Resident Evil: Damnation (2012)

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Resident Evil: Damnation (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

For 74 years, the might of Soviet socialism was so great it split the world along Eastern and Western lines.

Then, in 1991, it collapsed completely.

One by one, the various countries which had supported the Soviet Union began splitting away, declaring their independence.

The parliament of the Eastern Slav Republic followed suit, declaring the country a sovereign state, independent from Soviet rule.

Capitalism advanced rapidly.

The conglomerates gained influence in political circles, and as a result, the oligarchs came into power.

In the Eastern Slav Republic, the divide between rich and poor became so great it ignited the fuse of a new rebellion.

The push for independence exploded into the streets.

Armed freedom fighters pitted themselves against their government, now controlled by the oligarchs.

The military prospered during this time, becoming ever stronger and better equipped.

Under the guidance of Ivan Judanovich, an Ataman from the Council of Elders, the freedom fighters moved their base to a hidden location.

A more suitable place to launch their guerrilla w*r against the government.

After several years of brutal fighting, it was Svetlana Belikova, Eastern Slav's first female president, who offered a ceasefire to the freedom fighters.

But the break from hostilities was short-lived.

In November of 2010, the government discovered that the rebels' land contained valuable resources.

The military continued their att*cks, claiming they were fighting terrorism.

Losing one base after another to the military's onslaught, the freedom fighters escalated their efforts and became more and more radical in their tactics.

It was then that strange rumors began spreading like wildfire among the people that monsters had joined the battle.

In February of 2011, the rumors made it to the old city of Holifgrad, just a few kilometers from the Presidential Palace, an important strategic location for the government.

Listen to the words of the elders.

We have finally gained the power that we need.

Power that will lead us to victory.

Gather, people.

Gather and fight.

Fight for independence!

Retreat! We're getting slaughtered!

Another rebel!

Do not resist arrest.

- Retreat! Drop your weapons.

Surrender immediately. Government pigs!

I repeat, do not resist arrest.

Surrender immediately.

Moving into position.


I've got a clear view of you from the sky.


Maybe you can help me find a clear route to the CIA drop-off.

Looks like they're doing some serious renovations down here.

Listen to me carefully, Leon.

Your mission has been aborted.

The U. S. is going to pull out of the country.

What? I just got here.

After taking me off furlough and sending me to this godforsaken place?

What the hell?

Washington and the government there have decided to go their separate ways.

Everyone has to leave, not just embassy staff All American citizens have been ordered to evacuate the country.

I don't give a damn about the politics.

We've got confirmation that B.O.W.s are being used in this w*r.

If we don't stop them now, the same shit will happen everywhere.

Do you really wanna see that?

This is a w*r and things are different.

No one can do anything without backup from the American government.

Not even you.

Well then, I guess my only option is to lose my American citizenship for a while.


She can tell them I got lost and missed my flight.

Better hurry up and get this done.

I need some breakfast.


I'm the Tin Man. Can you talk?

What's the connection between the anti-government forces and the B.O.W.s?

I guess scarecrows aren't known for rousing conversation.

Hang in there.

I'll get you out of here.



Say that again.

Bee keeper.


The honeybee I saw outside.

Great. Now I got a cowardly lion to deal with.

It's the army.

Is anyone here?

Check the room down there.

Hey-- Unh!

Don't say a word.

How about that one? Shh.


This one's clear.


This one's clear. We're moving on.

Pull out.

They're gone.

We better stay here a while longer.

They may come back.

Do you think our hostage will be of any use?

Do you know who we are?

Are you Dorothy?

You people in the CIA call us t*rrorists.

But we prefer to call ourselves pro-independence fighters.

What is the CIA doing here?

Did you put the government up to this?

Are there any more of you?

I'm not a CIA agent.

I'm just an American who was screwed out of his vacation, dumped on a plane and brought here.

Without breakfast.

They came for you while you were on vacation?

Hey, Buddy.

He's got to be high up in the CIA for them to do that.

You watch too many movies.

Then what are you?

Is it common for people in America to be packing one of these while on vacation?

Sure. We've been doing it since the country was founded.

