Royal New Year's Eve

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Royal New Year's Eve

Post by bunniefuu »

Royal New Year's Eve (2017)

Abigail Miller's office, this is Caitlyn.

Hi, Karen.

Yes, I know it's Christmas Eve but she's working on the fashion show.

Because it's on the 26th.

Well, you're either coming tonight or open presents at your desk tomorrow morning.

No, I will not tell our boss that she's being a grinch.

Karen, I promise you'll be the first to know when I do.

Fa-la-la-la-la to you, too.

You know what?

She's down in the art department.

We're supposed to be at your parent's house in an hour.

I know, my mother keeps texting me pictures of the turkey in the oven.

Are those Leighton's dresses?

Yep, all hemmed and tailored, buffed and polished.

How do they look?

Not bad.

Your designs were a million times better.

Abigail should really put you in the fashion show.

Leighton is her daughter and I am just her assistant.

She barely cares what my name is let alone what my designs look like.

You've been working for her for almost a year.

Have you never even shown them to her?

Doris, are you crazy?

Your New Year's resolution should be to believe in your talent.

I do.

I mostly do.

Showing my designs to Abigail Miller would be like jumping in the deep end of a swimming pool.

Filled with sharks.

Well, by midnight New Year's Eve I will change your mind.

Right before we get romantic kisses from two handsome men at a uh, elegant ball.

What men?

What ball?

We were just planning on binge watching TV and eating our weight in ice cream.

It's New Year's Eve.

Anything's possible.

Ok, the chances of us getting kissed at midnight at some fancy New Year's ball is just as good as Abigail Miller wanting to see my dress designs.

[phone rings] Abigail Miller's office, this is Caitlyn.

Ok, I got it.

She's on her way.

Ok, I am gonna go hide behind my sewing machine.

And please remind her that it's Christmas Eve and that some of us are on Santa's nice list.



I have your messages and Leighton, your dresses have arrived.

Oh, thanks, Caitlyn.

I want you to add Lady Isabelle and Prince Jeffery to the guest list for the fashion show.


They're only one of the hottest couples in the world right now.

I don't really pay attention to that stuff usually.

It's your job to pay attention to stuff like that.

Anyway, they're here for the royal family's New Year's Eve charity thing and the rumour is the Prince is going to propose.

On New Year's Eve?

Wow, that's so romantic.


Anyway, it'll make a great cover, so I want to wow them at the fashion show.

I'll take care of it.

Abigail... some of the staff was wondering... it's- it's Christmas Eve.


And they wanna go home, mom.

We have tons of work to do.

Caitlyn, remind me.

Which one shows up first?

Is it the ghost of Christmas past?


Go be merry.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas.



Definitely not.

Mom, I like that one.

Lady Isabelle is going to see your dresses at the fashion show and if we play our cards right she's going to be wearing one when the Prince proposes to her on New Year's Eve.


I get it.

But it is Christmas Eve.

Can't this wait?

This could be your big break.

This is much more important than Christmas.

Let's get to work.

Caitlyn, we're late!

I know, my mother just sent me a picture of a kitchen timer.

Wait until you see how much food she made.

We're gonna have leftovers for weeks.

Oh, the freezer's already full with all the food that my folks sent home after Thanksgiving.

I can bring some to work.

We work at a fashion magazine.

Nobody there eats.

Ok, no telling jokes like that tonight.

My parents are already freaked out that I quit my steady teaching job to work in fashion.

Well, have they seen your designs?

Yeah, they think they're cute.


They're beautiful.

Lady Isabelle should see this one.

The Prince would take one look at her in this and propose on the spot.

Ok, we have to go otherwise my mother is going to send us a picture of her weeping over a burned turkey.

Ok, ok.

Ok, ok.

[sighs] Someday your prince will come.

Who's home is this again?

Lord and Lady Atwood.

You met them at the opera a few months ago.

Oh, yes.

I think it was a race to determine which would put me to sleep faster.

Them or the opera.

Luckily they are vacationing in Italy and have given you free run of the place and a suitable venue for the New Year's Eve ball.

I suppose it's appropriate given what everyone's expecting me to do at this year's ball.

It is a tradition in your family, Your Highness.

All the men have proposed on New Year's Eve.

I'm painfully aware of the traditions, Barnaby.

I've lived my entire life within their strict confines.

It's just that sometimes I wish that- Let me show you both where the New Year's Eve ball will take place.

Hello, darling.

Did you get settled in your room, Lady Isabelle?

Yes, I did, Barnaby.

Thank you.

We must make sure to thank Lord and Lady Atwood for their generosity.

Oh, Jeffery, we should take them to the opera.

Wouldn't that be fun?

Yes, it would be.

[gasps] Oh, Jeffery.

Oh, this room is beautiful, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

This will make a wonderful place for you to host the New Year's Eve gala.

We have so much to do.

Interview caterers, choose an orchestra...

I have to find a dress.

Isabelle, darling, it's Christmas Eve.

Perhaps we could put a pin in that until after the holiday?

Jeffery, this is quite important.

We must make sure that everything is perfect when the king arrives on New Year's Eve.

Yes, of course.

I'm still full.

I told you not to have seconds.

I think it would have made your mom cry if I didn't.

Oh, hello, Abigail.

How was- Do you have the updated guest list for tonight?

Yes, I have that right here.

Hi, Leighton.

How was your Christmas?

Jingle all the way.

Let me know the moment Lady Isabelle arrives.

And Doris, I think we should do another fitting for the models.

We've already done two.

Well, let's do three.

It has to be perfect.

Caitlyn, why is this Christmas tree here?

Because it was Christmas yesterday?

Yesterday is like wearing last year's fashions.

Get rid of it.

Somebody got coal in their stocking.



Lady Isabelle Collins for Abigail Miller.



Thank you.

Lady Isabelle?

I didn't know you were here.

Caitlyn, why didn't you tell me she was here?

Well, I hope you're ready for this evening.

We are going to have some amazing designs for you to see.

Hopefully I'll fall in love with one of them for the prince's New Year's Eve gala.

I want to look stunning when he, well, when whatever happens that evening happens.

Yes, let's talk about that.

Oh, I- I forgot my notebook with all my plans for the party.

A messenger should be bringing it.

Caitlyn, go downstairs and wait for the messenger.

Ok, I'll take care of that.

They'll be carrying a red book.

You can't miss it.


So, I've been thinking about...

The messenger would have delivered the notebook, Your Highness.

I know, Barnaby, but I wanted to get out of the hotel.

