives, I look
for any leading information.

This house is filled with
generations of photographs

and personal family possessions.

Once they are covered or removed, the
location will be ready for tonight's walk.

There's a lot of activity around here.

There's a lot of dead people outside...

And they're talking
about the neighborhood.


Some guy is just like,
"insanity and death!"

Well, Dennis, you sounded
pretty concerned on the phone

about, you know, what's going on.

Now, who exactly lives here?

My wife and her daughters...

Who moved out two months
ago. We're separating.

I'm really sorry to hear that. Does it
have anything to do with the paranormal?

A lot of it did.

So, give me an idea of
what's going on here.

Shadow figures, footsteps, scratching.

We could talk about this all day.

- I know you're an Air Force vet.
- Yeah.

- You've been to Iraq.
- Yes.

- Okay, you're cop.
- Yes.

It's hard to imagine guys like
us being afraid of anything.

I'm fearful more of this house
than anything on the streets.

And I'm frightened for my family.

What do you know about the house itself?

The main foundation dates
into, like, the 1860s.

And I believe there was probably eight
to 11 owners in the past eight years.

But it's not just this house, there are
several houses in this neighborhood...

That have had numerous
owners because of problems.

All right. That's interesting. Okay. What
are you hoping we can do for you guys?

My wife and I are going
through some problems and we...

We're hoping to actually
fix that so we can stay here,

and live in a loving family without
being frightened for our lives.

Can you show me some spots in the
house where you've seen things?

- Yes.
- Okay.

So, Dennis, why'd you bring me outside?

I was mowing the lawn and saw a woman
out of the corner of my eyes here.

- Okay.
- On the porch.

- Wasn't the girls?
- It wasn't my wife or two girls, it was...

A full-body apparition of a girl.

Okay. Could you describe her?

A very old, dated white dress, maybe...

Late 1800s...

Tall collar.

She was only there for maybe three
seconds, and then she just erased.

Okay. So, I'm, like,
seeing an older woman.

She's in her 40s or 50s.

She likes light-colored
clothing with a lot of lace.

She kind of always, like, cries.

She's always, like, mopey.

You don't know if there's anything
with her that people might pick up on?

I think they might see her,
like a light-colored apparition.

So, have you ever seen
anything else outside?

Yes. I was inside and heard some
commotion come up the stairway.

And saw a black figure looking
directly at me through this window here.

Can you show me what it looked like?

When I was inside, the shadow
person came from this direction.

And all he did was lean way down,
and then, when we made eye contact,

he just leaned in
forward, like, I dare you.

And then just got up after a
second and just walked straight off.

Now, have you ever seen
this shadow figure again?

Two times for sure on
the base of the stairwell,

looking at me when I had
just come in from work.

Another time, once again, two,
three minutes home from work...

Go into the Master Bedroom
and heard a deep breath of...

And I leaned over, and he wasn't three
feet inside the doorway, just there.

I was scared to death of that
one, and I bolted out of the house.

There is a darkness here.

It walks down the street.

It's not a person.

It's like a huge curtain of darkness.

Someone knows...

Someone knows...

They panic.

I don't think they know
it's affecting everyone.

Up here is where some of the scariest
stuff has actually happened to me.


I heard a little girl's laughter.

And I spun around just
as quickly as I heard it.

And literally saw a...

Floating black mist
two 1/2, 3 feet maybe?

- Was anybody else at home?
- No.

No TV on or anything like that?

- There was nothing.
- All right, anything else?

We had another instance where...

I walked out of the bathroom
and came about where you were.

And I got struck from behind by this
very curtain rod right in the back.

You know, Dennis, working
with Amy all this time now,

I know that once it gets
physical, it's really not good.


Has anything else like
this ever happened?

One time, when I actually got
out of the shower downstairs,

and I was drying my stomach area off...

I noticed claw marks on
either side of my stomach area.

Did you ever take photos of it?

I didn't, but I showed Aundrea.

Okay. What do you think's
going on in this house?

I wish I knew.

All I know is that I want to...

Make sure that my wife
and my girls are safe here.

