Hiding Place, The (1975)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Hiding Place, The (1975)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ [Orchestral music-- string introduction] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ [Slow, melodic harp continuo] ♪

♪ [With oboe playing the melody] ♪


♪ [Full orchestra] ♪










♪ [Music increases in intensity] ♪



[Soft flapping sounds]

[Steady splashing]

(Newsman) by wireless from the bbc, her majesty, the queen of the netherlands.

(The queen) fellow hollanders, the lights have gone out over free holland.

Where only two weeks ago there was a free nation of men and women brought up in the cherished tradition of christian civilization, there is now the stillness of death.

Oppressed. . . Threatened. . .

Watched on every side by a power that would tear out all hope from the soul of man.

The unhappy people of holland can only pray in silence.

For those who have lost their voice but not their hope or their vision in the struggle against the onslaught of barbarism.

Long live the netherlands!

♪ [Orchestra plays the dutch national anthem] ♪

♪ ♪


[Woman clearing her throat]

Oh! Coffee. . .

In the parlor.

[Clanking of dishes]

(Man in the distance) achtung! Achtung!

By order of the reich's commissioner, all citizens are ordered to surrender their radios and all other wireless equipment.

[Many clocks ticking]

Achtung! Achtung!

By order of the reich's commissioner, all citizens are ordered to surrender their radios and all other wireless equipment.

[Doorbell tinkling]

Good morning, mr. Ten boom.

I apologize for the intrusion.

They are collecting all radios.

(Papa ten boom) I can see that.

(With disdain) dutch policeman assisting them!

We do what we must.

[Doorbell tinkling]

All citizens are ordered to surrender their radios a radio, yes?

Upstairs. . . In the parlor!

Get it.

You have many beautiful clocks here.


The cabinet looks as if it's a berringer works.

(Papa ten boom) yeah, 1886.

You know watches. . . Clocks?

My father is a watchmaker.

I grew up under his workbench.

And look what you've grown into.

What district?


Ah, mattenbraw. . .

Mattenbraw, 1895.


But you should have seen that watch when it came in.

The way some people treat a watch--no care. . .

No. . .understanding.

It was a gift on my 70th birthday.

"To grandpa ten boom from the children of haarlem.

26Th of march, 1935."

Give him the horn.

(German soldier) any other radios in the house?

No! None!

Good day, then.

[Doorbell tinkling]

[Low, resonant ring of large bell]

♪ [Orchestra plays in minor tones] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(Woman) I don't want anything too expensive.

(Betsie) then there's this one. . .

Seven jewels in a swiss factory but all the craftsmen are german immigrants!

It's 42 guilders.

(Woman) it's for an anniversary.

We could spend a little more.

Well, there's this one. . .

Bamendor works.

Excuse me.

Papa, are you going out?

[Tap, tap, tap]

I will not dodder around this house and do nothing.


[Doorbell tinkles]

Excuse me. . .

I'm sorry.

(Voice trembling slightly) ah, yes. . .

You see, you could have it engraved or you could order it in ah, a white gold.

The white gold is 60.

(Man on p.a.) . . .residing in the occupied netherlands must come forward according to the following regulations.

A person is considered being. . .

(Man) take your star.

. . .a jew or part jew next.

If he has at least one grandparent who is originally a full jew.

A grandparent is considered a jew if he belongs or has belonged to the jewish church.

♪ [Orchestra plays slowly in minor tones] ♪ you shouldn't be here.

I've come for my star.

They are for jews.

You don't have a "j" on your identity card.

You could get it for me.

If we all wear them, they wouldn't know the difference between a gentile and a jew.

Go home please. . .

Go home.

I will wear my star!

And I won't take it off until god tells me to take it off!

The god of abraham and isaac and my god, too!

Whose leader?

[Smashing of glass]

[Loud tinkling]

Hurry, quick.

Turn around!

Good morning. . . [Loud tinkling]

Isn't it miss ten boom?

Children, stop.

The watchmaker's shop? [Loud tinkling]

Ten boom, berteljorisstraat!

Yah! You came for our radio.

I wrote to my father.

I told him about your shop.

Who are those boys?

Why are they being allowed to torment that man?

They are young dutch patriots.

He was heard to make public statements derogatory to the reich and our fuhrer.

They are expressing their indignation.


Who are these children?

I teach a class.

I tell them about god.

At least, I used to.

This will be the last one.

Thanks to your new directive concerning unauthorized meetings.

Miss ten boom. . . The measures are temporary.

Once all this is over, when order has been restored, then all the aryan peoples will live together as brothers in our reich.

Men live together as brothers only in the kingdom of our lord. . .

Nowhere else.

May we go?

Come. . .yeah.

[Loud smashing and tinkling]

[Loud smashing]

[Girls giggling]

[Baa of sheep]

[Girls giggling]

(Corrie) children. . . Children. . .

Come! Come!

Some cookies.

Ah, yeah, jan comes running for the cookies.

[Birds chirping]

Lisa, yeah.

Arnold. . .oh yeah!

Ha! Cookies?


I. . .i may not be able to be with you for a while.


Ahh. . .but jesus will still be there. . .

Always watching over you.

[Duck quacking]

You see. . .without jesus, we are like this. . .


We can do nothing.

But then jesus fills us with his love.


Then we are full. . . Yeah!

We can do anything. . .

We can do anything!

Nothing serious, pastor.

A little bit dirt maybe.

It's been losing 5 seconds a day.

Maybe a good cleaning um-hum. . .you can do it now?

While I'm here. . .it really would be most helpful.



I'll go up and have a chat with your papa.

I hear he's been wearing a jewish star.

Stubbornness is the child of pride and pride is the first of the seven deadly sins.

I'll speak to him about it.

Oh, I need to the back at the church by 1:30.

It will be ready.

[Doorbell tinkling]

Dr. Heemstra!

Miss ten boom.

I can only stay for a moment.

[Corrie gasps]

Oh. . .oh!

[Baby cries]

Oh, we need milk for him, not soup.

Good lord, you don't intend to keep it.

But you can't!!

It's illegal!

[Baby cooing]

You could all be arrested.

He's beautiful.

Pastor. . .

The lord must have sent you here.

You live in the country.

Nothing could be safer.

It's. . .impossible.

I-i. . .have my own family to think of.

We could lose everything for that child.

Where would my church be w-without a shepherd.

Oh, but. . .

No, betsie!

The pastor has decided.

It is the law!

And christians must obey the law!

Think what you are risking for the sake of one jewish baby.

