Perfect Blue (1997)

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Perfect Blue (1997)

Post by bunniefuu »


Special Attack!

Curses! I'll get you next time, Powertron!

Hold it, Kingburg!

Dammit! Did he get away?

However, we Powertrons will uphold the peace of the network!


That was nothing like the stuff on TV.

That was so cheap!

Man, that's like way too expensive.

Like I said, it's from that show in Hiroshima.

The one I couldn't go to?

When Rei went fumbling her song 'coz those guys started trouble...

And this is the MiniDisc from when Mima sang in Rei's place.

It's a precious sample of Mima-rin's singing voice!

Oh, yeah... Is that rumor true?

Oh, that?

Three left, only three left...

Last issue of CHAMMINGBIRD... only three left.

400 yen... 400 yen...

Yeah, I read about that too.

I heard she's announcing it today coz it's the last concert here.

At a nothing show like this? That's pretty cold of Mima-rin!

There's been lots of solo activity going on lately...

And only Mima-rin's like worthy of being an actress?

Look, they're back.

The guys that caused trouble last week.

I just hope they don't make a mess today, of all days.

I'm getting nervous!

Come on, sit still!

Hey, what's up with this!? This is all frayed!

Don't look at me!

Get me some masking tape!

Hello? Yes.

Remember your entrance in the second song, Mima!

Don't pressure me!

I need a drink!

You can have drinks after the event. I'm sorry. I'll call you back.

You're on!

And it looks like they're set.

Without further adieu, please welcome to our stage... CHAM!!

Got a question about your love?

Send a cry for help and wait a bit.

Love makes your heart race.

If it means you're loved in the end... much more aggressive...

...because you will get a chance.

The angel of love smiles at you.

Mima! Mima! Mima!

Mima should be acting, not singing!

I can't do this after all!


They want her in a drama series.

There are no better deals than this!

She can act AND sing! That should be all right!

Her schedule with the other two is already starting to mismatch!

She didn't go through those hard lessons to become an actress!

The TV producer praised Mima's acting!

But what about MIMA'S feelings!?

...and wait a bit.

Love makes your heart race.

If it means you're loved in the end... much more aggressive...

...because you will get a chance.

The angel of love smiles at you.

Thank you very much.

It was a fun concert, but we only have one song left...

We just got here!

Umm... Before our last song, we have news to tell you...

Um, I, Kirigoe Mima, had a fun time as a member of CHAM...

Out of the way!

What did we do!? HUH!?

Quit showin' off! You're only a part-timer!

Outta my face, ya assh*le!

YOU get out of here!

What the hell!? Who are you telling to leave, you fucker!?

It wasn't me!

What are you doing!? Get the hell over here, whoever threw that!

Go home! Go home!

Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Dammit!

Them again!

We're canceling the show!

But today is!

Shut up! Goddammit!

Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home!

Stop it!


Just today... I wanted to have a good time with all of you!

What attitude from some no-namer!

You little!?

What do you want, you freak?

Let's go!

A-Actually... as of today, I...

As of today, Mima-chan will graduate from CHAM!

What!? Why?

Thank you all.

I'm really happy that I spent the last 2 1/2 years with you all as part of CHAM!

I hope you'll support me as I do my best as a rookie actress.

So this will be my last song. Please listen.

Well, it totally makes sense from the agency's point of view.

Pop idols just don't make money... right?

Metamorphosis, huh?

I still remember well...

...that warmth you'd given me.

It was in the gentle rays of sunlight.

I had believed that...

...the days past when...

...we were in love, were everything.

Now, embraced by the memories...

...I have become a coward.

I am choosing to live a life that...

...I can't feel any...

Mima-rin! Don't leave us! Don't quit!

Mima-rin! Mima-rin!

Thank you.

I'm always looking at Mima's Room!

Geez! This cheese already went bad!

I'm sorry... I forgot to feed you yesterday.

The earthquake that happened in Mie prefecture...

...flattened towns throughout the region.

