Pope Joan (2009)

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Pope Joan (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

His Eminence, Arnaldo, Bishop of Paris.

Eminence, everything is prepared.

Take all the time you need.

When you are satisfied, We will gladly bind it for you.

Thank you.

How could it had been otherwise that a woman had once occupied the Papal Throne was a disgrace to the Church...

Of course, Johanna was not mentioned in the Chronicle of the Popes.

But was there truly to be no trace of her existence?

Was she to be banished from history altogether?

A woman who had accomplished so much?

The first day of Johanna's life was the last of Charlemagne's.

They called him "the Great" but in the eastern part of the Frankish Empire, in former Germania, people had terrible memories of the emperor and his soldiers, who fought the heathen faith for years with flame and sword.

But now, people have enough difficulty just surviving the winter.

What are you doing, woman? This will ease her pain.

The word of our Lord:

"in sorrow shall thou bring forth children."

Then I need your help. We don't have much time.

That's women's work, lowly and unclean. Then your wife will die.

That rests in God's hand, not mine.

It will be difficult raising two boys without their mother.

What do you want me to do?

Sit behind her... support her back.

Now take this cloth.

Pull to one side!

Push! Oh my goodness.

It's a girl. Healthy and strong, by the look of her.

A girl!

She will be named Johanna.

Five years later

Johanna was a gifted child, and she had a clear mind.

Her hunger for knowledge was insatiable.

In spite of her youth, she had an innate wisdom way beyond her years.

Do you know its name? Marigold.

And what does it do?

Helps us when we have a stomachache or when we cut ourselves.

Very good, little quail. You learn quickly.

So father will teach me too?

We should get dinner ready. Right away!

No. "beneficium." Do you know the difference is not between a "b" and a "d"?

Keep trying Johannes. Father will be back soon.

I cannot do it.

What does it say? The psalm "Confitebor."

Confitebor tibi Domine in Toto corde meo mirabo omnia mirabilia tua.

Where did you... I've been listening.

I want to read Psalms too... and write. Will you teach me?

I cannot do that, little sister.

Why not? Father would never allow it.

Why not?

Because it is forbidden for girls. It would be blasphemy.

And because girls cannot learn to read and write, just like mother.

And just like you.

Please Matthew. I won't tell.

You are a wonder, little sister.

And you know what you just wrote?

Lord, thy grace reaches as far as the heaven, and my truth as far as the cloud.

St. Catherine would be very proud of you.

Who is that?

She lived centuries ago in Alexandria. Even though she was a woman, and still quite young, she was learned and wise.

Tell me more about her!

Catherine was a king's daughter.

Among the pagan Romans, she dared to become a Christian.

How far you know, Johannes?

Why the heathen chose to not convert to Christianity?

They must, or they'll all be k*lled!

Only you should give them the time to make up their mind.

Where were we?

Sword? Rumpia.

Heart? Cor. knowledge? Scientia.

Holy Bush? Even you don't know!

Ah... Help!

Tell me that story again, of our origin.

Although he was already very wise, Odin always sought more knowledge...

So, he came to the well of wisdom.

But the giant Mimir, guardian of the well, told Odin:

"Wisdom is always born with pain..."

Please don't stop.

In return for a drink from the well, Mimir demanded one of Odin's eyes.

Odin gave up one of his eyes, drank from the well... and past his knowledge on to mankind.

To girls as well?

If father will let me learn to read and write, maybe Odin will share his knowledge with me.

How dare you?

You are back already, husband?

Under this roof! How dare you pray to your pagan gods?

The child was frightened. So I told her a harmless story.

Harmless? You call such blasphemy "harmless"?

Please don't, father! Get up and out of here!

Go. Quick, you go.

Heathen creature!

You renounce Satan? Hmm?

In words! Say the words! I renounce Satan.

And his evil and all the temptations of evil!

No. No. No!

You say the words again!

To the outside, quick! You say the words!

Why? Why?

Father forbade mother to worship a heathen god, and in the Bible, it says woman must obey her husband.

But in the Bible it also says

"Love is patient. Love is kind. Love knows no anger."

I have read it myself.

And if father ever finds out you would be next.

Keep praying, my son, for God will heal you.

Think of the honor that will soon be yours-- going to a cathedral school.

God intends for you to be a scholar and a priest.

You must be strong for Him.

You have to get well again. Who else is going to teach me?

There is not much more I can teach you, little sister.

I have something for you.

Turn it around. "Saint Catherine of Alexandria".

You are sisters in spirit.

She will guide you, like a sister.

Tell me child, do you know where the priest's house is?

Yes, Sir. And who are you, industrious girl?

I'm his daughter, Johanna.

God be with you, Johanna, my name is Aesculapius.

I would very much like to speak with your father.

You are coming here to shame me Sir.

You are the school master, I should have served you well.

I thank you, Sir. And your wife, and your children.

The Bishop has told me of your misfortune, and that you'd now like to send your second son to the cathedral school.

Johannes is a worthy replacement for his brother. He's a smart boy.

Eager to learn.

To meet such children makes the long journey worthwhile.

Though, I was disappointed not to find any works by Plato.


His works are hardly approved for study for a Christian.

So you don't find any significance in his works?

Faith is grounded on the authority of the Holy Scripture, not on the writings of philosophers.

But you have to admit our ability to think rationally is... God-given.

From Him alone.

Then why are you fear to expose faith to the light of reason?

Since God Himself gave us reason, how could it lead us from Him?

Does fear of logic show a lack of faith in God's omniscience and his love for mankind?

A solid faith need have no fear, because if God exists, logic can only take us to Him.

Cogito, ergo Deus est.

I think, therefore God exists!

Johanna felt the truth in Aesculapius's words.

"I think, therefore God exists." And she knew her father was wrong.

Her love of knowledge was neither sinful nor unnatural.

It was God's gift to mankind.