It's New York City.

I'd like to experience it while I'm here.

You have a busy schedule today, are you sure you don't want to change into something more befitting your position?

Are you saying I look like a commoner?

Never, Your Highness.

You look like a man with a purpose.

Perhaps an unshaven one but a man with a purpose nonetheless.

Barnaby, I've spent my entire life being treated like a prince.

That's a bad thing?

No, but just this once, in a city where nobody knows me, I don't want to be Prince Jeffery, house of Wallingford next in line to the crown.

I just want to be...


[snickers] I could be Jeff.

You can be anything you want to be, Your Highness.

Now you're just humouring me.

No, I would never do that.

Here we are.



Hi, excuse me?

Is that for Lady Isabelle Collins?

Why, yes it is.

I'll take that.

I'm- I'm sorry, who are you?

I'm Abigail Miller's assistant and they are waiting for that upstairs.

I really should take it up myself.

They sent me down to get it.

You see, Isabelle is- Waiting for me to bring her that notebook and she strikes me as the kind of woman that gets what she wants.

Does she?

Oh, yes.

I mean, she's dating a prince.

How do you even meet a prince?

Is there, like, a dating app for that or something?


Anyway, they are waiting for this so...

You don't understand.

I wanted to meet Miss Miller because I'm- I get it.

You're a model, and you think that if you get in front of the editor of Appliqu magazine she'll put you on the next cover?

Model, really?

You're a very handsome guy, I'll admit that, but the last person that tried to slip Abigail a headshot got carried out by security.

Oh dear.


And they are waiting for this notebook upstairs and if I'm not there in a couple minutes I will be the one being carried out.

Well, we wouldn't want that.


Two conditions.

Ok, what?

One, you have to tell me your name.


And I suppose the second condition is I'll have to give you my number.

No, no.

It's as simple as this.

You must promise me that the next time we meet you won't be embarrassed by what has transpired here today.

What makes you think we will meet again?

And why would I be embarrassed?

Just a hunch.

Ok, deal.

Now, can I please have the notebook?

My name is Jeff, by the way.

Well, thank you, Jeff.

I'll be sure to give you a good review on Yelp.

[phone ringing] Hello?


Have you left yet?

Just leaving the house.

Oh, good.

I need you to bring me a dress.


What's wrong with what you're wearing?

Abigail said I look like a waitress from an all-you-can-eat buffet.

So we're guessing her New Year's resolution is to be less mean.

Please just bring me a dress.

Ok, well which one?

I don't know, any of them.

Um... the red one.

The red one?

Oh, really?

Doris, please just pick one.


Oh, Doris, what took you so long?

All the guests have already arrived and Abigail won't let me in the ballroom until I change.



Doris, what did you do?

This is one of my dresses.

It's beautiful and, more importantly, it's too late to do anything about it.

Oh, I am gonna get you so good for this.

Ok, I'm gonna be backstage with a bunch of size zero models.

I'm already being punished.

There they are, the happy couple.

Oh, Jeffery, this is Abigail Miller from Appliqu magazine.

Your highness.

She has graciously offered to help with the New Year's Eve gala.


You know it's a benefit for the royal family foundation which funds a number of youth programs, scholarships, on-the-job- Jeffery, she doesn't need the sales pitch.

She's already agreed.

Any assistance you can give will help a lot of people.

Well, we're all about helping.

And we want to make sure that we do anything we can to make you happy.

Lady Isabelle, I want you to pay special attention tonight to the fashions from Leighton Miller.

Oh, fashion talk.

That's my cue.

Excuse me.

[gasps] [crash] Oh, Jeffery!

You clumsy man, you ruined the Prince's jacket.

No, no, no.

It was all my fault.

Are you ok?

I'm so sorry.

I'm fine, thank you.

Yes, your jacket has taken quite a hit, Your Highness.

Oh dear.

Ladies, you'll have to excuse me while I go try to make myself a little more presentable.


Oh dear.

I'm afraid this is not going to work, Your Highness.

Yes, I think the shrimp cocktail won this round.

I'll go check with the hotel to see if they have something that might get this out.

Thank you, Barnaby.

I'll wait for you in the hall.

Oh, I didn't- I'm so sorry!

Oh, I'm sorry.

No, I'm- that... you.

What- what're you doing here?

Actually, I'm- Oh, I get it.

You're a messenger by day, cater waiter at night?

Very perceptive, Caitlyn.

I know you're trying to make it in this business but this is not the way to do it.

Alright, what would you suggest?

Do you have an agent or a manager?

Someone that looks out for you?


His name's Barnaby.


Well, then he needs to be out making contacts on your behalf.

You need to make him work for you, because the chances of you meeting someone important here are pretty slim.

I met you.


Well, if you think I'm important you really do need help.

I do know all of the great modeling agencies in this town and I'm sure that one would be happy to sit down and talk with you.

You would do that for me?

I know what it's like to want to be something more than you are.

So give me a call after the holidays at the magazine.

I'm not giving you my number.

I didn't ask.

By the way, the dress is beautiful.

You look lovely.

Thank you.

I'm still not giving you my number.

Caitlyn should be any minute.

I'm here, I'm here.

I'm sorry.

It's about time.

We should start the show.

I know, I'm sorry.

Hello, Lady Isabelle.

Caitlyn, your dress is stunning.

Thank you.

This is exactly the sort of thing I'd like to wear to the New Year's Eve party.

Where did you get it?

Actually, I- Did you take it from the office?

Is that one of our spring line?

Caitlyn designed it.


You did?

Caitlyn, this is gorgeous.

Thank you.

Do you have others?

I'd love to wear something like it to my party.

What now?

Yes, she has lots of other designs.

Wouldn't you like to wait until you see the show this evening?

Oh, well, certainly.

But if Caitlyn's other designs are this good...

Caitlyn, shall we meet tomorrow to go over what you have?

Yeah, sure.

That would- that would be great.

Text me your location and a time and I'll be there.


Abigail, I didn't- We just need to get the show started.


I'll go tell the stage manager.

No, I want you to go backstage with Doris.

And you help Leighton.

And I want you to stay there.

Everything has to go smoothly.

Ok, I can do that.

Did that just happen?

That just happened!

Lady Isabelle will be wearing one of your dresses when the prince asks her to marry him.

I don't even know what to do with that.

Abigail does not look very happy.

Who cares?

I care.

She's my boss.

What if she fires me?

She's not gonna fire you.

She just exiled you backstage.

Although I guess this means you're not gonna get to meet the prince.

