Handmaiden, The (2016)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Handmaiden, The (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

You little brats, get lost!


It should have been me!

I should be the one going to that Jap's house.

You'll miss the train.




Go back to sleep.

We're still far from the house.

Pleased to meet you. I am Okju.

This property has three buildings.

A Western-style wing designed by an English architect and a Japanese wing form the main house.

Not even in Japan is there a building combining the two styles.

It reflects Master's admiration for Japan and England.

Next is the annex which Master had furnished as a library.

Last, the servants' quarters.

As the Lady's handmaiden, you won't sleep there.

You may eat her leftover food, but tea leaves go to the kitchen girls.

Used soap and oil are for the steward.

Anyone caught stealing is expelled that day.

I'm sure you wouldn't dare, Tamako.

"Tamako" is you, by the way. It's your name Okju in Japanese.

Everything in this household is Japanese style.

Use only Japanese to Master and the Lady.

Call me Sasaki. Yes, ma'am.

I don't trust new handmaidens.

Even though they greet you politely, they are always the first to take scrolls and run away when there's a fire.

The Lady's routine is simple. She takes walks or reads for Master.

Among the richest men, Master is the greatest book lover.

And among book lovers, he is the richest.

His ties to the colonial government even let us use electricity.

In such a home, you should know what's expected of a maid like you.

Don't be alarmed at the blackouts.

I sleep in here?

Miss Hideko wakes easily on account of her nerves.

She's behind this door? Sh!





Miss, are you alright?

Junko! Is that you?

Junko was kicked out, Miss. I'm the new girl.

You must have had a bad dream.

You see that big cherry tree?

My aunt went mad and hanged herself there.

Sometimes on moonless nights, my aunt's ghost dangles from that branch.

Here, drink up.

When babies cry, my auntie feeds them a spoonful of sake.

Sweet bird, sweet bird My sweet bluebird

What scent is this, that fills my nose?

Those f*ckers.

This is Tamako.

I am at your service, Miss.

A reference letter from Lady Minami, my last mistress.

So is this place to your liking?

The sun scarcely ever shines here.

Uncle won't permit it.

Sunlight causes books to fade.

One could never grow fond of such a dreary place.

Not a good liar, are you?

We look alike.

Don't you think?

I'll take my leave.

My late aunt and Mrs. Sasaki tried very hard to teach me of a mother's love.

But not really.

My head aches before every reading practice.

Would you read it to me?


Oh, how kind of her.

Lady Minami said such nice things about me!

Is that so?

You're a Japanese lady, why don't you speak Japanese?

I'm sick of it.

The books he makes me read are all Japanese.

So read that for me.

"Dear Miss Izumi Hideko, Count Fujiwara said you're looking for a maid.

Maids are like... a spoon... no... are like chopsticks..."

Is it a spoon?

I don't know how to read, Miss.

Not at all? What about Korean?

This is your name. Can't you read it?

Reading can be learned, and I don't care if you curse or steal.

But don't ever lie to me. Understood?

Yes, Miss.

She's my mother.

She's beautiful, quite the charmer!

And me? Am I "quite the charmer"?

Everyone says I can't compare to my mother.

Count Fujiwara said...

So you've met the Count?


No, I've never met him...

My aunt! I heard it from my aunt.

She was his nanny.

What did the Count say about me?

He said your face...

Every night in bed he thinks of your assets... your face.

Why in bed, I wonder?

What's with your foot?

I've nowhere to go.

I've just stayed in this house since coming to Korea when I was 5.

But in new shoes, even paths I always take seem different.

The ones from here up to here should fit you.

Why don't you pick something prettier? Like this one.

It's time for reading practice.

I'll go alone. Miss?

But it's raining.

At noon, come knock on the door. Okay?

See you at--

This is...

My new handmaiden.

The snake, the snake!

You mustn't pass that point.

Be warned!

The snake marks the "bounds of knowledge".

He has a habit of licking the pen when he's thinking hard.

He's not a dirty person.

What kind of a handmaiden uses the umbrella for herself?





I don't have an upset stomach. It's okay.

It's because the books are so boring.

You must read a ton of books.

You must be so knowledgeable.

I'm sorry about the prank.

I won't do it again.

Forgive me.

The Count?


No wonder you insisted on a bath.

When my aunt heard a guest was coming, she dropped everything and bathed her Baby Miss.

Nothing made her happier than when guests praised the baby's scent.

You are my Baby Miss.

Auntie gives babies candy during baths to teach them how sweet bath time is.

What's wrong?

One of my teeth must be sharp. It keeps cutting me.

So this was the scent.

It's smooth now.

Welcome, sir!

You are too kind to greet me like this upon my arrival, when the journey has left me so unkempt.

Now your tedium is over.

I'll ensure your painting lessons are stimulating.

This must be Okju.

At your service, milord.

You know if you fail, it'll put me in an awkward position?

A decent bone structure for a Korean...

So, are you carrying out your duties faithfully?

Thank you for introducing her.

You found the perfect maid for me.

It was tough looking for one that wasn't chubby.

Take care of the lonely lady.