(Corrie) will you report us pastor, if the baby must stay a while with us?

Corrie. . .we are meant to obey the law of the state, if it does not go against a higher law of god.

[Baby softly cooing]

Pastor, you want me to take off my star.

Very well, I will not wear it.

And we will keep the child!

[Baby cooing]

As a christian. . .

I am sorry that any man must suffer no matter who he is. . .

Or what his race.

But remember, it is the jews. . .

(Papa) who gave us the bible. . .

And our savior!

[Baby cooing]

It is on your heads.

I'll pick up my watch tomorrow.

[Baby cooing]

Good day, ten boom.



God forgive him.

He did not mean it.

How can that man call himself a christian?

If a mouse lives in the cookie jar, that doesn't necessarily make him a cookie.

[Betsie chuckles]

What will we do?

We must have milk.

He should go to the country.

Careful, he'll suffocate.

Where will you send him?

God will know.

Doors are opening all over holland.

Last week we had a dutch farm girl and a prussian baroness in the same bed.

[Baby cooing]

And now you'll have a little moses in the basket.

[Scraping of metal on glass]

Corrie, please.

Thank you.

[Baby cooing]

(Corrie) willem!

(Willem) he must not cry!

(Corrie) you certainly are organized.

Oh, it's not the first time.

[Baby cooing]

We are a way station. . .

For a day or for a week.

You've kept this from us, willem?

German jews before the occupation and now the dutch.

We do what we can but the nazis will not be satisfied until there's not a jew left in europe.

They have touched the apple of god's eye.

I pity them!

I hate them.

Oh, corrie. . .

You can't hate anyone and walk with the lord.

You could have told us, willem, we might have helped.

(Willem) the important thing is to get our little friend out of here.

You'd be hard pressed to explain a sudden gift from heaven.

Son, I'll walk with you a little way.

Goodbye, moses.

We've been managing all right some potatoes. . .

And occasionally eggs, even!

So far we haven't done too badly.

[Bicycle bell rings] and of course we. . .

[Clicking of bicycle wheels]

Is this the dutch farm girl?

(Male voice) grandpa!

Kik, did you get anything?

The carbon from the wastebasket--

If you hold it up to the light, you can just make it out.

Thank you.

You see, papa, we have a contact in the gestapo office.


He gives us the deportation lists whenever he can.

All right, kik!


Good-bye, grandpa.

God bless you, kik.

Steady it with one hand. . .good!

[Birds singing]

Papa. . .

Every day now. . .

They send 400 jews from amsterdam central station.

We reach those we can.

Do we know anyone on the list?

♪ [Cello plays slow, intense, minor melody] ♪


(Soldier) gewassen!



[Soldiers shouting commands]

♪ ♪ Schloss! Schloss!

♪ ♪ Schloss! Schloss!

♪ ♪


I beg your pardon.

No, please, i. . .i'm sorry. . .

To. . .to inconvenience you.


Maybe he's a. . .

Papa. . .

There's a gentleman upstairs.

We have met.

Well, it was so late. . .

He had no place to go papa, he's a professor.

Willem studied with him.

They've closed the university.

All the jewish teachers were forced. . .

Ah, betsie. . .

Good morning again, professor.

I apologize for the intrusion mr.ten boom.

Please. . .

Thank you.

Professor. . .

Will you do us the honor of asking the blessing?

[In hebrew] blessed art thou, oh lord, our god, who bringest forth bread from the earth.


(All) amen.


Ah! How fortunate aunt bep had big feet.

(With mixed blessing) yes.

Hm. . .

Oh. . .

Now, when were you born?



Oh. . .

Ah, 19th august, 1885.

Father's name?

Ten boom, casper.


Ten boom, cornelia.

Her maiden name?

Miss ten boom, if we are stopped, i. . .

I could never pass as you.

Professor ziener. . .

There are no "ifs" in god's world.

Now, he brought you to this house, and he will see you get safely away.

♪ [Harpsichord, flute, and viola] ♪

(Corrie) this is where we turn, professor.

Stay close with me.

I'll try.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(Corrie) it's wonderful professor! We're almost there.

♪ ♪

(Corrie) katrien.

Aunt corrie!

♪ ♪ Aunt corrie. Katrien, I need your father's help.

(Corrie) you should have seen professor ziener getting into the boat.

Katrien's father attending him like he was queen wilhelmina boarding the yacht!

[Women chuckle]

Cornelia, do you think we are enjoying this a little too much?


No, I was terrified.

If I hadn't been able to laugh at him all dressed up like betsie oh! Thank god.

He kept the patrols away.

Be sure to save a piece of cake for willem's friend.


It's all very mysterious.

Someone he wants us to meet.

What did willem say when you told him about professor ziener?

This is not some game you play when the mood strikes.

If you become involved in this work, people will be forced to trust you. . .

With their lives!

I told you, willem.

We gave him my papers.

We thought it out very carefully.

And if they questioned him. . .

Was he supposed to sing soprano?

No. . .he was going to have. . .quincy throat.

Excuse me.

You wander along the canal picking someone out of thin air how did you know you could trust him?

I knew the man.

And I knew what the lord had told me.

Papa. . .

You are the master of this house.

The master of this house. . .

Commands that we open the door to anyone who knocks.

(Mr. Sluring) we cannot afford to ignore anyone who seriously engages in our work, whatever their methods.

Perhaps you will allow us to. . .assist your efforts.

[Roar of engines far in the distance]

[Clunking of cart]

[Roar becomes louder]

[Very loud roar]


[Roar of engine fades into distance]

[Doorbell tinkling]


Thank you for the delivery, mr. Smit.

[Many clocks ticking]


Only for emergencies!

We have a contact at the exchange, but you can never be certain that the line is not tapped.

But you will be expected to develop your own sources.

The less contact you have with me, or with anyone else. . . The better.

Willem, we know half of haarlem.

We have friends everywhere!

(Mr. Sluring) dear lady, knowing them is one thing. . .

Knowing their political views. . .

God knows!

And we will ask him to lead.

Oh, we appreciate your concern, mr. Sluring.

[Many clocks ticking]

We are not the most likely candidates.

But since there is a need.

We must do what we can to meet it.

People have every kind of reaso for wanting to work in the underground excitement, perhaps.

[Both chuckle]

Mr. Sluring, we are past the age when excitement is of any major concern in our lives.

Truthfully. . .i'd rather do anything else.

I'd like to close the door and never open it again until this whole hideous thing is over.

But, that's me.

My lord jesus tells me to open the door to whatever comes.

To give his love in whatever way I can.

