Tales from Earthsea (2006)

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Tales from Earthsea (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life: bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky.


Ease the sail!

It's blowing too hard!

Curse it! A storm this time of year? Where's my weatherworker?

What are you waiting for? Calm the waves before we sink!

What's wrong?

Captain... I can't remember them.

I can't remember the true names of wind and waves.

What? Are you mad?


There's something above the clouds!


What is that?

A dragon! What is it doing here?

There's another one!

Dragons fighting? That's impossible!

More than 2,000 sheep have taken the fever in Enlad alone.

Half of them have died.

Seven hundred cattle have been infected.

We've lost 50 head so far.

In fact, a baby on Taon has also come down with the fever.


If we panic, what will become of the People?

Seal off the affected areas.

Send every healer in the kingdom to find a cure.

Send provisions to those who need them.

Wizard Root! Find out what's behind this.

Your Majesty.

And the drought in the provinces?

We sent weatherworkers but the results were disappointing.

Soon it may be too late for the spring planting.

Why have these misfortunes befallen us, Root?

I sense the Light dimming, Your Majesty.

The Light?

The Light of the Balance that sustains the world.

Your Majesty!

What now?

Terrible news!

Dragons have been sighted off the coast!

-Dragons? -Two, Majesty. One was k*lled.

Dragons here, in the East? Can this really be true?

Long ago, dragons and men were one.

But men who coveted possessions chose the land and the sea.

Dragons who wanted freedom chose wind and fire.

Since then, dragons and men remained apart.

To hear that dragons have been seen, and were even fighting...

The twilight that threatens us is ever deepening.

Bring the captain to me. I would hear more of this.

Root, I want you there too.

Please... Your Majesty!

-We'll get in trouble! -I have to!

-What is it? -Have you seen Prince Arren?

He's been gone since last night.

Prince Arren? Gone?

That's enough.

His Majesty is occupied.

Surely you can see that.

Forgive me.

It's just... He seems so sad lately. We were worried.

That's absurd! Arren is 17, not a child.

Forgive this disturbance, Your Majesty.

Your people are more important.

-Very well, then. -Your Majesty.

I must tend to my correspondence.

We await your command, sire.

I'm imagining things.


So you are my death...

Are you hurt?

Steady there, lad!

Is this what you seek?

This is dangerous country for travelers.

You were lucky this time. You must be hungry.

It's not much, but you're welcome to it.

What is your name, lad?

My name is Arren.

Arren, is it? It means sword, doesn't it?

So you hail from Enlad.

How did you know?

That blade was forged with magic.

I doubt you could unsheathe it.

What is it?

It's nothing.


If you have nowhere to go, why not come with me?

I doubt our meeting here was an accident.

And I'd welcome a companion on the road.

Arren! Are you coming?

What should I call you?

Call me Sparrowhawk.

Another abandoned farm. Farmers leaving their land...

There's more to this than poor harvests.

Come, Arren. We'd better push on.

Lord Sparrowhawk?

Sparrowhawk will do. What is it?


Where are we heading?

First, we go to the next town. But after that... even I don't know.

-Getting tired? -No.

Come along. We're almost there.

There it is.

Hort Town.

Are they prisoners?

They are slaves.

Here, people are goods to buy and sell.

Trading in human lives!

Two guineas, gentlemen! Do I hear two guineas?

I have two guineas!

Three! Sold to the gentleman for three guineas!

No, sorry! Couldn't possibly find room!

Gauzes from Sowl! Silks from Lorbanery!

Furs and felts and woolens!

Is this a market day?

No. It's like this year round.

Silks and satins! Canvas and fleecefells!

What can I show you?

This is Lorbanery's finest silk!

Fine as a mayfly's wing!

I don't have a wife. I need a cloak for my friend.

Wizards! No girlfriend, eh?

But I don't need a cloak.

You can't go about like that.

You should hide that thing on your belt.

What about this?

Fleece from Gont. Highest quality.