The government reports 200 dead, but the total number of victims are...

...yet to be determined since many more are missing amid the rubble.

Authorities have called in troops for rescue operations...

...however, because the area is already getting dark...

Thanks for all the work over the years.

Bye bye, Mima the pop idol.

"Sing for us forever"...

I really can't do that.

"I always like looking into Mima's Room. I've put up a link to Mima's Room."

What is this?


Mima! You're home!


Yeah, I'm fine! How are you?


Yeah. Today was the last one. No more singing for me.

I remember when you kept saying you wanted to be a singer.

This is my big chance! I told you that already!

Lately, we've all been looking forward to each new single!

Your uncle over in Yamaguchi buys 20 copies every time!

You just don't understand this industry, Mom.

Wasn't singing what you were best at?

The pop idol image is suffocating me!

Besides, nowadays pop idols are...

Wait, I've got a call on the other line...

Yes, Kirigoe here...



Mom? Just a wrong number.

Yeah, I know.

Oh, wait! The bath!

Call me back in five minutes.

Oh, Mother!

A fax? Who's it from?

Traitor. TRAITOR. Traitor. TRAITOR. Traitor...

Who are you?

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Do you know what that note means, Rumi-chan?

It's an Internet home page.

Oh, that thing that's been popular lately!

...and what is it?

How can I describe it?

It's kind of like computer networks.


Considering that this person "put up a link to Mima's Room"...

...this "Mima's Room" thing is the title of a web site.

You don't get it, do you?

Nope. Not one bit.

All right!

Sorry to keep you waiting.

We're ready for the take!

Don't make me laugh!

You're laughing on your own!

5 seconds!

4, 3, 2...

The younger sister of Rika, the m*rder victim, is here.

Would you like to see her?


Do you know why the culprit peels off the skin of his victims?

I assume he gets sexual stimulation from such activities...

He wants to become one.

Become... what?

A woman... or...


Ochiai Eri-san is a great actress after all!

She's a completely different person when the camera is rolling!

That's good!

NEXT! Scene 32!

Rika's sister, you're on!


Hold this!


A bit.

Not much to get nervous about when you have only one line...

How's our star actress?

Tadokoro-san. She's just going on now.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"


That's what I mean!

Good morning!


Good morning.

Hello, everyone.

Good morning.

Shibuya-sensei! You're here too?

Hi, Eri-san. How's it going?

Sir, your lines are too hard! I don't want to do it anymore!

Don't say that!

But the story is really good!! I love stuff like this!

You're good at egging people on!

Eri-san. There were this many fan letters sent to the station!

Thank you, Tejima-san.


Oh, this one's not for you.

Well, keep up the good work.

So, Sensei, tell me!

Who's the criminal?

Sorry, can't tell you. That'd spoil the fun.

So what ARE you going to do about the criminal?

You're gonna have to make your mind up soon.

Good morning, Tejima-san! Shibuya-sensei!

Oh, hello there...

Mima-chan's getting good reviews. Even among station staff.

If that's the case, don't you think she's got too few lines?

So he says, Shibuya-chan.

Hey, don't look at me!

Sensei! Please! Make use of Mima just a little bit more!

But see... She's a pop idol, right?

They're really hard to use...

That's no problem! She's done with being a pop idol!


We want to give her a drastic image change, too.

We're ready for the take!

Oh, this is for Mima.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

5 seconds!

4, 3, 2...




I'm all right...

What the hell is this!?

I think that letter just exploded!?

Call an ambulance! An ambulance!

Yes! a warning. The next one will be REAL.

We're all set now.

Rumi-chan, you're really amazing!

I'll sign you up for online services now.


What do you think, Rumi-chan?

About what?

About that thing the other day.

Oh, that...

Credit card number...

Shouldn't we have called the police?

Tadokoro-san said not to. We can't do anything about it.

But it was a crime!

And it might have been me!

It's okay. It was just a prank.

Fortunately, Tadokoro-san wasn't badly hurt.