And I will listen to his voice. . .

Not mine.

[Many clocks ticking]

Do we pass inspection?


How many can you take?

There's ah, mama's room and there's your old room, and there's aunt anna's room and auntie bep's room, and our 3 rooms--that's 7.

And we can share a bed if we have to.

So! Our hotel is ready for guests.

Not quite.

What do you do if the gestapo comes?


You will have a visitor, a jan smit.

Actually, it's two houses.

Over a hundred years ago they were joined together.

The one in the front is 2 rooms deep and one room wide.

The one at the back, here, is 3 rooms:

One on top of the other.


This is mr. Smit.

Mr. Smit.

I know some smits in amsterdam.

Are you with the smit family that makes the candy?

Father, this is the man that I told you about.

He's come to inspect the house.

Oh! A building inspector?

Do you have the offices on grote hous street?

No, papa.

He is not a building inspector, and his name is not smit.

Not smit?

Excuse us, papa.

We must look at the rest of the house.

(Corrie) the parlor. . .

Mealtimes-- that's a favorite hour for a raid.

Watch your wastebaskets. . .

And ashtrays.

We need to be as high as possible.

It allows for the best chance to reach a safe place while they search below.

These are all bedrooms?


If a raid comes at night, they'll have to take their bedding, but make certain the mattress gets turned.

A favorite trick of the gestapo feeling for a warm spot on the bed.

What's up there?



The roof is directly above.

Who sleeps here?

I do.




The wall. . . Will go. . .here!

[Loud splashing]

All clear! The sign's in the window.

[Loud splashing]

You see, there is a distinctive marking--

You can always tell flenstadht work.


Lovely day, aunt betsie.

Peter! No, no.

I'll come for it tuesday then.


Ah! Herr ten boom!


Such beautiful wood!

My father made a case like this once.

Oh, he spent months building it, polishing. . .oiling.

It ah. . .is just a shell. . .

It needs a complete set of works.

What price will you be asking?

Well, it will take some months to be ready.

Name a good price.

Exorbitant, even, I'll pay.

I like the clock.

I can afford the best!

But it, it has no works.


Very well.

Tuesday, herr ten boom.

[Bell tinkles]


Kik! Hurry!

[Door slams]

(Very firmly) aunt betsie, how many times do you have to be told take the sign out of the window when it isn't safe!!

Oh, kik, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry!!

Grandpa. . .


(Corrie) tea mr. Smit?

Oh! Danke!

[Doorbell tinkling]

Yes, yes, yes, yes!

Good morning.

Milk! Where did you get. . .

Not milk. . . Paint!


(Corrie) betsie! Oh, betsie.

Do you remember fred koonstra?

Of course. . .

He read our electric meter for years.

His daughter was in our bible class.

Yeah!. . .milk!!!


Paint! Elsie koonstra.

I know her name.

I just had to sort out a few faces.

She must be in her twenties by now.

(Corrie) I heard yesterday that fred koonstra works at the food office.


(Corrie) they issue ration cards.

[Bird singing]

I will be frank.

We've had some unexpected company.

First, a baby. . . Then a man. . .

And now last night, a couple.

All jews, mr. Koonstra.

Why do you tell me?

There are only three of us left at home now--

My father, my sister, and me, and our ration cards are just not enough.

All ration cards are checked.

Accounted for in a dozen different ways.

Yeah! Yeah! I. . .i know.

I. . .

I should not have asked you.

(Sighs) I thought perhaps you could advise me.

The food office at utrecht was robbed last week.

The men were caught

. . .and shot.

(Nervously) if it happened at noon, when just the record clerk and I were there. . .

We'd have to be tied and gagged.

How many cards do you need?

A hundred!

I know someone who might do it.



[Bird singing]

[Cat meows]

Papa! Now!!


[Loud buzzing]




(Corrie) how long?

47 Seconds!

They better not send us anyone wider than me.


Our lord, we ask your blessing on this hiding place.

[People laughing]

(Papa) you eat what you like!

Herren, it is not kosher.

It's not important.

(Woman) would you pass the potatoes, please?

[Loud buzzing]

Go, go! Go!


(Corrie) hurry, hurry.

(Papa) . . .one at the head, one at the foot, one on each side.

[Clattering of utensils]

(Corrie) you're spilling it!





[Papa sighs]

(Papa) corrie?

One minute and 15 seconds.

Ah! It's long enough to curdle the stomach.


[Louder knocking]


(Man) peace be with this house and all that dwell within it.

The peace of the lord god. . .

Get inside!

You stand outside and pray.

(Demanding tone) I was told you had accommodations.

I will require a room to myself quiet for study, preferably with no children.

Well, can you take me in?

Well, yes. . . Good.

. . .i suppose so, but there are many questions that i. . .

I would like something to eat.

The last meal was yesterday-- thank you--at noon.

This is a kosher house?

Well, we try.

We have many requests that we're not able to fill.

There are no children?

Well, not at present, but they come and they go.

Let them stay gone while I am here.

This the way?

Yeah! But I would first like to talk to you about. . .

My contacts have told me that mostof your quests are transient they are on their way out of the country.

Most of them, yes.

Well, I will not be.

I'm a teacher and chief cantor for the congregation beth kodesh.

I will not be driven away by these grinning siegfreids and their thousand-year reich.

Who is this man?. . . A partriarch like isaac or jacob, father of nations.

Papa, we have a new guest.

This is my father, mr. Ten boom.

Papa, this is mr. . .

Wijnstok, meyer wijnstok.

Pleased to meet you ten boom.

God willing and the accommodations proving suitable, I will be staying with you until this nonsense is over.

You are welcome.

Thank you.

Miss ten boom, my room please.

[Doorbell tinkling]

[Click] [doorbell tinkling]

Aunt betsie!


My friend jan needs a place to stay for awhile.


He got away from the transport.

By noon tomorrow he will have new identity papers.

But. . .

Where did you get the uniforms?

Not all germans are nazis, aunt betsie.

Is it jan?

Corrie! Mr. Wijnstok refused kitchen duty again.

He has to study.

He wants to eat, he's got to do his share of the work.

Where is he now?

In the parlor.

(Woman) oh can I have. . . Oh, excuse me.

It's all right.

Corrie, he's already been upset today.

He found out we call him "eusie" behind his back.

Maybe it's his great dignity.

He should be flattered he reminds us of a scholar!

But a gentile scholar.

He said, "we should have at least called him josephus."

Rules are rules!

Mr. Wijnstok, my sister tells me that you have refused. . .