Wow, America's the b*mb, yo!



But even if you're not CIA, there is no doubt you must be pretty special for America to send you here.

You were able to take on that thing, after all.

If you don't stop messing around with that thing, you're gonna get us all k*lled.

There is no doubt about the fact that you are our enemy.

An anti-t*rror1st sweep is now in operation.

Civilians should avoid going outside as much as possible.

If you see any suspicious people or behavior, report it to the authorities immediately.



Some escaped underground.

But it's only a matter of time before they are rounded up.

Tell me in more detail.

When, exactly?



You see--

How many times are you going to make the same mistake?

We should have become a member of the United Nations five years ago.

And by now be a respected member of the international community in our role as an EU nation.

But before that could happen, another group came crawling out of the sewers, screaming their declarations of separatism.

And the main cause of this is because you allowed the t*rrorists to do as they please.

If we don't act soon, we will lose our chance for true independence forever.

And we cannot allow that to happen at any cost.

Madam President.

Your visitor has arrived.

Show her in.

Welcome to Eastern Slav, my dear.

I am President Svetlana Belikova.

Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to our guest.

This young lady is a special investigator for the United Nations' Bio-terrorism Security Alliance.

Good day, Madam President.


I have been sent here by the BSAA.

My name is Ada Wong.

Hey, you.

My name is not, "Hey, you."

I'm JD.

Although that's not my real name.

The old man's not looking too good.

He always looks like that.

Let's hope you're right.

Anyways, what are you really doing in this country?

Hey, a different question for a change.

Ugh. What I mean is, being in America is a lot more fun than being here, right?

I wouldn't know.

The hamburgers, man.

The fried chicken.

Food in your country's fantastic.

I could eat it every day.

Thanks for the valuable insight.

And the Hollywood movies.

I love those things.

I have 50 DVDs.

None of them are pirated.

I thought you guys hated America.

Sure, we hate it.

But things made in America?

Now, that's different.

Whatever you do, don't push that button.

I'm not falling for that.

No way I'll allow them to trace the call.

How are things out there?

Looks like they have the old pan of the city surrounded.

We'd better wait and see how things pan out.

Bio Organic Weapons.

Also known as B.O.W.s.

Most developed countries and the United Nations are against the use and manufacture of B.O.W.s.

However, they are, unfortunately, still traded on the world's black markets.

From a quick glance at this report, I'd say that using these weapons in a real conflict would be extremely impractical, no?

There's no way to differentiate between friend and foe.

It is true that total control of most of the B.O.W.s has been nearly impossible up until now.

But a new technology that changes that fact has recently been developed.

Tell me more.

Recent technological advancements can establish a master/sl*ve relationship between a human and the B.O.W.s.

So? What do they do, crack whips at it?

Like they do with wild animals?

Not exactly.

Organisms, designed to determine whether a host is to be a controller or a controlee take up residence within the host's body and creates the perfect master/sl*ve relationship between a human and the B.O.W.

Similar to the relationship a queen bee shares with her worker bees.

Yo, bro. Can I speak to you for a moment?

What about?

It's about Ataman.

It could be dangerous to move him now.

And your American friend has also taken quite an interest in him.

You don't--

You don't have to worry about me.

We can't stay here forever.

Who's in there? Open the door.

Anyone there? Open the door.

Open up! Stop resisting and come out. Step back.

Three, two, One!

Don't move. Hands in the air. Don't move.

Stay still. Don't sh**t.

Drop your g*ns!

Let's go. Take them away.

Keep away from him!

He's turned!


Someone is in the basement.

sh**t. sh**t!

Quick, run!

Are you all right?


We have to hurry.

They'll be here soon.

You... go on ahead.

Damn, just when things were going well.

We can win this w*r, can't we?


It's-- It's time for me to go.

But I'll be rooting for you from heaven.

Ugh. Get up, you idiot. You think that vest you're wearing is a girl's blouse?

We have to get Ataman away from here.


Wow. I should have guessed.

Made in America.


Where's the American?

Dead, probably.

Give me a hand.

Leave me here.