Four warp strings. This is Andradean work.

On Gont they use six or more.

You used to be a sorceress. Why are you selling fakes?

People don't believe in foolish tricks any more.

My goods are not what I claim.

But at least they're real... not mere lies and air like magic and sorcery!


Thank you!


Unhand me!

Calm yourself, young master.

I have something for you. It's the door to bliss.

What is it?

Hazia, my lord. Ha-zi-a.

Take one. Leave sorrow and fear behind.

No more sorrow or fear...

You'll never be troubled with the pain of this world again.

You needn't pay me. It's my pleasure.


What are you doing?

Is this your friend, my lord?

And what about you? Don't wizards have troubles too?

I'm sorry. I have no use for what you're selling.

Save us from the arrogance of sorcerers!

I suppose you've lost your powers too!

Hazia is not something to toy with, Arren. Look!

The hazia eater feels himself in paradise.

Then the spirit leaves the body and wanders aimlessly in darkness.

When it returns? More hazia. And finally, death.

What's the matter?

Feeling better?

The wind is fresh up here.

Something's wrong with this town.

Not only this town, lad.

Farmers' crops wither. Their sheep and cattle are falling sick.

Even people's minds have lost their way.

Is it some sort of pestilence?

No. A pestilence is how the Balance restores itself.

But this? I fear someone is trying to destroy the Balance.

There's only one creature in Earthsea capable of such evil.

Only one.

Well then. Shall we go back to the inn?

I'd like to rest a little longer.

Very well.

I'll be waiting. Keep your wits about you.

I will.

sl*ve takers?

Look at this little witch.

And an ugly one at that!

Won't fetch much with that face.

Just a few guineas. But we can still have a little fun.

Oww! My finger!

There's a feisty witch!

I'm going to enjoy this.

Who's there?

Step forward and show yourself!

Well, well.

What are you doing here, boy?

Go ahead. Take him!

No hard feelings, boy. Just following the boss's orders.

I'll make it quick.

Or maybe you'd like to be a sl*ve?

Beg for your life!

Changed your mind?

Life is nothing to me.

So you want a fight, eh?

Draw your sword!

All right. Now it's my turn.

Uh oh.

Hold on there son. You don't care about the girl?

Do it.

If you want her so much, here she is!

Come on men! Let's go!

Are you--




A bird...

So! We meet again, boy.

Take him!

He'll fetch a good price. Don't be too rough.

Take him away!

Just an old piece of junk. Couldn't give it away!

Give it up, it's no use.


Silence! Or I'll feed you to the hounds!

Come on!

Get moving!

What's going on?

I don't know. Move, you lazy animals!

Confound it! What's wrong?


Let's go, Arren.

Can you stand?

What about the others?

I left none bound. Now it's up to them.

How did you know where to find me?

When you didn't come, I scoured Hort Town.

Finally, someone told me a young man was taken by slavers.

I had to make a spell of finding.

I am sorry, I was foolish.

No, it was my fault.

I should've been more careful.

I'm sorry.

Who's there?

It's me, Sparrowhawk.


Someone's been hurt.

I'm sorry. It's late.

It's been a long time, Ged.

He's asleep.

I'm sorry. I'm afraid you've lost your bed.

It's his now. Here, this will warm you up.


You haven't changed.

No. Are you keeping well, Tenar?

I suppose. It hasn't always been easy.

And you?

Do you still wander about?

That was good.

It has been a long time.

Yes, it has.

As Archmage, I have no time... to wander about as I once did.

And what brings the Archmage so far from home?

Evil tidings come from every corner of Earthsea.

Things are out of balance... as if the sun's light were ebbing away.

Is the Art Magic ebbing away too?

Yes. As if our very blood were flowing out of our veins.

So you're searching for the answer?


Oh dear, we woke you up.

Come, child. Don't worry. This man is an old friend of mine.

This is Therru. She's been with me five years.

Call me Sparrowhawk. I'm sorry I woke you up.


