04x09 - Flip Flop

Complete Collection of episode transcripts. Aired: July 1, 2008 to June 3, 2013.*
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Amy Juergens finds out she's pregnant after a fling at band camp, her whole world changes as she deals with family, friends, school and life.
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04x09 - Flip Flop

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Secret Life of the American Teenager".

JACK: Are you doing anything next Saturday night?

DANIEL: Were you just going to ask Grace out while I'm standing right here in front of you?

JACK: I need someone to go to the senior dance with.

BUNNY: Did Leo fire you?

NORA: I quit.

RICKY: I take it you fell off the wagon?

NORA: Night before last. I got drunk.

RICKY: This is your last chance to be involved in my life.

LEO: It's not that easy to just quit drinking. Your mother was a lovely woman. And she was an alcoholic. And I'm afraid that if you start drinking, you could be one of those people.

KATHLEEN: You seem slightly more mature than Grace. Which is why I like you and trust you.

MILTON: Would you maybe like to go out of the house without the kids next Saturday night?

RICKY: Adrian is hoping to get Ben to get her pregnant again.

LEO: What is she thinking?

ADRIAN: We are married. So, we can have sex if we want to.

BEN: Of course we can.

AMY: You're a wonderful man.

RICKY: It's the best time I've ever had.

JACK: This was really nice of Daniel to do this.

GRACE: He'd do anything for me.

BEN: I would never do anything to hurt you again.

AMY: Someone might be coming by to see you.


NORA: I'm Nora, and I'm an alcoholic.


Adrian sees her doctor.

OTTAVI: You mean now? You wanna get pregnant now?


OTTAVI: But, Adrian, you're back in school. You've got your life going in another direction now. You've made a lot of positive changes in the past couple of months.

ADRIAN: Yeah. And the next positive change is that I want to get pregnant again.

OTTAVI: You and Ben want to get pregnant again?

ADRIAN: He doesn't know yet. Unless Grace told him. I haven't told him.

OTTAVI: I see.

ADRIAN: No, no, you don't see. Look, I can't just expect Ben to want another baby right now.

OTTAVI: No, I don't think you can. And what if he doesn't want to have another baby right now? Then...

ADRIAN: I want a baby. I need a baby. And I don't know what his initial reaction would be, but he was okay with it last time. Eventually. And once I do get pregnant, then everything will be like it was.

OTTAVI: Like it was?


OTTAVI: How was it?

ADRIAN: We were happy. We were very happy.

OTTAVI: I think you made the best of a bad situation. Both of you. You seemed to accept each other, and forgive each other. You were both very responsible. You took very good care of yourself and very good care of the baby. And I imagine that your life felt a certainty, a security.You felt grown up.

ADRIAN: Yes. Exactly.

OTTAVI: But the life that you thought you were going to have has changed.

ADRIAN: Which is why I'm going to change it back to what it was before. What it was supposed to be. I want things to be the way I thought they were going to be. That's my plan.

OTTAVI: What if you have a new plan? A "you" plan? Where you make grown-up decisions for yourself, the way you did when you were taking care of the baby? Why don't you make a plan where you focus on you, and you put yourself first?

ADRIAN: That's my plan now.

OTTAVI: No, your plan involves a baby. And a husband. And you're 18. I know it sounds cliche. But, Adrian, you have your entire adult life in front of you.

ADRIAN: You know, if I was 30, you wouldn't be coming up with this whole "me" plan right now. You would be telling me to try again. With my husband.

OTTAVI: But you're not 30, you're 18. You're living in a condo. You're married. You're trying to have a baby to save a marriage that you never really wanted in the first place. Another pregnancy at 18? Another baby? A marriage? Adrian, you are too smart for this. You are a beautiful young woman. You're ambitious, you're determined. Dream a new dream. Go for it!

ADRIAN: Yeah. Yeah.Oh, my God. I am only 18. And I'm married and I'm living in a condo and I'm trying to have a baby to keep my husband and a marriage that I would've never wanted if I hadn't been pregnant, when I should be going after what I really want in life. And I still have plenty of time to get what I really want.

OTTAVI: That's right. Your career, your education. Your independence, your freedom. Your own life!

ADRIAN: And Ricky. I'm going after Ricky. Thank you, Dr. Ottavi. Thank you.

OTTAVI: Ricky? Who the hell is Ricky?



Ben has a meeting.

BEN: I leave but I came back.

KEN: But you're leaving again.

BEN: At the end of the summer, high school finishes and when I start my senior year.

KEN: Which she agreed to.

BEN:Yes, she agreed to that plan, all the while having her secret plan to get me to get her pregnant again.

KEN: Does she know that you know?

BEN: No, no, anything about it.

KEN: Because?

