Happy New Year (2014)

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Happy New Year (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

Happy New Year

Team Korea, that was flawless!

This is the final word in the world of dance The Videocon.


Team India?

Has anyone seen Team India?

Now with 1 act to go!

The last act by a team that...

...came here with Zero expectations.

Although this team has now...

...won a billion hearts, the world over!

Astounding everyone by reaching the Finals of WDC...

...this team is..

Team Indiaaaa!


Team India is missing!

Black-White, Rich-Poor, Friends-Strangers..

It's all irrelevant.

Actually, there are just Two kinds of people in the World Winners...

...and Losers!

And today 6 losers are awaited on the biggest stage...

...6 losers who didn't come here for this applause in the first place.

It was I who got them here from the hazy streets of anonymity.

little knowing what fate had in store for us.


Fate is a bloody fickle thing - changes sides anytime!




Come on, Charlie!

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


Get up Charlie!





Hit the gong!



Charlie this Bald Bob...

...is beating the hell out of you!

Ah what can I say?

It's an occupational Hazard.

But that tree trunk is thrashing you mercilessly!

How on earth are you enduring such pain?

Who's getting thrashed to endure?

I get thrashed...

...so that I can come here everyday...

...get beaten up everyday...

...manipulate the odds everyday.


You have fixed this fight?

You have taken money to lose?

From Whom?





From Mr.


He is a really dangerous guy!

Hurry up and go Charlie..

And Fall quickly!

Be careful Charlie.

Lose and come Tiger!

Don't worry...


I'll handle it.


Fall Dammit!

Everyone's watching..

Try harder, like you mean it.

You want to get thrashed...

...for all your money's worth eh?

A thief's son...

Come on, Charlie.

...and such honesty?

You do know that everyone here knows...

...that your father was a thief.

A thief's son!






What the hell have you done, Charlie?

If Bob doesn't get up...

...you will never be able to fight here again.

You know that right?

Bob get up...

He won't get up.

Won't get up?

Which means you..



I'm Charlie Real name: Chandramohan Manohar Sharma.

A topper from Boston University..

But a loser by Fate.

To earn an honest buck in this city for me had...

...not only become difficult, it had become impossible.


That's a long Story!

The Pretigious Diamond Company, 'Shimmer Diamonds'...

...is shifting an extremely rare collection of diamonds for an exhibition...

...from Pretoria to Antwerp.

The security of these priceless diamonds has been given...

...to the world-renowned security firm...

...Shalimar International!

So now the custodian of these diamonds, is the Owner of Shalimar International...

...Mr. Charan Grover.

Lets take a quick look at the ongoing live press conference.

Thank you...

Thank you everybody!

Is it true that these diamonds...

...are coming to Dubai for a night?

Before they reach Antwerp, on Christmas Eve, just for one night...

... these diamonds will be kept here at the Atlantis, in the Shalimar.

Private Collectors in the Grey Market...

... have estimated these Diamonds to be worth about 50 million dollars.

Its too less...

...how can one put a value...

...on 9 priceless diamonds of the Mughal Dynasty?

And the same night, the opening ceremony of the..

..World Dance Championship is also being held here right?

Absolutely, Shimmer Diamonds has...

...graciously sponsored the World Dance Championship Trophy this year.

This time around, the trophy has been made in solid Gold.

In fact, the copies of these very diamonds have been set in it.

The trophy itself is worth over a quarter of a million dollars.

So you see, it's a win-win situation for all.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

It's now Time to go get Jag.

Roll sound.

Ha Ha Hee Hee, shot 1, take 1.






Who is the stupid b*mb guy?

He's bursting the wrong b*mb at the wrong time at the wrong place...

You go call him.

You go call him & get him here!

Aye Jag!

Aye Jag!


Captain Jagmohan Prakash.

Ex b*mb squad.

You Deaf Mule!

A soldier gives his years to his country, Jag gave his ear.

The director is calling!

What's written in this?

What's written in this?

Its written that when the lady gyrates her hips, then the blast should happen...

The hips gyrated, but the colorful blasts were wrong!

What's the matter Mr. Director?

What's the matter Mr. Director?

I've been telling you since morning..

Oh, oh, open shirt, 6 pack abs, dard-e-disco look?

On my set?

This is unacceptable.

I've been teaching you since morning, b*mb 2-3-4, b*mb 2-3-4...

...b*mb 2-3-4.

That's what I did b*mb 2-3, b*mb 2-3 Where the hell did 4 go?

On a holiday?

What sir?

- What sir?

Are you freaking mad?


Did your mother drop you on you head when you were a kid, that you don't understand anything?

Lunatic Son, Lunatic Mother!

Its essential that you know 2 things about One: Jag Worships his mother.

Two: Jag gets really pissed off ...

...when someone insults his mother.

Lunatic mother!

Director Sir!

Don't say anything about my mother!


Is your mom the great Mother India?

I'm warning you I may hit you.

You can hit me.

But not on a girl...

Save me.

I just want to say one thing to you..

Your mother is a lunatic!



We are going to k*ll Grover, right?


No, jag.


Charlie you don't want to k*ll that one Man who ruined all our lives?

Manohar uncle was your dad, but he was no less of a father to me..

Coz of this scumbag he is in jail till today.

8 years, since 8 years I've been waiting for this.

Even I have been waiting since 8 years Jag but Timing, timing is everything.


Just tell me once where can we find this Grover!

If I wanted to k*ll him, I would have k*lled him by Now.

Since 8 years I've been following him everywhere like a shadow!

London, Berlin, Vienna, Paris, New York, everywhere.

Charan Grover would have been dead 7 times by now...

...but you know what jag?

Death is a trivial punishment for him.

Justice will be...

...when he craves for death and doesn't get it.

I want to destroy him..

...as much as he destroyed us.

So then what are we waiting for Charlie?

I'm here, you're here.

What else do we need?

- No.

We are not the only ones who want revenge Jag.

This vengeance is for all three of us.

Your going to take that fat lump along?

Yes Jag!

This vengeance is incomplete without him!

But Charlie?

- Jag...

...we have to get Tammy...

Our Fat Lump!

Temhton Irani...

...the 50 year old chick magnet of Parsi Colony...

...& the world's best safe cr*cker.

But Tammy was no Thief.

He used to test the safes in my dad's factory.

Its essential that you know 2 things about Tammy.

One; Tammy carries an entire supermarket in his satchel..

..and two, there is everything in this satchel, except money.


Tammy Iraniiiii..!

Scoundrel's wearing loose, baggy shorts & jogging, hitting on these girls!

Come here, Come here and stand.

Here take this money..

Hurry up & get me my eggs & bread..

Always cribbing!

Yes mama!

Hurry up & take it!

Coming Mamma.

Oye my money is in it be careful with it!

Yes mama...

Last time a quarter was unaccounted for, now hurry up and take it rogue!

I understand...


We have to break into the Shalimar security systems...

...which is the most advanced in the world...

Then we have to crack the safe within &...

...then steal the 9 priceless diamonds from there.




Exactly Tammy..

- What utter nonsense..

Where are you going?

I am going home & the two of you go to the mental hospital.

I told you this fatso is good for nothing!

Who you calling a fatso huh?

Who you calling a fatso?

You who else!

Ai you deaf Bull!

One clip I'll give you under your ear nah.

Your sound system will go from Mono to mute.

Hey Ronnie!

Hey Ronnie did my boy come here?

Did you see that Idiot?

- Hide me Charlie.

Hide me!

Where the hell is he?

You know that rogue has absconded with 22 rupees of mine!

O shit!

This lump still gets these fits!

Aye fatso!

He's not got himself treated yet.

Don't worry, he gets these fits whenever he's stressed, but just for 30 seconds.

If he comes you tell him, his mother was remembering him.

I'm going to smack him!!

Bye, see you..

Aye Tammy..

This is our only chance to get even with Grover.

Despite being innocent, dad's...

...been in jail for the past 8 years.

I will give my life for Manohar you know that.

He was my best friend Charlie, he was my best friend.

And if he wasn't in jail today...

...all of us would have been working together.

That's what I'm asking of you, to work together.

Like how dad and you together made the Shalimar safe, & during testing only one man opened...

...it without knowing the combination, in 22 minutes.

You Tammy!

Don't do this for me...

...do this for dad please.

Aye Tammy?

Guys I have to pack my bag don't I?

Come on!

Take this!

Go Die!

Where is he?

Where is he?

Mama, I told you to pack my suitcase...

...not throw it out!

Yes I'm your father's sl*ve is it?

Take this, your undies and boxers, I've washed it and kept it ready.

Why are you embarrassing me in front of everyone mama?

And listen, wash your undies before you wear them, wash them everyday, Don't flip it inside out and wear them else it will get real itchy!

Keep quiet please!

- Go on now!

Listen you better go pee before you sleep..

Aye mamma!

Otherwise you'll have to wash the bed-sheets too.

Can't we live without this fatso?

Are the two of us not enough?

Even the three of us are not enough.


You're putting together a cricket team?


Charlie, step on it!

Come on hurry..


Bye, girls.

Bye, Tammy.

Now he wants one more person..


Coz 3 levels of Shalimar are completely computerized.

We need a hacker.


Do you know a hacker?


He's a friend's nephew called...

He's bald?

How is it of any help to us if he's bald?

Arreyy called, not bald!

Why haven't you gone to the doc to clean up your ears?

Jag, your nephew, Rohan!


- Hmm..

Here goes one more introduction!

And this is Rohan...

Aahh not this stud...

...the guy standing behind him.

Rohan Singh, nephew of our Captain Jagmohan!

Rohan has 600 friends on Facebook.

But not even one in real life.

Coz IQ doesn't interest girls, they want CQ..

Cool quotient!

Don't even try!

Dolly & Polly...

...don't mingle with losers!

"Sorry, I want to.." Oh my god, its our favorite song!

"I am Punjabi." No one knew though that this loser of the real world..