If we go on like this, we'll all be k*lled before we can launch an attack on the capital.


Create a new future.

This way. I heard g*nshots.

They're here.

I'm going to go and check on Marco.

You head to the church and join the others.




Do you really think I'm gonna fall for that?


k*ll you. Do I look like I need a pruning?

Don't k*ll him!

That's one request I can't grant.


Mr. Chenkov.

I told you not to k*ll him.

He was my teacher. It was him or me.

And don't forget, he wasn't your teacher anymore.



sh**t, JD!

Why the hell carry that g*n around if you're not gonna use it?

Don't worry.

I'll use it next time.

If you ever decide to sh**t those things, sh**t them in the head, got it?


This way.

Two grown men should be able to open it.

So, what is this place?

Old partisans used to hole up here back in the day.

They sure knew how to keep the enemy out.

This thing ain't gonna budge.

Stand back.

That way.

This way.


Oh, I knew I should have stayed off the junk food.

Hurry LIP

Get away!

Get him. Stay away from me!

Get him.


No. No! Get him.


Please, somebody help me! Help me!

What's happening?

Stay away! No!

Get away!


What happened to everybody?

Anywhere we can hide?


What did you do to everybody?

The Plaga you were hiding got loose.

I don't know what you're talking about!

Your precious townsfolk are being controlled by a parasite.

It attaches itself to the central nervous system via the spinal cord.

The people of the town are--?

They'll never be normal again.

There must be something we can do. Rip out the spinal cord, but the best you could hope for is paralysis or death.

You are lying!

If you really believe that, then why did you k*ll the old man?

But that was--

Because you knew he would never be human again.

What he says is true.

I have some more questions for you.

Maybe this time we can get to the truth.

What are we going to do?

I have to go and get it. Go and get it?


We need somebody to take over for Ataman.

You've seen what's happening outside.

Do you want that to happen to you?

What we do today will carry the country into tomorrow.

But even so...

I'll meet up with the others tomorrow to plan an attack on the Presidential Palace.

Get ready for that.

I'll be back soon.

I want a word with him.

He's gone to get it. The Plaga?

I don't know its name.

All I know is that it was given to us by the elders.

You inject that stuff into your body to control the Lickers, right?

Some compassionate elders you got there.

What other options do we have?

Do you realize that the whole world ignores us?

That we are in danger of extermination?

Save your breath.

We're not gonna see eye to eye on this.

Help us.

I don't want to see him change into a monster.

Irina would not be happy about this.


We knew her since we were kids.

Buddy's fiancée.

She was a school teacher and, believe it or not, so was Buddy.

Bastards thought their school was a pro-independence hideout and att*cked it.

Irina and the kids died in the attack.

That's the reason why he's fighting this w*r.

He had never even held a g*n up until then.

I'm going to pretend you escaped.

In return, you must get ahold of it before he does.

So now you trust me?

I don't know who or what you are, but I do know that you saved my life.

You must stop Sasha.

You'll find him in the central marketplace.

Everyone, evacuate immediately.

The operation begins at 2000 hours.

Everyone, evacuate immediately.

Looking for someone?


It's been a long time, Leon.

What are you doing here?

I was about to ask you the same thing.

Did you release the Plaga?

Don't make me laugh.

I'm not interested in defective products.

I'm just here to lend them a hand.


Although it seems as if my help wasn't needed.

What are you doing here?

If they attack the capital, it'll make my job a lot easier.

That's all.

By the way, when are we going to, um, carry on from where we left off that night?

Heh. Any time but now.

You're angry with me, aren't you?

Suits you.

Quick word of warning.

This town will be purged soon!




You may start the attack when you are ready.

Thank you.

Bring Ada Wong to me. She should see this.

Great. I get to play Santa Claus.

Are you all right?

Yeah, just let my guard down for a moment.

They got us pretty good.

Where's Buddy? He already left by the time I got there.

Damn! We have to leave now.

The military's gonna burn the whole area and everything in it.

What? We're out of time

What's wrong?


There's just something I have to do.

Won't you be needing that?



Ah, you my man. Heh, heh.


Cool. You're still human.


