05x10 - To Right the Wrongs of Many

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Orphan Black". Aired March 2013 - August 2017.*
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A streetwise hustler is pulled into a compelling conspiracy after witnessing the su1c1de of a girl who looks just like her.
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05x10 - To Right the Wrongs of Many

Post by bunniefuu »

It's all going public.

The bribes now connect Kuwaiti businessman Hashem Al-Khatib to the fringe futurist movement Neolution.


Scott: They're grabbing Helena just as her babies are coming to term.

Cosima: He wants cord blood, the mutation, for himself, and then to exploit.

- (Grunts)

- Contraction.

Why would they go anywhere near Dyad right now?

Rachel: They're taking her to the Old Wing.

He's hiding right next to Dyad as it self-destructs.


Live organ.

Hell-Wizard: I worked security.

I can get us into that wing.

(Siren wailing)

Go see what's happening.

(Helena moans)

Hell-Wizard: Are you sure the alarm's a good idea?


I want them here so I get first drop.

Helena: You are shit mother.

Come on.

We've got to get you out of here.



Babies coming.


Have you really thought this through?

Yeah, yeah!

I have.

I'm not a bloody idiot, am I?

We can We can reschedule.

You don't have to do it yet.

What if I said I wanted to have it, what would you say?

I would say bringing a life into this world is a really big responsibility, Sarah.

And I'm too messed up to do it?

Spit it out, S.

Do you want to have this baby?

Raise a child.

Do you?

Only you can decide, chicken.

- (Alarm blaring)

- (Helena whimpering)

- (Lift bell dings)

- (Sarah)


Go take that east door.

I'll get the west.

Lock it down.

(Alarm continues)

- Come on.

- (Grunts)

This way.

Sestra, I can't.

We need to find another way out.

I need to sit.


I can't go on.

No, no, no, come on.

Stay with me.

Meathead, I'm right here.

(Alarm continues blaring)


Where are they?



(Theme music playing)


How could you let a woman in labor escape?

(Alarm blaring)

Get out.

We're searching.

They won't go far.

Don't look.

Her water broke.

The alarm went off before they jumped me, all right?

They are still in the building.

- How close are the contractions?

- (Grunting)

Okay, close.

Come here.

Lay down.

Lay down.

- Here, got you.

- (Grunts)


Got it.


Breathe, Helena.

That alarm is our people.


So they tracked me here.

We're not alone.


There you go.

- Shh, shh.

- I need water.


Okay, I'll find you some.

(Alarm continues blaring)

(Keypad beeping)

(Alarm stops)

We may have had an intruder.

You said we were secure.

You said you had the strength to keep all those investigators next door out of here.

For now, yes.

(Coady over radio)

Enger, report.

What have you got?


(Breathes heavily)

You're a shitty partner, Enger.




She's off the clock, Coady.

(Coady over radio)

Come in.

Has anybody got a 20 on Enger?

We're locked down.

When I left Enger, she was headed in the west entrance.

Concentrate the search on the west side of the building.

(Man 1 over radio)

Move to the west.

From the top down.

(Man 2 over radio)


Got it.

I'll help find Helena, then we'll deliver the babies and extract the mutation as fast as we can.

No, we can't isolate a mutation here.

We don't know who got in.


We only need to move everything on the helicopter.

John, what is it?


Come on, sit down.

Chest pains?

Are you dizzy?

I'm fine.

- John?

- Yes.

- Are you still with me?

- Yes.

Virginia, find Helena.

- Stay right here till we do.

- (John breathes heavily)

Give him an EKG.

And pack everything up.

We're evacuating.


Uh, you can't move.

I think we're gonna have to do this here.

No, no, no, no.


I need medical supplies.

Sarah, I can't have babies here.

We, we just need clean sheets, and we need help.


Here, hold on to that.

I'll be right back.

- (Mumbles)

- I promise.

- Don't go.

- (Shushing)

- Don't go.

- Try to be quiet.

- Don't go.

- They are looking for us.

I'll be right back.

(Man 1)

Floors above are clear.

(Man 2 over radio)



I think they're close.

We'll find them.


Good here.

You got anything?