..was HACKGOD RS of the virtual world.

HACKGOD RS has just 2 things in his life.

Number 1-hacking...

...and number 2-hacking.

What are you playing?

- I didn't..

- What is this?



- Hold on.

You are such a loser.

Come on, let's go.


Save me..

Please, save me!

I think I've seen this scene before..


from the film 'Damini' Ahh that '2.5 kg fist' scene, yes..


Now see Jag's 5 Kg fist.

Hey, Jag Uncle!

So happy to see you!

Come here.

Hey big guy!

Leave the kid alone!


Thank you.

Come to mama honey.


He said your mother is Horny!

What did you say?

Come to mama honey!

You called my Mother Horny?

Whose mother?



Its past my dinner time, my sugar levels are dropping!

I swear on my mom I didn't take your mother's...

You are talking about my mother again!

Rascal You ate my banana?

This is the only place you found in the whole damn street?

Go there and fall!

Sorry uncle!

Shut up!

See this.

- Awesome what is this network?

Will tell you later, first tell me, can you hack it?

See, Charlie, this is an extremely secure network, if I start working on it tomorrow then...

I'm telling you Rohan, this work is illegal.


Pinky, Pamma, Bubbly, Lovely, Sweety, Tinny.

Mammaiya kairo kairo kairo mamaa..

Kairo mamaa!

Mammaiya kairo kairo kairo mamaa..

Guys, don't say 'Mamma'..

He will hit us!

What's there what's there what's there?


..strawberry milk shake, yeah!


You've come back?

Why do you keep falling next to me?

What should I do uncle?

He keeps throwing me here!

Jaswinder !



&^%$##^&^&^ MAATAJIIII!!

What did he say?

Damn he abused your mom in Chinese!


This is a really dangerous place.

A person can't even eat in peace.

What's there what's there what's there?

Ahhhhh Pineapple cake!

I am gonna have my cake and eat it too.

Ooiiii Maa!


We've said that you work for us in our software company...


Is that you?


Jag uncle, help him!




They are saying your mother..

Your mother is a $#@!

Maa always works!

I've understood the plan it's All clear!

But there is one problem.

I will hack the computers of this vault...

...but how will you guys get inside the vault?

There is a biometric lock there.

Aye hacker, talk in layman terms!

What he means is, the door of the room that this vault is in...

...opens only with fingerprints.


...with the thumbprint of just one Man.

Who's thumbprint?

His thumbprint.

Vicky Grover, Charan Grover's son?

Vicky Grover?

- Yeah!

Vicky Grover?

Vicky Grover?


We will take it from here.


Come on, Charlie, its a bloody joke.

Come on, Tammy, don't over react.

I Have a plan.


You intend on roping in Vikki Grover?

Actually, yes, something of that sort.





Hail Lord Krishna!



Hail Lord Krishna!

Nandu Bhide is The Man!!!

Hey, where is Nandu's bottle?!


I present to you...

Vikki Grover!

Aka Nandu Bhide!

Bloody hell, Double role!

Oh My God!

It's like a movie!

Where did you find him?

Last year I saw him in the Ram-Leela.

He was playing the role of Lord Hanuman.

I saw Ram-Leela once...

...& got blessings for a lifetime!

Superb, Charlie.

- Bless me!

So be it!

Have the liquor and break the pot.

Have the liquor and break the pot.

Have the liquor and break the pot.

Have the liquor and break the pot.

Have the liquor and break the pot.

Its essential that you know two things about Nandu Bhide..


He can throw up anytime.

Jump up anytime?

Is he a gymnast?

Not jump up...

Throw up!

And the second thing?

Second thing?

See it for yourself.

Nandu, no.

Oh God.


Waste of time, guys!

How can we trust him?

He will ruin the entire plan!

Without him there is no plan!

If we want to get into Shalimar then we need this face.

This one, this.

Guys, We need him!

Feed him?

- No, Not feed him.

But why should we feed him?

Look, he's so hopelessly drunk!

What do you guys think?

He will risk his life for us?


- Exactly!

He has no reason to.

Charlie, No motivation.

No crime!

Furthermore, he is so useless...

...and he really stinks, Charlie.

How do we make a gentleman out of this trash?

Charlie, I've heard about sex change operations...

...but a species change operation is impossible!


It's impossible, doctor!

An operation without money is impossible!

I know that..

I will save up the money in 1-2 years though!

But where is the time, Nandu?

Mom won't survive for 1-2 years...

6 months.

And if it gets later than that...

Hey, Mom, you don't worry okay!

Don't you worry.

Nandu will collect the money.

Nandu will get your tumor operated.

Hey you rich, wealthy people!

Hang up your pots, as high as you can!

Nandu will get them.

I'll get them!

Poor Nandu!

His mom has a tumor.

But guys we now have a reason...

...his mother's operation.

Here's to motivation guys.

Cheers to Nandu!

Team Diamonds!

A Drunken Wastrel...

A Wild Boar...

A Heavy Duty Soldier...

And an Impish Kid!

I had carefully handpicked these...

... Charlie's Angels!

This is Manohar's old workshop!

We used to work here years ago..

Hey, Jag?

Remember this Lathe Machine?

I can't believe it.

Everything is still the same, Tammy.


The Destruction of Charan Grover should begin..

..where is left us destroyed.

We begin our work today, guys.

But what are we going to do here?


Rehearsal of the World's grandest heist!

We are going to rob this cupboard?

Abode of the underground Goddess!


...welcome to Shalimar!


Welcome to Shalimar!

First point,...

...Shalimar's 100 feet long corridor.

At the very entrance we have...

...specially trained Black-Cat commandos.

They k*ll first...

...and doubt later.

These commando's are trained by the Mossad or the KGB.

And Nandu will go through this very corridor.




You think I am these big brutes brother in law...

...that they will let me go in?


Not their brother in law..

They will think you are Vikki Grover.


- Tammy?

Charan Grover's son.

Damnnnn double role.

Same to same, color Xerox!

How's it possible though?

My dad never went to Dubai.

His dad must have come to India!

Yes that's possible...


This is the biometric security.

This lock can open with the fingerprints of just one man.

And he is...


Vikki Grover!

The key to Shalimar!

Wassup daddy cool?

- All well!

Vikki Grover.

Now where will we get Vikki Grover's fingerprints from!

That's not a big problem.

The big problem is, how are we going to transform Nandu into Vikki Grover?

Mission impossible.

Such a big safe?


Tammy's true Love!


"My true love," "Shalimar.." "Until we meet..." "...we both are restless." "In our eyes the wait is endless." 49 levers, 7 cycles, 145 tumblers.

Stop Tammy!

- What happened?

In the real Shalimar, there is an outer laser shield...

...which is 12000 volts.

The codes to this outer laser shield are changed everyday!

Who's going to stop this electric current now?

My father?

But he never went to Dubai did he.

Hey you listen, Don't go on my dad!





- Sorry!

The laser-shield is computerized.

So it will be hacko-fied!


So, gentlemen!

This is the world famous Shalimar safe.

It has more than 110 million combinations!

110 million!

If you start trying today...

It will be 350 years before you've...

...tried all combinations, and it still won't open.



Would you step in, please?

So to open Shalimar without the codes, it will take you 350 years.

But you will have only...

5 minutes.

The door of the safe will remain open for just 5 minutes.

And in these 5 minutes, If we don't escape with the diamonds then..


The door will automatically shut and the laser shield will come on!



Step back.


Thank you so much.

Which means even if somehow a thief comes in, he has no way out!

Mister Gupta?

There is oxygen inside..

Keep breathing.

As you can see, apart from me...

...no one can take out your diamonds from Shalimar.

And trust me...

I'm not a thief!

You guys know the way out!

Apart from this, there is no other way in!

There is a way.

A way...

...that even Grover is unaware of.

Which way?

Shalimar is a 150 feet below Atlantis.

And this is where the sewer system of Atlantis is as well.


Sewer as in a gutter!

Not a dirty pig like you!

Shalimar's greatest weakness is its ventilation!


Air flow.

It's tight!

There was an old A/C duct here for air supply.

One vent of this duct is still...

...somewhere behind the panel, in the walls of Shalimar.

Me and Tammy will reach behind this panel...

...and Nandu you, disguised as Vikki will open this panel...

...so both of us can come in.


With this Allen Key, I mean with this Key, Nandu.

There are special grooves in this, with which the panel will open with ease.

Where did you get this from?

In the thousands of hands that made Shalimar..

There were also those 2 hands, that were mapping & plotting the destruction of Grover.

Aye Charlie, you are a genius!



Thank you, Nandu.

That's enough.

Okay, Charlie...

How will the two of us reach the other side of the panel?

We will reach the other side of the panel through the AC duct.

See, the AC duct begins here, and comes till here.

Years ago, these used to be pump rooms..

For air conditioning.

But now these rooms have been renovated into green rooms..

..for live events, performances that are held here at the Atlantis.

So this AC duct has one opening here...

...and the other opening is...

...here, in Room 9C.

There are 1539 rooms in Atlantis..

..but there is only one way to get into Shalimar, and that is through...

...Room 9C.


So, we will go to Atlantis, Book 9C...

...and directly check into the Shalimar!




its not that simple, Tammy.

The thing is...

Room 9C is already reserved.


6 months in advance?





Not exactly like that...

Charlie, I've understood!

The thing is, another group...

...has already made the same plan and have booked it!

No issues!

We'll meet this guys and tell them to split 50-50 with us...

...or we'll call the cops!




This room cannot be booked.

So then how is it reserved?

Guys I told you'll its a green room.

If its green or if its black, how does the color matter to us?

We aren't going there for our honeymoon?

Charlie boy?

What's cooking?

What are you hiding from us?

Its nothing dude, nothing at all..

You guys..


...okay so the thing is...

...the night the diamonds are in the Shalimar..

..that night there is a live event in Atlantis, a performance.


And Room 9c is reserved...

...for WDC.

And if we want Room 9C for ourselves...