Well, you should be honored. Therru never speaks to strangers.

What is it?

Could she really be...

Lord Cob.


Forgive my intrusion. I beg leave to speak.

What is it?

I'm afraid some of our slaves escaped.

I see. You let my precious merchandise go.

No. We've captured most of them.


What about the others?

We're scouring the countryside. We'll find them.

You're a fool.

Do you think I can't manage without you?

It was a wizard! A wizard with a scar on his face!


A scar on his face?

It's Sparrowhawk. The Archmage pays me a visit.

Find him for me, Hare... or else.

I won't fail you, my lord.

I've waited long for this day... Sparrowhawk.

Tenar! I brought the water in!

Where is she?

Tenar? Are you still asleep?


Are you sick?

Who was that?

It's that girl!

That must've been a surprise. I'm sorry dear. I should've told you.

Don't worry. Arren is with me.

You have nothing to fear.

Sometimes his eyes are wild, but he has a good heart.

Good morning.

Good morning.

I'm done eating!


Did you sleep well? How do you feel?

I'm all right.

I didn't do anything to her.

Of course you didn't. Come have breakfast.

Can't work if you don't eat.



Are you getting blisters?


Shall we rest a bit?

What a good smell.

-But-- -Yes, lad?

You're a wizard, aren't you?

Oh, I see.

You want to know why a wizard toils in the field like a farmer?


Listen, Arren.

Everything under the sun and stars depends on the Balance.

The wind and seas. The power of earth and light.

All that these do is well and rightly done within the Equilibrium.

But now, men hold the power to control the world.

So Man must learn to keep the Balance... and do what leaf and whale and wind do of their own nature.

You know everything has its true name.

Magic is the power to command, if you know a thing's true name.

Use that power in ignorance and the Balance is easily damaged.

Spells should be made only of necessity.

You've been busy.

I suppose you two deserve some lunch.

Are you feeling better, Arren?

Now eat hearty, or you won't get your strength back.

What about the girl?

Oh, Therru?

One of the spring lambs is sick.

She's nursing it today.

Shall we change places?

No, I can manage.

-How did it go? -That's it for today.

Dinner will be ready soon. Better wash up.

-I'll take the ox to the stable. -Thanks, lad.

There, you should be feeling better. Now you need your mother's milk.

That's it.

Good girl.

What do you want?

Oh... Nothing.

Why did you come here?

To hurt me? To k*ll this little one?

You don't understand! I was just...

Stay away! Get out of here!

I hate anyone who doesn't value life!

I'm sorry.

Step aside!

Let's eat.

It's so good having men to help on the farm.

Even you two.

I'm no good with a plow, but I do know animals.

You used to be a goatherd.

What's wrong, Arren? Aren't you hungry?


What is this place?

Come, Arren. This way.


Come. Take my hand.


No! Leave me alone! Stop!


Arren! Wake up!


What's wrong?

A bad dream, I think.

A dream...

Spring is very short, you know. I need all the help I can get.

I'm sorry, Tenar. I have an errand that cannot wait.

I still can't rely on you.

Come now, Tenar.

Should you be taking Arren's horse?

He's better off without it. Tell him I borrowed it.

Tenar. Keep a close eye on him for me.

I promise.

I'll be back tonight! And back at work tomorrow!

I certainly hope so.

Haven't seen him around here.

And that scar!

He must've come from that woman's house.

She's a witch. I don't like the looks of it.

Yes, she's an odd one. And that little girl she keeps!

That child will bring bad luck on us all.

No! Don't say that out loud!

Who was that?

He's not from around here.

He's a friend of ours.

He's helping us out.

Is that so?

Can I help you?

My child has a fever, ma'am. I need that potion again.

All right. Just wait there.

Quit sticking to me!

I'm afraid!

Spare us from evil!

That's enough!

There. If the child doesn't get better, come see me again.

Thank you kindly, ma'am.

Actually, I was wondering...

Yes, I know. Pay me when you can.