BEN: Because my dad's the one who told me, and I don't need to that I know now

KEN: Maybe you should for discussion ring it up It seems a little dangerous don't you think?,


Margaret talks with Ricky and wants to ask a favor.

MARGARET: She's going through a tough time, and, well, she's kind of getting on Shakur's nerves.

RICKY: I've never seen anyone get on Shakur's nerves.

MARGARET: Oh? Well, that happens sometimes.

RICKY: You sure she's not getting on your nerves?

MARGARET: My nerves? (SCOFFS) You know me.

RICKY: Yeah, I know you, and I know Dad. And if someone's getting on someone's nerves, it's almost always your nerves.

MARGARET: Okay, it's me. I just want some time alone with my husband. Just a couple of nights alone where we have the house to ourselves. Uh, it's our anniversary, and Shakur called to surprise me, and to tell me that he's taking tomorrow off. And I just want to have a nice dinner, alone, at home, just the two of us.

RICKY: I thought your the holidays as around

MARGARET: You remembered that?

RICKY: December 23rd.

MARGARET: Okay, I'm lying. But I do want that time with my husband. And he does have the time off.

RICKY: But we don't have room for her. Where would she sleep?

MARGARET: Well, maybe Nora can stay at your apartment, and you and Amy could stay at her parents' house. Or maybe the four of you could stay at her parents' house. It's just gonna be for a couple of nights.

RICKY: All right. I'll make it happen. Happy fake anniversary.

(Amy enters in the store)

AMY: Hi, Margaret.


Hi, John.


MARGARET: I just dropped by for a little favor. It's good to see you.

AMY: It's good to see you, too. You want to come up?

MARGARET: Oh, no, no, no. That's okay. Talk to you later, Son?

(Margaret leaves)

AMY: Aw, that's nice. She calls you Son. I like that.

RICKY: She needs us to a couple of nights over

AMY: Oh, yeah, sure, that'd be fun. It'd be like having or something sleepover

RICKY: I don't think it'd be fun. Where's she gonna sleep?

AMY: Um, well, we can sleep on the floor. She can have our sofa bed.

RICKY: Or we could sleep over at your parents' house and she could stay here.

AMY: I don't think she should be alone right now. I think she's still really down about, you know, what happened with Ben.

RICKY: That's what you're calling her getting drunk? "What happened with Ben"? It wasn't Ben's fault, you know.

AMY: I know that. But still, I think it'd be really nice to spend some time with her. We can all stay at my parents' house. Yeah, let's do that. My dad's still at my mom's. And I think things are going really well with the two of them.


Anne and George talk before they lunch.

ANNE: You know, I think that you should go out and get a job. Any job.

GEORGE: I have a job. I own the furniture store. It's a passive income, best job in the world. Did you see Donovan today?

ANNE: Yes. I did. And you know what? Your job is easy, but my job is not easy. And you're getting a lot of business from me, and I've been working my butt off to make my business work, which is making your business work, so, I think that you should get out there and start working your butt off, too. Because I'm getting a little bit tired of your vacationing at my condo, and doing all the things with Robbie that I would like to be doing with Robbie if I weren't working. And with my mother. I mean, I'd like to be playing bingo and tap dancing and finger-painting, swim lessons, and all that other bull...

GEORGE: Hey, hey! What's going on? We were having a perfectly nice time here and then, bam! Relax. I've got a filet mignon in the oven that's been marinating all day, a bottle of Cabernet that's breathing.

ANNE: Yeah, and I've got a headache from sitting in traffic. And all I can think about is how your business is booming, and how you're making all this money, when it's my idea in the first place. Turning your retail store into a redesign store. I should have started that business myself.

GEORGE: Yeah, but you didn't. And I did have a successful business in the first place. You know, I've had that place for over 20 years.

ANNE: You know what? I want to be partners in that business, in the store.

GEORGE: Okay, well, I'd like to have the house back, then. That was the deal. You get the house, I get the business.

ANNE: But you took my idea and turned the business into another business. And you're living in my house.

GEORGE: Taking care of your daughters.

ANNE: Our daughters, who don't live there.

GEORGE: Okay, Anne, calm down, I'll talk to Donovan about it and see how he feels about it.

ANNE: Don't tell me to calm down. Donovan runs the business. He doesn't own the business. You pay him to run the business. So, why would you have to ask Donovan if you can make your wife a partner in the store?

GEORGE: That's for me to know and you to find out.

ANNE: You made him a partner in the business!

GEORGE: Okay, you found out. Yes.

ANNE: I don't believe this.

GEORGE: I'm not saying you can't be a partner, too. It's just, I'd have to ask first.

ANNE: You know what the problem is?