Johanna had blamed herself for Matthew's death.

Now she knew her desire to learn had not cost him his life.

Matthew died because no one knew how to help him.

She understood then and there that it was her duty to expand her knowledge and to put her abilities to work for the greater good.

Si... Simile est grano... quod acceptum...

The boy is confused. Believe me, he can do better. hortum... et crevits et...

You are a disgrace!

Let him go.

God did not intend every child to study Scripture.

Simile est quod acceptum grano sinapis Gay misit in hortum suum... et crevit et factum est in arborem magnam... et volucres caeli requieverunt in ramis eius...

You know how to read? And write.

Matthew taught me. How dare you.

I can take Matthew's place at the schola and study.

I can make you proud, father. Unnatural creature!

You have brought God's wrath down upon us.

Did you understand what you just read?

"It's similar to a mustard seed, that a man took and planted in his garden.

"And it grew and became a tree, "and the birds at the sky lived in its branches."

And what you think it's meant by the mustard seed?

Perhaps its faith, planted in the heart like a mustard seed in the garden.

And if you tend to it, a big tree will grow from it.

But perhaps it also means the Church.

It too started like a mustard seed, small and in the dark.

But thanks to Jesus and the Apostles, it grew and grew.

She must has persuaded her brother to teach her behind my back.

I will punish her accordingly.

And the birds that nest in the branches?

They are the faithful who find salvation in the Church.

And the mustard seed could also represent Jesus Christ, for he was like a seed when he was buried and like a tree when he was resurrected and rose toward heaven.

Thank you.

You heard that?

The mustard seed is the symbol of faith of the Church and the Christ.

A classical scriptural exegesis.

Your daughter displayed an extraordinarily sharp mind.

I will teach her. The girl? You are not serious?

I am. Of course they will never approve her in Rome and the Schola.

I will come and teach her here as far as I can.

And what about the boy?

Forgive me, but the Schola is not for your son.

He is to be passed over while a mere girl gets to study the Holy Scripture?

Out of the question!

It would be a sacrilege to waste such an alert mind.


Either you teach both, or neither.

This is by Cicero, the greatest orator Rome ever knew.

And they let you bring it? No.

But why should I let the boys at the cathedral school better off to enjoy their offerings of the library.

The Academy in Athens stood for a 1,000 years.

Then Emperor Justinian forbade it.

A great age of philosophers ended.

So where could you study their writings?

How could all that knowledge be preserved for so long?

Well, in that same year Saint Benedict founded his monastery in Montecassino.

Soon, many others were built, and within their protected walls the legacies of the wise, Greeks and Romans, could be handed down through the centuries.

The Earth is the center of the universe.

We're encircled by a crystal shelf, the sphere... to which the planets are attached.

Pythagoras says they even make music as they turn.

I... have bad news.

Another man has applied for the position of schoolmaster, and the Bishop thinks he is better suited than I.

No! That cannot be! I'll go to Byzantium, Now I will do whatever I can to make sure your precious gift will not go unused.

I have promised you.

This is for you.

It is Homer's "Odyssey,"

The oldest writing work known to mankind.

I transcribed it myself.

First, the Greek original, followed by the Latin translation.

Where did you get this book? Aesculapius gave it to me.

What kind of language is this?

How can you read this? It is Greek, father.

I learned it from Aesculapius.

You have insulted God with your disobedience.

As the punishment-- you work day and night, taking nothing but bread and water until every last word of unchristian writing is off here.

Begin! Begin!




Then I will teach you to fear the pains of Hell.

No. She is your daughter!

Out of here! Both of you! Please Mama, come!

Bare your back and kneel!

Say the Lord's prayer. Our father which art in heaven.

Keep going!

Keep going! Or did that heretic teach you a different prayer?

Hallowed be...

...thy name!

Your Kingdom come. Thy will be done... on earth as it is in heaven!

Give us this day our daily bread... and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Are you the priest of this village? I am.

I'm an envoy from The Bishop of Dorstadt.


Then you've been on the road for weeks. Just to find me?

Not entirely.


The Bishop is calling you to the Schola.

Forgive me, sir, but I'm here to bring a girl to Dorstadt.

A girl named... Johanna. I'm Johanna! I'm to go to the schola!

It's ridiculous! Johannes, Johanna-- A small mistake in the writing.

Happens even to the best of scribes! That may be...

Use your head, what's a girl supposed to do in the cathedral school?

You are the mother. What do you say?

Disrespectful man, you dare doubt the word of a devoted servant of the Lord?

Calm yourself, pious father. Remember the authority that I represent.

You must have known about these plans.

The Bishop does not just send for any child, so which one am I supposed to take to Dorstadt?

You ought to take the boy.


So should it be. Hurry! A raft is waiting for us.

Fast! Come, come.

Pack your things!

Johannes, it's time.

Prove yourself worthy receiving somewhat good. Go now.

Give this letter to the Bishop. Don't dare to open it yourself.



For seven days the two of them rode the Rhine downstream.

Many of the rafts men were captivated by Johanna's wisdom... and touched by her story.

Johanna knew...

God wanted to rescue her from her miserable existence.

Why else would He have allowed her to find her brother?

The Lord had reached out His hand to her and she felt compelled to take it.

This is from the Bishop. We are expected at the Schola.

Pardon me, Eminence. The girl has arrived.


You had her fetched from Ingelheim. Oh, Yes, now I remember.

That Greek scholar's idea. But am I seeing double?

The boy is her brother.

Their father, a priest, insists that he too be allowed to attend the schola.

What do you know? I send for one. I get two.

If only the Emperor were as generous as this holy man from the countryside.

Well, are you really the little scholar they described you as?

I studied hard, Sir.

It is said that you can read and write Greek.


Not even our highly regarded Odo has mastered it.

Right, Odo?

You know very well that I cannot condone this new whim of yours.