Thanks ma'am. You're very kind.

Hope she feels better!

I wish there were more decent people in the world.

Therru never hurt anyone.

Well, at least the woman looks after her own.

As for Therru, her parents abused and abandoned her.

They burned her. That's how she got that scar.

What a frightful child!

My goodness! Did you see her eyes?

Please, have mercy!

No one will buy an old woman!

Nothing to fear ladies. Maybe you can even help me.

Seen any strangers around here? I'd be much obliged for any help.

And I'll pay.

There's one at Tenar's farm!

And one with a scar on his face!

Tenar? Who's that?

The witch! She lives right up this road.

Thanks for the help, old hags!

Wait! Where are you going?

Stop! Liar!

You promised to pay!

There it is! That's it!

What's that?

What are you doing?

You're looking fit, boy. Didn't think I'd find you here.

Swine! What are you doing here?

Now, now. I'm not here to fight. Where's your wizard friend?

He's gone! Sparrowhawk's not here.

You'd better not be hiding him.

Why should I?

You're no match for him.

Looks like she's telling the truth. All right, we'll be back!

Till then!

Never come back, you swine!

Lord Cob will reward me for this!

So that's what happened.

Neither of you said a word about it.

I think we fixed most of it.

Let's rebuild the fence.

Tenar? Have you known Sparrowhawk for a long time?

Yes, I guess I have. A long, long time.

He's always been a wanderer.

It's the life he chose. He does it because he has to.

And finally he became Archmage, the greatest of all wizards.

Head of the Great House of Roke?

Yes. But years before that, he rescued me.

Rescued me, and led me into the light.

One man, all alone.

He brought me out of the Tombs of Atuan.


Don't get many wizards. Looking for a w*apon?

Show me that sword.

Can't recommend this one.

Very unusual workmanship, so I bought it.

But it's rusted solid. Can't be drawn.

You there, wizard!

Are you deaf? I'm talking to you!

You said something, sir?

Is there something stuck to my face?

Wrong wizard!

You! If you see a wizard with a scar on his face, tell him Lord Cob wants to see him!

Cob? Never heard that name back where I come from.

You will, when he's Lord of the Two Lands!

Don't forget it!

Yes sir.

I'll take the sword. How much?

Wait a minute... Your face!

What's wrong?

Nothing... I suppose.

Have you heard of this wizard named Cob?

Careful! Keep your voice down.

Only wizard in these parts who still has his powers.

Can't say he's loved by people around here.

He lives in the fortress outside town. Best keep away from there.

I never thought I'd find you here, Cob.

You're good at farm work. You hardly seem a beginner.

Thank you.

Won't you stay on for a while and help?

Therru would like that too.


You don't have to decide now. Think about it, all right?

All right.

Stable the ox for me.


I'm home!

Therru? Now where is she?

Arren! I can't find Therru. Check the back pasture for me.

Tell her to come home before dark.

I will.



Far, far above the clouds Against the setting sun A falcon flies alone Soaring in the wind I hear his lonely cry So sad must he be Riding the silent wind A falcon flies alone Reaching out with his wings Grasps the empty sky Riding the silent wind Never can he rest What it is within my heart None can ever know A heart like a falcon's Is this very heart What it is within my heart None can ever know Lonely falcon in the empty sky

I walk alone along Deserted country roads Walking with me side by side You are always there I feel your loneliness Lonely you must be Crickets whispering In the grassy fields You walk there by my side You walk the path with me But you never say a word Never do you speak

What it is within my heart None can ever know Here inside this heart That walks its path alone What it is within my heart None can ever know The sadness of one Who always is alone

I k*lled my father.


I stabbed him and ran away.

I don't understand it. Why did I k*ll him?

Did he hurt you?

No. My father was a great man.

I am nothing. I failed my father and I failed myself.

And yet, I'm filled with a rage I can't control.

It's as if there were someone else inside me.

You saw it too, didn't you?

You were right. I shouldn't be here.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean...

