X Files, The (1998)

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X Files, The (1998)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Stevie, you okay?

I got...

I got the wind knocked out of me.

Looks like a cave.

Stevie, what's goin' on?

It's a human skull!

Toss it up here! No way! It's mine.

Anyway, there's bones all over the place, man!

What the...


Hey, Stevie! You okay?

Hey, man... let's get outta here!

Give me a 14-footer!

This is Captain Miles Cooles. Rescue situation in progress.

Rope's in the hole. Let's go. Two down.

What ya got, TC? Talk to me.

Do you see the boy?

Come back, TC. You see the kid?

Danny, check TC's radio.


Glenn, Sal, in the hole!

Get those people outta here! Move 'em back!

Move back, folks!

I sent four men down there for the boy. Report is, his eyes had turned black.

Now we've lost communication with my men.

What about my men?

What about my men!

What the hell is this?

It's Bronschweig.

Sir, the impossible scenario that we never planned for?

We'd better come up with a plan.

We've evacuated the building.

There's no trace of an expl*sive device. You sent the dogs through?

Yes, sir.

Send 'em through again.

All right, guys.

Let's do it again!

Mulder, it's me.

- Where are you, Scully? On the roof.

- Find anything? No, I haven't.

What's wrong?

I just climbed up 12 floors, I'm hot, I'm thirsty...

...and I'm wondering what I'm doing.

You're looking for a b*mb.

But the threat was made on the Federal Building.

They have that covered.

When a b*mb threat is called in, the rational purpose of it is to allow us to find the b*mb.

The rational object of terrorism is to promote terror.

There's a model behavioural pattern for every case where a threat has turned up a b*mb.

And if we ignore that data, as we have done...

...the chances are great that, if there is a b*mb, we might not find it.

Lives could be lost.




Jesus, Mulder!

Whatever happened to hunches?

Random acts of unpredictability.

If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen in a universe of infinite possibilities...

...we may find ourselves at the mercy of anything that cannot be categorised.

What are we doin' up here, Scully? It's hotter than hell.

I know you're bored, but unconventional thinking will only get you into trouble now.

Why do you think I'm bored? Quit looking for what isn't there.

They've closed the X-Files. We follow procedure now.

Let's make a b*mb threat to Houston. It's free-beer night at the Astrodome.

Now what?

It's locked?

So much for anticipating the unforeseen!

I had you. No, you didn't.

I had you big time. You had nothing.

I saw you jiggle the handle.

I saw your face. There was a definite moment of panic.

You've never seen me panic. When I panic, I make this face.

That was it.

You didn't see that face. I saw that face. You're buying.

Coke? Pepsi? Saline IV?

Somethin' sweet.


I've found the b*mb.

You're funny. Where are you, Mulder?

I'm in the vending room.

Is that you pounding?

Yeah. Get somebody to open that door.

Nice try, Mulder. - It's in the soda machine.

You got 14 minutes to evacuate.

Come on, Mulder.





You see a pattern emerging here, Scully?

I'll get you outta there!

I need this building evacuated in ten minutes!

Have the fire department block off a one-mile radius around the building!

Ten minutes? Don't think! Just make it happen!

This is Security...

This is Special Agent Dana Scully. I need to speak with SAC Michaud.

He's got the wrong building.

Where is it? Vending machine.

He's locked in with it.

You know that face I just showed you? I'm making it again.

Move away from the door. We're coming through.


Tell me that's just soda pop in those canisters.

It's just what it looks like. A big IED.

Ten gallons of Astrolite.

Okay. Get everybody outta here. Clear the area.

Someone's gotta stay here with you. I gave you an order to evacuate.

Can you defuse it?

Yes, I can.

We got four minutes to find out. Did you hear what I said?

Get out!

Come on, Mulder.

Mulder, what are you doing!

Something's wrong! Mulder!

Something's not right. Get in the car! There's no time!

Let's go!