It goes against God's will to accept a woman at the cathedral school.

It is also pointless.

Women do not possess natural ability to draw logical conclusions.

The useful sections of the female brain are so small.

Women are incapable of understanding higher ideas or concepts.

St Paul himself has asserted this truth... that women are subservient to men, as determined by the order of creation, hierarchy and strength... of will.

Well, young scholar, have you nothing to counter it?

How can woman be second to man in creation?

She was made out with Adam's rib.

Adam, on the other hand, was molded from common clay.

Go on.

As for strength of will... woman can be viewed superior to man.

Eve ate from the apple out of love of knowledge and learning.

Adam ate only because Eve asked him to.

The child is an inspiration! Just what we need here in the Schola!

Odo! You have two new students.

Have your reverend decided yet where the child should be housed?

Obviously she cannot live in the boys' dormitory.

The girl can live with me in my family.

She'll be a good companion for my two daughters.

Excellent, Conde Gerold! The girl will stay with you.

Welcome to Villaris, Johanna.

Good evening, Sir. Good evening.

What does the meaning of this ? Richilde! May I present you Johanna.

Johanna, this is my wife, Richilde, the Lady of the House.

Johanna arrived today to begin her study at the Schola.

A girl? A girl is to attend a cathedral school? At the request of the Bishop.

He is a disgrace to the Church. Johanna is going to live with us.

With us?

This country pumpkin?

Richilde, you forget who yourself is.

Johanna is a guest of this house. And she should be treated as such.

Have no fear. You will be fine in here.

What are you looking at? Why are you not working?

Forgive me, I... Silence!

Is there mistake...in the writing?

Well... No.

But still... your hand...

It is not sure enough here... and here.

What excuse do you have for... for such lubberly work?

I have no excuse, Sir.

To atone for your carelessness and so you may learn the meaning of humility, you will clean the floor tonight.

During that time, you will contemplate the writings of Saint Paul about the position of women. Do you know them?

"I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over man

"but to be in silence."

You ought to remember it well. Yes, Schoolmaster.

Girls! Gisela, Johanna.

Sensible with this women. Go!

Just open your eyes. Can't you see it's there?

But they are blind!

If they k*ll the pig, they get the meat.

Psst!, young woman!

Do you know what this is? Milk of the Holy Virgin Mary!

There are only five of these bottles. This is the last.

And since you're such a friendly girl. I will give it to you... for only one denarius.

Are you mad? How dare you? Forgive me, Sir.

But even the milk of the Virgin will be spoilt after 800 years.

That milk is holy! It cannot spoil!

Perhaps not. But how did it stay warm all these years?

And how can you ask such a low price for something so holy?

Are you laughing at me? No, not at all.

I'm in all of you Johanna with all my heart.

Oh, look!


What is this?

They are writings in Greek. But... I don't understand the drawings.

Probably some sort of construction plan. Can you translate?

It looks like a pulley, but not one you more with your hands.

Maybe we could build it... together.

I see you have an eye for a bargain.

The paper might be old, but it can still be put to use.

Come! Come!

It works! It works!

Do you still think it was a sin to accept Johanna to the Schola?

You should take this girl as a model! Her work is perfect.

Seven years later

What is troubling you?

The Norsemen are pushing deeper and deeper into our land.

But surely we are safe here?

They've even taken Paris.

The Emperor is assembling troops.

You are going away... to w*r? Yes, in a few days.

No more dark thought. Come, want to show you something.

What is it?

Don't move. Just Stay there.

Now watch this.

The Greek apparatus. Yes.

Only bigger!

Look at this!

Can you show it again?

Well, we have to get more water from the stream.

Where are the buckets?

I'm going to tell the Bishop all about your skill.

He will name you chief constructor of the city and free you from your duties to the Emperor.

Then you will not have to go to w*r. What do you say to that?

What's wrong, wise Archimedes? Suddenly so speechless?

Forgive me. I should take you home as long as I have the will power.

Trust me, It's better this way.

You've done well schoolmaster, I thank you.

As soon as my husband leaves to the North I will deal with this annoying problem.

I will not allow this little nobody to embarrass me in front of the entire city.

Your are aware that the Bishop holds his protective hand over the girl?

Not for long, Schoolmaster, not for long.

You would force the girl to marry against her will?

What does your husband say about the matter?

He does not know. Gerold's feeling clouds his judgment.

Once Johanna married, she will no longer be allowed to attend the Schola.

That is why I'm here to ask your consent.

I see.

For many years, she has been fed and clothed by my family.

How long must we provide such charity?

The blacksmith's son is a good match.

He is blunt and illiterate.

May I remind you that Johanna was put in my custody.

As the Lady of Villaris I have the right and the duty to arrange her future.

You want me to scribe a letter, my Lady? I would do it myself if I could.

But as a noble lady reading and writing are beneath me.

To whom would you like the letter addressed?

To your father.

Well, Reverend Sir, I write to inform you to inform you of the betrothal of your daughter Johanna. betrothal?

You cannot do that.

It has already been decided. but...

Gerold's told me what happened down by the river, and we have a good laugh over it.

It can't be. Marrying you off is his idea, silly goose.

This was not the first time, believe me.

Gerold has been playing this game for years. I have got used to it.

Gerold is a knight. He needs to conquer.

Well now, you finally see?

So... to get on with the letter.

I hate you. You took me into coming here.

I never should have listen. What do you mean?

I was only allowed to attend the Schola because of you. Now I have to leave too.

But now you can become a soldier like you always want it.

You are wrong!

Do you remember the letter father gave me on the day we left?

The Bishop gave it back to me, and he intends to obey father's will.

If I don't succeed at school, they'll have to send me to the monastery at Fulda!

I'd rather die!

You came here to tell me that...

I tell you that you brought me nothing but trouble.

You always have to be different, no matter the price.

You had to learn to read and write, even though this is unnatural.