No, you were right.

If I don't leave, it will come again.

A woman?

She lives past the marshes.

And the Archmage is with her?

He was seen in the town. There are many witnesses.


My lord.

Let's go, men!

A greeting from the Archmage. Thank you, Sparrowhawk.

Therru! Arren! Dinner is ready!

Where's Arren?

Isn't he with you?


Maybe he's resting. Therru, go see if he's there.


He's not here.

That's strange. Where's he gone?

I'll look outside.


Tenar, Therru... take care.

Doesn't matter which way I go.

Looks like a dead end.

It's here!

I wonder if that's Arren?



That's odd.

What are you doing?

It's you! You're back!

So sorry, but it seems you'll do in place of the wizard.

-What? -Tenar, what's wrong?

Run away!

What a surprise!

Fancy meeting you here, princess.

No! Leave her alone!


Well now, princess, where's your prince?

Hey! Watch those teeth!

I need you to deliver a message. Tell this to the wizard!

If he wants his woman, he can find her at Lord Cob's castle.

Take her away!

-Therru! -Tenar!

Let me go, I tell you! Let me go!

Therru! Are you all right? Therru!

Stop it! Let her go!

You stay here and be good till the wizard gets back!

Lord Cob's waiting. Let's get moving!




I'm sorry. I'm afraid he's coming with me.


Where am I?

You're safe now. The Shadow can't follow you here.

You saw it?

I know a bit of Magic myself.

I know what you're running from.

You were wise to flee from that man.

What man?

Sparrowhawk. That is, the Archmage.

Here, drink this. It will soothe you.

What's wrong? It's not poisoned.

Now lie still and rest here for a bit.

The Archmage is more dangerous than you can imagine.

No... Sparrowhawk is a good man.

He protected me.

Then tell me. Did you ever wonder what he seeks?


He seeks eternal life.

Eternal life?

The Archmage stands at the pinnacle of sorcery.

Only the secret of eternal life lies beyond his grasp.

And yet, he covets it.

But as he covets, so does he fear another will discover it first.

That would be unbearable to one so proud as the Archmage.

What does that have to do with me?

Because it is you who have been chosen to gain the secret of eternal life.

That's why Sparrowhawk follows you. To k*ll you.

To bring me death...

Arren, will you come with me?

I've already found it.

I found the door between life and death.

Together we can open that door.

And together, we will live forever.

We will conquer every form of fear and suffering.

Fear and suffering...

Come with me, Arren. The face of death is terrible!

I don't want to die.

Listen to me, Arren. Tell me your true name.

Then you will have that which you most desire.

Come, tell me your true name.


Now I'm ready for you, Sparrowhawk.

Where are you, Hawk?


What's wrong, Therru?

They came and took Tenar away!

You have to go to Cob's castle!

Where is Arren?

He left! He said it would come again if he didn't go!


Don't worry, Therru.

I'm going to help Tenar. Wait for my return.

Keep this sword. Arren will need it.

Stay home, Therru!

Here we are!

Come on!

I'm not going anywhere!

Lord Cob.

We brought the woman. Just as you ordered.

You've done well, Hare.

It was nothing, my lord. My pleasure is to serve you.

Stand aside!

Why, you!

Are you the boss?

Why did you kidnap me? Let me go right now!

So sorry for the rough treatment.

I have business with Sparrowhawk.

You're a wizard, aren't you! You should be ashamed!

Go find him yourself!

He's an old friend of mine.

I'd like to invite him here.

And I'm the bait! You're going to hurt him!

Women tax my patience.

Put her in the dungeon.

Do it!

Answer me!

If something happens to Sparrowhawk, so help me!

-Arren... -This way!

Come, Lebannen. I have something special for you.

Get in there!

Make yourself at home. You'll see your wizard soon enough.

This place reminds me of the Tombs.


Cob! Are you making the same mistake again?

At ease!

Any sign of the wizard?

Not yet, sir.

Where is that confounded wizard?

