Jurassic Thunder (2019)

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Jurassic Thunder (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, oo.

I'm into it.

It's creepin' me out but I like it.

Did it just move?

I mean, it does look pretty life-like, huh.

We should go take a picture with it.

Yes, let's do it!

Okay, zombie.


Ah. Hey, hey, hey.

Don't touch. That's really cute.

Whatever, he's super cute.

Look, it's made by the best sculptor in the city, don't touch.

We're not touching, and excuse us.

You don't have to talk to us like that.

I can't talk to you however I want.

I'm the manager.

You are not the manager.

Wait, your name is Was?

My name is Sam.

Your name tag's upside down.

Look at that g*n.

Look, if you're not gonna it, you don't wanna buy it, don't touch.

It's very expensive, full-scale figure of Borge from "Jurassic Thunder."

So, do you want to buy it?

Ellen, no.

Oh, no, I don't want to buy it.

It's stupid.

Oh, my God.

We're just here to use the bathroom.


No, just like that, just, "No!"

Restrooms are for customers.

Oh, yep, I am so done with you.

Let's go find a real manager.

Let's go, Sarah. Yeah.

I am the manager!

And I'm Princess Leia.




Someone could be robbing this place and no one would even know.

You mean like that guy? Hello, hello!

God, I feel like I'm in the "Twilight Zone."

Can I please go to the ladies room?


Oh yeah, sorry, it's right back there.

I told them it's for customers only!

Oh, whatever, Was.

Yeah, what's that about, anyway?

Sam was manager for one day.

Here you go, buy yourself a personality.

Hey, what is that?


Oh that, that needs to be seen to be understood.

Oh man, nice cover!


Due to their delicate nature, comic books need to be kept in pristine condition.

So one day someone might buy it and it hasn't lost any of its value.

Ah, no, in your dreams.

I'm not, this is "Jurassic Thunder."

It's like the Holy Grail of all comic books.

It's got weaponized dinos, warlords, zombies, commandos, nukes, it's got like everything.

Isn't that a book?

No, no, that's "Jurassic Dead."

You're thinking of something completely different.


No, but that's a movie, right?

I've never heard of it.

Will you wipe that drool off your face.

I'm not your anime girlfriend.

Has that ever worked for you?

It did once.

Let's do this.

No, you can't do that.

That's Jim Man Tim, bro.

Oh yeah?

Page one, it's in the desert, I bet this is where the dinos are kept.

Colonel Sanders, sir.

What is it?

The general would like to see you in the w*r room.

Airman, does it look like I have time to speak?

Details, man, details.

The Russians, sir.

They'll be here in approximately one hour.

Great, just what I need.

Bears growling at my doorstep.

Access denied.


Access denied.

Here, allow me, Colonel.

Access granted.

You make a note to get that f*ckin' thing fixed, understand me?

Absolutely, copy that, sir.


Ah, I thought you may miss the unfolding action.

We're now at DEFCON 3, Colonel.

I can't believe it's spread this far, this fast.

Mm, and it's still growing.

Any contact from their leader?

No, it's possible to think he might be dead.

Nah, he's in hiding.

If he's smart.

A rampant virus of this magnitude?

Makes that hard to believe.

Well, then we strike by air.

Are you willing to take that chance?

Even knowing the surrounding countries may retaliate?

This is a w*r of complexities.

No scenario, none, offers a good solution at this time.

You think for one second those surrounding countries wouldn't thank us for getting rid of those cannibals?

Fry it.

And if this infected country is capable of using their nukes in retaliation?

You want to take credit for starting World w*r III, Colonel?

It's better than letting the Russians dictate what we use as weapons, General.

There's no decision as of yet.

Let's see it tomorrow.

We'll make a calculated decision at that time.

You can't be seriously considering their option, General.

They walked in here as if they'd already sealed the deal with us.

I will have to address the president in less than an hour.

I suggest you stay focused and open to accepting some options.


You want to continue this discussion, Colonel?

Let's move this to private quarters.

Attention on the base, attention on the base.

The Russians are coming.

Looks like we have guests.

I repeat, the Russians are coming, command post out.

We don't remove hats on foreign soil.

Given the situation, I don't really care about hats.

My operations officer.

Colonel Sanders.

Sanders, like the chicken.

It's good chicken.


I think we've broken the ice here.

Let's talk about your weapons.

Get down on the ground now!