Miss ten boom, I am praying.

First you refused to work on saturday, because that was the sabbath.

Then you refused to work on sunday because that was our day of rest.

I was simply trying to pay respect to the practice of this house.

But today is tuesday.

Tell me, miss ten boom, why you have found it necessary to give me a nickname?

We have called you eusie simply because. . .

Eusie is the kind of a name you would give to a pet cat.

As a guest in your house, am I no longer entitled to respect?

We are getting completely off the subject.

However, as it seems to give you both satisfaction, please have the courage to use the name to my face.

If you want eusie, eusie it will be.


[Clock ticking]

(Corrie) get up!

Ah, good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning!


It's after seven.

Can't you smell breakfast?


Betsie! Betsie. . .

Oh, good morning!

What is it?

Today is the 18th!

It's mama and papa's anniversary!

Oh, no.

54 Coupons for cream puffs.

Tell mr. Klassen it's for papa.

Corrie. . .

Corrie. . .that blouse and that skirt. . .

You just can't.

Not today.

But. . .

You'd look like a flag on a mudboat.

But you always liked this blouse.

The blouse is beautiful and you are beautiful, but the combination of you, the blouse, and the skirt is impossible.


(Woman singing) ♪ san-ta lu-ci-a ♪

♪ Santa. . . Luci. . .a ♪


Papa ten boom, you are a most singular man.

For such a great man, there must have been a great woman.

Now this is not exactly a song, it's more a. . . Um, a blessing.

It's, ah. . .it means "may god bless you, may he protect you, and may his face shine upon you."

♪ [Singing loudly in hebrew] ♪


[Sings with more resonance and volume]

♪♪ Do you want the whole of haarlem to hear you?

I did not ask to be born a jew.

I am sick of being expected to bear the burden of suffering for the entire world because my mother's name was. . .stein.

(Shouting) so, you will be another esau, selling your birthright for a mess of porridge!!

I don't want your great judaic heritage!

I don't want any part of your lord god jehovah.

(Papa) it is no easy thing to stand in the palm of god's hand.

[Doorbell tinkling]


[Doorbell tinkling]

Betsie, go get the door.

Betsie, go!!

Yes, yes I go.

[Doorbell tinkling]

Oh. . .um. . .

Yes, in a moment!!

(From outside) it's mrs. Beukers.


Betsie, are you crazy?

The whole street can hear your jews singing.

[Gasps] thank you.


(Newsman) tonight on the overseas service of the bbc, we have special greetings and love to 2017, [betsie whispering the numbers]

. . .private sidney harris from his mother.

And to 1433, lance corporal phillip munen from his wife, doris. Double three.

Has anyone seen or heard of alan stokes who was last heard of in bournmouth?

His father is in the hospital in london and dangerously ill.

Will alan stokes please contact guys hospital whitehall 9527.


That number again is whitehall 9527.



The next program is music played by. . .

How can I ever remember them?

The way we used to pass messages in church.

[Gulls squawking]

♪ [Cello plays in somber tone] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ [Flute joins the viola] ♪

♪ ♪ Kik.

Aunt corrie.

All these numbers. . . What do they mean?

Oh, different things, instructions mostly.

Instructions for what?

Well, there could be a pilot down somewhere.

The numbers could be coordinates for picking him up. . .

Or maybe for blowing up a n*zi supply train!

Things like that.


(Pensively) we could have blood on our hands.

♪ ♪ For holland.

Does that make it right?

Lying, stealing, k*lling?

Whatever helps holland is right.

I need the message aunt corrie, they're waiting.

♪ ♪ What will we be like when this is over?

♪ ♪

[Gulls squawking]

[Engine rumbling]


[Engine rumbling]

[People chattering]

[Knock, knock]

Miss ten boom?


Thank you for being so prompt.

I have heard a great deal about you. . .

About your work.

I'm afraid it's my father's work.

Not the watchmaking.


♪ [German patriotic music plays] ♪ your other work.

You mean with the children?

We've had to disband the class.

Miss ten boom, many of us who are in no position to publicize our feelings, are in great sympathy with what you're doing.

♪ ♪ People call your house "god's underground."

♪ ♪ Are you trying to trap me, sir?

Using the name of the lord is not the way.

If it were a trap, you would be down the hall talking with the gestapo.

This will go no further.

Then why did you send for me?

♪ ♪ I want you. . .

To pass this man's name on to your friends.

♪ ♪ Who is he?

A businessman.

He betrays people to the gestapo.

The going rate is 75 guilders a head.

Just pass it along. . .

They'll take care of him.

♪ ♪ If I could do what you ask, it would be the same as k*lling him myself.

I can only put him in the hands of the lord, and ask the lord to reach his heart.

♪ ♪

[Deep sigh]

You do that, miss ten boom.

♪ ♪

[Thunder crashing]

[Floorboards creaking]

[Thunder rumbles]

(Eusie) the demons are out tonight.

I would assume you could sleep through anything.

Some tea?

Thank you.

[Thunder rumbles in the distance]

You know, miss ten boom, you and I are very much alike.

Stubborn. . .tough. . . Determined.

You still don't do your share of the work.

We are the same, yes.

But I am more so. . .

So. . .i win!

Did you know that. . .

I have a wife and small son?

Precisely-- I do not choose to expose myself.

They got away.

[Thunder rumbling]

At least i. . . Think they did.

I will not go around like the others, begging for sympathy and reassurance.

We know so little about each other.

You busy yourself with our needs.

Surely you have some needs of your own.

It's people like us, miss ten boom. . .

Raging torrents behind the stubborn jaw.

No torrents.

[Thunder rumbles]

You might say my life has been. . .boring.

Until all this?

Until all this.

Was marriage never considered for the daughters ten boom?

Betsie was always unwell.

She was told she could not bear children, so she chose not to marry.

And you?

♪ [Oboe playing] ♪ I had a young man, ♪♪ but I was not cut from fine enough cloth for his family.

♪♪ I lacked grace.

♪♪ Still. . .

I was the first woman to be licensed a watchmaker in holland.


♪♪ And you have your father, and you have your religion.

Is it enough?

More than enough.

God has been good to me.

Yes, i. . . I think he has.

♪♪ And I think I shall be going back to my bed.

I will pray for your family.

♪♪ Don't think you will get me to peel potatoes, miss ten boom.

[Many clocks ticking]

[Doorbell tinkling]


[Doorbell tinkling]

[Ticking of many clocks]

Good morning.

Miss ten boom?


My name is vogel. . . Jan vogel.