Let's see...

There he is!

Take your positions!

Here he comes!

Don't let him escape! Now!

Hear me! Open the path!

Stop! Wait!

He tricked us!

Well? Don't just stand there!

Cob! It's Sparrowhawk. I'm here!

Show yourself!

It's been a long time, Sparrowhawk.

I've been waiting.

Cob of Havnor! I left you at the border of the land of death.

I hear you're the Archmage now.


I'm here, Cob. Now release Tenar!

You're pitiful, Sparrowhawk.

The great Archmage, smitten by a woman.

You used her to lure me here. What do you want?

What do you think?

I haven't forgotten how you dragged me to the gates of the Dry Land.

But you've forgotten why!

You used the Pelnish Lore... to toy with the spirits of the living and the dead.

Isn't that enough to repent?

You taught me a splendid lesson there at death's door.

Now I know I can never accept extinction.

So I gathered every ancient lore book I could find.

Alas, some of their owners were not cooperative.

What evil are you planning, Cob?

I've done it, Sparrowhawk!

I've woven the greatest spell of all.

The door between life and death has been closed since the beginning of time, but I will open it.

That is forbidden! Don't you understand?

Those with power must wield it with wisdom.

Would you destroy the Balance that sustains the world?

What nonsense!

The Balance is long gone.

You know that better than anyone.

The Balance was destroyed by Man.

You think you can limit Man's desire? It's impossible.

I will live forever.

I will gain existence without end!

Cob! Without the cycle of death and rebirth, there is no life!

I am above Nature!

Sparrowhawk! There's someone else who wants to meet you.

Arren! What are you doing here?

Lebannen! This man would deprive you of eternal life!

Arren! Did you reveal your true name?

I'm going to live forever!

I'm tired, Sparrowhawk. Tired of living in fear.

Arren! Life without death is not life!

Refuse death, and you refuse life as well!

Don't lie to me!

Listen to me, Arren.

No man nor any thing in this world lives forever.

But only to us is it given to know that we must die.

And that is a precious gift.

This life that is our torment and our treasure does not endure.

It is a wave on the sea.

Would you force the sea to grow still, to save one wave?

To save yourself?


Thought you made a fool of me?

There's more than one entrance to this castle!

What's happening? I'm getting weak.

Coming here was another of your blunders, Sparrowhawk.

Your powers are useless in this place.

Hare! Put him in the dungeon with the woman.

I'll finish them off tomorrow in the most painful and humiliating way.

Yes, my lord.

On your feet, chickenhawk!


Sparrowhawk! Are you all right? Sparrowhawk!

It'll all be over tomorrow.

Say your goodbyes while you still have time!

Sparrowhawk! Sparrowhawk!


How did they do this? You're the Archmage!

I'm sorry, Tenar. I keep getting you into trouble.

Stop talking nonsense!

Which way should I go?


Arren! Wait!

Arren! Cob's men came and took Tenar away!

Arren, your sword! Sparrowhawk said to give it to you!

Follow you?

Tenar is a prisoner here.

Sparrowhawk too.

Even Sparrowhawk.

This is yours, isn't it? Sparrowhawk brought it for you.

We've got to hurry. They need our help!

I can go no further. You must go alone.

Bring me that sword.

I know you can do it.

What do you mean? You're right here.

I'm not here.

Cob is holding me against my will.

Then who are you?

Stay away! Get back!

Don't come closer!

Arren's heart was always full of fear.

The fear filled his heart with darkness.

Fear of what?

The darkness stole his body and ran away with it.

But it left something important behind.

Wherever there is darkness, you will also find light.

Now the light that was left behind wanders alone, like a shadow.

A shadow?

What you see now is just a shadow chasing its body.


You are Arren, aren't you?

Don't worry. I'll be with you.

I'll give you my true name.

My true name is Lebannen... Lebannen.


It's him.

He should be ashamed to call himself Archmage!

Remember who he was up against.

No wizard in Earthsea is a match for Lord Cob!