Come on, come on!

Next time, you're buying.

In light of Waco and Ruby Ridge...

...there is a need at the Attorney General's office to place responsibility...

...for the catastrophic destruction of public property and loss of life due to terrorism.

Details are unclear, but we're under pressure from the Attorney General...

...to give a true account of what happened, so she can issue a public statement.

We know now that five people died in the expl*si*n:


Special Agent in Charge Darius Michaud who was trying to defuse the b*mb...

...three firemen from Dallas, and a young boy.

Excuse me? The firemen and the young boy were found in the building?

Agent Mulder, since you weren't on time for this hearing, please step outside...

...so that we can hear Agent Scully's version of the facts.

We were told the building was clear. You'll get your turn. Please step outside.

They're still talking to Agent Scully.

About what?

They want to know why she was in the wrong building.

She was with me.

You don't get it, do you? There's $45 million worth of damage to the city of Dallas.

Lives have been lost. No suspects have been named.

The story is that this could've been prevented.

They wanna blame us?

We both know that if it looks bad, it's bad for the FBI.

Blame has to be assigned somewhere.

But Agent Scully doesn't deserve this. She's saying the same about you.

I breached protocol. I broke contact with the SAC. I left him alone with the device.

Agent Scully says you wanted to go back.


They're asking for you, sir.

Thank you.

You don't have to protect me. I told them the truth.

They're trying to divide us.

They have divided us. They're splitting us up.

What are you talking about?

I meet with OPR in two days for reassignment.

They put us together!

So I could invalidate your investigations into the paranormal. But...

...I think this goes deeper than that now.

They're doing this to me. - They're not doing this.

I left behind a career in medicine because I thought I could make a difference at the FBI.

But it hasn't turned out that way.

And now if they transfer me to Omaha or Cleveland or some field office...

...it doesn't hold the interest for me that it once did. Not after what I've seen and done.

You're quitting.

Maybe you should ask yourself if your heart's still in it, too.

Agent Mulder, you're up.

I'm sorry.


Good luck.

I'd say this about exceeds your minimum daily requirement.

Whoa! You've gotta train for that kind of heavy lifting.

Poopy day?


...what do you do?

What do I do? Mm-hm.

I'm the key figure in a government plot to deny the existence of extraterrestrials.

It's a global conspiracy with key players in the highest levels of power.

And it reaches down into the lives of every man, woman and child on this planet.

So, of course, no-one believes me.

I'm an annoyance to my superiors, a joke to my peers. They call me Spooky.

Spooky Mulder, whose sister was abducted by aliens...

...who chases after little green men with a badge and a g*n...

...shouting to the heavens to anyone who will listen...

...that the sky is falling.

And when it hits, it's gonna be the shitstorm of all time.


I would say that about does it, Spooky. Does what?

Looks like 86 is your lucky number.

You know, one is the loneliest number.


Whoa! Sorry.

That official FBI business?


Bet the Bureau's accusing you of the same thing in Dallas.

Standing around holding your yank while bombs are exploding.

Do I know you?

No, but I've been watching your career for a good while.

Back when you were a promising young agent. Before that.

You come out here for a reason? Yeah...

I did.

My name is Kurtzweil.

Dr Alvin Kurtzweil.

Am I supposed to know that name? Old friend of your father's.

At the State Department we were fellow travellers.

But his disenchantment outlasted mine.

How'd you find me?

I heard you come in here. I figured you'd need a drink tonight.

You a reporter? A doctor, which I mentioned. OB-GYN.

You got something to tell me, say it.

There's something you don't know about the bombing in Dallas.

What's that?

SAC Darius Michaud never tried or intended to defuse that b*mb.

He just let it explode in his face, huh?

What is no-one asking? Why that building? Why not the Federal Building?

It was too well guarded.

They bombed the other building...

...because it did have Federal officers there.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency...

...had a quarantine office there, where the bodies were found.