I wish you've never been born!

Behold the word of God! And dare not enter...


3 years later

Johannes Anglicus.

Since her father was an Englishman, the Abbot chose this monastic name for Johanna when she was accepted by the brotherhood at Fulda.

For years she was able to keep her secret. And all the brothers took her to be a young man.

Impressed by her linguistic ability, the Abbot assigned Johanna the task of translating the collection of Greek manuscripts on medicine.

Thus she was able to study the works of Hippocrates and other scholars.

Johanna had retained her mother's knowledge of healing plants and herbs.

And she so impressed Brother Benjamin, the monastery's medicast, that he made her his pupil.

As a woman, her intelligence and her thirst for knowledge had brought her delusion and content.

Here in the monastery Johanna was praised and rewarded for this very same qualities.

Yet Johanna was constantly aware of the danger she faced... everyday.

Brother Johannes?

Are you wounded?

A small cut. Nothing more.

Johanna knew that exposure meant certain death.

She suffered most during the reading of chapters.

If a brother had found her out or merely harbored the suspicion, she would hear about it there.

Brothers, before we discuss the temporal concerns of our monastic life, are there any transgressions to confess? Yes, father.

What offence have you committed, Brother Thedo?

I fell asleep while working in this scriptorium. Again?

I am unworthy and sinful, Father.

Please bring the harshest of punishments upon my head.

For three days you will not be allowed at meals.

You're too lenient, Father.

In light of the severity of my transgressions, I beg you to extend it to a week.

God does not appreciate pride, Brother Thedo, not even in suffering.

Does anyone else have any shortcomings to confess, or any misconduct to the brethren?

It upsets me, but I must report that a terrible sin has been committed within these very walls.

A most heinous crime!

Will the sinner not come forward?

This brother intends to secretly leave the monastery, thereby breaking the holy oath he made to God.

It was my father's oath, not mine!

Your father placed you in the service of God.

To take such a gift away from the almighty would be an unforgivable sin.

Is it not also a sin to bind a man into a life contrary to his very nature and will?

Your soul is in rebellion, Valentinus, and therefore in terrible danger.

In order to find your way back to God in quiet and solitude, you will not take meals with the brethren for 30 days and you will not be allowed in the auditorium.

Why do you not just free me and cast me out of the monastery?

You will also thank Brother Odilo for his concern about your salvation and wash his feet with due humility.

It is not faith that rules within these walls, it is your tyranny.

The sickness of disobedience has taken hold of you, Valentinus.

For your own good, we must banish it from your body.

I hereby forbid you from entering any public places.

I forbid you to eat or drink in the presence of other people.

I forbid you from washing in any stretch of water and from touching children or giving them anything.

I beseech you, Abbot! Let me go home!

Four fatherless children are waiting for me.

Heaven will care for the innocent. How, venerable Father, how?

If I did not go home they will die!

You may be dead in the eyes of the world, but still you live in the eyes of the Lord.

Forgive me, Reverend Father. This woman is not a leper.

What are you talking about?

Her lesions are different, and must therefore have a different origin.

God has marked her. We must not contradict his will.

She is marked, but not by leprosy.

Will God be pleased, if we consign to a living dead one who He Himself does not elected?

Let me treat this woman, so we do not make a sinful mistake.

How do we know you have correctly interpreted God's sign?

Is your pride so great that you place it above your brothers'?

For if you administer to this woman, you put the entire brotherhood at risk.

Not if you would allow me to leave the monastery with her.

I will vouch for Brother Johannes, Reverend Abbot.

He is pious and upstanding, and will withstand all temptations.

Thank you, brother! God bless you.


Give me the baby, Arn!

What is your name? Arn.

Arn, there is much work to be done here. Will you help me?


What is still missing? St. John's wort. For itching.


And maybe some yarrow. Very good.

You learn quickly.

I can write my name too. The priest showed me how.

If it were possible and your mother allowed it, would you like to attend the monastic school?

Fulda lay far in the East. So the people there were spared the struggle over succession to the Emperor's throne, that had devastated other parts of the Frankish Empire.

Before his death, Emperor Louis divided the empire among his three sons.

When the eldest, Lothair, tried to claim the entire realm, his two brothers rose up against him.

Lothair lost the Battle of Fontenoy, yet he retained a dominion stretching from the coast in the North all the way down to Rome.

Show your face, woman!

Praised be the Lord. Praised be the Lord.

So the years passed, and Johanna was convinced she had found her rightful place in the world.

She perfected the art of disguise and felt safe among the brothers.

But then, the fever came to the monastery.

We must cool his body. You know what to do.

I do not know what more we can do.

Thucydides writes of such sickness.

It once wiped out a thousand Athenians.

You are released from your duty for the afternoon, my son.

You have a visitor.

Your father.

What's the matter?

Between us there is bad blood.

Time to reconcile then.

Johannes, your father is almost blind and has travelled a long way.

You will speak with him.

Christian charity and the Word of our Lord demand it.

My son! Thank the Lord Almighty God.

When I heard the raid of the Normans, I asked the bishop of Mainz for news and help.

Even he could not get any.

I gave up hope. I thought my son was dead.

Then I heard about a miracle healer in Fulda.

A brother Johannes Anglicus from Dorstadt Why don't you come and see me?

It is barely five days' ride to Ingelheim.

Where's your sister?

The Norsemen are savage brutes!

Did she die with her shame?

She died untouched.

God's will then.

She was an unnatural child.

She would have made her peace with the world.

My mother.

How is she?

She has left...

No! gone and straight to hell!

Even with her last breath, she was still calling on her heathen god.

Even when the midwife told her she would die... she still refused to keep the Last Holy Sacraments!

The midwife?

She was Eve with the apple.

And you ruin her!

What did you say?

You were her ruin!

Dare you accuse your father?

Battle between God and Satan waged in our house!