Count Fujiwara asks Miss Hideko to kindly allow her maid Tamako to be sent to his Lordship for a brief errand.

Did you call for me, milord?

You may enter.

You tried to fool me with a fake coin.

How dare you?

You think I'm Tamako, a poor Korean handmaiden.

But my real name is Nam Sookee.

Raised by Miss Boksun, top purveyor of stolen goods.

I was able to tell a real coin from a fake when I was 5.

Then learned to forge stamps from Gugai, and pickpocketing from Kutan, but these babies will never learn such useful skills.

Abandoned as newborns, we'll wash and feed them, then sell them to Japan.

What meaningful work.

Instead of starving, they grow up to be rich gentlemen and ladies.

Kutan only breastfeeds her own kid. I wouldn't be so miserly.

I wish my breasts gave milk. I'd breastfeed all of them.


I'll tell you the story of an interpreter, who bribed his way into translating for high officials.

After helping Japan annex Korea, he got rights to a gold mine.

Now he wants to turn fully Japanese.

So he gets naturalized, marries the daughter of a fallen Japanese noble, and adopts his wife's family name Kouzuki.

Ba... bas...

That bastard builds a mansion, fills it with books and antiques.

He invites Japanese collectors to his library, holds readings of rare books, and auctions the books off.

He loves books and paintings like his own flesh, but he can't help parting with a few.

What to do, when he must sell, but can't bear to?

He sells a fake.

He seeks out a specialist to create intricate forgeries.

Unlike him, this specialist... is a real Japanese of noble birth!

Count Fujiwara from Nagoya.

So, who is this?

It's the wife. His Japanese wife.

You'll seduce her-- Is she pretty?

The Jap wife died ages ago with no children.

But the dead wife's dead sister's living daughter performs those book readings.

But is she pretty?

She's an orphan. Her father was rich.

Soon she'll fall in love with me, and we'll elope to Japan.

After marrying her there and inheriting her fortune, I'll declare her insane and lock her up in a madhouse.


Sookee will be my mouse, work as her maid, eavesdrop on her sleeptalking, and hand her over to me.

Stay by her side during the day and gently persuade her to fall in love.


What does a crook know about love?

What about her fortune? Is she rich for sure?

Every night in bed I think of her assets.

1.5 million in cash. 300,000 in bonds.

The uncle is just a guardian. It's Hideko's fortune.

That's why Kouzuki schemes to marry the girl.

To his w... wife's niece?

What a s... sick f... f...

Right, a sick f*ck.

So what's our share?

I'll share 50,000.

Sookee also gets the dresses and jewellery.

I'll do it! Take me!

My Japanese is better, and I've worked as a maid before!

On top of the fifty,

I get dresses, jewellery and my own 100,000.

B... b... beautiful!

I... I... I'm utterly speechless in your presence!

If you stutter like that and make your face go red, those uppity b*tches will feel superior, and then they'll open up to you, all right?

Now, how to make your face go red.

Listen carefully. Breathe in, pull in your stomach, pull your chin down and tighten your butthole, then hold your breath and swallow your saliva ten times.

Get it?

Let's just try it.

Would you like to wear a navy kimono with white peonies or a black kimono with cranes?

Would you like to wear a caterpillar patterned poop color or a poop patterned caterpillar color?

Don't ask! If you ask a question, she'll start to think.

You think, and she doesn't.

That's how you control the Miss.

All right?

All right.

Here's the letter. Pay attention.

"Dear Miss Izumi Hideko, Count Fujiwara has informed me of your urgent need for a maid.

A maid is like a pair of chopsticks.

Her presence is little noted, but her absence causes much distress."

Did my mom cry before they hanged her?

Women who stole once and got hanged cried.

They cried a lot.

Your mother stole a thousand times, was caught just once and died once.

Did she cry?

She laughed.

Said she was lucky to have you before dying and that she had no regrets.

You will surely become a brave thief.

It should have been me!

I should be the one going to that Jap's house.

Everyone's talking about you in Eunpo, how you'll be an even greater thief than your mother.

Who believes the words of a swindler?

When I give the signal, "fully ripe", arrange for her and me to be alone.

Then I'll gobble her up to the pit.

She's so naive she wouldn't know what a man wants even if he pulled on her nipples.

So it's your job to tell her that everything is because of me.

"Oh my, since the Count arrived, your toenails are growing much faster!"

That sort of thing, all right?

Here, a gift.

Oh, he's so thoughtful!

That'll be mine when she goes to the madhouse.

It pains my heart to see this poor girl.

Have you ever seen sapphires so blue?

Let's take a look...

This isn't a sapphire, it's blue spinel.

It's all right, Miss. Spinels are expensive too.

How do you know?

Oh, my Auntie... I mean, Lady Minami taught me.

But it's fine!

There's no need to be ashamed at all.

Your average fence can barely tell them apart.

Is that so?

Of all the things I've washed and dressed, has anything been this pretty?

I'd like to show her to the people at home.

What would they say?

Probably this?


S... spellbindingly beautiful!

He's shameless.

The Count kept offering me wine.