Oh, I am so ok with that.

I've had enough fairy tale for one evening.

Here you are, Your Highness.

Oh, thank you, Barnaby.

Oh, hello?

Good, someone found my phone.

Hi, uh, that's my phone.

Yes, it is.

Hello, Caitlyn.

Wait... is... Jeff?

You said you weren't going to give me your phone number.

And technically I didn't.

I just gave you my entire phone, it seems.

I suppose you want it back?

Yes, please.

Um, I can come to you.

No, no.

My place is a mess.

I was heading out shortly soon, I could drop it by.


That would be great.

I need to get ready for a meeting.

I'll text my address to the phone.

Alright then.

See you soon.

[message alert] So, wait.

A future princess wants one of your designs and a cute model answers your phone when you call it?

You should buy a lottery ticket.


Uh, speaking of future princess, I have to call Lady Isabelle.


Yes, that would work perfect.

I'll see you then.

Thank you.

That was the designer that I told you about last night.



The one with the dress that I liked so much.

I have a few errands to run first but perhaps we could meet for lunch.

Sounds lovely.

Where are you off to dressed so casually?

I'm returning a lost mobile.


Why don't you have one of the staff to do it?

I'm sure that Barnaby- No, no, no, no, no.

I'd rather do it myself.


That's not the sort of thing a prince should be doing.

That's why.

I like the idea of doing things regular people do.

Yes, but we're not regular people.

Doesn't that bother you a little?

No, not in the slightest.


Well, I like the idea of being regular every now and then.

I will see you at lunch.


Lady Isabelle will be here in a couple of hours.

Lady Isabelle.

that is so cool.

See, I knew it would just take someone with taste seeing your work.

Oh, she definitely has taste.

She is so elegant.

I feel like a bull in a china shop around her.

Did you even see the prince?


Abigail didn't let me come out front by the time they left.

Well, maybe he'll come with her.


Oh, we need to straighten up.

Yeah, it might just be easier if we moved.


Oh- Oh- Kitchen.

Are you sure you don't want me to return the phone, Your Highness?

No, this will just take a minute.

[knocking] You were right.

We meet again and I am indeed embarrassed.

This isn't precisely what I meant but...


Oh, Doris, this is Jeff.

Um, Jeff, this is my roommate, Doris.

Lovely to meet you.

Why do you look so familiar?

You must have been in a magazine or something.

I've been in a few, yes.

Well, that must be it then.

Anyway, thank you again for returning this.

Do you want me to give you a reward or something?

No, no.

It's not necessary.

You came all the way down here.

Really, it was no bother.

Maybe you could buy him a cup of coffee?

We need to get our place ready for our visitor, remember?

Well, I can take care of that and... you want a cup of coffee, don't you, Jeff?

As a matter of fact, I do.

Ok, I shall get my coat then.


I'll need to help you.

Thank you.

You know that this is just me saying thank you.

We're not...

Oh, no.

Of course not.

Besides, I'm seeing someone, so no ulterior motives.


Doris, I'll see you later.

Lovely to meet you.

You, too.

Have fun.

[gasps] Oh my... ok.

Pick up.

Pick up!

[phone ringing] No!


Oh my gosh.

There you go.

Thank you.


This is good coffee.

I'll have to remember this place.

There's one on, like, every four blocks so it won't be hard.

Shall we sit?


We don't have these back at home.

You don't?

I thought you were from Britain.

Your accent.


No, I'm from a small country in Europe.

Most people have never heard of it.

I'm only in New York for a short while.

Oh, well, how are you liking it so far?

I love it.

It's so energetic and colourful.

There's just so much to do.

Why, yesterday I took the subway.

You- you've never ridden a subway?


It was amazing.

It was a little crowded and there were some unusual smells but uh, besides that it was quite an adventure.

It can be.

Maybe next time you can take a cab.

[laughs] So what is it like working in fashion?

It seems so glamorous.

Well, I'm just an assistant so I haven't really experienced the glamour part of it all yet.


What are your aspirations?

I wanna be a designer.


I mean, I am a designer, I just haven't had much success in it yet.

But I'm hoping that that's all about to change.


I have this amazing opportunity.

I don't wanna talk too much about it because I don't wanna jinx it but it could really be a new beginning for me.

That's exciting.

Well, not as exciting as riding the subway.


No, it's not.

So you said you're seeing somebody?

Yes, for a couple years now.

Sounds serious.


There may be an engagement soon.


Have you decided how you're gonna pop the question?

It's actually been decided for me.

How does that happen?

It's a tradition of sorts.

All the men in my family have proposed just before the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve.


That's so romantic.

It's supposed to symbolize a fresh start.

A new beginning, so to speak.

Two lives becoming one.

That's crazy romantic.

I'm totally stealing that when I get engaged.

Is that happening soon?

Considering I'm not even dating anybody?


Not this New Year's Eve, that's for sure.

There will be more.

You know, I hear they have one every year.

[laughs] Well, this is me.

So thank you for rescuing my phone, which I must have left upstairs.

I leave that everywhere.

It's like a sickness.

I really need help.

Perhaps that could be your New Year's resolution.

You know, it's almost as good as getting engaged at the stroke of midnight.

Thanks again.

Good luck.



What're you doing here?

Well, I told you.

I was meeting with the designer, Caitlyn.

Wait, you're- Is everything alright, Your Highness?


He's the prince!

He's the- he's the prince.

Oh, Jeffery, you should be ashamed of yourself not telling her who you really are.

I know.

I'm truly sorry.

No problem, your... excellency?

You call him "Your Highness".

Please, just call me Jeffery.

Not Jeff?

Um, no.

Jeff is busy with his modeling career.

You'll have to forgive him.

He enjoys his anonymity here perhaps a little too much.


Anyway, I believe it's fate bringing us all together.

Caitlyn, your designs are lovely.

Thank you, Doris.

You're welcome, Your Highness.

Oh, uh, or soon-to-be highness?

Lady Isabelle is just fine.


Oh, this is it.

Elegant and romantic.

I- I love it.

You really like that one?

I do, I love it.

It'd make me feel like a princess.

Metaphorically speaking, of course.

What do you need to have it done by New Year's Eve?

Doris, would- would you help?

Make a dress for a lady?


Uh, yes.


Well, then we just need to talk measurements and fabric.

I believe that's our cue, Barnaby.

Yes, Your Highness.

Isabelle, I'll see you at lunch.

Alright, darling.

Again, I'm sorry.

You did warn me not to be embarrassed.


Let's get started.