...then we have to take part in WDC.

That's it!

Dabboo DC..

Dabboo DC..

Dabboo DC what the hell is this Dabboo DC?


Yes that what is it?

Guys, I told you its a live performance...

...you know its an event WDC..


Excuse me.

He's already deaf...

...and we didn't hear you all that well either.

What did you say?

Didn't hear?

Nothing its just a Worrllddchammpship.

What is a worldddannccshhiippp?

It's a worddannncsshiipppp!

What is a worlddannccshhiippp?

Say it clearly!

World Dance Championship.

Go H^% a buffalo!

Sajid Sir!

Is your new film starting?

Guys its!


Director Sir!

Jag here!

I've memorized the sequence perfectly - b*mb 2.3.4!

b*mb 2, 3, 4!

Hello sir I can't hear you too well?

Now I'll have to go say sorry to mom!

Mummy, I am sorry!

Aye Drama Queens!


What this drama for guys?

It's a small, tiny dance competition.

That's it!

What do you mean by that's it!

This is not a dance competition...

...this is the World Dance Competition.

Ya so?


Who amongst us looks like a dancer to you?

This fatso?

This drunkard?

Or this kid?


Forgot to mention yourself huh, Jackson's illegitimate child!

Why you calling me Macmohan?

We'll discuss this later...

First you tell us, how on earth are we going to reach this World Dance Championship.

As team India!


Aye, Tammy, listen up.

This time WDC, India is happening here.

In Mumbai.

And to win that, its not essential for us to dance well.

We just have to go on stage...

...and move around a bit that's all guys!


And end up making an absolute fool...

...out of ourselves in front of the entire country.


We will emerge victorious!

Correct, we will look ridiculous!


The winner of WDC India will be decided by Votes..

..and we will automatically get the maximum votes.

From Where?

From here!


I'm pointing towards you.


Rohan is going to hack his way in, and he will get the maximum votes for us.

By hacking the votes.

Damn genius.

Why didn't you say before?

I'm saying now, am I not!

- That's gonna be easy.

I'm in guys!

He too is in guys, Well done, very good go for it!

He's going to hack his way in...

...but we guys can't dance!

Talk about yourself, Khali!

Charlie, My snake dance is world famous in Sangam Chawl!

I'll show you?

- See..

that's the spirit got for it.

Yeah very good.

- Aye see!

Hey see this, it's so easy, yeah, yeah!

I rest my case.

Come on, Tammy, Jag!

You guys know that if we really want to achieve something...

...we can easily do it..

And this is just a little bit of dancing.

We just need a little practice and we'll get it in a jiffy..


See, we can do this..

See Is there more to it, Nandu?

No that's all there is.

That's it, guys.

Come on.

So simple.

Come on, Guys.

Come on, Tammy Come.

Okay come!

I got three left feet, Charlie.

More feet better dance!

Right there.

"My heart is restless." "My eyes are waiting." "Life is meaningless.." "..there's no rhythm." "Come, beloved.

Come on." "Let's get into tune." "Let's get into tune." "Let's get into tune." "Let's get into tune." I told Charlie that we can't dance to save our lives.

I was better off in the army...

Arrey arrey arrey!

We have to go on stage in 2 weeks and you guys don't know jack shit yet!

What do you know, you piece of thrash?

You called me a piece of thrash?

You tie this bandanna around your neck and do your snake dance all day long.

You've come for your father's wedding?

Hey don't go on my dad.

What you going to do about it?

What will you do?

- What will you do?

What will you do fatso?

- What will you do?

Here we go again!

- What will you do?


No one has to do anything.

Whatever needs to be done, Rohan's going to do.

Rohan's going to take care of the votes.

We won't get voted out.

Dancing is not a tension.

Uh- actually...

...there is tension.

This time a lot of teams have applied so....

...there is a judges round before the actual competition.

We are your worst nightmares!

This competition is no joke!

We will choose only the best!

And eliminate the rest!


Chuck it, guys!

Guys remove my duplicate's photo please.

I don't like hitting myself with darts!

We have to hit him first!


Chuck it, Uncle!

Why should he chuck it!

Our vengeance should be full & absolute.

Charlie, this plan to rob the diamonds I understand, but I don't get this fire of vengeance that's burning in him..

There's some story to all this...

...isn't it?

This story is about diamonds...

...It was all about..

...a handful of diamonds.

Charlie's father Manohar & me used to work together!

Not colleagues, we were friends.

And not friends like you who poke each other on Facebook..

..from Friday to Friday...

...real friends!


We were like family!

When I left the army, Manohar uncle included me in his family as well!

Both of us used to test his systems.

Dad had the contracts...

...for the security of the entire Diamond Market...

And all was very good..

Then Charan Grover came into our lives.

Charan Grover was a dealer of African diamonds.

He gave dad the contract to make the most advanced safe in the world.

Dad decided to call it.


For dad & these two guys, it was their biggest project ever.

They took loans from the market...

... and after one year of intense hard work..

...finally Shalimar was ready.

Charan Grover's first consignment of diamonds...

...was worth 20 million dollars.

20 million?

I still remember...

..the night the diamonds were kept in the safe, It was New Year's eve!

Mr. Grover!

I'll request you to please change the combination of the safe and...

...put in your own fingerprints too.


What's the hurry?

It's new years eve, enjoy yourself.

Have a drink!

Come on!

Mr. Grover, I can't take such a big responsibility.

Right now, there are 20 million worth of diamonds in the Shalimar and..

And no one can open it except you...

...I know that.

But you are not a thief..


Come on today is new year.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on, happy new year, cheers.


That night Grover showed his true colors.

He drugged my Dad.

Dad was seeing himself get ruined with his own eyes, and couldn't even lift a finger to stop it.

Grover stole his own diamonds..

..and then called the police.

The cops found dad's fingerprints on the biometric lock.

Grover took the diamonds..

.and then he got the insurance claim too.

Dad was boycotted by the entire Diamond Market.

And he got arrested.

Dad was jailed for 12 years.

Rigorous imprisonment.

He wasn't allowed to meet anyone...

Jag & Tammy also had to leave the city incase the cops got to them.

I was left to fend for myself...

And Charan Grover, who ruined us all - ...went to Dubai and solely took over Shalimar International and today..

...is living a life of immense luxuries and colossal comforts.

He's got fate on his side!

Fate is a fickle mistress, Nandu!

It can turn tables anytime!

This time I'm going to send Charan Grover to Jail..

..for a very long time.



He'll go.

He'll surely go, Charlie.

Why didn't you tell me before..

..that this is all about your dad?

I'm here for my mom..

..and you're here for your dad!

We are both bound by our grief.

Thank you.


I kiss you!


What kiss?

- Kiss please.

No, no, you can't kiss me, Nandu!

No, no, you can't kiss me.

- One kiss, please!

What is he saying, guys?

- Charlie..

No please!


I swear on my mother...

...you guys are a heartless bunch.

You take me into your flashbacks and make me sentimental, and after that, Charlie, you won't let me give you one kiss?

Hey just cut it out!

Here we are so tense about the dance competition...

...and all you are worried about is a damn kiss!

Of course, you'll be tense!

You know why?

Coz you guys are learning it all wrong!


...does anyone learn how to dance like this?

Damn you!

Dance is automajic.


I will get...

...a dance teacher for you guys, Charlie, come let's go.

Aahaan..Don't touch me.

Where do we have to go?


...there is golden liquor in our throats..

Sparkling Radiance in our hearts and in front of us we have..






"Hearing your name, my heart beats." "Hearing your name, my heart beats" "O beloved, O love." "O life, O luck." "O beloved, O love." "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name." "By saying your name." "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name." "Your name." "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name." "By saying your name." "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name." "Your name." "My beloved has returned to me" "My beloved has returned to me" "My beloved has returned to me" "My beloved has returned to me" "These red bangles of mine" "Ring out for you" "They dance for you, sing out for you." "Such an intoxication." "In your anticipation." "One touch is all it took" "I'm yours forever now." "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "By saying your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "Your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "By saying your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "Your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "By saying your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "Your name" "She's put kohl in her eyes." "Looking at me she's gone mad." "Having taken photo and autograph." "She keeps liking the pics on instagram." "O girl, what you are doing?" "Please leave my friends alone." "Listen girl you have gone mad." "Says there's no one else like her." "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "By saying your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "Your name" "There is complete arrangement." "This evening you're the only one" "I'm yours until the morning comes" "Listen to the song in my heart" "who knows about tomorrow?" "Tell me your joys and sorrows" "I know its kind of crazy but I am yours forever now." "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "By saying your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "Your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "By saying your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "Your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "By saying your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "Your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "By saying your name" "I am more beautiful now" "By saying your name" "Your name" Tell me, Mohini, will you come teach us how to dance?


...you think its easy to dance like Mohini?

It's not easy!

There are just 2 people in the world who can do it...

One is JLO, the other is Shakira!

There is no dancer like Mohini in the whole of India.

You are not going to get such a chance in your whole life!

You will be on TV, girl, on TV!

With you guys?

Will make a fool out of myself for sure!

That will be the End of my dance school.


Hey Dimwit!

Mohini doesn't dance here for joy!

I want to earn some money And open my own school.

I want to teach small, Tiny kids how to dance.

What will you get out of that?


Something that no girl here gets.

You know, my mom used to say...

...the most important thing in life is respect.

I will teach you guys how to dance?

Dance is worship...

...dance is an art!


Where did I say it's a fart!



Get out of here.

Troubling me since childhood.

Hey, Mohini!

Don't get upset c'mon..

Relax, Nandu!

Don't force her.

There's no compulsion.


We really appreciate You taking out time for us...

He speaks in English!

"I've got a feeling!" Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious...

I forgot to mention the 2 things which Are essential to know about Mohini.

...Mohini louuuves the English.

...and Mohini can't speak the English.

Excuse me.

Yes, Jag?

He speaks in English?

Yes, Yes!