Does it feel okay?

It's suffocating. How do ladies wear such things?

You think this is suffocating?

Miss, you're k*lling me!

Dressed up, you look like a lady too.

I think I know what the Count meant.

Your face...

Every night in bed, I think of your face.

Don't be silly, Miss.

Ladies truly are the dolls of maids.

All these buttons are for my amusement.

If I undo the buttons and pull out the cords, then the sweet things within, those sweet and soft things...

If I were still a pickpocket I'd slip my hand inside...

Miss, are you truly going to marry your uncle?

That's what he raised me for, knowing he'd need my fortune.

There's a famous collector in France.

He'll be putting his entire library up for auction.

The gold mine's proceeds won't cover the cost.

If it were me, I'd sell books to buy gold, not the opposite.

Have you ever thought of marrying someone else?

Like Count Fujiwara, for example--

You're very nosy for a handmaiden.

For now, the Lady needn't go read to the sick f*ck, who wants to marry his wife's niece.

Instead the fake Count goes to the Library to make fake books.

The Lady waits for her 2 o'clock art class, and waits...

Poor girl, losing her heart to a fake.

Please, Count!

Sorry to be late.

It's fine.

Maybe I need more practice to give it dimensionality.

Dimensionality... perhaps.

Nonetheless, you have a vision that transcends mere skill.

It's as if you see directly into an object's essence.

For example, the fact that this peach contains a lot of water.

I hesitate to stand before you, for fear that you might read my thoughts.

That's enough for today.

Almost fully ripe.



Do you know what?

Since the Count arrived, your cheeks have grown flushed.

Have they?

How did your mother die?

When I was a baby, at a big house, she was hanged...

I mean, she hanged-- Hanged herself like my aunt, huh?

Well, pretty much.

She must have often hugged you when she was alive, right?

My mother died giving birth to me.

So it's as if I strangled her myself.

I wish I'd never been born.

No baby is ever guilty of being born.

If your mother thought you could understand this is what she'd have said.

That she was so lucky to have you before dying, that she had no regrets.

Wait here a moment, Miss.

I'll go pick mushrooms.

We'll have mushroom stew tonight, you like that.

I'll go with you.

I'll be quick.

Before it rains.

Good girl--

What a coincidence.


May I sit next to you?

The lady sits, shy and trembling.

The gentleman is persistent.

The perceptive maid has stepped out for a moment.

All is well, Sookee.

Everyone's performing their roles so damned well.


You know servants can't use this entrance!


I wish I'd never come here.

It was wrong to come.

Tamako, you brought watercolors, right?

Of course, milord!

Watercolor paints and brushes--

Go and get the oils.

A day like this demands oils!





A blackout! Bring a lantern.

I need to think.

I need to become rich, sail off to a distant harbor, eat food I scarcely recognize, buy my fill of glittering baubles, and... not think of Hideko.

Never think of Hideko--

I returned and you didn't even come to me.

It was late, I must have fallen asleep. My apologies.

You know how hard it is to do those readings?

Must I remove my makeup and change all by myself?

I feel a nightmare coming. Sleep here.

He proposed to me.

On the 15th, when my uncle visits his mine, he wants to elope to Japan.

What did you say?

I said I wasn't sure.


I'm scared.

Of your uncle's anger?

Of the Count.

What's to be scared of? He's so kind.

I don't know, I just feel it.

It's like the reflex of pulling your hand back from a flame.

Tell me...

What is it that men want?


I mean after getting married, at night...

How would I know? I'm practically a child with no mother. There's no one here to...


I guess we'd kiss?


He would hold you in his arms.


Only when there's nowhere to lie down or you're in a hurry.

Normally you do it on the bed.

You'll know when it happens.

It's just like drinking for the first time.

When it happens?


Could someone be like a blind person, not being able to feel it?

What the hell.

I'll show her one thing then put her to bed.

Poor thing, alone in a strange country, reading those useless books, without learning a single useful skill.

Why does the candy taste different?

The bitterness turns sour, the sourness turns sweet, the sweetness turns savoury...

How do you know all this?

Do you have experience?

My friend Kutan taught me.

Taught you? With words?

Yes, only with words.

So this is how it feels.

That's what you will feel for the Count.


The Count, truly...

He won't think he's making love to a corpse?

You know about my cold hands and feet.



It feels just fine.

You like it?

Do it to me. I want to know how it feels.

I'm sure he'll want to do this too.

And then...

It's so cute.

If the Count sees this...

Will he really be as tender as this?

Of course.

He'll also touch you like this.

And like this...

Keep doing what the Count will.

And this is what he'll say.

"It's so soft, warm, wet, and... s... s... spellbindingly beautiful!"





Now, the model must stay still.


- Hideko... Wait.


...doesn't like it, you damned scoundrel!

Stop it!

I can't do this.

Come here, Tamako.

Find something else to keep you busy.

Do you know what I mean?

I have nothing else to do.

My job is to look after the Lady.

I spit it out without chewing! All because of you!

She's fully ripe! Fully ripe!

If I miss this chance, I'm finished!