I came all the way from ermelo.

Do you have a watch that needs repair?

I need 600 guilders.

I've heard you have certain contacts.

I don't understand.

It's my wife. . .

She's been arrested.

She's jewish.

(Sniffles) that's a lot of money.

There's a policeman who'll arrange everything for 600 guilders. . .

And then she'll need a place to hide.

What now?

Somebody's calling for this within the hour.

A mr. Jan vogel.

He's from ermelo.

His wife's been taken.

It's for a bribe.

Oh. . .you are impossible.

Now here. . . I'll take care of it.

Now will you please go to bed.

But willem and tine are coming.

You can come down later.

Be sure and call me.

I will.

And use the steam kettle!

Yeah, yeah.

[Low hissing]

[Deep, irregular breathing]

[Soft moaning]

I thought that today the lord would have us read from romans, chapter 8.

"What then can separate us from christ's love?

Can hardship or calamity?

Can persecution or abuse?

If we are hungry or poor, or in danger, or threatened with death.

Does that mean that god has deserted us?

No! Despite all this, we have overwhelming victory through christ who loves us.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor the powers of heaven, nor the powers of hell itself can keep god's love from us.

Nothing in the world as it is. . .

[Engine racing]

Or the world as it shall be, in the forces of the universe.

[Loud rumbling]

. . .in all creation will ever be able to separate us.

(Soldier) around the side door.

Come on!

[Doorbell rings]

[Buzzer blasts]

(Woman shouting) get upstairs.

♪ [Orchestra plays heavy, minor chords] ♪

♪ ♪

[Doorbell rings]

♪ ♪ Corrie!

[Shuffling and gasping]

[Doorbell ringing rapidly]

Yes, I'm sorry we're closed until 2:oo.

Miss ten boom, i. . .i have an appointment with your sister.

Mr. Ah, vogel?

I need the money.


Yes, of course, I'll get it.

Please, miss ten boom!

Places, everyone!

(Eusie) come on, hurry!

Please, miss ten boom!!!

Yes, yes in a moment!!!

I'm just collecting it!

[Loud, frantic knocking]

[Loud smashing]


(Man) stay here!

I'll take the top.

Miss ten boom?

Ten boom. . . Elizabeth.


[Softly groaning]


Where do you hide your ration cards?

I don't know what you're talking about.

[Swack!] No!!!!

Where are the jews?

What jews? [Swak!!!]

(Crying) oh! Lord jesus, help me!


[Corrie crying]

Where are the jews? [Swack!!!!]

No, please.

(Soldier) where is the secret room?

[Loud clatter]

[Soldier speaking in german, makes comment about the "radio"]

(Betsie) corrie!

This must stop!!

There's been no wrong done in this house.

Then what are you doing with all these ration cards, feeding an army?

What does it say in that book of yours about obeying the government?


There comes a time. . .

When we must choose between god and man.

[Loud crashing]

[Soldiers talking in german]

[Extremely loud crashing]

[Boom. . .boom]

[Soldiers talking in german]

[Loud clunking]


[Two loud g*nshots]


[Rapid, shallow breathing]

[Many clocks ticking]

♪ [Strings play in minor tones] ♪

♪ ♪

[Gnashing of chains]

Keep moving.

♪ ♪

(Soldier) nam, bitte?

Cornelia. . .ten boom.


(Soldier) your name?

Ten boom, casper.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

(Soldier) only six?

Seven. . .

God is with us.

♪ ♪ Ten boom. . .

Give me your word you will behave yourself, and you can die in your bed, old man, where you belong.

If I stay behind, I will open my door to anyone who knocks for help.

Close it up.


♪ ♪

[Softly sobbing]

♪ ♪ Seal the house.

[Heel click]

♪ ♪

[Engine starts]

♪ ♪

[Soft cry]

[Rumbling of engines]

♪ [Orchestra swells in intensity] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ [Violin and harp play] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ [Cello playing with intensity] ♪

♪ ♪

[Engines roar]

[Soldiers speaking in german]

(Soldier) clear the trucks!

Clear the trucks!

(Soldiers yelling) out! Out!


[Many soldiers yelling commands

[Woman giving commands in german]

(Betsie) corrie, take my hand.

My sister, she needs a doctor.

Move on!!

(Betsie) papa! Papa!!!

God be with you papa!!

And with you, my daughters.

[Click. . .clunk!]



[Jingling of keys]

I have to get in there.

[Soldier speaks in german]

[Heavy jingling of keys]

[Echoey clunk of heavy metal]

Fever down?

You had them worried. . .


Yesterday's rations, I saved them for you.

Listen, I have family here.

My sister, my brother, my father, my nephew-- the ten boom family.

Can you find out where they are? Ssssshh!

Maybe, listen. . .

I can get soap, aspirin, cigarettes.

You can pay me when you start getting mail.

Soap, 25 guilders; aspirin, 50; cigarettes, 100.

Most anything!

Can you get me a bible?


[Thunder rumbling]


[Loud clanging]

[Soldiers laughing]



[Kik breathes rapidly]

It's kik! It's safe now.

(Man) oh, thank god!

(Kik) ssh! On the roof quickly.

The roof!

Where are your family?

(Kik) hurry!

The ten booms?

Still in prison.

That's all we know.

Mama made the coverlet on my bed. . .

It was in her trousseau.

The painting by the mirror is a. . .


Do not go!

Stay. . .please.


They think I have to feed you.

Everybody's been released.


Except your sister betsie, and your father, too, I think--

I'm not sure.

Oh, thank you, lord!

Oh lord, thank you!

Here's your bread from the warden's bakery. . .fresh!

Oh, lord. . . You have done wonders.

Don't I get a little credit.

Lord, bless this angel.

Bless you!

Do you think you can last here doing that?


The only way to live here. . .

Is to hate.

Hate can put you in a worse prison than this.

I have been 3 years in this hole.

I worked my way to a position.

And I live to get the swine who betrayed me.

Now that's 75 guilders!

[Loud clunk]

♪ [Orchestra plays slowly in melancholy tone] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ [Strings & harp play slowly and brightly] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Soldiers marching in the distance]

Are you cold?

It seems reasonably pleasant.

I'm sorry.

Now you're here for violation of the rationing rules.

Would you mind telling me where you got these extra ration cards?

Sometimes they just appeared.

What do you mean. . . Appeared?

Pushed under the door.

Sometimes they were handed to me in the market.

By whom?

A mr. Smit.

Mr. Jan smit?

Will you tell me about your other activities?