ANNE: You and me. We're not married, but we're not not married. I came up here and I started a new life for myself, and a new business for myself, and I was perfectly content living here with Robbie, near Mimsy, seeing the girls every other weekend. And then you show up, and suddenly I'm feeling confused, and unhappy, and unsure of myself. I think I just need to be alone. I'm sorry, George, but I really just need to spend some time alone, so, you have to go. Now.

GEORGE: But dinner's gonna be ready in 20 minutes! Can't I just eat first? And you said there was traffic. I don't want to drive in traffic.


Ben is still in meeting.

BEN: I guess we got married because we needed each other. And... I guess what I'm saying now is that even with all the stupid things we've said and done over the past few weeks, we still need each other, and we probably always will. I mean, we lost a baby together, for crying out loud.

KEN: You'll always have that in common. But I'm not sure that means you'll always need each other. Why do you need Adrian? Why have you decided you don't want out at this point? Why do you need to be in this relationship?


BEN: I'm sorry. This could be an emergency. (at phone) Are you okay?

ADRIAN(at phone): I need to talk to you.

BEN(at phone): I'm talking to Dr. Fields right now. Can it wait?

ADRIAN(at phone): Oh, I wasn't aware that you had an appointment with Dr. Fields. Sorry. But come home as soon as you can. Bye.

BEN: Speak of the devil. Adrian needs me. I have to go.

KEN: And was it an emergency?

BEN: She needs to talk to me. Maybe she's ovulating. Come on, lighten up. We're not gonna get pregnant. We're not gonna make the same mistake twice.


Adrian calls Grace.

GRACE(at phone): Hey, Adrian.

ADRIAN(at phone): You almost let me do the stupidest thing I could have ever done.

GRACE(at phone): What?

ADRIAN(at phone): You almost let me get pregnant again.

GRACE(at phone): No, I didn't! That was not my decision, and I told you...

ADRIAN(at phone): You didn't tell Ben, did you?

GRACE(at phone): No.

ADRIAN(at phone): Did you tell anyone?

GRACE(at phone): No.

ADRIAN(at phone): Why not?

GRACE(at phone): Because I... I just didn't.

ADRIAN(at phone): Well, I'm definitely not getting pregnant. I'm going the opposite route. I'm leaving Ben. Or I'm letting Ben leave me.

GRACE(at phone): Okay, yeah, that's nice of you, I guess. Isn't he leaving at the end of the summer?

ADRIAN(at phone): Yeah, but now he doesn't have to wait. He can leave tonight if he wants to, or tomorrow, or this weekend. Yeah, the sooner, the better.

GRACE(at phone): Did something happen?

ADRIAN(at phone): Yeah. I had an epiphany.

GRACE(at phone): Are you sure it wasn't just an orgasm?

ADRIAN(at phone): Huh?

GRACE(at phone): Sorry. That was a joke. Should I ask what?

ADRIAN(at phone): You can ask, but I'm not saying.

GRACE(at phone): Oh, jeez. So it's something I'm not gonna like?

ADRIAN(at phone): I don't care if you like it. I don't care if anyone likes it. I'm gonna live for me, and I'm gonna get what I want.

GRACE(at phone): Ricky?


Nora arrives in the house.

NORA: Oh. Yeah. Margaret dropped me off. We had a little fight.

AMY: I'm sorry. Well, come on in. We were just gonna order a pizza.

NORA: Oh, great. Teen food. Yeah. I love being babysat by teens. Including my own teen. This isn't humiliating or anything for me.

AMY: I wasn't looking at it like that. I'm just excited to spend some time together.

NORA: Where's the kid?

AMY: John's going to bed. It's his bedtime.

NORA: I meant Ricky.

AMY: Oh, he's putting him down.

NORA: So, where am I sleeping?

AMY: Well, you can have Ashley's bedroom.

(Ricky joins them)

NORA: Huh. I think I'll go to bed now, too.

RICKY: Good night.

AMY: No, no. Guys. Don't do this, this is good. The three of us should just hang out for a while. It's gonna be fun.

RICKY/NORA: No, it's not.

AMY: Why not?

RICKY: Why does everything have to be fun? It is what it is. If she wants to go to bed, let her go to bed.

NORA: She's right here. Hi.

RICKY: Not my fault that you're right there. Not my idea.

NORA: Oh, but it was your idea for me to live with Margaret and Shakur.

AMY: Guys.

RICKY: Yeah, well, if you don't like my ideas, you're welcome to come up with an idea of your own.

NORA: Maybe I will.

AMY: Okay. You have to go through the kitchen to get to Ashley's bedroom. I'll be right there.

(Nora leaves)

RICKY: I don't like babysitting her any more than she likes being babysatte She should stop making the same mistakes over and over again. That way, maybe she could be trusted to be on her own.