- I'm just worried.
- I can see it.

I love them.

I'm worried about it.

Whatever this thing is...

It can open doors.

It can, like...

Do very physical things...

Grab people, move
things, and break things.

And this darkness saturates the whole...


So, Aundrea, I talked to Dennis.

He told me about you guys splitting up.

- Yes.
- I'm sorry to hear that.

Thank you.

He relayed to me that he thought the
stuff that was going on here in the house,

may have contributed to
you guys splitting up.

- You agree with that?
- I think it's possible.

I've been depressed, anxious.

Have you experienced anything paranormal
in this house, anything unusual?

Yeah. I was babysitting a friend's
baby, and something went across my feet,

just like somebody
brushing against your arm.

I thought it was one of the animals.

The dogs were outside, and the
cat was nowhere to be found.


So, do you ever go out to investigate,
see where it may be coming from?

I check, make sure all the doors are
locked, check the house inside and out.

Anything else?

The worst is what I see... a shadow man.

I've seen him standing here at
foot of my bed, staring down at me.

I've woken up with him,
and I was petrified.

Did you ever think maybe
somebody was in the house?

I have investigated every time I
see it, and there's never anybody.

Okay. Now, is that the
only place you've seen him?

No. I've seen him upstairs.

He was standing on the
far side of the bunk bed.

Okay. So, now you've got your
little girls you got to worry about.

They're sleeping with me.

They're too afraid to sleep upstairs,
and they don't want to be alone.

I want to know they're safe.

This lady, her thing,
like, I feel like she's...

She is afraid of what's under her bed.

I feel like her foot or her
ankle or something's been touched.

Whatever is was came from under the bed.

She has a lot of notions about...

- Haunting.
- Okay.

You know, so what she's doing,
like, yeah, there's [Bleep]

There is not good stuff
here. But, she's making it...

She's compounding, like,
she's making it worse, I guess.

Now, had you done
anything like a blessing or

anything to try to figure
out what's going on or?

A friend told me to
try using a sage stick.


I, after that, had a college
team of ghost hunters come in.

I'm desperate. I'm willing to
try anything to get normalcy.

You know, you're worrying about your
daughters has got to drive you crazy.

It's very overwhelming.

I had a somewhat erratic childhood.

- Mom worked all the time.
- Right.

I was with grandma and grandpa.

Grandpa was the only father I knew.

He died when I was 7, so
it was mom, grandma, and me.

So, I don't want my girls
to have a mixed up life.

You said your grandfather
died when you were 7.

Do you remember much about him?

I remember everything about him. He...

- He was amazing.
- Okay.

Okay. Did he die young?

Yeah, he was only 58.

He died of... well, he died
of complications from chemo.


I want to fix this.

I want to fix this for my girls.

Okay. I'm gonna try to help you do that.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

There's also, like, a father
figure that's with her.

A lot.

And he's...

He's upset.

Yeah, he says that there's,
like, sage or incense.

He said that there's no way anybody can
help her, really she needs to help herself.

I told her when she was
younger to not do this.

What did he tell her not to do?

Mmm, be into all this dark stuff.

But I'm trying to tell him the dark
just pretty much goes everywhere.

That's why she has to
deal with this [Bleep]

What is that? There's
something else here.

I don't know who it is.

I didn't get to see him,
but he makes you feel...

You know how people are like,
"I feel like I'm being watched".

But this is like burn holes through
your back, like feel really...


So, Danielle, I was
talking to mom and Dennis.

They were telling me about
what's going on in the house.

Mom said you and your sister
are having a tough time.

Yeah, no matter where I am, I always
feel as though somebody's watching me.

Okay. Now, what kind of things are
you experiencing? What are you seeing?

Well, one time, I had a couple friends
over, and, all of a sudden, we see,

like, this lady, like the silhouette
of a lady walk by towards the kitchen.

Okay. Was she thin, heavy?

She was thin, and she
had one of those, like,

thicker dresses on, you
know, that like, go out.

- Okay. Like an old style?
- Yes, Sir.

Have you had any other
experiences besides seeing things?