My sister and I held bible classes, until such meetings were forbidden.

And we worked with Ret*rded children.


Excuse me?

How would you work with them?

We taught them about god.

[Loud, raspy cough]

What a waste.

If you wanted converts, surely one normal person is worth all the half-wits in the world.

In the eyes of god, one simple child may be worth more than. . .

. . .a watchmaker's daughter.

Perhaps. . .

But I know he keeps me always in his sight.

You actually believe that?

I believe that you are in his sight too, lieutenant.

Tell me, miss ten boom, how can you believe in a god who lets an old man die in prison?

His body forgotten somewhere in a pauper's grave.

My father?

I understand he was taken ill after about 10 days.

He was taken to a hospital in the haag, unfortunately, there were no beds available.

He seemingly died in the hallway.

Some failure of organization.

Under such circumstances where no one claims the body, it is difficult to trace.

I know where my father is, lieutenant.

That will be all, miss ten boom.

Oh, you have news from home.

♪ [Cello plays softly, in minor tones] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ [Oboe plays slow, bright melody] ♪

♪ ♪

(Whispering) papa. . .papa.

♪ ♪

♪ [Full orchestra plays] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Loud, steady blast of siren]

[Soldiers yelling]

[Loud, steady blast of siren]

Snell, snell, snell!!

[Loud, steady blast of siren]

[People exclaiming]


[Frantic yelling]

[Whoosh, whoosh of steam engine]

[Frantic yelling]

[Loud hiss of rushing steam]

[Loud din of soldiers and people yelling]

(Soldier) snell, snell.

[Loud yelling]

[Loud yelling]

(Corrie) betsie!! Betsie!!

Corrie, oh!!!!

It's my sister!






[Soldiers commanding and people yelling]


[Loud hissing and chugging]

♪ [Full orchestra plays in slow, minor march tempo] ♪

♪ ♪

[Steady chugging]

[Steam whistle blows]

[Loud rumbling]

♪ ♪

[Loud hissing]

[People yelling]

[Slow, powerful chugging]

[People yelling]

♪ ♪

[Fast, steady chugging]

♪ ♪

[Dogs growling]

[Loud, shrill whistle]

[Chugging & hissing]

[Dog barking]

[Soldiers giving commands]

Snell!!! Snell!!

[People chattering]

[Male and female soldiers yelling]

[Soldiers yelling]

[Dog barking]

(Male soldier) snell!

[Soldier barking command]

[Dog barking]

[Loud splashing]

[Soldiers commanding and dog barking]

[Dog barking]

[People chattering]

[Soldier commanding]

[People talking in loud, frenetic tones]

[Woman yelling]

(Man on public address) nobody is permitted to keep any personal possession.

There will be no exceptions.

[Frantic yelling]

Remove your clothes. . .

I can't!

They're taking everything.

What he's asked us to do, he'll help us to do.

Do you want us to die for a little skin?

I can't.

There will be no exceptions.

Where are you going?

Toilets, please!

Showers-- use the drain holes.

Please understand, she's been very ill.

[People yelling]

(Man) name?

Bridget marie.


Priest, frances.

[Frenetic yelling]

Quick, take off your sweater.


They'll send us back here after we shower.

I can't!

Yes, yes, you can. Hurry!

[Frenzied, frenetic yelling]


[Frenzied, frenetic yelling]






(Woman) I got my shoes!

How much for underwear?

A week's bread ration.

(Man) next!


Oh, lord. . .

You have given us your word and hidden it through everything!

Now open up a way for us to get it through the gates of hell.

(Man) achtung! Achtung!

It's in god's hands now.

[Soldier barking orders]



De greuth, alisa!






Yedmuelle, grace.




Ten boom, elizabeth.


Ah, political.


Ten boom, cornelia.





Berte, liza.





[Frenzied yelling in the distance]

[Loud screaming]

[Soldiers commanding]



[Crack. . .crack]

[Frenzied yelling in the distance]

[Clunking of metal]

[Frenetic yelling & chattering]

Ten boom, over here!


The hell you do!




Can you imagine what mama would say?

(Soldier) achtung! Achtung!

(Woman) ravensbruck is not a rest camp.

Roll call, 4:30 every morning.

[Woman gasps]

. . .7 days a week.

Tomorrow, assignment to work details.

Those who cannot work report to sick call. . .

(In sinister tone) and they better be sick!

You will receive 1/2 pound of bread and 1/2 liter of soup per day.

One small observation upon which your life depends--

There is only one road to freedom. . .


♪ [Cello plays slowly in minor tone] ♪

♪ ♪ Get it up!

Hoist it.

♪ ♪

[Barking orders]

♪ ♪ Snell!.

♪ ♪

[Soldier commands betsie]


♪ ♪ Snell!!

♪ ♪




You are dutch?

Some of my people are dutch. . .

On my mother's side.

You are not the only one surprised to be here.

I thought I would be working at a relocation center. . .


[Dog barks in the distance]

[Clattering of cabinet door]

The supplies are extremely limited.

An accurate record is essential I know my way around hospitals, I was kind of nurse once.

I assume that is why you were assigned here.

A midwife. . .

I brought jewish babies into the world.

You are never to touch the things in here:

Soap, vitamins, painkillers, yeast, quinine.

I have the only key to this cupboard.


However. . .

You will find that I often forget to lock up.

I hope you understand, 66685.

[Clanking and soft chattering]

[Happy chattering]

[Clanking and soft chattering]

Oh. . .thank you, lord!

He doesn't expect thanks for this.

It's warm.

I'm thankful for every moment we can be together.


We can at least lie down tonight.

There has to be a plan, corrie.

I won't be grateful for the lice.

God doesn't make mistakes.

How is it at the hospital?

Is it true your temperature has to be over 104 to be admitted?

That's the rule.

There's a guard in the laundry.

You can get underwear for a price.

What does she want?

Bread rations.

Don't cut too much!

What do you want, hair or lice!?

You'll learn to love the little darlings.

The guards won't step foot in this lice pit.

Past the door, we can do anything.

Even lice!

[Loud blast of siren]

[Siren blasting and guard commanding]

[Siren blasting and dog barking]

[Siren blasting and guard commanding]

[Guard talking loudly]

[Siren blasting]

[Dog barking]

[Siren blasting]

(Guard) 6-6-7-2-7.


6-6-7-2-7 Is missing!!

♪ La, la, la, la, ♪

♪ La, la, la, la. ♪

(Woman) here!!!


[Woman being whipped; crying and screaming]

Somebody overslept.

The loony.