I will go grab the measuring tape.


[sighs] Well, it's official.

Isabelle's going to wear Caitlyn's dress.

Mom, it's ok.

No, it is not ok.

This is your opportunity, not Caitlyn's.

She stole your shot.

She didn't steal anything.

Lady Isabelle liked her dress and I don't blame her.

It was beautiful.

I am the editor in chief of one of the leading fashion magazines in the world.

I decide what is beautiful and what isn't.

Well, there's nothing we can do about it now because she's already made up her mind.

Well, maybe we can get her to change her mind.

Especially if Caitlyn can't deliver.

I hate it when your eyes do that.

It usually means you're plotting something.

You know, it's going to take a lot of work, helping the prince and Lady Isabelle plan the New Year's Eve party.

Far too much work for me by myself but luckily I have an assistant.

But mom, if you load Caitlyn up with party planning then she's never gonna be able to work on the dress.


Yes, sure, but... ok, but I... happy to do it.

Now I have to plan the New Year's Eve party, too.



Because Abigail says so.

I'm supposed to meet the Prince and Lady Isabelle this afternoon for a catering audition.

Ok, free food and a handsome prince?

I'm sorry, what's the problem again?

He didn't tell me that he was a prince.

Princes should be required to identify themselves.

They should have to wear, like, a name tag or a badge.

He did say he was sorry.

What if I said something that would have caused an international incident?

And now I need to work on the party with him?

How am I supposed to do that and get the dress ready in time?

We'll figure it out.

This is crazy.

Yesterday I was living a normal life and now today I'm somehow mixed up with royalty?

Well, if it's a choice between royalty and normal I'll choose royalty any day.

You don't know that.

Yeah, I do.

Royalty comes with a castle.

[laughs] I'm officially addicted to this coffee and it is all your fault.

Thank you, Your Highness.

Jeffery is fine.

Is Lady Isabelle coming?

No, we're dividing and conquering.

It was this or choosing centerpieces and I thought food was much more in my wheel house.


That is wonderful.

You don't get out much, do you?

I told you.

Yes, well you didn't tell me it was because you were a prince.

Yes, but remember, you said you wouldn't be embarrassed.

But I was.

You made me feel like- Caitlyn, I...

I liked being just Jeff for a little while.

It was nice talking to someone who treated me as a person instead of just a prince.

I didn't mean to hurt or embarrass you.

I hope you can forgive me.

Well, I presume that this is all for us.

Yes, well, they gave us lots of options.

It appears they gave us all options.

Let's see what we have.

Marrow with framboise glise.

Sounds interesting.

Does it?

Not bad.



We'll um...

we'll put that in the maybe column.

So, the next one.

Artisanal seaweed and oyster croquettes.

Sounds interesting.


An intriguing combination.

Do you eat fancy stuff like this all the time?

No, no, not always.

Last week we had a simple duck confit with pine foam.

That's simple?

Yes, why?

What do you eat?


Like, real food.

You know, the kind of stuff Jeff would eat.

Yes, well, Jeff is not throwing a New Year's Eve ball attended by people who expect fancy things like this.

Yes, well, you know, I think deep down everybody just wants a good juicy hot dog.


Do you know what?


That does sound good.


This is remarkable.


It's so much better than pine foam.

Best hot dogs in the city.


[laughs] You live in such a strange world.

I know.

I mean, strange to me.

I just- I could never fit in with your friends.

Most of them are hangers-on.

They like the idea of being in proximity to royalty.

So then why invite them to your party?

The ball is a fundraiser for the royal family's foundation.

We sponsor scholarships and after school programs for at-risk youths.

You'd be shocked at the- at the statistics of the...


I've been accused of getting a little carried away when I'm talking about the foundation.

I think there's a difference between carried away and caring.

You're passionate about it.

There's nothing wrong with that.

I love it when I get a chance to make a real difference in people's lives.

So these hangers-on, they just write big cheques to come to your party?

Well, no, we auction off pieces of artwork from the royal collection.

They should be arriving tomorrow.



I used to be an art teacher.

Art teacher to dress designer.

I bet that's an interesting story.

Why don't you come by the mansion tomorrow and tell me all about it?

If a prince is asking me to do something am I allowed to say no?


Of course I could have you thrown into a dungeon for it but you could say no.

[laughs] I should um...

I should probably get going.

You know, we only have four days to get the dress ready for Lady Isabelle.


We wouldn't want to disappoint her.




How was it?

It was... not terrible.

That's good, right?


Yeah, it is.

What can I do?

Make some coffee.

It's gonna be a long night.

Good morning.

I'm up.

I'm good.

I'm doing it.

No, no, no, no, no.




Yeah, you're doing this wrong.


No, I'm so sorry.

No, it's ok, it's ok.

It's an easy fix.

Were you up all night?



What's the date?

The 28th.

It's three days until the ball.

Actually, that's only, like, two days until the fitting.

There's so much to do for the party.

There's so much to do.

Abigail, she... she keeps going, keep requests, like how is it supposed to happen?

Oh, ok, Caitlyn, just relax.


I'll call in sick to work today.

It'll be fine.

No, I cannot ask you to do that.

It's ok, I want to.

Unless, of course, you wanna trade places and I'll go look at fabulous works of art with the handsome prince.

It's not like that, we're just planning a party.

I don't care what it's like.

In my head this is the perfect princess fantasy.

Only it's you instead of me, but I'm good with living vicariously.

Ok, please Doris, between the dress and the party and the whole prince thing, it's stressful enough.

Let's not make this something that it doesn't need to be.


[phone rings] Abigail.

Hello, Abigail.

I know.

Yep, I know.

I know.


I- I'll be right there.


I got this.

Ok, I'm going.

You know you're not actually moving, right?



You're late.

I know, I'm sorry.

Oh, that's alright, they have just started to unpack the artwork so...


Caitlyn, I'm not giving you too much work, am I?


No, not at all.

Everything should be done in time.

Should be?

Isabelle, perhaps we should talk about an alternative for your dress- It will be done.

Everything will be done in time.

Well what about the party?

You're not going to drop the ball on that, are you?


The music, the food, the flowers?

And we're reviewing the artwork this morning.

I think Caitlyn has everything well in hand.

I'm sure she does.

Well, Abigail and I are off to find fabulous things to go with my fabulous dress and afterwards perhaps we can go over seating charts for the party.

Sounds great.



Shall we?

Well, we have a little time before they're ready for us to look at anything, so... coffee?

I have so much to do before the ball.