So you shouldn't worry, Mima.

Anyway, Mima, I'll explain all of this so listen carefully.


This is a browser for the World Wide Web.

You launch it by double-clicking here.

Wha? Double-clip?

What are you going to do with a clip?


See, next to "location" you enter the URL.

It's not hard, is it?

Come on, Rumi-chan!

Can't you explain it to me in Japanese?

Boy! Why did you buy a computer when you don't know anything about it?

Because they said it was easy!

Oh, all right. I'll explain it from the beginning once more...


H... T... T... P...

Ooh, something came up!

Hey, I'm doing pretty well!

...And now...

There it is!

Welcome to Mima's Room

Welcome to Mima's Room Mima's Diary What's this?

"It was just terrible!"

"I screwed up the choreography, AND forgot my lyrics."

"I feel so sorry to all my fans!"

"This morning, when I got off the train left foot first..."

"...was when all the bad stuff started."

"I always make it a point that my right foot..."

"...goes first into the train and into the bath."

Someone sure knows me! What's this?

"Today was my 21 st birthday."

"Yukiko, Rei, and the staff at the agency held a party for me. It was terrific!"

"Coming home, I went grocery shopping at the usual store."

"I got mineral water and milk."

"The milk just has to be Cow Brand milk."

"I have to allow myself at least this much luxury."

"And food for my precious fish, of course..."

"May 12th. I was impressed with Ochiai Eri-san's performance in Double Bind."

"She's another person when the camera is rolling..."

What is all this?

How do they know this much?

Who are you?

Who are you?

Who are you?

Who are you?

Who are you?

Who are you?

Who are you?

I'm Dr. Toko Asamiya, specializing in psychiatry.

I was your late sister's psychiatrist.

There are some things I'd like to ask you.

Detective Yamashiro! Another one!


This is the fifth victim...

Just three sh*ts.

Is this work really worth leaving CHAM for?

Rumi-chan. Do you know how hard it is to get a character...

...that reappears in a drama series? Even a role like this?

Yes, I do. But...

This is where Mima proves if she can be seen as a real actress or not.

But we should sell Mima as a pop idol!

Really. Times are different from when Hidaka Rumi was a working pop idol.

I know that.

Nowadays, there are no places for pop idols to appeal to the masses.

This is the branch point that will decide if Mima lasts or not.

Well, excuse me for not surviving.

Please, Rumi-chan!

There's nothing better than having Mima be able to change into an actress!

She came to Tokyo to sing...


On record sales we make practically nothing!

But I do wish that they'd use her a little bit more...

Sorry we're not that profitable!

Good morning!

How's the new CHAM going?

Double Bind

It's the pits!

Double Bind... yeah, I saw it too.

It was so boring!

Why do all psycho-thrillers made in Japan turn out that way?

Mima-rin's not in it!

Oh yeah. How many scenes was she in last week? Four?


Somebody save Mima-rin! PLEASE!

A HOME PAGE ON THE INTERNET: You can make one too!

This morning, when I got off the train left foot first...

Hey, It's Mima-rin!

Good morning!

Good morning, Mima-rin!

Break a leg with that drama series!

Hey, wait, Mima-rin...

Do they get all unfriendly when they become actresses?

Hit-And-Run at Shinkaido.

Tadashi Doi (18) in critical condition.

Good morning!

Good morning, Mima.



What's going on?

CHAM's new single...

Oh, wow! They got 83rd?

We never even made the charts before.

One, two...


We did it!

Now we've got to work together really hard!

But will there be anyone in the audience?

Sure there will be, Mima!

Your next script. It has a few more lines.


You've both done great!

CHAM is totally okay being a duo!

Hey, you. Are you currently in any talent agency?

I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.


Wouldn't you be interested in being a model?



OK! We're going to move for the next scene!

Who's that girl?

I don't know.

Hey, hey, hey!

I saw next week's script, Shibuya-chan. You're wonderful!

I didn't think it would come to this!

To tell the truth, I have an even more drastic idea.