AMY: All of us should stop doing that.

RICKY: What does that mean?

AMY: It means that everyone makes mistakes, and for some reason, we keep making them till we learn whatever it is that we're supposed to learn.

RICKY: You mean me, don't you?

AMY: No. I mean everyone.


Ben and Adrian have a conversation.

ADRIAN: I just want to apologize for the way I've been acting lately. You know, with pressuring you to have sex and everything.

BEN: Oh, hey, it's okay. You're still my wife and you can pressure me.

ADRIAN: No, I don't want to pressure you about anything. But I would like you to go ahead and move out of the condo. Not when I graduate. Now.

BEN: What?

ADRIAN: Well, you were gonna move anyway.

BEN: At the end of the summer.

ADRIAN: Maybe. Not maybe, that was definitely the plan.

BEN: Plans change.

ADRIAN: Exactly. That's why I want you to move. Now.

BEN: I don't think I want to move now. This is my condo, too.

ADRIAN: I know. But it's for the best. I need you to leave.

BEN: Why do you need me to leave?

ADRIAN: So I can be by myself. I need to be by myself.

BEN: Maybe I don't want to leave. Maybe I want to stay.

ADRIAN: You already left. Just leave again. Only this time, you can stay gone. Look, we both know it's over. We're done. It's been great, it's been not great. It's over.

BEN: I think this is the least sensitive break-up I've ever been through.

ADRIAN: No, I think you still have me beat with that whole screaming thing you did followed by getting drunk.

BEN: I thought you accepted my apology, and I've felt definitely better since I exploded like that. You leave if you want to leave. I'm not leaving.

ADRIAN: But you were gonna leave when school starts again anyway.

BEN: School isn't even over yet!

ADRIAN: I know. Look, just do what's best for you and leave. You, you need to have a "you" plan. You need to focus on you, your career, your life. You never even wanted to live here. And now you don't have to live here. Not even for another day. So, just go home to your big house, and your bedroom, and all those things that you love. The driver, the housekeeper, the chef. The gardeners, the pool man. Your bear, your dad and Betty. Go, Ben. Go and live the life you always dreamed about.

BEN: I wasn't dreaming. That was my life, and now this is my life.

ADRIAN: But this isn't the life you wanted, Ben. And I should've never tried to hold on to you.

BEN: Oh, is that right? And what if you had gotten pregnant again?What if you had somehow managed to seduce me and get pregnant again, like you planned? Would you still be trying to kick me out of my own condo?

ADRIAN: Excuse me?

BEN: Our condo.

ADRIAN: The other part.

BEN: Oh, please. I know, all right? My dad told me. Ricky told him. Yeah. How about that, huh? Ricky. Yeah. Ricky found out from Amy, Amy found out from Grace, who found out from you. So, I knew. Yeah, I knew. And you know what? I'm not going anywhere until I'm good and ready to go. You want to go, you go. In fact, I'm going to have some friends over. Yeah. That's what I'm going to do. Because that's what I feel like doing, and this is my condo, too.


Adrian calls Grace.

GRACE(at phone): Hi, Adrian. I'm actually studying.

ADRIAN(at phone): Well, study this, big mouth. You told Amy I was planning on getting pregnant?

GRACE(at phone): Um, I don't recall.

ADRIAN(at phone): She told Ricky, and he told Mr. Boykewich, and he told Ben!

GRACE(at phone): I don't know anything about that. And why do you even care anyway? You aren't even interested in Ben anymore. So what difference does it make?

ADRIAN(at phone): Oh, I'll tell you the difference it makes. You and I, we're not friends anymore.

GRACE(at phone): Fine.


Grace calls Amy.

AMY(at phone): Hello?

GRACE(at phone): Amy, I just think you should know that Adrian is going after Ricky. She told Ben to move out of the condo, and she's going after Ricky. Your Ricky.


Ben says the new to Alice and Henry.

BEN: She is a crazy Woman! She actually tried to kick me out of here. Like my dad didn't buy this place.

HENRY: It is a nice place.

ALICE: But this is what you wanted. To get out.

BEN: I said I'd get out at the end of the summer.

ALICE: So you get out a little early.

BEN: Are you taking her side?


BEN: I'm not going anywhere. Again, my father bought this condo for us. What?

HENRY: Well, that argument would be slightly more effective and have a higher testosterone level if you said you bought this condo.

ALICE: Henry.

HENRY: I'm just saying.

ALICE: You'd continue this arrangement after telling us and everyone else you'd do anything to get out?

BEN: Yeah, well, I don't know. Okay. After I found out that Adrian was trying to trick me into having another baby, I started thinking about it, and...