Face down, hands where we can see them!

Whoa, easy there, tiger.

You call it in!

You call it in!

No, you call it in!

No, you, I called it in last time!

Rock, paper scissors.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Ready. Time.


You call it in.

Don't look at me.

HQ, this is Scrat, have copy, over.

Scrat, command post has you loud and clear.

Roger, one infiltrator, south perimeter, wearing camouflage, has a pair of bullnose, a camera and some squazzlers or something.

Secure and detain suspect.

Roger, Scrat out.

Make this copy on.

What are we doin'?

Zip tie him.

Hands behind your back. Oh, what?

Hands behind your back!

Speak when only spoken too.

You guys are real friendly around here.

Police are safe work.

Think this is a joke?

I'm startin' to think we might be your first date, buddy.

Oh, you got the ovens on, whoa, whoa!

Can't we all just play nice?

Oh yeah, you like that?

From a squaw.

Helps to keep...

What's your name, Goldilocks?

Billy Wayne.

What's your job description?

Well, I'm a journalist.

Yeah, oh, that's what the camera's for, binoculars.

Hm. Let's go.

Whoa, oh my God.

The problem in this tiny area in South Africa is a bigger issue than one would think.

That a strategic hit with nukes would resolve the problem immediately.

And I second that notion, General.

But, but we can't.

We have a solution, General.

I know, I'm just tryin' to justify it.

We have three w*apon sites active.

They've been that way for three days now.

South African government dismantled their missiles shortly after signing Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act in 1991.

That's correct, too.

But now they're intact and ready to launch.

Good at your history, um?

Colonel General Weapons Specialist, Lieutenant Warnick.

We can't use nuclear force.

Conventional strikes are out as well, due to the frailty of the world's imminent w*r threat.

Any visible action could send us into World w*r III.

Any communication from there either?

No, no, I have a meeting with the president shortly to discuss that situation.


All right, We've attempted communications continuously.

But I've got reason to believe that he's dead.

And there's a rebel force that has taken complete control of the military's infrastructure.

But all that being said, the country has another problem, sir.

There's a virus infecting all the humans in this region.

It's turning them into something that's well beyond imagination.



We have a w*apon that will work well for you.

The biologics are sturdy and very effective.

Like a surgical intervention in any w*r situation.

Exactly what are we dealing with here?

I can assure you, General, these weapons were designed exactly for this situation.

An ant problem in the garden is quickly dealt with by introducing frogs to eat away the problem.

Wait, wait, well, you're telling me that you brought giant frogs to help combat terrorism?

They're quite enormous.

Is a symbology, Colonel.

Are you saying that we have a biologic that can eat our way out of this problem?

I believe we do, General.

This, I gotta see.

You know you have inflamed a greater uprising, Alfred.

You could start a global w*r.

No, we could change world.

Listen to yourself, Alfred.

You act as a dictator.

No, General Shultz, I am in authority now.

And what of all the others that supported you?

You will let them die as well?

You can't fix everything, Alfred.

This virus is real.

The only reason I spare your life because you were my friend in school.

And you enlisted yourself under the Western hypocrisy.

The next time you warn me again, I will feed you to them myself.

Let's go to the bush, get you a woman.

You need to relax.

You can lower your weapons, they won't be very effective.

We've equipped the biologic with 50-caliber long range g*n.

Operator controlled for guaranteed target execution.

Manipulation over its movement is achieved through energy manipulation.

Like steering a horse with the reins.


Yeah, but how good is its aim?


I just wish you would have picked a cheaper target.

We have six ready, weaponized, ready for its deployment.

Sir, we have the president if you'd.

Room, attention!

As you were.

Sir, you can't smoke in here.

Can you adjust the color on that thing, please.

It's already adjusted, sir.

Am I on it?

That's the actual color, sir.


Hello, hello?

Hello, Mr. President.

Any updates, General?

We're now DEFCON 1, Mr. President.

We may have a current military option for a strategic attack on the rogue country.

Very good, General.

I assume you've already met with the Russians?

Uri, Boris, hello.


Do you know them, Mr. President?


The Russians.


I don't know what you're talking about.

Right here, sir.

What's your point, Colonel?

Sir, these Russians, around the table.

The ones you just said hello to.

Do you know then?

Anyways, I want you to treat them as well as our guests.

I appreciate all your hard work and we're going to get through this together.

There's a little blip.