From the first day I have fought for your mother's soul.

And to what end?

I live off what little the Earth provide me.

But the labor has broken me.

And without a woman?

But God has reunited us.

With your intercession, the abbot will surely take me in.

You want to stay in the monastery?

It's my last hope.

I don't want to die a beggar.

You will help me, won't you?

My son.

No, no, that cannot be.

What have you done?

Where is your brother? Where...

Where is Joh...Johannes?

Where is Johannes?

You k*lled your older brother so you can spare the younger one.

I am not going to mess with this.

Pious brothers.



Sit down.

We have to lower the fever.

We have to get you undressed. No... no!

We must apply cold linen. Lift you shoulders.

Let me go! Gernot, Thedo!

Brother Johannes buried his father only a few days ago.

Give him sometime to calm himself.

Start looking fresh linen.

You're too weak to walk far.

Take the rowing boat hidden in the weeds by the ford.

You have to leave right away.

The brothers revere you.

To cure you, they will undress you by force, so then...

...their reverence will not save you.

How long have you known?

For many years.

Why didn't you tell?

And rob God of one of His most precious instruments?

Tell the brother at the gate he is needed here.

That will give you time.

May God protect you, sister.

You must hurry.

Come quickly, she's awake!

How are you feeling? I'm hungry.

This is a good sign! It has been two days since we're able to feed you a bit of soup.

Where am I? Count Riculf's estate.

50 miles downstream from Fulda. Your boat got tangled in the weed along the shore.

You were half mad with fever. So you saved my life.

And I thank God for giving me the chance to repay you for what you did for me and my family.


Pardon me, but... But how should I address you?

Now... now that we know what we know.

Johanna. My name is Johanna.


This is my wife, Bona. And this is our daughter, Arnalda.

God bless the three of you.

Tell me what happened.

My mother got married again, to a saddle-maker.

As his apprentice, I accompanied him here to the count's estate.

Because I knew how to read and write, thanks to you, he invited me to stay on the estate and help his steward.

The steward died two years ago, and now...

And now Arn is the count's best man. I have no doubt.

Please, eat. Thank you.

When you have regained your strength, You must tell us your whole story.

We are burning with curiosity.

If with that I can reward your family's kindness, then I will gladly tell you everything.

And what is that? An oak!

That is right. They grow to be hundreds of years old, and if they could speak, they would surely have hundreds of stories to tell.

Just like you!

Now something harder. 8 times 7? How many fingers did you fold down?

Five. And tens?

50. And?

6 and 50-- 56. good!

What is that?

That? Yes.

Catherine was so wise that the heathen emperor and his greatest scholars could not turn her from her faith.

Instead, she convinced the scholars that God exists.

And she spoke so wonderfully of His acts and the paradise that they all became Christians on the spot.

She did well then.

But she paid for her courage with her life. Many were afraid of her wisdom.

But now she is in heaven and she watches over you.

And she taught us something important.

We have to stay true to our convictions no matter how high the price.

A pilgrimage? To Rome?

Thanks to you I'm healthy again and strong enough to go out and see the world.

But that is far too dangerous!

Not if I travel with other pilgrims, disguised as a man.

We thought perhaps you would stay with us.

As you can see there's always work to be done.

And here you would always be safe.

I appreciate your kindness, but... I have lived so long as a man, and I'm afraid I would not be of much help to you.

But... Let her!

She is meant for a different path, and we have no right to divert her from it.

I will miss you terribly.

A gift from the count, and if you do not take it, I'm going to send you back to the monastery.

I do not know how to thank you.

Your father promised me that he would teach you.

Maybe one day you will even have a tutor.

Saint Catherine... will help you learn to use that knowledge for the benefit of others.

So take good care of her.

Despite poverty and overcrowding, Rome remained the powerful attraction for people from far away.

For pilgrims and other travelers from abroad needing help or lodging, A schola was always a secure haven.

Thanks to her name "Anglicus,"

Johanna was welcomed to the Schola Anglorum with open arms.

Before three years had passed, Johanna's name was known to all Rome.

Pater Noster, qui es in caelis. Sanctificetur nomen tuum...

We must use this day before the Moon passes into Gemini., an inauspicious time for blood letting.

His condition worsens everyday. You must do something.

Must I?

What if it's God's will that he die?

Your confidence is misplaced, my son.

You're still too inexperienced to be elected Pope.

You underestimate me, Arsenius.

For weeks I've been a Pope's proxy, everyone needs my council.

But the people of Rome do not know what goes on inside these walls.

If Sergius's soon to die they'll choose another for the Pope... and Saint Peter's Throne will be out of our reach for years to come.

You're destined to be Pope, my son, and add this last and greatest jewel to our family crown, but we must not act rashly.

So, what if you are the one to save Pope Sergius?

My name would be on everyone's lips.

In the streets, there is talk of a healer from Franconia.

A foreigner... physiking a pope?

They say that he can diagnose a disease by examining the patient's urine.

It's said that he's cured even lepers.

Johannes Anglicus!

Are you Johannes Anglicus? I am.

Ah, the famous miracle healer! We are all burning with anticipation.

This urine from the Pope is only an hour old.

Would you care to tell us what you can read in it?

It's a miracle! Our Holy Father will give birth to a child.

Enodius! You gave him a pregnant woman's urine?

I had to be sure that Pope is not falling into the hands of a charlatan.

He is a charlatan. Just like all the others. I don't trust them.

I'm Anastasius, Papal Nomenclator.

I sent for you to hear your opinion on the Pope's condition.

Your reputation precedes you.

Pater Noster, qui es in caelis: Sanctificetur nomen tuum...

Ah! That pain! I... can bear it no longer!

Waldipert! More wine!


Holy Father.

This is Johannes Anglicus, a healer with great renown.

Another doctor! To hell with him! Where is that wine?

No wine! Bring water! I want wine!