Full English...


He's my friend!

I have to teach him too?

You have to teach him the most!

He is the captain of our team!

Text me the address...

...I will be there tomorrow at 9.

Hey, Mohini!

Charlie, she's agreed!


His name's 'English' too!

The question is not about who she is, what she is...

...or what she does?

What matters, is what she is for us?

And for us, she is just a teacher.


Who will make us rehearse from 9 in the morning...

...to 6 in the evening, that's it.

From 9 am to 6 pm...

...we will forget what she actually is.

Yes, yes, yes, Jag I know what she is.

She's a bar dancer who wears these teensy weensy, ..short, sexy clothes...

...and dances in front of random men for money.

But what really matters, Tammy?

We have nothing to do with her personal life.

What difference does it make to us?

She is our teacher...

And it's important that we respect her.

And you specially Nandu, you too are cheap like her aren't you.


And it's alright.

She's a call girl...

...she's cheap, she's vulgar, she's tacky...

But now she is what she is.

You understand Rohan, What I'm trying to say?


What I'm trying to say Charlie, is that she is standing behind you.



- No.



- Enough!

Mohini has been dancing in front of...

...drunk strangers since two years, but no one has ever made me feel so cheap.




...apologize in English!

Hey, Mohini, listen up..

Hey, stop please Mohini Please, please, stop..

Stop, please!


I apologize!

I'm really, really very sorry.

Actually the thing is..

..you are the only lady in this group..

Girl, not lady.

- Exactly!

A call girl.

No, you heard this out of context.

What I was trying to do is get these idiots to respect you.

How on earth will they respect me if you don't.

Who told you that?

I do, I do immensely..

I respect you.

I really respect you a lot.


- Yes!


- Why?

Why respect Mohini?

'Cause Mohini, you are such an exceptional dancer!

Perhaps the best in the world.

Last night when I saw you for the first time I was mesmerized, hypnotized, the passion, the expression, the rhythm.

The movement of your booty, the beauty of your movements.

And your big thighs... eyes...

And your hips don't lie.


...you are simply bt taking, breath taking.

Actually Mohini we are all losers, me too.

And we want to win this competition and that can't happen without you, It's not possible without you.

I'm ready to do whatever you say.


anything just please don't say no.


(Nine) No!


(Nine) No!


Its nine o'clock...

...It's time for rehearsals.

Mohini hate lateness...


I promise you Mohini..

...I will never be late in my life!


"I've got a feeling.." "I've got a feeling.." "A feeling in my heart" "That you are..." "The one in my soul, in my life, in my dreams.." "..from the start" "I've got a feeling!" "I've got a feeling" "A feeling in my heart" "I'll give you my soul, and my life and we'll never be apart." "I'm just a traveler from afar" "I am the light from a shining star" "I can't be held in your soul, in your life" "Or the depths of your heart." "I've got a feeling.." "I've got a feeling.." "A feeling in my heart" "That you are" "The one in my soul, in my life, in my dreams.." "..from the start!" "They speak to me, those eyes of yours" "Now, I belong to only you, and of course" "You're mine, too." "Don't tie me up with your delicate words" "Don't color my life with love because,," "I can't be yours." "Someday you will love somebody" "That somebody could well be me!" "You are living a dream in your heart." "On the walls of." "The very walls of." "The walls of my beating heart." "Are pictures of you, of your love Of your soul, only you" "From the start!" "My lover plays a game.." "My heartbeat sings his name." "His eyes meet mine." "And our love burns like a flame." "Your eyes have cast a magical spell." "Come into my arms just once, and well." "I have become yours!" "The air begins to simmer." "And of love, we catch a glimmer." "We float, we fly," "Into the sky, amongst the stars." "I've got a feeling.." "I've got a feeling.." "A feeling in my heart" "That you are" "The one in my soul, in my life, in my dreams," "from the start." "You are the one in my life, in my soul, in my dreams" "That you are" "The one in my soul, in my life, in my dreams," "from the start." "That you are" "The one in my soul, in my life, in my dreams," "from the start" "You are the one in my life, in my soul, in my dreams." Welcome to PNB Metlife presents, India auditions- WDC!

As you can see, the top dancing teams of India are present here...

But the judges will choose only 5 teams.

Who will be these teams?

"These are the Indiawale." Move..

"Indiawale." An epic w*r is in progress behind this door!

One by one, like injured soldiers, people are coming out.

This was a damn good team!

They rejected them too?

These two judges are big jerks!

Our selection is impossible!

And look at him!

Our captain!

He's the worst dancer amongst us and he's laughing!


- Team Diamonds!


And the next team that's going in is Team Diamonds, The judges haven't selected a single team till now, lets see what happens with these folks.

Good luck, All the best..

..to the judges.


What the hell was that?

What vulgar positions are these?

How dare you show us such a vulgar dance?

Vishal sir, Anurag sir, why are you guys getting angry?

This is completely inspired by you.

Actually by the two of you..

We saw a video...

And the two of you have taken such incredible positions in that video.

We were flabbergasted!


Why don't you see the video for yourself..

See it and be double sure.

Anurag sir, pink is so your color...

...and Vishal sir, your hairy back.

Have your wives seen this video?

We were thinking of putting it up on Youtube.



So tell me..

.what do you think of our positions now?




Team Diamonds is in!

I think the judges have gone crazy!

But don't worry, its your votes which will decide who goes into the...

Ahh ahh ahh...

...its your votes which will decide who goes into..

Hey my mike, my mike..

India, Be double sure.

Give them a big hand.

Welcome to PNB metlife presents, India finals- WDC!

See the rules are extremely simple.

5 teams will perform here, and once the performances are over...

...we will open the voting lines.

Exactly one hour after that..

..which ever team has the maximum votes...

...that team will become- TEAM INDIA!

And then that team will go to Dubai to take part...

...in the World Dance Championship!

Who will be Team India?

Who is going to win over the heart of India?

7 minutes.

You guys have 7 Minutes.

Today, I am not going to tell you how to perform on stage.

If you don't tell us who will?

- Disturb not please!



Who knows if we will be together after today, or not.

Will we ever get an opportunity like this again, or not.

But today!

Stand up, mister!


Today if each dancer of this team dances...

...the best that he ever has in his life...

Then I swear by my mother...

...no one can take these 7 minutes away from you.

No one!

Not even God!

So now go and play!

I mean...


And remember...

If you lose you lose...

...but don't lose your respect!

Come on, boys!


What an original speech!

Go get them!

Give them a big hand, that's Team Angels!

And now, coming up next on this stage..

..are the eldest dancers of this competition.

Give them a big hand-Team Diamonds.

Hey, Nandu.

Bloody Idiot!

You've become a dancer boy!

Who the hell will marry you now?



"Chammiya Style." "Dance for me a little with that Chamiya style" "Look at me a little with that Chamiya style" "Get your body moving baby Chammiya Style" "Dance for me a little with that Chamiya style" "Look at me a little with that Chamiya style" "Get your body moving baby Chammiya Style" "Sometimes I am the monsoon" "The warm winds of June." "And I melt into your arms." "Sometimes I talk to myself" "Thinking of you, wrapping me up in your charms." "When the rhythm gets you going and you cant control it." "Feel the rush inside your veins and, lose yourself to dance." "Put your hands on your hips" "Lose yourself, take a trip." "Get a little naughty baby, dance like a Chamiya." "Put your hands on your hips" "Lose yourself, take a trip." "Let me be your hottie baby, dance like a chamiya" "Dance for me a little with that Chamiya style" "Look at me a little with that Chamiya style" "Get your body moving baby Chammiya Style, Chammiya Style" "Dance for me a little with that Chamiya style" "Look at me a little with that Chamiya style" "Get your body moving baby Chammiya Style" "Dance Like A..." "Dance Like A Chammiya!" Booo!



No bottles!

No bottles!

Stop throwing please.

Okay stop!

Calm Down please.

I understand your emotions!

Please control yourself!


Calm down, Calm Down, Calm Down..


In one hour we will all know, who is Team India!

The voting lines will shut at 6 pm sharp!

So come on India...

...pick up your Nokia phone and start voting...




raaa He's danced so badly!

But I'm his mother...

...I have to vote for him!


Rohan, what's going on?

We should get all the votes before 6 pm!

Charlie these crawlers are scrambling the data..

It's going to take some time for the data packet to upload..

This box is useless!


Don't say anything about my lappy!

Your lappy will get one slappy...

...Hurry up!

- Quiet, Tammy !

Just 2 minutes left for 6 pm..

..after that votes don't count!

I told you guys never to take this kid in our group.

I'll give him one, Tammy?

- Hurry up kid, hurrry up!

Come on, come on, come on.

Guys take it easy, don't worry.



What is this?


Let's go, let's go!

I told you he's an intelligent kid.

Well done, Rohan!

Alright then.

Ladies and gentlemen, PNB Metlife presents India finals WDC...

...and now the moment that all of us have been waiting for is here!

In front of you here, on this Nokia LED Screen, are the votes, and on the number one position we have...

The Dance Angels!

As expected.


And at the last position, is Team Diamonds, As expected.

Rohan what's happening?

See the damn score!

C'mon be a sport!

And what do we have here?

Team Diamonds points are increasing!

People are actually voting for them!

I don't believe what's happening...

...oh my god team diamonds is going up the chart.

Quickly they've gone past the number 4 spot..

..number 3 position..

I do not believe this...

...Team Diamonds are now at the second position!


This is going to be a really close fight...

...and the difference in votes is diminishing..

And now as per my watch we have just ten seconds left!

Alright guys, get ready!


...countdown with me!













How did this happen?!

I do not believe this.

This is a miracle.

Team diamonds has won!

Our Nandu has won.

But what do we do?

Team Diamond is now Team India!

And this is the team...

...which will now go to Dubai for the world dance championship!

India, What have you done?


We did it!

Charlie I can't Believe that we've won!

They are calling us!

- Come on!