I- I don't know if I have time for coffee.

Well, lucky for us the person throwing the ball does.

Don't make me thr*aten you with the dungeon again.

Coffee it is.

[laughs] Ok.

Caitlyn, you really should relax.

It's going to work out just fine.


I hope so.

You sound unsure.

I've never made a dress for a real live human being other than myself.

Well, I have the utmost confidence in you.

It just- it... has to be special, you know?

I mean, especially if you're gonna... you know.

Ask Isabelle to marry me.


The fashion show the other night, that looked spectacular.

Oh, yes, well Abigail does nothing less than spectacular.

It must be really challenging working for someone so... exacting.


That is a word I will have to remember.

It's not always a barrel of laughs but I have learned so much.

It's basically been like a crash course in fashion.

You know, sometimes I feel like the crash test dummy, though.

If it's any consolation I feel like that most days myself.


Is this that point in the conversation where the rich, handsome prince with the beautiful girlfriend is going to tell me how hard his life is?


No, no, no.

My position affords me great luxury and great reward.

And I'm not just talking about the palaces.

Oh, palaces.

More than- more than one?


I can't even keep track.

But seriously, it is an honour to be a member of the royal family.

The people of our country are hard-working, decent and generous.

I hear a "but" coming.

But a lot of things are decided for you.

Like what?

Like who your friends are, where you can go to school, and who you shall marry.

Excuse me, Your Highness.

There's a call from your father.

Take a message.

You want me to take a message from the king?

Yes, I do.

May I take a message, Your Majesty?

I like this for you.

Oh, that is quite pretty.

I love when designers give me things to wear.

What do you think about this?


Message received.

Thank you.

I just wanna give you everything you want, whether it's the party or the dress.

You seem concerned.

Well, Caitlyn's never done anything like this before and it might be a good idea to have a little back-up plan.

You know, just in case.


Well, what did you have in mind?

Oh, well, um... this is just off the top of my head but many of the dresses in the fashion show are available.

Maybe you could look at a few of those and see if anything might do.

I mean, just in case something happens with Caitlyn's dress.

Well, I suppose that isn't a bad idea.

Having a back-up plan couldn't hurt.


But I'm sure that Caitlyn will come through.

It would take something quite big for me to change my mind about that dress.

So wait.

The first thing you ever designed was a princess costume?

It was for the school play.

My mother, bless her heart, she tried so hard, but I took one look at it and went "no, please, let me".

How old were you?

Uh, six.


So that made you want to become a designer?

Well, it primarily made me wanna become a princess, but yeah.

I never thought of it that way.

To me it's always been just clothes.

Oh, no.

It's so much more than that.

Fashion is about expressing ourselves from the inside by what we wear on the outside.

So if fashion was your calling, why the detour into teaching art?

I was young and felt like I needed a back-up plan.

Before I knew it that back-up plan had taken over.

So then one day you just decided to change your whole life?


Believe it or not it was part of a New Year's resolution.



You're kidding.


It was kind of one of those things.

I had broken up with someone that I had been seeing for a while.

Nothing dramatic, we just... we wanted different things.

And that started making me think about the other things that I wanted in my life.

It was kind of time for a fresh start.

I find that quite remarkable.

Thank you.

But of course you did also say that about the hot dog.

Pales in comparison.

Oh, wow.

I love this one.

It is lovely.

Here's this sort of average woman and she's wearing this stunning gown.

Look at the way she's holding her face.

Like she can't believe how beautiful she looks.

This is how the dress made her feel.

This is what fashion can do.

That's her fresh start.

I think we should go with this china.


I'm not convinced about the flatware though.

Oh, I can have them bring in others and you can see it.

Yes, let's do that.


Any update on the dress?

It will be ready for your fitting tomorrow.


And the art auction?

It's all set.

The pieces are beautiful.

I can't believe they're willing to give them up.

Part of being royalty is making tough choices for the greater good.

Certainly gives me an insight into the world that most aren't able to appreciate.

The extent of royalty and nobility in my family ends with my uncle Duke.


Being Lady Isabelle is much more than just a title I inherited and should I one day be asked to join the royal family I'll consider it a great honour.

It's much more than just a childhood fairytale about becoming a princess.

I think you'll make a great princess.

Oh, thank you.

I do, too.

Now, if we could just convince Jeffery to embrace that.

I'm sure he will.


He just needs to focus.

Distractions are such a terrible thing.

Don't you think?

I thought for sure Caitlyn would crack under the pressure and then I could swoop in and save the day.

Mom, just leave it alone.

I can't find one of my dresses that Isabelle would want, anyway.

Well, keep looking.

We have to find something that's ready to go before everything comes crashing down.

Why would it crash down?

Because we're going to give it a little push.

Mom, why is this so important to you?

Leighton, why isn't this more important to you?

Because I want to succeed or fail on my own merits, not because my mother is playing puppet master.

My darling, this is a cut-throat business.

I am just trying to provide a few advantages.

And I appreciate that.

But just don't do anything too crazy.

I will be the very picture of restraint.

Just a little... push.

Oh, let me see.

This could work.

Ok, I've got a couple hours until I need to get back to the mansion.

What can I do?

Go take a nap.

You must be exhausted.

It's two days until the ball.

I can sleep next year.


Grab some beads.


Oh, wow.

This is beautiful.

It's a beautiful design.

You know, you and Lady Isabelle are almost exactly the same measurements.

You should ask for it back after the ball and you can wear it.

Where would I wear a dress like this?


This would be a great yoga dress.

No, this dress is definitely made for a princess.

[phone rings] Hello, Abigail.

Yes, but I'm supposed to- Right, but... now?


I'll be right there.

Now there's an emergency at the office with the next issue.

I have to go in.


You know she's trying to overwhelm you, right?


[knocking] Now what?


Wh- what're you doing here?

I'm on the way to review the auction brochures.

Abigail suggested you should join me.

Unless you are sick of me by now.


I couldn't get sick of you.

But I can't.

Abigail is making me go into work.

She said she wanted you to sign off on the brochures personally.


Would you be able to bring them by the office for me to review?

I would.

Ok, great.

Doris, do you need anything?

If I do I can handle it.

Would it help if Barnaby stayed here in case a need arises?

That would be amazing, if Barnaby doesn't mind.

If that's what you want, Your Highness.

The driver can take you wherever you need to go.

Or, if all else fails, I'm an old pro at the subway now.

Well, thank you again, Barnaby.

And Doris, if you need anything please call.


Well, that was interesting.


Ok, so do you see any other problems?