Forgive me, Holy Father.

At least... this one does not have the hands of a... butcher!

Another blood-letting could k*ll him. Will you prevent this from happening again?

What're you giving him?

His Holiness suffers from gout.

The sickness is widespread in my country.

He shows all the symptoms as described by Hippocrates.

God would never allow such heathen teachings to cure the Pope.


I'm giving him root of colchicum and herban to help him sleep.

The worst pain should be over soon.


Drink this.

His Holiness needs rest.

Surely God can still hear our brothers' prayers if they are spoken in the hallway.

He's old and weak, Aio. He won't live to see another winter.

It is tempting indeed. But you're asking for only a small sum.

Why not? Should I one day need, say, your influence with the people of Rome.

I may ask you for return of this favor.

But what if the Pope refuses to make me a bishop?

Rest with it, Aio. Papal decisions have not been made by the Pope for a long time.

How do you feel? The pain is gone.

The pains... are gone!

I feel new-born. And I'm hungry!

Bring me some wine! Absolutely not!

A plate of vegetables and a jug of water.

The devil must have sent you.

I will not permit you to undo a week of recovery with a single meal.

What? An entire week?

Johannes Anglicus never left your side, Holiness.

Then it must have been God who sent you.

How can I thank you for your services, Johannes Anglicus?

Allow me to return and see to your recovery.

No, I wish for you to remain here.

There's something unusual about you, something missing from these walls.

If your wish it, Holiness, I'm your humble servant.

Then it is settled.

Holiness, the Papal Court is meeting.

Would you care to preside.

Please, Arighis, Anastasius has been leading these meetings for quite some time now.

Forgive me, Holy Father, but the people did not choose Anastasius as their supreme shepherd.

They chose you. And didn't you just say you felt new-born?

Did I?

It would be a sign.

And how long would this take, Mamertus?

Construction could be completed by year's end.

I've secured the services of of the best craftsmen in Rome.

And how expensive is this undertaking?

With the Pope's support, it would...

Your Holiness, is this wise?

You should not put your recuperation at risk just to observe this meeting.

Your concern for my health does you honor, Nomenclator.

However, I am feeling quite well, thank you.

And I'm here not just to observe. I am here to preside.

I rejoice to hear it, as does all Rome.

Well, proceed.

Holy Father, I was requesting permission to rebuild the old orphanage into a hostelry for pilgrims.

And what would become of the orphans?

There are poor houses that can take them.

This hostelry will be the pride of Rome.

Counts, dukes, even kings will seek to stay there.

Orphans are no less dear to God than kings.

Your request is denied, Mamertus.

I've already made a deal with the Nomenclator.

We have an arrangement, and payment has already been made.


Well, Holy Father, Mamertus offered a generous donation to the Church in order to expedite the success of his undertaking.

Ah! Blessed are all the merciful, for they shall find mercy.

We thank you for your generous donation, Mamertus.

It will be used to help the orphans. God will repay you.


Tell me about yourself, Johannes.

You come from Franconia, yet you are called "Anglicus".

My father came from Britannia to preach God's word to the Saxons.

Ah, the Saxons. A godless people!

Most are Christians now... as much as any can be who are brought to the faith with fire and sword.

It is the Church's duty to convert the heathens.

What value has any pledge exacted by force?

Yet Christ commands us to spread God's word among all the races of the earth and baptize His people.

But... consider the order of the commandment.

First, teach the people, then baptize them.

How could we offer the sacrament of baptism before faith is lodged in the heart?

You reason well.

Where were you educated?

A Greek schoolmaster, by the name of Aesculapius, taught me.

Then I went to the Schola in Dorstadt, and later I joined the brotherhood at Fulda.

Fulda. The Abbot recently presented me with a beautiful psalm, Ah...

When I thank him, I shall mention your skilled service.

I fear he would not speak well of me. Why is that?

He holds obedience be the greatest of all religious vows.

Yet to me it has always come the hardest.

Is that so?

What about the other vows?

I was born into poverty and am accustomed to it.

What about chastity?

I have always resisted the temptations of women.

I'm glad to hear it.

Soon after Enodius was expelled from the Palace, and Sergius made Johanna his personal physician.

He included her in political decisions as well.

Over the next few years, Johanna became one of the Pope's most trusted confidants.

Nicephorus would make a good bishop, Holiness.


He is not Roman, so many will be opposed to his appointment, but he is a man of God and will remain true to you.

So it will be. Today I shall...

Holy Father! The Bishops need to see you urgently.

What's all this?

Emperor Lothair is on the march to Rome, recruiting troops in every city.

And he'll be here in ten days.

He has sworn revenge against Rome, for our insulting him.

I predicted it!

Not to wait for the Emperor's approval of your consecration...

...was a provocation.

It was a sign of strength!

The Frankish throne needs us more than we need it.

But now his is marching on Rome.

Spare me your point, you! I do not wish to hear it.

What is so important, Count Gerold? It's been another incident.

Five soldiers pillaged a farm stead and nearly beat the farmer to death.

Have them whipped. Anything else?

You didn't disturb me just for this trifling matter?

My Lord, with respect, this entire campaign is irresponsible.

Instead of protecting our coast from the Norsemen, we are recruiting peasants who don't even understand why we're marching against the Pope.

Sergius has publicly defied my rule of authority.

But he has no army! So why are we gathering nearly 5,000 men?

The more impressively we're marching to Rome, the more quickly the Pope will surrender. and the sooner these blockheads can get back to their squalid homes.

What has seemed you would rather be yourself.

As you know, I haven't. No home. The army has become my home. Still...

Enough. Instead of lecturing your Emperor, you should be tending the black sheep in your rings.

You may go.

By the way, Gerold. A bishop from Rome arrived a short while ago, and seeks an audience with me.

Apparently I was right to march with so many men.

Follow me please!


What can I do? The city's best engineers!