I wonder if it would be all right for Mima...

...or rather, her agency.

Mima's character, Takakura Yoko, changes...

...personalities completely when she's r*ped by the customers at a strip show.

You're crazy! A r*pe scene!?

She's the key figure in the second half of the series! It's an important role!

But Mima's a pop idol!

Don't worry, Mima.

We'll ask the producer and get it changed.

Hey, hey. Wait a minute!

The scripts are already behind schedule as is, and the art staff is getting antsy!

How will it look if we make it worse by arguing?

I even told Shibuya-sensei that she was changing out from a pop idol!

It's our job to protect the celebrities in our agency!

There's no way Mima can do such a thing!

It's all right, Rumi-chan.

I'll do it.

Because I decided that I WILL become an actress.


I see. You're really wonderful, Mima!

This kind of thing is commonplace for actresses! Jodie whatshername did it too!

Mima, please think it out.

Do you realize what will happen as a result of this?

It's not as if I'm really getting r*ped!

Although... I'm sure my parents will flip when they see me like that.

Anyway, I'll do it. I'll give it my best shot.


I absolutely REFUSE to do it!

Well, Mr. Director? How does the set look?

I'd prefer to sh**t in a real club...

...but considering what we're filming, nobody will let us sh**t at their place.


Please, I'm counting on you.

Hey, hey, hey, come on, Yada-kun!

What are you going to do with just the DATE of the next meeting!?

That doesn't make for much of a meeting!

OK here!

We're ready to sh**t!

Scene 48, "The manager gets dragged down", take 1!

Ten seconds...

5, 4, 3, 2...

Mmmm! Looks good!

Ex-pop idols sure make a nice scene!

No! Stop! Let me go!

Cut it off! Get off the stage!

Shut the f*ck up!

Get out of here! I'll call the police!

You think I give a shit about cops?


Hands off!

Stop it!

Let me go! Stop it!

Help! Help me! No!

Please! NO!


Hey, over there, hold your places!

OK! Now move the cameras!

I'm so sorry...

Oh, no, it's all right.

OK, next up, the r*pe scene!

Everyone, get ready!

Take 1! Rolling!

No! Stop! No! No! Stop!

Please! Stop!


No, no, no! FASTER!


Once again, from the top!

No break yet! Take 2!

Please! Stop!

No! Please! NO!

Stop it! No!



I'm so tired!

Hey, where's Rumi-chan?

Hmm? Oh, she had a meeting to go to for me...

Hey, Mima...

You know...

Nothing. You tried so hard...

As a reward for your efforts, I'll treat you to a delicious meal.

Lucky me!

I'm home, fishies!

I wonder if you're hungry yet?

Of course I didn't want to do it!

But I couldn't trouble all the people who brought me this far!!

See, didn't I tell you?

Is that the job that you wanted?

That was the PITS!

I don't want to do that drama anymore!

The producer is a total pervert, and my role is really screwed up!

Singing in front of my fans has GOT to be the best for me after all!

Oh... that scene?

Of course I would be lying if I said I didn't have any hesitations...

...but I looked at it as a hurdle I had to jump over as an actress.

I heard the ratings went up.

As always, the public at large are all idiots.

Yes. I'd like to be recognized as an actress.

Not as "the ex-pop idol"?

You got it!

I was fine coz Rei was always the one I liked.

I'm sure all the Mima-rin fans are crying right about now.

But CHAM did teach me a lot. It was a great experience in its own way.

Yeah, totally!

They're probably whining, "That's not Mima-rin!"

Welcome to Mima's Room What was YOUR day like?

"Today, I was still a little depressed..."

"...but receiving e-mail from all of you made me feel a little better."


"June 24: Help me, everyone..."

"Everyone is forcing me to do it! It's all the screenwriter's fault!"

Help! Help! Help! Help!

This... This isn't true! I'm not writing any of this!

Of course! The REAL Mima is writing this!

I know that deep down in your heart you want to be a pop idol again.