You. What have you done?

No. He's not our enemy. He's--

I'm fine. Just go.

I don't want to cause any more trouble.

It's time to say goodbye.



You know, I didn't really care about independence.

All I wanted was to have fun with you and my friends.


I was looking forward to showing you America.

Trust me, I've seen this happen every time.

When you're dealing with B.O.W.s, there's no difference between friend or enemy.

It takes everything from you:

The cause you're fighting for, the respect you have for others.

We have to keep this from ever happening again.

Give me the Plaga.

As far as I am concerned, there is no difference between this and using B.O.W.s.

If you want to keep this from happening again, put down your g*n.

Well, then.

That is my answer... and your answer.

The eradication of the B.O.W.s is moving ahead according to plan.

You mustn't allow even one of them to escape the city.

We are prepared for all eventualities, madam.

And one more thing, regarding Ada Wong.

Did you find anything out?

There is no one working for the BSAA by the name of Ada Wong.

Are you serious?

Yes, madam.


Of course.

Central gate.

Report your status.

Central gate reporting.

All is calm. Roger.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Three trucks are approaching.

Heads up, everyone.



Where did you go last night?

You were not in the hotel.

I went to meet an old friend.

And this old friend... is he a spy?


Who are you working for? The Russians?

The Americans?

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Considering that you will never be leaving this country again, I would say it is in your best interests to stay on my good side.

Very funny.

So it's true what they said about you being a former instructor.


Former? I still am an instructor.


The t*rrorists broke through the central gate.

As I said, we have decided to delay your departure.


Now, that's impressive.

I keep saying these things make bad pets.

We are under attack by t*rrorists. We need reinforcements, now!

We can't defend the palace much longer. Aah!

Sony, but I don't have time to stay and chat right now.


They didn't even give me a pat-down.

I didn't expect to get into this place so easily.

Pretty impressive for an old nuclear shelter.

Heh. So you missed me, huh?

Yeah. In your dreams.

You seeing what I'm seeing?


It's like a beehive.

Have you looked inside one of these?

It's the Plaga.


Big surprise.

Workers have been cultivated in the past.

But this...

This is the first time that the dominant members of the species have been cultured.

What are you doing?

I'm working. Don't worry about it.

Oh, I'm worried.


So this is what you're here for.


Are you satisfied?

Yes, thank you very much.

Who is he?

I don't know.

He's an American agent.

Well, now that we got that out of the way...

An American?

You'd better watch out.

That old broad's got a bite worse than her bark.

Say what?

Over there! Over there! sh**t!

Ceasefire! Ceasefire! Unh!


Don't move.

Do you have any idea who you are pointing your g*n at?

Hmm. Yeah, let me see.

You're the beekeeper.

The beekeeper?

The person who released the Plaga.

Just as I thought, you haven't a clue.

I am the president of this country.

So that's what Ada meant.

He is an enemy of the state. k*ll him!

Creatures broke through the cargo entrance! They're heading your way!


Open fire!

Cease fire. Cease fire.

Help me!


Fall back! Aah!

Did you use it?

Get him.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't stop him.

You bastard! Aah!



What will you gain by k*lling me?

Have you thought this through?

Who will lead the country once you gain independence?


I have no intention of taking advice from a pretender to the throne. Heh.

In case you're interested, all of the elders, with the exception of Ataman, have already come over to my side.

They all said they would be happy to renege on independence once I promised to share the oil profits with them.

That's not possible.

Yes, that's what I thought.

But I'm afraid it's true.

Shut up! Unh!

While we have been wasting time here, things have been happening in the world.

We don't have time to fight amongst ourselves in this tiny little country.

Shut up!

Oh, great. It just keeps getting better.

We have to go.


A biohazard release has been detected.

Evacuate. Evacuate.

The incineration of the facility will begin shortly.


Why is it doing that?

You owe me one.

Why are you helping me?

Don't get all sentimental on me.

I'm not doing this for you.

There's nobody else left to tell the world what really happened, that's why.

The hatch!

This will take us up.

Damn it.


Come on.

Let's get going.