I'll take this side.

Go to that west door.

See what the hell happened to Enger.

And check every room on the way.


Yeah, I got it.

Shh, shh, shh Art, Helena is giving birth right now.

Jesus Christ, now?

We need to help her.

She's down there.

Last door on the right, all the way down to the bottom.

Okay, where you going?


I'm getting medical equipment.

No, listen.

Wait, wait, wait.

You need forceps, you need scissors and you need sutures.

Here, you take this.

We are on our own down here.

The old man's still protected.

We can't trust any of the authorities outside.

But when we're ready to go, Felix and Donnie will be waiting for us.

- Okay.

- Sarah, just be careful.

I thought we were organizing the helicopter.

Yes, we are, from the roof.

You know, I Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

There you go.

Would you?

That's pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine.

I don't recommend this in your condition.

You think you don't, but you do.

- (Radio beeps)

- (Man)

Dr Coady, come in.

Go ahead for Coady.

Enger is down.

Someone took her radio.

(Coady over radio)

Then our intruder is listening.

Radio silence, please.

(Man over radio)




(Man 1)

Is that gear almost packed?

(Man 2)


(Man 1)

Well, hurry up.

He wants it on the roof in five minutes.

(Man 1)

Speed it up.

Let's go.



Ah, Helena.

Let's try this again.


This is more your style, isn't it?

Down here in the filth and garbage.

Keep away from me.

How frequent are your contractions?

You feeling the urge to push yet?

It's a shame we don't have the nice, clean operating theater.

But I've done worse in the field.


(Mobile phone rings)

- You found her?

- (Coady)


I'm in the basement.

She's alone.

No Sarah.

Very good.

Bring her to the roof.

We can't go anywhere yet.

She's about to deliver.

Look, I'm coming down.

No, stay where you are.

(Coady over phone)

Send me some help and get everything ready to go.



Sir, I think it would be best if you stayed here.

- Do you?

- In this state, yes.

You're putting yourself under a lot of strain for man of your age.

"Man my age.

" (Helena grunting)


- Arthur.

- Drop it.

You all right?

Most excellent.

Quit resisting, Helena.

- (Grunts)

- There's no stopping it now.

What the hell are you doing?


I learned my lesson getting too close to this one.

- You're the midwife.

- What?

- Glove up.

- Jesus, you serious?

Come on.

Hurry up.

- I'll tell you what to do.

- (Helena grunts)

Helena, you okay?

Not her.

Not like this.

I need you to see how far dilated she is, Detective.




She's close.

Put your fingers in and tell me how open her cervix is.

- Ah, freaking - (Coady)

Come on!


That's good.

Three minutes apart.


Come on.


(Breathing heavily)


How fitting you return to your cage.

All lab rats do In the end.

You never caged us.

Not me and Helena.

You've got nothing to do with who we really are.

You're the only set of twins we ever had.

Fertile freaks.

And one of them birthing in my basement.

Oh, yes.

We've found her.

- I need to push.

- (Coady)

You need to push?

- Shit, she's gonna deliver.

- (Grunting)

I have to get up.


No, you don't.

- (Art)

Easy, Helena.

- I need to move.

Okay, no, no, no, no.

You stay on your back, okay?

- (Helena)

No, I need to move.

- Lie down, Helena.


Jesus, there's, uh She's bleeding!

There's a There's a There's a lot of blood.

- Haemorrhage?


- (Grunting)

(Coady exclaims)



(Art grunts)

- You okay?

- (Helena grunts)

- We are gonna do this.

- (Groans)

We're gonna do it, all right?

You let me help my sister, she needs me.


I know.

That's part of a problem with twins.

You really only need one of them.

(John grunts)


- (John groaning)

- (Sarah struggling)

(John groaning)

(Breathing heavily)

(Sarah coughs)


Lucky shot for a mutation.



I survived you.

We survived you.

Me and my sisters together.

(Breathing heavily)

This is evolution.

I made you.

I don't deny, even as my biggest mistake, you're my biggest success.

I live on in your daughter.

You'll remember me.


Shut up!

(Breathing heavily)

It's a woman's choice.

It's the most personal one you can make.