Excellent work.

I never would have seen half those errors.

I work at a magazine.

It's my job.

Well, thank you.

You have gone above and beyond on everything.

Oh, no.

Thank you.

You've been so kind and supportive.

You and Isabelle, of course.

You know, I never...

I never really did hear how the two of you met.

We were introduced at a ceremony.

I can't remember what for.

Monarchies love their ceremonies.

Oh, yes.

Well, they have to use all those scepters.

[laughs] Yes.

Anyway, she'd heard that one of our board members was planning on stepping down and was interested in taking over his place.

Well, that sounds really nice.

Isabelle is a lovely young woman and I care for her deeply.

I feel like there's a "but" coming.

My father has decided it's time for him to step down and for me to take over the throne.

However, he insists that I marry first.

What do you want?

Shall I escort you home now?

Oh, no.

You don't have to do that.

It's no bother.

I need to retrieve Barnaby, anyway.


Um, well, in that case, thank you.

You know, you can sit down if you want, Barnaby.

Thank you, miss.

I'm fine.

How do you do that?

Do what, miss?

Just stand there.

Quietly, not moving.

I've had a lot of practice, miss.

How long have you worked for the prince?

I joined the employ of the royal family when Prince Jeffery was ten years old.

Wow, that's a long time.

You must know him pretty well.

I'd say so, yes.

He seems like a good guy.

Yes, he is.

And Miss Caitlyn seems quite lovely, as well.

She is.

She's the best.

[knocking] Shall I?

Uh, sure.

Go for it.


Hello, Ms.



Hello, Doris.

I came to talk to Caitlyn about the party planning.

Well, I thought she was at the office with you.

[gasps] Is this Isabelle's dress?

Yeah, it's not done yet but that's...

She's going to love it.

[gasps] Is that the prince I see?


Right there.

To the right.

(Barnaby): I don't see him.

I'm sure it's him.

Over to the right.

I don't think so.

Well, maybe I was mistaken.

Would you just tell Caitlyn that I will speak to her tomorrow?

It's only a couple days until the new year.

Do you have any resolutions?

I want to make sure that the foundation is in good shape.

Of course there will be a wedding to plan.


What about you?

What are your resolutions?

Oh, I have a few.

A million.

How about top three?


I want to take more chances.

Because quitting your art teacher job to pursue a dream career was playing it safe?

That's the thing.

You know, I did that and then I started another job that wasn't actually what I wanted.

I didn't really start taking chances until...

Until when?

Until you and Isabelle came along.

You know, now my design is gonna be worn by nobility and featured on the cover of a magazine.

What are your other resolutions?

The usual.

Friendship, love, silly stuff.

Love is not silly.

Not if you're doing it correctly, at least.

It should be exciting and unexpected.

It should come out of nowhere.

I hope that'll happen to me some day.

I hope so, too.

Mom, I got your message.

What's going on?

Come look.

What... is that Caitlyn's dress?

The one and only.

Until now.

What're you talking about?

What is the biggest sin in the world of exclusive, one-of-a-kind fashions?

That they're not one-of-a-kind.


So, what?

You're gonna have someone make a duplicate?

How are you gonna do that in two days?

We don't have to.

We just have to make people think there's another dress.

I have someone in the art department working on it and when they're done nobody's gonna know it isn't real.

Ok, I still don't understand.

Then we'll have someone publish the photo and it won't be one-of-a-kind anymore.

And Isabelle won't want it, and we'll have a Leighton Miller original ready to take its place.

Mom, do you remember when I said don't do anything too crazy?

Leighton, I am just trying to help you launch your career.

Mom, this is not the way I wanna become successful.

I could never live with myself.


You promise?

No more cartoon villain plots?

I promise.

Um, well...

have a good evening.

Thank you.

You too.


Shall we?


Let's get to work.

What was that?

What was what?

The whole "have a good evening" and "you too" and let's both stare at the floor uncomfortably thing that just happened.

That didn't happen.

Uh, yeah.

It really did.

Ok, well maybe spending so much time with him has made it easy to forget that he might be proposing to another woman in 48 hours.

You're falling in love with him.

No I'm not.

I'm just- Caitlyn, I saw how you were looking at him earlier.

See, that's the thing.

I can't do that.

It's not right.

He was looking at you the same way.

Don't say that.

Why not?

Because he's dating Isabelle.

And he may be asking her to marry him.

But what if he doesn't?

Doris, he's a prince.

He's gonna be king.

I don't fit in that world.

It's a fairy tale and fairytales don't exist.

Ok, so you're not falling in love with him, but do you like him?

It doesn't matter.

Because it's not gonna be me that he's kissing at midnight on New Year's Eve.

Is there anything I can do to help with whatever may be troubling you, Your Highness?

What makes you think something's troubling me, Barnaby?

Because I've known you since you were a child.

If I may say so, Your Highness, you've never been very good at disguising your feelings.

Something that's landed me in a spot of trouble more than a few times.

Do you remember when you were 16, the incident with the car?

The one I took without permission and proceeded to knock down an 18th century statue with?

That would be the one.

I have a vague recollection, yes.

What I remember is the look on your face the next time you were driven somewhere.

Even though you were traveling in a way that a person of your station is expected to, it's not what you wanted.

You wanted to do it your way.

Yes, that's true.

But look how that turned out.

Maybe it was worth the risk.

The statue of my great great-grandfather would likely disagree.

If Caitlyn is- She is.

But when I took that car for a drive somebody could have gotten really hurt.

It's not worth the risk.


This is Lady Isabelle Collins.

I'd like to speak with King Richard, please.

Thank you.

[sighs] It's perfect.

Isabelle, you look radiant.

I do, don't I?

Brava, Lady Isabelle.

Thank you, Barnaby.

But the real cheers go to Caitlyn.

Oh, I couldn't have done it without Doris.


Well, you both deserve the credit.

I couldn't be happier.

We still have a few small tweaks to make.

Um, let me mark.

They'll be done in time for the party tomorrow?

Oh yeah, this is easy stuff.

We'll do this, we'll have it cleaned and we'll deliver it in the morning.


This is the start of big things for you, I predict.

Excuse me, I'll be right back.


Are you ok?

I'm fine.

I'm sorry, I just got a little... dreams don't come true very often, so it's just a bit overwhelming.

If you're overwhelmed by this imagine what it'll be like when everyone at the party sees the dress.

We may have to reassign Barnaby to be your bodyguard.


Um... about that.

I don't think that going to the party is a great idea for me.