That's the thing you didn't know. The thing you'd never think to check.

Those people were already dead.

Before the b*mb went off?

That's what I'm saying.

Darius Michaud was a 22-year veteran...

Michaud was a patriot. The people he was loyal to know their way around Dallas.

They blew that building to hide something. Something they couldn't predict.

They blew up a building just to hide the bodies of those firemen?

And one little boy.

I think you're full of shit.

Do you?

Arlington, please.

Actually, no, let's go to Georgetown.

Let's go to Georgetown.

I woke you. Did I wake you? No.

Why not? It's 3am.

Are you drunk?

I-I was until about 20 minutes ago, yeah.

Was that before or after you decided to come here?

What are you implying?

Go home, Mulder. No, get dressed.

It's late. Get dressed.

What are you doing? Get dressed and I'll explain on the way.

Got something to show me?

We brought the atmosphere back down to freezing, to control the development...

...which is like nothing we've ever seen.

Brought on by what? Heat, I think.

The coincident invasion of a host...

...the fireman...

...and an environment that raised his body temperature above 98.6.

This man's still alive.

Technically... and biologically.

But... he'll never recover.

How can this be?

The developing organism is using his life energy, digesting bone and tissue.

We've just... slowed the process.

Shall we destroy this one, too? Before it gestates?

Uh, no. No.

We need to try our vaccine on it.

And if it's unsuccessful?

Burn it. Like the others.

ID and floor you're visiting. The morgue.

That area's currently off limits.

On whose orders? General McAddie.

We were woken at 3am and told to get down here immediately.

I don't know about that.

Call General McAddie. I don't have the number.

Call the switchboard.

You don't know their number?

I'll call my CO. We don't have time for you to d*ck around.

Our order came from McAddie. Call him.

We'll conduct our business while you confirm authorisation.

Why don't you head on down, and I'll confirm authorisation.

Thank you.

Why is the morgue suddenly off limits on the orders of the general?

This is one of the firemen who died in Dallas?

According to the toe tag.

And you're looking for...? Cause of death.

I can tell you that without even looking at him.

"Concussive organ failure due to exposure to source and flying debris."

Mulder, this man's already been autopsied.

Does this fit the description you just read me?

Oh, my God! This man's tissue... It's like jelly.

There's been some kind of cellular breakdown.

God, it's completely oedematous!

There's been no autopsy performed. No Y-incision...

...no internal exam.

So the cause of death on that report is false?

This man didn't die from an expl*si*n?

I can't tell you what k*lled this man. I'm not sure anybody else could, either.

Mulder, you knew this man didn't die at the b*mb site.

I'd been told as much. You're saying this is a cover-up?

Of what?

I don't know. But I've a hunch it won't be anything that can be categorised.

Mulder, this is gonna take time. Somebody is gonna figure out we shouldn't be here.

We are being blamed for this man's death. I want to know what he died of. Don't you?

That's it, up here.

Excuse me? Can I help you? Is this Dr Kurtzweil's residence?

You have business with him? Yeah, I'm looking for him.

Looking for him for what?

The Feds are lookin' for him, too. Nice business he's got, huh?

What's that?

Selling naked pictures of little kids on his computer.

You looking for him for some other reason?

Yeah. I had an appointment for a pelvic examination.

You want a call if we find this Kurtzweil? Don't bother.

See this crap? Somebody knows I'm talking to you.

Not according to the men in blue.

Is it kiddie porn again? Sexual battery of a patient?

They wanna discredit you. Why? Because I know too much about the truth.

That end-of-the-world garbage you write?

You know my work?

I was right about Dallas. How?

Do you know of the Hanta virus?

Yeah. A deadly virus spread by field mice several years ago.

The newspaper says FEMA was called out to manage an outbreak.

Do you know what the Federal Emergency Management Agency's real power is?

It can suspend constitutional government upon declaration of a national emergency.