Can you summon them? At once.

Emperor Lothair! Before this holiest shrine, the Tabernacle of our Lord Jesus Christ, and his earthly representative, kneel and show due respect!

It is you, Holy Father, who owes me a sign of respect, and I am here to demand it!

Lord! Give us a sign!

Is seeing us... not sign enough?

Behold the hand of God which has brought this holiest of His altars against you.

God has revealed himself to you, Lothair, If you respect Him, His power, and His anointed representative, then you are welcome in Rome.

However, if you dare show your sword at the tomb of the Apostle, the wrath of God will descend upon you... and your soldiers!

Can you be so pitiless, Lord?

I thought I had banished him from my heart.

Must you test my resolve again?


It really is you.

I never thought our apparatus would work with such heavy doors.

My men and I returned one day too late.

I've searched for you for days but... I also knew the Norsemen to be... merciless creatures who often abduct women.

I buried your brother next to my daughters.

And... after many weeks, we still haven't find a trace of your hair.

Forgive me, I... I buried you in spirit.

But you're alive!

How did you come to this?

God led me here on an unusual path.

Why did you want to marry that boy?

You... you yourself ordered it. What?

You wanted me to marry me off.

She had told me everything. She knew about us.

About what happened at the river. How could she'd known if not from you?

No, I... I swear to you Johanna, I never...

She said I was just another one of your many conquests.

And you believed her?

Even then I wanted you more than I have wanted any woman before.

But didn't want you as my lover.

I wanted you as my wife.

Finally! The Savior of Rome shows his face.

We owe you a debt of gratitude, Johannes Anglicus.

It was God's will, Holiness, that you and your papacy be saved.

I have decided to name you Papal Nomenclator.

But Anastasius has held that position for years.

God has chosen you as his instrument, and I mean to obey his will.

You are too gracious, Holy Father. And yet you hesitated.

Johannes, it is an exceptional position and exceptional honor.

You will be first Secretary to his Holiness. Do not press him, Arighis!

Surely we can allow the defender of the Papal Throne a night to consider.

That cannot be!

Word has spread from the entire palace.

A foreigner pursued your position? You'll be disgrace to our family!

I have distrusted this priest from the very beginning.

If only I had not listened to you!

I have to wonder, the entire evening the Pope doesn't touch anything but fruit and water. I was told he is a lover of rich food and wine!

For years, his physician has barred such pleasures.

Sergius eats like a penitent. He doesn't behave like one.

Instead of bowing to my power, he frightened my soldiers with his cheap trickery.

Preventing this would have been a welcomed proof of your loyalty.

Not even the inner circle knew of the scheme, my Lord.

We thought the work being done in the Cathedral was merely strengthen the doors.

And from what we can glean the physician... had a hand in this as well?

A medicast was behind this large plan?

I admit we underestimated him and... his influence .

If he is so influential...

Then perhaps he should be made to disappear.

Why chop off only a branch, when we can fell the entire tree?

I see you were not exaggerating when you called yourself ambitious.

I'm sure you understand... that I will have to leave Rome as soon as possible.

Something, well, were to happen to the Pope while I'm still in the city, suspicion would fall on me and on every successor I might support.

Not to mention it is costing me a fortune to keep this worthless soldiers.

Given the upcoming election of a new Pope, my money could be put to better use.

The votes of the people can be expensive. My Lord.

I've heard that Lothair is about to part Rome.

I'm no longer going to serve the Emperor. Not now that I know you're alive.

You will lose Villaris!

Yes. But I have some good friends outside the army who will stand by me. and they need good men to work for them.

We could start a life together, Johanna.

Sergius has asked me to become Nomenclator.

I can do so much good at his side.

But you are in grave danger at his side. If you are discovered you would be k*lled.

I've learned to accept that danger.

You are that attached to the Pope that you will run at your risk.

I'm now attached to life as a man!

I'm independent, free to act and think as I wish and I can be useful.

I have means here that other women never dream of.

You want me to give all this up?

To live the confined existence of a wife, tied to daily chores and duties?

I... I have no desire to tie you to anything.

I would honor you and care for you.

I have long cared for myself.

Forgive me. I love you.

But my place is here.

Even if I have to accept your decision, damn... you're in constant danger, and I will not forsake you again.

Heavenly Father! Today the people of Rome are gathered... to choose a new Lord Pope. According to law... every Roman citizen, clergy and laymen alike... may raise his voice to tell us what God has inspired in him.

I nominate Mercurius, Bishop of Siena.

A wise man and a devoted servant of the Church.

Mercurius is a candidate.

Romans! I submit the name of Anastasius, Bishop of Castellum, son of noble Arsenius.

He will defend not only the Christian faith, but also the interests of the Roman people.

Your interest, you mean!


You've bought your Bishop with Aio!

The man is right! Anastasius conspired with Aio!

Let me through! The people need to hear this!

Anastasius is also a candidate.

Would anyone else like to nominate a worthy contender?

I nominate myself!

I had brought the Pope a noble house.

I donated my property to the Church!

He had a knife! Did you see that? Do you see the danger you are in?

Whoever... would like to nominate someone else? Come forward now!

No one? So there is these two candidates!


Romans, you know I have served the Holy Throne for many years, and I want only what is good for Rome.

Anastasius! And surely his father too.

Their plan is working. Anastasius is being elected Pope so to speak.

This is Rome, Johanna. Here... inconvenient people get k*lled, no matter how good or powerful they are.

Then I must leave Rome?

I only want you to live, Johanna, with or without me.

You deserve to be happy and do good but... for that you don't need to be in Rome. You stay here, you will die.

If this is the true face of Rome,

I will go with you.

Once he is elected, Anastasius will move against you immediately.

We must leave.

Through the will of the Almighty God and the people of our holy city, you have been elected our new Lord Pope and Supreme Bishop of Rome!

Merciful God, is it truly your will...