I'm no longer...

No longer what?

Oh, yeah, you're no longer a pop idol.

You're a filthy woman now.

Nobody likes idols with tarnished reputations!

That's not true! That's not true!


You can't step back into that spotlight now...

But that's all right. I'M here.

From now on, I'll be in the light, and you'll be in the shadows.

What are you saying!?

Who in the world are you!?

Nobody likes you anymore.

You're tarnished! FILTHY!

Stop! Stop it!

I am not tarnished!



Love makes your heart race.

If it means you're loved in the end... much more aggressive...

...because you will get a chance.

The angel of love smiles at you.

Is anyone there?

Can you see the angel's white wings?

Or her eyes gazing at you...

...her sweet voice, her gentle hands?

She is here just for you.

She is protecting you...

...from somewhere nearby.

Got a question about...

Love makes your heart race.

If it means you're loved in the end... much more aggressive...

It happened about 1 o'clock this morning.

Hey, I called you last night and you weren't in...

"Oh shit! How did you know?" Yeah, right.

Did you see "Mima's Room"?

Yeah, but is that really her?

No clue.

According to that page, Mima-rin's gonna be on stage today.

No way!

Police say Shibuya was stabbed umpteen times with a sharp object...

Popular Script Writer SLAUGHTERED!! The victim: Shibuya Takao (34)

It sure is a shocking incident, but us worrying about it won't help.

We have to put our minds on something else.

But there was that letter b*mb too...

You think Shibuya-sensei's m*rder is connected with that?

I didn't say that...

You watch too many TV tabloid shows. Don't worry about it.

You won't become a star looking like that! Smile!



What's wrong? Mima! MIMA!

But will Mima be all right?


That photographer specializes in getting people to strip!

So what?

She's got that part down pat!

I'm sure she's totally showing it off in front of the photographer!


Isn't it time you were on? Hurry up.


Oooh... I like that expression.

Try running your fingers through your hair.

Oh, I like this.

It's great!

Perfume isn't for me. And when I caught the scent...

Yeah, just like that. Part your lips a little...

Great. Now let's take the top off too...

I'd rather wear jeans...

...than tight business suits.

This year, I'll not exert myself and dress casually.

I wanted to be a woman that suited you...

...but I knew we would drift apart even if...

...I kept standing on my tippy-toes.

I thought you decided to go through with this!

Everyone is waiting for you!

Come on, Mima!

See? Didn't I tell you?

You were better off as a pop idol.

Hey Mima, are you listening?

Stop all this nonsense! Who are you!?

Me? I'm a pop idol.

Everyone's waiting for me.

So I'm going to sing with Rei and Yukiko again.

No, I'm not!

I'm an actress!

Don't be silly!

No one really wants that!


What everyone wants is...

...from comics than difficult books and...

...I want to stay the way I am forever.

Walking past, making a breeze...

...burning the scenery into my memories.

I am fine even if I'm alone.

I have finally found a luxurious loneliness.

Thank you, everyone!

June 27th: Thank you for coming to the event today!

It really is the best feeling to sing in front of all of you!


Kirigoe Mima Leaving the Throne of a Pop Idol!!



What are you doing?

To ME-MANIA-san: Thank you for your e-mail every day.

...You believe me, right?

That's not me. She's an impostor!

Of course. Mima-rin would never do such a thing.

I will protect you, the real Mima-rin.

I trust you, ME-MANIA-san.

I won't change one bit.

I'll always be with you.

But that impostor keeps getting in my way.

What should I do?

I'll get rid of her.

Thank you, Me-mania-san!

You're the only one I can depend on.

I don't know anything about myself anymore!


How do you think you know that person you were...

...a second ago is the same person you are now?

A continuous stream of memories.

Given only that, we all create illusions within ourselves...

...saying that we each have only one fixed persona.

Sensei, I'm scared...

...that my other self will do something that I don't know about...

It's all right. There is no way illusions can come to life.


Mima-chan, what's wrong?