Well, yes, Sir. The other
night, I was sleeping,

and I woke up to somebody
playing with my hair.

You know, I look around,
and I sit up and look,

and nobody was around me,
no animals or anything.

And that was the first time I had
felt it, and that was just uneasy.

You sure it wasn't the
cat or one of the dogs?

- My dogs were boarding.
- Are you afraid to be here alone?

- Yes, Sir.
- You are.

It's very nerve-racking.

Like, I'm always scared
I'm gonna see something or,

like, it's gonna hurt
me sometime or something.

It hasn't yet. It's just, what if?

Up here, it feels like a woman.

- This is a living person?
- Yes.

I just hear her crying...


They're being watched maybe.

I don't know. What I see here is this thing
standing at the end of the bed, really big.

I think this is that same guy who
watches, the creeper of the house, I guess.

And I think there is
a closet connection.

Oh, no. That's not good.

This looks like a shadow man.

Shadow people are extremely
rare evil entities.

No one knows where they come from, but
they are capable of harming living people.

I don't know if he's
gonna try to take her,

but that's kind of what
it seems like to me.

Take her where?

Uh, into the closet.

What does that mean?

They typically k*ll
people, the shadow people.

Dennis said Aundrea's house has had
a lot of owners in the recent past.

So I conducted a search,
in the last 40 years,

there have been 15
different owners of the home.

That's unusual.

None of them wanted to even talk to me.

But Dennis mentioned that the
problem was neighborhood-wide.

So I've managed to track down one of
the former residents to see why she left.

So, you lived on Aundrea
and Dennis' block?

I did, across the street.

So, they're having some
paranormal problems.

Are you surprised by that?

Not really.

- Why is that?
- Um...

The house that Aundrea lives
in was on the market for quite

some time before anybody moved
in, it was vacant for a while.

So, I assumed they'd had
some kind of an issue there.

And I had some unusual
things happen at my house.

Like what?

There was a wall between the
dining room and the living room.

And there was a dark streak,
kind of a reddish-brown color,

that would go from the top of the ceiling
down, almost all the way to the floor.

And it would show up in the living
room and in the dining room side.

And I painted over it,
and I papered over it,

and it would just inevitably
come back every time.

The only way I could get rid of it in the
living room was to put paneling over it.

So, when you painted over
it, it would come through?


- You wallpaper over it and...
- It came though.

- Really? Even with the wallpaper?
- Even the wallpaper.

When I started my walk,
I saw this darkness.

This darkness, it walks down the street.

It'll come right in the door.
It'll, like, literally open...

I see doors opening in this darkness.

And there were little
people or something in it.

Like little creature
things or something.

And there's panic because of this.

The darkness consuming this house
is carrying an evil presence with it.

And it's beginning to
reveal itself to me.

Do you know if these different
figures you saw in darkness,

if these are separate entities?


They're all, like...

Separate beings.

I need to find everything I
can about my client's property.

So I head to the local library.

Digging through the archives...

I discover a Brothel ran on
Aundrea's land in the late 1800s.

But what really catches my attention is
a fatal sh**ting that took place there.

Resulting in one man's death
and an historic court case.

I'm on my way to meet
with a local author.

He says the case ended up with one dead
body, several trials, and no convictions.

Doing the research on the
property I'm investigating,

I came across an article that
there had been a m*rder in 1875.

In a Brothel that was on the property.

Yes, one of the rooms was
leased to Lizzie Sanford,

and she opened a
Brothel there in Neosho.

And on the night of December 23, 1875...

She was entertaining a 17-year-old
young man named Lane Britton.

I have a picture here of him.

She was entertaining him,
Lizzie was, and another young man

named Wiley Huffaker demanded entrance
and started pounding on the door.

And Lane Britton threatened to
sh**t him if he didn't leave.

And Wiley said, well,
sh**t or be damned!

And Lane took him up on it
and shot through the door and

hit him in the head and
apparently k*lled him instantly.

Lane Britton was arrested, and
he was tried two or three times.

Finally, on the third time... I think
it was at least the third time...