In this world, there are two kinds of people...


...and Losers.

But life...

...gives a second chance to every loser...

...with which he can redeem himself.

And this is just half the battle won..

The show's just begun...

...my friend!

I am beauty on duty Lola Kutty...

...reporting live from the Atlantis Hotel in Dubai!

Behind me is the Hungarian team...

...It's like a hot dream.

Oh this year we want to win!

Well to do that you're gonna have to...

...get past North Korea last year's champions...

...oh speaking of which here they are- Team Korea!!

Team Korea!

No soul, very danger!

Dancing like robots only!

Everyone come down...

Let's go!


Mr. Huyi Chuk?

Mr. Huyi Chuk?

Perfectly bad manners!

Be the Indiawale.

Oh my goodness, looks like Team India has just arrived.

Be the Indiawale Go back home.

Go back.

Oh my God they are throwing things!

I have never seen anything like it.

People of a country stopping their own team from participating!

It tastes sweet.


Damn You!

Team India!

Welcome to Dubai!

Actually, not welcome at all!

Why you are here to shame us like this?

You talk to me with some respect!

Aye why we go?

You home go!

We are here to dance!

Can't you see I am a dancer?


Why are you hiding you coward?

Throw now if you can.

Reply them.

Everybody settle down!






You guys, too.

Quiet please.


What a fantastic entry!


Nandu, Jag, go and pick up your bags!

All of you.

You as well.

Please, go.

Charlie, I was trying to stop the fight...

You are a complete embarrassment!


- Huh!


Are you a complete idiot?

Oh India desk?

Hello darling!

Team India.

Where are our rooms?


The rooms are only for the team members, not their families...

Sorry, Uncle!


Arrey I am a dancer.

Ahh...excuse me?

Passports, official ID papers, Team India, Charlie.




Even I love bananas.

I eat 12 everyday!


Turn please.

You deaf mule it's Laila, not Banana.

Thank you.







An invitation from Mr.


There's a party tonight...

...you'll come right?

Will you come?

- Of course!

So we'll be there, too.

- Great!

Nice bag.



This is nothing!

You haven't seen my dresses yet!

&^%$#@ - Chuck it!

Thank you very much.

Hey Chilly Chicken Wait!

India incoming!

You China.

Me India.

See this!

Aloo Paratha, Baigan Bartha, Rasmalai...


You Chopsuey, Hakka Noodle, Manchurian, fried rice?

They aren't Chinese, they are Korean.

Charlie, only their names are different, but they all look the same.

You are extremely vulgar.


Hi Huh?

Hi Hi, how are you, what is your name?


No talking!

Why is he so serious?

Don't laugh!


He's saying don't laugh!

Charlie, if we don't go to the party its okay...

We have to go...

And just the 4 of us will go.

We won't take Mohini & Nandu along.

I get why Nandu can't come...

...because Vikki Grover will be there.

It's risky.

But why can't Mohini come?

It's not about if she can come or not?

It's about how she will dress up!

She'll wear her blingy flashy clothes Eeee!

She's not a lady guys, she's a walking talking music video!


- No..


no, Tammy!

Its not about how dramatic she is...

...it about how she carries herself, how she behaves, how she talks.

Why does she even try talking in English?!


1 minute!

If Nandu is a drunkard from Sangam Chawl.

Then she too is an exotic dancer from a bar right?

Yeah, what's the problem, Rohan?

The problem is...

...that she is standing behind you...


Ahh sh**t!


I'm a drunkard?

She's a dancer?

And you are the prestigious upper class?!

What's wrong in that?

You're a drunkard & I'm a dancer.

And Charlie is the captain.

We'll do as he says.

Now, go to your room and sleep!


And practice tomorrow at 9 sharp!


Mohini don't feel bad about Charlie's...

Every girl wants to...

..be loved, respected...

...and treated well.

It's nobody's childhood dream...

...to be a dancer in a bar someday!

If it wasn't for my family problems..

..I too would have gone to an English school...

But fate had other plans.

Fate is a bloody fickle thing!

It can change sides anytime.

Don't rub salt in my wounds by talking like Charlie...

Charlie is naive, Mohini...

He doesn't know how to talk to a girl...

And you are the first girl...

...who he likes so much...

He does...

But he's deaf in both ears as far as love is concerned...

He can't hear his own heart's calling.

How to make him hear it then?

By exploding a b*mb.



A huge b*mb!

Mohini b*mb!

Hello my lovely...

Muahh Hey...hey...




Vikki Grover!

Good that drunkard didn't come here...

If he was here he would have said...

Hey same to same, color Xerox!


Nandu what are you doing here?!

I told you not to get out of your room.

No Hindustani!

Suit Armani!

You deserve to be slapped for this!

Free wine, in this stomach of mine...

Along with fried duck...

...eat you mother...

Shut up!

Behave yourself!

Put him under the table, give him his drink, here take this!

How am I looking?

Just like a Barbie!


like my 'bhabhi'!

(sister-in-law) Hello...


Well, hello my beauty...

I am Charlie.

Jazzed up Nandu too?

Yeah, team India I presume!

Jhakkass (mind-blowing) Nandu huh?!

Good stuff!




Nowadays we don't use terms like handsome, dude, charming...

Its jackass now, right?

Right, Jag?


And in India 'dudes' are called as 'Nandu'...



Yeah jhakaasnandu, how do you do?

Yeah, fine.

How about a drink darling?

- No, No, No!

English huh?

Mind blowing, let's go!

Nandu, Jackass Nandu.

I like it!

It's very funny.

Arey Mohini, ahh Mr. Jackass!!

I now give you, the magnanimous host for tonight's wonderful party...

...Mr. Charan Grover!


We have to keep a low profile now.

Its best if Grover doesn't notice us.

Mr. Grover!

Mr. Grover!

Team India!

Excuse me!


Chuck it...

That was close!

Hell, No!

But according to me, the most shocking team this year is...

Team India...

...you must have heard about us, surely...

Team India.

Of course!

You were feeling ashamed to meet your own people, so we thought we'll come over and say hello.

What's the matter Mr.


...you won't welcome us?

Talks of your welcome are echoing through Dubai!

It must have been quite a welcome huh?

It was quite a welcome, yeah!

Mr. Grover, we Indians are like this only, If we like someone we give them our hearts and make them kings, and if we don't like someone...

...then tomatoes.

But there's one thing Mr. Grover, we don't look away while talking.

They say that people who look away... have guilt in their hearts.

Hey mister!

- Mr. Kapoor...

...take it easy.

After all he is our guest, so what if its just for a few days...

And we need to put up a great show hmm?

Anyways going by their entry, I'm 100% sure...

...their exit will be of another level!

India has a track record...

...whether its a team for the Olympics...

...or a film for the Oscar..

..they always send losers.

You, what were you saying?

Who will win WDC?

I don't know who'll win but I know who'll lose...

I think you should put your money on them.

I promise you Mr.

Grover, your happiness at seeing us here now, will be nothing compared to your grief...

...once we are gone.

What grieves me is...

...that out of a country of 1.3 billion people, 'these' are the people that India has chosen.

Don't you worry...

...we are enough for you guys.

"Hey, admit it or not." "We have style, yes we are the stars." "A little bit of this and a little bit of that." "Yeah whatever you say we are proud of who we are." "Its time for the world to recognize." "Or go ahead and try us on." "We're cool, we're smart, we're the kings of hearts." "Call us by our names, sing Indiawaale." "We can make your hearts sing, Indiawaale" "Winning is just our thing, Indiawaale." "Do what you like, but don't mess with the Indiawaale." "Do what you like, but don't mess with the Indiawaale." "We're the good guys, see?" "Yeah, we do it our way and we make our own destiny." "We don't care anyway." "Let them say what they want to say." "Yeah we do what we feel like." "Just as long as it feels right." "For friends in need we're friends indeed, we stand by them with our lives." "Call us by our names, sing Indiawaale." "We can make your hearts sing, Indiawaale" "Winning is just our thing, Indiawaale." "Do what you like, but don't mess with the Indiawaale." "We'll wrap you around our fingers, Indiawaale." "With one look, with just a single look." "In just a moment, we can win your heart." "This whole world" "Will be right at your feet." "If you're the person we choose to love." "We'll gladly leave the world behind." "For a space in your heart and mind." "Because when we love, we love forever." "And you can say that again!" "Call us by our names, sing Indiawaale." "We can make your hearts sing, Indiawaale" "Winning is just our thing, Indiawaale." "Do what you like, but don't mess with the Indiawaale." "Do what you like, but don't mess..." "We'll wrap you around our fingers..." "Do what you like, but don't mess with the Indiawaale." Sorry!

How did Nandu change his clothes so fast?

What a star!

I feel so good after throwing up...

Stop Burping!

Bloody pig!

I told you not to get this drunkard!

And I told you not to leave him alone.

It's all your fault!


My fault?

Why did you come to the party?


Firstly, you didn't take care of me, and now you're fighting with Charlie?

Think loudly, this deaf mule didn't hear a word.


Firstly, you didn't take care of me, and now you're fighting with Charlie?

I'd love to fight & get physical with him.

You Shut up!

You pant down!



Don't think so loudly.

Mohini will hear us!

I'm more beautiful now by saying your name...

Your name...

Your name...

Your name...


Your floor is here.

That was quick!

I want to...

Eat you!

Good nights!

Not a word guys!

Not.. a.. word!

Tomorrow, I want to go over the plan again.


Welcome to Mission Merry Christmas!

The Diamonds will be in Shalimar by tomorrow evening.


Very good, Tammy.

Rohan continue...

Starting point of the mission Room 9C.

Problem is, this room can be allotted to anyone.

But I have allotted room 9C...

...to team India!

We are performing 3rd in the semi finals.

There are 5 more performances after us.

Which means we have a lot of time to rob the diamonds.

Go get them!

We will go on stage and perform.

And the audience will go bananas.

Story is over.


After our awful dance...