Think about that.

What is such a powerful agency doing managing a small viral outbreak in Texas?

You saying it wasn't a small outbreak? No. I'm saying it wasn't the Hanta virus.

Well, what was it?

What was it?

Years ago, your father and I were recruited for a project. Biological warfare. A virus.

What k*lled those men?

Something I won't even write about. We have no context for what it is.

Or any appreciation of the scale at which it will be unleashed.

A plague?

The plague to end all plagues.

A silent w*apon for a quiet w*r.

The systematic release of an indiscriminate organism for which there is no cure.

They've been working on this for 50 years.

While the rest of the world fought Commies, these men were negotiating an Armageddon.

Negotiating with whom?

I think you know.

The timetable has been set. It'll happen on a holiday when people are travelling.

A state of emergency will be declared. Government will come under the power...

...of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

FEMA. The secret government.

They call me paranoid!

Go back to Dallas, Agent Mulder, and dig.

Or we'll find out along with the rest of the country... when it's too late.

Scully, it's me.

Yeah. - Why are you whispering?

I can't talk right now.

What did you find? Evidence of a massive infection.

What kind of infection? - I don't know.

I'm gonna book a flight to Dallas.

I'll get you a ticket, too.

Mulder... I need your expertise.

It's my hearing tomorrow. I'll get you back in time.

Maybe with new evidence.

I can't! I'm past the point of common sense here.

It's not common sense. It's...

Are you there? Scul...


You're looking for a needle in a haystack.

There was so much devastation, we haven't put much together yet.

I'm looking for anything unusual. Maybe something from the FEMA offices...

...where the bodies were found. We sent those remains off to Washington.

Anything that you haven't sent off yet?

Some bone fragments FEMA recovered from an archaeological site outta town.

Have you examined them? No. They're just fossils.

I'd like you to let this person take a look at them.

Just let me get them.

You said you weren't coming. I wasn't planning to.

But I got a better look at the samples I took from the fireman.

And what did you find?

Something I couldn't show to anybody else without causing attention.

But what those men were infected with contains a protein coat I've never seen before.

What it did to them, it did very fast.

How was it contracted? I don't know.

But it could be a serious health threat.

These fossils weren't near the blast centre so they won't tell you much.

Right. Why don't you check this out?

Where were these found? I'll show you right on the map.

I want all of these settings checked.

I want a steady minus two degrees Celsius throughout the transfer of the body...

...after I've administered the vaccine.

It's gone! It's what?

It's left the body. I think it's gestated.

What's the matter? Wait.

I can see it.


Jesus, Lord...

You see it? Yeah.

So much for little green men!

I need you down here.

Help... I need help.

What are you doing?

What are you doing!

Oh, my God!

Sir, you have a call.


We have a situation. The members are assembling.

Is it an emergency?

Yes. A meeting has been set, tonight in London.

Who called it?

Strughold. He just got on a plane in Tunis.

Has Strughold arrived? Yes. They're in the library, sir.

We were worried. Some of us have travelled so far, and you are the last to arrive.

I'm sorry. My grandson broke his leg.

While we've been waiting, we've seen surveillance tapes that raise more concerns.

More concerns than what?

We have been forced to reassess our role in colonisation...

...by recently presented facts of biology.

The virus has mutated.

Into what?

A new extraterrestrial biological entity.

My God...

The geometry of mass infection means we must re-evaluate their colonisation.

This isn't colonisation. This is spontaneous repopulation.

All our work...

If it's true, they've been using us all along. We've been labouring under a lie.

It could be an isolated case. How can we know?

We're going to tell them what we've learned...

...by turning over a body infected with the gestating organism.

In hope of what? Learning that it's true?

That we are nothing but digestives for the creation of a new race of aliens?

By co-operating we hasten our own demise.

It's the only chance of saving ourselves.

They still need us to make their preparations.

We'll continue to use them as they do us, if only to get more time to work...