I'm thinking we need to go with the Russian's plan on this.

I've seen their weapons, yeah, they're very, very effective.

You've got to be kidding me.

Come again?

You said something.


I couldn't hear you, your lips were moving.

I just said, "We'll be k*lling," sir.

Terrific, good luck, man.

Keep me posted.

You've heard the president.

Let's prep, load, send 'em out.

All right.

Sir, we have a situation in the waiting room.




There's been a perimeter breach.

The guards have detained the individual...


There has been a perimeter breach.

The guards have detained the individual and they're waiting for you to question him.


I'm Colonel Sanders and I'm in charge of this military facility.

You picked a great time breaking into a secure facility, stranger.

Why are you here?

Look, I'm just a journalist here observing a preservation movement.

Are you sure about that?

What have you seen here today?

Nothin', not yet...

Then cut the bullshit!

You're here takin' pictures for somebody for intel for somethin'.

And I'm gonna find out what.

You better pray to God that when this w*r's over, we're all dead.

'Cause if you're alive, you're ass is gonna be in a world of hurt.

Keep an eye on him.

You're wanted on the platform, Colonel.

All right, make sure our guest understands the terms of his confinement.

That everything he's done here is considered terrorism.

So there's not gonna be any steak dinner for you tonight.

I'm gonna talk with the president and straighten some shit out.

Talon five, six, you are clear for take off.

Winds 350 at 12.

Talon five, six, copy, cleared for takeoff.

They're in the air, sir.


Now we wait.

Excuse me, excuse me, what is that thing doing in here?

This was the test unit.

Unit number seven.

We felt it was not ready for its deployment.

We need number seven.

Excuse me, you can't just put things wherever you want to on this base.

Not without prior written approval.

This is very expensive w*apon, Colonel.

I'm sure your higher command would be very upset if it was neglected, no?

You better watch that thing close and I mean close.

The last thing we need is a big lizard running around here, thinking it's in charge when I'm in charge, got it?

Da. Da, da, da.

Colonel, I'm going to send a document to upper command of this conversation.

And it's going to state that the dinosaur has in fact no authoritative power in this facility, okay.

Oh, boy.

Talon five, six flight, five miles from the drop zone.

Payloads are over their respective drop points, General.

All systems green.

Just waiting for your order, sir.


Drop zone in two minutes.

Okay, boys, drop your drawers and dump your loads.

Now we wait.

10 seconds to first impact.

You've used these biologics before, right?

No, first time.

10 seconds to first impact.

Impact in four, three, two, one.

Second impact, three, two, one.

Commander Warnick, I'm curious as to your thoughts?

Third payload impact in 15 seconds.

Fourth payload, 10 seconds.

Impact in four, three, two, one.

All right, we have two units left.

I'm gonna contact our early command centers on a possible fail.

Two more units, only one has a signal, sir.

Location's further north.

They may have taken high winds, sir.

10 seconds on five.

Four, three, two, one.


We have one unit unaccounted for, sir.

No signal.

Keep your eyes open, I'll call in a Hawk, see if they can spot something.

Yes, sir.

Where, oh where could they be?


A toast to my friend.

To a new third world power, I have my rockets engaged, I have the Americans and the world fearing us.

Alfred, how can those rockets not run low on fuel?

Do they even work?

We are at the brink of World w*r III.

You're right.

Let's hope this brilliant idea of yours is a success.

Wait, don't sh**t, don't!

What is it?

Sh, something's coming out of it.

Five confirmed drops, sir.

We're still missing number six.

Sir, look at the containers.

Look at the deployed containers, look at them popping up.

One and two, three confirmed, sir.

Have you ever thought that dropping these containers, General, might cause them to use their nukes?

Hey, what are they saying?

They believe the missiles are obsolete.

They are older Russian units, not operational.

That does not look non-operational.

It's a bluff.

It's possible.

You willing to risk your life on that commander?


Well, God help us all.

Lieutenant, deploy the payloads.

Deploy 'em.


Chop, chop.

Overhead view.

Command, it looks like biologic's been deployed.

Mr. President, the launch is underway.

That, that's the head cam from the hybrid.

Container number six.

Mr. President, I will call you right back.

Is that what I think it is?

That is the command post.

It looks like the leader.

Thing have a g*n on its head?



I've got six active, sir.

Looks like all weapons are online.

President online, sir.