Can you feel it? How much I want it?

After fighting so hard to escape my garbage heap of a life, you think I'll let you ruin it, you bitch?

Shall I tell the Lady you're nothing but a lowly pickpocket?

Fine, I'll have something to tell her too.

That you're nothing but the son of a lowly Korean farmhand and shaman--


Think of your family at home.

Boksun raising babies with her bad back and those two idiots.

How will they feel if you go home empty-handed?

Want to ruin your mother's reputation?

You should go home in glory.

So don't push Hideko too hard.

She's got no one on this earth.

If you frighten her, she'll close up hard as a clam.

And please...

Don't ever again put my hand on your tiny joke of a cock.

Oh my.

Your toenails have grown faster since the Count arrived.

How curious.

Miss, doesn't it bother you not to know?

How many ships sail on the wide sea, people leaving, people returning, those saying farewell or welcoming people back.

Where is the farthest you've traveled?

The hill beyond the manor?

My uncle will chase me wherever I go.

This is how I lived my life.

I could be content here, if you are with me.

You can walk with me in new shoes, tell me stories,

and massage my feet.

You're fortunate, Miss.

The man who loves you has the power to protect you.

That's rare.

But I'm not sure... if I love him.

You do love him.

How do you know?

You stare out the window all day, turn in your sleep and sigh,

and your toenails...

What if I said I don't love him?

What if I said that I love someone else?

I have no one on this earth...

Would you still want me to marry him?

You will love him.


In the end, Hideko accepted the proposal, provided that I go to Japan too.

The Count, after feigning annoyance for a bit, nodded his head.

On the day her Uncle left to visit his mine, the Count pretended to go back to Japan and hid nearby.

You'll have a week of freedom, but always remember the basement.


Thank you for traveling on our ferry today.

We will arrive at Shimonoseki at 7:30 p.m.--

We're finally going home.

It's been three years... It's been a long time.

What are you doing? I'm sorry.

To not steal...

To not steal...

To not commit adultery...

To not commit adultery...

To not lie...

To not lie...

Spider thread pulled into strings Strumming makes a zither sing Thousand woes

Under the blue sky Only the crows cry How sorrowful my zither My beloved zither...

Did you sleep well?

Excuse me.


The Count paid the innkeeper to spy on us, afraid we might run off.

Why get dressed? I've nothing to do anyway.

Things are moving too slowly.

I fear Hideko might truly go mad.

Shall we play "maid", like before?

There is no sign of the Count from morning to night.

Certifying the marriage and converting the inheritance to cash require much work, he says.

How could you be so cruel?

You plucked the flower, now re-plant it.

What do you want?

Hurry up and throw her into the madhouse!

After a week,


This way.

They're from the madhouse.

You know what to say.

Who is that person?

The Countess Lady Fujiwara.

Her maiden name was Izumi Hideko.

And who might you be?

I am the Lady's handmaiden.

What's your name? It's Tamako.

Then, what kind of treatment do you believe your Lady requires?

She should be confined in a place where no one can harm her and where she can do no harm.

Just a few tests, then let's have lamb chops at the Peace Hotel.

It's almost over. Good work.

Don't be frightened.

Good day, Countess.

Do you remember me?


What is this?

We mean you no harm, Countess.

We're going to look after you.

You've got the wrong person. She is the Countess.

Tell them, Your Lordship!

She still believes she's a Korean handmaiden.

It's because her nanny was Korean.

You scoundrel!

Let go of me, you filthy b*tches!

We do not use such language here, your Ladyship.


My poor Lady, she's gone nuts.

If it would be of any help, this is from her mother and she used to cherish it before going mad.

Such a considerate maid.

You may have thought that Hideko was a fool.

A fool... maybe not.

I tell you, right from the start Miss Izumi Hideko...

had always been...


...a rotten bitch.

PART TWO I'm not a rotten bitch! No! No!

Put it in your mouth, Hideko.

Hold out your hand.

Next time you feel like talking back, remember the taste of this metal bead.

You'll sleep alone from tonight.

All right? Please give me a light.

We've been ordered to save oil.

You little brat.

Speak Japanese!

In there is a man the size of an ogre who can't stand the sound of girls screaming.

If he hears you, he'll burst in through that door after you.

And then?

He'll smother you with his giant body, so you can't make a sound.


My, my.

Scaring a little girl like that.

And me?

Am I pretty too?

Look closely.

Everyone says I can't compare to my big sister.

























P... penis.


Do you think I won't understand if you speak Korean?

I was going a bit crazy and wanted everyone else to go crazy too.

When Mrs. Sasaki looked as crazy as I, life was more bearable.

I know you are a bit insane.

It runs in your mother's family.

That's why I'm training you, to set your mind right.

If I fail, there's a place called a "mental hospital" in Japan.

Established by rational Germans, it's very effective in treating lunacy.

They dig holes in the dirt, put a patient in each one, and put lids on top.

When the patients get better, they get a leash, so they can crawl around like dogs.

The cherry tree that came with me on the ship from Japan bloomed twice.

"When Jinlian finally took off her clothes, Ximen-Qing-examined her-Jade-Gate...