He was found not guilty
by reason of self-defense.

Because they said that, you
know, their lives were in danger.

So, they acquit him on a justifiable
homicide, sh**ting a guy through a door?

That's apparently the case.

That's not self-defense.

Not exactly, but that's kind
of what they concluded, though.

Okay. So, he gets away with m*rder.

Basically, yes.

At one point, I did hear a g*nsh*t.

I heard somebody saying, ha-ha-ha-ha,
that little [Bleep] had it coming to him.

This area...

It has this sadness, a...

Desperate sadness.

And people lose things here.

Like, they lose, like, animals or...

People or children.

They, like, die.

Other than the Brothel sh**ting,

I haven't found any deaths directly
tied to my client's property...

So I go to the hall of
records to dig up old deeds,

and I come across the
name Emma Mae Liebhart.

Who passed away in
the house back in 1938.

I'm not sure this will help much,

but according to her death certificate,
she died of lung cancer at the age of 65.

I'm seeing the crying woman again.

And she has a horse and a buggy...

That brought her here
when she was young...

Like 15 or 16.

Do you know how she died?

I think it was some kind
of respiratory thing.


I think this is the
woman from outside...

And she spent a lot of time in here.

And she doesn't want to be

bothered by these things anymore.

What things?

This darkness.

I mean, she calls them little monsters.

I think she kind of feels like
they did contribute to her death.

They, like, attack her.

While at the hall of records, I
also found out that the original

owner of my client's property was
the County Sheriff back in the 1860s.

So, I've reached out to the current
Sheriff, and he says Louis Hutchinson,

was once a powerful and wealthy man.

I'm not sure if it's gonna lead
anywhere, but I need to check it out.

We had a Louis B. Hutchinson that was
Sheriff here in Newton County in 1865.

How long was he the Sheriff?

He was here from 1865 to 1870.

And what's he wind up doing after that?

History shows that after he
was Sheriff for five years,

he then dabbled in real estate and
became quite wealthy in the County.

Then, apparently, some of
the investments went bad.

Okay. So, what did he wind up doing?

Then he became just a
farmhand for his brother.

Well, that's kind of sad you know,

went from having all that
money to being a farmhand.

- Yes.
- So, did he remain working on the farm?

No, while he was working as a farmhand, he
had again ran for Sheriff of Newton County.

And was, in fact, re-elected
again and won by 20 votes.

Okay, so, looks like he
got his life back together.

Maybe one other thing I could help
you with the records show that...

He wasn't able to finish his
first term after being re-elected.

- And why's that?
- That he died from paresis.

What is that exactly? Do you know?

It's brought on by syphilis.

It's a very, very painful death.

I know there was a Brothel on
the property I'm investigating.

So, I'm wondering if maybe he
might have got that from there.

And died. Yeah, it's
a sad ending for him.


During my walk, I saw a sad woman
haunted by the darkness in this house.

I'm having a sketch artist draw her.

She was very gaunt, very thin.

Brown hair that she had up.

And then she had, like,
very distinct lines...

Running from her mouth down her chin.

Next, I described a terrifying
scene involving a shadow man.

Crawling towards the
bed from the closet.

You could see, like,
muscular definition.

And there's a kid sleeping in the bed.

He's creepy.

Amy, is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
finished our investigations,

it's time to reveal our findings to our
clients and each other for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to
meet Dennis and Aundrea.

When the two of them called us
in, they were living together.

Unfortunately, the activity got
so bad here and so physical...

That it basically drove them apart.

So, Dennis no longer lives here.

But he doesn't think it's safe for
Aundrea and the kids to be here,

and he called for our help.

So, now that Amy's got an idea
of what's going on with you guys,

she's gonna tell us a
little bit about her walk.

When I first pulled up to
the house, I was like, whoa!

It's not just this house.

There's activity everywhere
in this neighborhood.

Like, I heard someone say it
was all insanity and death here.

The house next door, the
older lady that was there...

Had complained of having
spirits in the house.


I actually spoke to one of their
former neighbors, a woman named Penny.