...on our vaccine.

My lateness might as well have been absence. A course has already been taken.

There are complications.

Mulder saw one of the infected bodies we destroyed in Dallas.

He's there now. Someone tipped him.


Kurtzweil, we think. No-one believes Kurtzweil. Or his books.

He's a crank.

Mulder believes him.

Then Kurtzweil must be removed. As must Mulder.

k*ll Mulder... we take the risk of turning one man's quest into a crusade.

Then take away what he holds most valuable.

That with which he can't live without.

I don't see any evidence of an archaeological or any other kind of a dig site.

This is where he marked on the map.

You're sure those fossils were infected with the same virus you saw at the morgue?

Both sets of bones were porous. As if the virus were decomposing it.

And you've never seen that virus before? No.

Look at that.

That look like new grass to you? Pretty green for this climate.

Ground's dry about an inch down. This was laid recently.

The equipment's brand-new, too.

No irrigation system. Somebody's covering their tracks.



You boys live around here?


Seen anybody digging over there?

We're not supposed to say.

Who told you that? Nobody.

Same nobody that built that playground?

Nobody buy you those new bikes, too?

You'd better tell us. We don't even know you.

We're FBI agents.

You're not FBI agents.

How do you know? Cos y'all look like door-to-door salesmen.

Hey, you wanna buy a badge?

They left an hour ago.

Going that way.

Unmarked tanker trucks.

What do archaeologists haul out in tanker trucks?

I don't know. Where are they going with it?

That's the first question to answer if we're gonna find them.

What are my choices?

100 miles of nothing in both directions. Which way do you think they went?

You got two choices. One's wrong.

I think they went left. I think they went right.

Five years together. How many times have I been wrong?


Not driving, anyway.

I was right about the b*mb, wasn't I? This is great. This is fitting.


I have to be in Washington DC in 11 hours for a hearing concerning my career.

And I'm in the middle of nowhere, chasing phantom tanker trucks.

We're chasing evidence.

Of what?

That b*mb went off to hide something: bodies infected with a virus you detected.

They haul oil in tanker trucks. They haul gas in tanker trucks. They do not haul viruses.

Well, they may be hauling a virus in these tanker trucks.

What do you mean? Mulder?

What are you not telling me?


The virus may be extraterrestrial.

I don't...

Mulder, I don't...

What do you think they are? I have no idea.

This is weird, Mulder.

Very weird.

Why would anyone grow corn in the middle of the desert?

Those could be giant Jiffy Pop poppers.

It's cool in here.

The temperature's being regulated.

For the purpose of what?

I think we're on top of a larger structure. This is some kind of a venting system.

Do you hear something?

I hear a humming. Like electricity.

High voltage, maybe.


Maybe not.


Yeah? Run!


I can't see!

Give me your hand!

Did you get stung? I don't think so.

Talk to me, Scully!


Damn it! Scully!



Talk to me, Scully!




Can you hear me?







Scully, talk to me!


Where'd they go?

Come on!

She's coming in.

Special Agent Scully.

I apologise for making you wait.

I have new evidence.

Evidence of what?

These are fossilised bone fragments...

...that were gathered at the b*mb site in Dallas.

You've been back to Dallas? Yes.

You found something. In Texas, some kind of experiment.

Tankers carrying something they excavated.

What? I'm not sure. A virus, I think.

I also have reason to believe that there may have been involvement by SAC Michaud.

Those are very serious allegations, Agent Scully.

Yes, I know.

You saw this experiment? Yeah. We were chased off.

What did it look like? There were bees, corn crops.

And you have conclusive evidence to tie your claim to the crime?

Not completely conclusive. We're working towards gathering that evidence.

Working with?

With Agent Mulder.

What are they? What do you think?

Transportation system. Transgenic crops. The pollen altered to carry a virus.

That's my guess.


What do you mean? Hey! You told me you had answers.