To-find-it-hairless-as-white-as-snow and-as-smooth-as-jade..."

You must pause between words.

Don't read like a dog lapping at his plate!

Listen to your aunt read.

"When Jinlian finally took off her clothes, Ximen Qing examined her Jade Gate...


...to find it hairless, as white as snow, and as smooth as jade.

As tight as a drum, and as soft as silk.

Once he drew apart the curtains of flesh, a scent of well-aged wine emanated from within, and on fold upon fold of the red velvet interior beads of dew were forming.

Its center was dark and void, yet as if it had its own life, it twitched and twitched."

Everyone wanted to cut it down, but my uncle refused.

He said this tree from Mt. Fuji had absorbed my aunt's soul.

The servants whispered it was due to the tree's high cost, but I think my uncle was right.

You can tell from the cherry blossoms, which turned brighter and bloomed longer.

"Tell me, Juliette.

Do you wish for this impetuous young knight to save you?

The duchess shook her head resolutely,

to my great disappointment.

Now, my brave knight."

Oh, it's a new face!

Now, my brave knight.

When you see these old scars and the fresh pink wounds, what do you feel?

I pity the poor woman.

I wish to lick her and lick her, caress her and caress her.

If you pity her so, why not take her place and let her whip you?

The duchess raised the whip high in the air, and then...

And again...

My cock became painfully erect.

If she could be yours for ten minutes, what would you give in exchange?

Whatever your heart desires.

Anything in this whole wide world.

Once the duke untied me, I sat on the chair, pulled her to me, and slid my cock into her c**t.

Oh, Juliette, Juliette...

As I felt the duke approach from behind, a rope slithered around my neck.

The duke slowly tightened the rope.

Like a drowning man grasping at straws, I pulled the swirling currents of her hair.

Then the duke spoke.

The ten minutes are almost up.

Slowly, my dear, said the Duchess...

I haven't yet fully savored his pain.

No, the knight cried, don't stop!

Please let me die in the midst of this pain.

In this suffocating pain.

Is it Sade?

It's Sade-esque.

It is believed to be the same Japanese man who wrote The Lizard Skin.

It was acquired from a Japanese sailor on a ship from Hamburg.

Cheap hair and shabby clothes, old and worn down, a body foul with food waste and human secretion.

Can you imagine my joy when after such a journey, it sat on my shelf with its brothers?

Even compared with an unopened first-edition of Milton's, it wouldn't be outstripped.

That's right.

These are the babes to whom I feel the most affection.

It used to contain an elaborate monochrome woodcut illustration,

but as you can see...

So unfortunate.

If that were intact, you could've named your price.

The author felt words alone could not fully describe the positions, and so included an illustration.

In that regard, before we start the bidding...


Why don't you show us this scene?



See you again.

Yes, thank you.

Today's reading was outstanding.

Yes, thank you.

Especially the puppet!

You are of noble birth, yet you engage in the lowly work of copying paintings.

There was a time when I dissipated my wit and skills on gambling.

Imagine the torment of having so many women make advances on me, when I couldn't afford to buy them a glass of Burgundy.

Do the women here make advances on you?

I look at women's eyes, only the eyes.

They turn their gaze away, but then they always look back.

It's a silent exchange of question and answer.

If I were to slide under someone's covers tonight, only one woman here would refuse me.

Does that include Mrs. Sasaki?

Is she not your former wife?

You left her to marry a Japanese woman.

But the servants tell me you still share a bed with her.

Can I ask you something?

Of course.

You went so far as to abandon your wife, why this urge to become Japanese?

Because Korea is ugly and Japan is beautiful.

Some Japanese say Japan is ugly, and Korea is beautiful.

Beauty is cruel by nature.

Korea is soft, slow, dull, and therefore hopeless.

Let's talk about that one woman who would deny you.

Does it include Mrs. Sasaki?

Mrs. Sasaki...

If I gave her the right signal, she'd knock on my door without her underwear.

My thoughts exactly.

Then who is it?

The one who would deny you?

I heard you own the highest quality antique bookmaking tools of the East and West, but I don't see them here.

I'll show them to you later.

Who is the one person to refuse you?

I met Hideko's eyes by chance, but she didn't look away.

Indeed it was I, who shifted my gaze.

Hideko, Will she make an appearance in your lewd dreams tonight?

Even if honored with such a visit, I don't think I could consummate.

I would happily regret it the moment I begin because her body would be as cold as a waterfowl.

That is the result of long training.

I heard you are engaged to her.

If I'm not mistaken, you are yet to have intercourse?

Her eyes have no desire.

It means her soul is dead inside.

You should go easy on her training, unless you enjoy making love to a corpse.

Would you like a smoke?

How did such a noble count fall into the grouty habit of smoking cigarettes?

This is my particular way of possessing beauty.

Hideko too must have received painting lessons.

No, she did not.

I was too occupied teaching her to read with correct diction.

Is that so?

In England, where I studied, all ladies were expected to produce vibrant color and graceful lines, even in the less noble families.

You have a phone call, sir.