And it was her opinion that a lot
of the houses here had activity

but people were afraid
to kind of talk about it.

The other thing was,
if you go up the block,

you've got two houses
for rent, two for sale.

The house directly across
the street is empty.

And this house in particular,
I went back 40 years...

And including yourself,
there's been 15 owners here.

Wow! Really?

That's unusual, especially
in a neighborhood.


I was outside, and I saw two men...

And I heard a g*nsh*t.

Then, one of them said, ha-ha, you
know, the little [Bleep] deserved it.

Okay. How many g*nshots did you hear?

I only heard one g*nsh*t.


That's interesting, because at one
time, your property had a Brothel on it.


It was run by a woman
named Lizzie Sanford.

And one night, she was entertaining a
young guy by the name of Lane Britton.

The guy on the left.

Another guy by the name of Wiley
Huffaker came up to the door

and was drunk, demanded to get in.

This kid turns around and says, hey,
listen, knock that off, or I'm...

I'm gonna sh**t you. Take it easy.

This guy Wiley Huffaker goes, sh**t or
be damned, was the statement that he said.

Oh, wow.

And this kid puts one
round through the door.

And catches him in the head
and kills him instantly.

Oh, my gosh.

So, what else?

I got into the house, and
this thick veil of darkness...

Came into the house.

And then, these little three-or four-foot,
like, humanoid things that are pitch-black.

Were within the darkness.

It definitely causes
feelings of despair.

Now, you had mentioned that
you might be a little depressed.


What about their relationship? Could
it affect what was happening with them?


With that comes a lot of
loss here in this area.

Like, people are losing, like,
family and friends a lot here.

And these humanoid things...

They can interact with
the living very physically.

I mean, I don't even know
where to start, actually.

You know what? Maybe we'll start
with you getting att*cked upstairs.

I was upstairs and got
struck by a large curtain rod.


And it seems to be Dennis
getting the brunt of it.

- Really?
- Mm hmm.

I've been scratched taking a shower.

I'd step, go to dry off,
and it feels like burns.

And I look down, and I had scratches
on either side of my rib cage.

Amy, the thing you should know about
Dennis is that he's an Air Force veteran.

He did three tours in Iraq, he's a cop,
and he's really not afraid of anything.

But I'm scared to be here.



What else did you see?

I spoke with a female
that I met outside.

She moved here when she
was younger, maybe 15 or 16.

And this was about the 1890s.

When she lived here, one of the
problems that she had was breathing.

And she felt that the darkness,

and the things that are
inside of the darkness.

Contributed to her death.

She's always moaning and crying.

And she was very formally
dressed, with a high collar.

I was mowing the lawn, and I saw
a female very formally dressed.

High collar, very stylish
brown-chocolate hair pulled back...

Just looking at me.

And then she just... woo...

Just disappeared.


I didn't even think it
was gonna come into play.

But, during my research, I came across
a woman that lived and died here.

Her name was Emma Mae Liebhart.

She came here in 1895 at the
age 22, you know, a young girl.

She moved into this home in 1908.

Now, you mentioned
respiratory problems, right?


She died at the age of 65 in 1938...

Of lung cancer.

There's not photo of her,
but I got her obit here.

Oh, wow.

- You drew her, didn't you?
- I did.


The eyes and the hair...

And the dress are good.

She was right there on the porch.

If it was just her, I don't
think I'd be concerned.

But it's not just her.

I went in the Master Bedroom.

And I met a... uh, male...

Who's upset with the woman of the house.

When she was alive, he knew her then.

He said that there's no
way anybody can help her.

She needs to help herself.

I told her when she was
younger to not do this.

What did he tell her not to do?

Be into all this dark stuff.

He seems to be some
type of father figure...

And he feels that his
baby's gone downhill.

But, on the other hand,
he does love this person.

That would make me think it was grandpa.

I was grandpa's little shadow,

and I thought he was the most
amazing thing in the world.

He died when I was 7.

He had had prostate cancer.

His death affected me badly.


Now, you gave me a photo of
him. Is it okay to show her?