HENRY: Alice.

ALICE: She was trying to trick you into having another baby? Do you hear what you're saying? You want to stay fake-married to a woman trying to trick you into having another baby?

BEN: I don't want to have another baby, but it was somehow flattering to me that Adrian would go to such lengths to keep me here. And now it's... Well, it's just painful to know that she doesn't really care about me at all, and wants me out. I want a drink. Right. I guess I should just pack my things and leave.

ALICE: Maybe you should talk to Adrian. Or maybe, since she's the one who left, maybe she won't come back.

BEN: No, she told me to sleep on it and that she'd be back tomorrow to help me pack.

HENRY: No, no, you're not leaving, and you're not drinking. You stay right here until you're ready to leave. She doesn't get to make all the decisions.

ALICE: Henry. I know it was a shock, Ben, but you want to stay here? Really? With Adrian? I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe you should both leave.

BEN: I don't know. I feel a little too old to go home to Daddy.

ALICE: Ben, you're not even 18 yet. You're not even a senior in high school yet. And you're married and you're living in a condo with a woman who tried to get pregnant just to hold on to you, and a marriage neither of you ever really wanted. You're a nice guy, Ben. You're good-looking, you're smart, and you're funny, and, well, you're loaded. You've got every opportunity to do anything in the world that you want to do. Do you really want to stay here when you don't have to stay here? This will be your last summer in high school. You should do whatever you want to do this summer. Enjoy yourself for once, without trying to save some girl. This one, or the old one, or a new one.

BEN: Did you just call Amy Juergens "the old one"?


BEN: I don't know why, but that just makes me laugh.

HENRY: You think that's why Adrian suddenly wants you out?

BEN: What?

HENRY: Ricky?


Ruben comes home, Adrian is here.

RUBEN: Adrian?


RUBEN: Hi. It's good to see you at 9:00 at night on a school night.

ADRIAN: I just missed this house, and you, and Mom, and... Well, I just want to spend the night in my old room.

RUBEN: Did you have a fight with Ben?

ADRIAN: Dad, um, we decided that we don't want to be married anymore. Ben's moving out.

RUBEN: Oh, no, he's not.

ADRIAN: No, he is. I asked him to.

RUBEN: No, you didn't.

ADRIAN: I did. I want him to move out.

RUBEN: No, you do not want him to move out.

ADRIAN: No, I do.

RUBEN: No, you do not. You do not want to be 18 and divorced.

ADRIAN: No, I do not want to be 18 and married.

RUBEN: But you are married. What were you doing when I came in?

ADRIAN: Nothing.

RUBEN: Yeah, you were staring out the window towards the Juergens' house.

ADRIAN: So what?

RUBEN: So what is that I noticed that Ricky and Amy are over at the Juergens' house. Both their cars are there. Ricky?


George joins Nora in the Ashley's bedroom.

NORA: Yeah!

GEORGE: Take off, buddy, you know the drill. Hey. What ya doing in my house?

NORA: Hey. Ricky and Amy are babysitting me. Technically this is the garage, I believe.

GEORGE: Yeah, I created this for Sugar Plum. Ashley. Then she hit the road.

NORA: I thought you were in your love nest in Palm Springs. What happened?

GEORGE: Eh, what always happens. She got tired of me and kicked me out. She'll come scratching around again when she needs me. And she'll need me.

NORA: Okay.

GEORGE: Where are the kids?

NORA: Oh, they're putting the baby to bed. Oh, my jailers needed the house to themselves, and I had no place to go except Ricky's. Ricky's place is too small. So, basically, we're all sacrificing for the anniversary of two of the dullest people I've ever met.

GEORGE: Maybe that's what Anne and I were missing, the dull factor. Or me, anyway. I was never really good at being married.

NORA: As much time as you spend in Palm Springs, it doesn't sound like you're very good at being divorced, either.

GEORGE: Eh, when you have children...

NORA: Yeah, when you have children...

GEORGE: So, uh, you still...

NORA: Working at the butcher shop?

GEORGE: Is that what they call it?


GEORGE: I don't know how that girl stuff works.

NORA: I'll get you a book, okay? A picture book.

GEORGE: Thanks. I like to read.

NORA: I can take it or leave it. Basically that's why I didn't want to be married to Miss Smarty-Pants Attorney.

GEORGE: So, that's off?

NORA: Yeah. I'm not the marrying type.

GEORGE: We got a lot in common.

NORA: And yet not enough.

(George sees Adrian in the hall)

GEORGE: Adrian?

NORA: I don't know Adrian. Was that Adrian? What's she doing here?

GEORGE: Ricky!


Adrian knocks on the door.

RICKY: I don't know what she's doing here.

AMY: Adrian. Hi.