...me and Charlie will get into the duct.


- Ka Dabraa!

While I call Vikki Grover to lift.

It's a piece of cake!


Hello Mr.


Blah blah blah...

Elevator 3.

Come quick.

Ok sir, right away!

2 seconds after entering the lift, Vikki is of no use to us.

What we need...

...are his fingerprints.

Fooled you didn't I?

I'm not Vikki!

I am Nandu Bhide!

Nandu Bhide is the Man!

Now you watching me speaking English!


English English!




Let's open the biometric now.

Aabraa Ka Daabraa!

Meanwhile, Charlie & Fatso...

...will reach the other side of the Duct.

Which I will open with my allen key.

Charlie & fatso will come in...

Abraa ka Dabraa, Part 2!

Well done soldier!

Our mission is a success because of you!

I will take Charlie & Tammy ahead from here...

...by disabling the laser shield!

From here, the story is very romantic!

Temhton Irani's Magic fingers...

...and Shalimar's safe!




Mission Merry Christmas!

Uh, I have a doubt...

You'll get in with Nandu's help...

...but how will you get out?

Just like the way we went in!

No, Tammy...

We can't go out the same way we come in.

Shalimar is 150 feet below the ground..

..we can go down the duct, ..but we can't climb back up.


But, Charlie, if you don't get out within 5 minutes, the safe autolocks itself..

..with you inside it!

The walls are 6 inches of steel!

And the mesh below has space enough only for oxygen pipes.

How will we get out?


How are we going to get out, Idiots!

Jag will get us out.

This deaf donkey?

What did you think fatso?

Am just a handsome face?

Who told you you're handsome?

Who told you you'll get out?

Who told you you're not handsome?

Someone tell me how we getting out please?


...I told you Jag will get us out.

You don't trust me?

I'm going to be there too!

You'll be taken care of.

Okay, you two tell me plan.

Captain Charlie!

We will get out of Shalimar and meet at room 9C.

And we will sulk while we wait for the bad news!

Bad news!

Team India, you are eliminated.

Oh no.

The rules of the competition are that the losing team...

...will be escorted to the airport with their baggage...

...by the organizers personally.


And we will fly back to India with the diamonds.

And airport security?

What are you guys doing?

C'mon stand up guys, stand up.

What's going on?

So proud of you, Charlie.


Pure Genius!

Dad used to say...

Keep it simple.

Very simple!


Come on ladies!



- Up!


Let's go practice!

Make sure Nandu doesn't come here and misbehave like last night.


Night, not right!

- Of course, night...

...don't worry he's throwing up in the room.

Mohini's taking care of him.

Ok everyone, We have to act like we are rehearsing.

Tammy, you lead.

Okay, with the right!







Koreans have such words too.

You're going to get it from me!

He's a kid.

Let him be alright.



My team.


My style.


- Charlie!

You hurt?


But my favorite glares broke.

I'll get a new one.

- Okay.

Hey you!


This Bruce Lee is thrashing him!

See what our Jackie Chan does now!

"Just see the Kung fu power." "Just see the Kung fu power." The fight isn't over yet, my friend!

Sir, should we stop them?


Put India against Korea in tomorrow's semi final dance off.

Sir Korea's the best team and India's the worst.

India will get eliminated in the first round itself!


...do it!

Hey, Charlie.

Charlie, come on.


Come up.

Charlie, be careful.


Hey, Charlie.

Hey, Charlie.


Hey, Charlie, leave him.

Leave his hand.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

I'm your host Dino Morea.

Welcome to the final word in the world of dance, the Videocon...

World dance championship!

In the semi finals, 16 teams will compete against each other, one on one...

Of which 8 teams will go through.

These teams will be selected by our panel of international judges.

So put your hands together for the first dance off between...

...Team Mexico and Team Russia.

How many times have I told you right hand!

How does it matter which hand?

We are going to lose anyway!


It matters!

If you lose you lose, but don't lose your respect!

And I'll break your legs if you do your snake dance again.

Don't say anything about my snake dance...

- Shut up!

Tammy uncle!

- Yes, yes!

Please lift Rohan properly today.

All lectures for us?

Nothing for Charlie?

I'm telling him too...

Excuse me!


Take care of...

...your timing please!


I feel really bad for her!

She's the only one worried about the competition.

Jag, Focus!



What a brilliant performance!

The next dance off is between...

... a country that's reached here for the first time, my country- Team India!

And the number one team of WDC, the defending champions- Team Korea!

"Step ahead, let's see..." "Who is Faster, Fitter & Stronger!" "Put your best foot forward," "My Friend!" "Don't know dancing and blames the platform." "Getting happy actingstupid." "Buffalo is going in the water." Buffalo's gone in the water!

"If you are a hero, I am superhero." "If you are a hero, I am superhero." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." Come on.

"How will a stupid know the value of diamonds?" "How will he?" "No one notices if you dance well in your room." "Exactly." "One, who has power, is the king." "One, who has power, is the king." But remember, 100 Goldsmiths equals 1 blacksmith!


100 Goldsmiths = 1 Blacksmith!

Wah wah!

Wah wah!

"I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." Come on.

- "All is well that ends well." "All is well that ends well." "All is well that ends well." "All is well that ends well." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." "I am feeling alright because it is night of nonsense." Hey..


Charlie are you alright?


are you alright?

He fell down from such a height.







Guys let's go.

Mohini, Mohini.

We are Sorry!

Tammy got fits, Nandu went mad...

...and I messed up completely.

I am sorry...

...we lost our respect.

No, Charlie!

It doesn't matter if we lose today...

Because you won everyone's hearts.

Charlie, take this...

Key to room 9C.

See you here in an hour?

Uh yes I'll see you here.

Why after an hour?

Lets all sit together.

Mohini wants to sit together...



we can't do that...

I'll go drop Tammy to his room else he'll collapse.

I'll go take a shower and come.

Shower, you?

What's cooking guys?

Actually, Mohini...

...I need to use this green room.

Someone's coming to meet me...

Laila's coming.



Come on, let's go.

Come on, let's hurry up!

C'mon guys!

Guys, it's a go!


Tammy, here!

Jag, Nandu, wear your burqas quick!





Keep a walkie on an open channel so everyone can hear what's going on.

Aunty can you tie this for me please.

Jag, Nandu.

Get to the lift, quick!

Ready, sister?

- Yes.


...call up Vikki Grover.


Hello Mr.


This is security chief Alfredo speaking!


Come urgently.

Room 2205.

Beautiful girl.

Very pregnant.

Calling you now!!


Are you coming?

Or I call daddy?




Don't call dad!

I'm coming!


No, no, no, no.

Rain check on tomorrow's meeting.

There has been a change in plan.

Dad's going to Pretoria tomorrow.


Tammy, one minute.

Why is Grover going to Pretoria?

The diamonds should have come from Pretoria by now.


Does that mean that the diamonds haven't reached here yet?


Oh you know, Customs!

This paper that paper...

All really very painful.

Diamonds were supposed to come tonight..

..but now they will come on 31st December.



Yes, I know, it's New Year's Eve!

And the finals of WDC!

It's gonna be chaotic with a big K.

Okay... See you!



Shit Man!

It took us 6 months to...

- Not 6 months, Rohan...

8 years!

8 years!

I have been fanning this fire in my heart since 8 years!

I have prayed for this, hoped for this, yearned for this day, When I see Charan Grover destroyed.

And today after 8 years, that day had come!

The perfect day.

The perfect plan.

The perfect revenge!

The perfect everything!

We have reached here..

..And according to the plan we will be leaving in the next 10 minutes..

But empty handed.



They are calling us for the results.


Ladies & Gentlemen, it's time!

The results of the semi finals are in my hands.

Out of the 16 teams that performed, only 8 winning Teams...

...will go through to the finals to be held on new years eve.

The losers unfortunately will spend their Christmas on a flight back home.

And the 8 lucky teams are..


Congratulations, Team Spain!

Our next finalist is- Brazil!

The next finalist- UAE!

We next have Team...


And the next finalist is team Great Britain!

And now we have...

...Team USA!

Well done team USA!

And the last team to reach the finals is, Korea!

These are our 8 finalists.

Thank you very much for everything and...

...we shall now see you next on new year's eve.

We judges would like to make an announcement.

Ladies and gentlemen...


Our judges would like to say something.

This is a special announcement.

Guys, guys.

Listen up!

Thank you.

Today on this stage...

...we saw something that hasn't happened...

...in the 10 year history of the world dance championship....

In the 10 years of WDC this has never happened before.

A rare display of colossal courage and sporting spirit.

A rare display of colossal courage and sporting spirit, We bow our heads in respect.

We salute them.

All of us together, salute this Team!

This team took a huge risk.

They put their performance second.

This team was extremely daring...

...took a risk!

They gave up on their own performance to help a rival team.

For another rival team, they gave up on their own performance.

This quality must be rewarded.

This quality must be rewarded.

Because the spirit of dance is so much greater than any technique!

We believe the world would not want to see this team go home yet.

So we the judges have decided they deserve a second chance.

So the judges have decided...

...that they should get another chance.

So hold on to your hearts for the first time ever...

...a wild card entry...

...into the finals of the World Dance Championship...

Is Team...



Wake up!

Wake up!

Hey fatso!

See this!


Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!

Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!

Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!

Breaking news, Team India are in the finals!

Team India you beauty!

Wo, Team India has..

Team India!

We are proud of Team India..


Good days are here!

Hail Lord Krishna.