Hello, General, I assume our plan is moving forward.

Surprisingly well, Mr. President.

I knew it would work.

I never lose on good deals.

All deals love me.

We're in good hands with experts, General.

And let me tell you, in my 16 years of president, I've never had a raw deal.

I've raw dogged, but not a raw deal.

That's good to hear, Mr. President.


Well, our weapons have actually infiltrated a fortress and we're beginning to see a lot of activity in the region.

By infiltrated, General, how does that work with missiles?

I don't understand your question, sir.

Missiles don't infiltrate.

Sir, maybe you don't understand.

We're using biologics as weapons.

Biologics, sir.

Now why the f*ck didn't anybody tell me that?

We did, sir.

Who are you?

I'm Colonel Sanders, sir.

How did a guy who sells fried chicken end up running the show?

You're fried with ranch!

Mr. President, I don't think this is a good time...

I'll tell you what time it is.

And do you know why?

'Cause my time is excellent, that's why.

Gotta go.

So, little 'vert.

How do you guys decide who takes the top and who takes the bottom?

Foreplay, maybe a little paper, rock, scissors, get it.

Just kidding, 'cause you're so quiet, boring me out here.

You guys have families, right?

Wives, maybe boyfriends.

It's okay, hey, did you know that sex in the...

The General is ready to see you.

Bring him.

But, a**l sex, it'll make your whole week.

Watch him.

Get it?

Your whole week.



Does it have to be John?

Well, he's a misogynistic jack, oh, and we're live from Capital Hill.

I stand here atop this shanty looking down upon the destruction below.

Government officials have urged that any and all citizens evacuate the premises as soon as possible.

And the presence of unruliness has escalated and the country's replacement government, capable of nuclear warfare, well they're nowhere to be heard of.

No word from the as of yet, on any level.

John Jacobs, Nightwatch, Stella back on.

Hey, what is that?

Yeah, right there.

Get that stuff off his head.

Hey, whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Well, apparently you both know each other.

He's Billy, he's joke.

What's up, governor.

You put a b*llet to Mike, like you.

You two know each other. Yeah, we know each other.

This son of a bitch lost a bet to me and now he thinks I cheated him.


He stole a secret Russian w*apon in development.

You can't hide forever, Yankee.

What the hell is this?

Cosmic air gel.

It's a protein serum that allows dinosaurs to live.

They can't live without it.

It a fail safe to prevent overpopulation.

It was in his backpack when he was cuffed.

The property of the Russians.

Your dinos bio, it's gonna fail.

You put that out in an environment where it can spread?

It's gonna be like the black plague with the rats.

That's why the protein serum was developed.

You can't create and thrive a species and expect the virus not to spread.

Sure it looks pretty on the outside.

Who doesn't like a cute cuddly dinosaur running around?

Eventually, it's just gonna bit you in the ass.

And quite frankly, probably, literally yours.

Dale, Paul!


It is coming.

Do you see it?

Sh, quiet.

It is coming, do not make a sound.

Perhaps he will leave.

Sir, we have a situation.

What is it?

It's the biologics, their lifelines are disappearing.


Each life unit has a GPS system that's equipped with a monitor on their life status.

These are signifying terminations.

They're dying?

Yes, sir, but the good news is there seems to be a reduction on what appears to be a virus signature, sir.

So they're dying.

That's impossible.

That's not what the screens show, Officer.

It's not over, this here, this is just the beginning.

What makes you so expert, ass admirer?

That's cute, friend.

Listen, I was hired to observe and monitor this from the beginning by the CIS.

Anybody familiar with that?

The Command of International Security.

Now listen, I've seen what this w*apon can do.

And our best option is to destroy them all before they destroy us.

You know nothing about science.

That's cute, sweetheart.

Listen, you've been fed nothing but bullshit from your upper command.

In fact, you're nothing more than a cute salesman, here to deliver the extinction of the humankind via what was it again?

Oh, yeah, Trumpodine.

I've heard of.

That I've heard of.

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell is Trumpodine.

Sir, president on queue.

Gentlemen, ladies, as you know by now, the Russian's weapons seem to be working and well.

As I thought, of course.

The missiles seem to have reached their objectives.

They're biological weapons, Mr. President.

Hey, I though I fired you.

You son of bitch threw a fireball up his ass.

What, what's going on?

Wait a minute, who's that?

You son of a bitch, how dare you.