ADRIAN: Hi. Uh, I was just next door at my parents' house, and my dad came home and said you guys were over here. So, I thought I'd come say hi.

AMY: Yeah, okay. Um... Come on in.

ADRIAN: Thank you. So, it's been a crazy night. Ben and I had a big fight, and it's finally over. We both knew it wouldn't last, and now it's really over, and I'm on my own. Again.

RICKY: I think I hear John. Good night, Adrian.

ADRIAN: Good night.

AMY: Good night. I'll be right in. Look, I know what you're here for.

ADRIAN: Uh, other than a little sympathy from my friends, what am I here for?

AMY: Ricky. Grace told me. And you know what You can't have him. And you know what else? He doesn't want you. So don't even try.

ADRIAN: I don't have to try. I can just be me. I'm now I'm free to be me.

AMY: Adrian, come on! Just because Ben left you, doesn't mean you can just run over here and get Ricky back. On the same night... On the same night that your husband left you! Come on. This is just ridiculous.

ADRIAN: Oh, he didn't leave me. I initiated this break-up. And I initiated this break-up because... Well, just check his phone, you'll find out.


Grace calls Daniel.

GRACE(at phone): She is make up her mind, and she is wants something and go for it... and she goes after it with a vengeance.

DANIEL(at phone): Something like me?

GRACE(at phone); It's not funny. She's vindictive.

DANIEL(at phone): This doesn't even make sense.

GRACE(at phone): No, it does. She'll go after you to get back at me for telling Amy about Ricky.

DANIEL(at phone): And how is she going to know?

GRACE(at phone): Oh, she'll know.

DANIEL(at phone): It doesn't matter. I'm not interested in Adrian. And I'm really not interested in this stuff. Just leave me out of it.

GRACE(at phone): I hope you're left out of it, but no one escapes. No one!

DANIEL(at phone): Okay, a couple more minutes, then really, Grace, I've got to go. I've got a paper due tomorrow, and history isn't my strongest subject.

GRACE(at phone): Let me give you a clue then. History repeats itself. If you haven't heard that before, it's true. And in my circle of friends, it just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating!

DANIEL(at phone): Like you and Jack, for example? Hello?

GRACE(at phone): You're right. I should probably be talking to Jack. I mean, you're probably third in line. She'll go to Jack first, and then Grant, and then you. I should be talking to Jack.

DANIEL(at phone): Hold on. Finish talking to me first. Don't let history repeat itself when it comes to Adrian. Why don't you all just gather around Adrian and tell her that you care about her, and you want to be friends with her. You sympathize with her loss and you want to be there for her. Not like you've been in the past, but as friends. As real friends who see that she's going to try to cause trouble when she doesn't need to do that.

GRACE(at phone): Because we're not that good at being friends.

DANIEL(at phone): Yeah, you are. Or you could be. Are you still there?

GRACE(at phone): I knew I was in love with you. Thank you.

DANIEL(at phone): You're welcome. And when you're talking to Jack, remember you're in love with me.

GRACE(at phone): I will. Good night.

DANIEL(at phone): Good night? That's it?

GRACE(at phone): I love you.

DANIEL(at phone): I love you, too.


Jack enters in the Grace's bedroom.

JACK: Are you off?

GRACE: Were you listening at my door?

JACK: She did call me!

GRACE: Are you kidding me?

JACK: She said she needed someone to talk to.

GRACE: ah, I'm sure that's what she needs.

JACK: I, of course, told her I wouldn't risk it. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize a possible relationship with you in the future.

GRACE: You heard everything else I said. Didn't you hear what I just said to Daniel?

JACK: Yeah, but you said the same thing to me.

GRACE: At the time, I did love you. And at another time, I did love Grant. And at this time, I love Daniel.

JACK: Okay, whatever.

GRACE: Should we call Grant?

JACK: Yeah. I mean, you should. I called him, but I think he was a little disappointed that it was me.

GRACE: And? Had she called him?

JACK: Oh, yeah.

GRACE: Oh, no. She's angry. And she will find Daniel, she will. But on the other hand, I don't think I have anything to worry about there.

JACK: You never know.

GRACE: No, you do. Sometimes you do know.

JACK: But I said no. She found me and I said no.

GRACE: Yeah, but it's different with you.

JACK: Because I said yes before?

GRACE: Exactly. What is it with her, huh? With Adrian? Why does she feel she needs to do this to her friends and to herself?

JACK: Does why matter?

GRACE: I don't know. I really don't know. But this has to stop.


Ruben calls Ben.

RUBEN(at phone): I'm asking you as her father, who never gave her the love she needed growing up. She needs to feel loved, Ben.

BEN(at phone): Well, it's a little difficult to do that when she doesn't love herself.