Well, I've made my decision then.

What, whatever it is, I just, I really I really want you to just think it through.

Yeah, I'm gonna keep it.

That's my decision.

- (Art)

Stay with me, okay?

- (Helena grunting)

Sarah, it's you.

This is happening fast and it's happening right now.

- We need you.

- Holy shit.

- We need your help, okay?

- Okay.

- (Sighs)


- (Art)

Okay, Helena.

- I got gloves in the bag, okay.

- Yeah.

I'm right here, Helena.


You're gonna breathe.

Breathe, breathe, breathe with me.



Breathe, love, that's it.

- Sarah's here.

- Yeah, yeah, I'm here.

- I can't, sestra, I'm so tired.

- (Art)

You can.


You're good.


I'm so tired.

- Come on, look at me.

Look at me.

- (Doctor)

It's almost time to push.

Look at me, honey, look at me, love.

Come on.

Look at me, look at me.

I'm right here.

Okay, we're gonna do this together.

You just keep looking at me, okay?

Okay, I'm here.

I'm here for you.

You hold me when you're ready.

Good girl.


- Here we go.

- Okay, good girl.

Good girl.

- (Art)

Here we go.


- Okay.

- Okay.

- (Art)

Deep breaths, okay?

Time to push.

- Okay?

We're gonna push.

- Go, push.

- Push, push, push, push - Yeah, keep pushing.

Come on, come on, come on Keep pushing.

I know, I know it's hard.

- (Art)

That's it.

Keep pushing - Push, push, push.

- Good, good girl, good.


- (Art)

That's good.

- (Art)

Catch your breath.

- Breathe, breathe.

- (Art)

Breathe now, you just breathe.

- (Grunts)

- (Sarah)

Good, good.

- You catch your breath, okay?

- We're gonna go again.

- Okay, I'm right here.

Look at me.

Look at me, Helena.

(Art chuckles)

Okay, here we go.



- Push.

- Push, babe, push.

- (Doctor)

Here we go, almost there.

- (Helena grunting)


Just breathe, Helena.

- (Art)

Push, push, push, push.

- Push!

- (Art)




- Good job, Meathead!

- Good, good.

- Oh, God, you're doing so good.

So good, you're doing great, love.

- I see the head.

I can see the head.

- (Art chuckles)

Can you see?

(Mrs S)

You're made to be able to do it.

- (Art)

What do you think?

One more?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

One more.

You got it.

You got it.

The last little bit.

- Really?

- Yes, love, yes.

- You got one more, here we go.

- (Sarah)

Go on, Helena.

- Push, push.

- (Art repeatedly)

Go, go.

Push, good.


Good girl.

Keep pushing!

Keep pushing!

There it is.

There it is.


Oh, my God.

(Baby crying)

It's a boy.

It's a boy.


Another one coming.

Another one, another one.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Helena, you just do the same thing, okay?


Okay, you got it.

This one's easy.

Come on, push.


There's a head coming!

There's a head coming!

(Baby crying)


- (Art laughing)

- (Laughing)

(Baby crying)

(Helena exclaims)


(Baby coos)

Who's that?


Uh, so, I used Pythagora Thing.

Pythagorean theorem, yeah, exactly.

- (Sarah)


- That's question is always on high school equivalency tests.

I used to tutor a lot.

- (Cosima laughs)

- (Sighs)

You met your match with me.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I don't know what I've done wrong.

Oh, you're really close.

You just have to remember that when you have the hypotenuse, then you flip the equation.

- Mom.

- Yeah.

Oh shit, your lunch.

Um, I've gotta go, guys.

- (Sarah)

Thanks for your help.

- See you tonight.

You'll be great, Sarah.


Ah, I was meant to go grocery shopping yesterday.

You're gonna have to buy something again.

- That's okay.

- No, I'm an idiot.

Felix came home from New York last night, right?

Yeah, he's gonna be here after school, take you to Alison's, and I'll meet you guys after my test, yeah?

- Don't worry about the test, Mom.

- Okay.

Just try your best.

- (Knock at door)

- Morning, monsters.



- Aw!

- Donnie Hendrix.

- This one is full.