I'm sorry!

Oh, man! This rain sucks!

I think I'm going to catch a cold!

I'm sorry!

Wrap it up! Wrap it up!!

It's pouring really badly outside, but your heart is always, like, sunny!

Well, I think we're ready today!

Welcome to Rei...

...and Yukiko's...

..."Idol Chamland"!


I'm sure they're on the air now.

I thought you'd like to see them coz it's been a while.

We have a show this Sunday. It's at Ibaragi Sim City at 2pm.

People from all over, come see us! How have you been?

We'll be waiting for you! Just thought I'd drop by.

Chamland will be back next week at the same time. Until then...

Two, three...

Bye bye!

Good show, guys.

Hey, it's Mima.



Who are you!?

I told you! I'm the REAL Mima.

In other news...

Today, the Economic Planning Agency announced a "New Citizen's Life Index"...

...that indicates the overall Japanese standard of living and...

It feels like I haven't seen you in a long time.

Well, I've been busy too.

So, are you getting used to acting?


It's hard, but I chose to do it.

You've matured quite a bit, Mima!

But it's good that people seem to like the new Mima.


That doesn't look like a face that's agreeing.

You know... Mima... Has someone been harassing you?

I've been visiting that home page.

It's a bit much, even if it's a complaint about how you changed your image...

It's better if you didn't look at it.


But maybe she is more like me than myself.


My other self that I buried deep within my heart.

What if...

What if that other personality suddenly started acting on its own?

It's all right. There is no way illusions can come to life.



Mima-chan! What are you saying?

I feel like I'm gonna have nightmares about this line!

I'm sorry!

What's wrong?

Uh, nothing...

Once more, from the top...

All right, Take 2!

In other news...

Today, the Economic Planning Agency announced a "New Citizen's Life Index"...

...that indicates the overall Japanese standard of living and...

It's been a while, Rumi-chan.

What? I was here yesterday, too!

Yesterday? Was that real?

You're weird, Mima.

Mima! What's wrong with you!?

You're bleeding!

This blood is real, isn't it?


Today I went shopping in Harajuku. I'm a sucker for sale items.

I guess... I went to Harajuku today...

You mean...

...the m*rder*r is an illusion she created?


She fears an imaginary security guard...

...and then doubles that figure with the serial m*rder*r of top models.

But illusions don't k*ll.

But... what if that illusion found someone to possess?


Then... all those men who got m*rder*d?

Were those who were no longer of any use to her.

Find her quickly, Yamashiro-kun.

Before another victim falls prey.

How much?

You sure are a weird pizza man.

Stop! Please stop!

Yeah, that looks good... Come on, be more daring! More passionate!

All right! Take three!



Are you all right over there?

You haven't heard yet... about Murano-san?

Can't be!

Police say that Murano died of multiple s*ab wounds...

Mr. Murano!? Really!?

We're going crazy here!

Anyway, stay put until I get there. All right!?

The w*apon used in the latest m*rder is said to closely resemble...

...the one used in last week's k*lling of a popular screenwriter.

Police are considering a personal grudge as the motive...

...and are looking into connections between the two cases.

Kirigoe-san! Please, can we get your opinion about the m*rder of Murano-san?

Do you know anything?

Isn't there a connection with the k*lling of Shibuya-san the screenwriter?

Kirigoe-san! There are rumors of a love triangle...

...between you, Shibuya-san, and Murano-san and we...

You think she's jinxed?

What happens twice happens thrice.

Let's take bets on who's next.

Cut it out!

Don't mind them.

Am I alive?

Maybe that truck hit me... and this is all a dream...

Everyone ready?

OK. Mima-chan!

Breathe harder than during rehearsal.

You've just k*lled someone.


And... action!

Are you awake?

You are?

Can you tell me your name?

Me? I'm Kirigoe Mima.

Okay. And what do you do?

I'm a pop idol... no, an actress.

That must be hard work.

It's hard, but it's what I chose to do.