At this hour?

It's the Iwamura Bookstore.

Is that so?

Excuse me a moment.

You are mesmerizing.

Men use the word "mesmerizing" when they wish to touch a lady's breasts.

I'm familiar with Western conversational etiquette.

I do a bit of reading, you know.

There was no calculation in what I said.

It was a reflex, like pulling one's hand from a flame.

I'm no flame.

I'm cold as a waterfowl, your Lordship.

He will return soon.

Mr. Iwamura only called with a frivolous inquiry, at my request.

There's an issue regarding your future you should know.

I'll wait by the stone lamp at midnight.

That Iwamura is a real fool.

Good night, Miss.

My maid is asleep in the room next door.

I don't fancy being in scandalous rumors with you.

I saw Junko go to the servants' quarters with her pillow.

Consider your reputation as a nobleman.

I'm no nobleman.

I'm not even Japanese.

Do you think it was easy for a Korean farmhand's son to reach here?

After fifteen hard years in Japan, I heard some things about you.

Another three years were spent to prepare.

I studied bookmaking and learned to paint forgeries.

All so that I could meet you.

To seduce and marry you, to possess your father's inheritance, and then probably to get rid of you.

But I knew as soon as I met you.

For a man to seduce you would be--


So in place of seduction, I decided to propose a deal.

Most marriages are like being imprisoned, but this one will free you.

I'll rescue you from here, take you far away, and give you freedom.

Of course, we'll split the money.


Does marrying an old man with a black tongue at your tender age makes sense?

I won't marry anyone.

What have you in mind?

That's not proper.

There's no beauty in that.

If you k*ll yourself, what of your fortune?

That will be the sum of your efforts? Your fortune going to that pervert?

So he can buy 10 little girls and teach them to read books?

My uncle will find us somehow.

Then he'll take us to the basement.


The basement?

It says here when people are hanged, their tongues stick out and faeces is expelled.

But that day, aunt's mouth was shut and her bottom was clean.

Do you want to go somewhere nice?

I'll tell you in detail what I did to your aunt after I caught her running away.

So don't you ever think of running, understood?

That day I just watched and listened.

But if I ever end up there again...

This is highly concentrated opium.

Three drops will make you sleep all day.

Five drops will knock down a horse.

If you crave death within five minutes, drink it all.

If you carry this, he can never take you to the basement.

At least not alive.

It'll be my wedding gift to you.

It's more expensive than jewels.

Bring a girl to be my maid. One who could disappear and not be missed.

If a bit dense, all the better.

We'll send her to a madhouse under my name.

They dig a hole in the ground, put a patient in there and close the lid.

I want my name to be buried in that hole.

I can find you a new maid, but what do we do about Junko?

You really think I'm prettier than Miss Hideko?

Sure, Hideko's pretty, and you're pretty.

What? You speak Korean?

You know...

I learned it.

To speak more easily with you.

I really wanted to say this to you.

You are just mesmerizing.

Oh my gosh!

You little tart!

I can't!

If they catch me with a guest, I'll be thrown out!

Forget this wretched place. Come live with me!

Oh, f*cking hell!

f*cking hell?

f*cking hell...

The Count sent exactly what I ordered.

Naive and a bit foolish.

We're alike, somehow.

I heard you're an orphan, too.


Show Sookee your clothes and jewellery at every opportunity.

The material greed she got from her mother will make her more gullible.

P.S. Don't worry if she reads this letter, she's totally illiterate.

Would you read it to me?


"...looking for a maid. Maids are like... a spoon... no...

are like chopsticks..."

Is it a spoon?

COUNTESS FUJIWARA HIDEKO This is your name. Can't you read it?

What's with your foot?

Who did it?

Who took Tamako 's shoe?

Apologize before all the servants!

If she ever runs away because of one of you, I'll strip you all naked and throw you out!

f*cking hell.

All smooth.

Do you like the scent?

Do you want to come in?


This must be Okju.

At your service, milord.

You know if you fail, it'll put me in an awkward position.

A decent bone structure for a Korean...

So, are you carrying out your duties faithfully?

What? Thank you for introducing her.

You found the perfect maid for me.

It was tough looking for one that wasn't chubby.

Take care of the lonely lady.


Becoming the lady's friend and getting paid for it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Isn't that right, Miss?

There's no need to be ashamed at all.

Your average fence can barely tell them apart.

Is that so?

"I'm returning the earrings you loaned me.

A woman might wager her fate on such an exquisite pair.

I'm sure that Sookee will try her very best in order to see herself wearing these in the mirror.

I'll tell you how to keep her from getting suspicious.

Keep her busy until the day of the wedding.

Make her spend all her energy on making you fall in love with me."

In other words, don't fall in love with me so easily.



Dressed up, you look like a lady too.

Almost fully ripe.

How did your mother die?

That she was so lucky to have you before dying.

That she had no regrets.

Is this the companionship they write about in books?

I'll go pick mushrooms.

We'll have mushroom stew tonight, you like that.

I'll go with you.

I'll be quick.

Before it rains.

What's with her?

Men are disgusting.