You insult my country and you want to fight me?

If I could I'd put your ass in a, I'd rather k*ll you!

You can choke on this.

You're fired.

Oh, you want some of this?

This African sweet boy?

I gave your country money, not you, you f*ckin' moron.

Mr. President, I need your attention!

I think we have a developing problem, sir?

What, this better be good, General.

It's not.


Whoa, yeah!

Come on.

How dare you speak to me that way!

You live in that luxury apartment, or wherever the hell it is, while I sit here and live in ruins!

We're in a time of w*r.

And I'm working out of a basement.

Do you see my complaining?

Why won't you move your camera back and let me see how basementy your place is.


Show me!

I ain't gonna show you shit.

Show me you son of bitch!

No, I'm not letting you into my basement, General Shoke.

You son of bitch, from a cr*cker of your mama's ass.

Show me!

Oh, you want some of this!

You son of a bitch, you take that!

You insult my country and my people!

Take this!

You runnin' a piece of face!

You doggy paddle, you can't undo that.

Oh, that's what that word is used for, your face!

You haven't seen this since the '80s.

Has anybody told you that the skin color of your face look like baby poo.

Bring it, p*ssy.

Come on.

Over here.

What you got, Abe?

Where's Borge?

50 yards away, not a soul was breathing.


Haiti, man, 1994, changed to democracy.

They drived us into a field of death.

Could smell the rot.

Thought it was over then.

You think this is over?

Tired of these boring ass gigs.

I need action!

Careful what you wish for.

Come on, "Call of Duty"!

Come on, "Call of Duty"!

What is that, a Nerf g*n?

What the hell man, what was that?

Well, I told ya.

Yeah look, who's acting crazy now?


I'm crazy?

I'm gonna walk away before I really spin.

♪ And I gotta have my way now, baby ♪

♪ All I know is that ♪

Looks like you guys might have a dino problem on your hands.

Well where else do you think we should put it?

Why don't you bend over and I'll show ya.

Hey, you have a lot of nerve talking to me like that.

I wasn't talkin' to you.


There's a protein in your weapons that attracts the virus.

The virus gets bigger and it spreads.

Those of us who have actually gotten out of elementary school know that the black plague was spread by rats.

What do you suppose is spreading the virus today?

Your dinosaurs.


So, you made our situation worse.

Yeah, smooth move, ex-lax.

But yes.

We should have used nukes, sir.

We can destroy this one but what about the other ones out there?

I don't want to tell you how to do your job, General.

But yeah, nuke 'em, erase 'em all!


What did he say?

Oh, ah, he said that we are, how do you say, we are going to die, we're all gonna die.

Kaput, finito, total completo.

To overcome one must become open minded.

And to do that, well, you gotta think outside of the box.

In there, I feel something.

I think I got it.

Ew, dino shit.

Are you out of your friggin' mind?

Come here.

Come here!

Abe, Borge, walk away.

Look man, dogs don't eat their own shit.

So a dinosaur's not going to either.

We become poop proof.

This ain't no freakin' game show, man.

You lead by example.

You at least owe your team that much.

You're fallin' off the edge, man.

Off the edge?

Seems like it, yeah.

Man, I am nowhere near an edge.

You're a nut that's crumblin', man.

Fine, so, poop camo a bad idea.

But I'll tell ya what's a better idea, disguise ourselves as zombies, much, much better, more efficient, it's more sanitary, we're not gonna get ghona-sypha-herpelaids from these dinosaurs.

So you think bein' a zombie is gonna be a better idea to save us?


So you're willin 'to go full zombie, thinkin' that'll divert the real zombies from eatin' your brains out?

But when the real zombie does come and eats your brains out, then the whole zombie diversion thing wasn't really worth it in the first place, see what I'm sayin', brother?

Works in the movies, but not in real life.

Never go full zombie, man.

And I'm no where near an edge!

We have a problem, sir.

Come again?

We regret to inform you that the weapons in use are great piles of crap, sir.

They're not crap, you're crap.

Colonel, you picked one hell of a time to announce an opinion.

Go ahead.

These weapons are turning into the very things they're eating.


Well they eat the disease, they become the disease.

That's impossible.

They have a specific gene that cannot mutate.

Yeah, unless that's altered.

Easy there, gentlemen.

This is the T1 gene mutating compound.

I found this on one of your commandos out there in the field.

He was using it.