Yeah, but I don't have 'em all.

You didn't know my father. He and I were old friends.

You've used me to gather information for your books!

Lower your voice!


You'd be shit out of luck if it wasn't for me. I put my ass on the line for you.

I just got chased by two black helicopters!

And why do you think you're here talking to me?

These people don't make mistakes.

What's wrong?

Salt Lake City, Utah. Transfer effective immediately.

I already gave Skinner my letter of resignation.

You can't quit now.

I can, Mulder. I debated whether to tell you in person...

We're on the verge here!

You're on the verge. Please don't do this to me.

After all you've seen, you can just walk away?

I have. I did. It's done.

I need you on this... You don't need me.

You never have. I've just held you back.

I gotta go.

If you wanna tell yourself that, you can. But you're wrong.

Why did they assign me to you?

To debunk your work. To shut you down.

But you saved me!

As frustrating as it's been sometimes...

...your strict rationalism and science have saved me a thousand times over.

You kept me honest.

You made me a whole person. I owe you everything.

Scully, you owe me nothing.

I don't know if I wanna do this alone.

I don't even know if I can.

And if I quit now, they win.

Ow! Jesus!

I'm sorry.

No... Something stung me.

Must've gotten in your shirt.


...something's wrong.


I'm having lancinating pain in my chest. What?


My motor functions are being affected. My... pulse is thready.

I have a funny taste in the back of my throat.

It must be anaphylactic shock. I have no allergy...

This is Special Agent Fox Mulder. I have an agent down!

Can you hear me? Can you say your name?

She has constriction in the throat. Let's get her in the van right away!

She said she had a funny taste in her throat. But she has no allergy to bee stings.

The bee that stung her might have been carrying a virus.

Get on the radio. Tell them... Tell them it may have been carrying a virus!

I wanna go with her. What hospital? I...

What hospital are you taking her to?

What are you doing? Reading his chart.

Put it down. When I'm ready.

I think he's coming out of it. He's coming to.

Hey, Mulder.


Oh, my God...

Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow, Toto.

What am I doin' here?

A b*llet grazed your temporal plate. 3cms left and we'd be playing harps.

You've been unconscious since you got here.

Where's Scully?

Your 911 call must have been intercepted.

Scully had a reaction to a honeybee we found in your hall.

I gotta get to her. You're staying right here.

This goes back to Dallas.

Where is she? I'll find her. I don't know where she is.

You leave here unprotected, how far will you get? How far will they let you get?

What can we do?

You can strip Byers naked.


I need your clothes.

It's Mulder.

Dr Kurtzweil? Dr Alvin Kurtzweil.

Mr Mulder.

What happened to Kurtzweil?

He's come and gone.

Where's Scully?

The location of Agent Scully and the means to save her life.


What is it?

A weak vaccine against the virus she's been infected with.

It must be administered within 96 hours.

That leaves you little time to get there.

You're lying. No. Though I can't prove it.

The virus is extraterrestrial. We know little about it...

...except that it was the original inhabitant of Earth.

A virus? What is a virus...

...but a colonising force that cannot be defeated?

Living in a cave, underground, until it mutates and att*cks.

This is what you've been conspiring to conceal?

A disease? No, you've got it all backwards.

AIDS, the Ebola virus, on an evolutionary scale, they're newborns.

This virus walked the planet long before the dinosaurs.


Your aliens, your little green men, arrived here millions of years ago.

Those that didn't leave have been lying dormant...

...in the form of an evolved pathogen...

...waiting to be reconstituted by the alien race when it comes to colonise the planet...

...using us as hosts.

Against this, we have no defence. Nothing but a weak vaccine.

Do you see why it was kept secret?

Why even men like your father could not let the truth be known?

Until Dallas, we believed the virus would simply control us. Make us a sl*ve race.

Imagine our surprise when they began to gestate.

My group has been working with the alien colonists...

...facilitating programmes to give us access to the virus...