RUBEN(at phone): Exactly. I mean, what if everyone just said no to her crazy schemes? Hmm? What if she couldn't scheme anymore because no one wants to participate?

BEN(at phone): I think you're talking to the wrong guy. The most important "no" would have to come from Ricky.

RUBEN(at phone): Ricky. Look, all I'm saying is there is more to Adrian than this nonsense. She's a complex young woman, and she's got a lot going for her if she can just drop this stupid notion that she belongs with Ricky.

BEN(at phone): Yeah, but I don't think she can, so... She just walked in. I'll tell her you called.


Adrian comes home.

BEN: It's your dad.


BEN: I take it you couldn't find anyone to play with, so you came home?

ADRIAN: All right, let's just cut to the chase. I can't help it. I love him. Ricky, all right? And I know you're the better man, okay? I know that, but I want to be with Ricky. I love him. I've always loved him. And I want him, and I'm going to be with him, somehow, someday. And everyone knows it. I told Grace and I told Amy. And I told Ricky.

BEN: Okay, as long as we're clear. Look, maybe you really do love Ricky, but, Adrian, I just don't think it's ever going to work out. I mean, if he's such a lousy guy that he would leave Amy after having her and his son John move in, then he's not good enough for you. I've spent enough time with you, Adrian, to know that there's enough good in you that it'll eventually overcome the not good in you. But I... I'm going to do as you asked. I'm gonna leave, Adrian. Tonight. Now. I'll see you at school tomorrow. And, uh, tell your dad I'm sorry.


Ben comes back in his dad.

LEO: I don't know what to say. Other than...

BEN: "I'm glad you have a prenup"?

LEO: Yeah, that would be one thing to say.

BEN: Lesson learned.

LEO: Ricky! She's still in love with Ricky? After all that you two have been through together? After all you've done for her?

BEN: Don't forget, I wanted out. And don't forget that I said all those horrible things to her.

LEO: You shouldn't have. You really shouldn't have. But in the end, that's not what did it, you saying those things to her.

BEN: What did it was that this marriage was never meant to be. I really thought I could make it work, but without the baby, I just lost my will to make it work. And even then, I kept grasping at ways that it might work. I'm an idiot.

LEO: No, you're not. You're a nice guy, Ben. The nicest.

BEN: And nice guys never win.

LEO: That's not true. That's not true at all.

BEN: Look at you.

(Betty joins them)

BETTY: And what does that mean? Look at him. He's the sweetest, nicest guy in the entire universe, and that's why I love him. What's going on? What are you doing here, Ben? Is everything okay?

LEO: Adrian asked him to leave. They're splitting up.

BETTY: What? Oh! No! I don't believe that.

BEN: Believe it. Adrian is still in love with Ricky. She told me. She even told Ricky. It's over, Betty. That part of my life is over, and this part of my life is not. Living at home with Dad and with you. I guess I'll just say good night. Good night.

BETTY: Good night.

(Ben leaves)

BETTY: That is just so sad.

LEO: A little. But I don't know, I feel a little relieved.

BETTY: Well, would you feel relieved if we split up?

LEO: What are you talking about?

BETTY: If I left, would you feel relieved?

LEO: Why are you asking me that, Betty?

BETTY: Leo, I've been around a lot of men, you know. So much so that I know that you're not happy, not really. And it's okay. It's really okay. If you're not happy, I can leave.

LEO: But, Betty...

BETTY: But what? Honey, we have a prenup, and I would be ecstatic to just take the money and say, "Thank you very much." And you know what I would do with it? I would go to college. I've always wanted to go to college. I always wanted to be an educated, independent woman, with a job that has nothing to do with a man.


Amy, Nora and George are at table in the kitchen.

NORA: I'm gonna talk to Ricky.

AMY: No, no, please don't. I should be the one to talk to him. What am I supposed to say? "I don't trust you"?

GEORGE: Yeah. Just get it out in the open. Or not. What do I know? It's late, I'm tired. I want to go to bed.

NORA: Come on, it's 10:00.

AMY: What are you doing home anyway?

GEORGE: Your mother wants to be single at this particular point in time, so here I am.

AMY: What is with the two of you? You get divorced and you can't stay away from each other.

GEORGE: No, we can. Thus you're speaking to me in person. I wish I could explain it. Maybe when you and Ricky have broken up a few times, you'll understand.

AMY: Oh, whoa! We're not going to break up.

NORA: I hope not, Amy. But I don't think you can not break up just by not going to your room and talking to Ricky.

GEORGE: Honestly, I'm on the fence, but, Amy, the statistics are against it, against your relationship with Ricky working out.