This is an announcement from the government of the Eastern Slav Republic. We are under attack by t*rrorists.

Biochemical weapons may have been used.

You are ordered to evacuate the city immediately.

Please keep a distance of five kilometers from the capital.

Excuse me.

Yes, what is it?

Forces have been evacuated from the city to escape the B.O.W.s released by the t*rrorists.

However, it appears the two in the shelter have managed to escape.

Why are you wasting my time telling me this?

Just let the you-know-what get rid of them.

I'll see to it immediately.

Help me!

Nice work, pal.

Get out of there!

You really shouldn't have done that.

You really want to fight this out, huh?

Sony for butting in.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Ah, come on. Don't be shy.


This might hurt a little.

I didn't expect to be saved by B.O.W.s.

Wanna go grab a few beers?

Are you buying?

You'll have to go without me.

Can't they find anybody else to play with?

Why don't you go without me?

I like the company.

We'd better move a little faster.

Today the capital was subjected to a powerful attack launched by t*rrorists.

They struck with fearsome weapons of mass destruction known as B. O.W.s, which have been banned internationally.

We as a country desire nothing more than to live in peace.

Together with the elders of the anti-government movement, who, might I add, graciously listened to our pleas, have managed to avert the most serious crisis in the history of our nation.

I believe this is undeniable proof that as a country, as a people, we are suitable for full acceptance into the international community.

As leader...

Something wrong?

I don't need this.

I'll improvise.

What about the elders?

It's over. All of them. A little while ago.

I suppose I should mention that during the press conference, that the t*rrorists ex*cuted the elders as traitors.

Yes, madam.

Is there anything else?

I've already contacted the BSAA and Interpol with regard to the damage we sustained because of Ada Wong.

An international warrant for her arrest will be issued soon.

A few of the t*rrorists managed to escape the city, but you don't have to worry about them.

What about the other two?

It's just a matter of time.

Finally, there is no one left to stop us.

That's right, Madam President.

Very well, let's start the press conference immediately.

Yes, of course, Madam President.

At last, a new tomorrow begins.

They were keeping an eye on me the whole time.

On air in five, four, three...

Good evening. I am President--

Madam President.

We're under attack by the Americans and Russians.

What? It can't be.

Stay down, you dogs.

Stay still.

Move. Keep them away.

Move! Move!

Hands in the air! Help me.


The Americans and Russians had us in the palms of their hands from the beginning.

That's what it looks like.

Did you know about this?


If I did, I'd still be enjoying my vacation.


I've lost everything.

My mentor, my friends.

I have nothing left to fight for.

k*ll me.


I don't want to change into one of those monsters.


I guess there is no other choice.

I'd feel the same way if I was you.

But the option of taking our own lives no longer belongs to us.

Once we start using these, we owe it to the people who died alongside us.

We have to continue living.

Even if it means living the rest of our lives without the use of our limbs.

That is my answer and your answer...


It's been three days since the end of the civil w*r that tore through the Eastern Slav Republic.

The fierce battles were halted thanks to the intervention of American and Russian troops.

Today marks the first day in which the world's media has access to the city.

A temporary government headed by the U. S. and Russia will be set up in the Eastern Slav Republic to maintain peace.

Svetlana Belikova has resigned from her presidency and companies that supported her and the former government will be thrown out of the country and dismantled.

Top brass knew about it right from the beginning, didn't they?

The report from Scarecrow tipped them off that Svetlana was in possession of B.O.W.s.

That's why they pulled out in a panic and ran like hell to join forces with the Russians.

To protect themselves, right?

You're mistaken.

The president had nothing to do with this.

Not even we knew what was going on. You have to believe me.


I'm not going anywhere Don't--

In the end, nothing's really changed.

Everything went according to plan.

The facility has been destroyed and I salvaged the cultivated Plaga.

But I haven't decided whether or not I should send it to you.


Thank you. That's very kind.

Although, I sort of liked the idea of adding an international arrest warrant to my profile.

What are you doing?

You're going to get in trouble. Did you do yours?

Morning. Hi.

Good morning. Morning.

Oh, come on, let's go, we're gonna be late.

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