Well spoken!

By the way, what's our little friend up to?

He shut himself in his room.

Arren's really here!

He's a lucky one, that boy.

It's just like Lord Cob to steal the wizard's apprentice.

He's not much use though, is he?

None at all.

When we're through with the wizard, we'll sell the boy!

All right! Go get Sparrowhawk and his woman.

The Archmage's time has finally run out!

They're going to k*ll them.



What are you doing here? Did they kidnap you too?

Here. This belongs to you.

I'm not worthy to hold my father's sword.

Arren, they've got Tenar and Sparrowhawk.

They're going to k*ll them.

Please! Help them like you helped me!

I can't help anyone.

All I can do is fail.

What's wrong with you?

They'll die if we don't do something!

They'll die! We'll lose both of them!

We'll lose the most important thing in the world.


What's the most important thing?

Life is the most important thing!

We'll all die someday. What does it matter?

Why fight for life? We know it's going to end anyway.

No! Life is precious because we know we're going to die!

You're not afraid of death. You're afraid of life!

You want to live forever, then you say nothing matters.

It's the same thing!

You're afraid to live the only life you have!


You think your life belongs to you?

Tenar gave me life. That's why I have to live...

To give life to someone else.


That's the only way we live forever.

Therru... How did you know my true name?

You told me yourself.

Now I'll tell you mine. My true name is...

Tehanu... It's Tehanu.


It'll be dawn soon.

Come on, Therru. We've got to help them!

Arren, wait!

What is it?


It's Sparrowhawk and Tenar!

Come on!


I can't! It's too far!

Don't worry! You can do it!

Let's go!


Time to say goodbye, Sparrowhawk.

Your lover is going on a journey.

Why don't you send him off yourself?

Don't worry, Sparrowhawk.

This world will be in good hands after you're gone.

What can I do, Sparrowhawk?


It's not over yet. The sun will rise soon.

What do you mean?

Don't you hear it, Tenar? Help is almost here.

That's enough time for goodbyes.

Do it! Finish him off!


Let them go!

It's you!

Arren! Therru!

Stay out of this, boy!

Don't show him any mercy!

Get back!

Take him!

Please don't hurt me!

I'm disappointed.

I thought you and I had an understanding.

Silence! You don't control me any more.

Then you shall see the face of death, Lebannen!

A summoning spell!

-Arren! -Stay back!

Now die!

Please! Let me draw it.

For Life!

That sword was forged with magic!

He's an old man!

Disguised by sorcery.

Lord Cob!

You can't stop me.

I will never accept death.

Wizards shouldn't fear death!

You wretched girl!

I'm not like you!

I'm better than you. Insignificant worms!

I studied the wisdom of the ages!

I wield power! I am almighty!

Scorned as a fool by the wizards of Roke.

Driven out like a dog!

But I'll have my revenge. I will never die.

I'll be the supreme Archmage!



That little fool!

Hear me, stones. I unbind you!


Let me go!

Does it hurt, girl?


Let her go!

Stay back!

Death is terrifying!

Don't do it!

So terrifying.


So terrifying... very terrifying...

Cob! You're just like me.

You turn away from light and see only darkness!

No! Keep away!

You forgot that all life is connected.

Life can't be hoarded, it can only be given!

Deny death, and you deny life!

No! You're wrong!

Face the truth, Cob! Everyone fears death!

No! I don't want to die.




Therru... Arren...


Time to die! Time to die!


And you will join him.

Let her go! Don't k*ll her!

All who oppose me must die!

She's dead, she's dead. Poor thing.

Sun is rising.

Hurry... Must hurry...



Eternal life!

Shadow, return to darkness!

Give me life!

I want life... Life!


I want to live!


So you're safe too.

What about them?

They'll be fine. They have wings.

Thank you... Therru.

I'm going back home to pay for my crime.

And to face myself.


Can I come to see you again someday?

Come on.

We have to thank Sparrowhawk and Tenar.

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