...in the hope of developing a cure.

To save your own asses.

Survival is the ultimate ideology. Your father wisely refused to believe this.

But he sacrificed my sister.

With no vaccine, the only true survivors of the viral holocaust will be those immune to it.

Human alien clones. He allowed your sister to be abducted, for one reason.

So she would survive.

As a genetic hybrid.

Your father chose hope over selfishness.

Hope in the only future he had, his children.

He hoped you would uncover the truth.

That you would stop the project, that you would fight the future.

Why are you telling me this? For the sake of my own children.

Once it's learned what I've told you, my life will be over.

Where's Dr Kurtzweil?

I'd like to get out of the car now.

Stop the car!


The men I work with will strongly protect their stake in the inevitable future.

I was ordered to k*ll Dr Kurtzweil. As I was ordered to k*ll you.

Trust no-one, Mr Mulder.

Get out of the car.

Why? The upholstery's already ruined.

Get out of the car!

You have precious little time.

What I've given you, the alien colonists don't yet know exists.

That vaccine is the only defence against the virus.

Introducing it into an alien environment...

...may destroy the plans we have so assiduously protected for the last 50 years.

What do you mean, may?

Find Agent Scully. Only then will you realise the scope of the project.


Go now!


Secure the station! I want everyone else below.

Arm yourselves. We may have a breach.

Let's go! Let's go!


There's a contaminant in the system.

Mulder has the vaccine.


Scully, can you breathe?


I'm cold... I'll get you out.

Abandon your posts! Evacuate!

What's happened? It's all going to hell!

What about Mulder? He won't make it.

We gotta keep movin'.

Come on!

I can't.

Yeah, you can.

Scully, grab that vent.

Scully, grab the vent!


Jeez, breathe!

Breathe! Come on!

Breathe in.

Breathe in... Breathe!

I had you big time.


Come on, Scully! Pull!


Keep movin'!

Go! Come on!

Almost there. Keep going.

You gotta see this.


In light of your report and narrative, my official report is incomplete...

...pending these new facts I'm being asked to reconcile.

Though it seems that a federal agent may have been involved in the bombing...

...the other events you've laid down are too incredible on their own...

...and, quite frankly, implausible. What is it you find incredible?

Where should I start?

So many of the events described in your report defy belief.

Antarctica is a long way from Dallas.

I can't give the Attorney General a report that alleges the links you've made here.

Bees and corn crops don't come under domestic terrorism.

No, they don't.

Your report doesn't show any organisation with an attributable motive.

I realise your ordeal affected you, but the holes in your account...

...leave us with no choice but to delete these references...

...until hard evidence becomes available that could cause us to pursue an investigation.

I don't believe the FBI has an investigative unit qualified to pursue the evidence in hand.

There's an interesting work of fiction on page 24.

Mysteriously, our names have been omitted.

They're burying it. They're gonna dig a new hole and cover it up.

I told OPR everything I know.

What I experienced, the virus, how it's spread by the bees and transgenic crops.

They won't believe you.

Not unless your story can be categorised or easily referenced.

We'll go over their heads. No. No.

How many times have we been here before?

Right here? So close to the truth.

And now, to be back at the beginning with nothing!

This is different.

No, it isn't. You're right to want to quit. You should get as far away from me as you can.

You won't die because of a hollow cause of mine!

Go be a doctor.

Go be a doctor while you still can.

I can't. I won't.

I'll be a doctor, but my work is here with you now.

That virus that I was exposed to...

...whatever it is, it has a cure. You held it in your hand.

How many other lives can we save?


...if I quit now, they win.

You look hot. Why have you travelled all this way?

We have business to discuss.

You have regular channels. This involves Mulder.

That name! Again and again. He's seen more than he should.

Of the whole, he has seen but pieces.

He's determined now. Reinvested.

He's but one man.

One man alone cannot fight the future.


...I received this.
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