For what, you already have a sick science project.

Yeah, that's correct.

And when you create an ambulatory biologic, no matter what, nothing can destroy it.

The carnivorous become more carnivorous.

The ferocious, they become more ferocious.

You think we're safe?

Yeah, think again.

This stuff lies dormant in every single one of us.

It's just waiting for something to jump start it.

Something just like this.

So you mean one of our operatives has that out in the field?

That's right.

Aren't these guys screened?

Seriously, for an operation like this, there should be more control measures.

It's the president, sir.

Put him on.

I understand we're having some issues on the w*r front?

But let me assure you, we have countermeasure in place to ensure our success.

Right now, Mr. President, we're seeing a foreshadowing of human extinction.

Our biologics may be our biggest problem as yet.

General, that's why we have specialists to ensure that doesn't happen.

Direct orders to pull out from upper command, stop.

We haven't even completed the mission yet.

Who the hell is sending these messages?

Man, we ain't goin' anywhere.


You think they're gonna risk an aircraft for us at this point?

What kind of cigarette you smokin'?

Not a cigarette.

Well, it's a tiny ass cigar.


You smokin' marijuana around my team?

Calm down, it's a special formulation.

That is so wrong.

Not wrong, Jesus smoked it too.

No, he didn't.

You take that back!

Men, fire!

We are under attack!

Borge, cover, now!

Driver, exit the truck!

Exit the truck now, driver!

How do you say, exit the truck in African?

Earn those Cubans?

What are you doing here?

Access denied.


Access denied.

Dammit, open this damn door!

Sir, you need to gently insert all of your fingers.

Access granted.

Now I want that thing destroyed now!

I'm afraid it's not that easy, Colonel.

What are you talking about?

You open the doors and you blow the thing apart.

She's right, you've got a serious problem up there.

We've got enough firepower to do the job right.

Now I think there's more to you than you're letting on.

You should speak now or live to regret it.

Colonel, no!

You know who's in charge here!

What's your story, Billy?

You open that door, none of us are gonna survive.

Abbot, Costello, open the box.

Open the damn box!

Bet you're proud of committing treason against your country.

What are you pompous or something?

You think I created this thing for w*r.

I'm willing to bet the Russians gave you a lot of money, made you feel different about your little science project.

No, but maybe for a partner.

Dammit, I can't see!

Who do you think you are, putting a g*n to my head?

Don't you know I am the general?

Don't you guys have any paved roads around here?

Get over on the left.

Get over on the left!

Damn it, I still can't see!

Grab a rope!

Take that you bad bastard.

So long, sucker.

As I was saying, nothing personal.

You really piss me off, boy.

You stupid, Yankee, you're gonna k*ll us all!

Do you know what you're doing?

Hey, you know they saying, "What doesn't hurt you, makes you stronger."

This does not apply here.

Dead means dead.

Stupid son of a bitch.

We have an active breach in the hanger, sir.

Damn, get a squad to cover that area right now.

Get them over there.

Where'd everybody go?

Hello, hello?

Hey, can't you stop that thing?

No, the system was down.

It is running on its own, offline.

Offline, does that look offline to you?

How's it doing that?

Lizard here, die, now I'm in charge.


Awesome, bro, that was cool.

Well, that's the last time you eat gravy now that you are gravy.

I mean, very sad, very sad.

Call in air support.

Two steps ahead of you, I already did.

Sharp kid.

You'll make a good leader someday.

There they are.

12:00 o'clock.

Target 10:00 o'clock low.

Six, nine flight copy.

Oh crap, that sucks.

Altitude, altitude.

Pull up, pull up, pull up.

We shot our entire crew in.

Looks German, maybe Russian.

You sure?

Do you got a light?


Who's that?

So you like to play with lizards, right?

What's that, an IED, a nuke?

It's a m*ssile you moron.

You must be one of the dumbest commandos I ever knew.

Yeah, but not fully though, right?

Is that still active?

Oh, no.

He's banging his head against it.

Yeah, he does.

What happens when you hit a b*llet on the top of the head for a long time?

Oh, no!


Don't look at me that way.

I pay your salary.

You can't even do your job right, you're fired.

What do you suppose is next?

"Planet of the Apes" maybe.

Thank you.

That'll be somethin'.

That was epic.

You know what, you were right.

That was good.

We'll take it.

The comic? Mm-hmm.



Our new boyfriend.
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