You arranged the entire gala.

The staff can run it, and Abigail will be here to make sure.

But when your dress makes its debut everyone will want to speak to you.

You will be the centre of attention.

Yeah, but I shouldn't be.

You and Isabelle should be.

Especially if you're going to...

Ask her to marry me.

Are you going to ask her?

Well, it certainly is what everyone's expecting me to do, right?

I think that being there would be very hard for me.

Are we still talking about the dress?

Of course we are.

There's nothing else we could be talking about, right?

I suppose not.

It's a shame, really.

You know, look on the bright side.

You got to ride the subway.


Yes, yes, I did.

And I had a delicious hot dog.


I told you.

And what was that cheese on top?


No one knows.

It is best not to ask questions like that.

Where did Caitlyn go?

I wanted to ask her about the ball.

Oh, I think she just stepped out to get some air.

Is she alright?

Oh, I'm sure she'll be fine.

These last few days have been great for her.

I don't think I've ever seen her this happy.

Because of the dress?



Because of the dress.

Ok, I've got what I need.

We'll see you tomorrow.

Oh, I'll walk you down.

Oh, ok.

I demand an answer to this cheese mystery.

I could thr*aten to throw someone in the dungeon if I must.

You throw a lot of people in dungeons, do you?

Yes, it's amazing.

Everybody loves it in my country.

There you are.

Ah, Isabelle.

We were just- Thank you again, Caitlyn.

The dress is simply beautiful.

You're welcome.

Uh, we should get going.

Ok, um, I'll be back this afternoon to go over the placements of the artwork.

That's alright, Caitlyn.

I can take care of it.

Why don't you focus on the dress?


Will do.

Just give a call if you need anything.

You know, Isabelle, I can take care of all the details of the ball if you- Oh, no, no.

We- we must make sure everything is perfect before my mother and father arrive.

Isabelle, I would have thought that by now you would have learned that when it comes to our parents there is no such thing as perfection.

Still, I'll handle it from here on.

You need to focus.

On what?

The future.

Our future.

This could be a very important evening for us, Jeffery.

Yes, I suppose you're right.

You're going to be a king some day.

And when that happens you'll need someone by your side to support you.

Someone that is acquainted with our world.

Someone who is not all starry-eyed over the fairy tale fantasy of a happy ever after.

But don't you want fairytale?

Don't you want happily ever after?

What I want is you.

The real you.

I know you've been enjoying your anonymity while we've been here in New York but it's time to say goodbye to Jeff and return to who you really are.

Prince Jeffery.

You know I only want what's best for you.

I care about you.

We always say that.


That we care for each other.

Well, it's true, isn't it?

Yes, yes, yes.

Of course it is.

But I just sometimes wonder why we don't say we love each other more often.

I'll be in my room if you need me.


That is a really beautiful dress.

You've said that, like, ten times in the last hour.

Well, it doesn't make it any less true.

Are you really not gonna go to the party?

I haven't decided yet.

Will Abigail even let you not go to the party?

Oh, I'm sure she'd love the opportunity to be in the spotlight.

Well, you know I love you, and if you don't wanna go to the glamorous royal New Year's Eve party then I support you 100 percent.

But I am totally going without you.

[laughs] I wouldn't have it any other way.

[clink] [knocking] Who could that be?

Oh, I hope it's another prince.

Does Jeffery have a brother?

As a matter of fact, he does.


So you mean I still have a shot at becoming a princess?

Is he single?


My other son is married with two children.

Your other son?

Yes, Peter.

That would be Jeffery's brother.

So that would make you the...

King Richard.


I apologize for the unannounced visit.

Barnaby told me where to find you and I thought it best to expedite a conversation.

Oh, it's ok.

It's not every day that a king shows up at your doorstep.

I hope you don't mind talking here.

Oh, not at all.

It's probably best we keep Doris away from you.

She gets a little excited around royalty.

Yes, I gathered that after she attempted to kiss my ring.


I'll get straight to the point.

I came to New York a little early after a call from Lady Isabelle.

About what?

Well, she's concerned that your relationship with Jeffery may be complicating things between them.

No, Your Majesty, it's- it's not like that at all.

We've just been planning the New Year's Eve ball together.

That is- that is it.

So you don't have feelings for Jeffery then?

The more pressing question, of course, is whether those feelings are reciprocal.

Jeff, um..

Jeffery is a good man, and he's going to ask Lady Isabelle to marry him tomorrow night as planned.


I'm pleased to hear it.

Can I ask you a question?

Of course.

Have you been happy as king?

Leading a nation is about tradition, humility, sacrifice.

These are things that last a lifetime.

Happiness can be measured in moments.

Happiness is fleeting.

Isn't that why we should hold onto them for as long as we can?

Well, it has been very nice meeting you, Caitlyn.

It has been a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.

Hello, father.

Ah, Jeffery.

You weren't supposed to be here 'til tomorrow.

Yes, well I thought I'd come a little early, make sure things are still on track.

Why wouldn't they be?

I spoke with Caitlyn Enderby a little while ago.

You- you did what?

It's alright, relax, Jeffery.

I didn't banish her from the kingdom, we just talked.

About what?

The nature of happiness, it seems.


Never mind.

She seems like a lovely young woman.

She is.

And if circumstances were different then perhaps... look, I have been a king for a very long time.

I was 18 when your grandfather passed away.

I know.

It's in the history books.


But I prefer not to be carried off the throne, I would prefer to step down gracefully.

But in order to do that I need to know that my successor is ready to step up.

I know all of this, father.

Having a stable king is very important to the country.

That's why I married your mother so soon after I became King.

And I learned to love her.

You don't need to convince me, father.

I'm prepared to step up.

But father, if circumstances were different.

Your life is so weird.

I know.

It would be so much easier if I thought that Jeffery would be happy but he doesn't love her.

I don't think she loves him, either.

Well then do something about it.

What can I do?

Tell him that you're in love with him.

I've known him for four days.

I'm not in love with him.

Ok, well then tell him that you're falling in love with him.

Tell him that you think he's your soul mate.

Tell him that you want to live happily ever after with him because you can't deny that any of that's true.

Even if it's true, it doesn't matter.

Happily ever afters don't exist and I don't believe in fairytales.

Look at that dress.

That is a fairytale waiting to come true.

But not for me.

I'm sorry about my father.

Oh, don't worry about it.

He's just looking out for you.

It's his job.



Are you sure everything's ready for the ball tomorrow since you won't be there?

Oh, I'm sure.

It's going to be wonderful.