AMY: Oh, yeah? Well, what are the chances of you and Mom working out? I mean, what are the statistics on the third time around when you both have a baby together that you didn't plan either? You'd probably have a better chance of being in a relationship with Ricky's mother. Her.

(Amy leaves)

NORA: Oh, hey! Ho! I have an idea.

GEORGE: Yeah? Me, too.

NORA: I wonder if it's the same idea.

GEORGE: I don't know. I just remembered I brought the meat scraps home for Moose. We could make meat scrap sandwiches out of them instead. I'm hungry.

NORA: I'm in.

GEORGE: What was your idea?

NORA: Okay. My idea was maybe I could rent Ashley's room from you. You know, just while she's on the road. Maybe I could live here.

GEORGE: Yeah, I'd go for it.

NORA: You would? Because all of a sudden, I don't feel so babysat. I feel... Like an ex-con renting a room while I struggle to stay sober after breaking up with my girlfriend.

GEORGE: That makes it sound even better. It's almost a movie of the week.

Amy has a conversation with Ricky.

AMY: You didn't listen to the message.

RICKY: I hadn't listened to the message when I said I hadn't listened to the message.

AMY: But you have listened to the message?

RICKY: Yeah, I listened to it.

AMY: And?

RICKY: And nothing.

AMY: Why did you run from the kitchen when she was here? Are you hiding something?

RICKY: No, I'm not. I'm not hiding anything.

AMY: Which doesn't me that you don't have messages from Adrian. Text messages or phone messages on your phone from Adrian.

RICKY: Either you trust me, or you don't. That's what this all comes down to, Amy. You trust me, or you don't.

AMY: It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that... We have John and we both have responsibilities. You're only 18 and I'm only 17, and, I don't know, we have our whole lives in front of us. And maybe you don't want to live in your little apartment with the idiot who got pregnant and had a baby.

RICKY: Why would you say that? You know I don't think of you that way. And I don't think of our son as just a baby. Have I done anything that would indicate that I might not want to live with you and John? Anything at all? No, I haven't. So, you know what, Amy? Maybe you're the one who doesn't want to live with the idiot who got you pregnant. And maybe you just don't want to say so. Maybe you really had rather be here, in the house you're up in, with your mommy and daddy still taking care of you and John. Uh-uh. Do not do that. Do not physically get in my way when I'm angry. That... That is not a good thing to do.

AMY: I don't want you to leave, Ricky. I don't want to live here. I want to live in our little apartment over the butcher shop with you and our son. I just feel so threatened by Adrian because now she's free from Ben and she's determined to be with you, and...

RICKY: And you don't trust me.

AMY: Please don't leave, Ricky. Please. I don't want to be like my parents, okay. Going back and forth all the time, I don't want that. And this doesn't just feel like another argument. This feels like something more. So, please, don't leave. And if you do, take me and John with you.

RICKY: I'm just going to go back to the apartment, all right? I need to be by myself.

AMY: Please.

RICKY: Don't do this. Just let me have my time alone, okay? It's not anything more than that. I'll see you at school tomorrow.

We'll spend tomorrow night together here or there, whatever you want. But really, I have to be by myself right now.

AMY: Okay.

RICKY: Okay?

AMY: I said okay.

Ricky go to the kitchen.

GEORGE: Where you going?

RICKY: I just need some space. I'm going back over to the apartment.

NORA:Tonight? After Adrian marched over here and told the woman you love that she's coming after you?

RICKY: This has nothing to do with Adrian. This doesn't even have anything to do with me and Amy. It's just about me. I need to be alone.

GEORGE: Careful what you wish for, you may end up alone.

NORA: Yeah. Like George. Or like me. Well, before George and me decided to live together.

RICKY: What?

Amy listens Ricky's message.

RESPONDER: Please enter your pass code.


RESPONDER: You have three saved messages.

AMY: Lucky guess.

ADRIAN(on responder): Long time, no see. I've been thinking about you. And I know you've been thinking about me, haven't you? Good night, Ricky. Come on, call me back. You know you want to call me back. Aren't you bored just talking to Amy?

(Ricky surprises her)

RICKY: What are you doing? I forgot my phone. I thought it was on the kitchen counter, but I see it's not.

Ricky leaves to the house, Amy tries to find Ricky.

AMY: I don't even know why I try. No one in this family can even have a relationship. Or your family.


Margaret and her husband dance.

SHAKUR: I love being married to you.

MARGARET: I love being married to you, too.

SHAKUR: You don't even feel slightly guilty about tonight?

MARGARET: Are you kidding? We worked for this, we earned it.

SHAKUR: But our marriage isn't such hard work, is it?

MARGARET: No, it isn't.

SHAKUR: I love you.

MARGARET: I love you.

End of the episode.
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