"Look, I don't mean to be rude." "But life is like a good girl with a bad attitude." "Damn I tried so hard, gave it all I could." "Finally, now she looks at me like she should!" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "A little bonkers!" "As luck is favoring me" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "Completely, utterly bonkers!" "Ohh yeah...yeah...yeaahhhh" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "A little bonkers!" "As luck is favoring me" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "Completely, utterly bonkers!" "Ohh yeah...yeah...yeaahhhh" "Radhe, Radhe, Hail Lord Krishna." "Radhe, Radhe, Hail Lord Krishna." "Radhe, Radhe, Hail Lord Krishna." "Radhe, Radhe, Hail Lord Krishna." "She is so simple," "But she knows exactly what she is looking for" "If I could ever have her" "I know she is exactly what I'm searching for." "She is what I need!" "But so hard to read" "She's complicated" "I'm intoxicated" "I drained the bottle not a drop left behind." "My mind's gone bonkers!" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "A little bonkers!" "As luck is favoring me" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "Completely, utterly bonkers!" "Ohhh yeah, oh yeah.." Mohini Joshi's School of dance..

For small children, so that when a 6 year old dances, its out of passion..

..not compulsion.

How have you become so popular?

Are you ready for the finals?

"She is a little sweet." "And a little spicy." "Just to make her smile, I'd walk forever and a mile." "Damn I tried so hard, gave it all I could." "Finally, now she looks at me like she should!" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "A little bonkers!" "As luck is favoring me." "My mind's gone bonkers!" "Completely, utterly bonkers!" "Ohh yeah, ohh yeah...

Ohh yeahhh" "Radhe, Radhe, Hail Lord Krishna." "Radhe, Radhe, Hail Lord Krishna." "Radhe, Radhe, Hail Lord Krishna." "My mind's gone bonkers!" "A little bonkers!" "As luck is favoring me" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "Completely, utterly bonkers!" "Ohh yeahh...ohh yeahh..." Jhakkass Nandu!

See how that moron is dancing?

He has everything that should have been yours...

"I've got a feeling.." "I've got a feeling.." Hey!

All of you are scoundrels!

Roaming around the whole day, and I can't even go to the loo without being in disguise.

Mohini is so much better than you guys!

She set me free!

Haa, Mohini!

What a sweet girl!

Charlie, I was thinking that...

...we should tell her the truth.

Tammy, are you drunk?


Me and Tammy have decided, why not include Mohini in our plan too?

Oh wow, you guys have decided to tell Mohini our plan.

Has anyone thought of the consequence?

She will go tell the cops everything...

Of course this is a Mohini Fan Club.

Hmm pray tell me, how will you tell her?

Say it frankly, don't be scared.

Yes I think I'll go tell her.

Hi Mohini, I am Charlie the thief!

The Mastermind!


I have made this plan.

I mean who'd imagine...

That 5 losers are here, not to dance in the competition..

..but to steal millions worth of diamonds!

Mission Happy New Year!

And if your small, naive heart breaks because of us...

...so you know what, we are big fans, don't tell the police..

..you know we are very, very sorry!

We are so.....!


You don't look around before you start talking do you?


You heard what we are doing here..

...you don't want to know why we are doing it?

Please, please give me a chance.

And then I told Mohini dad's entire story.

Tammy, Jag and their friendship, And Charan Grover & their enmity.

I lost everything in one day..

..and learnt that fate is a fickle mistress, It can change sides anytime!

And on that day, I decided to ruin Charan Grover.

What will you tell your father once you too are in Jail?

You think he'll be proud of you?

Dad's not in jail.

Manohar's not in jail?

Where is he?

Dad had appealed in the Supreme court.

However, Grover had bought over dad's lawyers..

..tampered with the evidence..

..and dad lost the case.

They say...

...a man can survive for 4 weeks without food, 4 days without water..

..maybe 4 minutes without air..

But without hope?

Even 4 seconds is impossible.

Dad showed a lot of courage, Tammy!

24 hours later..

..they found his body.

He found a piece of blade, and he cut himself Tammy.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie....

Charlie, Manohar is dead and you are telling us today?

I wanted to tell you but I thought it will make you weak.

We still had to destroy Charan Grover.

And for revenge you need motivation.

No motivation, No crime.

Right, Tammy?

You Idiot my motivation has doubled now!


Grover, Grover, Grover..

No one can save him now!

I'm going to k*ll him, Charlie!

I want to...





k*lling him is not a solution.

If he dies, he won't know how much dad had suffered.

He has to die everyday, here...

...in Dubai Jail.

The law here is extremely strict.

They cut off your hands for the smallest of robberies..

..imagine what they will do to Grover...

...if he is caught for stealing these diamonds?

They will cut his limbs..

..and still keep him alive.

That will be his punishment, and that..

..that will be justice.

Super plan, Charlie!

That a super plan.

This isn't just a robbery for me...

...it's like a memorial service for my father!

Which I have denied myself for 8 years.

If he himself tries to stop me, I...

...I still won't budge!

I'm going to do this...

And if you guys don't want to come along, its okay, I will do this alone.

You idiot!

We've all been alone since 8 years!

You got us together for this...

And now you're talking About being alone again!

&^%$# Let it go Tammy!

We will not let you go, Charlie.

Come, Fatso..

Why are you standing there?

Come here.

Will someone tell me what do I have to do?

The diamonds are here!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Grand finale of the Videocon- World dance championship!

Tonight, the whole world is going to celebrate along with us...

This is going to be one, Happy New Year!

I thought we'll get the same room for the finals.

Sorry guys, I messed up.

How could you?

You've messed up everything now!


Not mess up...

Throw up!




Hi everyone.

Rohan how could you be so irresponsible?!


There is a strange man vomiting in our room!

It's disgusting.

Oh my God, open the door!

Would you like to use our room?

Oh thank you, you are an angel!

Thank you so much!

- Its ok!

Thank you so much!

Mention not!

Hello, hello, Mohini come in.

Hello, Can you hear me?

You remember right?

You have to get Vikki till the lift?


I will drag him till hell if I have to!


Please help me Vikki!

I can't find my room.

I have to change my clothes, I promise I will change in front of you...

You'll come, won't you Vikki?


Not Vikki.





You have to go in the lift on your right.


It's so hot here?

I feel like taking my clothes off here...

...and throwing them away!

Rohan, what's going on?

Charlie, Mohini is going to strip!

Shut up.

Keep the walkie down and get back to work.

Mohini won't strip.



Let's go!



I am having like a k*ller Dejavu...


You know Deja Vu?

When you feel like all this has happened before?

When did it happen?

We tried but it didn't happen!


Time to sleep!


He won't remember a thing now.

Good Jag, take Vikki Grover to his suite and keep him there...

And yes, get Nandu changed and send Mohini to room 9C.

Over and out!

Piece of cake my ass!



come Rohan.

Let's get his butt moving!


Bombil fry!

Come in, Charlie.

Go for Charlie!

Nandu's left from there.

Everything is under control..



Save me!

I can't do this...

Grover's commando's will k*ll me!

Hello, Charlie!

Come in!

Hold on.




Give the walkie to Nandu!


Who's this?

Nandu this is Charlie here.


Charlie I cannot do this!

I'm a weakling please I want to go back to my mother!


You aren't alone!

Johnnie is with you!

Johnnie Lever?

Johnnie lever?

Your friend Johnnie!

Check your pant's pockets.

Nandu Bhide is the man!!!

I'm going to get them!

Let me at them!!



That way!


All sorted Charlie.

Go get them!

Vikki Grover...

Access Granted.

This is it, Tammy.

150 feet away...


Are you ready?

You go first.

No Tammy..

Have you seen titanic?


There was a dialogue in it...

I am the king of the world?

No not that one.

You jump...

I jump.


Charlie...my back side's on fire!


Tammy I'm here.

I'm here Tammy!

Right on top of you.

Charlie are you ok?

Ya ya ya...we are fine!

Rubbish we're fine?!

My back side's scrapped!

- Ssshhhhh!!




Nandu is in.

Video loop is on.

Now Shalimar security will see...

...only what we show them.

Which is nothing!



Looks like Nandu's reached.

Oh my God!



All okay?

Nandu Bhide..

is the man.

See this...

Nandu Bhide..

is the man.

Charlie he is...

He is what?



Will someone tell us what's happening.

Shhh...Rohan tell me what Nandu is doing?

We're losing time here.

Nandu is opening...it...

Ohhh Goddess!!

Let's go, Tammy.

Lights off!


Why are you naked?


Nandu, wear your shorts, shut the panel, and leave, Rohan...

disable the lasershield!

Let's go!

Why is he naked?

It's his personal choice...

Tehmy...Jag get ready for time-sync.

Hairspray, Tammy?


Lasershield's are still up!

Just a minute, Charlie Just a minute!

Just a minute.

We don't have a minute!

Do it now!!

3, 2, 1!

5 minutes guys!

5 mins, Tammy!

Starts now.

Jag, switch the water pipes with the oxygen pipes.



- It's me.


Damn this faatsoo!!


Oh God!

Hold him down, Charlie.

He'll be alright.

I know he'll be alright.

C'mon Tammy!

Oh God!

Not now!

Not now!


How much time Charlie?

3 minutes left, Tammy.


C'mon Charlie...

I got a safe to crack!

I did it!

I did it!

Well done, Tammy!!



And we have 2 minutes left.

I am a genius.

I am a genius.

Tammy, will you marry me?


Let's go.

What's this, Charlie?

What now?

There's another safe here...

A Glass one.

Most probably re-enforced glass or rayon thermoplastic.

Alpha coded.

7 digits password...

Why you wasting time, Charlie!

If it's a glass safe, Break it and take the diamonds!

Shut up, Nandu!

This opens with a 7 letter password...

If we put in the wrong password, the alarm will go off.





I underestimated Grover.

I don't know anything about this safe.

But I do.

Charlie this is Manohar's safe too.


It has Manohar's mark on it.




Manohar's bulletproof Glass safe?

Yes, yes that one!

Jag, Jag, Jag, any password or mastercode?

Tell me Quick..




Manohar never told us the password.

Whenever we asked him about it, He would say...

Only Charlie can open this!

He told you anything?

I am seeing this safe for the 1st time.


Charlie you need to move out right now.

You've got one minute Charlie then the safe will shut!

I don't know, I've never seen this before.


Charlie please get out of there...

Come on Charlie...Charlie!!