How can they be so single-minded?

What's on my mind?

You don't really believe that I crave your body, do you?

You do!

You read too many of those books.

If there's one thing I'm after, Miss...

It's not your eyes, your hands or ass, it's your money, only that.

Of all that you have, money is the best.

It feels great being so rude to a noble lady.

What's with her?

Why does she stomp her feet, expressing her anger, sit up in the middle of the night and sigh?

Every time she sees the Count, her eyes seem to say, I despise you.

Try to bear it.

Only if she sees this will she believe the proposal.

Think of me as that puppet, and I'll imagine another woman.

What woman?

The duchess Juliette.




"The lady's emotions lay deep inside...

Jinlian could not fathom their depths.

Knowing this, Lady Sun gave Jinlian four small silver balls.

These are 'minling', or 'bells of passion'.

Place two in the lady's Jade Gate, and the other two in yours.

Spread your legs apart and like two scissors trying to cut each other, put them together.

When the lips below rub against each another, you'll hear a clear ringing sound."

A blackout! Bring a lantern!

Yes, sir!


"'When do I put this in?' asked Jinlian.

Does the lady breathe deeply and swallow hard?

Does she whisper sweetly in your ear, and kiss you?

Does she embrace you tightly and caress your nipples?

Does her secret part become slippery as she gently bites your shoulder?

Then, put in the bells."

- Amazing! Indeed!

It's so cute.

If the Count sees this...

Will he really be as tender as this?

Of course.

And he'll touch you like this...

And like this...

Tamako, keep doing what the Count will.

The Count...

The Count...

He'll go crazy over this.

And this is what he'll say.

"It's so soft, warm, wet, and...

s... s... spellbindingly beautiful!"

Shall I teach you more, Miss?


Teach me everything.

I wish that I had breast milk so I could feed you.

Do you like it when I do this?

Do you like me?

Can you promise that you won't betray me?

I'll never... never... ever...

Miss, how could such an innocent...

You must be a natural.


I spit it out without chewing! All because of you!

She's got no one on this earth.

If you frighten her, she'll close up hard as a clam.

And please...

Don't ever again put my hand on your tiny joke of a cock.

You see?

If you don't give the impression you want this marriage, she may throw another fit and refuse to go forward.

Be more convincing when you pretend to love me.

I can't do it.


I want to quit.

What's with you all today?


I hate everyone. My mom, dad, aunt, uncle, you and...

I don't like Sookee, either.

You feel sorry for her?

What is it with women?

You know what that poor Sookee said about your Ladyship?

That you're too naive to get it even if someone pulls on your nipples.

That she was nice out of pity, but you ate it up.

That you were so gullible!

That naive servant's face...

Yes... you will love him.

If I say that I love someone else...

I have no one on this earth...

Would you still want me to marry him?



I wish I'd never been born.

I wish I'd never been born.

Let go.

Miss, I'm sorry!

Let go!

I'm sorry, Miss!

Don't die.

I'm sorry.

What are you sorry about?

I tried to trick you into marrying that bastard.

I was going to put you in a madhouse and run off.

Don't die. Don't get married, Miss!

Sookee, are you worried about me?

I'm worried about you.

How do you know my name?

You think you're tricking me?

You're the one being tricked.

You're the one bound for the madhouse.

I was going to lock you up in there under my name, then I'd become you and run far away with him.

I won't say sorry, since you tried to trick me too.

That f*cking son of a bitch!

Oh, sorry Miss!

"I hope this letter finds you well. This is Sookee.

I'm writing to inform you of a change in plans.

I decided to team up with the Lady Hideko.

As such, I'm now in need of all your help.

I'm enclosing an item as advance payment."

Always remember the basement.

Do you want to go somewhere nice?

You didn't teach me to read Japanese.

Did that bastard draw this?

Is this what you've been reading to that dirty old man and those gentlemen?

The daughter of a legendary thief, who sewed winter coats out of stolen purses, who was a thief, pickpocket and swindler.

She is the savior who came to tear my life apart.

My Tamako.

My Sookee.

How cruel can you be?

You plucked the flower, now re-plant it.

What do you want?

Hurry up and throw her into the madhouse!

You scoundrel!

Let go of me, you filthy b*tches!


Let go!


I'm hungry.

The first month, I ordered a slim herringbone suit.

The next month, I wore it to dine at the Imperial Hotel.

PART THREE Me, a colonial boy working as a tout at a brothel.

Some Englishmen who frequented the brothel recognized me.

I thought they'd call the maitre d' and kick me out, but what do you know?

They were amused I'd spend a month's pay on one dignified meal.

They started calling me "Count" and taught me manners to go with the name.

Frankly, I'm not that interested in money itself.

What I desire is, how shall I put it...

The manner of ordering wine without looking at the price?

Something like that.

Fourteen hours by train from Vladivostok is the summer home of a genuine Russian noble family.

All the furniture is set along with ankle-deep carpets.

Shall we marry there?

In a few days, I'll hear from the hospital.

That my wife Fujiwara Hideko has died.

You didn't just ask them to keep her?