[Guard yelling and whipping and woman wailing]

Oh, corrie. . .

We are in hell!

[Loud cracks and screams]

[Hitler speaking in german over the pa system]

[Loud roar of applause and cheers]

(Corrie) why do they keep us so long?

To break us.

[Hitler speaking]

(Corrie) betsie, look!

[Hitler speaking]

I was certain no one would die, that we would all go home.

Those days on the train--

The lord seemed to promise.

(Crying) how could I have misunderstood?

(Betsie) oh, dear father, help me.

Don't let me listen to my voice and think it is yours!

(Crying) oh jesus. . .

Show me how to live in this place.

You too love him?

[Female guard yells]

[Breathes deeply]





Here, put these in the mattress.

Not now! It's yeast, and don't go spooning it around.

I can never get enough for everybody.

[Women pleasantly conversing]

This method consisted of painting only small dots of pure colors on the canvas.

And color blending was achieved by placing dots of different colors next to each other.

And then from a distance the two colors appeared blended into one single new color.

(Woman) jesus christ has made it possible for us to have direct access.

[Many pleasant conversations]

There's a repeat at that point.

In the second movement?

That is a retardondo at the end of the third bar.

♪ Da. . .da da-da ♪

(Women singing) ♪ stand up for jesus ♪

♪ Ye soldiers of the cross. ♪

♪ Lift high his royal banner. . . ♪ You're quite wrong, the retardndo is later.

♪ . . .it must not suffer loss ♪

(Male soldier) silence!! [Stomps on floor] silence!!!

[Women loudly talking]

No room. No room! No room!!!

(All chant) no room! No room!!

[Loud banging of utensils]

[Banging subsides]

You find room.

[Loud yelling]

(Female soldier) seig heil!

German whores. . .

We ran them through the hospital. . .


What's with the yellow badge?

(Woman with british accent) race defiler. . .

Caught her with a slavic laborer.

(Whispers) she's just a child.

[Guard yelling and whip cracking]


Oh. . .you've trod on my foot.


[Soldiers conversing in german]


(Female guard) snell, snell.

[Guard yelling]

(Male soldier) don't exert yourself, countess.

Oh, it's all I can carry.

Any more, and I'll have to stop altogether.

I decide who stops!

Oh! Oh, oh! Oh!

[Betsie shrieking]

[Loud crack!] Oh, oh!

Oh! Oh! Oh! [Betsie crying]

I decide who stops.



[Betsie groaning]

No hate, corrie. . . No hate.

[Corrie crying]

I want the most warm vest.

You owe 2 day's bread!!

I. . .i can pay you next week.


[Thunk!. . .splat]

(Katje) oh! Dumpkopff.

(Betsie talking softly) jesus knows everything we feel.

He promised that when 2 or 3 get together in his name, he would be there with them. . .

Even in ravensbruck!

In our lives before, we would have been separated by so much;

But here, all that has been stripped away.

And we see the truth: jesus in each one of us;

Light in this darkness. . .

And we can praise him together.

[All whisper in prayer]

(Betsie) father. . . Bless the german people.

From your great storehouse of love, forgive them for jesus' sake.

Do not hold this place to their charge, forgive them, even before they know to ask.

♪ [Flute plays with strong melody] ♪

♪ ♪ I'll give you one.

Two--or else you don't want the scarf!


I'll give you one now, one tomorrow.

I'll find you.

♪ ♪

[Loud clanking]


[Loud clanking]


[Loud clanking]


(Woman) come on now, rub it!

Rub it in!

(Katje) a whole transport of poles came in last night.


You should know.

I have an undervest.

Eyes front!

It is wool.


Two days' bread ration.

My comb.

I'll collect later.

Nothing for the comb.

Rub hard!

Rub it in.

Thank you.

Oh!. . .

The sky is so peaceful.


You politicals don't have anything to do with trash.

Ah! [Chuckles]

We are all trash.

[Male soldier yelling]

I took it off a tray. . . In the infirmary.

[Very loud banging]


[Loud scream] aaaaah!


Continue-- continue!


[Intense scream]

[Soft wimpering and sniffling]

I though you were smart.

Ooooohh! Aaahhh!!

You called attention to yourself in the line.

[Loud moan]


Could you not wait until you were back in the block?

Are you such a greedy fool?

You german cow!!!

Maybe I should have let them k*ll you.

You great. . . Lumbering. . .hun!!!

Maybe you'd like to go in the box.

Box!! No light, no water.

You will never do anything that stupid again.


Oooooooohhhh. . .

Now I will. . .

I will dress your hand.



"Comfort the frightened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

Do not repay evil for evil, but always try to do good to one another.

Always rejoice.

Pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of god in jesus christ.

And to the mindless, the words sound so comforting.

In this place it's mockery!

God didn't make this place. . .

Men did!

But he has power. . .

Surely he could stop them.

Unless, of course, he's a sadist.

No! He's love, all love.

Then he's impotent.

You can't have it both ways, my dear!

You see what's around you.

We see another world, just as real. . .

Our life with god.

Every day it gets deeper and stronger.

You think the two can't exist side by side, but we know they do!

We live them both!

It's enough knowing that we're so much dung, moving from nothing to nothing.

But you must believe your god smells that stench from those chimneys and refuses to do anything!

If only. . .you could know his love.

[Breathing anxiously]

I am maria wrochek. . .

First violinist of the warsaw symphony orchestra.

Did your god will this?

We cannot answer.

All I can say is that the same god you are accusing came and lived in the midst of our world.

He was beaten. . . And he was mocked and he died on a cross.

And he did it for love. . . For us.

And why do you think your god of love sent you here?

To obey him. . .

If you know him. . .

You don't have to know why.

First you take the juice of four oranges, and a half a pint of cream, and a cup of sugar.

I only use 3/4 of a cup.

You should use a full cup.

Then you put the peels aside for grating, and you whip the cream.

What kind of cook are you?

You forgot the eggs.

Do your own recipe, then.

We need more sand.

Corrie. . .

Corrie. . .

Don't shut me out. . .


You know you can only give it to jesus.

Do you think I haven't prayed?

But I hate them.

I hate every n*zi in this place!

We can't be more than what we are.

Only jesus can free us from ourselves;

From whatever happens.

Sister. . .you can't protect me.

You mustn't try.

[Corrie wimpering]

[Corrie crying]

Lord. . .

I cannot let go of it.

Take this hate. . .

Out of my life and put your love in its place.

Jesus, there are many things I do not understand.

Do not let me go mad. . .

Poking about on my own.

You know what I am.