- Yeah?

- Yes.

- You full?

Well, come here, buddy.

Which one are you?

- This is Orange.

- Oh.

Hi, Orange.

- Oh - Oh, careful.

(Blows raspberries)

Ah, thank you.

Handsome suit.

So, did you let your mama sleep last night?


No, he was exercising his cries.

- Oh, you're a howler, huh?

- Uh-huh.

Let's go say hi to Auntie Alison.



Let's greet the day, "Good morning, Mr Sun.

" - Yeah.

- Oh, thank God.

- Helena is awake?

- Mmm-hmm.

I need help decorating or I'm never gonna get to shopping.

Okay, but bath time first?

I really need to hit the road.

Ooh, of course, Mr Regional Manager.

Concrete floors don't pour themselves, do they?

Well, I don't pour them but I do help the clients with the designs.

- Right?


- Yes, you do.

- Yes, he does.

- (Donnie chuckles)

He is all architectural and creative now, isn't he?

- Yeah.

- Hmm.


- There we go.

- That's Orange, by the way.

Purple is nursing.

Okay, when is she gonna name them?

This is getting ridiculous.

Well, I kinda like it.

Colours are names.

What about Violet?

Or Rose?

Or Indigo?

- Does he look like an Indigo to you?

- No.

But he does look happy in your arms.

Right, buddy?

You gonna throw a great party.

(Orange cooing)

(Orange coos)

Okay, okay.

You can have her back.

See you later.


It's okay.


What do you want to tell me?

If we span the saline any further, we're going to need another hypoxia chamber.

- Fine, then I'll get one.

- We need to start finding the LEDAs faster or else were just sticking around down here.

Hey, come on.

We've done Tony, we've done Krystal.

- Plus, the four that Art found.

- (Computer beeps)

- (Cosima)


- And he just sent another one.

- He did?

- Yeah.

Who is it?

- (Cosima)

Camilla Torres.

- She's from Cartagena.

Clone club Columbia.

We're all over the world, you guys.

We don't even know how many of us there are.

We don't know how many of us are already sick.

Don't go there.

Just go, go here.

That's six.

And uh She makes seven.

She's so beautiful.

(Knock at door)

- (Felix)


- Hey.


How was it?

How was your big New York opening?

- Oh, drunkenly successful.

- Hmm.

You know.

What's What's the "for sale" sign doing out front?

We talked about that.

But we didn't talk about doing it now.

Just be grateful you don't have to go through all this shit.

But I want to go through this stuff.

You, you probably just gonna throw it out.

Do you even have a plan with Kira?

Do you guys know where you're gonna live?

We're kind of looking at it like an adventure.

So, we'll see where we end up when the school year starts.

Is this what Kira wants?


Are you gonna pick her up after school?


Are we gonna put off having this conversation until after you graduate from high school?

Yeah, you arse.

You were right.

You know.

Thank you.

(Mobile phone rings)

(Sarah over phone)

Oi, Meathead.

How are the boys?

- Dangling in their sacks.

- (Babies crying)

Are you coming to baby showers?

Yeah, yeah.

Of course, I am.

I'm just Sorry I haven't been around.

I've been busy, you know.

Hmm, you're busy becoming a scholar.

Yeah, I'm just trying to get a job.

I'm about ten years older than all the other drop-outs here.


Anyway I'll see you in a bit.

(Speaking Ukrainian)




(Mrs S)

You've never even taken responsibility for yourself, Sarah.

How are you gonna be responsible for two?


I don't know.

You said it was my choice, didn't you?

(Mrs S)

Yes, but your choice does not a mother make.

You need to show me you can be still.

And I will be here for you.

I will support you, whatever it takes.

I don't need your support.

I don't need nothing from you.


Oh, look at that.

It's a little colourful monkey.

- Aw.

- Oh, it's from Cosima.

What is?

Oh, he's got little periodic elements in it.

He's a science monkey.



Scottie, can I get a couple of patties?


- Two royal with cheese.

- What's on your bun?

- Jam.

Guess who it's for?

- (Felix)

I made my choice.

Here you go, two jam burgers as requested.

- Hmm.