I doubt Sookee would want to live there very long.



I never said I wasn't a bastard.

You'll become a colonial girl named Nam Sookee.

You know I'm an expert at document forgery, right?

I arranged it with a photography studio.

From tomorrow, we'll give Sookee a new life.

I'm glad.

Marry me once again.

This time as Nam Sookee.

You want another wedding night?

I think I slightly like you.

Poor Sookee, in a place like that all by herself...

Did such a thought ever cross your mind?

Not at all. Why should I pity her?

Where I come from, it's illegal to be naive.

Where you come from, it's not naive to fall in love with a business partner?

Of course. It's illegal.

So even if my love for you leads me to ruin, don't pity me.


What does a crook know about love?


C... c... come this way!

This way!

Because you desired me, and overcame all obstacles to reach me, I have been born anew, it's true.

I'm grateful for that.

I'll allow a kiss.


Why not?

I don't like kisses with conditions.

I never learned how to stop halfway.

After this I'll thrust in deep, to your navel.

Please do that.

Those aren't the eyes of one who wants it.

You know you can't deceive me in such matters.

If I could be yours for ten minutes, what would you give in exchange?

Whatever your heart desires.

Anything in this whole wide world.

There's much I want to teach you.

You'll become a completely new woman.

It won't hurt. You've seen it in those books.

In truth, women feel the greatest pleasure when taken by force.

Now I'm going to rip your underwear.

Would you fetch those for me?

Okay, here we go.

One, two, three.

Respected Uncle, it always pained me to see you straining to speak flawless Japanese before the Count from Nagoya and even to quiver your voice like a nobleman.

So I'm happy to inform you that you no longer need do so.

That man is the son of a Korean farmhand.

Oh, did my gift arrive safely?

Please tell this to my gift, in Korean.

I'm afraid that in real life, no woman feels pleasure at being taken by force.

But, for sending me Sookee out of all the girls in the world, I feel "slightly" grateful.

You wished to see my bookmaking tools?

Don't just look, experience them for yourself.

I'll choose five books that I cherish... that I used to cherish more than anything.

Let's see... First,

Confessions of a Whip

The Lizard Skin

Decadent Girls Who Sell Lingerie

May I please smoke a cigarette, sir?


Bells and Balls

The Mortician's Bedroom

How could you let a little girl fool you?

But don't worry. I'll catch them for you soon.

I'll bind books with the skin of those two b*tches and you and place them on the shelf.

I arranged so that no two girls traveling together can leave Kobe.

Please change the destination to Shanghai.

Changing two tickets, from Vladivostok to Shanghai.

Yes, that's correct.

Show me your passports.

Miss Nam Sookee?

Mr. Go Pan-dol?

You need to pay an additional 3 yen.

All right.

Hideko is a peach that I left on the branch, imagining what the taste will be like.

Would I have plucked it someday?


I'm just an old man who likes dirty stories.

Even listening to the same story, people imagine different things.

Peering into each of those fantasies was this old man's humble recreation.

What to do, now that it's all over?

You should at least tell me your story.

How did that bitch Hideko taste?

Was she fully ripe? Tell me.

A cigarette might help my memory.

Right, right...

You have that silly penchant for cigarettes?

So how was Hideko?

You have no windows here.

Sookee could be listening in. Let's do our best.

That's it, good.

What's this?

You can't stop there, dear fellow.

So, where did you touch first?

Her face?

Her breasts?

Or straight for her c... c**t?

Was it soft?

Did it tighten up?

Did it have many wrinkles?

Was it sufficiently wet?

How was the viscosity and transparency of her vaginal secretion?

Please, one more cigarette, sir.

Spider thread pulled into strings...

I dare say no book has ever described such a ferocious wedding night.

I thought I heard a nightingale sing.

And the clear, bright crimson blood...

Thus the Lady became my wife.

Coy one moment, bold the next...

But how was she coy, how was she bold, tell it to me in detail!

A story is all about the journey.

You should know.

Did she resist?

So did you pinch her ass as punishment?

Or did she spit at you in contempt?

Or else...

Did she beg you to do it?

Like the lady in The Widow's Lapdog ?

How dare you!

Hideko is my wife.

What kind of scoundrel rattles on about his wedding night!

It's odd...

Your smoke.

It's cold, blue... and strangely beautiful.

You too have become soft, slow and dull.

Mercury is most deadly in its gaseous state.

One cigarette would have sufficed.

At least I will die with my cock intact.


I hear a sound in the distance that sounds like the steps of my love An echo that makes my heart skip a beat But I wait all through the night and my love never comes to me There is no end to the heartache that grips me in this hour Waiting for the footsteps of my dear love Waiting for the footsteps of my dear love

But then in my waiting heart suddenly happiness overflows There you are in the distance coming to me Filled with dreams of a new life filled with happiness Inside my waiting heart flowers start to bloom Come my lover, come to me I missed you so Let's dream of happy times like long ago

Filled with dreams of a new life filled with happiness Inside my waiting heart flowers start to bloom Waiting for the footsteps of my dear love Waiting for the footsteps of my dear love
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