That someone such as I should sit in St. Peter's chair?

Or will your just wrath strike me down the moment the Papal Crown is placed on my head?

But then, why would you have led me here?

Why would you have tolerated me in your garden all these years?

Hold your hand over me Lord, and I will be a faithful servant unto You.

Long live Johannes Anglicus, by God decree, our Chief Bishop, and Universal Pope.

Long live Johannes Anglicus, by God decree, our Chief Bishop, and Universal Pope.

Long live Johannes Anglicus, by God decree, our Chief Bishop, and Universal Pope.



May I too benefit from your experience, your competence and your good heart, as my Nomenclator?

It would be an honor to serve you. Then it shall be.

From what I have heard I have you to thank for this heavy burden.

Leave me alone for a moment with the Count.

You summoned me, Holiness? Will you ever forgive me?

The Almighty and I seem to be in contest for the same woman.

Believe me, she wished she could split herself in two.

Because I know I would have a fulfilling life at your side.

But apparently, this is my calling.

Please, understand.

I will try.

All my life I have searched for God. And now, I've found Him.

He's in the hope that people put in me.

He's in the good deed I can do for them.

When I'm doing God's will, I can feel Him in my heart.

Anastasius will recover quickly from his defeat.

Then he will do everything in his power to trouble and depose you.

You know exactly what he is like.

Then stay with me, as Superista, Captain of the Papal guard.

I'm stronger, when I know you are near.

You're playing with fire, Johanna.

Johanna began her papacy full of purpose and zeal, and she was determined to keep her promise.

She knew the suffering of the Roman people better than anyone, and she did all in her power to alleviate it.

She sent physicians to the slums, and decree that collections from every third Sunday were given to the poor houses.

Soon, the Romans named her "Papa Populi"-- the people's Pope.

But Johanna wanted to be more than just a merciful Bishop of Rome.

After all, she was spiritual head of the entire Christian Church.

She summoned all the bishops to Rome for a Synod.

Many Church doctrines were reviewed and reconsidered and more resolutions passed than ever before.

Thank you, you may go.

Thank you, Selestinus. I won't be needing you any more tonight.

Merciful God!

Now we must leave Rome.

If you're discovered, they will t*rture you to death.


I understand you better than you think. I know your heart is torn, but... now you are with child, the decision is out of our hands.

Give me until Easter.

That's more than three months away!

I can do so much with that time.

Yes, but... whatever you'd do your successes can easily undo.

Not when they see that it is good.

If need be, I will get you out of the city, even against your will.

Holiness, this cannot truly be your intent!

It is!

Why else would I trouble you with this?

A school for girls?

Never before... Never has been such a thing!

You mean we should abandon the idea just because it's new?

We can only be sure of one truth, the truth that has been handed down to us through the ages.

Everything that is old... was once new.

Holiness! As I'm sure you know, the more a girl learns, the smaller her womb becomes.

Where did you read? It... It's commonly knowledge.

So common that no one has bothered to write it down?

You do not need books for what is obvious to all.

No one has written that wool comes from sheep, and yet, it's known to all.

Then how do you explain the extraordinary fertility of educated women like Laeta?

She exchanged letters with St. Jerome, who reports she brought 15 children into the world.

An aberration.

A rare exception to the rule.

Jordanus, if I remember correctly, your sister Julia can read and write.

Just enough to keep the household books.

And nonetheless, according to your theory, this abilities must have had their effect on her fertility.

How many children has she birthed?

I haven't counted them. Is it not twelve?

Another aberration?

I promise, if in 20 years there aren't any children left in Rome, I will close the school. I thank you all.

His Holiness does not understand that he needs strong allies.

He has not learned that... even a Pope must show gratitude.

Well, what do you expect from a stranger?

Maybe we should build a school for him.

Let me put it bluntly, my friends, the Church does not need a glib trouble of the people, It needs a man of influence.

A man whose family has shaped Rome's destiny for decades.

No doubt you mean a man like you. Who is not afraid to show his strength.

You want to take the papal throne by force?

Let us call it... liberate. Are you sure it can be done?

Such a bold plan requires the support of influential people.

It seems I have that already.


Is that also true with the Papal Guard?

They are devoted to their captain.

So he... seems to be the key to our success.

Are you feeling unwell? It's nothing. I'm fine.

Holy Father! Show mercy and give me your cloak. Mine is old and dirty.

With that ring on your finger, I can feed my family for a year.

We don't need a procession. We need bread!

Here! Look what we have to eat!

Arighis, what if it's a trap?

Calm yourself, Holiness, no one thr*aten the Superista.

Watch out!

Arighis... Stop them. Now!

I command you to help your Superista.


Lean on me!

After Johanna's death, Anastasius occupied the Lateran Palace and claimed St. Peter's Throne for himself.

But the Romans, horrified by this violent grab for power, refused to accept him.

Soon words spread that it was Anastasius who had ordered Gerold's m*rder.

Even his own supporters turned against him.

And Anastasius was deposed and sent to monastic exile.

But hatred festered within him. And after many years, he finally found a way to take his revenge on Johanna.

He wrote the "Liber Pontificalis," a chronicle of all the popes. All except Johanna.

He concealed her papacy, and erased her entire existence.

Rome and the Church were delighted with the book and make sure to circulate it widely.

It helped them forget this most shameful chapter in their history.

40 years after Johanna's death, I too heard about the suppression of her papacy. and made my way to Rome.

So extraordinary a life must not be forgotten.

There should be at least one manuscript where the truth can be read.

My father Arn, my entire family have so much to thank her for.

This act is the very least I could do for Johanna.

Following in her footsteps, I wonder... if I have met other sisters over the years without recognizing them, other women who chose the same arduous path as I did?

How many of us are there?

With this book a debt is paid... and something new begins.

One day someone will read these pages, and once again Johanna's story will be told.
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