- Oh, wow.

Oh, got a chip.


- (Felix)


- I know.


There they are.


- Hi, Alison.

- Hey, sorry we're late.


That's okay.

That's okay.

Come on in.

I bet Donnie's already drank all the booze, huh?


He has.

You can try my kombucha, it's home-made.



- Want a bite?

- Nope.

I'm okay.

- Yeah.

- Hello.

I think I sense a hand-off.

- Me?

- Yeah, take him.

You're gonna do fine, just lift up.

It's just a human.

- Oh, a human.

- (Delphine)

You okay?

- No.

- Okay.

I don't wanna hurt you.

I don't wanna hurt you.


Yeah, I think, I think Purple pooped.

He did a poop?

Yeah, he did.

(Speaking French)

It's always when I eat he poops.

(Indistinct chatter in distance)

- Sarah, hey.

- Hi.

You, um You just got here?


I've been trying to find the right words.

- For you, for Siobhan.

- Oh, God, you don't - Please, don't do that.

- No, I want to.

I respected her so much, you know?

And she taught me how to be brave.

I just feel like if I had questioned her more, - or if I could have - Seriously.

It's all right.

She did what she had to do for this.

- You know?

We all did.

- Mom!

How was the test?

- (Sarah)


- Yeah, how did it go?

Oh, it's hard to tell.

What do you mean?


I bet you aced it.


Do ya?

Thank you.

- Oh, Sarah, how was your test?

- Hmm.

- Let's change the subject.

- Absolutely.

- Cocktails, anyone?

All right.

- Mmm-hmm.

- Oh, Sarah, good.

- Hey.

You know there's plenty of food left.

- Yes, good.

- Hey, she made it.

How was the test?

(Mobile phone vibrates)

- Good.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- It was good.






Okay, leave her alone, you guys.

Got something afoot, Felix?

Colin, I've told you that you've got to stop being so perceptive.


I'm expecting someone.

- On the down low.

- I see.



(Baby gurgles)

(Knock at door)

- Knock, knock.

- (Helena chuckles)


How are you?



He is very strong.

Well, you're strong just like your mom.

- Uh-oh.

- (Strained)

Oh, my goodness.

(Helena exclaims)

- How are you?

- (Helena laughs)


(Baby coos)

What's going on with you?

(Baby coos)

(Baby coughs)

Um, worried about Sarah, she is not mended.

Yeah, I get that, too.

Oh, are these the old toys you cleaned out of the house?

- Mmm-hmm.

- (Alison)

Oh, thank God.

Do you know what Helena gives the twins for toys?


- No.

- Yeah, no it's true.

I, um I had to take them away.


Christ, serious?

Thank God.

She needs a little guidance, so If you're not too busy, now that you're done your test, it would be nice to see you a little more often.


Yeah, where is Meathead?

Uh, she's putting the boys to bed.

- (Exclaims)

- Hey.

- (Sarah chuckles)

You good?

- (Art laughs)

- (Art)

How you doing, sestra?

- I'm good.

No, you're not.

- Alison - Well, what is this we hear about a "for sale" sign on the front lawn?

You knew we were thinking about that.

Play dates, the kids.

Gemma, Kira, Charlotte, Maya, they're all bonding.

They like each other.


Ali, Ali (Alison)

You know, they're having fun What?


This is what we fought for, right?

To be sisters.

- It's a good thing.

- (Sarah)


It's good.

We just need a change.

Freedom looks different to everyone.

Honey, we feel your loss.

But Kira has cousins now.

She has a stable home In the house where her grandmother was shot dead!

Alison, take a bloody cue for once!




Is it cool if I chill with you?

Sarah, I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to be Um, doesn't matter.

(Takes deep breath)




You're looking well.

Who's this then?

Got a new man servant already?

This is Yusef, my Uber driver.



So, when I chant "we are the 99%", it now includes you.

I have a glass eye, no friends, and no identity unless I want to be found.

Leaves little room for elitism.

Here you are.

- Hey, bub.

- Come.



What is going on?

I didn't go to my test.

That's good, isn't it?

Lying to my own kid.

Same shit.

(Voice breaks)

I don't know what I'm doing.