Well then thank you for everything.

No, thank you.


We have a huge problem.

What's wrong?

Look familiar?

That's my dress.

No, it... it can't be.

Obviously it is.

Caitlyn stole someone's design and she's trying to pass it off as her own.


No, that's- that's not true.

I promise.

Isabelle, I am so sorry, but it appears that you are a victim of a hoax.


I swear to you, Isabelle, this is my design.

Caitlyn, just stop the act.

No one's buying it.

There must be some kind of explanation.

I don't understand what's happened, but it has.

Isabelle, if you'll just give Caitlyn the chance to- I'm sorry.

The idea was to have something original and regardless of the circumstances I can't wear this.

Well, luckily you have a back-up.

You have a Leighton Miller original.

Would you like to go try it on now?

Oh, and Caitlyn?

You're fired.

Jeffery, I didn't steal that design.

I believe you.

You do?

Of course.

This dress could only have come from you.

I'm sorry.

Your Highness- Don't try to stop me, Barnaby.

I wasn't.

I was going to wish you luck.

You're going to look amazing in that.

Well, I suppose it's good enough.

I need to speak to Isabelle.

Oh, well we were just talking- Abigail.

I don't know what just happened but I am certain that you are behind it.

I suggest you leave quickly before I call the royal guard to have you arrested.

The royal guard can't arrest anyone in this country.

I assumed that she wouldn't know that.

Well played.

Well, considering the circumstances I think we should go double check all the arrangements Caitlyn made.

I don't think that will be necessary.

Jeffery, I know the two of you became friends over the last few days but we must ensure that everything goes smoothly tonight.

I'm not going to ask you to marry me.


Isabelle, what just happened?

Jeffery, I can't wear that dress.

It's not about the dress, it's not about Caitlyn for that matter.

It's about us.

You and me.

Are you breaking up with me?

Isabelle, I am sorry.

But what about the throne?

Your father will never accept this.

Then I'll give up the throne.

Oh, Jeffery.

Isabelle, you just called the dress "good enough".

None of this is good enough.

And yes, we care about each other but I don't love you.

And I don't think that you love me, either.

I know that I can't just be a regular person but if happily ever after exists then I want to find it.

Doris, I need to speak to Caitlyn.

It's too late.

What do you mean?

She's gone.

She took a bunch of her stuff and left.

Gone where?

She went to go stay with her folks.

I don't think she's coming back.

I see.

Well... if you speak to her, tell her... tell her thank you for the hot dogs.

They were indeed life-changing.

What does that mean?

It means goodbye.

Come here.

Barnaby, I'm going to spend some time with the staff to make sure everything's in place for the ball this evening.

Yes, Your Highness.

Your father has gone out, he asked me to tell you he wishes to speak to you when he returns.



Is it childish of me to put that off as long as possible?

Not at all, Your Highness.

And I need you to run an errand for me.


Please deliver this to Doris.

Ask her if she will send it to Caitlyn at her parent's home in Connecticut.

Sir, if I may?

Perhaps you should deliver this in person.

Connecticut isn't far.

I didn't get a chance to say a proper goodbye.

I don't know if I could do that in person.

Please, Barnaby.

Doris ratted me out, huh?

I promised to ask the King to make her a Duchess.

I always liked you, Barnaby.

I have something for you.


Isabelle is suing me?

No, it's from...

Miss Caitlyn, may I ask you a rather personal question?


When did you realize you liked him?


The coffee shop after he returned my phone.

He was telling me how he had ridden the subway and it was this incredible journey and so joyful, and I thought how nice it would be to have someone that could experience that kind of joy in my life.

What's this?

Invitation to the ball tonight.

Barnaby, I can't go to that.

Prince Jeffery will not be proposing to Lady Isabelle tonight.


He didn't do that because- No, no.

It wasn't because of you.

He did that for himself and for Lady Isabelle, I think.

I'm proud of him.

I'm happy for him.

I still can't go to that ball.

Why not?

Because I liked being in that world for a little, it was fun.

Princes and Kings and fairytale gowns made for princesses, but... fairytales aren't real.

Not for people like me.

Caitlyn, we are approaching the new year.

It's a time of wishes and dreams and hopes for what lies ahead.

Anything is possible.

Even if I wanted to go I don't have anything to wear.

You designed a dress fit for a princess.

It would be a shame for it not to be worn.

Thank you, Barnaby.

You're welcome.

[classical music plays] Father.


I went to check on Isabelle this morning and imagine my surprise when I found out that she was not coming to the ball because you broke up with her.

We don't love each other.

We had a deal.

This was part of your taking the throne.

I don't want the throne.


Give it to Peter.

At least one of your sons won't be a disappointment.

Jeffery you are not a disappointment.

A frustration, perhaps, but not a disappointment.

Is this about Caitlyn?


I mean, not like that.

But she showed me it's not about the titles or the fancy clothes we wear, it's about what makes us truly happy.

And does she make you happy?

Very much so.

Well, as a wise young woman once said "you should hold on to happiness for as long as you can".

But the circumstances.

I created the circumstances.

I can change them.

Are you sure?

I'm the King.

I can do whatever I like.

[laughs] Your Majesty.



Aren't you going to ask me to dance?

For old time's sake.

Of course.

I have a New Year's resolution.

Would you like to hear it?

Very much so.

I shouldn't settle for good enough anymore.

Neither of us should.

That's a good resolution.

And maybe there really is a fairytale out there waiting to come true for both of us.

I haven't found mine yet but you may have found yours and I can't be the one to keep you from it.

I care about you too much.

Thank you.

[crowd gasps] You have some nerve showing up here.


Leave her alone.


Caitlyn, I am really sorry about everything.

She took a picture of your dress then had the magazine's art department mock up that picture for the paper.

Why are you telling me this?

Because I'm hoping maybe you'll show me how you can come up with something so beautiful.

And maybe give me tickets to your first show.

You really think that I can have a show?

I know you will because Appliqu magazine is going to sponsor it.

Isn't that right, mom?

Well, I can't just- Mom, can you really just stand there and tell me that this dress isn't amazing?

It's very nice.

Thank you, Abigail.

And if you would like your job back...

No, but thank you.

It's almost midnight.

It's time for a fresh start.

May I have this dance?

I would love to.

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

For what?

For helping me to believe in fairytales again.

What about the tradition of proposing on New Year's Eve?

I heard they have one every year.

If you're not busy...

I'm not busy.







Happy New Year!

Happy New Year.

[cheering and applause] Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.
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