Saviour. . .

Hide me in the center of your will.

♪ [Flute plays slowly and melodically] ♪

♪ ♪ How long?

Four months.

What's it to you?

Child. . .

You would like to see me cry, wouldn't you?

Then you could mother me.

I only want to help.

What difference would it make?

Everything dies here.

Kraut! A lousy little whore!

We need vitamins and all the calcium you can get.

You are so damned naive.

Two years older-- she'd be standing over you with a whip!

It's a baby, katje, a new life!

I am not your personal red cross!

I can never get enough for you, and her, and betsie too!

What are you doing!?

Nothing! I was just. . .

I said "what were you doing?"

We have a pregnancy in 28.

A kid of 18. She's. . .

I do not want to know!

All pregnancies are transferred to experimental.


[Engine idling]


Yeast, b vitamins.

It'll help keep your soup down.

We even have a midwife.

[Women conversing]

(Man on pa) goup 5, 100 women, report to the inspector.

Prisoner 146723 report to administration for processing.



All this german slop has to be good for something.

German papers, thick. . .

Like german heads!

It's a lot of hot air!

The yanks are halfway to the rhine.

Oh! So. . .

We'll put some hot air between you and the wind.

(Erika) katje, thank you!

[Crinkling of paper]

It's funny about you two.

Oh, well tell us. . .

We need a laugh!

You're always talking about love.

I bet neither of you ever had a man.

We had boyfriends.

Did you love your baby's father?

I was hungry.

He was nice to me.

[Loud siren blasting]

(Betsie) I feel so strange.

I hurt!

I can't.

Well, try.

It goes like wood.

Oh, I am so weak!

Thank god-- he is strong.

Katje, katje!

♪ [Strings play in minor tones] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[Women conversing]

[Soft clanking of utensils]



Betsie, try. . . Please try.


Oh. . .you know, corrie, we're. . .

We're going to be free!

Before the new year-- both of us.

Both of us?

The lord showed me. . .

In a dream.

You'll see!

(Reassuringly) I'm not going to die, corrie.

Oh. . .no.

[Loud blast of siren]


Far enough.

Leave her there.

Oh, please.

Leave her!!

All prisoners report to the lagerstrasse.

[Siren blasting]



[Siren in the distance]

(With intensity) please let me stay with her.

(Yelling) roll call!!



[German patriotic music playing over the pa]

[Many women coughing]

(Man) block 41. . .dismissed.

♪ ♪ Block 28. . .dismissed.

♪ ♪ Block 33. . .dismissed.

[Many coughing]

Block 35. . .dismissed.

♪ ♪

(Corrie) betsie!!

(Female soldier) the prisoner is being transferred to the hospital.

(Corrie) prisoner 66730 requests permission to accompany her sister.

What is the count?

Block 20: 4 dead.

Block 21: 3 dead.

Block 22: 6 dead.

Go on!

Block 23: clear.

There should be more; count again.



Thank him, corrie.

Thank the lord. . .

For all he has done for us here oh, you'll be warm soon.

Together. . .you and i. . .

Always together.


♪ [Cello plays in minor tones] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪ Water.

♪ [Oboe plays melody] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Could I sleep here?

Just tonight?

It's so cold.

This way we would have 2 blankets.

If god loved betsie so much. . .


Suffering does not mean that god has stopped loving us.

Sometimes. . . We have to accept things we do not understand.

I love betsie. . .

And I love you!


[Strong wind blowing]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪


(Katje) this is the sister.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪ Corrie. . . You must look. . .

Otherwise, you'll never know.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪ She's beautiful.

♪ ♪ Betsie!



(Betsie whispering) we shall do a great many things for others.

And we must go everywhere.

We must tell people that no pit is so deep. . . That he is not deeper still.

They will believe us. . . Because we were here.

Betsie talked about heaven like she had already been there.


No one would wish her back.

Read for betsie.

Read for all of us.

[Breathes deeply]

(Corrie) "for we know that our earthly bodies, those we have now, which will die--

Must be changed for our heavenly bodies, which will not die. . .

But live forever.

Then the scripture will be fulfilled:

Death is swallowed up in victory."

(Corrie, with much emotion) so my dear ones. . .

Since future victory is sure, be strong, and steady. . .

Always abounding in the work of the lord.

For we know that our labor in the lord is not in vain. . .

As it would be if there were no resurrection.


And this is the good news:

That christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.

And that he rose again, just as the prophets had said.

For god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that anyone who believes in him shall not die. . .

But has eternal life!

[Wind blowing]


(Male soldier) halt!


The following prisoners will come forward and stand by for selection and pickup:

6-6-7-0-0, 6-5-4-0-6, 6-6-7-1-8, 6-6-6-9-4. . .

(Woman) no! She cannot walk!

(Soldier) bring her!!


(Woman) died last night!


Corrie. . .

What you said, I want it--

I want him.

Then ask.

I don't know what to ask for.

He knows. . . Just ask!

. . .7-4-2-8-1.



♪ [Strings play in bright tone] ♪

♪ ♪ God is with you!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(Corrie as a young girl) papa. . .

Sleep well, corrie.


Yes, corrie.

What is it like to die?

♪ ♪ When you and I go to amsterdam, when do I give you your ticket?

Just before we get on the train.

So with death.

When the time comes, our wise heavenly father will give you all the strength you need.

[Clicking of typewriter keys]

[Soldiers speaking german]

Prisoner 66730, ten boom, cornelia.

Ten boom, cornelia.


Sentence completed, 21st, 12, 44.


What is it?

Prisoner certifies that all treatment received during her imprisonment has been adequate and humane and that no accidents, illnesses, or injuries have occurred.


[Typewriter keys clicking]

♪ [Cello & strings play] ♪

♪ ♪ Kommen zie fraulien, kommen zie!

♪ [Full orchestra-- powerful in tone] ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(Betsie) you know, corrie, we are going to be free before the new year.

We will. . .i know it!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(Corrie) years later it was learned my release came through a clerical error.

What some might call a "mistake."

Not long after I was set free, women my age were put to death.

Yes. . .i am corrie ten boom, in my 80s now.

Some questions remain, but they are not to be feared.

Our heavenly father holds all things in his hands, even our questions.

As for myself, in the years since ravensbruck, the lord has sent me to some 60 countries.

And I have told to anyone who would listen:

"No pit is so deep. . .

That he is not deeper still."

With jesus. . . Even in our darkest moments, the best remains. . .

And the very best is yet to be!

I promised my sister I would tell it. . .

And I tell you!


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