I I carry around all of these mistakes (Sighs)

I don't know how to be happy.


There's no one left to fight, and I'm still a shit mum.


(Sarah cries)

You know the other day, Gemma was driving me so crazy.

I screamed at her, I said, "If you don't clean up your room, I am going to string you up by your thumbs and stuff your dirty damn sock balls in your mouth.

" And I meant it.

I scared her.

Every time I look, the baby's eating sand.

I turn around, sand.

Where does this sand come from?

I don't know.

So, I let them eat it.

- (Alison)


- (Helena laughs)

Did you guys see how panicked I got when Felix handed me the baby earlier?

Like, I am just not maternal at all.


And that makes me wonder like, am I selfish or am I scared?

You know?

We're all scared Sarah.

Yes, and we all make mistakes.

God, I was a drug dealer, for Pete's sake.

(Takes deep breath)


Thank you.


Thank you.

- (Rachel)

How's the family?

- Happy.

They got what you promised.

And the babies?

Rachel, you know you can't come in.

Ever since I was six years old, I've compared myself to each and every LEDA.

Believe me, the last thing I want to do is see another face like mine.

Have a nice life, Rachel.

Don't you all look cosy.

Well, that's good.

'Cause I've got something for all of you.

What's that?


See for yourself.

Holy shit, is that Complete list of the LEDA sisters.

- What?

- (Felix)


Where did you get this?


Uh I've got a good guess.

"Oxana Petrov, Colista Popoudokis" This is This is medical histories, physicians, contacts, addresses.

This is everything we need to cure the LEDAs.



Christ, that's 274 of us.

Oh, God.

That is a lot of inoculations.



They're never gonna have to go through everything that we did.

I feel dizzy.

It is not so much.

Enough about them.

They have a share for us, too.

- (Sarah)

Is that your memoirs?

- Yes.

I finished my book.

It's a story about my sestras.

I call it, Orphan Black.

- (Sarah)

Boy, that's weird.

- (Laughs)

What is (Laughs)

It's cool.

'Cause we are all orphans, right?

Yeah, that's what it is.

- (Sarah)

Is that what it is?

- We're not black.

- Are you (Laughs)

- (Felix laughs)


- What does it mean?

- (Helena)

Shut up.

Listen, I will translate from Ukrainian.

"My story is an embroidery with many beginnings and no end.

But I will start with the thread of my sestra, Sarah, who stepped off a train one day and met herself.

" (Playing piano)

Hey, that sounds nice, honey.

Thank you.

I like it.


Not exactly a striptease.

Oh, I think it just turned into one.

Oh, what's this?

- (Salsa music playing)

- Oh, I like it.

- Oh!

- Whoops!

(Alison laughs)

I love you.

I love you.

Yes, snap it.

Snap those fingers.

(Camilla speaking Spanish)

I feel so blessed.

How can I thank you?

(In Spanish)

Have you been to Cartagena before?

(In Spanish)

No, it's our first time.

(In Spanish)

Please, you must go to my favourite restaurant.

La Garza.

(In Spanish)

It's only a short walk.

(In Spanish)

Best fried fish and coconut rice in the world.

(In Spanish)

La Garza.

We will.

(In Spanish)

Tell them you're a friend of Camilla.

(In Spanish)

Thank you.

(In Spanish)

You can thank some very determined women.

Did Camilla Torres just ask you to dinner?

- Maybe.

- Uh-huh.

Okay, well, we first have to go to Brazil 'cause there's 14 more of us there.

Do you know my Portuguese is terrible?

(Babies cooing)

Little Purple.

Little Orange.

It's time for you to take the names of real men.

(Purple crying)

Oh, what's wrong?

Ooh (Exclaiming)


(Blows raspberries)


Let's go, you guys.

- You ready?

- (Felix)


Felix, you got the food?

Seven cold beer and a pork pie.

Nice, okay.

You're joining them.

Where's my fishing rod?




Darling, how many times do I have to tell you there are no fish at Shite Beach.

Mmm-hmm, there are.

Yeah, there are.

There are shite fish.


Mmm-hmm, and they're gonna eat you up
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