Now, you mentioned he was upset about
some kind of practicing dark stuff or...?


I had a ghost hunting team that came in.

Is that the type of thing that
would upset the guy you ran into?


I don't know for sure if that
man I saw is her grandfather.

But I do know that relatives often
come back to protect the ones they love,

if they sense they're in danger.

Nothing seems to go right.

One relationship and then another
relationship, and he's left.

So, he could be disappointed in that.


Well, this individual is
here because he's worried.

- Okay.
- He is...


From what?

Well, in the bedroom downstairs...

I felt someone, like,
intensely watching me.

I glanced back, and I
saw this shadow person.

It is extremely dangerous.

Then, I went into the pink room.

- That's Danielle's room.
- Yeah.

And I saw the shadow man
crawling out of the closet.

Going towards me and towards the bed.

My goodness.

I've seen him at the
foot of my bed downstairs.

I've heard him breathe
all over the house.

I see him all over the place.

One time in the bathroom,
I hear this big...

And I kind of peered over
to the bathroom door...

And he's just right there, solid black.

And I ran out.

Well, I did do a sketch of what I saw
as far as him coming out of the closet.

- That's your daughter's room.
- Yeah.

That picture kills me.

I did do a sketch of what I saw as
far as him coming out of the closet.

- That's your daughter's room.
- Yeah.

That picture kills me.

It's hard for me to hand
that over to you guys.

No wonder she's afraid.

That's disturbing.

I definitely don't want my wife
or my two daughters just being...

Crawled upon and climbed into bed.

It bothers me a great deal.
I love this family, and I...

I don't want anything to harm them.

So, the question is, what
the hell is going on here?

There must be some specific location...

In this neighborhood.

Some type of doorway.

Where the shadow people and little
humanoid creatures I saw are coming from.

These little humanoid creatures...

Or shadow people.

There seems to be kind of,
like, a whole Army of them.

But I believe that he's some
type of ringleader of them.

So, this thing upstairs in Danielle's
room, is that a shadow person?

I believe it is. Yes.

And that's very bad.

Shadow people are extremely dangerous.

What exactly are shadow people?

There's a lot of different theories.

Some people think that they're
some type of alien being.

People are still convinced that
they're some type of demonic entity.

They tend to go after elderly
individuals or children.

Or homes that are suffering
some type of severe dysfunction.

- And these things can k*ll?
- Yes.

Oh, my gosh.

I mean, is this thing going
after Danielle, or it just his...

It seems to be everybody in the house.

I got to keep my girls safe.

They're everything to me.

Yeah. I'm frightened to death.

We're gonna do whatever we
have to do to keep them safe.

So, it's obviously been a tough night.

And even though you guys always
thought your house was haunted...

You really didn't think it was
this severe or this dangerous.

You got a grave situation here.

But the big question is, is it safe
for you to stay here with the girls,

and maybe get your family back together?

For that, I'm gonna turn it over to Amy
and see if she has an answer for you.

This is the last thing that
I wanted it to be, you know?

I don't want that for...

Many, many, many reasons.

- You can't fight this, can you?
- No.

That's what we needed to know, though.

Yeah. Who's gonna buy the place now?

Another fool like me?

I'm really sorry.

There's a lot of people who think
that shadow people can be dealt with.

I personally...


If we move out of here...

- Can this follow us?
- No.

The protector might be the only reason the
girls and I haven't been hurt like he has.

It hasn't been easy.

I know.

Maybe this is something that can bring
youse closer together, fighting...

- For a family.
- For a family.

We'll be all right.

It'll be okay.

Now, if they can afford it, would it
be better if they slept someplace else?

That would be a great idea.

I wouldn't wish this upon anybody.

Maybe start fresh and
get out of here and...

We're gonna get out. We're
gonna get the family out.

- Okay.
- I'm leaving.

I've got to protect us.

I really wish I had another solution,

but I've never heard of shadow
people being removed from anywhere.

And I should know, because they
tormented me in my childhood home,

and I could do nothing about it.

But if I ever figure it out,

I'll be back to help Dennis
and Aundrea cleanse their home.
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