Only Charlie can open it...


Charlie let's go please.

Come on, Charlie, think, Charlie!

Hurry up!

Quiet guys...quiet...quiet..


One sec I know...I know!

Let it go, Charlie, forget it, Charlie.


help me here...

7 digit code...

Only Charlie can open it...

What does it mean?

Come on, Charlie Sshhh!!!

Only Charlie can open this safe.


Only Charlie can open it.

Guys I'm going for it.







Only Charlie can open it...



Dad always said...

...keep it simple!

We did it Tammy.


You are finished!

Rohan, Vikki Grover's woken up!


How did he wake up?


Plan B.

Everybody initiate...


Guys, Plan B!

Let's go, guys!

Listen I'm off to the Jetty, explain Plan B to her.


- Mohini!


We lied to you.

I know Rohan...

We lied again yesterday...

What we told you was just plan A.

Whenever I initiate plan B, Everyone will come here to this jetty immediately.

In 15 minutes, we will leave in this yellow flag boat...

...and we will be in international waters soon...

Away from their police and the law.

Safe and sound.

But Charlie, won't the cops get Suspicious if we disappear?

They will suspect Vikki Grover.

They will find his fingerprints at Shalimar, and the commando's will re-confirm that Vikki Grover had come.


Yeah sure.

Oh, yeah.

Excuse me.

Charlie hurry hurry fast fast!

Yeah, come on.

Charlie, the door is shutting, Charlie, the door is shutting, Charlie, how will we go out?


- Charlie, how will we go out?



Damn you tell me how are we getting out?




We are flying out?


Swim out!


...do it!

Yes, Charlie.

Charlie, water..

Charlie, water!



You didn't tell me about the damn water!

Jag ya...

Good rate, the water is coming in at a good rate.

Very good.

Keep the oxygen pipes ready..

We are good to go.

What are you doing?

I have to make do with what I have, It's a floatation device!

What's going on?

It all looks fine.

What the hell!

It's a loop!

It's a video loop.

The water's rising, Charlie!

Tammy don't worry.

It's rising...

It's rising!

Mr. Kapoor...

Shalimar right now!

We are going to drown, Charlie!

Okay Tammy...

Hold your breath...


Jag change the pipe.

Let's go guys...

C'mon fast!

Tammy okay?

Sir I've checked all the systems Everything seems..

Something's wrong!

Charlie, got it?

Okay guys we are done here!

There is a breach of security...

How is it possible?

Vikky Grover...

Access Granted.


Where are our diamonds?

It's impossible.

I think it's...it's a setup man!

And a very clever one at that!

Only you and your son can enter this place.

You told us so yourself!

What's behind this?

What's behind this?

Sir, some old A/C ducts..

..but these are shut since years!

Open it.

Open it!

Where does this duct go?

Where does this duct go?

I was really scared, Charlie!

I thought you guys won't turn up at all!

I was going to leave alone!

Hey Rohan's here.

Rohan, why have you come alone?

Where's Mohini?

Where is Mohini?

My mom used to say, the most important thing in life, is respect.


Let's leave before it gets too late!

You go Rohan, I am not coming.

Mohini, Are you freaking nuts!

Mohini, please don't do this.

You'll get caught if you back out now.

Mohini, it's too late...

It is too late, Rohan!

The whole world is rooting for India today..

..and India has put their faith in us.

India will lose its face & respect If we don't dance today.

And If you lose you lose, but don't lose respect!

You go, Rohan.

- Mohini?!



One less Share.

Let's leave..

Let's go.

Not one..


Charlie, I just came here to tell you guys that...

...both me and Mohini won't be coming.

All the best to you, guys.

I am sorry.

Not two...


Wait Rohan.

I'm coming too.


...have you lost it?

You keep changing the plan all the time!

Have you gone mad?

You are Mad!

You will never improve you drunken wastrel!

Shut up!

He's all yours.

Hey why you getting irritated at him.



Charlie, relax?

What sort of people are you?

That poor girl is risking her life to fight for our respect, for India's respect..

And we will just leave her and go?

You have lost the plot.

If we go back then everyone gets arrested!

Stick to the plan!

Take your bloody plan, make a trumpet out of it...

...and shove it up your...

...muscular bum!


- Hey don't touch me.

Tammy - It's my decision.

What are you doing!


My decision!

This is wrong, we are a team guys.

This is wrong!

We have got one chance to do something right in our lives!

No, Tammy!

What are you two doing?!


You are sick.

Okay, get in here.

This room belongs to which team?

Which team?

Sir last minute, Team India!

This is the one.

This is the one.

Move this, move this.


open this panel.

Rohan put this up properly.

Make sure that you seal the panel completely.

Are you sure?

Yes, Rohan.

We will never come back this way.


Where is the show director?

Sir, I need you to find Team India wherever they are!

Just 1 last act left in the grandest dance competition the world has ever seen!

The last act by a team that came here with zero expectations.


Team India is missing!


I just knew it.

I tell you, in 10 minutes they will reach the airport...

...with your diamonds.

This team is.....


That's right, my favorite team- TEAM INDIA!!

"I've got a feeling.." Come on, Mohini!

"I've got a feeling.." "A feeling in my heart." "That you are.." "The one in my soul, in my life, in my dreams.." "..from the start." "I've got a feeling!" "A feeling in my heart" "I'll give you my soul, and my life and we'll never" "Be apart." This is just the girl!

Where's the rest of the team?

Where are the boys?

"Radhe, Radhe!" "Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!" "Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!" "Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "A little bonkers!" "As luck is favoring me" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "Completely, utterly bonkers!" "Ohh yeah...yeah...yeaahhhh" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "A little bonkers!" "As luck is favoring me" "My mind's gone bonkers!" "Completely, utterly bonkers!" "Ohh yeah...yeah...yeaahhhh" "Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!" "Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!" "Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!" "Radhe, Radhe!

Hail Lord Krishna!" INDIA!!










We want Charlie!

We want Charlie!

We want Charlie!

We want Charlie!

We want Charlie!

We want Charlie!

We are from a land, With plenty of disruptions, With news full of...

...scams and corruption!

Where the common man suffers...

...from poverty and hunger.

Yet no matter what, Ours is not to question why, We'll give our lives to keep our Flag flying high!

"We are the captains of our destiny" "We know the glory of victory" "We are friends to our friends." "And defeat to our enemies." "Try as you like, you'll never stop us." "We are risen, you'll never top us." "When we come together" "Fate is just a formality." How the hell is it possible?!

"We don't want anything from the world." "Just a place in everyone's hearts" "For friends in need we're friends indeed" "We stand by them with our lives." "Call us by our names" "Call us by our names, Indiawaale" "We can make your hearts sing, Indiawaale" "Winning is just our thing, Indiawaale." "Do what you like, but don't mess...." "We'll wrap you around our fingers...." "Do what you like, but don't mess with..." "The Indiawaale." "I've got a feeling" "Call us by our names, sing Indiawaale." "We can make your hearts sing, Indiawaale" "We are the captains of our destiny" "We know the glory of victory" "We are friends to our friends" "And defeat to our enemies." "Try as you like, you'll never stop us." "We are risen, you'll never top us." "When we come together" "Fate is just a formality." Get him.

How dare you?!

Leave me!

The Winner of WDC...

..by the Highest margin of votes...

...is Team India!

- Did I not tell you..

..that there are just 2 kinds of people in the world.


...and Losers.

Our lives today, gave us losers this Saccharine moment, where we have won the hearts of the world...

...and emerged victorious!

And fate...

...fate is a beautiful thing, and if you back your dreams with an iron resolve, it will change sides for you.

You had put money on us losing hadn't you, Grover?

So how much money did you lose?

1 million?

5 million?

10 million?


50 million dollars?

Who are you?

I am Manohar's Son.

Manohar's son?!


Who Manohar?

It's a really long story.

Both of you will have lots of time in jail..

Ask your father..

..who his father was.

Nandu you cannot deposit this cheque in a bank!

Anyways the real loot is here..

Be careful, Charlie.

Coming through!


Ice gone...

Diamonds gone...

We worked so hard...

For nothing!

So what?

We got a cheque of $ 1 million...

...its not enough?

The diamonds were worth 50 million in the grey market!

What will we do with 1 million?

We will make a huge safe..

Which even we can't crack into!

After all, these 50 million dollar diamonds...

...can't be in this trophy forever, can they?


Chuck it, guys!

It's a setup!

Where are my Diamonds! Where are my Diamonds!! "I don't know the ABCD of dance." "Still, the world wants me to dance." "I have never touched whisky in life." "Still everyone says that I am drunk while dancing." "Simple guy when dances zealously.." "..people says that.." "The guy is drunkard." "Drunkard." "Drunkard." "People says that I am drunkard." "Drunkard." "Drunkard." "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "What I haven't done in 364 days." "That I did just on the day of New Year." "What I haven't done in 364 days." "That I did just on the day of New Year." "I got little high and danced.

So people said.." "Why people call me drunkard?" "Drunkard.." "Drunkard.." "Why people call me drunkard?" "Drunkard.." "Drunkard.." "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Someone came in modern pant." "Some with expensive scents." "Someone came in modern pant." "Some with expensive scents." "You don't know dance." "You don't know dance." "This six pack man doesn't know dance." "This six pack man doesn't know dance." "Visit the clubs someday, there'll be many girls." "Daily they spend on vodka and drinks." "No one says anything to these girls.." "But all are after me." "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "On one peg I dance like Govinda." "On two pegs, I dance like Jitendra." "On three pegs, I became drunkard Bachchan." "On four pegs, I dance like Dharmendra." "Dance like Dharmendra." "Dance like Dharmendra." "Girls get crazy watching me dance." "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" Second runner up is E. P. ..

"Why people call me drunkard?" First runner up is..


"Drunkard." "Drunkard." And the winner of the World Dance Championship of Happy New Year is..

Camera department.

"Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" "Why people call me drunkard?" Help.
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