She thinks she's a new young actress named Kirigoe Mima.

Dissociative Identity Disorder.

In other words, "multiple personality syndrome."

All those crimes took place when she was some other persona.

So where's the persona of the original Yoko?

Takakura Yoko, the original persona... nothing more than a character in a drama for her.

Being a "normal" girl... how she was r*ped in a strip club...

Everything happened as part of her drama series.

By doing so, she salvaged her heart.

That's right. I'm an actress.


Can you tell me your name?

Me? I'm Takakura Rika.

The original persona, Takakura Yoko, no longer exists.

By k*lling, and later becoming, her sister the top-model, she salvaged her heart.

That's right. I'm a model.

All right! That's the take!

We did it, Mima-chan!

Mima... Good work!

I can tell you tried so hard!


As of this moment, Double Bind is in the can!

Everyone, great job!

You were fantastic, Mima-chan! What do you think, Director?

She really was excellent.

Thanks a lot.

See you at the wrap-up party.

We'll be talking to you.

Then... shall we go as well?

Mima, go get changed.


Hey now! I'm not Touko anymore! Did you forget?

"There is no way illusions can come to life."

You should stop dreaming soon.


What's taking Mima so long?

I'm going back to the office. Take Mima home, will ya?

Tadokoro-san. You were saying something about Mima's next job?

Oh, it's great!

A starring role in a video movie.

There are a few sketchy scenes... but what can you do?

Somebody help me!

Like anyone can hear YOUR voice right now!

Who are you!?

Why are you doing this!?

I'm protecting my dear Mima-rin!

But-But I'm Mima!

No, no, no, no, NO!

You didn't know I was Me-mania!

You're just PRETENDING to be Mima-rin!



Did you fool that screenwriter and that photographer with this little mouth?

You tarnished Mima-rin's name!

Can it be... that you...

The real Mima-rin e-mails me every day!

And she says that you keep getting in her way!

You k*lled them!?

And you'll die soon, too!

Bad girl!

You have to follow the script!

And now... TAKE 2!

All right! Looks good!!

You're the best, Mima-san!


What's wrong? You're in shambles!

I was looking all over for you!


What in the world happened?

This can't be!!

Are you sure you weren't dreaming?

Are you all right?

I'm taking you back... to Mima's room.

Rumi-chan, are you here?


Oh, nothing...

Oh, that's right, I have to call Tadokoro-san.

No... This isn't my room...

Of course not! This is Mima's room!


Look! It's the new costume!

I'm wearing it at tomorrow's show!

Isn't it great? It's perfect on me!

Rumi-chan? Why?



Oh! Rumi-chan went home.

She said she's been busy lately and was deprived of sleep.

Don't say weird stuff like that!

This is a joke, isn't it, Rumi-chan!?

Love makes your heart race.

If it means you're loved in the end...

What do you think? Perfect, huh?

A pop idol HAS to sing, after all!


You just had to keep getting in my way.

Rumi-chan was totally furious, too.

Please... stop all of this!

But a pop idol is always protected by her fans!

They listen to any favor I, Mima, ask them!

Although Me-mania-san failed a wee bit...

Me-mania? How do you know him!?

But, oh, well..."you reap what you sow," especially about YOU.

Help! Somebody help me!

Please! Rumi-chan, it's you, isn't it!?


YOU'RE the one who needs to wake up!

Help, help, somebody!




Let's end all of this.

We don't need two Mimas!


That's funny! Mima is a pop idol!

You're just a dirty old impostor!


Oh, shit!

Get the police! No, call an ambulance!

I know!

Thank you for the flowers you always bring.

I'll put them in my room.

They're pretty. Very pretty...

I didn't know you were visiting. You must be very busy lately.

Oh, no.

Once in a while, she returns to her Rumi-san persona, but...

I know I'll never see HER ever again.

But, thanks to her, I am who I am today.

You're lying! There's no way Kirigoe Mima would be HERE of all places!

I guess she was just a look-alike.

No, I'm real!
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